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We are the 99 percent

A Modest Call to Action on this September 17th

Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 17, 2011, 9:46 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

This statement is ours, and for anyone who will get behind it. Representing ourselves, we bring this call for revolution.

We want freedom for all, without regards for identity, because we are all people, and because no other reason should be needed. However, this freedom has been largely taken from the people, and slowly made to trickle down, whenever we get angry.

Money, it has been said, has taken over politics. In truth, we say, money has always been part of the capitalist political system. A system based on the existence of have and have nots, where inequality is inherent to the system, will inevitably lead to a situation where the haves find a way to rule, whether by the sword or by the dollar.

We agree that we need to see election reform. However, the election reform proposed ignores the causes which allowed such a system to happen. Some will readily blame the federal reserve, but the political system has been beholden to political machinations of the wealthy well before its founding.

We need to address the core facts: these corporations, even if they were unable to compete in the electoral arena, would still remain control of society. They would retain economic control, which would allow them to retain political control. Term limits would, again, not solve this, as many in the political class already leave politics to find themselves as part of the corporate elites.

We need to retake the freedom that has been stolen from the people, altogether.

  1. If you agree that freedom is the right to communicate, to live, to be, to go, to love, to do what you will without the impositions of others, then you might be one of us.

  2. If you agree that a person is entitled to the sweat of their brows, that being talented at management should not entitle others to act like overseers and overlords, that all workers should have the right to engage in decisions, democratically, then you might be one of us.

  3. If you agree that freedom for some is not the same as freedom for all, and that freedom for all is the only true freedom, then you might be one of us.

  4. If you agree that power is not right, that life trumps property, then you might be one of us.

  5. If you agree that state and corporation are merely two sides of the same oppressive power structure, if you realize how media distorts things to preserve it, how it pits the people against the people to remain in power, then you might be one of us.

And so we call on people to act

  1. We call for protests to remain active in the cities. Those already there, to grow, to organize, to raise consciousnesses, for those cities where there are no protests, for protests to organize and disrupt the system.

  2. We call for workers to not only strike, but seize their workplaces collectively, and to organize them democratically. We call for students and teachers to act together, to teach democracy, not merely the teachers to the students, but the students to the teachers. To seize the classrooms and free minds together.

  3. We call for the unemployed to volunteer, to learn, to teach, to use what skills they have to support themselves as part of the revolting people as a community.

  4. We call for the organization of people's assemblies in every city, every public square, every township.

  5. We call for the seizure and use of abandoned buildings, of abandoned land, of every property seized and abandoned by speculators, for the people, for every group that will organize them.

We call for a revolution of the mind as well as the body politic.



Read the Rules
[-] 15 points by 1of99 (15) 13 years ago

You need to have specific, tangible and realistic demands.

Demand the following:

  1. SIngle Payer Health Care
  2. Reinstate Glass Steagall
  3. Overturn Citizen United/Campaign Finance Reform
  4. Revoke Corporate Personhood law
  5. Close corporate tax loopholes
  6. Raise taxes on upper incomes
  7. Address US job outsourcing

Now THAT would be a START.

[-] 9 points by coolnyc (216) from Stone Ridge, NY 13 years ago

Love your list, but all your items require legislative action, and the guys funding congressional campaigns don't like your list as much as I do. That's why job 1 is campaign reform. Left and Right agree that it's a problem, and that makes it possible - and a unifying rallying cry. Only after our elected officials realize that their continued survival depends on actual voters, and not the good will of their campaign contributors, will we ever see true reforms in other areas.

[-] 2 points by Leper1 (2) 13 years ago

You have it right. Voters have the power the sway the political dialog but the powers that be are working hard to remedy that. The surge in voter suppression laws have the potential to be a game changer. OWS and all Americans need to wake up and work to turn things around. If we can not vote then we will lose our voice.

[-] 2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

"the good will of their campaign contributors"

Those are bribes. You're in their propaganda trance.

[-] 1 points by coolnyc (216) from Stone Ridge, NY 13 years ago

I think you misread my post. You from Adams?

[-] 3 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

It is ridiculous to suggest bribe reform.

For 3 decades they keep claiming to do this and all you people can't catch on to the bribes.

Only public funding with no ads from anybody (an obvious bribe) will prevent bribes.

The OWS ignoring bribery proves they are in the same deep trance as the rest of Americans.

[-] 3 points by coolnyc (216) from Stone Ridge, NY 13 years ago

Disagree. I see posts from here many that the first step for any meaningful reform is 100% public funding of campaigns. I agree that many Americans are in such a trance, but OWS is working to shine a spotlight on that very problem.

[-] 2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

BRIBE is a completely different word than -- "meaningful reform is 100% public funding of campaigns"

Bribes are illegal.

[-] 1 points by tom4OWS (7) from Paris, AR 13 years ago

Your arguing semantics, I think the consensus is that 100% public funding of campaigns is a possible solution to the campaign finance problem. You want to do something productive, argue the pro’s and con’s of that, rather than the meaning of the word bribe, dumb ass. You have the problem/solution blurring speak of a republican. ;)

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Its not a possible solution, its the only fucking solution.

You do the same thing the right wing does when they call you liberal wimps socialists, commies, lefties. And lastly go fuck yourself.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Bribes are crimes they have committed. They won't arrest themselves for their crimes because 1000 people are sitting in the park.

You sugar coat the crimes with the gov't propaganda. You're in their trance.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Are you kidding. No you're not.

Liberals think they can sit in the park and by magic the government that lied to you OBAMA will do what they promised in 2008. Is this a bottomless pit?

Can you ever get a clue? http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 4 points by joes2001 (5) from Tustin, CA 13 years ago

as John edwards has said, There's no difference between a corporate Democrat and a corporate Republican. Yeah, Obama is a tad better than a Republican, but multinationals are still pulling his strings quite a bit. The OWS movement is bigger than Obama and both parties. All you need to do is read a lot of the protest posters; there's not a lot of happy Obama supporters.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Sorry pal. Do you like puke better than shit?

You're in a bottomless pit of lies in a TRANCE. Read these particulars, please. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

Job boom plan for America

For the protest to guarantee winning the next election the plan needs to be force the multinationals to buy all their supplies made by American workers. Prevent any imports from China and known slave states from being unloaded. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. Having slave made goods in America is unconstitutional.

Unions should have their own pay scale. Any workers who don't want to join the union will need to negotiate their own pension, their own wages, their own health care.

End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. Eliminate the entire IRS which would save $400 billion annually.

To refuse to vote for that platform would be stupid and insane.The privileged keep ripping all the rest of us off and we are morons allowing that to happen. Any person against this plan is sabotaging the OWS protest and needs to be heard. Let's hear any reason to oppose this end globalization screw job.

[-] 4 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

Without a majority of Americans understanding why you are preventing Chinese imports from being unloaded you would only bring down the full force of the police and possibly the national guard. I agree with you that the free trade policies are supporting wage slavery and destroying the US economy. The people will have to be shown the cause and effect relationship between these things

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

Are you aware that we have widespread slave labor practices in the US that are legal. Corporations like Walmart for much of their operation is doing their hiring through subcontractors who pay by the piece and violate almost every labor protection from the last 100 years. You can read more about this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/20/new-blue-collar-temp-warehouses_n_1158490.html

[-] 2 points by gwijas (5) 13 years ago

This book will show the cause and effect

Death by China; A Global Call to Action Navarro & Autry

[-] 2 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

I'm familiar with that book. It's very good. Now if we can just get everyone to read it. There are a series of youtube vids.on the subject. Here's part one .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1Ab0XLDZAQ

[-] -2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

What are you smoking? Who wouldn't understand? Hallucinations about police and the national guard.

A tune up wouldn't help. Maybe a brain transplant.

[-] 1 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

If they do understand,why did they elect a majority of pro free trade republicans to the congress? I'm gonna pretty much ignore your immature ad hominem.

[-] 2 points by tom4OWS (7) from Paris, AR 13 years ago

This is to the point on taxes. It seems to me that a “sales tax only” system would be diametrically opposed by the 99%’s. That would leave us paying all the taxes. The tax on a gallon of fuel for example takes a much larger proportion of the working mans money than it does from a rich one. The same can be said of most purchased goods and services. One millionaire paying 1% sales tax on a shirt, leaves the other 99% of us - those who buy shirts anyways - paying 99% of every tax dollar. And the price of a taxed shirt is a very small, fractional percent of a millionaires income. For me and my meager income, The purchase of even a couple of shirts can set me way back. Substitute almost anything: food, appliances, cars, and you end up with the same thing: The little guy paying ALL of the taxes. So NO, you name calling dumb ass, “sales tax only” is no solution. You sound to me like an ‘agent of the one percent ers’ - to use the vernacular. Though I do agree with you on China.

[-] 2 points by groundman44 (3) from Fort Benton, Mt 13 years ago

excellent point; all of this flat tax,VAT talk coming from the libertarians, Randists is just shilling for the rich. Realize that the 1% did not have what they have now forty years ago, and then look at what existed then on our landscape; social, political, economic: a truly progessive income tax (under Eisenhower, top rate 90%, Nixon 60%+), unionized private workforce, bank regulation; Read Frank Thomas, "The wrecking Crew" the 1% gained in large part by haveing their shills discredit government; thei Libertation/ Randist "every man for himself and nothing for women and children" advances their cause, not ours. Taxes are the price of civilization

[-] -2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I'm an agent. Here's what you are.

Summary of OWS is complete failure.

You are poorly informed. Do you consider the truth to be rude? Have you considered that ignorant, uninformed people make poor choices. 4,000,000 families are on the street because they made a terrible choice for a mortgage. Being foreclosed as the result of a teaser loan is stupid. Taking a huge mortgage with low income that they lied about was called liar loans. That's stupid by the victim and its criminal fraud by all the bankers who need to be locked up. But they all make their political bribes to prevent any criminal penalties.

That's why people hire lawyers, accountants, doctors, and consultants to guide them on the best path. The OWS protest that refuses to use the word BRIBE is controlled by the trance they are all in. The OWS protest is protecting the same criminals they are protesting. OWS refuses to understand this fact.

Those are successful people. OWS is a total failure, unless sitting in a park for 5 weeks is a success. To even consider that to be a success proves my point. That is a fantasy, fairy tale you tell yourselves.

[-] 2 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

ignorant uninformed people make poor choices all the time

have you seen congress? lol

Although to call OWS a failure is inaccurate. One of many ways it has been successful is by bringing important issues into focus in this country.

and has anyone ever called you Maurice?

[-] 2 points by tom4OWS (7) from Paris, AR 13 years ago

You have the Q. and A avoidance, diversionary, and muddying skills of a conservative republican politician. Not a very bright one at that. In addition YOU COPIED AND PASTED that response from the website that you got those stupid “job boom plan for America” points from. Never mind that it was YOUR WEBSITE! No wonder your answer didn’t relate to the question! So, to summarize, you gave a dumb answer that didn’t directly relate to the question, and you plagiarized that answer off of the web site for your book. But since I believe that you may be a kindred spirit, and in the interest of information and solution sharing, and for the possible benefit to us all, I try again to glean some information from you.
One of the points of your above listed “job boom plan for America” dealt with taxes, and I quote; “End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. In the response below your “plan” I addressed my concern over the “sales tax” portion of your “plan”. To which you responded using a form of gibberish, including an all caps version of the word “TRANCE”, none of which addressed the example that I gave to illustrate my concerns over your “sales tax plan”. Do you understand the question? Please address the example I gave. I really don’t see how sales tax system will take the tax burden off of us 99% ers. I’ve taken a smart ass tone with this, but I really am just seeking information. If I’m “uninformed”, then inform me.

[+] -5 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

You're a complete asshole.

[-] 1 points by lies (16) 13 years ago

his lies were a little less damaging than the one in front of him. But be sure his "hinney" will be held to the fire as well.

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Job boom plan for America

For the protest to guarantee winning the next election the plan needs to be force the multinationals to buy all their supplies made by American workers. Prevent any imports from China and known slave states from being unloaded. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. Having slave made goods in America is unconstitutional.

Unions should have their own pay scale. Any workers who don't want to join the union will need to negotiate their own pension, their own wages, their own health care.

End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. Eliminate the entire IRS which would save $400 billion annually.

To refuse to vote for that platform would be stupid and insane.

[-] 1 points by coolnyc (216) from Stone Ridge, NY 13 years ago

make a positive suggestion or go find something else to do

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Job boom plan for America

For the protest to guarantee winning the next election the plan needs to be force the multinationals to buy all their supplies made by American workers. Prevent any imports from China and known slave states from being unloaded. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. Having slave made goods in America is unconstitutional.

Unions should have their own pay scale. Any workers who don't want to join the union will need to negotiate their own pension, their own wages, their own health care.

End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. Eliminate the entire IRS which would save $400 billion annually.

To refuse to vote for that platform would be stupid and insane.

[-] 3 points by ianjohnsa (2) 13 years ago

I believe this is only a call to action, a call for assembly and discussion around the issues that are plaguing our country and our society. It is not meant to be a developed list of demands upon anyone in power.

[-] 3 points by ric3bowl (4) 13 years ago

But what I see here and at Zuccotti Park is not a call to action. It's just a call. There's no agreement on what action or actions to take. There should be a single call to action to bring people in who agree with the message. Otherwise this movement will dwindle to nothing and achieve almost nothing.

[-] 2 points by ftmcommunist (6) from Princeton, NJ 13 years ago

The action IS the discussion - it's a call to take to the streets with our demands - like those above - instead of just posting them on online forums and yelling at the people who ARE out there in the streets demonstrating.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Campaign to elect candidates. First you must choose candidates.

OWS will fail with no leaders.

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Taking to the streets is just what they hope and pray for. Arrest the hippies.

We need to elect leaders and form a 3rd party to win the next election.

Go back home and campaign for your candidate to take out this government. That's hard work. Walking in the street is easy and dumb.

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Really? Guess you never heard of the Civil Rights and Vietnam movements? Both in the U.S. in recent history, both started with the people, both included walking in the streets and both succeeded in their stated goals.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Civil rights took 30 years. Vietnam protests took 6 years. I'm 69, I kinda was hoping for success next year 2012.

[-] 3 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Then YOU should have started protests a few years back, ya think?

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I protest on my blog, http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

I don't sit in the park all day. It has finally sunk in to my brain that OWS IS doomed. Too bad.

[-] 2 points by ftmcommunist (6) from Princeton, NJ 13 years ago

But you do sit in front of a computer screen. Maybe if all the protest bloggers (myself included) banded together and then flooded some important server space or something to the equivalent of a digital strike then people would pay attention to bloggers. It's easy to ignore a blog post. It's near impossible to ignore hundreds, if not thousands, of people not just sitting but setting up a micro-community in a public park, but going out and protesting in the streets. Remember Time Square? Remember the General Strike in Oakland? That wasn't just sitting in the park.

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

A political campaign is hard work. Being lazy sitting in a park is stupid. Your excuses are irrational.

[-] 1 points by ASDLR (2) 13 years ago

Thank you for such a forceful sincere and well-argued comment.


[-] 1 points by ftmcommunist (6) from Princeton, NJ 13 years ago

You seem to not understand what's going on in that park. It's not a political protest; there's no "Occupy Everywhere" party. It's the start of a whole new paradigm, not just a campaign.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Really? Its you who doesn't understand. Joe Paterno proves Americans are creeps read more -- http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

Joe Paterno allowed a kid to be molested. When a kid is being molested you don't report it to a college president, you report it to law enforcement. For law enforcement to now protect Joe Paterno from the same justice they are pursuing with all of Paterno's staff involved in the molesting incident because Paterno won or lost football games proves that the American people are nasty, stupid, and ignorant creeps.

The fact that the American people allow the entire government to be bribed on the record because they call bribes "campaign finance" is glaring proof that Americans are irrational. They laugh at the jokes by SNL, Jon Stewart, and Steven Colbert while they ignore the reality of those jokes.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

You are dead right. Its time to shit or get off the pot.

See this http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

Self Destructive -- Irrational Behavior

America is being destroyed in broad day light by incompetent screwballs who ignore common sense, and the record. The collapse we're having now is the direct result of using a slave labor force in collaboration with Chinese and other officials including North Korea. The testimony by 2 Korean ladies who survived 28 years of prison camp before congress went completely unreported by any other media than SCREWED AGAIN.

Our government is going to make deals for multinationals to get slave, North Korean labor; that will be passed through South Korea for the cover up. The word slave never came out of Michael Moore's mouth while he was saying that the $2.1 trillion that is being held by the corporations is not their money. Its their money they made it from the slave trade just like Americans did to the Africans.

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Absolutely correct. There needs to be discussions by the general assembly all day long to form a strategy to elect a 3rd party.

Are you all lazy? How can you sit in the park all day in small groups and expect any solution?

[-] -1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

The general assembly needs to meet all day to form the right strategy.

All day isn't 2 hours. Sitting in the park all day is a waste of time. Use the Staten Island Ferry that has bathrooms and benches.

Use judgment. Sitting in the park all day is poor judgment.

[-] 2 points by ClayWilliams (1) from Sagle, ID 13 years ago

Absolutely, we need to make specific demands and become involved at every level!

[-] 2 points by groundman44 (3) from Fort Benton, Mt 13 years ago

great list. I modestly would suggest; support of workplace organizing: aka unionizing. The imperfect and obviously incomplete effort by our nation to raise up all, to protect the least of us, to allow families to live a life without the fears of being put on the street, abandoned because of illness and injury, has Union Made as a label.

[-] 2 points by tom4OWS (7) from Paris, AR 13 years ago

That would indeed be a good start. As Coolnyc alludes to below (or above or wherever it goes) we now have to address the primary road block to that list: the government of the United States of America. And what can you do when the people that you vote for, don’t do what they say they are going to do. It’s all well and good to say that our democratic process ousts the liar and replaces him/her with our next choice. But they don’t do what they say they are going to do either. The “system” does not work.

[-] 2 points by Andrew767 (2) 13 years ago

How would ANY of those actions address the basic need for stopping the corruption of government by business? It would not. Most corporate corruption of government policy succeeds because of the secret nature of private business even when they are acting against the national good. Neither the CIA nor NSC tells Washington about the vested business interests of the US advisers in Washington. For sixty years from Iran to Vietnam to Iraq and elsewhere, secret US schemes have made the US an untrustworthy and immoral global citizen.

You can expose one example of immoral US policy which has been used for the benefit of corporations - West Papua.

How could any American justify enslaving a nation of people and mining their lands while training a third party military to occupy the land and kill the indigenous population? Read the "New York Agreement", what "right" did the US or anybody else have for trading West Papua as a colony from one master to another? What right does the Freeport corporation have for mining West Papua's gold & copper? What right did Bechtel have for building the mine?

And why didn't the CIA or NSC tell the US President about the $billion motive the NSC boss had for asking Kennedy to force the Dutch into selling the people of West Papua to Indonesian control?

Corruption needs to be exposed, and Washington needs a graphic example of corruption so that it will make the effort of protecting future US policy (domestic & foreign) from the business interests of White house 'expert' advisers..

[-] 1 points by lycurgus2011 (1) 13 years ago

I like the specifics of your comment. However, I think that the real change will have to start outside of Washington. We need to change the way Washington works. Consider my proposal. If you agree or disagree, leave a comment. Please consider tweeting about it. http://lycurgus2011.blogspot.com/ Call for a constitutional convention!

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

For that you have to tweet the legislators. Only elected officials can call for a Constitutional Convention. It is the law.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Summary of OWS is complete failure.

You are poorly informed. Do you consider the truth to be rude? Have you considered that ignorant, uninformed people make poor choices. 4,000,000 families are on the street because they made a terrible choice for a mortgage. Being foreclosed as the result of a teaser loan is stupid. Taking a huge mortgage with low income that they lied about was called liar loans. That's stupid by the victim and its criminal fraud by all the bankers who need to be locked up. But they all make their political bribes to prevent any criminal penalties.

That's why people hire lawyers, accountants, doctors, and consultants to guide them on the best path. The OWS protest that refuses to use the word BRIBE is controlled by the trance they are all in. The OWS protest is protecting the same criminals they are protesting. OWS refuses to understand this fact.

Those are successful people. OWS is a total failure, unless sitting in a park for 5 weeks is a success. To even consider that to be a success proves my point. That is a fantasy, fairy tale you tell yourselves.


[-] 3 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

There is legal labor exploitation on a mass scale right here in the USA.


[-] 1 points by balliml (1) 13 years ago

Then the banks made bets on these liar loans that the families wouldn't be able to pay! They continued to gamble with these worthless mortgages well before the people couldn't make their payments. You are wrong! People do need to speak out because Obama is listening to advisors that were all part of the meltdown and are the very men, yes I said men, that made off with millions from this greedy trading of CDO's and unregulated derivitives. You call them experts? Maybe experts in screwing the American people! Those 4,000,000 families are victims of the greed of your so called experts!


[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

Scratch all the above and begin by restoring our government, currency and treasury dept.

[-] 1 points by wecandothis199 (1) 13 years ago

Yes, but who make that happen? Who will vote for those laws, those ideas? Certainly not those that sit in Congress today, clearly that is not the case. Although I agree on the long term goals, 1of99, lets keep in mind that is a leap and we need to take the steps to get to the point where the people that get to make those decisions, pass those laws, and enact them, are of like mind. That is not the case today. So the call to action as presented here, to CHANGE the system we must unite and vote our like minded citizens IN. Those in D.C. today don't have the will to enact any of the great demands you list, no matter the numbers in protest, they hold a seat at the table, we do not. People that agree with the statements above, are the people we need to vote in. Words are nice, action better. We must vote for ourselves, and vote them out. Read more here...http://jim-newellpost.blogspot.com/2011/10/lies-damn-lies-and-statistics.html?spref=fb

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Are you kidding. No you're not.

