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Forum Post: It is time for the truth.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 3:03 p.m. EST by afreak (29) from Kensington, England
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It seems to me that what is going on worldwide at the moment is an Awakening of sorts. People all over the world are beginning to realise that the society we live in has been operating on certain beliefs for centuries, even millennia. They are beginning to intuit that something is deeply wrong with those fundamental axioms that have been used to build up the society we live in.

OWS embodies this large group of disconcerted people, who are all now demanding a shift in the paradigms that govern our way of life. However, this in itself is not sufficient. It is not enough for us to demand that we rethink the way our government should be run, and it is not enough to demand change in economic policy. No, for this "revolution" to truly produce the changes in society that it is capable of, it is necessary for each member to look deep within him/herself and find the most basic intuitive truths, those very same ones that have given us the sense that something is not right, those which reside in the very mind and soul of every individual, and proceed from there. Until we truly understand that which we believe on a personal level, and from where those beliefs spring within us, nothing will change.

The truth is in each and every one of us. Most of us haven't bothered looking. It's time that we did.



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