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West Coast Port Shutdown

13 comments 12 years ago by kayak69 (57) last comment 12 years ago


1 comments 12 years ago by CPTBRUMBL3Z (4) last comment 12 years ago

Today in Oakland

27 comments 12 years ago by lisa (425) last comment 12 years ago

A Christmas song for al Occupy mankind

0 comments 12 years ago by fred5656 (0) last comment 12 years ago

List of Rights Suppressed By Local Governments On the Occupy Protesters

0 comments 12 years ago by Anos (0) last comment 12 years ago

Congratulations, you're hurting them!

270 comments 12 years ago by TechJunkie (3029) last comment 12 years ago

Feeding the World? Twelve Years Later, U.S. Grain Exports Are Up, So Too Is Hunger

32 comments 12 years ago by GirlFriday (17435) last comment 12 years ago

Obama reckless spending

60 comments 12 years ago by danmi (66) last comment 12 years ago

Poll people fear big government more than big business and big unions

0 comments 12 years ago by newjustice22 (49) last comment 12 years ago

"FILM THE POLICE" - N.W.A. Song remade by Strange Famous/Rhymesayers for the #OCCUPY MOVEMENT!

1 comments 12 years ago by knowmoreorg (4) last comment 12 years ago

Is ANY inequality justified if determined to be caused within 'fair play'?

1 comments 12 years ago by Alternatives2WallSt (62) last comment 12 years ago

Derivative exposure and world bank connection ?

5 comments 12 years ago by KVNLGN (154) last comment 12 years ago

NY Times Financial Propaganda and Fear Mongering

0 comments 12 years ago by nucleus (3291) last comment 12 years ago

Ridiculousness of OWS

104 comments 12 years ago by utahdebater (-72) last comment 12 years ago

Lowes rocks!

7 comments 12 years ago by TheMaster (63) last comment 12 years ago

Them vs Us

94 comments 12 years ago by CatLady2 (248) last comment 12 years ago

Saint Paul Pandering for the Christian Far Right Vote

8 comments 12 years ago by GreedKills (1119) last comment 12 years ago

With all of the thousands of posts on this site, I can't believe that no one has asked this question:

49 comments 12 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 12 years ago

Fake right wing posts

3 comments 12 years ago by tulcak (698) last comment 12 years ago

Occupy Ports

8 comments 12 years ago by dillenger (-2) last comment 12 years ago

How can this ever work?

25 comments 12 years ago by randart (498) last comment 12 years ago

Are we "Useful" or just "Useful Idiots"

8 comments 12 years ago by thestateofthetruth (3) last comment 12 years ago

Occupiers and ports

4 comments 12 years ago by orlandogirl (1) last comment 12 years ago

The Liberties We've Lost in the "War on Terror" Are Only Lost Temporarily, Right?

0 comments 12 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 12 years ago

OWS is like yesterdays neocons

16 comments 12 years ago by armchairecon1 (169) last comment 12 years ago

Noam Chomaky Failed States

4 comments 12 years ago by littlebilly (12) last comment 12 years ago

PORTUGAL GOVERNMENT raids pension funds in order to meet EU deficit targets

5 comments 12 years ago by theaveng (602) last comment 12 years ago

What's the Objective of Occupy?

12 comments 12 years ago by doglover101 (2) last comment 12 years ago

tylerdurden banned from chat again for what?

1 comments 12 years ago by blackbloc (-19) last comment 12 years ago

Constitutional Convention Call Gains Traction

45 comments 12 years ago by ThunderclapNewman (1083) last comment 12 years ago

Occupy Car Insurance

114 comments 12 years ago by jimmycrackerson (940) last comment 11 years ago

OCCUPY MUST ACT: One Day Left Until American citizens can be detained indefinitely without charges by their own government.

29 comments 12 years ago by debbierl (72) last comment 12 years ago

A good summary of the current 2 parties, and why OWS will not choose either one

3 comments 12 years ago by warriorjoe7 (232) last comment 12 years ago

People, Together

0 comments 12 years ago by crypticvalentine (0) last comment 12 years ago

Exfelons Forced Out Their Ghettos Due To The Crime Free Housing Initiative.

1 comments 12 years ago by Apparatchiki310 (1) last comment 12 years ago

HELP - Occupier in illegal custody !!

0 comments 12 years ago by OccupySacramentoGRH (0) last comment 12 years ago

Sanders in 2005: Unfettered free trade is ruining middle class

3 comments 12 years ago by anonwolf (279) last comment 12 years ago

Anderson Cooper, Miley Cyrus, Kid Rock, and all the producers behind the new CNN show 'heroes' are pigs. THEY ARE FILTHY ROTTEN BIG BUSINESS PIGS. THEY DID EXACTLY AS I SAID THEY WOULD DO. Exactly as they ALWAYS do. It was just another marketing trick.

15 comments 12 years ago by ModestCapitalist (2342) last comment 12 years ago

Formation of the Justice Party; Rocky Anderson

4 comments 12 years ago by JadedCitizen (4277) last comment 12 years ago

Ben and Jerry Support Occupy Movement

8 comments 12 years ago by stephenadler (118) last comment 12 years ago

Fifth time they called today

0 comments 12 years ago by EngageJustice (8) last comment 12 years ago

Goldman Sucks Punk'd clients again !!!

0 comments 12 years ago by KVNLGN (154) last comment 12 years ago

An Occupied Lunch and Teach-In this Saturday

0 comments 12 years ago by estedman (0) last comment 12 years ago

a really great video about the history of protests including Occupy

1 comments 12 years ago by backwoods (0) last comment 12 years ago

The Citigroup Plutonomy Memos: Two bombshell documents that Citigroup's lawyers try to suppress, describing in detail the rule of the first 1%

4 comments 12 years ago by nickm11 (27) last comment 12 years ago

In the "original" great depression" bankers threw themselves out of windows

19 comments 12 years ago by clearmountain44 (48) last comment 12 years ago

M* F* Global Explained by the Silver Bears

12 comments 12 years ago by nickhowdy (1104) last comment 12 years ago

Why do So many Americans support Aristocracy ?

18 comments 12 years ago by FriendlyObserverA (610) last comment 12 years ago

Tax the FED

0 comments 12 years ago by genanmer (822) last comment 12 years ago

Nazi Censorshp on Chat EPI is a Trog monitor

3 comments 12 years ago by shada1 (1) last comment 12 years ago

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