Forum Post: Meet Jerome 'Jay' Powell, The Former Wall Streeter That President Obama Just Nominated To The Fed
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 28, 2011, 8:29 a.m. EST by aahpat
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"Jerome "Jay" Powell may soon be the Fed's Wall Street guy.
Yesterday, President Barack Obama announced that he would be nominating Powell, a Republican, and Democrat Jeremy Stein to fill the two vacant seats on the Federal Reserve Board. The Washington Post points out that Powell would bring an industry voice to the board, whereas Stein, a Harvard finance professor, would offer up an academic perspective."
What do you expect? We have a bankster occupied government. Obama is their employee.
What do you expect? We have a bankster occupied government. Obama is their whore.
The powers that be must feel like pigs in shit, Obama gave them more than Bush ever could and the "left" hardly let out a peep -- aggressive war, TSA molesters, trillions to Wall St. and foreign banks, etc.
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
I have an idea!!!!!!!
Why don't we............................................................................................................
Na,it would only lead to spreading disease,destruction,crime,drugs,rapes,killings and costing locals millions of $$$$$ to clean up after it. And in the end nobody would even care or remember it. So don't waste your time and limited thought process on such ridicules things.
That's still cheaper than cleaning up the trillions of dollars of damage WallSteet already did.
How can you put a price on human suffering (disease,destruction,crime,drugs,rapes,killings)?
Seems you already did.
Just going with the flow here.
Sorry to be a dead fish.
the people lose, again.
Nice Post aaphat! Your post reminds me of another article, from earlier this month, about 3 weeks ago.
The Latest Rumor: When Doves Laugh: 4 Weeks Until The Quiet Coup In The Fed Gives QE3 A Green Light
...And with the U.S. Treasury saying the debt limit is to be raised by $1.2 TRILLION... ...we may just see a QE3 after all... (?)
Another dope-slap in the face of #OWS by Obama. The guy is totally, unabashedly in the tank for Wall Street cronies. Obama insults all of us when he tries to blur the line on whether Wall Street executives committed crimes like fraud and market manipulation. Why isn't #OWS camped out in the front of the White House?
Those are soft guys, expect QE3 soon.
The destruction of the American people's lives continues, in order to finance banks and wars.
I couldn't get you're link to load over dial-up - so I went
Where it becomes clear why the President appointed this guy. Two reasons this article points to:
He wrote an article articulating the cost of not raising the debt ceiling
"Senate Republicans have blocked many of Obama’s top nominees, including MIT professor and Nobel laureate Peter Diamond, who was a nominee for the Fed and ultimately withdrew, and Richard Cordray, the nominee to oversee the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau."
Get the fucking repelicans out of there and we'll see what happens then.
Your not a dummycrat are you?
not affiliated with any party.
I mean, common. One look at me and they'll bolt the doors shut.
I mean, if they have any sense . . .
Bullshit! Your Obama's piss boy. He is full of piss so you must be extra busy. No wonder you can't serve me coffee piss boy.
I do plan to vote for the President, yes. The repelicans don't even have a candidate, and whoever they put forth is going to loose.
And I'm never voting repelican ever again.
the repelican party is DONE
-] alouis (New York, NY) 1 points 4 minutes ago The silence is deafening.
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[-] alouis (New York, NY) 1 points 34 minutes ago
Forum Post: Meditation upon listening to Radio Occupy Wall Street yesterday evening. Posted 24 minutes ago on Dec. 29, 2011, 5:41 a.m. EST by alouis (New York, NY) This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I drive a taxi in New York City at night and I listen a lot to the radio. One program I caught yesterday was WBAI's Occupy Wall Street Radio. A young woman there made mention of a forbidden personage whose initials are AJ. Now I'm not a fan of AJ but he has some interesting guests on his program including Greg Palast and Noam Chomsky. The young woman spoke of a grove in California where the many of the world's elite meet twice a year. they conduct a bizarre ceremony They call The Cremation of Kare. AJ had gotten inside at this convocation and recorded the festivities. I guess she wanted to point out the inhumanity of the one percent, and this ceremony that so many leaders of the one percent enjoy would point in that direction- they're not human in the true sense of the word. Lizards? I don't think so, but probably a few million people do think so. I want OWS supporters to understand that people come to the movement with all sorts of opinions and beliefs, some held very strongly and sincerely, even if others find them odd or demonstrative of ignorance. This young woman who praised AJ's effort and condemned fluoridation is one case in point. It is best don't you think, to let her have her beliefs, even if arrogant whiteboy/schoolboys sneer at them, and to welcome her into the movement. I am so glad the first person she met from OWS was not any moderator of this website. This is my very last post under this handle. It's too easy to imitate and misuse.
↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink [-] TheEqualizer 1 points 1 hour ago
this website needs some serious moderation. the chat room is also outta control with disrespectful members and moderators that back them.
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Yes! We! Can! Baaa! More corporate welfare! Go Obama! More wars! Go Obama! Let the poor rot in their squalor while he vacations in Martha's Vineyard! GO OBAMA!!
Seriously, I thought you would have been smarter than that. He's black Mitt Romney. Tell me one difference.
Spoken like a true butt boy of the establishment! You go girl!
Why in the world did you ever vote for them in the first place. Are you saying you voted for George Bush? My god.
Best Comments Today
I do plan to vote for the President, yes. The
13 points 9 hours ago by ZenDog
see that?
now go get all yer little friends and lets see how far into negative territory you can get it.
bow wow the dog = poster child for euthanasia.
so shoot me scumbag
just fuking shoot me
You didn't answer my question. Your previous comment seems to indicate that you once voted for the republicans. I'm wondering why? Why were you ever a conservative in the first place. Did you just recently discover that these people are nuts?
Yes, I did see your top post of the day. Congratulations! If only it came with a free sundae right? I gave it 5 points myself. I think voting is important. I don't share this OWS idea that we need a revolution and that we shouldn't work with politicians. I think people need to get more involved in the political process, not less. That was one of your rare good posts.
fetch, bow wow, fetch.
Shut the fuck up.
Joined Dec. 29, 2011
You've never voted for a republican. Of course there is no single republican candidiate,..............yet.
Yes I have - Jim Jeffords - And when he left the repelican party in 2002 the Vermont repelicans treated him like shit.
fuck you scum bag.
the repelican party is DONE
jeffords was a rino. voted for partial birth abortion. how nice. He got treated the way he deserved to be treated after he showed his true colors. I repeat, you ( potty mouth) never voted for a republican.
neither have you, nimrod
the republican party ceased to exist sometime around Nixon.
all that are left now are scumbag repelicans
who insist on corporate personhood as a matter of principle
global warming deniers
and fools clinging to the imagery of 150 years ago and long since dead.
ows and bow wow the dog, perfect together.
You are correct on one issue, The GOP does not have a viable candidate for presidency but I also believe that Obama is "not" the man for the job either. In the past three years he has proven over and over again that he cannot lead, he is a failure. The only ones that cannot see that is his "liberal sheep"
it's called the art of war fool, its playing out on Capitol hill, and since you haven't been paying attention, you have no idea who actually represents your own interests.
Of course the republicans don't have a candidiate,......................YET, you nitwit.
answered. next . . .
Everyone of those vying for it are whackjobs. You know it, I know it, the rest of the world knows it. You guys have nothing.
If you vote(ed) for 0bama you're just as stupid as his owners think (thought)you were are ( were). You're being used your bring about your own demise.
Another Koch whore, who knew?
You don't have shit, capella. Every single one of those cards you guys are holding is batshit crazy.
time to get another playlist , girlie.
Time for you to stop getting paid to post, clown!!
it's my pleasure and an amusment to post, no payment required.
Gee, that makes you just a regular fucktwit. That is even better because now your just a regular dumbass that isn't getting paid to post but is still supporting batshit crazy.
Very similar to how the Dems threw it in 04 by running Kerry the Clown.
The R is throwing the election because the globalists already have their guy.
yes, you have degrees of immaturity.
It's time you get your GED.
I have degrees, honey, unlike your uneducated hillbilly ass.
Obama is not a baseball fan. He is not electable. Remember him throwing out the first pitch last year? It was an embarrassing moment for him, his wife(hate to be her) his children, and sadly, all of professional baseball, right on down to the little leaguers. Nolan Ryan should run against him with Frank Tannana as his running mate.
Obama is electable. That's why you are here. :D
The best thing he has going for him is his Girly throwing of the first pitch. It has been his biggest success. He swings a golf club like a girl too. No offense to women golfers intended.
If he was unelectable, you wouldn't even fucking be here.