Liberals think they can sit in the park and by magic the government that lied to you OBAMA will do what they promised in 2008. Is this a bottomless pit?

Can you ever get a clue? http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 0 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Hummm? Wonder if they said that to Gandhi when he first started a movement that freed India?

[-] 2 points by KRISWOLF (2) 13 years ago

India is freed?

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I know nothing about Gandi.

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

It might help you understand what OWS is doing in that park, if you read about him. Both Martin Luther King and the Vietnam protesters followed his lead on civil disobedience and changed a nation's direction.

[-] 1 points by tnc420 (12) from Cudahy, WI 13 years ago

I agree, with the addition of the Legalization of Marijuana, the Unprivatization of the Prison System, revoke the Patriot Act, and Give 9-11 Responders Free Health Care For Life.

[-] 2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Legalize weed is the best way to raise large amounts of money.

Legal weed would be cheap. Letting 60,000 inmates out of prison would save $1.5 billion yearly. Make room in prison for the bribers. Only a new government will prosecute the bribers. End all bribes with public finance. We must get elected in their system first.

[-] 1 points by fullam99 (1) from Poughkeepsie, NY 13 years ago

I think you need to leave the whole legalize weed out of the whole thing it makes it look like that is all you are fighting for as soon as you mention it.....people are stupid enough with out weed....we dont need stupid people now stoned to make it worse. Yeah we would create more money and make room in prison but really I think there are other ways to create more money....perhaps higher taxes for those high paid incomes....that would be a novel idea......it must be why the only people you see running for office are rich because only they can afford it. I dont know the whole legalizing weed thing just made you lose respect in my eyes.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Keep believing the propaganda.

Are you kidding. No you're not.

Liberals think they can sit in the park and by magic the government that lied to you OBAMA will do what they promised in 2008. Is this a bottomless pit?

Can you ever get a clue? http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Its a strategy that would work to accomplish our goals.

You are in the prude trance. Taxes from the rich won't finance a 3rd party, that is stupid on its face.

Making thoughtless, prudish, remarks is a huge problem.

[-] 1 points by ajmacdonaldjr (0) 13 years ago

I agree. We need a realistic, workable, well defined plan of action that will appeal to the majority of Americans. This event, as with the upcoming October 2011 action in DC is nebulous and undefined; therefore it will not do much other than gather angry radicals together for a few days. Please see the philosophy and plan of action for Summer of Justice - 2012 - DC which has a plan of action that can work and a philosophy founded on principles all Americans should be able to agree upon. See: http://www.scribd.com/doc/62966380/Philosophy-and-Plan-of-Action-The-Summer-of-Justice-2012-DC

[-] 1 points by DSams (-71) 13 years ago

An Open Letter to Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Congratulations! You are successfully focusing public attention on the root cause of our political ills. Moreover, you are doing so with dignity and grace -- qualities which will not only influence more people, but make it far harder for the Establishment and their political agents to employ their normal repressive methods. You occupy the moral high ground; do not give it up no matter the provocation.

But, as surely you must know, this act is only the first in a long drama. The system you protest is robust and designed to withstand challenge. The banks and corporations from whom you wish to wrest power are well organized and have, over many long years, fully institutionalized their political and social controls. Our adversaries have waged class war for well over a century, have much invested, and everything to lose -- a long and difficult struggle lies ahead.

With this in mind, now is the time to consider and shape a second act, even as the first continues to unfold. To be successful, this act must not only engender widespread protest but also dramatically enumerate that discontent. Or else, as is happening already, your efforts will simply be dismissed as theatric, but essentially meaningless, commentary by an insignificant fringe of malcontents.

And therein lies the essential contradiction -- the only undeniable measure of and outlet for public discontent is the ballot box. Yet elite control of both political parties makes this a futile exercise. Past well-organized and powerful protest movements were defused and broken by an electoral process dominated by party candidates. Third parties have, historically, been marginalized and had little practical effect. Moreover, time is short -- the next election is barely a year away.

But what might happen if you inject some unpredictability into this well ordered system? If you explicitly reject both party's candidates? What will their media report on election night if millions of us join your protest by writing in "None of the Above" on our ballots?

What might happen indeed...

[-] 2 points by Mdrisc2011 (4) from Poughkeepsie, NY 13 years ago

what might happen, no what would happen is that those votes would not be counted and the person with the majority of the votes that were counted would win the election, even if only 3 votes were cast properly

[-] 0 points by DSams (-71) 13 years ago

True. But the ballots will be counted and tabulated. How will it look on election night when the D or R (which ever flavor you prefer) wins with "60%" percent of the vote -- 6 votes out of 10 with 100 cast in the race? And the next election we will have candidates in those races...

Sorry it took a while to get back to you. Have been monitoring TheMultitude.org -- its affiliated w/ OWS, has a high signal to noise ratio and some good debates with no name calling.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

OK. That was stage one. Now we must choose leaders and a strategy to win the 2012 election.

Shit or get off the pot http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

Self Destructive -- Irrational Behavior

America is being destroyed in broad day light by incompetent screwballs who ignore common sense, and the record. The collapse we're having now is the direct result of using a slave labor force in collaboration with Chinese and other officials including North Korea. The testimony by 2 Korean ladies who survived 28 years of prison camp before congress went completely unreported by any other media than SCREWED AGAIN.

Our government is going to make deals for multinationals to get slave, North Korean labor; that will be passed through South Korea for the cover up. The word slave never came out of Michael Moore's mouth while he was saying that the $2.1 trillion that is being held by the corporations is not their money. Its their money they made it from the slave trade just like Americans did to the Africans.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

None of the above? How about, "No confidence, no trust in any of these crooks. I vote them all OUT!" That'll get some attention, I think.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Attacking bribes with a new government would appeal to the 99%. Prosecute the bribers for their crime. Get out of your liberal trance.

[-] 1 points by ObamasCajones (4) 13 years ago

The whole thing falls on its opposition to abortion, based on an entirely apriori argument that annihilates the autonomous and affirmative contribution that a pregnant woman makes in gestating and developing the zygote and fetus through to birth. This little manifesto (or at least that part) had to have been written by a man. In its easy, conclusory dismissal of a woman's right to reproductive self-determination, the argument necessarily reduces women to slaves and 2nd class citizens. To that I say: Fuck you. Your manifesto sucks. Get your sexist philosophy and plan of action off my body, or I will fight you with every fiber of my free and emancipated being.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Here's a plan the bible-banging, antiabortionist GOP rightwingers cooked up, that you're not going to be at all happy with.

Did you know that if aborting could save your life, they don't want to allow it? I'm afraid it's true. They'd rather let you die. Look it up on the net, it's a story the mainstream media don't want you to know.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Ignore abortion completely. Focus only on bribes.

Abortion is personal. The conservatives want to tell everybody how to live.

Libertarians never butt into other people's private affairs. Having children is a private affair.

[-] 1 points by 1of99take3 (1) 13 years ago

Thanks. Interesting link. I like the left/right points laid out.

I can't say I agree that the majority of Americans believe our government needs to be abolished however. We certainly don't need to add another bloody civil war to your list of murder indictments.

I think you would find this article interesting as well:


[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Left/right points keep us split apart. That is their strategy to dominate the 99%.

Bribes are not left/right issues. Bribes are the 99% issue.

[-] 1 points by Flashcrush (3) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

25 pages! Whew! & that's just the general guiding principals, assertions & public appeals for a total Constitutional overthrow. Some I agree with & others adamantly not. The proposed solution seems to be more of an anti-democratic coup than the 9/11 inside job false flag it alludes to was.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

To ignore the 9/11 false flag is the most stupid thing possible.

Please read this http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 0 points by GTFOccupy (1) 13 years ago

The linked manifesto asserts that the humanity and self-determination of an adult woman is subordinate to the existence of a zygote? How can the author at the same time assert that slavery is wrong, while asserting that women must abandon their personal sovereignty to gestate an unwanted fetus? This "Natural Law" is a law that reduces women to mere containers for reproduction, allowed to play at being human beings only while they are "empty". No, thanks.

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago








and I add reform monetary policy so currency is introduced into the economy through job creation and building our cities... instead of the current system which is through debt, inflation, and policies that prop up the big banks and the 1%

[-] 0 points by Brauer (8) 13 years ago

I agree that money and politics are tied too closely together. The solution? Get government out of the way altogether. The less involved it is, the less opportunities for campaign contributions to muddle everything up.

[-] 2 points by 1SiriusMagus (311) from Minneapolis, MN 13 years ago

And per your suggestion how would the country be run? By private contractors like Blackwater and our current corporate run prison system and our corporate run Energy producers? The latest investigative report by The Center for Public Integrity and Investigative Reporting reveals a massive corporate swindle of Medicare!

[-] 0 points by Brauer (8) 13 years ago

Numbers six and seven are inherently opposite. You can't raise taxes on corporations and expect them to stay in the U.S. to supply jobs -- and to pay your health care at the same time.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Only the election of a 3rd party will deliver those demands.

A demand isn't a question to be asked from bribe taking criminals unless you are irrational.

[-] 2 points by bettydonnelly (115) 13 years ago

I think you may be right. OWS should be a Third Party. The Dems and Repubs are too corrupt. I dont think meaningful change can come from them.


[-] 0 points by IGetItAlready (0) 13 years ago
  1. You've already got it. Sure, they're calling it something else but everyone knows where Obamacare will ultimatly lead which is why there is so much opposition to it.
  2. Ah, we're repeating every other mistake from the 30's so why not?
  3. Won't happen as the Dems secretly love it. Ever heard of the Majority PAC?
  4. Agreed
  5. Tried that during the debt ceiling debates. Unfortunately, after agreeing to $800 billion in "increased revenue" resulting from closing these holes, Obama came back and demanded $400 billion more knowing the increase he was demanding would HAVE to come through direct tax increases
  6. Why? Are the wealthy using more roads and public services than the middle class? Are they receiving more federal handouts than the poor? Your idea that government is responsible for distributing the wealth of it's populace is not in line with our Constitution. In fact, thinkgin like that is one of reasons many of our ancestors came here. Freedom, including my freedom to prosper, is not allotted to the American people by an omniscient government. In the words of our founders, these freedoms and liberties are bestowed upon us by our creator. As such, government has NOTHING to do with our freedom aside from protecting it from those who would take it from us. Again in the words of the founders, this referrs to foreign AND domestic threats to our liberty. It was these founding principals that made America such a big deal some 235 years ago; and it's these same founding principals of true freedom and liberty that have made much of human advancement for the past 200 years plus possible. Slaves and socialists are too busy being abused and burning their nations to the ground over food stamps to worry about being innovative.
  7. It's interesting that addressing government's punitive approach to those paying the majority of the bills rates last in your list. The fact is, if governent would educate itself on it's intended purpose and stop picking and chosing which firms and companies would succeed in a "FREE" market, our economy would do what it's always done.

Rather than "a start", considering the current economic atmosphere in the US, your suggestions would more likely be the end.

[-] 2 points by 1of99take2 (3) 13 years ago
  1. The majority of doctors and nurses support single-payer. Read the book "Money Driven Medicine: The Real Reason Health Care Cost So Much." Also read T.R. Reid's book "The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care." After that, your health care opinions may be more informed. I suspect your opinions have been fed by TV and radio. There is corporate opposition to it because some value profit over human life and fuel uninformed people's fear and ignorance on the topic.
  2. Your point makes no sense.
  3. Yes, both parties have been corrupted by corporate influence. But people demonstrating in mass may have power to exert pressure for change.
  4. We agree on something at least.
  5. There is nothing wrong with direct tax increases on the "job creators" (wink. wink.) and upper income individuals. A slight increase back to the levels of the 90s.
  6. No, the wealthy don't use the roads more. They have private jets. Ha. If by reading my point to raise taxes on upper incomes you think I am suggesting they pay more than the middle class, you are misinformed. It's a fact they are taxed LESS. General Electric payed NO taxes in 2010. Through loopholes and lower rates, they pay a lower percentage of their income than middle income people. Have you heard of ALEC? Boehner is an alumnus. What does that tell you about his tax stance? Having them pay a fair and equal percentage is not restricting liberty or freedom. Don't trot out the constitution to make an invalid point. Develop your critical thinking. Regarding your last sentence: It deserves no comment.
  7. Again, you seem to make no sense here. How does this point relate to outsourcing US jobs?

Hey, it's a free country. I have the freedom and liberty to try to cancel out your votes.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

The job creators created jobs for 100,000,000 slaves that replaced 40,000,000 American workers.

Slaves and bribes are crimes.

[-] 1 points by e000 (371) 13 years ago

The majority of doctors and nurses support single-payer

cough Really? Support that with a source, or it's just a "weasel word".

And I don't mean by citing books - give us a specific series of studies done by unbiased groups that transparently list their poll base details... I don't mean to say it is or isn't true, just a vague claim.

[-] 1 points by tnc420 (12) from Cudahy, WI 13 years ago
  1. Obamacare may not be the answer but it is a start in the right direction. Other nations have had free health care for decades and have been all the better for it, so why is it a bad idea for the government to regulate it? I like to compare it to Identification Cards every American citizen is legally required to have by the time they turn 18 or like in Wisconsin and other states, having to purchase auto insurance to drive a vehicle which is State government but government none the less.
  2. No opinion
  3. Agreed
  4. Also agreed
  5. Does not matter if we tried and failed. We need to try and try again until we get it right.
  6. All we wanted was a 3% tax increase on the wealthiest 2% of Americans. 3%...but instead the 2% turned it around and now want the 98% to pay more taxes so they wont have to pay more. How is that fair? So yes they should get a tax hike. And since they are not creating jobs I think they have the money to spare.
  7. Why should corporations be allowed to shutdown U.S. jobs, move them over seas, hire children to make their products, and then sell them back to the U.S. consumers for outrageous prices, all the while pocketing all the profits for themselves. And to top it all off not even get taxed for it!!! The least we need to do to these companies is tax the shit out of them. Poor, abused children made most of everything in your house and some rich American got richer off of their hard work while anywhere from 100 to 10,000 Americans lost their jobs. Doesn't that piss you off? Cause it should.
[-] 1 points by princessmenace (1) 13 years ago

getitready- i dont think anyone is talking about handouts or demanding government aid.. i think its more about those who dont think we should have to work 60 hours a week just to keep your job. Those who dont want to compete, but to just work, make a living, support their families and be provide adiquate medical care for a reasonable cost. those of us who dont want to pay an arm and a leg to eat food that has a higher percentage of sodium, preservatives, additives, dyes and other chemicals than actual food.. its killing us and our children! we have become SLAVES TO ANOTHERS GREED! when 9/11 hit, we did our jobs as good americans, we kept buying.. to keep our jobs and our economy going and we were lied to to, by our President and our boss'. simply put, i will not break my back or give up holidays with my family, or skip meals and eat garbage, rehydrated "food" to earn my employer and extra dollar! these are basic human rights and i will never choose to make my job a higher priority then my family or my health... i know that my employers would not do the same for me. i should not be subjected to ridiculous invasions of privacy, like credit checks, lie detectors, drug screens, what i do on my own time is mine, including on social media! the reigns of control over people by their employers has got to stop!! this idea that requires us to always have to do more and more and give more and more otherwise they will find someone who will, has to stop! enough already, jsut let me live my life. PS. GETITALREADY- if you are so sure about our FREE market, how do you explain farm-aide? paying farmers not to grow, to keep commodities prices high.. espeically now that so much corn is used to make fuel, at a time when gas is $3-4 a gallon, why are we STILL paying this supliment? (that in a nutshell what the fight is about!)

[-] 1 points by kriskrew (1) 13 years ago

U r a rich self serving greedy asshole. The system serves u fine, that's why ur defending it. Go fuck urself

[-] 1 points by ObamasCajones (4) 13 years ago

"Obamacare," which, btw, is a derogatory term coined by those who oppose in all forms any human right to healthcare, is nothing close to single payer. It manages to piss off everyone on both left and right because, as per the right, the mandate represents an imperative by the centralized, federal government, requiring all to pitch in money (and as such is a tax) to purchase health insurance. As per the left, it's just a corporate welfare program for the private health insurance companies, who, while voicing disingenuous opposition to the program, have ended up crying crocodile tears all the way to the bank. Woopie! Now they get 45 million new, government-subsidized customers.

"Obamacare," which is actually the multi-headed, bi-partisan monster created by that clusterfuck committee known as Congress, is so far from a fair, single-payer system, it would be laughable, if it weren't such a travesty of justice and reform.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Obama dumped the public option in return for the bribes from insurance execs who rip off $10,000,000 yearly.

Get out of your trance. Obama is the worst enemy we ever had. He's worse than Bush by far.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago
  1. lol
  2. Tell me, how come France and Germany have larger industrial bases than the US with more unionization?
  3. Yes the wealthy are using more roads. Additionally ,there is no freedom to prosper on the back of others.
  4. our economy would do what it's always done. - Company towns and shooting at workers?

You sound like a very clueless randroid. "Slaves and socialists are too busy being abused and burning their nations to the ground over food stamps to worry about being innovative." - How does it feel, being so full of yourself? You're not creative. You're not inovative. You're a fucking parrot.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Totally agree with the above.

[-] 7 points by politicosupremo (6) 13 years ago

At last, the people have stood up. Don't let those with ill intention turn this into a picnic or an entertainment. This is a just struggle.. Be prepared fight and to sacrifice fully for the cause.

[-] 2 points by lotusflower (1) from Stockport, OH 13 years ago

i agree stay strong.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Fighting isn't sitting in a park all day with dumb signs that don't have the word "BRIBE" on any of them.

[-] 4 points by Sal (4) 13 years ago

This movement is a great step & should continue. Its the only way real "change" is possible. There need not be any demands at this stage. Just reaching a critcal mass should be the first step. Gradually, ideas will be organized and solutions proposed to move to the next step. By reaching critical mass, this movement can become a living organism, and thereby accomplish the "drastic" change required to "remove" the cancer spread within the current system. In my opinion, it is not "demands" that need to be met, but the whole system of money as debt, 1% vs 99%, human farming & economic slavery, and finally "division" of the peoples "competing" with each other for scarce resources instead of “collaborating together”, literally, needs to be "removed" and a new system "installed" which as proposed above focuses on "freedom & independence for all, without regard to identity". The new system should AIM to use world resources to be distributed in a fair & equitable manner to ALL people... & yes it is quite possible (do not be fooled that this is wishful thinking), using a system of point credits for productivity rather than money! (Detailed solution to be posted soon). In essence, a horizontal system, with no money, and everyone having literally FREE access (ofcourse contribution of work would be required) to the production of goods & services by humans in a shared environment without ANYONE having power over anyone is indeed possible & the order of the times. Under such a system, no one would starve, the basic needs would be covered for ALL without having to earn money, and no one would have any "EXCESS" in their bank accounts. In fact there wouldn’t be any bank accounts. Yes children, elderly, and those unable to contribute work would be fully covered!.
Equal distribution with few layers (based on level of contribution) would be accomplished, and the world 'productivity" would be used to distribute wealth towards providing for all. No one would be left behind. And YES we have enough technology to accomplish that kind of a system easily! And NO, it’s NOT a fantasy utopia! The detailed ‘solution” paper will prove it. Also, in such a system, there would be no money required, no need for military because resources would be shared equitably, no need for police, no wars or any sort of conflict, at least as it relates to money as a source of such conflicts today.... more details to follow in a paper addressing these "solutions". Smaller issues cn obviously be worked out. But I fully agree, we should have a system which “provides freedom to all with no regard to identity”. Think of it like a tribe of the world… the basic infrastructure is already in place all over the world. For now, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, we need this movement to continue so the critical mass can be reached. All of you will realize AT THAT point that INDEED it is the people who have the power!... govts are nothing without people... as long as its ENOUGH people (critical mass)! Let's finally change the 1000 year old primitive culture in which we live & start a BRAND NEW, equitable system, where "humans" come first & everything else 2nd... & make way for a 1000 years of peace & prosperity in the coming future. YES we have enough resources to feed the world easily and give everyone a good, peaceful life, & that should have happened by now in the 21st century, if it were not for the mismanagement of power & profit greedy bankers, govts and 1% who have infected the world of a “great human species” into a slave society! Let’s do away with it… ITS TIME!! Now or NEVER! Good luck to all involved in this movement… the change WILL happen… hang in there ;) My salute to all those who are participating... may you be blessed! Peace & Love… Cheers PS: Notice that CNN, BBC & FOX are not covering the OWS movement!! That’s how they control the masses!

[-] 2 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Nicely said and well thought out. +1 internets for you.

[-] 3 points by TheGrayHand (2) 13 years ago

Whatever you do, stay where you are and keep producing videos and photos of the protest. It will grow as more and more people become aware of its existence. The silence on Facebook and in the MMS is deafening. As a European, I must say that I am very impressed with the American people. Keep fighting and stay true to the principles upon which your nation was founded.

[-] 2 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

For your consideration as a course of action to be adopted by peoples occupied in resistance against the entities, institutions and agencies of social systems that have strayed from the letter and spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and United States Declaration of Independence. This recommendation aims to remove the barriers that intentionally or inadvertently obstruct the progress of human civilization. Once obstructions are removed, then referendums can be slated to democratically arrive at either consensus or majority consent to specific corrective tasks. I suggests that Occupiers begin inviting government representatives to open and public discussions to negotiate preliminary system changes. If agents of the existing social systems reject requests for democratic process, then we know what we are truly up against and will need to arrive at some method of dealing with systemic corruption and the complete disintegration of democratic process.

