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What Obama Hath Wrought

86 comments 12 years ago by PeterKropotkin (1050) last comment 12 years ago

DNC protest video

2 comments 12 years ago by Skippy2 (485) last comment 12 years ago

Afghanistan: America's "Total Lie War" : What Has Been Done To Our Troops?!

111 comments 12 years ago by Renneye (3874) last comment 2 years ago

Keeping Money Out of Politics

3 comments 12 years ago by Phanya2011 (908) last comment 12 years ago

Addressing the Food Crisis: Let's Get Our Facts Straight

8 comments 12 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 12 years ago

Another awesome video by my favorite human in the glowing box.

2 comments 12 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 12 years ago

Does Your Vote Make a Difference?

10 comments 12 years ago by agkaiser (2538) last comment 12 years ago


1 comments 12 years ago by cubedemon (185) last comment 12 years ago

Elizabeth Warren - listen tonite & comment

63 comments 12 years ago by ericweiss (575) last comment 12 years ago

From Florida to Wall St, for S17

0 comments 12 years ago by alterorabolish1 (569) last comment 12 years ago

Democrats Made Equal Pay for Equal Work the law of the land?

12 comments 12 years ago by Uneasy (19) last comment 12 years ago

Honestly, it's time to stop throwing around the word thrasy.

61 comments 12 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 12 years ago

Democracy Now Headline

6 comments 12 years ago by agkaiser (2538) last comment 12 years ago

How to create a huge public protest

3 comments 12 years ago by olderprotester (2) last comment 12 years ago

Reality Check President Obama 1-on-1: How does he justify having a "kill list"?

5 comments 12 years ago by john23 (-272) last comment 12 years ago

"The War That Canada Won" ; On The Manipulation of History & The Selection of Memory !!!

28 comments 12 years ago by shadz66 (19985) last comment 12 years ago

Buckle Up Folks, It's Coming

20 comments 12 years ago by hchc (3297) last comment 12 years ago

vote for

105 comments 12 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 11 years ago

Antiwar & Social Justice Art Exhibit Call for Entries

0 comments 12 years ago by ShellyLeit (0) last comment 12 years ago

wage labor is not very different from chattel slavery by Chomsky

0 comments 12 years ago by flip (7101) last comment 12 years ago

Saving Reality One Day At A Time

44 comments 12 years ago by frogmanofborneo (602) last comment 11 years ago

Bank of America Stadium / Job Creation

0 comments 12 years ago by TrevorMnemonic (5827) last comment 12 years ago

The Unholy Alliance between Unions and Democrats

1 comments 12 years ago by bestevidence (170) last comment 12 years ago

Paul Craig Roberts has something to tell us

6 comments 12 years ago by frogmanofborneo (602) last comment 12 years ago

And the caption for the Democratic Convention reads...

7 comments 12 years ago by elf3 (4203) last comment 12 years ago

To the looky lous out there, the institutional lapdogs and inquisitive eyes of the media.

13 comments 12 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 12 years ago

Hacked Intel Email: NYPD Involved in "Damn Right Felonious Activity"

2 comments 12 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 12 years ago