Now you don't have to get vulgar. What a grouch. Watch a rerun of the 76 world series and the big red machine. Rose was in his prime.
Nobody really cares at all that you're a miserable moose knuckle, there are bountiful other reasons to dislike you.
Now just because your husband cant get it.... Oh never mind. What is a moose knuckle? Moose jaw used to have a minor league team.
Nobody really cares at all that you're a miserable hillbilly, there are so many other reasons to despise you.
Try douching that foul mouth of yours with some battery acid.
From what I hear, you should not be allowed to own a dog, you sick fuck.
that is funny
You know what is going to be funny? Watching you little bitches cry.
Hey now! Don't be calling us by your family name. Geesh, you are so damn crabby. I bet your husband never gets... Oh never mind.
Look at cerebrally- challanged right-wing twit.
You are a real grouch. Class A. That would be for ass-hole. Now go back to mommy and hide behind her apron strings.
Looks like girlFriday is beating ya up pretty good there :-)
Ha. She's probably some guy in drag.
One day "maybe" you obummer sheep will "wake up" and see what a disaster he really is. Do you really want to live in a poverty socialist society?? This is where the assClown wants us to be
The poverty society that you created? Go fuck yourself.
Go blow Obama since you stay on your calloused and bruised knees.
Hey now! I am damn serious. Compare President Obama's athletic prowess to Vladimir's. I bet Vlad wants to kick Obama's ass.
That was funny that time when he got a busted lip playing basket ball and had to get stitches in his lip. Took a while before he could spit them seeds again.
You're a racist punk and a stupid one at that.
here here let's try and be a little civil here
Hohoho. I bet Michelle was pissed at him for that clumsy move! Haha! No kissing for them I bet!
You got that right and Obama is a failure at anything he tries to do
He is improving his golf game. Geesh.
the current president is worse than any of the republicans .
Bullshit. Capella, you have nothing. Everyone of those cards you have are nothing. They are batshit crazy. That is your mistake for not injecting even a small amount of sanity at some point through this.
YOU have nothing, no manners, no intelligence, no life.
You have nothing. Gettin' it? You wouldn't be here if you did.
You dipshits are terrified.
girlie is off on another round of mental masturbation.
Ding, ding , ding,ding, round 4. Another round , another loss for gurlie.
If a yeti fists you in the throat tomorrow, I bet it won't be the first time.
Holy ass pounding hell, you fucking shitface. Get mauled by an ape in Moscow.
round # 3 of girlies mental masturbation. she must be exhausted.
I like to read the paper and picture you suffocating.
Look, you cat raping horse fucker, nobody likes you or your uppity aunt
round 2 of mental masturbation for girlie
Look, you cat raping horse fucker, nobody likes you or your uppity aunt
girlie, you're empty life is the site.
Ooooh, just like your empty head?
girlie's foul mouth engages before her lonely brain cell can spark.
Thou leathern-jerkin, crystal-button, knot-pated, agatering, puke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish pouch!
girlie, go back to your playpen.
You didn't come for must have come for intercourse.
I fuck back.
You got that right and he is the worst we ever had.
And I will laugh as you people choke on your own insanity.
I am sorry to say that you folks that like this assClown will be crying and stomping in the streets, when he gets ejected from office in 2012. Even his olady MOOOOOchelle is not very liked either. She is trying to tell us all what to and what not to eat, while she is sporting around in her mile wide azz. What a joke
If you think that we are willing to stand back and let a couple of uneducated hilljacks sell the rest of our society to faux privatization, you are wrong. Dead ass wrong. So, wise up, Douchebag.
Carry Obama's bucket of piss, piss boy!
Obama loves people like himself, academics that have never done a fucking thing but theorize. Obamas gotten a Nobel peace prize himself. For what? Nobody knows, but most likely it was given for the peace he is going to bring in the future, because he is so peaceful. We saw what happens when repubicans are out of the way. Remember, we got obamacare, without a repubican vote. The assholes could not produce a budget though. They chose to wait a few years on that.
Your understanding of the political game is a detriment to the Union. Maybe , you need to stop chasing the cheddar and read some literature. I ain't talking about books that hustle people into investing. I'm talking about academic books that clue you in to where we came from so you can more readily vote for where we need to be. Only in America can intelligence be a liability.
I understand the constitution, better than most. Dimocrats reject the constitution. What else would you like an education on?