(Note: additions and refinement of preliminary aims to remove obstructions to democratic process are encouraged.)

If we examine the cause-effect relationships that have sparked global protest, we stand a better chance of solving the problems that are intrinsic to the social systems that we determine are not serving the needs of the collective of humanity. To begin with, we have proof positive that the entities, institutions and agencies of our social systems are not delivering what is useful and progressive to the civilization of mankind. Understanding that not one of us is greater than the least among us, we can affirm that we, as a whole collective species, are not less barbaric, less savage, more moral or more enlightened then we were in previous ages. Therefore, we can honestly assess the failures and mistakes we have made and begin the reconstruction necessary to direct our social systems toward those ideals that do serve the needs and interests of mankind's endeavors to establish civilization. Yet if there is no consensus to use these social systems for the purpose of uplifting mankind out of barbarism, savagery and immorality, there is no legitimate or logical reason to contribute to or attempt to sustain the entities, institutions and agencies of the social systems that govern and dictate our present and future state and well being.

Clearly, we have strayed from the objectives of our collective agreements, expressed in state constitutions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and we ought to examine whether the decisions that have led to revisions in the laws and procedures of state governance can be repealed. We need to understand whether the changes to state constitutions were made by governing representatives possessed of the will to serve the letter and spirit of our collective agreements. And we need to decide upon measures that give no opportunity for governing representatives to deviate from the letter and spirit of our state constitutions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

If neither repeal nor prevention of future deviation from the letter and spirit of our original collective agreements is possible, then we must set to work on drafting new constitutions that define the will of the majority within our social systems and clarify the role, purpose and jurisdiction of the entities, institutions and agencies that we deem useful to the objectives of mankind to rise above barbarism, savagery and immorality. We can begin with neighborhood committee meetings, municipal council meetings, etcetera, soliciting opinions and advice, as well as informing citizens of the movement and intent as stated in this paragraph.

Regardless of the political structure of the social systems we exist within and regardless of our station in life or placement upon Earth, not one among us, sound of mind and sincere of heart, can oppose the fundamental objectives of civilization to uplift the whole of mankind out of barbarism, savagery and immorality. Let us then acknowledge that any person opposed to such objectives is not of sound mind or sincere of heart and should be clinically tested to assess if the markers of psychopathy are present by means of fMRI brain scans and blood testing for the dysfunctional MAO-A (Monamine Oxidase A) gene and through full review of their social behavior, as would be undertaken with the the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Let us determine that no person diagnosed with psychopathological, homacidal, antisocial, narcissistic, sadistic, megalomaniacal or.neurotic tendencies may be employed or permitted to volunteer to occupations or offices that involve decision-making for the collective within the entities, institutions and agencies of our social systems.

May we also agree to begin testing individuals employed within the entities, institutions and agencies of our social systems and call for the resignation and replacement of all individuals who fail to satisfy the criteria of competency for political and economic leadership roles. And may effort be made to establish programs to secure the medical and psychiatric treatment that would help socialize these individuals that they may contribute to the collective universal goals of human civilization.

Addressing environmental degradation issues, let us affirm understanding that we are incapable of halting the global warming / glaciation cycle and begin developing strategies to preserve lives by constructing facilities that provide full life support systems and shelters removed from potentially life-threatening and volatile environmental conditions, i.e. underground, within mountains. Let preservation of lives within small, widely distributed self-sustaining communities be our primary objective in this regard. Let our collective reserve of funds and expenditures be redirected from ventures of international expansion and foreign resource exploitation toward this goal, as this strategy (to minimize human presence on the Earth's surface) also indirectly intercepts and reduces the human causes of environmental degradation, i.e. deforestation, mining, industrial pollution, over-consumption, inhumane treatment of other species.

Let us make full use of our democratic rights and responsibilities to disseminate, discuss, refine, petition and vote on both the overall objectives and the details expressed and implied herein, as well as within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and United States Declaration of Independence. Let all issues for which majority interest is not clear and affirmed be subjected to vote by referendum.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights

Human Rights http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights

Millenium Development Goals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millenium_Development_Goals

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

Shooz, I can't seem to comment on your comment. I think there must be a limit to the level-depth on comments, so I'm copying your last comment to continue from here...

shooz wrote: You missed the entire point I make about corporate charter. It's a granted privilege. They are written by the States they are filed in, not Wallstreet. At least they're shouldn't be writing such things. Change corporate charter, and you change the way a corporation may operate.

Investment management firms are corporations too, and quite capable of psychotic behaviors as well..

tstamant wrote: I must be missing something in your statement, Shooz. My experience working inside a multinational for 12 years convinced me that from the management on down, nobody adhere's to policies and procedures. Even though they might look good on paper, they just aren't put into practice. But I still get the sense I'm missing the point.

So, OK, corporate charters are granted privileges and not rights. How can we use this as leverage?

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Use corporate charter to modify the psychotic behaviors of the corporations.

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

But how? Can you give an example of one thing you would write into a charter that would effectively change psychotic behavior of the corporations? I'm drawing blanks on this one...This is your area of expertise, not mine, my friend. :)

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Use the imagination you had no problem applying to individuals.

Just apply the same thinking to corporations.

Easy Peasy.

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

Ok, you said "Use corporate charter to modify the psychotic behaviors of the corporations" but I don't see anything to suggest anything like that currently exist in fed or state corporation laws. BTW: Over 50% of U.S. publicly traded corporations and 60% of the Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in the state of Delaware. I suppose that is so because the filing process is very simple.

The Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) does require that only persons "of sound mind" can be a corporate director. There are other nations that include 'of sound mind' as qualification for directorship. http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2007/ic/Iu70-4-8-2007E.pdf

But I don't see anything here that could or is being used to modify the psychotic behaviors of corporations. Are you suggesting that state and fed corporation laws include the sanity check clause that exists in other countries?

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

Ideas for change: a charter for compassion By: Karen Armstrong Aug 16th 2012

“Never treat others as you would not like to be treated yourself.”

Karen Armstrong describes this as the golden rule of spirituality that should be guiding us through life. Religious organizations should be driving the implementation of this rule, but instead are often seen as part of the problem.

Armstrong has been instrumental in crafting and implementing a Charter for Compassion to bring compassion onto the agenda, including a network of compassionate cities. Unless we learn to implement the golden rule and become activists in compassion to counter the activists in hatred, Armstrong says, we are not going to have a viable world for the next generation.

You can watch the full video here (http://youtu.be/HttLdVug8XU)

Author: A former Catholic nun who left her order to study at Oxford, Karen Armstrong has become an internationally renowned religious scholar. A provocative, original thinker on the role of religion in the modern world, she has written numerous books on the commonality between the major religions, and explores how religious faith has shaped world history and drives current events. A passionate and powerful voice for peace and understanding, Armstrong has driven the Charter for Compassion, a document around which religious leaders and others can work together for peace.


[-] 0 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

Here's a little thought experiment for you....What if we had these 4 principles to measure all proposed governing programs against?: 1) austerity/asceticism; 2) cleanliness/purity; 3) mercy/compassion; 4) truthfulness. Try to think of how any of the inequities we see in the world today could even exist if there was 100% compliance with these 4 principles as law.

Now, this isn't Utopian fantasy. There doesn't have to be 100% universal compliance for this law to work. If just one social system (nation/country) applies this code of law, it doesn't make it vulnerable to exploitation from other social systems that don't apply it. It doesn't eliminate the potential for war - it's not pacifist. It changes the intent of war. Defensive action to protect the citizens that choose to uphold this law is legal. So, if a group of citizens anywhere on the planet request protection, defensive military force can be delivered. Right now, wars are fought to gain territory control and access to resources for commercial exploitation. Not even the permission of citizens is asked for. Under this law, invasions would be illegal unless there was an invitation directly from the citizenry in that territory.

There's just one problem that I can see with establishing these 4 principles as law. It needs a defined protected border to incubate. So, either there would have to be national level adherence or there would have to be an apartheid - segregation of the pro and anti law citizens. But then, what kind of person would not want to live in a society that upholds these laws? Those who are acquisitive, corrupt, merciless and/or deceitful? Aren't those the characteristics prevailing now that we oppose?

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Sounds like more libe(R)tarian BS to me, with a bit of bigotry tossed in for good measure.

WFT are you talking about in #1?


That's just wack-a-doodle_crap-a-doodle.

[-] 0 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

Can you elucidate on your position, Shooz? Perhaps you could use a few references to explain your opinions. What parts of my comment give you the impression of libertarianism or bigotry? What part of apartheid - segregation didn't you understand? Currently we have national and state borders performing the same function.

I think the problem is that nearly all socio-political words are so heavily charged with negative connotations that few people are able to use them as their original meanings define them. It seriously reduces the chance of having intelligent dialog without someone launching into emotional, juvenile attacks. What a pity.

I think the problem is that nearly all socio-political words are so charged with negative connotations that few people are able to use them as their original meanings define them. It seriously reduces the chance of actually having intelligent dialog without someone launching into emotional, juvenile attacks. What a pity.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

The truth hurts, huh?

What you are describing is better known as social fascism.

It describes a tyranny of one individual over another, as a means to an end. This, I believe is why you could provide no explanation of your terms in #1

Heavy term, I know. I guess that's why you have a problem with correct descriptives.

[-] 0 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

No. No. Truth doesn't hurt a bit, shooz.

Nope, it's not social fascism either. It's more like democracy should be. Lots of referendums and grassroots discussion forums for the revision and revocation of existing laws that do not serve the interest of the majority of citizens or further the objectives stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or Declaration of Independence.

Of course, tolerance for political ideologies is integrated into what I am suggesting. It doesn't matter which one is supported by the social system, so long as it adheres to the fundamental principles and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Well, shooz, if there's anything I've learned, it's that there is no use trying to rationalize with a person who holds false beliefs. But again, I welcome you to explain which parts you don't understand in my post. I'd be happy to answer your questions.

No, I have a problem with misuse of descriptives, such as when people apply them incorrectly and then cling to their misunderstanding as though their beliefs are truths.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I'd believe you, but you never did describe what you meant in #1.

Since that's the case, I reject your attempts at insult as misguided at best.

Although if you'd like to exchange barbs, I can do that too.

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

Shooz, the post is very long...too long to repeat in its entirety...I suppose in a nutshell it is a strategy to remove psychopaths from government and roll back existing laws, etc., that do not serve the interests of the majority or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It seems your interest in exchanging barbs exceeds your capacity for intelligent exchange of relevent ideas, so I can only recommend that you ask a grown up to read the post to you and explain, line by line, what it says, perhaps with a few colorful pictures to keep your attention trained on the subject at hand.

Thanks for your contribution to the post.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

What will you do about the psychopaths in corporations?

What will you about the neolibe(R)tarians?

If you can't explain yourself, what are you doing here?

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

You've hit upon an important point, Shooz. According to Dr. Hare and others in the field of criminal psychology, while 1% to 2% of the general population are psychopaths, about 10% of employees in corporations are psychopaths. Corporate culture, in general, matches the profile of a psychopath and it is insidiously changing both general culture and individual behavior. It is causing humanity, as a whole, to move further and further away from the ideals of civilization (to uplift mankind from barbarism and savagery, ). Here's a video of Dr. Hare diagnosing a corporation's psychopathy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ui9C6xVpVf0.

I recommend that the same screening explained for government be used in all private sector and public sector roles that require decision-making for other people. There are 3 parts to diagnosis: 1) the Hare Psychopathy Checklist; 2) blood testing for the presence of the dysfunctional MAO-A gene , which has been correlated with increased aggression; 3) background checks, which include interviews with family and community members who have had long-term involvement with the individual being screened. Childhood abuse is a key factor in manifestation of psychopath tendencies.

The political ideologies in use at the time of introducing the strategy are irrelavent. What "I" would do with neolibertarians is also irrelavent. If the personal decisions of individuals are in accord with the 4 principles stated in my first comment and policies and programs that serve the collective through the existing social systems accord with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (or are dissolved because they don't accord), then no special interest group can gain or maintain an advantage over the majority. The ideal is to achieve equality within the diversified whole. Those in need of the basics as stated as "inalienable rights" would be served so that they can be brought in line with the average, while the average would be maintained at a level that is universally sustainable, in respect to resource availability and replenishment rates over the long-term.

My post should be self-explanatory for the majority of readers. If individuals, like yourself, can't understand parts of it, it's their right and responsibility to ask questions targeting the areas that are unclear to them. I read the Forum Post Moderation Policies (http://occupywallst.org/forum/moderating-policies-will-be-reposted-somewhere-pro/) and determine that I comply with the rules and intended to even comply with rule 5 after my last comment. However, you are now asking relevant questions, so I will stay that decision.

"The only stupid question is the question not asked." ~ Unknown

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Some form of screening might be a start.

It occurs to me that the corporation as whole also exhibits these traits. Some of these behaviors are a matter of corporate charter, and others a matter of corporate organization and policy, both overt and covert.

In the end it is the behavior of the corporate entity that becomes the problem. Screening the individual "parts" of the organization would be helpful, yet the behavior of the corporate "person" is where the loins share of the problems manifest.

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

It is only a start, intended to remove the barriers to progress. The next step, might be to start asking all politicians who want our vote and all salesmen who want our money where they stand on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Millenium Development Goals promises that the country has made. If they don't have an answer walk away.

Yes. Have you seen The Century Of The Self? Here is a link to the video. http://youtu.be/OmUzwRCyTSo It documents the deceit and manipulation of corporate marketing over the decades. Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, taught corporations how to exploit humanity's weakness against suggestion to create desires in us that did not exist. With the consumer desires set, corporations then possessed a market for their goods and could make more money.

The corporate 'person' or simply the nature of corporations, will not be easy to change. We will have a very big challenge on our honds. Yet, the data tells us that large corporations are not responsible for the bulk of job creation and as they move into automation, we can expect fewer jobs. However, if we change our priorities from profit making to full employment of people - because that too would help us reach the Millenium Development Goals and adhere/return to the letter and spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - then we can write laws that support small, local businesses that serve the community and help decentralize the population. Community-level self-sufficiency is a wiser goal, because of the environmental degradation. Yes, it is true that having one centralized water treatment facility. for instance, is more economical and efficent, but it also increases the risk to masses of people when that facility fails. The same applies to all infrastructures. Globalization is the dream of multinational corporations but the dread of human work force. The corporations don't have loyalty to the local labor force, often take their revenue to other homelands, so don't support the local economy, and feel no regret about abandoning people with layoffs. That just doesn't happen with a Mom & Pop shop where the owners and works live in the same community. Local businesses can trade between themselves, other states and internationally by forming cooperatives that share the costs of doing business abroad. We could go on and on with great opportunities, but first, we need to be a bull and ram through some new legislation to eliminate the barriers to progress. We can do this. :)

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Why are you skirting the issue of corporate behavior?

It is easier to see and control than that of the individual within it.

Always remember....A corporate charter is a privilege, not a right.

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

Corporation are controlled through the investment managers that represent shareholders. Even a board of directors takes directives from investment managers. Neither shareholders nor directors have as much control over publicly traded corporations as do the investment managers. Directors cow-tow to the investment managers, because they are held to be 'experts' and their advise is always prefaced with the expectation of increasing profits. What they generally advise is cost reduction and they call for tighter budgets on captial expenditures and wage cuts. Since cutting existing wages is not possible, they move from one labor market to the next, so they can get new hires at lower starting wages than the laid off employees from shut downs earned. Not even directors can make changes to corporate charters if they threaten profitability. And no board of directors would volunteer to introduce changes that would reduce profitability. So the investment managers have strategies for controlling corporate behavior from the top down. To intercept this behavior, we need to make a new law that requires the redistribution of corporate taxes to the local labor markets they maintain facilities in. Since employees pay taxes on their earnings, their filed tax returns give us an base index to compare corporate profits to. I suggest wage expenditures of a multinational corporation should be around 55% to 60% of their total expenditures and their total expenditures should not be less than 50% of their income revenue. These figures are published for any publicly traded company. With fixed ratios between labor cost, total expenditures and income, corporations will not be able to manipulate the labor market, cut wages and claim the profits are due to operating "efficiencies". The management will actually have to earn their salaries by improving procedures. And since the ratio between expenditures and incme is fixed, corporations will have to find creative ways to reinvest expense budget surplus in their facilities, spending on capital assets, doing R & D research and creating jobs. If they have trouble with that, then surplus can be used for community development initiatives.

But the individuals within the corporation and, of course, the untouchable investment managers, need to be screened for psychopathy. Did you watch the video on the psychopath profiling of corporate behavior? At the very end, Peter Drucker advises that any corporate employee who wants to take on social responsibility should be gotten rid of fast, "because he doesn't have the right sense of priorities and will do a poor job running the business". we're talking about shifting priorities away from profiteering and toward compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Anyone socially conditioned by the profiteering corporate culture would have to be reformed or removed if they cannot or will not be reformed.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

You missed the entire point I make about corporate charter.

It's a granted privilege. They are written by the States they are filed in, not Wallstreet. At least they're shouldn't be writing such things.

Change corporate charter, and you change the way a corporation may operate.

Investment management firms are corporations too, and quite capable of psychotic behaviors as well..

[-] 2 points by IndependentAmerican (2) from Philadelphia, PA 12 years ago

Don't just vote. It's time to RUN for office, and BE the change you want to see. Believe it or not, you almost certainly qualify. Read the constitution, and you'll see. Art 1, sec. 2, para 2: to run for the House you need to be 25 yrs old, 7 yrs a citizen, a resident of the state you want to represent. Art 1, sec. 3, para 3: Senate - 30 yrs old, 9 yrs a citizen, resident of your state. Art 2, sec. 1, para 5: President - 35 yrs old, natural born citizen, 14 yrs resident in the US. No other qualifications! Don't need education, background, family, money, sponsors, party affiliation. We're a republic, a govt of the People, by the People, for the People. This movement should have a candidate for every district (435), every senate seat (33), and Pres/VP. Use the rest of the movement to campaign, not just for your candidates, but for a New Government. When you win (and you CAN), you can repeal any existing law, pass any new one; regulate banking and business for real; protect the environment; shrink govt; establish sound money. Establish Justice, Insure Domestic Tranquility, and Secure the Blessings of Liberty. The incumbents and their party sponsors will never change. Stop complaining and get to work! If your leadership balks, ask yourself why, then do it anyway. This possibility, right here, right now, is the thing that makes America special. The people are the only sovereign. The people have all the power. If others wield it, it's only because we let them. Run as an Independent, if too late to get on the ballot then run as a write-in. Give folks a real choice, and the whole country will follow you. You don't need permission, or money, or party. Just DO IT.

[-] 2 points by icfmike (173) 13 years ago

this is not a protest, this is dissent...we need to continue and show the world we can re make our democracy

[-] 2 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

If Obama was white, not one black person would praise him.

I listen to the call in show on C-span. I hear black people all praising Obama. That is racist. All the white people didn't call in to praise Bush.

Its divide and conquer working perfectly. There aren't many black people in the OWS protest. Why is that? I see no Latinos in the park.

[-] 2 points by qwerty (2) 13 years ago

I am not american, but I congratulate you on this initiative. I think that the protest should be larger, on a worldwide scale. Against the WHOLE financial system. For them we are only numbers. Let's show them that the numbers can strike back. If they make one stupid mistake, we ALL have to suffer. Let's ask them to stop gambling with our lives. Your first protest wasn't seen too much on media. Obvious why. But you should not give up. A massive worldwide protest will surely get noticed. Let's coordinate and protest together near all world's financial institutions.

[-] 2 points by NewMiddleClass (2) 13 years ago

Big Corporations like to state they're the ones creating new technologies and new jobs (they do spend a lot of money on advertising trying to convince us), but in reality they tend to only commodify ones from pre-existing industries. The vast majority of new jobs and new (previously non-existing) opportunities come from small independent companies. If our economic ecosystem does not foster the continued development and speciation of small companies then our economy and the government which lives off it will continue to starve.

In order to make our country healthier and more durable we need to detach ourselves from inherently fragile large corporations that are overly optimized for short term profits. These large corporations are too dependent on the government welding it's regulatory power in order to create an artificially-stable and a less free socioeconomic system to protect them. We need the proliferation of more small and medium sized companies that have built-in redundancies with integrated dual functionality that allow them to evolve easier and better endure the shocks and randomness of freedom.

It's not hard to see that in many ways the American middle class is worse off than it was 30 years ago, even though we have adopted a vast amount of technological advancements in that period. The problem I believe is centered around that types of tools that have advanced in those three decades contrary to types of tools that have not. This is caused by the size of institutions who had access to the required capital and resources to do the advancing. Large institutions make tools and technologies that empower their large size by giving them greater control over large amounts of people in order for them to create their own isolated economic environment. Smaller companies tend to create tools and technologies that maximize their limited resources and empowering small groups to be nimble and quicker to adapt to the ever changing economic landscape. If our economy seems stagnant and slow to adapt, it's the result of us wrongly empowering too many large corporations which through mergers and acquisitions eventually bestowed too much power to a stagnant few.

Big bloated government creates big fragile corporations. Large institutions tend to innovate less on their own and rely on consuming/buying smaller creative companies as a strategic method to progress. This plan stops working when big government and big corps have colluded for decades until it reached a point where they stifled and killed the innovative engine of the independent small company. These large institutions have created tools and technologies that have mostly benefited themselves while at the same time they unintentionally eroded the middle class and the small and medium size companies that create it.

