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This is for the brave people in the streets

1 comments 12 years ago by w9illiam (97) last comment 12 years ago

URGENT! Our freedoms are going to be taken away right before our very eyes that is if this bill is passed.

46 comments 12 years ago by Windsofchange (1044) last comment 12 years ago

occupy organizer dead

18 comments 12 years ago by sallyjohnson (33) last comment 12 years ago

Occupy UC Davis Screen Savers

0 comments 12 years ago by SpartacusTheSlave (60) last comment 12 years ago

Individualism, Creative Ideas and the Right to be Left Alone

19 comments 12 years ago by Billsdestro (0) last comment 11 years ago

Is the America emerging in 2012 beginning to feel like the Weimar Republic?

9 comments 12 years ago by WatTyler (263) last comment 12 years ago

We Must ALL Stand Together

0 comments 12 years ago by WeMustStandTogether (106) last comment 12 years ago

What members of Congress support Automatic Pay Raises?

8 comments 12 years ago by Droid24JG (119) last comment 12 years ago

The “99% & Outsourcing”

17 comments 12 years ago by BenThare (9) last comment 12 years ago

Make a stand, Join the Clan!

137 comments 12 years ago by stuartchase (861) last comment 12 years ago

HERE'S WHAT MIGHT BE NEXT FOR OWS: The movement could get 75% of the American public behind this and win. Award-winning best selling author SCOTT TUROW has some wise words for OCCUPY WALL ST supporters

54 comments 12 years ago by therising (6643) last comment 12 years ago

“I pledge allegiance to Grover Norquist and the corporations for which we stand, this republic we control, invincible, with liberty and justice for the rich”

15 comments 12 years ago by PhilosopherKing (0) last comment 12 years ago

Learning from Iceland

6 comments 12 years ago by justanobserver (29) last comment 12 years ago

Disenfranchising liberty one voice at a time...OWS-FAIL!!!

3 comments 12 years ago by Godofsmurd (2) last comment 12 years ago

PROTECT IP Act hurts OWS's freedom of speech - costs tax payers 47 Million

10 comments 12 years ago by hivemind (131) last comment 12 years ago

Why not the head of the beast?

1 comments 12 years ago by mdez13 (10) last comment 12 years ago

"National Boycott" Who should be on the List?

26 comments 12 years ago by USCitizenVoter (720) last comment 12 years ago

Why "The Wall Street Protest" Will Fail...

1 comments 12 years ago by WitnessOne (0) last comment 12 years ago

i am kind of into newt saying what he did

5 comments 12 years ago by buik1 (9) last comment 12 years ago

It is time for the truth.

0 comments 12 years ago by afreak (29) last comment 12 years ago

How long should a non-violent protest remain non-violent?

81 comments 12 years ago by Leigonnn (0) last comment 12 years ago

1% gingrich (20 MILLION)

4 comments 12 years ago by paulg4 (82) last comment 12 years ago

Sorry to say history shows Radicalism NEVER wins

0 comments 12 years ago by independentvoters (1) last comment 12 years ago

Massive oil gusher in Brazil........Chevron

5 comments 12 years ago by Gbus (80) last comment 12 years ago

We are organized and have leadership!

1 comments 12 years ago by proudamerican26 (-1) last comment 12 years ago

Will OWS address historical racism and classism?

0 comments 12 years ago by miroslava (0) last comment 12 years ago

IMPORTANT - Watch for manipulation of the message

1 comments 12 years ago by jd603 (11) last comment 12 years ago

A good reason not to make demands on Wash DC

0 comments 12 years ago by bugbuster (103) last comment 12 years ago

Concepts of non violent struggle

0 comments 12 years ago by aniket (0) last comment 12 years ago

To propel us forward, a view of the start. Dig it ?

0 comments 12 years ago by joplintac (0) last comment 12 years ago

OWS, LETS STOP THE BS. The Occupy Movement means nothing without Campaign Finance Reform.

94 comments 12 years ago by Endgame (535) last comment 12 years ago

Free higher education

0 comments 12 years ago by friendlyopposition (574) last comment 12 years ago

Extreme violence as Egypt cracks down on protests

3 comments 12 years ago by FamilyFoodGardens (240) last comment 12 years ago

Protesting the government in lieu of Wall Street and K Street will net you a lot of hookers...

0 comments 12 years ago by ARod1993 (2420) last comment 12 years ago

Alex Jones - Censorship? Really?

45 comments 12 years ago by jdecker5 (0) last comment 12 years ago

We pay interest to bankers for every dollar our treasury prints. The constitution says we can print our money at no cost to the american people.

1 comments 12 years ago by stillkoolin (4) last comment 12 years ago

Time for a Massive March on Washington?

7 comments 12 years ago by realnothings (0) last comment 12 years ago

The Disconnect between the People and the Political Parties

14 comments 12 years ago by suyabaa01 (244) last comment 12 years ago

Addressing the Root Cause

0 comments 12 years ago by isiz (0) last comment 12 years ago

Free Markets

4 comments 12 years ago by LMichaelHester (0) last comment 12 years ago

"Go and get a job right after you take a bath"… Am I supposed to even consider voting republican after hearing this GOP take on OWS!?

9 comments 12 years ago by unarmed (213) last comment 12 years ago

Gerrymandering- a possible area for activism and change

1 comments 12 years ago by Blessing (1) last comment 12 years ago

Interesting read about the CONSTITUTION and CORPORATIONS

172 comments 12 years ago by FrogWithWings (1367) last comment 12 years ago

Bill Whittle explains what the OWS Movement is all about.

2 comments 12 years ago by clydecatskills (17) last comment 12 years ago

The American Liberty True Democracy Party

2 comments 12 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 12 years ago

The people of Spain wake up

1 comments 12 years ago by raines (699) last comment 12 years ago

Gingrich Slammed

10 comments 12 years ago by Doc4the99 (591) last comment 12 years ago

Why they 'Occupy Philly'

1 comments 12 years ago by darrenlobo (204) last comment 12 years ago

Redistributing efforts

4 comments 12 years ago by accomack (0) last comment 12 years ago

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