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Forum Archive

If a politician can't be trusted about small matters...

5 comments 11 years ago by TitusMoans (2451) last comment 11 years ago

what do you call someone who can easily lie about anything? NOT mitt romney!

2 comments 11 years ago by ericweiss (575) last comment 11 years ago

Socialism v Capitalism

113 comments 11 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 11 years ago

who ya talkn to?

1 comments 11 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 11 years ago

Spread the Wealth Around!

17 comments 11 years ago by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) last comment 11 years ago

John Cusack Interviews Law Professor Jonathan Turley About Obama Administration’s War On the Constitution

3 comments 11 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 11 years ago

Government in the Future

0 comments 11 years ago by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) last comment 11 years ago

A Labor Day Nod to Labor!

73 comments 11 years ago by shoozTroll (17632) last comment 11 years ago

Dear Mr. Eastwood,

73 comments 11 years ago by angrybusinessman (0) last comment 11 years ago

We've Been Deceived

0 comments 11 years ago by agkaiser (2526) last comment 11 years ago

Capitalism on parade; the triumph of the corporation

38 comments 11 years ago by TitusMoans (2451) last comment 11 years ago

Solidarity, Altruism and Human Nature

9 comments 11 years ago by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) last comment 11 years ago

You Have Been Deceived

304 comments 11 years ago by ZenDogTroll (13032) last comment 11 years ago

for those who think the debt is a problem

57 comments 11 years ago by flip (7101) last comment 11 years ago

Money in Politics: Where Is the Outrage?

2 comments 11 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 11 years ago

Countdown to Worthless $$$

0 comments 11 years ago by hchc (3297) last comment 11 years ago

As we look forward OWS will make decisions, organized or not.

2 comments 11 years ago by factsrfun (8314) last comment 11 years ago

The Ecology-Erotological conception (alternative way of future)

0 comments 11 years ago by menachem30 (0) last comment 11 years ago

The Gift Exchange Economy

5 comments 11 years ago by nickbor (9) last comment 11 years ago

Unconditional Basic Income $1500 for every US citizen age 21 +

5 comments 11 years ago by MattLHolck (16833) last comment 11 years ago

America Deserves a Raise

33 comments 11 years ago by TrevorMnemonic (5827) last comment 11 years ago

Fox News Lists Paul Ryan’s Lies: Living in a tyrany of Doublespeak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublespeak

16 comments 11 years ago by gsw (3411) last comment 11 years ago

Wall Street Welfare: QE3 - Where you at GOP ?

19 comments 11 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 11 years ago

No Justice When Women Fight Back

6 comments 11 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 11 years ago