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Forum Post: Disenfranchising liberty one voice at a time...OWS-FAIL!!!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 3:13 p.m. EST by Godofsmurd (2)
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Let's define fascism: Fascism ( /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.

One of you tell me how censoring Alex Jones is not authoritarian.



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[-] 2 points by EXPOSED (222) 12 years ago

OWS claims to have no leaders and claims that their movement is made from different groups with different agendas ranging from far left to far right on the political spectrum. The one uniting factor is claimed to be the opposition of the corruption in the relationship between Wall Street and and Government. YET, we can clearly see, with this censorship policy, that there are leaders that are firmly in control with a specific agenda for the overall movement.

Just to let you know, Alex jones is one of the few sources of information where we can get the intricate details that the MSM doesn't dare touch. This is a war of information and this censorship policy CLEARLY identifies on which side the leaders of this movement are.

I was on the brink of supporting this movement but you've been exposed for what you really are now so I hope your fake (or now co-opted) dissatisfaction movement dies. I just hope you haven't tarnished the image of protests for the future (real ones) that will follow in the coming years, but I'm sure that was one of the goals of this farce...

[-] 1 points by Godofsmurd (2) 12 years ago

Let's elaborate further. Fascists seek to rejuvenate their nation based on commitment to the national community as an organic entity, in which individuals are bound together in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood.[3]

This definition sounds ALOT like OWS.

[-] 1 points by Gbus (80) 12 years ago

actually, sounds more like all the corporations in bed with the "leaders" of the country.....corporations=individuals......suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood........check out the family tree of all the politicians and how they are all related in some way by blood to all the CEO's and higher ups of the corporations............you see what you want to see........blinded by fascism....the sheep have become the sheep dogs......