No, it seems to me you have a preconceived notion, sold to you by a hustler in a three piece suite, of what the Constitution means. Besides, If you knew how the Constitution works, you'd be mad at Congress for a failed budget and a sorry healthcare bill. Just because Bush said he is the decider does not make the President all powerful. You got Obama confused with a king, Maybe that is what you really want. "It's not what you don't know that will hurt you; it is what you know that just ain't so."
No Jesse, you are wrong, and you misunderstand. I see congress as a bunch of losers not doing the job, and lining the coat pockets of themselves. The healthcare bill is unconstitutional, but will stand because 5 of the 9 men in black will set our social welfare policy as they have been doing for decades.
I'll have to agree that some of the Congress' Health care bill is unconstitutional, but, call me naive 'cause I wanted universal healthcare, I believe that was the best that could be done considering the state of our political discourse. Also, If the part of the bill that forces us all to buy healthcare ever makes it to SCOTUS, I'm willing to wager that the same people who voted for Citizens United would find the idea that the gov't is forcing us to buy private services to be unconstitutional.
Right. The limited federal govt. we are supposed to have, you know, the one with limited powers,(sarcasm) is a big ass leviathan. I am not holding my breath on the part that requires us all to purchase. The commerce clause, I believe, will be further molested, to the point it is rendered utterly meaningless. It is pretty meaningless already.
yeah-ya. It is complicated. I'd be much happier with a single payer system myself - I mean, common. It's a no brainer. The more spread out the risk is the better off the bottom line is for the insurer. Spread it nationwide - can't get the risk spread any more than that.
And as for the budget when repelicans were not in control of the house - they had the tea party agitating, and the dems were nervous. So they held off. Didn't save them their seats tho.
there was an obama budget proposal,..............all the dems voted against it. even they knew it it was a joke.
A good post "aahpat" ; sickening to the stomach and nausea inducing, but a good post nevertheless.
Barak is a Bankers' Boy to his Bones and though he was a protégé of The Chicago Ptritzkers, they've lost him to Wall $t. now, while Obummer himself has sold what's left of his soul to Mammon !!!
Oblah-blah often pays shameless lip service to "Justice, Liberty and Freedom" whilst all along he leads the way into further Wage-Slavery (IF you're lucky!) and Perpetual and Generational Debt-Bondage !!
Obomber's WAR Record is on a par with the worst & most venal of the Emperors of The U$A Imperium & his "smile at you whist I stab you" charm and bellicosity is Imperial Duplicity taken to a new level !
Sod The Latin ; "I 'H8' WARBAMA !" ~{:-(
Worse even than Wall Street's boy, Obama is becoming ever more clearly a power and control project of the Bush family. He has hired a lot of Bush family favorites. And he has essentially cleaned up and done with intelligence all of the right-wing libertarian policies that George "W" bush initiated and failed at.
Obama is simply another term of the Bush family dynasty in the White House.
Obama's water boy, zendick, is not going to like this.
It's amazing how long it took the slower dummycraps to see this. Anyone that didn't know it by day 120, was hitting the crack pipe way too frequently.
I go for the ice pipe myself ;)
The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.---tomas jefferson
Yes, those academic perspectives have served this administration so well.
Get all the dems and reps out and start over again
I agree.
The greatest service that OWS could perform for America would be to field 100 Independent candidates for Congress. Rip the two party duopoly a new one.
Got that right because the present ones are (career politicians alias career criminals)
My strongest desire for OWS and the election year would be for OWS to field 100 candidates for congress specifically against 100 of the current members of Congress who, in 1999, voted to repeal Glass-Steagall. the message that these candidates would send to the political system and to Wall Street would be a shock wave destroying their confidence in their corrupt political structure.
Here is a compilation of 184 CURRENT members of Congress who, in 1999, voted to repeal Glass-Steagall
SEE: The Congress That Crashed America
Hear. Hear.
thanks for posting that
But does OWS even have one candidate to put up for an election?
I am sure that there are a lot of potential candidates in OWS but there are also too many anarchist who harass and bully anyone who attempts to participate in the legitimate democratic process.
Yep. And therein lies the problem.
Hey asshat, how are you? Happy New Year!
With new corporate funded candidates!
Does anyone know if Jay has season tickets to the Yankees? How about the Mets? I could dig hanging in his box watching the devilrays, or the Dodgers.