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Forum Post: What's really going on with the Negativity?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 4:14 p.m. EST by PinkyDinky (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Looking in from the outside at this forum makes a newbie like me want to run far far away and continue living the status qou. While there is some good information on here, it also has alot of bad information. This site is acessible to the public and while I'm sure that reading more into this forum will be very benefical to the movement, just looking at the recent post makes me think that this movement is nothing but a group of people who are more into it for the radical look and less for the rising of the whole.

No one is expected to know everything there is to know. I consider myself a very intelligent person and when I don't know something I look into it to learn about it, but alot of the comments under topics are full of sarcasm, hate, and just simple nonsense. Yes, all fun and games until the media takes that comment and puts in on the chopping block as the "representation of the whole" instead of the comment of one. Instead of calling someones idea stupid try to point them in the direction of better sources. Americans have become very "Right here! Right now!" in the way we consume media and by casting judgement and picking sides instead of showing empathy and admitting to the flaws of yourself and others, you show yourself to be nothing more than what the media wants you to show yourselves to be. The media may have blacked out your cause, but people like me watch the youtube videos and know that the Occupy movement is much more than some unemployed adults and lazy kids trying to get a free lunch. Its hard discerning what is fact from fiction already with the media and to see some of the same terrible name calling and scape goating that is already fact to many people makes it hard for me to join in with a crowd that condones the same treatment that politicians and CEOs give to eachother and to us. Blaming indiviuals or certain political groups isn't the only reason I hope any of you are doing this. Every human is flawed, we all carry good and evil in our hearts, therefore we all share the blame somewhere in this sad economy, but some have a bigger share than others. I support Wall Street because the Bail Outs was the straw that broke the camels back, but we all (including me) must rise above the hateful words that we direct towards people and instead turn that into positive and meaningful action. I can sit and talk about how President Obama didn't fulfill half the things we were promised, but I could also look at other canidates to vote for and inform others of what they say to get them votes. (Even though I have a personal belief on that. Won't go into it here) My whole thing is that, even on the interent especially of this site you may not mean to represent Occupy with your jokes and humor, but you do and it makes others who may want to participate in it think twice. Everyone's ideology is not the same, because we all come from different backgrounds so just showing a little respect rather than heckling and downcasting someone for being mis-informed would go along way.

Its kind of like a mouse and a fish are trying to escape the claws of a the cat. They live in completely different environments, but share a common threat of being eaten by the cat. They both have different ways of avoiding the cat and live because of it. They do not share the same background or experiences, but they share a predator and do what they must do to survive. No one bashes the mouse for hiding in his holes, no one bashes the fish for swimming to deeper water, and no one bashes the cat for wanting to eat. It is simply the way of life. I'm just saying that not everyone does the same things or thinks the same to get to the same goal. So if someone has a differing opinion, kindness and educating would be a better (and positive) way to express your opinion.

Peace and Safety to all of you out there fighting for yourself and others all over the world!

-Occupier in Georgia



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[-] 3 points by karai2 (154) 12 years ago

Pinky your phone typing skills are amazing! This forum is like a mosh pit sometimes but as soon as I am ready to give up and turn away, I see thoughtful, concerned posts from both poles of the political spectrum by people at least willing to listen to each other. People can be snarky but that's the way the internet has always been it will take time for people to unlearn that behavior. Hopefully people coming together caring about our future will win the day.

[-] 2 points by mideast (506) 11 years ago

I could not agree with you more. It is easy to tear things down.
It is VERY hard to support or propose a workable solution.
Many of us are guilty of attack - with no construction.
I would also throw in generalizations.
All people of one group - say the tea party, or Greens or Ds or Rs are not really identical and it is too easy to condemn a group rather than a group's actions.
For example, Rs gave us the Iraq war - but they also got us out of the Korean war & saved the union & attacked the robber barrons of the 1900s.

[-] 2 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 11 years ago

Excellent Post.

[-] 1 points by freakzilla (-161) from Detroit, MI 11 years ago

Trollin' Trollin' Trollin' Though you're saying nothin', Keep them threads a rollin'

just kidding. :) nice post.

[-] 1 points by brightonsage (4494) 12 years ago

You are on the right side of this one. But democracy (under the rule of law) is messy. The responsible and the irresponsible, the problem solver and the troll have a right to be heard and a right to be ignored.

Flaming each other is also an idea that has been thoroughly tried without much success. It is like snow used to be on TV. Annoying, but if you squint your eyes and listen carefully you can still hear me. I will thry to say something thoughtful and relevant so that you will strain to here me. A two year old will eventually stop screaming if you ignore them and go about your business. Non violence is gaining far more points than the trolls and juveniles ever can. Ignore the mosquitos and keep thinking and writing. I (and your Mom, I'll bet.) are proud of your sincere effort.

[-] 1 points by SIBob (154) from Staten Island, NY 12 years ago

Whether you like it or not, this is going to get messy. Going after the fat cats' money is going to get a lot of people upset. They don't care about us, and the media is going to look for the worst in this movement no matter what we do. Their vested interest is in taking care of their rich corporate sponsors. I just wonder what will happen as the months stretch into years, and we still get lip service from our politicians, and little else. I hope it turns out better, but I know one thing, it will not be a gentle struggle. Frustration may lead to resignation, that we will need to step things up to get it done. This movement here is not the same as the Egyptian Spring, where only one despot has to be removed. We are talking about a massive restructuring of the economy, and of the laws that will be needed to protect us. http://sibob.org/wordpress/?p=8026

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

the information and light workers can only do so much. thanks to the gross incompetence or the choices made by the admin of this site we don't have the kind of organization which would make almost all of this trolling stop because then clarity would be achieved. i'm looking for anyone whos a good techie i can trust to put up a forum org with sub forums and wiki. The noise is really a side effect of lack of organization and lack of balls to stand up to the trolls.
































[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 12 years ago

I agree! :D But can we at least be sarcastic towards the trolls that pretend to hate the Jews?

[-] 1 points by PinkyDinky (1) 12 years ago

Sorry about all the typos, I was typing this on my phone. :0)

[-] 1 points by vaprosvyeh (-400) 11 years ago

You did great!