Real progress empowers the individual by elevating a person's uniqueness and their special role within their community. Much of what gets advertised as technological progress today actually does the opposite and reduces elements of human labor and intelligence into a numerical value to be bought and sold like a commodity. Large and inherently fragile institutions (regardless if they're corporate or governmental) rarely expand individual freedom and create new innovations and genuine opportunities for the development of the middle class. More often than not, large institutions seem systemically biased to only create more effective chains.

Large corporations commodify, small companies edify.

Join The New Middle Movement @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-New-Middle-Class-Movement/145269528896164

[-] 2 points by Flashcrush (3) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

Mostly agree with above - but - Still believe it incumbent to vastly expand the Small Business Admn. to become job creating engine of independent initiative research, education, advice education & investment resourcing that carries creative original ideas through an upwardly mobile socio-economic adaptivity & absorbsion as rapidly & effectively as possible.

[-] 2 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

How can we get organized? What did you guys do it in NYC? Some experience sharing please...

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

It started as word of mouth, a call from an independent group. Then people met, through networks. NYC Uncut got involved, but they also formed that way. Some other small local committees and the like. Lots of individuals coming, hearing about stuff being prepared. Basically people realizing that, no, they were in fact not alone, the kind of people who long ago seems to have stopped believing their voice had any chance to be heard in an electoral system rigged to be dominated by the business party, whether red or blue.

Then there were regular meetups, some of our more ambitious members organized public small demonstrations to raise consciousnesses. And now that we have a sapling, we're hoping to make it grow <3


[-] 2 points by ironboltbruce (371) from Miami, FL 13 years ago

I hereby openly and before God and the Kleptocracy endorse and stand ready to support the "Occupy Wall Street" event:


I also hereby reverse my previous position and guidance, and reinstate my support for the "Stop the Machine" event:


I recognize that in so doing I am allying myself with people who do not share all of my political beliefs, that I will be standing side-by-side in protest with those of the Far Left - including Communists, Socialists and Anarchists - as well as those of the Far Right - including Libertarians, Tea Partyists and Ron Paulists - and that their race, ethnicity and name for the Almighty may differ from mine. But politics makes for strange bedfellows, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all who join this protest agree that our Ruling Omnipotent Fascist Kleptocracy is the enemy of all Mankind.

I ask those more closely associated with these events to consider me at their disposal to support to the limits of my resources and abilities any and all actions - including non-violent civil disobedience - aimed at toppling the Kleptocracy, exposing the truth about 9/11, repealing the Patriot Act, reversing Citizens United v. FEC, ending our perpetual wars for oil and profit, retrieving the trillions of dollars stolen from or made burden of the taxpayers, and restoring Jeffersonian Democracy and the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.

Lastly, I recognize that making this pledge public may have ramifications including and not limited to being placed on no-fly or other surveillance lists, and for that I say Big Brother be damned: I do this for my grandchildren, in hopes they can grow up as free citizens rather than indentured slaves.



[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Welcome aboard. Go get 'em, tiger.

[-] 2 points by SNTCA02 (5) 13 years ago

This movement is beautiful and it's off to a great start but it needs a clear agenda. I'd like to suggest a few demands... in no particular order:

VOTING IS CORRUPT- NO MORE CorporatePersonhood and NO More RIGGED DIEBOLD that keeps the oligarchs in power! DEMAND voting reform that includes paper ballots, w/verifiable receipts NOW! END ALL WARS! WITHDRAW IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN & LIBYA STOP DRONE ATTACKS ON PAKISTAN, YEMEN, SYRIA and EVERYWHERE!!! The killing must STOP! REPEAL THE [UN]PATRIOT ACT NOW!!! ENFORCE RULE OF LAW, meaning, The federal government should enforce its own laws (JAIL the banksters!) NO Corporate Lobbying because Corporations are NOT People.

There's more of course but that's a good start... and this is not a party so don't look too happy... this nation is led by greedy oligarchs, banksters, killers, warmongers, liars and thieves...they are killing innocent people EVERY DAY! Remain peaceful but get mad as hell because we are can not take it anymore. The killing MUST STOP!

Voting with paper ballots is CRITICAL because nothing will improve for People if we can not out the puppets that stay in because the system is rigged... the voting system is corrupted by the very same corrupt corporations that are the puppetmasters so of course they keep their power. Less than 25% of eligible voters vote because they system is rigged. There are real solutions for the many problems we face today but they won't come from those who have created them. The kleptocrats own the system, they own the federal government and they have taken our freedom. We must demand OUR solution to the corrupt voting system that allows the oligarchs retain power (systems like paper ballots w/verifiable receipt already exist). The kleptocracy MUST end! It is the ONLY way to have decent humane People in government. Only WE will say NO to the global capitalist pigs, stop the imperialistic wars, implement TRUE CLEAN alternative energy, create jobs, stop the chemical cartel, banksters, big-oil, big-pHARM and and and.

Power to the People and Down with the Global Capitalist agenda aka NWO!

PEACE, Say No to Corporate America: http://saynotocorporateamerica.blogspot.com/

[-] 2 points by anonspain (3) from Loja, AL 13 years ago

Hello USA people, it's true since months it's clear that is absolutley necessary that US peole get united against this new (and old) world order. Yesterday I tried to post this, but there was problems on the server. Don't be afraid about you have made on 17S, it's a hopefully beginning,and it's only a beginning, you must continue, you got pure strenght. I'm from Spain, and we start our protests on 15 may. It's very important to have no leaders, else, corruption will become and destroy the movement. Be sure that they will put people to try separate you, but don't become paranoid, with transparence and clear eyes and mind, any infiltrate supposes an amenace. I put all you on advice that press and politicians (both democrats and republicans, they will call you communist or similar) will try to remark little problems that will appear, and put it against you, even they will create false news. -Must be prepared against that with true contra-information. Use cameras, live streaming, all possible resources to combat false news, use creativity to create good, attractive and truthful medias, this will put blinded political people on your side by your simpathy. If wou are recording videos of police charging or hitting people remember to hide and change the flash memory. And most important Be peaceful!!! If you get violent they will have the perfect excuse to mispresent and end the movement. Remember that police works for goverment, but they also are affected by the system, do not insult or provoke them and try to sympathize. Good luck and best hope and wishes to US people and all the world!!!

World people needs you, you need the World people

[-] 1 points by anonspain (3) from Loja, AL 13 years ago

sorry, I want to remark that infiltrates don't suppose an amenace if you don't get paranoid and don't let them to use you.

Good luck!

[-] 2 points by ironic (2) 13 years ago

Remember kids: All political systems will be exploitable because of the nature of our global economy. Thank you for your efforts to bring positive change.

I think a good start is to have the SEC enforce the existing laws. The bankers need to face justice. If we can bail out a bank why can't we bail out the people? We must pass laws that do not allow companies to export jobs purely for profit and the exploitation of third world workers. Perhaps a rule where a company must employ a certain % of employees from its host country would help.

God bless!

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Yup. Banks don't need fuckin' bailouts, the people do.

[-] -1 points by RichBrich (0) 13 years ago

A company will employ who they need in order to make a marketable good. When an American worker will only do a job for X and the employer can or wants to pay X-Y then there is NO DEAL between the worker and employer. No law can or should make them. Now, to the worker in a third world country X-Y= A higher standard of living. Do you wish to deny that human an opportunity to prosper?

[-] 2 points by ObamasCajones (4) 13 years ago

When companies outsource to companies that allow them to employ sweated labor, with no fair labor standards, no rights to unionize, no environmental, safety or child-labor standards -- essentially in an economic environment that relies upon the annihilation of basic human rights in its workforce, then the workers of the US and the US economy are forced to play on an steeply uneven playing field that is ultimately detrimental to all the world.

In the 19th Century, the American and European Industrialists made the same tired argument, that by insisting upon basic fair labor, safety and environmental standards, the proponents of such regulations were denying to the sweated labor "the opportunity to prosper."

It was bullshit then, and it is bullshit now. The problem is that between Clinton and Dubya, the US lost approximately two decades in which we could have made further progress in forging international treaties in promoting and enforcing workers rights and environmental and safety standards. Now US workers have to compete against slave labor and environmental despoilers.

Fuck. That. Shit.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

So you'd rather see Americans starve? You first!

Or maybe we all should go where our jobs went? I'll go to China when you do.

[-] 2 points by kgosztola (2) 13 years ago

Can this be republished on Firedoglake? And, if so, who should FDL attribute this to? Thanks.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Yes it should be fine. You can attribute it to either me under my nick (it's not really anonymous but whatever) or the site as a group. I think.

[-] 1 points by VoiceofRevolution (3) 11 years ago

I believe that this movement may have been started on demands, the details of which no longer matter. People can debate the issues until they're blue in the face. Politicians have been discussion things without any resolution for as long as this country has been legislating itself.

Occupy is now about the system currently governing and regulating the related issues being conformed. First and foremost, the politicians aren't concerned with social demands (which happens to be the principle with which they should be basing all decisions on as publicly elected officials and servants)

The overall goal of the occupy movement had to retract itself from its original goals to address the reasons that their voice wasn't being heard in the first place.

Once legislation is being enacted by the public rather than the private, then Occupy (or better yet, simply Americans) can begin to adress the specific issues that need to be fixed. So stop trying to muddy the waters with the debate of politicians, People's eyes are opening, soon their voice will grow and be heard.

[-] 1 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 11 years ago

This seems to be the perfect time to get some of your own people engaged in the current political structure. You can always work on changing the system, but using it to your advantage from the inside can do nothing but help in that ultimate goal. U.S. congresspeople are not seeking re-election; there is a problem finding anyone to run in their stead, so each party will have weak candidates. Fill the void, folks!

[-] 1 points by onekid (1) from New York, NY 12 years ago

So far, have we forwarded these principles effectively? They are wonderful, but they are not what people see. So many people I know have a negative view of #occupy. We need to do a better job of communicating what we stand for, to better let people know what's above in this post from September of last year.

[-] 1 points by 2bOrNot2b (2) 12 years ago

A suggestion for changing the consciousness of the capitalist directive that animals have no consciousness and are fodder for private wealth and consumption by any methods.

Background: Just as capitalism teaches people to compete not connect, the 'tradition' of animal relationships in the US is deeply effected by lobbies that are based on cruel practices and generate suffering and abuse. Green activists are the subject of legal harassment and imprisoned with special punitive distinction as 'terrorists' mandating longer sentences in solitary confinement and prohibitions for visits and contact with family and friends. For these reasons I suggest adding #6 below. (or something like it ) Thanks for your attention to this suggestion.

6.We call for the removal of the stranglehold of animal enterprise corporations on the national exploitation of animals, especially in our national and state forests and parks. (a) We call for an end to privatization of profits from national land through the extraction of minerals, tar sands, and gas extraction by methods that toxify the land, watersheds and aquifers for all living beings. (b) We call for an end to federal and state supported permits for use of traps, snares, and and poisoning methods. These methods are indiscriminate, cruel and produce severe suffering. Corporations profiting from pelts, sale of trapping supplies, and poisons have created a strong lobby to protect their interests.

(c) We protest the production farms and harvest methods which generate cruelty and sickness in domestic livestock, as well as, the unlabeled chemicals and hormones which negatively effect the consumers of these products.

(d) We protest the stranglehold of the BigKill corporations which have used their wealth to enact The Animal Enterprise Terrorist Act (AETA) persecuting whistleblowers and peaceful protesters with incarceration with special punishments as 'terrorists'.

To these goals we support: The repeal of the The Taylor Grazing Act, The repeal of The Animal Enterprise Terrorist Act (AETA, 2006) The re-listing the wolf to the Endangered Species Act. A ban on trapping, snaring, and poisoning of animals in the US, in coalition with 88 international countries which define these practices as indiscriminate animal abuse.

[-] 1 points by jonandlisa (4) 12 years ago

If you start demanding, they will put you in a choke hold. Look, most of us know these are our enemies that put that shit out.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Support the 99%



[-] 1 points by MrReformer (5) 12 years ago

LINCOLN’S FAMOUS QUOTE AND ITS INSPIRATION: “We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” “The People’s New World Order” has arrived, EXPECT US!!! The system currently and historically has always abused its power and authority, at the expense of the people, for the benefit of the corrupting element. The systemic design of our governance structure is so weak; it has no way to protect itself against this corruption, and has been usurped. Our only hope is to rise up and reform "The American People’s Government" to adapt comprehensive ethical governance standards as part of its design. We need to make a stand now and create this change, before it is too late. These systems of corruption must be reformed out of existence for the safety of our country, mankind and the proper operation of the world.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

I am in near complete agreement. And the nation needs to resume, renew and start more grand protesting! I would be careful about "seizing" private property. I have long advocated turning abandoned buildings here in Portland into homeless shelters. It appears to be a liability problem.

America needs to be awakened to the Class War we are in which we are losing!

Perhaps then we can overwhelm the election with Votes, instead of abandoning the election for Big $ to control! Big $ always shows up for every election, We the People don't!!! Worst Voter turnout in the world!!

The squeaky wheel gets the grease!

Wake up America! Occupy the Election! Take our democracy back!


[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

We are in a horrible Class War which we are losing, badly!


[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

That's funny!

We did not start the war, but if we don't fight back we and our loved ones will suffer.

Is it war to fight back??

Also, these new/recent comments lift posts to (and place new posts on) the top regardless of points/votes.

[-] 1 points by lagos81 (2) 12 years ago

When you see pictures of gatherings now they have shrunk so much its sad, sad because this movement really could have changed the world. I believe there focus was incorrect from the start, they were mad at the rich but really why be mad at the rich for buying the government, they should have been mad at the government for allowing themselves to be bought or for bailing out banks.

Details here http://www.24optionreview.info

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

we do allow most of the land o be owned by a private interests


[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

(What happened Mattlock?)

I didn't start it.

and you didn't address the second part

(I'm getting a "system malfunction")

[-] 1 points by londonco (1) 12 years ago

before you tear down the fabric of capitalist society you need to form a third party,get a figure head who America is comfortable with and aim your policies at middle income America,you need to move from perceived as a fringe socialist movement because this is what scares the average person.you need to preach responsible capitalism and environmental reform.p.s the 99% we talk about, is not helpless. you opened pandora's box its time to fall in and solve the puzzle

[-] 1 points by littleman99 (1) 12 years ago

When I first heard of OWS, I thought that something dramatically was going to happen ... like, OWS was the "new" anti-Tea Party for the middle-class American citizens part of the 99% ... but, the movement has seemed to lost its voice in the public arena (the media). As I see it, OWS has two choices to make a incredibly note-worthy difference - one choice is to continue "as is" - OR the second choice is to truly organized at the grass-root level and make your voices be heard with your VOTE ... elect those persons who believe as you do and then hold them accountable once elected. Obama may not be perfect, but he is so much trust-worthy than Romney. Romney is the 1% who will say anything to keep the 99% happy, but in reality will stick it to the middle-class at every turn. Stand behind Obama and defeat Romney this November!

[-] 1 points by PeterKropotkin (1050) from Oakland, CA 12 years ago

The real problem that faces the 99% is the black mascot of wall street who never lifted a finger or said a word about the recall effort against Scott Walker. You know why? Because the Democrats are just as in bed with the corporate elite as the republicans. Do you know who makes the drones that bomb and murder these people all over the world? General Electric. Do you know how much taxes GE paid last year? 0 taxes. Do you know who Obama's chairman of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness is? Jeffery Immelt the CEO of GE. If that aint in the bed of the 1% then I don't know what is.


[-] 1 points by Philjer1 (2) 12 years ago

Lets have a National Black Out day...where the majority of Americans do not buy gasoline in protest of the out of control prices and the greed by big oil and speculators. Let's hit them in the pocket to show the American people are strong. We need to be united if we expect to take back our country.

[-] 1 points by dielei1953 (1) 13 years ago

We need to let our money do the talking. Consumerism is the engine that drives our system and provides the wealth and power that the 1% cares about. We will get their attention very quickly if we stop buying their products and services. Our collective power is the same as theirs, namely in our money. Instead of writing letters, sleeping in tents, or occupying buildings, let’s reduce the flow of cash.

[-] 1 points by dyrt57 (1) 13 years ago

Let us demand a Constitutional Convention to amend "our constitution"

[-] 1 points by cleanwaterman (1) 13 years ago

I still wish they would have pushed harder for a public option!


[-] 1 points by 22kiss22 (3) from Virginia Beach, VA 13 years ago

The only way to stop this mess is to take the money out of their hands. Don't buy anything not absolutely necessary for survival. Take all your money out of big banks Use credit unions or small local banks. Get rid of all but one credit card- again use a small bank. Without our money they have no power.

[-] 1 points by nograve (23) 13 years ago

Your votes mean nothing. Parties mean nothing. The only thing that means anything is action.

[-] 1 points by johnyq (1) 13 years ago

The problem is that most people are afraid to lose the little bit that they have. It's a well designed trap by the government. They way it works is that they give you the opportunity to provide for yourself but not enough to actually build wealth. This way you will hold on to what you got and won't revolt against it, because you will always have hope. I think the only way people could win is when/if the economy collapsed and they had nothing left to lose.


[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 13 years ago

In this call to action we need to :

  1. Issue arrest warrants for those responsible for creating the financial crisis both in big banks, and government officials who bailed them out.
[-] 1 points by LazarusLong (2) from Reading, PA 13 years ago

Tom, Steve, quit fighting each other. This is what the governments and corporations want. Are you both a part of this, or are you not? A house devided cannot stand. Quit playing into their hands. What does it matter which symantics are used, or which one is right? Does it change anything? No. Put your egos aside, and fight for our rights, not for yourself, and your ideas. It doesn't matter in the long run, but your infighting each other only serves those you CLAIM to fight. We also know about government shills who will try to infiltrate this movement to destroy it from the inside using the very same tactics you now use against each other.

[-] 1 points by LazarusLong (2) from Reading, PA 13 years ago

This will eventually turn violent. The governments, corporations, and millionaires will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to protect their positions in life, including killing, if necessary. This is an eventuality we MUST all be prepared for. We will need supplies, medicines, bandages, and medical care. We will need food, as they will block food shipments, cut power, block gas, water, and anything else they can do. We MUST have supplies to keep us going when this happens.

[-] 1 points by icfmike (173) 13 years ago

No consecutive terms for any elected official.....shorten terms Education, worldwide, especially for women.

[-] 1 points by Coyote1983 (61) 13 years ago

The facts as I see them are thus:

Capitalism, Communism, Democracy, Dictatorship, and any other system of government and economic system you can think of CAN work when properly implemented in an analog world.

But the world is changing.

With information able to move so quickly, we have to come up with a new system, because the old ones just cannot work anymore. Not with everyone being able to contact everyone like this.

The old systems are built on each country, each region, being largely cut off from the rest of the world and this is not the case anymore.

We need to start over from scratch and build a new way of doing things.

That's my two cents. If you agree, fine. If you think I'm retarded, that's your problem, not mine.

[-] 1 points by GREGORYDOMINICSAVIO (5) from Dindigul, TN 13 years ago

A revolution like this may start or gather a sizable momentum on its own but to proceed further to fetch fruitful results, it surely needs to have a leader and clear vision regarding the destination.

[-] 1 points by GREGORYDOMINICSAVIO (5) from Dindigul, TN 13 years ago

A revolution like this may start or gather a sizable momentum on its own but to proceed further to fetch fruitful results, it surely needs to have a leader and clear vision regarding the destination.

[-] 1 points by GREGORYDOMINICSAVIO (5) from Dindigul, TN 13 years ago

A revolution like this may start or gather a sizable momentum on its own but to proceed further to fetch fruitful results, it surely needs to have a leader and clear vision regarding the destination.

[-] 1 points by GREGORYDOMINICSAVIO (5) from Dindigul, TN 13 years ago

A revolution like this may start or gather a sizable momentum on its own, but to proceed further to fetch fruitful results, it surely needs to have a leader and clear vision regarding the destination.

[-] 1 points by goalie1959 (4) from Hiram, GA 13 years ago

Keep up the great work. Keep the pressure on. Lets take this country back and return it to the people.

[-] 1 points by Riley2011 (110) from New Britain, CT 13 years ago

This morning- It was a pleasure to read the front page in the New York Times this morning... Tax Benefits From options As Windfall for Businesses Due to compensation loopholes -the write offs will be in the billions for corporate America... This system has done everything it could to crush the poor and to destroy the middle class... The idea that anyone under 80,000 in this country has taxes taken out of their checks and has to pay the government more, on top of the state, on top of what is due to the town, the register when a product is bought- is ridiculous.... I am fighting back this year- I am giving myself a basic allowance every week- and outside of my basic bills, I am looking at how to limit my food budget and where I shop, how to reuse things, I am planting a garden and making clothes and shoes go the distance- I am personally getting off of the capitalist wheel.... It is both wonderful and sad when strangers pay off layaway at Walmart's...how wonderful that people, often with nothing, care enough to give money to strangers....but how sad that a man cannot earn a day's wages in this country as either a poor person or a middle class person and pay for their kids toys for Christmas... I believe that the movement should go back to poor Richard's Almanac and help others spend less and support corporate America less....

[-] 1 points by kickthemout (83) 13 years ago

I've being saying from the beginning that this movement, to be successful, has to become political. That is we have to organize our own Political Party and start making political demands starting from changing oppressive Federal and States criminal and civil laws. In the meantime,as we make demands and make pressure on our present oppressors, in government, we will ,in time, identify potential political candidates of our own and let them run for all available federal,State and other local offices. This is the only way we can effectively dismantle this tyranny. If we leave the present rulers in power, nothing substantial will change as with this established political system which works outside of the people's will, things move very slowly. Our aim should be to replace all of our politicians in office as the conditions which prompted this movement to get started, OWS-Global Revolution, are caused,in this Country, by the U.S. Congress and in a lesser degree by our State legislatures. Then we have to figure out what we can do with a U.S. Supreme Court which normally sides with our oppressors.

