Forum Post: Why are teabaggaggers and hard rightline gopers trying so desperately hard to quash occupy?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 5:10 p.m. EST by RationalReaper
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Teabaggaggers and hard right GOP are trying desperately to defuse the occupy movement there but it's not going to work. There is a posting forum where people can start a thread and others respond.The threads move so rapidly and interestingly. Truly an amazing phenomenal and true grass root movement.
It's displeasing to realise that not many democrats understand what is going on...or are pretending ignorance...And that serves to show us all that, it is time to demand term limits and to clean house on career congresspeople and senators.
The wealthy will always look after the wealthy....and only the middle-class and poor will fight for the middle-class and the poor.
No tycoons are funding the's all being run on grass roots energy and donations. Of course it is obvious that citizens united and Koch brothers are paying disruptors to invade the board like they do throughout the entire craigslist spectrum.
It must be nice to get a paycheck to post ignorant messages in an effort to completely destroy the middle-class.
Check out the site...if you have some thoughts..put them out there. The occupy wall street movement are in the process of writing the occupy declaration and it's list of grievances. They are taking their time and listening to everyone...there are a lot of things to bitch about and they want to include the more pertinent gripes that have to do with running an actual democracy as was intended by the founding fathers and simply human and civil rights.
Why are you so stuck on partisan labels you need to call them "Tea Baggers". Do you like it when they call you smelly hippie without a job? When you move past the labels and onto the issues, you might actually make a difference.
Seconded. It doesn't hurt anyone to be respectful even if you disagree.
good point
THIS Tea Party member (PLEASE don't call me a "tea-bagger") SUPPORTS you, insofar as you can CONTROL the nut-cases ! See
By continuing to throw insults you alienate more people. You do not represent 99%, you represent yourselves, flea-bagger.
Perhaps it is because you call them names.
that could be, but i'm in the south and i'm a lib, think i get any slack? not giving it either.
Properly challenge the Tea Party to use the constitution they say they stand for. I posted this in another thread and mentioned how to deal with the Tea Party. This BTW uses the suggestions of MikeyD, Rob, RicoSuave and respects their point about the label, self applied or not. This post brings a real challenge for the Tea Party.-- Well, actually, technically, legally, congress is in violation of the constitution for not conveneing delgates long ago. Another wiki piece that is verified. WIKI- "Congress acted preemptively to propose the amendments instead. At least four amendments (the Seventeenth, Twenty-First, Twenty-Second, and Twenty-Fifth Amendments) have been identified as being proposed by Congress at least partly in response to the threat of an Article V convention."-- Legally, based in that, American citizens have had their first right violated for a long time. Here a law suit uncovered some facts about congress and Article V. Good links, resources. Also, congresses interpretations of Article V lack the constitutionality that is in the intent of the constitution when the 9th amendment and 14th amendment are considered, so all of their decisions based in the erroneous, unconstitutional interpretations are questionable. I'm quite certain that IF OWS focused on Article V, and called for the tea party to "Join in defense of the Constitution by use of the Constitution", the level of embarassment known by tea partiers in NOT using the constitution would have them either converting the tea party or parting ways. ON EDIT: TIOUAISE wrote: "THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT IS IILLEGAL and therefore MUST be challenged by all patriotic and law-abiding Americans,"END-
Yes, and after many years of knowing that the failure of Americans to drive congress to convene, after the civil war, and formally end it, was used by congress to allow the defacto military government to continue without being made consttitutional, explaining why they allow the gold fringed flag in courts. The "Lieber code" was the rules of engagement for the civil war and is still in effect. This page has much of that consolidated. See the .pdf download for the bits about the Lieber code and what led to unconstitutional government.
If you want to keep them from succeeding in quashing the movement, don't become partisan. Don't allow the movement to be called liberal or "the answer to the tea party." As soon as it becomes partisan, it is a given that you have lost everyone in the other party. The movement becomes a shill of the party.
