Forum Post: A Raging State Of Paranoia
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 5:01 p.m. EST by rfgoggin
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Remember the good old days in the U.S., when it was generally considered rude to spy on your neighbor? Or, when minding one’s own business used to be a kind of unspoken virtue? Well although ‘the times they are a changing’, that doesn’t necessarily mean that American’s, as a people, would be best served to change along with them..
continued here :
Yeh...right....go back to your "GOOD OLE BOY'S CLUB"
Stagnant water stinks!!!
You people need to stop arguing about shit and calling each other names.
This is not how to solve a problem. Show some respect for each other even if you disagree. That's the only way to find a solution.
Constructive dialogue is not necessarily arguing. I think you are trying to start one up. I posted facts and that is what this movement is about...facts. Please read the posts...I do not slink away from telling the truth! Look up 'GOOD OLE BOYS CLUB' then I might pay rescind my words! I do believe that the majority of the people in this country have been stagnant in their thoughts for the past 20 years, and unless moves are made to improve conditions here....there is no growth for this human race or this country!
totally constructive dialog is awesome. I just keep seeing words like moron and ignorant everywhere. That's what I'm talking about. Also the comment was aimed at the replies below. This site has a weird comment process. On other sites my reply would have been below everyone else's reply. Example rfgoggin's comment below where he calls you mentally challenged. That is what I was referring to.
Oh, I see... I think offense was taken to the "good ole boys" statement, but it is a true fact of life that exists in this society, so I got a little p---. But, I do understand where you are coming from now...... And yes, these posts just go all over the place, so I am deeply appreciative of further feedback to keep the dialogue on a positive note. I suppose if people could work towards understanding one another, or at least have more appreciation for different viewpoints, even if they don't agree, we just might make it after all!
I could have sworn I originally said 'Good old days', not good ole boys. Yep, just checked, that's what I said..
And I am sure I said....there were no 'GOOD OLD DAYS'. Yep, just checked, that's what I said" That my friend is a "GOOD OLE BOYS CLUB" concept!!! It has no place in this movement!!
Well, at any rate, I have taken your advice and modified my article, so that you might be pleased enough to read it? :)
Did you read the article or are you just mentally challenged?
No sirree bob....because there were never any good old days in the U.S.
Insulting me won't change the fact that you don't have a clue about the history of this country or how it all began, or where it will end and you, my friend are the rude one for trying to compromise us with MYTHS!!!.
Maybe not good old days for you, but there were pre 9/11 days.. C'mon, click before you speak.
Son, I am older than 9/11 and you as well, so believe me, unless you are of a different persuasion or an ALIEN from outer space, there has never been any good old days in these here United States for individuals who stood up for what is morally right and logically correct. People have been marching in the streets, fighting and petitioning the government to correct not only their ways but the ways of the men who ran it since the inception of the Constitution.. That is why there are so.o.o.o.o. many AMENDMENTS to it!!. Why don't you just turn over on your pillow, and go BACK TO SLEEP!!!
The more you carry on, the more people which will hit my page to read what I have written. But I always listen to my critics, so tell you what, I am going to change my wording to just 'Remember the days'..
Thanks for the input, off to the edit booth.
I know, I know, when you can't beat em....put your foot on their necks...RIGHT? This is a serious movement, with serious connotations and undertones. Running away from reality is not going to help anyone. I know for certain that most critics of this movement have no clue that they are on this sinking ship, just like everyone else! No matter how much wealth they have accumulated.
Well, if you care for someone like 'Alex Jones' at all, you will see this other piece of mine that he was thoughtful enough to read and post to his web site.
I am not a critic of this movement, I am one of it's more prolific proponents. Just click, as I say, and see for yourself.
Good for you... Now perhaps your words will be scrutinized (by yourself) before posting such prolific rhetoric!
And as stated before, the good ole boys clubs are against change...not the American people!
