Forum Post: Question from the Right
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 2:13 a.m. EST by roh234
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am on the onther side of the political spectrum want to know what Occupy Wall street is about. I want to know what your movement is about. Through a basic glance I have seen many statements. I will comment on the statements and propositions made in this fourm.
-End $ in political Campaigns.
Agreed. Lobbying has gone out of hand.
-Remove 'person status from politicans'.
Semi-agreement. If this applies to Unions and any organasation. All campaign funds are given by government.
-Re-instate the Glass-Stegeal Act
Agreed. One of the main cause of the '08 crash.
-Audit the Fed
Agreed, this is long overdue.
-$20 minimum wage
Disagree, the spike will be disasterous.
- Out law Credit Agencies
Disagree, the play a vital role in credit.
- Give Employees partial ownership
Strongly disagree. We aren't socialist.Start a cooperation if you really wish to.
-Nationalize banks
Disagree. That will kill investment
- Stop bailouts
Strongly agree. This is fascism/corporate cronyism.
-Raise taxes on the rich
Disagree. Corporate tax should be be 0% and capital gains tax should be like income tax.
Hey, thanks for your thoughts. We welcome and encourage people on the right to participate in this movement. We do not stand for leftist or progressive values. We stand for democracy. I think most people at OWS want to come together with other ideological factions to kick out our corrupt corporate government. We can agree with conservatives on a lot of things, while the parties that represent us agree on nothing and accomplish nothing.
As a conservative, I'll bet you give reverence to our nation's founders, like Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Paine, etc. Go read on them, and you will find they were, hark or hearts..... liberals! They overthrew an entrenched aristocracy, confiscated their wealth, and redistributed it like a bunch of commies. All true. Read and learn. This was the founding of our nation. We have lost our ways.
I'm just going to point this out: the things we agree on seem to be systemic reforms of government. The things we disagree on seem to be policy directions to be decided by the government. In theory, our government is supposed to arbitrate those policy disagreements in a manner you and I both find acceptable. In practice, it isn't doing so, and that's why we both agree on the systemic reforms. Right?
So... basically, we agree?
You said "Eliminate personhood status from politicians" Which is exceptionally silly and not what was said. It began to unravel toward the end as well, after $20 minimum wage.
I ment corporations
It's important that the distinction is made. Corporations are not people. They are a stand-in fabricated by a closed collective unaccountable to the citizens in all ways except one. Caveat Emptor.
Employee ownership is already there in the form of stock options. Not in all industries though.
I agree with most of your above responses, and those I disagree with still deserve to be heard and seriously considered and taken into account! The 1% will love us, if we drive away those who disagree with us, because we'll be doing their work for them! This movement is SUPPOSED to represent the 99%. To do that, we have to re-learn how to get along with, and work together with, those with whom we disagree!
what about ending the Wars?
Instead of forcing companies to do X or why, how about creating cooperatives that compete with those companies. We should not expect government to do everything for us.
As for tax, how about a flat rate for any type of earning above the poverty level (as people need to eat) irrelevant if the earnings come from work or from speculation. Including money being taken out by foreign investors.
As for the FED eliminate it. There is no reason to have a private organization take care of what Congress should be responsible for.
Why should corporate taxes be 0%, if you don't mind me asking? Since tax breaks are one of the leading motivators for corporate revenue reinvestment, aren't you worried about the massive spending freeze that 0% taxes might bring?
i don't know what to tell you, other than you seem reasonable and I am flexible to the issues you don't agree with. I think you have some legit concerns as do i on those issues.
You are not on the other end of the political spectrum from me since i am not inside of any political spectrum, and thats more or less true of the movement as a whole. I think we do need to find common ground and work on the issues where we find tense disagreement.
Raising taxes on the rich assumes we keep taxing people at all. What do you think of going back to congressional banks?
giving employees partial ownership is a strange bag, i think its an evolutionary direction for corporations but it makes little sense to force it on them. 20$ minimum wage... i don' t know whos idea that was but while i am sympathetic to them and their issue that seems a little bit much more like a fantasy pipe dream issue not a meaningful solution to much. Maybe 10$ could be handled systemically, or, maybe 20$ assuming we increase to that in increments over a decade... just doing it all the sudden would crash the economy in and of itself... people don't think systemically and regarding cause and effects with such things..
outlawing credit agencies.. uhm... well they need to be strongly regulated- but outlawed? that seems over the top to me also.
So, i for my part find that we seem to mostly agree, thanks for taking the time to run through your position.
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message.
Nothing surprising here. Temporary/partial alliance on the common goals makes sense, and you'll find many willing.
I think beyond auditing the Fed you'll find calls for everything from nationalizing it to abolishing it. I'm in the transparency + nationalizing (it's actually just restoring the constitutional responsibility of the government) camp.
That wasn't a question.