[-] 1 points by zachssaints (1) 13 years ago

Let me start by saying the capitalist society is a model of natural order of life. Life is not fair in nature. Greed is a trait built in to EVERY single species on the face of the earth. Nature doesnt get things wrong. For us to second guess Nature is to say we are Gods. Nature was designed/evolved using one principal: Survival of the fittest. In order to further our species we need not protect the weakest least capable of our species. Instead let them perish via there own consequencial genetic make up i.e laziness, poverty, homelessness, addictive tendancies. In all other species the weakest animals are the targets of predators and nature allows that animal to be killed so that only the strongest survive and populate. Why are we going to such great lengths to protect those who are too weak to protect themselves? Looking at that question with a COMPLETELY open mind you realize by doing that we are slowly but surely creating a weaker, more sickly, lazy society. By allowing those of us who wake up every morning and bust ass from dusk till dawn to do whatever it takes to make sure his/her family is taken care to prosper as nature designed it we are securing our future as a species to be a very good one. I live a pretty simple life. I have a wife and two small children. I live in a home that I rent. I go to work every day. I pay taxes. I guess you could lable me as greedy because I take advantage of every opportunity to make my life better even if that means that some one else does without. Again life is not fair and survival of the fittest rules. If someone is not smart enough or bold enough or talented enough to take what they need and at the same time protect the environment around them than how would it be beneficial having those people populate the world? I hope youve read this with an open mind because its frank and true if you really think about it.


[-] 1 points by zachssaints (1) 13 years ago

Listen Up

[-] 1 points by Ashleyziemba (1) 13 years ago

I would like to see more information on campaign finance reform on this website and how it can be realistically achieved.

[-] 1 points by Klscott (1) 13 years ago

If the individual wants to increase his marginal share/salary/benefits then corporations and the government need to be reminded that without the marginal tax, contribution, effort, innovation of the individual employee/taxpayer there would be no corporation or government. It is not one of us, the CEO, the firm that holds the burden of risk of a declining middle class. It is everyone. We risk a return to the economic conditions of the early 19th century if we choose to maintain and increase the disequilibrium between the wealthy poor. To remind the collective of the individual is the goal.

[-] 1 points by fredi8282 (1) 13 years ago

No government or organization will ever build a world where 7 billion people can live happily and fulfill their dreams, 7 billion people will

We have to start building a society of our own, controlled by the people, for the people, where each of our skills and passions will allow us to live a happy life. If you have any interest in helping a well defined, open project, take a look at this website

[-] 1 points by goalie1959 (4) from Hiram, GA 13 years ago

You need to take this movement beyond rallies and protests and make it an electoral power as the Tea Party did. The only way to change this country and government, to remove the greed and corruption is to remove the millionaires from office.

By removing career politicians from office we can enact meaningful legislation such as term limits, rules against insider trading, protecting the American worker, eliminating tax havens and corporate tax refunds, change campaign finance to where everyday Americans can run for office if they choose.

Thats how we take this country back and return it to the people.

[-] 1 points by str8up (1) 13 years ago

Thank you all for the energy and enthusiasm. Our country is Not For Sale! Time to Vote for someone who will make a difference and there has Never been a better time to simply...Vote. The internet has changed the game and our voice will be heard. I voted for Change...I voted for Obama. Then he folded like a lawn chair to the $$$ of the bankers and nothing changed after the criminal Bush bailout. Time to stop the bleeding!!! Vote, Vote, Vote!!!! This can change in an INSTANCE people. We need integrity, credibility, and work for the unemployed. Too bad FDR isn't here today....Go USA

[-] 1 points by elf1 (3) 13 years ago

Who are the slave masters?

[-] 1 points by elf1 (3) 13 years ago

All this shit ...all these ideas on how to bend to the reality corporations are creating - but you know what ? corporations are not anonymous - there are people behind them - it's time to call them out - how do you fight a war or strike a revolution when you don't know who your enemies are? We need an active list of the people bribing our government - who are the faces behind these massive constructs I mean faces and names? Diebold, Dow, Monsanto, Bank of America endless lists of lobbying firms. They are so large behind their logos - what if they can't hide anymore - will they have to bare the culpability of their actions?....I refuse to adapt to a reality constructed by those without a conscience designed to keep me indentured to a corrupt system I didn't create and don't support.

[-] 1 points by ClayWilliams (1) from Sagle, ID 13 years ago

The general public needs to demand social reform, and not argue with each other over the details of how it will be accomplished. If we stand together and voice our demands the politicians and leaders will have no choice in the matter, they will be forced to fix the system!

[-] 1 points by Jim1108 (2) 13 years ago

Take the food stamps, welfare, free cell phones, free baby supplies, housing, etc, etc away and that would be a start. Quit meddling with other countries affairs and worry about ours. The president, senators, and congressmen from the federal government on down to the state level need to live by the rules they dictate to us-they don't. They have their own medical, retirement, and perks, yet they make the laws we and not them have to comply with. Direct your anger at Washignton, it all starts there.

[-] 1 points by Andreajoy (1) 13 years ago

Why aren't we calling for term limits, smaller government, modest salaries. And if any government employee is tried they pay for their own trial and forfeit their pension and healthcare. Occupy the government! go there now and spread the word. http://www.change.org/petitions/occupy-united-states-government-government-officals-to-stop-foreclosures-pay-back-75-of-monies-earned?share_id=CePQVDcdrN&

[-] 1 points by IITheKidII (6) 13 years ago

I just read about the plan to shut down ports nationwide. It seems like this would only hurt the working middle class Americans who work at these ports and see it as a means to provide for their family. Are you sure that's a good idea? If somebody came between myself and my means of providing for my family there would be serious consequences.

[-] 1 points by Paulhaider74 (3) 13 years ago

I love Occupy Wall Street as well as all of my 99% brothers and sisters! The revolution starts now, and it will be televised for all of the world to see!!! Paul Haider, Chicago

[-] 1 points by ASDLR (2) 13 years ago

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, the point is to change it" (K.Marx, Manuscripts of 1844)

[-] 1 points by Treehugger56 (3) 13 years ago

Capitalism DOES NOT work for most people. So why should they support it? I support all 5 of the calls to action in every city, but this will be a long, hard and eventually even bloody revolution. I believe we are in the first days of it. I'm asking for ideas on how to advance it.

[-] 1 points by theonethatistonotbenamed (2) 13 years ago

I have question for all of you. If you believe in the whole freedom idea then why to you restrict people's opinion here. when someone posts something that you don't like because it doesn't support what you believe you delete it? that totally contradicts what you have has your core principles.

[-] 1 points by theonethatistonotbenamed (2) 13 years ago

this is the dumbest thing i have ever seen you are all for freedom of jobs and the workplace but then you cant use caps on the websites with a bunch of rules. You need to get your numbers straight. you are wasting the polices time that could have be spend solving real problems if you go down to one of these occupy places its a bunch of homeless people looking for a free tent none of them know what the 1% is so i suggest that you all leave before the police come to their senses and arrest you all. And congrats on your triangle that you build in dc yesterday i could have build on better for a school project.

[-] 1 points by lynxoid (5) 13 years ago

I don't want any revolutions. I am against seizing anything, abandoned or not, against seizing workplaces and what not. I think this statement calls for chaos, and provides no solutions to the economical problems our country faces. How is doing anything mentioned in this statement change the current law and policy?

[-] 1 points by dreamingforward (394) from Gothenburg, NE 13 years ago

Love this. I just saw this for the first time. You should check out the project I'm working on to create the new economy: pangaia.sf.net.

good will and luck,


[-] 1 points by Rich (1) 13 years ago

I also love the list. The reality is that it is going to take time to change the system. When I got out of prison the third time, I wanted to make changes, not only with myself, but with the system. Enrolled in college, went six years straight though, and got a Master’s Degree. I have been working within the system to make changes where I can. We need to support candidates who agree with us and overwhelm congress with those who support our movement.

[-] 1 points by smithbaltimore (1) 13 years ago

This list looks like a road to nowhere. It is too general and amorphous to make needed changes that might empower more people to lead better lives.

I agree with:

Demand the following:

SIngle Payer Health Care Reinstate Glass Steagall Overturn Citizen United/Campaign Finance Reform Revoke Corporate Personhood law Close corporate tax loopholes Raise taxes on upper incomes Address US job outsourcing<<

[-] 1 points by MainStreetLeaders (1) 13 years ago

Those who hoard power and wealthy are loving all the in-fighting here.

[-] 1 points by edward1 (1) 13 years ago

I like the demands listed below. Here is a list of more specific actions that can be readily implemented by the Administration and Congress.

a) Eliminate the exclusion of senators and congressmen from the insider trading law. This exclusion allows camouflaged graft. b) Eliminate the Bush tax breaks. This will hurt the middle class as well as the rich, but the money can be better spent on early childhood education, prenatal care, etc. c) Adequately fund the S.E.C. so that it can properly carry out its oversight duties. d) Adequately fund the banking oversight agency and insure its independence from the financial institutions it oversees. e) Enable the Consumer Protection Agency to carry out its duties by appointing a permanent Administrator, and supplying adequate funding. f) Insist that ALL banks implement the program that reduces mortgage principles of underwater mortgages of all primary residences. No excuses regarding ownership of mortgages.

[-] 1 points by thisisretarded (1) 13 years ago

I had to research this movement for school, and you all are RETARDED! those people have worked their ass off since freshman year of high school, all you people have done is rented a tent and go bitch and moan about how no one is giving you money. fucking idiots.

[-] 1 points by uppitynegro (1) 13 years ago

If you don't like the practices of wall street banks, I strongly suggest you simply start your own bank or credit union with a transparent charter and fair lending policies, then compete against the other banks. If you did so and the charter was truly customer-focused I'd put all my money there. That is what action looks like in America. You have the resources - employ them and change the banking system by out-competing.

[-] 1 points by Gaybinator (2) 13 years ago

The Consequences of a Socialist State

''For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principled concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all care of thinking and the trouble of living?” . . . It covers the surface of society with a network of small and complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting: such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to be nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.''

Alexis de Tocqueville From Democracy in America 1836

[-] 1 points by blakberry45 (12) 13 years ago

Public sentiment, growth of the movement, and number of protesters are at an all time high. The movement is ripe for the demand and call to action phase especially after the UC Davis incident. I suggest this......Its time for the Occupy Wall Street Bill to go before Congress for a vote.

A. Define the Issues for the bill. Use language from failed bills that support the views of the 99 percent.

  1. Do we agree with the President's American Jobs Act?
  2. Student Loan Reform and Forgiveness Programs?
  3. Health Care for Everyone?
  4. Means Test for Unemployment Benefits and Social Security? If you are already rich such you get unemployment or social security?
  5. Against Deregulation for Energy, EPA, Education, IRS? More regulation is needed in the nonprofit sectors.
  6. Against Education Disparities in Education?
  7. Increase Protection laws for abused children and mandatory reporting?
  8. Wall Street transaction tax?
  9. Banking and Speculation Regulations?
  10. Super rails, infrastructure, and rebuilding America?
  11. Increase tax on imports?
  12. Close tax breaks for company outsourcing jobs outside of America, American Company pay taxes on those out of country earnings?

B. Outline the components of the Bill to the American People (the 99%)

  1. Create a online petition for the Bill to show the strength of all your supporters and just not those who are actually occupying.

C. Find A Congressman/ Congresswoman to sponsor the Bill to put before Congress for a vote.

Take this action and you will be able to show the country is behind you. Have people give there name, email address, highest education level, whether they are currently employed, and their profession/trade.

[-] 1 points by jackfram (1) 13 years ago

I think the demands are clear. Our Constitution provides us the right to institute a new government if the people feel the existing system has overstepped its bounds. I think that what this should be seen as is not an occupation but a revolution.

[-] 1 points by TheJosher21 (3) 13 years ago

The most effective weapon of the people - for the people - is the inaction of voting. If one truly cares about his freedom, no support for any variant of politics is needed; then and only then is freedom "taken back." The whole country, save for those unruly political figures who are intent on running this country to the ground, need to come together and refuse to vote come next election, to display the people's repudiation of a government that does not care about its citizens, the very people who it is purported to care about.

[-] 1 points by TheJosher21 (3) 13 years ago

The most effective weapon of the people - for the people - is the inaction of voting. If one truly cares about his freedom, no support for any variant of politics is needed; then and only then is freedom "taken back." The whole country, save for those unruly political figures who are intent on running this country to the ground, need to come together and refuse to vote come next election, to display the people's repudiation of a government that does not care about its citizens, the very people who it is purported to care about.

[-] 1 points by AntonyCicero (2) 13 years ago

To take something away from someone else - to profit by another's loss - is more unnatural than death, or destruction, or pain, or any other physical or external blow. To begin with, this strikes at the roots of human society and fellowship. For if we each of us propose to rob or injure one another for our personal gain, then we are clearly going to demolish what is more emphatically nature's creation than anything else in the world: namely, the link that unites every human being with every other. Nature's Law promotes and coincides with the common interest.

If people claim, that they have no intention of robbing their parents or brothers for their gain but that robbing their compatriots is a different manner , they are talking nonsense.

[-] 1 points by AntonyCicero (2) 13 years ago


Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

IT IS YOUR RIGHT! The corporations steal from you, they abuse your freedom, they abuse freedom, they abuse the laws, they hire lawyers to abuse the laws and write new laws that only augment their power. They destroy our educational system, they destroy our cultural heritage, and they incite injustice. DO NOT BUY THEIR PRODUCTS ANYMORE. REMOVE YOUR MONEY FROM THE BANKS, STOP USING VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX. It will be hard but it is a start.

As Cicero, the astute Roman Senator who was against tyranny and was read by Thomas Jefferson, said 2000 years ago:

"There are two kinds of injustice: those who inflict it, and that done by those who do not protect victims from injury when they have the power to do so. "

If your government is not protecting you, it is time for it to go. The senators have abused your freedom.

[-] 1 points by peoplesvoice (4) 13 years ago

I'd like to see an end to Human Trafficking, girls and children should not be bought and sold as sex slaves, that's just sick. It must end! Also, we are due for free health care, it's now or never.

[-] 1 points by zeus95173 (1) 13 years ago

Why haven't we organized and focused our energy on one financial institution nationwide? This would send a strong message to wallstreet and everyone.

[-] 1 points by onepercent555pine (0) 13 years ago

I would like to know the reason that some one had to put their cigarette out on my BMW this morning. I am 24 years old and started a company while I was still in high school. I choose to live on Wall and am constantly harassed by you guys. I am not a banker but an entrepreneur. I am not a follower and thats why I am successful. You guys need to be more constructive with your time... I had to change gears because of the economy and you must too it is an embarrassment what you are doing.

[-] 1 points by JoeNYC (5) 13 years ago

The fact that there was comment at 9:11 this morning on the OWS home page stating "Opening bell delayed!" demonstrates that you morons are protesting something you neither understand nor have taken the time to learn about. There is nothing more pathetic than a misinformed, lazy "revolutionary." Go occupy your mother's basement.

[-] 1 points by griffon (1) from Paramus, NJ 13 years ago

The danger for us, and our movement, is the co-opting of it's principals/symbols by the very elites that it seeks to reform. It happened in the 60's. To remain true to our spirit without compromise until the mission is done will be the ultimate challenge

[-] 1 points by 4thaugust1932 (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

The easiest way to protest Govt is print/circulate/use your own banknotes exclusively among your community.

[-] 1 points by cmoylanc (32) 13 years ago

Yes. I say yes.

[-] 1 points by merit131 (2) 13 years ago

With all the BS out there, This leadership needs to inform us, (OWS) how to vote, we need to make changes this election, we need to know who to vote for and why. Just maybe we can make a change all together. It's going to be tough w/ these corp's pouring in as much as they want. (Overturn Citizen United/Campaign Finance Reform) Once we get the congress we can make it happen if we stay together.

[-] 1 points by merit131 (2) 13 years ago

With all the BS out there, This leadership needs to inform us, (OWS) how to vote, we need to make changes this election, we need to know who to vote for and why. Just maybe we can make a change all together. It's going to be tough w/ these corp's pouring in as much as they want. (Overturn Citizen United/Campaign Finance Reform) Once we get the congress we can make it happen if we stay together.

[-] 1 points by amina (1) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

OK, so now what? What's your plan of action? I agree with the folks below. YOU NEED TO HAVE SPECIFIC TANGIBLE DEMANDS! This has gone on long enough and you're losing folks who were sympathetic in the beginning. Right now, it seems that you still don't have a plan and have merely become a nuisance for city dwellers who would also like to enjoy their parks. You've become whining, lazy people who aren't actually doing anything. Have you thought about that? About the fact that you are doing exactly what you protest against? You're preventing other citizens from using their public space. And you're alienating people.

I understand your anger and desire for change, and I'd like to be sympathetic but your lack of direction and lack of a plan of action - a plan for productive action - is getting nowhere.

Sooo, now what? What are you going to do other than create dirty encampments that are becoming breeding grounds for drug sales (LA), trash, and just down right filthy parks.

[-] 1 points by FrankytheGreat (1) 13 years ago

I am 100% behind this manifesto, so far as I've interpreted it. The inherent problem is how are others interpreting this? Occupy Wall Street should focus it's efforts on finding it's leaders, because there must be many. There are many issues to address. I think a look at MoveOn.org's structure and other similar structures (since there are a plethora of demands to be made here) along with revisiting the Federalist Papers and other constitutional/Revolutionary War documents are what is needed here.

If you are to take a serious stand, you must go all the way. I am only one, but you have my support.

[-] 1 points by Freedom1776 (3) 13 years ago

Sounds like Marxism to me. NO THANKS. I believe in freedom. Freedom to succeed or fail on my own merit. I do not begrudge anyone the profits of their labor.
Maybe if you spent more time looking to how you can enrich your own life instead of cursing others you could be part of the solution instead of a part of the problem.

[-] 1 points by Freedom1776 (3) 13 years ago

Sounds like Marxism to me. NO THANKS. I believe in freedom. Freedom to succeed or fail on my own merit. I do not begrudge anyone the profits of their labor.
Maybe if you spent more time looking to how you can enrich your own life instead of cursing others you could be part of the solution instead of a part of the problem.

[-] 1 points by Freedom1776 (3) 13 years ago

Sounds like Marxism to me. NO THANKS. I believe in freedom. Freedom to succeed or fail on my own merit. I do not begrudge anyone the profits of their labor.
Maybe if you spent more time looking to how you can enrich your own life instead of cursing others you could be part of the solution instead of a part of the problem.

[-] 1 points by PeteG2 (393) 13 years ago

I'm very sorry the park was cleared, but it will bring out more supporters. Expanding the protests across the city is exactly the right tactic now.

Let's keep the faith. Keep protesting. Keep it nonviolent. Keep it legal to give the mayor and police no excuse to silence us. Let's be a great big thorn in the side of the smug 1% and their pets in government until we turn the nation back toward the path of economic justice.


[-] 1 points by wayne0975 (1) 13 years ago

I just started looking at this, and I have a question. I have not read through the comments, so this has probably been asked.

How do you intend to reduce the power of the corporations? They have the money, and money equals power. I don't think they will just give up their power. Can their power be legislatively reduced?

With this power, they have great influence over the government, which is largely just as greedy and corrupt.

I think that one thing that would help, is to make Congress fully subject to the laws it passes. Right now, they exempt themselves from almost everything they pass. They are out of Social Security, have no worry for healthcare, etc.

I was watching a segment on CNBC today about insider trading. We prosecute and send people to jail for this. But members of Congress trade and invest on what they know all the time-ahead of anyone else knowing, and enrich themselves. Congress is not subject to laws on insider trading. Ethics are a thing they don't deal with until it creates an issue or problem for them.

If Congress had to fully comply with the laws of the land which they create, corporations might not have as much influence over them. And we might get better leaders, rather than greedy leaders.

I would recommend that you push for a constitutional amendment that requires Congress to be fully subject to the laws they pass, taking away their ability to exempt themselves from laws. That would be a start to reducing the power and influence that corporations have over the government.

[-] 1 points by stanchaz (36) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I don't need 11-11-11 to remind me that America will always be number one in my heart...the land and the people that I love. Problem is, America used to work. The people had work. The system worked. Hey, EVEN the Congress used to work...(sometimes). God knows, it was far, far, far from perfect - but at least we all had some share in the struggles AND the rewards. But somewhere along the way, we lost our way. And now we have an economy and a political system that seems to work only for the rich. What they call "trickle down economics"... leaves most of us out in the cold cold rain. We need to get back to what America was, and what it should be, and what it can be. Occupy Wall Street is no longer just a place called Zuccotti Park - Zuccotti Park is everywhere. You can beat us and arrest us, you can mace and tear-gas us, you can try to "permit" us to death....but you can't kill an idea. You can't keep down a people’s hopes and dreams for a better life.....a life with dignity and freedom....for us... and for our kids. More power to Occupy Wall Street, as it spreads to every town and city - because OWS is us, and for us, and by us. It comes up from the grassroots, and it lifts us up in turn. With OWS America has found it’s voice, and that voice demands fairness and justice - for ALL. This land IS our land! AND WE WANT IT BACK! We want our LIVES back! We want our FUTURE back! But It’s more than just words.... It’s more than just politics. It’s your life, and how you want to live it. So why not take some time, find a quiet place somewhere, and consider this: Each of us has only one brief life....one chance....one roll of the dice...and many choices. It’s time to choose....to risk...and to act. If not now...then when? If not you, then....who? You DO have the power my friend....and the choice is yours. Don’t let your dreams die....

