Forum Post: ZenDog Obama quote, "he can hardly not sign it because of the funding"
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 4:59 p.m. EST by FrogWithWings
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Really? Over a few earmarks and pet project funding measures, he can't veto a bill which he specifically asked to allow him to detain American citizens here in America, as in more power than Hitler ever demanded, or he actually wants to do these things?
We all know what the score is and any attempts to rationalize this is merely about getting some funding for this and that, is pure crap. About like his promise to bring the troops home in less than two years. Right, now he's busy squaring off which China, who loans the US something like 3 billion every day.
Bullshit bullshit bullshit.
I've continued to study it-everything hubs at article V. See this thread. The more of us we can conVert to actually DOING this-well...the more likely something positive actually happens. We are whiney reactionaries until we align behind the constitution we love and have bled for. sedition perpetrated by our elected officials must be addressed peacefully and legally via article V.
Zendog is either a hack, or is paid to hack. Either way, he will never lead to change.
It'll give Halliburton something to do in the off season.
Whatever became of the "line item" veto?
I dunno, I still veto most anything that I don't like, in part or whole. It's bad business to do business they way it's done in DC, period.
zilchmutt, 'we all know he doesn't have line item veto'
Whaaaaaaa, so please detain and torture citizens to justify all the ludicrous military spending!
oh, common. lets not let the thread die . . .
where'd you fools all go?
. . . . chickens . . . .
I take it back
you guys aren't chickens
I said
You are surprised by this?
No, it's has to be some kind of really sick act.
BlueRose left this link, which I think is interesting:
Now what are the odds all these cabinet level appointees are speaking out and expressing a view that is contrary to the President's own view?
I think Levin is a closet repelican, and he torpedoed the President really well with this legislation, with a bit of help from McCain of course.
You fool, the sponsors of that bill are dual nationalist and I am reasonably sure they both signed their declaration of love for Israel. Nobody is making Obama sign it and he wanted detention and torture of detainees to include Americans on our soil.
Prove it
Post the text in question.
Prove it or risk being seen as just another
crass, partisan, Liar
Eat dung, all you have to do is look.
I guess I can save myself the time and trouble to go looking on the White House website for confirmation of your statement because it doesn't exist.
ya fukin liar
Yeah fag jr, it's still there. Your mother and father are both men.
I must really be doing something right to have a Forum Post dedicated to me. Thanks guys. That's so nice.
Here, lets be clear about everything I've been saying - I mean, hey. I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea - and neither would you, I'm sure . . .
You have a thread dedicated to you because uneducated hacks like you are bringing the movement to a halt.
yeah -
somehow I doubt I'm all that powerful.
But if you mean people like me may end up preventing further gains by repelican scum intent on tanking everything American . . .
how cool is that?