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Forum Post: on fixing the forum, in terms of trolls, etc

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 5:10 p.m. EST by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

i think there was an article on a site called kuro5hin about trust metrics... essentially not only could you search the site for keywords, but people can 'rate' things, sort of like fb 'liking' , and there was a whole dynamic of how things which were voted higher by more 'trusted' people would get higher ratings, and possible ways so people could have their own filters to see what was rated higher by their own network of friends and trusted people.

i'm going to bump my link up as well here, and have people go that link to comment on those things, so the comments don't get spread in a million reposts...

this might be the article: www.kuro5hin.org/story/2006/4/12/93756/9085

i know some indy media folks that i talked to before... anyways, the concept and paper were 'open' principles, so you can use it and try and implement it... might be worth talking to folks who are interested in this to do just that... also wikipedia and their principles of collaborative media may have lessons to share, including have different people co-opt and subvert it, control what is in articles, etc... i can't find the link for this right now, google and other search engines are weird about how they index blogs... you might have to use a blog search engine to find some things...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YaCy wikipedia has a good page on some search engines, too.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by precipice (220) 13 years ago

http://www.occupyr.com/ forums at occupy resistance network

[-] 1 points by laguy (110) 13 years ago

there is a troll free OWS sister forum: http://www.themultitude.org/

[-] 1 points by rp2012 (31) 13 years ago

Troll Post --- Rick PERRY!

[-] 1 points by occupie (75) 13 years ago

Yea totally, we have to keep out the dissenting minds!

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

There are plug-ins available for forums like Vbulletin that provide trust ratings.

A regular forum, as opposed to this reddit-like setup, would serve better here.

If it was sectioned off for "debate" people who do not want to read the debates and flames could just not read that section.

That would also require moderation and I don't think this forum is heavily moderated.

But I think with this being one of the "Official" faces of OWS it should be improved.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

sub categories

and mods to subject the subject matter election reform bank reform go home hippy you make us feel guilty/get a job/you deserve nothing on site occurrences national site occurrences industrail proposal politics using the terms left and right discussions on the working economy *FED here" the politics of war

no war

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the single most important thing to deal with trolls is forum organization. if we have everything in a topical organization then trolls can come and see and find where the BS they might have otherwise posted has already been answered.

ultimately it appears necceesaary to find a techie who can put up a wiki and a sub forum and then abandon this website due to incompetence or the decision not to put up sub forums. Its probably a decision to maintain message control and sadly its a circular problem, because it may seem like it would just be more turf to patrol otherwise but the point is missed that we have to keep refighting the same battles over and over and over again until we have meaningful forum organization.

Assorted trust metrics and assorted diplomacy efforts can then be made to include and draw in the assorted different political spectrums. trying to do that now would be futile, it wouldn't even be seen over the noise.
































[-] 1 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago
[-] 0 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago

" Two scientists at the Canadian University of Victoria investigated the problem of the “paid armies” of fake commenters in China. They created software that was 85-percent successful at weeding them out:

http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/27357/?p1=blogs " I find this article particular relevant to the heading of this forum post as well...

[-] 0 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago


on ows forums sister companion forum which is a little more troll proof right now...

[-] 0 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago
[-] 0 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago

You could also limit unique IP's that are not 'trusted' as in ppl on location in wall street etc, to one post a day (not necessarily comments)... still would get lots of spam, but possibly from people using the same IP with different user ID's, etc