[-] 1 points by STEVENVINCENT (17) 13 years ago

My comment: "Wow. You guys really are Communist revolutionaries. I thought it was just right wing propaganda and then I read this!" appears to have been censored. I'm just making an honest observation, one that I think the movement could do well to take into consideration. Objectively, your statement is the statement of Communist revolutionaries. If you don't want to be perceived as Communist revolutionaries, you should change the statement to reflect values and ideals that most normal people can relate to. I really didn't want to believe the hype and propaganda and have been actively involved with my local Occupy without first checking this site. I still like a lot of the folks at my local Occupy, but you people here are frightening if this statement really represents you. In fact I may never have gotten involved if I had read this first! Any normal person who reads this is going to be apalled, if they can make any sense out of it. And you need a good writer. The language sounds like it was written by someone on a mixture of pot and speed who just spend the last 6 days holed up with the Essential Works of Marx and Lenin.

Sorry...but this is my honest impression! I want to be positive, but I cannot.

[-] 1 points by STEVENVINCENT (17) 13 years ago

Wow. You guys really are Communist revolutionaries. I thought it was just right wing propaganda and then I read this!

[-] 1 points by Interested1 (2) 13 years ago

If you want to reduce the disparity amongst Americans and recommend change in America you need to recommend changes that can be implemented in our Democracy. Otherwise complaining is just noise.

[-] 1 points by Interested1 (2) 13 years ago

If you want to reduce the disparity amongst Americans and recommend change in America you need to recommend changes that can be implemented in our Democracy. Otherwise complaining is just noise.

[-] 1 points by anthonydesiree (1) from Lancaster, PA 13 years ago

Money is god, church is state.

[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

I think a major problem is NAFTA, CAFTA and the other free trade agreements they just give the big corporation and easy way to exploit other humman beings and take away jobs here in the United states. People need to be educated as to what they are purchasing and at ehose expense. Ows needs to call for a repeal of these laws. Bring our jobs home so we know that they are mmonitored by laws. There really is no tellinng how what we purchase or how bad the conditions really are.

[-] 1 points by cupidty11 (2) from Thornton, CO 13 years ago

This is a good start. I think if more people get behind this...this is what can help free us. This is what can finally bring the people who need it hope. Because hope is all we have right now. And it's a great start that with work can transend into something greater than any of us. This revolution is what I've been looking for. It needs improvement, yes but, theres always room for change. The country, the world has to change. No more standing alone. Together....the 99% will thrive.

[-] 1 points by cupidty11 (2) from Thornton, CO 13 years ago

This is a good start. I think if more people get behind this...this is what can help free us. This is what can finally bring the people who need it hope. Because hope is all we have right now. And it's a great start that with work can transend into something greater than any of us. This revolution is what I've been looking for. It needs improvement, yes but, theres always room for change. The country, the world has to change. No more standing alone. Together....the 99% will thrive.

[-] 1 points by goodson (2) 13 years ago

What's the (ponzi scheme) inside wallstreet investors that makes them tax exempt c/o the human trait of greed.

[-] 1 points by lonespectator (106) 13 years ago

It is time to Occupy the White house. You must help write new legistration thru non-violent pressure. Sunday is the Day..OWH and Congress

[-] 1 points by lonespectator (106) 13 years ago

You Cannot seize Property, and you cannot seize minds. This strategy and the things you cal for are immature and worse than short sighted. No one will support this! You are certainly not the 99%

[-] 1 points by outskirts (1) 13 years ago

There was a time that the average person had company funded retirement, healthcare, etc. etc. etc. Now it's all being hogged at the top. Yes I would say we're way overdue for changes. Collectively we can do anything - there is not one single business that couldn't be, umm, "re-educated" by the 99%. WE are too big to fail, and without the cooperation of we peons, the 1% would be zeros.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

look for the new Constitutional Convention WG in a few days

I believe our democracy is broken - by money - but is not disposable.

use it or lose it

Three organizations – AMONG MANY- NRA and AARP and Tparty have been enormously successful and powerful – by using their votes- WE MUST TOO !


Constitutional amendment: Corporations are not people & Money is not free speech

An absolute minimum corporate tax of at least 20% , excluding all deductions

End Bush tax cuts for earnings over $250,000

Tax capital gains as income

Medicare for all



Then, “grass roots” your issues :

get at least 2 of your friends to also email their congressman & get them to “grass roots” this through repeated generations – till Washington is covered in grass!

The key, of course, is republicans in congress

You can use www.whitepages.com/person
to look up people & addresses & zip codes. Especially in republican districts

Important Note:

they will only pay attention to zip codes in their (House) congressional district or (Senate) state



[-] 1 points by andyperry (1) 13 years ago

The goals of such 'seizures' of workplaces, classrooms and buildings is very unclear in this statement. This sounds much more like the Bolshevik Revolution than the American Revolution - and we know where that led. I perceive a lot of shrill whining from this movement coming from an immature entitlement mentality rather than much mature dialogue and concrete strategizing toward true reform of corporate abuse. A revolution (as heady as it may feel) is not what our nation's economy or people need. Witness the major instability which revolutions in the African continent have wrought over the past half century. What's needed is self-control, due process and slow reformation.

[-] 1 points by WEPartyMentor (20) 13 years ago

The WE party has helped with the debt crisis in Greece, the unification of North and South Korea, the conflicts with Palestine and Israel. WE can help right here in our own back yard!

Okay here it is.... The Super Committee is going to come up with a plan shortly. Now, lets say there are 100 items on the Super Committee's list. As each item on the list is agreed to unanimously by 100% of the democrats and republicans, that one item goes into the WE Party Committee (www.weparty.info). The WE Party only looks at what we do have in common and has nothing to do with what WE don't have in common.

This WE Party Committee is about moving forward with 100% collective consciousness on what we do have in commom and collectively works on ways we can move forward together. The WE Party Mentor is an online volunteer (www.wepartymentor.info) that helps and inspires others online in a variety of ways. The WE Party Mentors (www.wepartymentors.info) often have WE PARTIES (www.weparties.info) to help and inspire others.

In regard to Occupy Wall Street, the WE Party can help here too! Using the same Pass It Forward Philosophy (www.pifphilosophy.info), we can work item for item and one by one create WE Party Committee's to help us move forward.

I welcome your comments.

[-] 1 points by WEPartyMentor (20) 13 years ago

The WE party has helped with the debt crisis in Greece, the unification of North and South Korea, the conflicts with Palestine and Israel. WE can help right here in our own back yard!

Okay here it is.... The Super Committee is going to come up with a plan shortly. Now, lets say there are 100 items on the Super Committee's list. As each item on the list is agreed to unanimously by 100% of the democrats and republicans, that one item goes into the WE Party Committee (www.weparty.info). The WE Party only looks at what we do have in common and has nothing to do with what WE don't have in common.

This WE Party Committee is about moving forward with 100% collective consciousness on what we do have in commom and collectively works on ways we can move forward together. The WE Party Mentor is an online volunteer (www.wepartymentor.info) that helps and inspires others online in a variety of ways. The WE Party Mentors (www.wepartymentors.info) often have WE PARTIES (www.weparties.info) to help and inspire others.

In regard to Occupy Wall Street, the WE Party can help here too! Using the same Pass It Forward Philosophy (www.pifphilosophy.info), we can work item for item and one by one create WE Party Committee's to help us move forward.

I welcome your comments.

[-] 1 points by publiclobbyist (10) 13 years ago

The more demands you make at this time, the more the 1% will have succeeded in dividing and conquering us.

I suggest two demands. One, involves campaign finance. The other, the corporate tax rate.

We own the airwaves. Presently, anyone transmitting over the commercial bands are required to allot time for public service announcements. I suggest extending those requirements to providing free air time to candidates for national public office that have obtained a certain number of signatures. (I have a petition on moveon.org that addresses this). I would also include a mandatory 10 year prison term to anyone giving or receiving large gifts that are politically motivated. Only small donations will be allowed (for example, to pay for bus trips)

Secondly, we need employment. The 1% say that if we taxed them, they would provide less employment. Well, let's tax them according to how many they actually employ. A formula can be devised taking in variables like revenue and labor costs. In short, the more people you employ, the less your taxes will be. It's a win-win that Obama, in his shortsightedness, refuses to consider. We can also apply this tax to those making money with money. If they don't invest in companies that are hiring us, their capital gains taxes will be higher.

May God bless the movement. Peaceful revolution is now or never.

[-] 1 points by TheShilah (1) from Fort Bragg, CA 13 years ago

I am so proud of this movement and its attempt to keep special interests out. We can make change, even when our President, The Senate, and The House of Representatives, fail to make changes for the people, yet they are only to eager to spend my tax dollars on big corporations. I want to see the People take bake OUR Government!

[-] 1 points by jimevanhoe (8) 13 years ago

THIS IS TRUE, THE >>TIME << IS NOW AND ALL THE WAY TO THE ELECTIONS AND BEYOND! WE the People of the "United" States of America either stop the Public Corruption of our elected officials, public officials in general by Wall Street, the Bush Family and their Cronies, their systematic destruction of Our Country, Our Future....for their greed, and their blatant desire for Totalitarian Power! What we are experiencing DID NOT just happen ...... They deliberately created the entire mess....for their profits, for their group! Lead by the criminal corrupt Bush Family and their cronies on Wall Street, Banks, those in the Justice System, corrupt Trade Agreements, and the failure of the Obama Administration over the last 1,000 days = Wars continue, occupying foreign countries continue, the deaths of US Soldiers and even their suicides numbering in the 100's continue. This can be laid at the foot of Obama who has continued the Bush Family Doctrine of Public Corruption, that is absolutely leading US to a Totalitarian 3Rd World State.
failed socialism (Lenin) = totalitarian rule (Stalin), or deliberate totalitarian rule such as created by the Bush family.....has created Wages in heavy decline, National and State debt climbing. No direction, No CHANGE!!!!! BY DESIGN, they talk and talk and talk over a 1,000 days, but nothing has been done, even since October 2008! We are where we are today which is the same place where we were in October 2008. LIKE BUSH, OBAMA IS A FAILURE, A PHONY !!!!!! CAN WE you and I solve are the Country's Problems, Absolutely Yes !!! But we must first clean out the RATS: The Bush Family, Obama, Dick Cheney, Corrupt Military Leaders, Corrupt FBI and CIA leaders, Vote Out everyone in CONGRESS >>>> everyone !!!! COME NOVEMBER 2012 VOTE EVERYONE OUT !!!!!! GET ORGANIZED Help People to Register to VOTE, start in the Ghettos of America, WITH 10'S OF MILLIONS OF INHABITANTS, start on Campus, with millions of students, get involved with Non Violent Occupy Wall Street, Let everyone know your positive position on the Future of America. Solve the Problem by convicting the criminals! Unless their held accountable they and their group will continue the destruction of Our America for their Profit! Many say the Younger Generation of Today are selfish, verbally trash talkers, morally corrupt, poorly educated and not willing to work hard.......for......in my opinion ....less money in wages.....a corrupt Central Government....needless Wars and Foreign Failed Occupations.....not financially able to gain a higher education...or then find a job....that is really what the Young Generation is looking at......... unless >>>>they<<<<get involved and CHANGE THE SYSTEM completely, by solving the problem CONVICT WALL STREET & THE GEORGE BUSH FAMILY, throw out OBAMA........stop the violence against our kids with their needless WARS!

[-] 1 points by EdmondSeymore (101) 13 years ago

The people can make a difference. We just need a consensus as to the changes which will make the difference.

We need to change the political process from a must win strategy to a let's solve our problems strategy. We need to force both parties and each office holder and candidate to list the top three problems facing the nation and their proposed solution. Then, the people can cast an informed vote.

Have a look at The Common View http://TheCommonView.com for suggestions and ideas. Then, build a list of objectives and a plan to achieve them.

Politicians will listen if we speak with a single voice.

[-] 1 points by butchholland (2) from Livingston, TX 13 years ago

Politicians are like little kids,to make them do right you need to take away something.There is only one thing they have ever wanted from us, the 1 thing that they get excited and giddy about.It's our vote, If the majority take that one thing away I can garantee those in power will be jumping through hoops to get it back because you would have taken away there only real control and power...tinkAbowdit butchholland2002@ya who

[-] 1 points by butchholland (2) from Livingston, TX 13 years ago

Politicians are like little kids,to make them do right you need to take away something.There is only one thing they have ever wanted from us, the 1 thing that they get excited and giddy about.It's our vote, If the majority take that one thing away I can garantee those in power will be jumping through hoops to get it back because you would have taken away there only real control and power...tinkAbowdit butchholland2002@ya who

[-] 1 points by xuorpsinned (2) 13 years ago

Please read "LIES Have Ruined the World, So why are YOU still lying?" by Dennis Proux. It is practically a manual for the movement that goes way beyond the surface problems of Wall Street. Just published on eBook

[-] 1 points by xuorpsinned (2) 13 years ago

Please read "LIES Have Ruined the World, So why are YOU still lying?" by Dennis Proux. It is practically a manual for the movement that goes way beyond the surface problems of Wall Street. Just published on eBook

[-] 1 points by hughmann (52) from Benton, AR 13 years ago

And so we call on people to act 1. We call for protests to remain active in the cities. Those already there, to grow, to organize, to raise consciousnesses, for those cities where there are no protests, for protests to organize and disrupt the system.

2. We call for workers to not only strike, but seize their workplaces collectively, and to organize them democratically. We call for students and teachers to act together, to teach democracy, not merely the teachers to the students, but the students to the teachers. To seize the classrooms and free minds together.

3. We call for the unemployed to volunteer, to learn, to teach, to use what skills they have to support themselves as part of the revolting people as a community.

4. We call for the organization of people's assemblies in every city, every public square, every township.

5. We call for the seizure and use of abandoned buildings, of abandoned land, of every property seized and abandoned by speculators, for the people, for every group that will organize them.

We call for a revolution of the mind as well as the body politic.


[-] 1 points by gwijas (5) 13 years ago

and demand>

Congress to pass the “American Free and Fair Trade Act.” This Act would set out the following ground rules—with appropriately tough sanctions for failing to play by them: Any nation wishing to trade freely in manufactured goods with the United States must abandon all illegal export subsi- dies, maintain a fairly valued currency, offer strict protec- tions for intellectual property, uphold environmental and health and safety standards that meet international norms, provide for an unrestricted global market in energy and raw materials, and offer free and open access to its domestic mar- kets, including media and Internet services.

If we surrender our manufacturing base to Chinese mercan- tilism while we continue to finance China’s rise by buying Chi- nese products and running massive trade deficits, all we are doing as consumers is ensuring our own eventual demise.

[-] 1 points by JohnBWatson (0) 13 years ago

Sloth makes all things difficult, but industry, all things easy. He that rises late must trot all day, and shall scarce overtake his business at night, while laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him. Send quote to a friend Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American statesman, scientist and philosopher.

[-] 1 points by freedomfighter776 (1) 13 years ago

Isaiah 3:14 The LORD enters into judgment with the rulers and leaders of his people: It is YOU who have devoured the vineyard; The plunder of the poor is in YOUR houses (and bank accounts). 15 What do you think you are doing by crushing my people, and by grinding the faces of the poor? says the LORD God of hosts.

[-] 1 points by sauldeanda (1) from Oaxaca, OAX 13 years ago

he soñado muchas veces y en todas ellas he visto un mundo con humanos transformados,amaras a tu projimo como a ti mismo, en igualdad de derechos y obligaciones que derivan de la conciencia del bien comun,enalteciendo los valores espirituales,haciendonos una sociedad de justicia social en donde todos tengamos nuestros derechos humanos como primer objetivo a defender.somos el 99%los que padecemos la avaricia y violaCION A DIARIO EN TODOS LOS RENGLONES DEl sistema.DESPIERTA Y lucha POR TU vida.tiremos la tirania economica y politica NOS TIENEN DE RODILLAS BLOKEANDO NUESTRO DESARROLLO Y ARMONIA.hagamos nuestro sueño realidad,la victoria es nuestra,unamonos en una sola voz,LIBERTAD¡¡¡¡¡DESOBEDIENCIA CIVIL PACIFICA,NO CONSUMAS,NO PAGUES IMPUESTOS¡¡¡

[-] 1 points by bobsmithavl (1) from Broadway, NC 13 years ago

Where are your concrete list of actionable items.

This movement has gotten a lot of attention, but has failed to steer the debate in a direction where progress might be made.

It's not as if you don't have plenty of things to hang your movement on: Corporations as individuals fair and tax structure term limits for congressional leaders who fail to have a balanced budget (through constitutional amendment) or at least the elimination of Edmund Burke's principle by establishing recall procedures for representatives. Real campaign finance reform. No money can be given to a candidate.

You've got the world's attention, now tell the world what you want.

Quit whining and take action.

[-] 1 points by maymyo97 (5) 13 years ago

Ban US Corporations and companies who are shipping jobs to oversea. Create jobs in here (USA) , not in oversea. Minimum wage is $ 10 per hour and home rent is $ 400 for 2 people , $500 for 3 people . Tax is 30% for rich people who are making between $ 300000 and 1 million per year . Tax is 40 % for rich people who are making over 1 million per year. Tax is only 5 % for people who are making under $ 50000 per year.

[-] 1 points by RichardThor (1) 13 years ago

Folks, you need a demand to be taken seriously. Here is what I suggest. Start a petition to ban the use of all private money, be it donations or personal money on political advertising. Devise several government funds specific for every county, state, or federal position of which an election occurs. The fund will be payed for by our tax dollars and it will have two parts. The first part will be set aside to pay for live debates in the local area if for smaller county positions and on Television for any position of state or federal authority equal to or greater than Governor, and the Legislators of the state. The public will submit questions that must be answered with a direct yes or no. Once the yes or no is given each candidate can have two minutes to explain their position on the question. The second part of the fund will be split evenly with every single person who wishes to run for that office and ONLY those funds can be spent on media advertising with receipts to provide proof of expenditure. If any other funds are spent on Radio, television or written advertisements (to include things such as Billboards, Signs, Handouts and Newspapers) then that candidate will be barred from running for office.

This is what we should demand if we truly want a separation of money and state. Sincerely, Richard Thor. 352-324-2955

[-] 1 points by missouri (2) 13 years ago

Push for a move away from current voting practices to range voting. Range voting allows you to rate all of the candidates and elects the candidate with the best "score." It reverses the natural slide toward the ineffective two-party duality that defines our politics, produces the greatest level of voter satisfaction, and provides a sensible way for voters to express their opinions about candidates through the electoral system. Range voting could be adopted by cities, counties, states, and nationally. Learn more: http://rangevoting.org/

[-] 1 points by missouri (2) 13 years ago

Push for a move away from current voting practices to range voting. Range voting allows you to rate all of the candidates and elects the candidate with the best "score." It reverses the natural slide toward the ineffective two-party duality that defines our politics, produces the greatest level of voter satisfaction, and provides a sensible way for voters to express their opinions about candidates through the electoral system. Range voting could be adopted by cities, counties, states, and nationally. Learn more: http://rangevoting.org/

[-] 1 points by toughtony (1) 13 years ago

Congress apparently does not represent the people of this country, so lets remove them and represent ourself. In the high tech age we live in, we really don't need someone to represent us - and really - they don't represent us, do they? They all have been bought by the 1%! Get the MONEY OUT or get congress out!

[-] 1 points by mottman (2) 13 years ago

Wouldn't a mass boycott of corrupt corporations and gov't be effective? Encourage people to produce more of what we need and create sustainable local economies.

Jeff Mott

[-] 1 points by mottman (2) 13 years ago

Wouldn't a mass boycott of corrupt corporations and govt be the answer to break their control? We could encourage people to support and start local businesses and produce more of what we need. Local economy. Food rights are key too. The gov't has raided small farms to stop real milk and grass-fed meat from being sold. Find the movie Farmageddon. Remember cattle was the basis of wealth in past prosperous societies. They have handcuffed farms and sapped the life out of rural America. It's an outrage that most don't see or understand. They use fear to control. They are taking away people's rights to choose what they eat. True sustainable wealth comes from the land. See some Wendell Berry writtings.


Jeff Mott Mott Family Farm (.com)

[-] 1 points by jacjac (1) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

In order to show support to the Occupy Wall Street Movement... the only thing that will work is to get the "people" "the working public" (like me) to not buy anything 1 day a week... i mean nothing... you have to wonder what this one day would do if it spread worldwide in order to support The Occupy Movements worldwide. Start with a scheduled 1 day event where the "people/general public" stops and does not buy "ANYTHING", food, soda, movies, gas, ...even a slowdown of not buying anything will show the corporations that they need the "people/general working stiff" to survive and make their money....

[-] 1 points by ENOUGH (2) 13 years ago



Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Amendment XIV Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

[-] 1 points by Shabutie (2) 13 years ago

It's simple: We as a cross-generational, multiethnic, and most of all unified demographic do not want to be split into tribelike voting cells anymore. We do not want to be told that one amount of our money will be allocated to a corporation that we did not opt to support, and we do not want the actual amount of money allocated to them to be different from what we were told. We do not want American citizens to be sent to offshore prisons where they are stripped of their rights, no matter what they are accused of. We do not want to be stripped of our constitutional rights within our own borders. We do not want to be subject to permissions and licenses to exercise those rights in our hometowns. We want to be fully informed of the military actions of the nation that we as a people are in charge of running. We want to be informed of the use of the money that we as a people are in charge of raising. We want campaign donors to contribute funds in a manner that supports politicians, not influences them.