No one can speak for the American people but themselves and I do believe that is what is taking place now. So agree or is what it is!
Well, since I am an American person, according to you, I can speak for myself, and so I will of course continue to do so, despite you, thank you very much.
But what are you saying and why? Do you even know??
As a matter of fact, yes I do..
Remember the days in the U.S., when it was generally considered rude to spy on your neighbor? Or, when minding one’s own business used to be a kind of unspoken virtue? Well although 'the times they are a changing', that doesn’t necessarily mean that Americans, as a people, would be best served to change along with them.
In the United States, before we are condemned by the state, we are routinely informed of the right we have to remain silent. But in case it has become obscure for the average citizen, when it comes to the 'business' of Homeland Security, one also has an inherent right to remain non-compliant to the state of paranoia, gripping our nation, that has yet to enthrall the people, in the same manner it has our nation’s leaders.
Do U.S. citizens really need to take the advice of a public servant like ‘Janet Napolitano’ and go to work as an operative of their government? And for free, I might add? Must we really become estranged from, or suspicious of one another, as a matter of daily routine? Is this “If you see something, say something” mentality and campaign, taking shape out of Washington, really all that fundamentally wise or absolutely necessary to begin with?
continues here :
Thank you...I respectfully rescind my first reply.
No problem. I was able to understand your criticism.
obvious troll is obvious.
Please don't have the huge list of links in your posts. Ty <3
please get some organization and some sub forums. you have a lot of gall to even address me at all. Where are the sub forums? why am i using a lot of links? because there is no organization. why is there no organization? because you don't put up sub forums and a wiki. Why is it that two weeks later you haven't put up a sub forum and a wiki? there can only be two reasons. either you are that incompetent, or this has always been about message control and everyone here is being played. Which is it?
How much longer am i supposed to wait for sub forums? when are you going to stop lying to me that they are supposedly on their way, or just put them up?
These long links are Necessary because you are either incompetent or playing us. which is it? and how is organization supposed to happen ?
I'd like some real answers this time instead of being brushed off and ignored.
these are critical conversations which are the important details which people need to see. as opposed to pages and pages and pages of flood and scrawl which the enemy is using to distract everyone.
I'm doing the ONLY thing left which is available to create meaningful organization- because you can't manage to get your act together- or because you have no intention of getting said act together. which is it?
give me ONE reason why i shouldn't give up here and tell everyone to leave here and come to THIS forum.
"give me ONE reason why i shouldn't give up here and tell everyone to leave here and come to THIS forum."
Because it has less than 20 posts :)
I do not understand why you posted all those links to this discussion. I only know I am 'no troll' indeed. I read many posts here and occasionally I'll post a link to one of my articles. Few people are as interested and informed as I surely am about this movement without actually physically taking part as yet. I've a sick Mom to look after, presently, but there can be little doubt that I am with you all in spirit.
the simple explanation is that without some kind of organization, all of whats important gets lost in the scrawl. these are the important threads. 9 out of ten threads posted here are garbage. the remaining threads are very often duplicates, and the vast majority of the remaining one tenth of threads would not have been started if the person could have found the thread already on that topic. Its an organizational nightmare, and that causes things to wind down in entropy.
people NEED the RIGHT information, and i'm the guy providing it.
If we had 1001 sub forums like was asked for , or even the 30 sub forums we were promised two weeks ago- that might be a lot less neccessary.
if we had a wiki, which i asked for also two weeks ago, it could have been just a link to a single wiki page.
in short, i am providing an information service, without which the movement would almost certainly fail- pearls to swine- its epic failing so far along those lines anyhow.
I am amased at how Occupy works. Would like to have your input on the movement to understand it better by answering 10 questions. Please, take some time for it and I am happy to share the results. Thank you!
NO, NOT a spam, if it is a movement that takes itself seriously there are some crucial things that we need to understand. Not a spam, would appreciate you doing the questions and I am happy to share results.
okok my bad.