--David Haggith
sage advice
Our government is too big, and can't even balance a budget. How about you morons go out and get jobs and try to prosper instead of wasting time (and tax dollars- NYPD overtime pay to police up you pot-heads) complaining about the people with initiative and drive. There is a reason you are getting so much liberal media attention, because normal Americans don't have the time outside of their 40+ hour work weeks to get on TV or on the radio and call you what you are: lazy complaining morons. Stop looking for government hand-outs and get a job. And while you're at it, stop blaming President Bush and Republicans for your woes, President Obama has been in the white house going on three years now, and Democrats had control of both houses and accomplished nothing.
I love smoking weed and I would be willing to bet you anything that I will be more successful than you in life. Especially in the way of money and jobs. Georgia Tech degrees go a long way and there is a shortage of engineers, so my job market is great.
Bush/Cheney are the main cause of the problems This Country has today. They came into office with a surplus. They created wars looking for weapons of mass destruction. They catered to wallstreet in 2008 and supplied them with a bailout/robbery of trillions of dollars from the US treasury.They left this country in shambles...trillions dollar defecit. So many zeros you can't even count them. The house//senate(dem controlled) were no different. They were spineless creatures taking orders from a dumbbunny president. The government was HIJACKED while Bush sat in that whitehouse,and the rest of the government servants(supposely to the people) sitting on The Hill! Pres. Obama and his better.
Face it...The system of govenment no longer sustains itself or the people it represents. It is BROKEN beyond repair.
Time to Clean House.
The point is that they can't get jobs. Why? Because the "job creators" on Wall Street aren't creating jobs, despite bailouts and tax breaks. The 1% is getting what was coming to them. They talk about how their corporations create our jobs, but they're not doing that, so, by your reasoning, we have a right to be mad at them.
because they think the end of the world is upon us and is only a day or two away as they have believed for 2 thousand years. that obama is the antichrist and we are his demons. you can't argue with crazy.
baring that, they forget that their own book says they would not know the time. so in my view the fact that they know would mean this isn't it :)
because...IT IS CLASS WARFARE...and I hate tea partiers because they do not represent what the original tea party stood for. It is a GOP rebranding tool....and not at all organic/grassroots as Occupy is.
Why do you think that the six principles of the TEA party are so offensive?
You may not agree with them all, but there must be at least some common ground.
maybe I should say I only hate the pretend tea party members. There are in fact many ideas they had that I agreed with until Koch brothers and the GOP hijacked the Tea Party.
The first five are diametrically opposed to the last.
Heck, I thought the OWS was against bailouts. I didn't realize that bailouts were necessary to bring back American prosperity. I also didn't know that a large government was required in order to have prosperity. I didn't know that we had to spend ourselves into oblivion in order to have prosperity.
You learn something new every day.
How so?
like a boss
oh i thought we were naming lifts. my bad
I think that this can help streamline our message, give us some things to focus on. Lots of good info here, please watch:
The Real Tea Party is with you......... End the FED. End the Wars... End the Patriot Act. Reduce Government waste aka CORRUPTION
Ron Paul is the only non-corporate canidate. Elect him.
Exactly, but they need a comprehensive strategy that implements all their demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – myself – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
One word - FEAR.
They are so used to being afraid and spreading fear (FOX), they think all of us should be to.
Got news for them. I'm not afraid. I'm motivated.
Paulsies and Teabaggers have their own movements already. OWS is the only outlet for the voice of progressive anger in this country. We will not let you quash that voice, go back to your own little laissez-faire purestrain gold playground and let OWS be itself.
Your entire post is totally opposed to what OWS is supposed to stand for.
These gopers,teab parties and the rest of the wealthy elite/politicos are Scared chitless. They thought they had Control...Not!
Cause they hate the fact that OWS is stealing their media attention.
because its a threat to their team game sports of prop up the corporate oligarchy as dupes.