We refuse to stand only in desperation while our nation spirals into debt.

We are not blameless for the current state of affairs, but we have changed ourselves and we have been activated. The next step is to allow this activation to continue up the power structure, and to change 100% of the United States.

[-] 1 points by James28217 (4) 13 years ago

Let's establish "The Objective" of Occupy Wallstreet.

Here is a suggestion: Take away the ability of corporations to be as corrupt by LIMITING ALL SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN TO 2 TERMS. This can be the PURPOSE of your movement. Corporations "attach" themselves to congressmen and especially senators so laws are made which only benefit the corps. We are not against corps and good business, yet decisions must be made with the whole US in mind. Lobbyists and interests groups by definition are undemocratic; their concerns are for a very limited group, not the financial well being of the country.

[-] 1 points by James28217 (4) 13 years ago

Let's establish "The Objective" of Occupy Wallstreet.

Here is a suggestion: Take away the ability of corporations to be as corrupt by LIMITING ALL SENATORS AND CONGRESSMEN TO 2 TERMS. This can be the PURPOSE of your movement. Corporations "attach" themselves to congressmen and especially senators so laws are made which only benefit the corps. We are not against corps and good business, yet decisions must be made with the whole US in mind. Lobbyists and interests groups by definition are undemocratic; their concerns are for a very limited group, not the financial well being of the country.

[-] 1 points by aggi704 (1) 13 years ago

You starve the workers on the farm, the farm will die You starve the workers on the farm, the farm will die, the farmer will become the worker You starve the workers on the farm, the farm will die, the farmer will become the worker and become homeless, because he will end up where he put his precious gold (workers) in the first place, he starved them. Power to One entity, corporate America, sounds like communism to me!

[-] 1 points by JohnPaulGeorge (1) 13 years ago

Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor.

[-] 1 points by nopercent (2) 13 years ago

Go home Woodstock is over

[-] 1 points by AnonV (2) from Boca Raton, FL 13 years ago

I'm wondering if it is time that we abolished the government and banking/monetary system entirely. Everyone who occupies a home or apartment should be given it outright and have their mortgages forgiven. What we should begin doing now is create gardens and farms everywhere that is possible. When we begin a new society, getting everyone well fed will be priority one. Everyone should use their own personal skill sets to do their part in maintaining the community. We need to communicate amongst all the communities what each other's needs are and what the goals for the nation and planet ought to be. Human well-being should be priority one. Keeping everyone fed, clothed, happy, warm. We ought to seize and re-manage corporate property. This includes farms, technology, infrastructure, etc. We then use democratic processes in each institution to guide forward. We will operate out of human need instead of human greed. We will need to learn to be selfless instead of selfish. We will have to encourage these behaviors and hold each other accountable. There is no need for technology to regress, in fact without the need for profit we may just unlock our full human potential. This idea isn't quite solid yet but I think it's something we ought to consider as we move forward. Money, after-all, is the root of all evils. The power hungry need to control large quantities of capital. This selfish behavior ought to be illegal, we cannot allow others to act in such a fashion. That sort of liberty is only liberty to few at the expense of all others. I refuse to continue to participate in this money economy while people are exploited all over the globe so that it can stay afloat. It's time to operate out of compassion and humanity. It's time to come together to benefit all of Earth's citizens.

[-] 1 points by WeNeedChangeNow (3) 13 years ago

Cause and Effect • Democracy breeds freedom • Freedom breeds capitalism • Capitalism breeds Wall Street • Wall Street breeds greed Thus, Democracy breeds greed. Greed breeds collusion of the rich and powerful. OWT champions freedom. Thus, OWT will inevitably lead to no change whatsoever because democracy/freedom breeds greed. The OWT movement needs to more radical. The OWT movement should aim to ABOLISH democracy and capitalism. The OWT movement should aim to create one-party socialism. • Socialism breeds control • Control breeds equality • Equality eliminates class classification (i.e. 1% vs. 99%) Thus, OWT should champion Socialism now.

[-] 1 points by WeNeedChangeNow (3) 13 years ago

Cause and Effect • Democracy breeds freedom • Freedom breeds capitalism • Capitalism breeds Wall Street • Wall Street breeds greed Thus, Democracy breeds greed. Greed breeds collusion of the rich and powerful. OWT champions freedom. Thus, OWT will inevitably lead to no change whatsoever because democracy/freedom breeds greed. The OWT movement needs to more radical. The OWT movement should aim to ABOLISH democracy and capitalism. The OWT movement should aim to create one-party socialism. • Socialism breeds control • Control breeds equality • Equality eliminates class classification (i.e. 1% vs. 99%) Thus, OWT should champion Socialism now.

[-] 1 points by Fistfullofdollars (3) 13 years ago

Hey let's not be hypocrites! We need to pay our fair share of taxes on the $500,000 in donation money we got! Then distribute the rest equally to all the protesters!

[-] 1 points by johojo (4) 13 years ago

This phrase has been repeated several times because I tried to get the words stacked vertically into a pyramid, as in a T-shirt slogan (but I can't seem to get it to display as four lines of single words stacked vertically):

[-] 1 points by johojo (4) 13 years ago

free people regulate corporations

[-] 1 points by johojo (4) 13 years ago

free people regulate corporations

[-] 1 points by johojo (4) 13 years ago

Free people regulate corporations.

[-] 1 points by activepassive (1) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street's call to action is socially sound, but politically unsophisticated. You can't broaden the movement by scaring the bejeezus out of Middle America with rhetoric plucked from Marx and Engels. Stay on message. Wall Street bad, reform good. The guy who has lost his home and his job is there with you on this one, but isn't quite ready to buy into seizing the means of production. The Mobilization of the 60s and 70s ultimately succeeded by bringing the majority to a point of view that could be embraced. That's the goal. The rest will follow.

[-] 1 points by retrogirl77 (2) 13 years ago

i know people sellign food stamps for drugs! I am a student working part time but i don't qualify after my employer forced me to go part time after lying to me about working with my school schedule. . i see people on disability out roofing under the table, all the free stuff for the baby makers and virgin Mary's, where are the fathers, out selling the foodstamps for dope??? free housing, free food, wic, welfare/tanif, section 8, free milk, cheese and eggs, free insurance for babies without daddies, sooooo sick of this crap!! where my mealticekt?? an education I am earning living on student loans that I cant pay back due to the money hungry butt sitters?ugggghhhhhhhh Some people want to work and be successful. I am middle class, and adopting a baby that some one don't want and gets free food that is exchanged for drugs. this has to stop! this government is killing us!

[-] 1 points by retrogirl77 (2) 13 years ago

i know people sellign food stamps for drugs! I am a student working part time but i don't qualify after my employer forced me to go part time after lying to me about working with my school schedule. . i see people on disability out roofing under the table, all the free stuff for the baby makers and virgin Mary's, where are the fathers, out selling the foodstamps for dope??? free housing, free food, wic, welfare/tanif, section 8, free milk, cheese and eggs, free insurance for babies without daddies, sooooo sick of this crap!! where my mealticekt?? an education I am earning living on student loans that I cant pay back due to the money hungry butt sitters?ugggghhhhhhhh Some people want to work and be successful. I am middle class, and adopting a baby that some one don't want and gets free food that is exchanged for drugs. this has to stop! this government is killing us!

[-] 1 points by gcd134 (1) 13 years ago

Corporations have to stop hoarding cash, stop making their each of their employees do the work of three, and start hiring more workers to perform that extra work. Politicians have to stop taking stands on issues of less importance. The oil industry, its speculators, and its investors must relinquish their greed to lower the ridiculous prices that are draining our wallets of growth-producing spending money.

[-] 1 points by murrayv (1) from Immokalee, FL 13 years ago

You have a totally conservative idea of freedom, ie "freedom to" - 1.If you agree that freedom is the right to communicate, to live, to be, to go, to love, to do what you will without the impositions of others, then you might be one of us.

The Constitution guarantees us "freedom of" the press, religion etc.

How about "freedom from" want, injustice, exploitation etc.

Freedom "to do what you will without the impositions of others" by definition restricts you from imposing on others and thus limits your freedom to do what you will. You need to clarify that one a whole lot!

The Declaration of Independence refers to Liberty, not freedom. Liberty implies freedom with responsibility.

Ditch the limited Tea Party idea of freedom, and I will be one of you.

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

One flat tax on EVERYTHING bought. No income tax, no payroll tax, no sales tax. Just a flat tax on every purchase made in U.S. NO exceptions, NO exemptions, NO tax breaks for ANY ONE or ANY ORGANIZATION! The money is then divided between federal, state, local governments.

Fair & equal tax for everyone!

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Why are people with the highest incomes not in the highest tax bracket or paying the most in taxes?

Why is a millionaire's secretary paying more in taxes than the millionaire?

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Wealth doesn't = worth Poverty doesn't = worthless

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Salary of top sports & entertainment = $20+ MILLION year CEOs on average = $11.4 million a year Teachers = $42,000 year Min. wage =$30,160 year (5 days/80 hrs) Poverty level 4 family of 2 = $14,710

[-] 1 points by bdog (8) 13 years ago

check out this for our them song http://youtu.be/J6BuQcemmtM

[-] 1 points by MrsP (1) from Denver, CO 13 years ago

The private banking system, which we have just bailed out, controls us, owns us and our government. They are bankrupting our whole economy and we are spiraling into poverty. Thank you Occupy Wall Street protesters! our government has to stop borrowing from them and dismantle the Federal Reserve! check out Bank of North Dakota. The only state owned bank in the US! the only state With a surplus and only 3% unemployment!

[-] 1 points by craig (1) 13 years ago

Here are the best things now that can be done:

  1. Reimpose the Glass-Steagall act. That will stop the derivatives trend
  2. Impose a 15% money to cover all the transaction amounts a person or a corporation does - not play with fictious money that it does not have or cannot afford.
  3. Impose a heavy tax for corporations that outsource jobs and where the company itself has more than 65% of people outside of US
  4. Eliminate Federal Reserve (which is a private corporation not owned by US, but by private bankers) and return to the power of the state to print the own currency (by the US government and not by the Federal Reserve)
  5. Own (in each state) banks and have to offer loans with low fixed interest rates (like 3 or 4%) - see how Utah did it and works excellent there
  6. Raise taxes for people with income above 500,000$ to 90% or allow them to create jobs and pay 50% of income above 500,000$
[-] 1 points by acapte (2) 13 years ago

Here is a simple idea to take big money out of politics - ask politicians of any party at any level - local, city, state or national to take a volutary pledge that they will raise money "only from constitutents" who can vote for them and only 6 months prior to elections.

Since current congress will not pass such a law, it is incumbent on us the 99%ers to insist on politicians of any party to take this voluntary pleage. The stick should be to publish names of those who refuse in news papers, on tv and other media. This will remove influence of corporations as well as unions from politics and will free politicans to their jobs at least 75% of their time.

[-] 1 points by acapte (2) 13 years ago

Here is a simple idea to take big money out of politics - ask politicians of any party at any level - local, city, state or national to take a volutary pledge that they will raise money "only from constitutents" who can vote for them and only 6 months prior to elections.

Since current congress will not pass such a law, it is incumbent on us the 99%ers to insist on politicians of any party to take this voluntary pleage. The stick should be to publish names of those who refuse in news papers, on tv and other media. This will remove influence of corporations as well as unions from politics and will free politicans to their jobs at least 75% of their time.

[-] 1 points by ChicagoMan73 (1) 13 years ago

initiative 144

We should demand that President Barack Obama issue an executive order to suspend all Federal Contracts with companies that have and are offshoring American jobs. If the company does not have a contract, then the Federal Government should be forbidden from doing business with these companies. The companies will have 6 months to promise to return the jobs to American shores and another 6 months to fulfill that pledge, within one year the jobs should be back in the states, if not these companies lose their contracts as well as a business relationship with our government. We should also try to implement this plan on a state and municipal level. We can build a list of such companies:

Dell Computers PricewaterhouseCoopers,LLP Delloitt Wellpoint Ernst&Young Comcast Chase Bank CitiBank

[-] 1 points by timg (1) 13 years ago

Our government is broken and our politicians are bought and paid for by the rich. My vote counts for nothing and my voice is not being heard. Please create tangible demands so that I and millions like me can step out of the shadows and become visibly united with your movement. I pray that the next phase of your movement will be occupy Congress where I and other middle class Americans can gather with you in DC and present specific demands to our political leaders. I believe that if millions of Americans would occupy DC with specific demands that then change would happen. We need tax reform with the end of all corporate loopholes! We need campaign finance reform to remove the money out of politics! I believe that these two demands would easily be backed by the 99% and would have a chance to see immediate congressional action if presented in an occupy Washington movement. Thank you for your courage and efforts.

[-] 1 points by Mdrisc2011 (4) from Poughkeepsie, NY 13 years ago

I agree with most of what you say but I think that instead of making demands to the existing political structure we should stand our own slate for the next election and send our own elected officials to enact our agenda

[-] 1 points by poltergist22 (159) 13 years ago

Can we add one more idea that would bring in more people,finance the change,and bring some equality to everyone? www.nationalday911.org

[-] 1 points by ScottS (1) 13 years ago

If you want to get money out of politics and restore the power of the vote in politics then we need a constitutional amendment to ban such money. www.getmoneyout.com is pushing for just that. We should be cooperating with each other on that. Go read the petition and if you agree with what it says then sign it and pass the information on to others to do the same. I would also suggest we urge www.getmoneyout.com to expand the petition to include the voters have the ability to recall all elected officials on the federal level. Let's include the power corporations have to fire employees to politics, for us to be able to fire any Representative, Senator, the President or VP if enough of us think they're not up to the job. Why wait for the end of their terms and be forced to endure them and the damage they do to the country, often at the instruction of their special interest masters who pay for their campaigns.

If we want to be able to get lasting changes in government that will ensure fairness in the economy and government this is what we need. Then we can do such things as:

  1. Overturn Citizens United
  2. Re-institute Glass Steagall
  3. Close corporate loopholes
  4. Address outsourcing
  5. Repeal corporate personage

and so much more. The chances of our being successful otherwise are doubtful until the power again is in the hands of the people

[-] 1 points by Mdrisc2011 (4) from Poughkeepsie, NY 13 years ago

While I have been reading the comments posted I have seen a number of things that I would agree with and a number that I would not agree with, as one would expect. However, the one thing that I have not seen, and I have to admit that I may have missed it, is how these changes are to take place. The people who organized the "Tea Party" wanted change also, but they knew better then to expect that those in Washington and the 50 state capitals would enact those changes for them. They knew that if you want to change the system you have to take the power into your own hands, and there are only 2 options available. The first is to take that power through the elective process, in which case you would have my full support. The second option does not deserve mention. We are all disgusted with the greed running rampant through our corporations. What we forget that that greed is only possible because of the laws that have been lobbied by those corporations. You will never remove the greed in the hearts of some people but if you change the rule makers as well as the rules you have a much better chance of positive change

[-] 1 points by mikevmp (1) 13 years ago

viva la revolucion!!!

[-] 1 points by meh12mo (2) 13 years ago

It is about time; for the last twenty five years government has been taking our freedom, spending our money and wasting our time. Do not leave -- do not quit -- fight! You are not alone.

[-] 1 points by meh12mo (2) 13 years ago

It is about time; for the last twenty five years government has been taking our freedom, spending our money and wasting our time. Do not leave -- do not quit -- fight! You are not alone.

[-] 1 points by joes2001 (5) from Tustin, CA 13 years ago

I don't think you need to post any specific demands. Specific demands can easily be thought of and fought for by reading the above information. Keep it focused on big troublesome topics like inequality, corruption, money in politics, etc., and perhaps with enough strife and concern the policies that follow will address demands that the OWS movement will embrace. Keep doing the democratic and inspiring work! love you all

[-] 1 points by thomasmichie90 (1) from Mounds, OK 13 years ago

1."Stop coddling the Super Rich!, My frends and I (his fellow Billionaires), have been coddled long enough by a billionaire friendly Congress. Its time for our Government to get to get serious about Shared Sacrifice" Warren Buffett, Aug 14. The New York Times. Warren Buffett, one of the richest 400 Americans goes on to say its not fair for him to pay a lower tax rate than his office help, I Agree! Bill Gates, the richest of the 400 hundred (who collectively own more than the 150 million US citizens at the bottom), holds more personal wealth than the poorest 40 million Americans combined, one man with the wealth of 40 million people! Yea, I know he's also a nice guy, supports education,charity, the rights of the poor etc., who cares! A political system that allows one man to own the commonwealth of a Nation of people is absurd in its unfairness and needs to be changed! Its time for us to hear from the other 398 of the richest Americans, where do they stand? Before we shut down any more public schools, fire anymore cops,teachers, postal workers and firemen, ignore any more crumbling bridges and highways that need to be fixed,and deny more millions of Americans their right to basic Health Care, all in the name of austerity and living within our means to reduce the Federal deficit, I suggest that we:

  Balance the Budget, Tax the Rich! Tax their corporations, tax their mega "Too Big to Fail" banks, and their Hedge Funds. If they flee to Switzerland or the Caymond Islands with our money, send the Navy Seals, the Pacific Fleet, the 101st AirBorne or what ever it takes, to bring them back to face charges of Income Tax evasion! At least then we would get some thing worth while out of spending more on our Military than the rest of the World combined!

A just and proper use for the  most powerful Military on earth, better than invading other peoples countries to steal their oil (Irag), or lithium (Afghanistan) in order to make Exxon Mobile,Goldman Sachs, General Electric, and the " Job Creators" even richer.
[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

striking is not a useful tactic for this movement. goldman sachs wouldn't be effected in any case.

[-] 1 points by AmericanArtist (53) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Wiki Occupy Wall Street


United We Stand ! Let's Build it Together ! Yes we are Us . . .

[-] 1 points by AVOICEINTHEMIST (2) 13 years ago

We current live in a society in that is skewed and far removed from the people and political ideologies that made American liberty worth dying for. The euthanasia of freedom in the form of corporate greed has progressed so that we can no longer stand aside. We watch closed lipped with the sour flavor of rhetoric that we are being feed. We have watched true democracy raped and sodomized long enough. While I cannot speak for the frustrations of my beloved brothers and sisters I call for radical change. The current state of the country is a machine corrupt and beyond repair. We cry out and the modern ruling class dismisses our voices as the incoherent ramblings of an uneducated frivolous populous. We are no speed bump to be rolled over, we are not the few we are the many. We are not a drop of water, but a vast sea ready to envelope a boat that has far out lived its useful duty. It is time for radical change. It is time to take our country back. What is the ideal population? This same question is nothing new. One of my favorite solutions to the matter is the noble lie and related allegory of the cave. We give value to an object we no longer have faith in. The American dollar is as worthless as the cotton that it is printed on. Where does value truly hold it basis? Value holds its basis in the skill that a possessed. I pose this question the same to use as I did to a philosophy professor of mine. Me: Do you work hard? Professor: Yes. Indeed I do. Me: do you feel you work as hard as the richest American you can conceive? Professor: undoubtedly. Me: so do you feel it’s fair to base reward not on skill, but opportunity? Should the person who excels in their position not be rewarded more than the person who is of below average performance? Professor: Please be direct. What are you stating? Me: If a McDonalds worker was incredible at their job and worked hard and was of outstanding performance should they not be afforded luxury for their achievements; while the doctor who cheated his way through medical school and kills his patients at an alarming rate be rewarded with the poverty his performance has earned. Professor: What’s the point? Me: The point is we do not reward skill. We do not reward performance. Look at our government fiscal irresponsibility is met with pay raise while those who have a skill that is of exceptional success are often struggling to provide for their families. The point is our reward system should reward performance not title or other factors. The aforementioned fast food worker should be afforded a luxurious lifestyle simply for being the best at what they are the best at. People should have the ability to follow their talents and interests and be rewarded the same if they perform well in what they do. Our capital system should focus on how well you do what you do not what you do. This is a very brief introduction to an idea. An ideology I only hope takes root and flourishes within this movement. Wouldn’t it be nice to have people who are good at what they do, doing what they love and being rewarded for their performance. I leave you with this example the bank and automotive bailout. What of the students who received straight A’s and cannot work, the performing middleclass worker who lost their home or families struggling to put food on their tables. Where is our bailout? Where is our success why should we who perform suffer by the hands of those who do not? Even worse why should we pay their salary?

