Forum Post: Where next?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 3:52 p.m. EST by giftsmakeslaves
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy has received significantly less attention since they evicted Zucotti. I have not been in the city since a week before that (my girlfriend got pregnant and we had to deal with some things) Where is the movement now?
Should the movement not find another public space to use as a new rallying point?
Here is the perfect place!
The Revolution starts here!
The physical 27/7 occupations are not that important, IMO. Though, I know that is probably a point of contention. The energy and spirit needs to propel forward and garner new strength. Social media - physical meetings, global events, etc.. Let the thought convention continue and evolve until occupy decides to embrace who it really is while we highlight cancerous points in the system - like global antibodies fighting a disease
This is a good public space.
By pushing us out of Zucotti park- it just forced us to evolve into a more global movement- They helped ows more then they can imagine- Keeping us confined in one place would have been better for them. but the stupid system, forced us to globalize- they did it why can't we lol
Its a 30 min video, but if you like some super brilliant dude give some interesting remaks on what you said, you might like to see the presentation:
Next ? going to hell !
NO GOVERNMENT PROGRAM IS COMING TO SAVE US! It's time to take ownership of one's own life. This is still the land of opportunity. People sit around puzzled when immigrants come to this country and prosper. There is no magic potion and its not simply tax breaks, it has more to do with mindset. For those that tune their eyes it is obvious the opportunity that we're all surrounded by-perception is everything. There are mechanisms in place where people combine their resources and as they duplicate this process they create WEALTH! These are things that Dems and Repubs lightly touch on, if at all, but it's a proven process for helping people become Financially FREE while in my company people are getting wealthy and healthy at the same time. DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU NEED YOUR WELL BEFORE YOU START TO DIG! Today your job is secure and tomorrow you could get a pink slip but if you build supplemental residual income now it won't matter what your boss does--invest 3-5yrs doing what others won't do and then you'll be positioned to do what they can't do for the rest of your life. Whiners and handout seekers need not bother----- JOIN HERE:
Note:This company made a billion dollars faster than Google in just 3 yrs. The company has been around since 2005 and has the strongest surge of growth in its segment of Health and Wellness. Scientifically validated products, all natural and non-duplicatable. CEO recieved Ernst & Young prestigious award two years in a row. Currently in over 20 countries. Debuted in inc500 magazine in 2009 at number 18 (as opposed to Microsoft's debut in 1984 @ #80). Featured on CBS The Doctors, Rachel Ray, The Today Show w/ Kathy Lee, etc.
Simply complain on blogs like this one and be accused of loitering rather than occupying or Join a growing movement and return here to lead others to water!
Footnote: I've sent this to Occupy Amsterdam, Boston, Austin, Seattle, College, Wall Street, Italy,etc. With no response even after offering a webinar to show how this would be HIGHLY profitable for those presented to and create wealth that a conventional job is not designed to do. A residual income opportunity would clear the Corporate Stables of the Cattle that await slaughter through out sourcing and allow ppl to spend more time with their families while their wealth builds 24hrs a day everyday. If you agree with this tactic Please Contact your local "Occupy movement" or Occupy Colleges @(323)642-8102 and tell them to use their energies efficaciously rather than redundantly and ask them to contact Charles Burns...they have my number :)
How about outside the offices of John Boehner?
How about no? John Boehner wants less taxes. Much appreciated.
that fukin scumbag
Do you get that? nimrod
you are a repelican shill aint cha
Listen, It's obvious that less taxes would damage Government programs that benefit us. But if we really want to get out of a recession, we need to apply Reaganomics. Reaganomics was used when Ronald Reagan got us out of a recession in the late 70s to early 80s due to Jimmy Carter. The plan is to have less taxes, less Government programs, less Government spending, and therefore a less powerful Government. Even though you sacrifice Government programs, the citizens have more money (due to less taxes) without inflation. This allows people to make more investments in the Private Sector (anything from huge stock exchanges to a person buying groceries), and the Private Sector is what ultimately determines how good an economy is. When Ronald Reagan applied Reaganomics, our economy rose back up.
