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Forum Post: Reality Check President Obama 1-on-1: How does he justify having a "kill list"?

Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 5, 2012, 9:14 a.m. EST by john23 (-272)
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[-] 1 points by john23 (-272) 11 years ago

People like this guy?


And who decides who lives or dies? You shouldn't view a law based on how you feel about the person in office today....you should consider a law by putting a person in office that you can't stand and completely disagree with...and ask yourself "would i be comfortable with him having that power?" Laws aren't written for one term.


[-] 1 points by john23 (-272) 11 years ago

"He who sacrifices liberty for security deserves neither and will have none." Benjamin Franklin.

People a few hundred years ago literally stood across from each other on a field and blew each others brains out to fight for the rights we've been given. Didn't run, didn't hesitate, stood there and took a shot, and then let the other side do the same. Have we become so weak and scared that we'll let people in caves across the world strip our rights that millions of these people have died and fought for because we're scared??? Pretty sure the people who have died for our freedoms are looking down on this absolutely disgusted by what they see. I say we all need to man up a little bit, for i'd rather live in a world where the chances of getting attacked by a terrorist are this:


than live in a world where all my rights have been stirpped and i'm living under a police state. Then people say "well i'm innocent, i've got nothing to worry about." Gandhi was innocent, Jesus Christ was innocent.....being innocent has nothing to do with it (paraphrased from doug wead).