I have faith that once Reaganomics has been applied and the economy is better, our Government can go back to funding programs that benefit our youth, elderly, etc etc....
I am not Republican, I am Libertarian.
When Republicans talk about this strategy, Democrats often respond by talking about FDR and his New Deal economic plan that supposedly got us out of the Great Depression. The New Deal is basically where the Government becomes more powerful by increasing the amount of printed money, taxes, and funds into programs. This does not work and it causes Inflation because the value of a single dollar bill decreases because more money is printed on a daily basis.
What really got us out of the the Great Depression was WWII. After WWII, the US was left relatively undamaged compared to our competition in Europe. We therefore, had the most wealth because our factories were left intact and functional and we did not have to pay a lot of money for damages.
A lot of economic studies have shown that the growth of the money supply is what eventually brought us out of the depression and tight money exacerbated the crisis.
I'd like to see that report.
There are many including Milton Friedman's but here is a current one produced by Christina Roemer. This is not the actual paper which you can access on her web site but a summarized version. Go to "Sources of Recovery" - New Deal Failure - Reaganomics success
I stopped reading with the first mention of
I'm fairly sure that economists prior to our meltdown had already demonstrated the failure of that policy - and the current situation certainly confirms -
Lower taxes do produce more jobs because an employer has more money to hire employees... It also increases the chance of people creating small business because they have more money.
If you stop reading something just because it mentions something that you don't like, then that's quite close-minded.
“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” - William F. Buckley
it isn't that I simply don't like it,
facts don't support it.
It's as simple as that.
It is nothing more than theory that does not, and has not worked when applied. The result has been the gradual yet consistent shrinking of the middle class since Ray-gun.
I've been tempted to drive my pickup the 800 miles or so to DC, wrap a chain around that big bronze statue in the rotunda,
and skid that fucking thing down Pennsylvania Avenue.
It's this kind of attitude that will cause a second Civil War.
bring it motherfucker
Nice. And do you remember which side appreciates and uses the 2nd Amendment more?
Examine what you just did - it is exactly what you accused me of . . .
for the sake of clarity, let us recap:
YOu stated:
I responded by articulating that in fact that is not what I did, that I have heard the argument, that it is utterly without merit and therefore not worth consideration.
In response, YOU said:
Effectively demonstrating your own lack of willingness to consider the facts so clearly evident nationwide, today.
Next you turn to the issue of the Second Amendment - that being:
I am not impressed with your threats, implied or otherwise. On the contrary. If you think those on the right are the only Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights, you would be sadly mistaken.
Those aren't threats. I'm just telling you frankly. And I said "It's this kind of attitude that will start a second civil war" for a reason. I have simply stated my points of view and you've responded by calling me a "nimrod," etc... Your showing me that you cannot listen to other people's POV without going apeshit. And for the fact that I've accused you of being a Liberal... who wouldn't? The majority of the OWS messages have been leftist. I am neither left nor right but it's obvious that gun supporters are on the right. Every anti-gun believer I've met supports the Democratic party and their attack on the 2nd Amendment.
I am a liberal. I support gun ownership. I support gay marriage but not adoption. You cannot call someone out for being less than open minded while doing the exact same thing in the same paragraph. Please check your party line bs at the sign in page.
Ha! That's good keep up the Gun Ownership. I'm actually a Libertarian Independent who has been supporting conservatives because they support the constitution more than Liberals. Simple as that.
More party line bs. At least politicians can take comfort in people like yourself.
I do not see where, in the above discourse, I referred to you as a nimrod.
Link please.
No matter how apt that appellation may be for anyone advocating failed ray-gunite economic policy and trickle down economics; I did not use it. Show me where I did -
you nimrod
and as far as gun ownership goes - I vote for a Senator who is a dem, and who does not oppose either gun ownership or the Second Amendment.
I even own guns myself.
That's good to hear. You called me a Nimrod when I said no to Occupying Boehner. "Do you get that? nimrod
you are a repelican shill aint cha"
Ah, I see. And that comment was made over 20 hours ago.
The comment you refer to is here
I was referencing our more recent discourse.