[-] 1 points by AVOICEINTHEMIST (2) 13 years ago

We current live in a society in that is skewed and far removed from the people and political ideologies that made American liberty worth dying for. The euthanasia of freedom in the form of corporate greed has progressed so that we can no longer stand aside. We watch closed lipped with the sour flavor of rhetoric that we are being feed. We have watched true democracy raped and sodomized long enough. While I cannot speak for the frustrations of my beloved brothers and sisters I call for radical change. The current state of the country is a machine corrupt and beyond repair. We cry out and the modern ruling class dismisses our voices as the incoherent ramblings of an uneducated frivolous populous. We are no speed bump to be rolled over, we are not the few we are the many. We are not a drop of water, but a vast sea ready to envelope a boat that has far out lived its useful duty. It is time for radical change. It is time to take our country back. What is the ideal population? This same question is nothing new. One of my favorite solutions to the matter is the noble lie and related allegory of the cave. We give value to an object we no longer have faith in. The American dollar is as worthless as the cotton that it is printed on. Where does value truly hold it basis? Value holds its basis in the skill that a possessed. I pose this question the same to use as I did to a philosophy professor of mine. Me: Do you work hard? Professor: Yes. Indeed I do. Me: do you feel you work as hard as the richest American you can conceive? Professor: undoubtedly. Me: so do you feel it’s fair to base reward not on skill, but opportunity? Should the person who excels in their position not be rewarded more than the person who is of below average performance? Professor: Please be direct. What are you stating? Me: If a McDonalds worker was incredible at their job and worked hard and was of outstanding performance should they not be afforded luxury for their achievements; while the doctor who cheated his way through medical school and kills his patients at an alarming rate be rewarded with the poverty his performance has earned. Professor: What’s the point? Me: The point is we do not reward skill. We do not reward performance. Look at our government fiscal irresponsibility is met with pay raise while those who have a skill that is of exceptional success are often struggling to provide for their families. The point is our reward system should reward performance not title or other factors. The aforementioned fast food worker should be afforded a luxurious lifestyle simply for being the best at what they are the best at. People should have the ability to follow their talents and interests and be rewarded the same if they perform well in what they do. Our capital system should focus on how well you do what you do not what you do. This is a very brief introduction to an idea. An ideology I only hope takes root and flourishes within this movement. Wouldn’t it be nice to have people who are good at what they do, doing what they love and being rewarded for their performance. I leave you with this example the bank and automotive bailout. What of the students who received straight A’s and cannot work, the performing middleclass worker who lost their home or families struggling to put food on their tables. Where is our bailout? Where is our success why should we who perform suffer by the hands of those who do not? Even worse why should we pay their salary?


[-] 1 points by Shadmith (2) 13 years ago

The movement has grown and become global, this has shown us the great need to address corporate issues of humanity at a global scale, I believe that we need to grow up and mature our cause, I want to suggest a global approach to it, by redefining our cause and goal rather than just enforce our adversaries, I suggest to change the tittle "OccupyWallStreet" with "Global Movement for Ethical Treatment over Corporate Greed". Thank you and hope to aline our cause for the better of all.

[-] 1 points by Shadmith (2) 13 years ago

In point number 4, about power, I believe we need to elaborate more about it, power is just a condition of will or control, in any kind of relationships we exercise some degree of power, the problem is not power itself, but the ethical use of it.

[-] 1 points by xtrchessreal (2) 13 years ago

Denver could use some help, stupid laws about park hours are being enforced and people arrested. need a ton of people to swarm the capitol area on the parks, numbers may make it overwhelming to enforced ridiculous law.

[-] 1 points by Realsupai (1) 13 years ago

99% should stay until the 1% pays!!!!! don't let them divide and conquer, that is why the mass media is asking for a unified call and bringing defense budgets into question-it is not to bring to light another just cause, but do divide us. To cause us to look at only one of the many parts of their corrupt system! It is time for people of earth to unite against the system that has enslaved us since the first coin was cast! Please for the sake of this planet, not just man,woman & child, but for all life- stay the course- dont be swayed by polictions all of a sudden backing the call without opening their wallets! Watch mayor whats his name in NY will be asking for donations from ya before helping one child eat a decent meal on his own dime!!!

[-] 1 points by annie (132) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

My name is Anne Lockee. I am a 40 year old business owner and mother of three. I have things to say to the organizers of the Occupy Wall Street Protests to keep the momentum going but I don't know how or who to contact. If you find the following of interest, please do what you can to spread the word. Thanks.

MY WORRY: We are the 99% but many are unable to attend a protest for one reason or other. We need to find a way all interested citizens may participate and feel they can make an impact because so much of our disillusionment stems from feeling powerless. It also can't hurt to see our numbers grow. Another concern...when it starts getting cold outside the protests might wane a bit...AND also I fear that wallstreet is quite used to people mad at them. They may be able to withstand our ire for a very long time. So, since this is such an important moment.... MY IDEA: We stage targeted "boycotts" that are announced via facebook/twitter. For instance, the entire 99% does not shop for only one day at a different place and this place changes every single day. (after all we are not trying to put anyone out of business or do harm but make a point and show our power.) It could go like this monday no amazon NOT ONE DIME...tuesday no starbucks...wednesday no arco...etc. Again, the company does not matter. All companies are culpable, even the good ones, because they are all part of the Wallstreet Machine. Our goal is not to shut down the country. After all, we want to employ people. But we will no longer feel like helpless consumers that have no choice but to buy the "company stores" product no matter what the price. We have a choice...so we choose!

AND THEN, TO EXPLAIN OUR PURPOSE: We calculate the amount of money a company loses every day and say... "Hey, that's a lot of money in just one day." Now let's compare that to the FAIR amount of tax we'd like you to pay...or “How much is that compared to the insane bonuses you give your CEO” etc etc etc. After OWS comes up with it's demands something can be written and signed for individual companies to show their support, creating a list of sympathetic companies.

BECAUSE: We are not trying to screw anyone, we just demand fairness.

AND: Since the best way to achieve fairness is,in part, to REGULATE Wallstreet and modify the tax code (i.e. add a tax bracket for millionaires, scrap overseas tax havens, introduce a modest financial transaction tax, revamp the estate tax, end preferential treatment on capital gains tax).... we need americans to see that many big companies may actually be on board which could really change things.

AND IN THE END:This is a relatively painless thing for all. the rich will still be rich. the free market will still be free (just not allowed to be as corrupt) and ALL OF US will enjoy our American citizenry without so much contempt for each other.

AND TO END WITH A SLOGAN THAT MATTERS: "When we all do better, we all do better."

[-] 1 points by Mdrisc2011 (4) from Poughkeepsie, NY 13 years ago

you mentioned above that the 99% are feeling powerless and you are correct in that but I have to mention that in fact we have always had the power needed to make the changes required to make for a more equitable society, we have just lacked the... platform, will, desire, take your pick

[-] 1 points by annie (132) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

absolutely! we have started a facebook page that is gaining traction. please join and spread the word. Today's daily boycott is coca-cola. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003055706229

[-] 1 points by budmanjr2011 (1) from Penrose, CO 13 years ago

An impressive set of "demands". However, it seems to me that all that's been accomplished so far is to fuel the 1% 's opinion of the 99%. At the same time, many who would normally find themselves agreeing with you are hesitating because of the judgements being assessed by the very structures you are fighting against. Refuse press, occupy press conferences for debilitation, remain collectively silent on matters of agenda, and organize the Occupation as a model for what you are demanding.

[-] 1 points by NCSunflower (1) 13 years ago

I wanted to bring to your attention not to use the quote by Abraham Lincoln-

‎"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country...corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."

This is false and Abraham Lincoln did not say this. Please see Snopes.com. Sorry-I learned this the hard way-I was arguing this point and found out it was false by the other side.

[-] 1 points by solarman (4) 13 years ago

We the people love you the people that are fighting for us that can't be there!!! Keep up the fight WE THE PEOPLE NEED YOU!!! Thanks in advance from our future genreations!!!

[-] 1 points by solarman (4) 13 years ago

We the people love you the people that are fighting for us that can't be there!!! Keep up the fight WE THE PEOPLE NEED YOU!!! Thanks in advance from our future genreations!!!

[-] 1 points by musicblue99 (2) 13 years ago

If you really want to get money away from government, people need to realize that Congress is obsolete. It was invented at a time when we needed to elect a representative to go to DC and vote the way the majority would have wanted. We don't need that. We, the people, can vote on things ourselves using the internet. There should still be "Congressmen" but they only act to adivse us on which way we should vote. Gone are the lobbyists and special interest groups that pervade the present system. And there you go, no more money influence on government. Finally, government by the people.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Watch the FRONTLINE show on your computer and see the Nazi in America named Obama.

All you people are in a bottom less pit of lies. You have no quota. You will stay in your trance of hypocrisy.

Are you kidding. No you're not.

Liberals think they can sit in the park and by magic the government that lied to you OBAMA will do what they promised in 2008. Is this a bottomless pit?

Can you ever get a clue? http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I'm watching American Nazis on TV in an immigration story on CPTV.

The Latinos will vote for him again. They are used to being shit on.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Obama lies better than Hitler.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Obama personally is rounding up immigrants to hit a 400,000 quota. This is the start of the Nazi detention system. Its on CPTV right now.

Are you kidding. No you're not.

Liberals think they can sit in the park and by magic the government that lied to you OBAMA will do what they promised in 2008. Is this a bottomless pit?

Can you ever get a clue? http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by GeoffH (214) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

I agree, and I would add that with the protest movement, gathering our peaceful and civil strength. We should coupling that with the very real threat of gathering our resources and fighting the Banks directly until the allow the Government to enact laws that forbid the way the government is run now. I propose that we ALL stop paying our mortgages, credit cards, student loans, car payments, etc. and wage economic war against the banks. Pull your money out of the stock market, big banks, 401K, etc. Let them fail. Yes, I am proposing a forced run on the banks with the intent to bankrupt the stock market. If we do not fight this power now, we may never have the chance again. We are already headed for a market melt down. The last time the income disparity was as high as it is now was the 1920's just before the Great Depression. We can not continue like this. So spread the word, protest peacefully and with civil disobedience, and fight the banks with our only weapon they will understand, OUR MONEY...

[-] 1 points by sigromp (1) 13 years ago

For your "revolution" is needed a serious theoretical basii. See my web-site URL www.sigrompism.ru.

[-] 1 points by liltommytom (4) 13 years ago

You are the voice of those of us who are disabled and cannot physically be there to join the fight. We are with you! This is our time. Thank you for making our voices heard. Keep the faith and never give up. We love what you are doing. We stand with you. We are the 99%!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Zenciti (8) 13 years ago

I'm in.

[-] 1 points by rprevost (2) 13 years ago

Why not have a Goverment where Everyone has a Say?..use the Social Media...each Individual could then participate in the vote...votes could be tallied instantly and then the Majority passes....actually Ellimating they need for any representatives, because we would represent ourselfs. Debates could also be carried on thru Social Media All major issues from Jobs,Healthcare, Tax Reform, just to name a few, could be weight in, thus allowing everyone to have a Say........Main Stream Media is treating the Occupation like it is just a big Hippie Hangout and that it will eventually just go away.....We will get No truths from them, because they too are run by the Big Corporations. We should Take our Factories Back and start producing again but Factories that are Owned and Operated BY the People,. We need to start Taking a Closer Account of the Money...I'm sure I'm not wrong in Saying, that it seems like a lot of Money Mismanagement is going on Federally and Locally....We Need a Peoples Bank.. Not a Federal Bank.....because that too, is Run By a Big Corporation.

[-] 1 points by Anonymous311 (2) 13 years ago

Perhaps the key is to sever the ties between our elected officials and the corporations by getting the money out of politics. There are already bills that have been proposed, we need to demand that they are passed, with major protections for loopholes.. Then we need to vote in politicians that aren't puppets.

[-] 1 points by justinthomas (2) from New Orleans, LA 13 years ago

What about people who have to feed their kids, so must keep working. Those for whom the idea of not working is not an option. Is there a National Symbol ? Like the a breast cancer awareness bow? I suggest Zorro mask. Simple, elegant, classic. :)

[-] 1 points by xtrchessreal (2) 13 years ago

Abolish Corporate Personhood Law - The single biggest thing to improve the planet!

[-] 1 points by Robywilliams (2) 13 years ago

Power is a principle of scientific Truth. new term energy,which power or energy must originate and flow from the People. Think,soil to root to trunk to the full tree...back to the forest from whence it came. We must be deliberate and considerate.We The People must be patient steadfast and unified.We have taken the first step in a long arduous journey we Dare not fail...

[-] 1 points by Robywilliams (2) 13 years ago

Power is a principle of scientific Truth. new term energy,which power or energy must originate and flow from the People. Think,soil to root to trunk to the full tree...back to the forest from whence it came. We must be deliberate and considerate.We The People must be patient steadfast and unified.We have taken the first step in a long arduous journey we Dare not fail...

[-] 1 points by Sal (4) 13 years ago

This movement is a great step & should continue. Its the only way real "change" is possible. There need not be any demands at this stage. Just reaching a critcal mass should be the first step. Gradually, ideas will be organized and solutions proposed to move to the next step. By reaching critical mass, this movement can become a living organism, and thereby accomplish the "drastic" change required to "remove" the cancer spread within the current system. In my opinion, it is not "demands" that need to be met, but the whole system of money as debt, 1% vs 99%, human farming & economic slavery, and finally "division" of the peoples "competing" with each other for scarce resources instead of “collaborating together”, literally, needs to be "removed" and a new system "installed" which as proposed above focuses on "freedom & independence for all, without regard to identity". The new system should AIM to use world resources to be distributed in a fair & equitable manner to ALL people... & yes it is quite possible (do not be fooled that this is wishful thinking), using a system of point credits for productivity rather than money! (Detailed solution to be posted soon). In essence, a horizontal system, with no money, and everyone having literally FREE access (ofcourse contribution of work would be required) to the production of goods & services by humans in a shared environment without ANYONE having power over anyone is indeed possible & the order of the times. Under such a system, no one would starve, the basic needs would be covered for ALL without having to earn money, and no one would have any "EXCESS" in their bank accounts. In fact there wouldn’t be any bank accounts. Yes children, elderly, and those unable to contribute work would be fully covered!.
Equal distribution with few layers (based on level of contribution) would be accomplished, and the world 'productivity" would be used to distribute wealth towards providing for all. No one would be left behind. And YES we have enough technology to accomplish that kind of a system easily! And NO, it’s NOT a fantasy utopia! The detailed ‘solution” paper will prove it. Also, in such a system, there would be no money required, no need for military because resources would be shared equitably, no need for police, no wars or any sort of conflict, at least as it relates to money as a source of such conflicts today.... more details to follow in a paper addressing these "solutions". Smaller issues cn obviously be worked out. But I fully agree, we should have a system which “provides freedom to all with no regard to identity”. Think of it like a tribe of the world… the basic infrastructure is already in place all over the world. For now, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, we need this movement to continue so the critical mass can be reached. All of you will realize AT THAT point that INDEED it is the people who have the power!... govts are nothing without people... as long as its ENOUGH people (critical mass)! Let's finally change the 1000 year old primitive culture in which we live & start a BRAND NEW, equitable system, where "humans" come first & everything else 2nd... & make way for a 1000 years of peace & prosperity in the coming future. YES we have enough resources to feed the world easily and give everyone a good, peaceful life, & that should have happened by now in the 21st century, if it were not for the mismanagement of power & profit greedy bankers, govts and 1% who have infected the world of a “great human species” into a slave society! Let’s do away with it… ITS TIME!! Now or NEVER! Good luck to all involved in this movement… the change WILL happen… hang in there ;) My salute to all those who are participating... may you be blessed! Peace & Love… Cheers PS: Notice that CNN, BBC & FOX are not covering the OWS movement!! That’s how they control the masses!

[-] 1 points by dok (1) 13 years ago

am an internist/geriatrician with 40 years of experience since certification in internal medicine. i understand the 'revolution' and knew it was coming (as I knew and wrote in a science paper in 1960 about how the electric car would solve kissing-arab-countries-ass forever). anyway i led forums before Obama was elected about a single payer system. the chance is gone. but i do have specific ideas about preventing the fall of the empire. perhaps, there is a 'leader' in the group i could communicate with and pursue this. YOU DO NEED REALISTIC FOCUS IN YOUR DEMANDS BEFORE THE TIDES WILL START SHIFTING.....

[-] 1 points by Bird (2) 13 years ago

Now that the "movement" is firm, STRONGLY recommend redirection to those who empower the 1% elite: CONGRESS. The elite will continue as they are allowed to continue the greed with impunity. Legislation permits the continued "rape and pillage" of the 99%. Surely, the fat cats at the Capital are shaking in their wingtips at the possibility they will be confronted (rightfully) by "movement". The voices have been heard. It's time to direct the "movement" appropriately: take it the the Capital! NOW!!

[-] 1 points by Bird (2) 13 years ago

Now that the "movement" is firm, STRONGLY recommend redirection to those who empower the 1% elite: CONGRESS. The elite will continue as they are allowed to continue the greed with impunity. Legislation permits the continued "rape and pillage" of the 99%. Surely, the fat cats at the Capital are shaking in their wingtips at the possibility they will be confronted (rightfully) by "movement". The voices have been heard. It's time to direct the "movement" appropriately: take it the the Capital! NOW!!

[-] 1 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

You have something here. Action is what is needed, hope never got anyone anywhere. I support such a cause that adopts New Ideas to support the people, New Concepts that educate and empower. What is not needed is the same old brainwashed garbage. Forget the Right and Left go straight down the middle. Equality for all.

[-] 1 points by DSams (-71) 13 years ago

An Open Letter to Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Congratulations! You are successfully focusing public attention on the root cause of our political ills. Moreover, you are doing so with dignity and grace -- qualities which will not only influence more people, but make it far harder for the Establishment and their political agents to employ their normal repressive methods. You occupy the moral high ground; do not give it up no matter the provocation.

But, as surely you must know, this act is only the first in a long drama. The system you protest is robust and designed to withstand challenge. The banks and corporations from whom you wish to wrest power are well organized and have, over many long years, fully institutionalized their political and social control mechanisms. Our adversaries have waged class war for well over a century, have much invested, and everything to lose -- a long and difficult struggle lies ahead.

With this in mind, now is the time to consider and shape a second act, even as the first continues to unfold. To be successful, this act must not only engender widespread protest but also dramatically enumerate that discontent. Or else, as is happening already, your efforts will simply be dismissed as theatric, but essentially meaningless, commentary by an insignificant fringe of malcontents.

And therein lies the essential contradiction -- the only undeniable measure of and outlet for public discontent is the ballot box. Yet elite control of both political parties makes this a futile exercise. Past well-organized and powerful protest movements were defused and broken by an electoral process dominated by party candidates. Third parties have, historically, been marginalized and had little practical effect. Moreover, time is short -- the next election is barely a year away.

But what might happen if you inject some unpredictability into this well ordered system? If you explicitly reject both party's candidates? What will their media report on election night if millions of us join your protest by writing in "None of the Above" on our ballots?

What might happen indeed...

[-] 1 points by madgreek (1) 13 years ago

Let's get Elizabeth Warren and Paul Krugman to help the movement articulate a focused goal. If we're occupying Wall Street, we must use this position to demand financial justice through rigorous regulation of the financial industry, through strong consumer protection laws, through a real Jobs Act, and through the fair taxation of the rich and of corporations. If the goals of the movement are clear, the already organized will be able to legitimately call their members to action.

Taxpayers bailed out Citigroup, which has now posted obscene earnings for the 7th quarter in a row. Demand that they give back!

[-] 1 points by BethinNH (3) 13 years ago

The call for action must include getting to the voting booth to toss out the "trickle down" economics folks and demand single payer healthcare for all, elimination of corporate tax loopholes, and fix the tax structure so that all people pay their fair share and those who can afford it, can pay a bit more.

[-] 1 points by martanzana (2) 13 years ago

I agree with 1of99 and to stop outsourcing, boycott those who do. We bailed GM out and you rarely get an American on the phone for service. Start a campaign to buy from those who hire American workers

[-] 1 points by martanzana (2) 13 years ago

Now continue to organize and fight on every front. You up against powerful influences, insidious influences that cannot stoop too low and will stop at nothing to stop you. This has always been a system of haves and have nots and the American Dream is and always was a fairytale. Stay strong, organize, organize, organize and don't sell out.

[-] 1 points by BethinNH (3) 13 years ago

The call for action must include getting to the voting booth to toss out the "trickle down" economics folks and demand single payer healthcare for all, elimination of corporate tax loopholes, and fix the tax structure so that all people pay their fair share and those who can afford it, can pay a bit more.

[-] 1 points by BethinNH (3) 13 years ago

The call for action must include getting to the voting booth to toss out the "trickle down" economics folks and demand single payer healthcare for all, elimination of corporate tax loopholes, and fix the tax structure so that all people pay their fair share and those who can afford it, can pay a bit more.

[-] 1 points by storyweaver (1) from Okmulgee, OK 13 years ago

So proud of you, especially the young people. As a child of the sixties, I was eventually told that we could never really change the world. I still believe that we can, and that you are.

[-] 1 points by the53percent (1) 13 years ago

And what will you do finally, when the golden doors of the banks and the wall street execs don't open up and obey your "requests"?

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Without our money, they got nothing. Withdraw and close.

[-] 1 points by Magoo5678 (1) 13 years ago

You have stated and you are short, change begins in seeing and embracing your enemies not confronting them. You will soon become the mirror of what you oppose.

You must see and stay in the now or you power will diminish. I am sure this statement is music to the establishments ears. Kevin

[-] 1 points by RobertDangerAllen (14) from Vero Beach, FL 13 years ago

Our rallying cry: “No taxation without representation!”

Our quandary: If our government has been acting in direct opposition to the wishes of its people for as long as anyone can remember, whose interests are they acting on behalf of?

Our goals: -Continued Sovereignty/National Security -Public Welfare -Economic Recovery & Sustainability

Our demands:

1-Require the immediate return of all outstanding bailout capital; Wipe out all education & mortgage debts.

2-Expand antitrust laws to include any single company that makes more than 2.5% of the US Government's one-year revenue for three consecutive years. (~$112bil/yr)

3-Designate lobbying and filibustering as forms of treason.

4-Limit congressional appointments to 2 terms.

5-End both wars, redeploy all US troops as humanitarian aid for the next 3 years.

6-Establish a flat tax with no exceptions, all people and corporations taxed evenly.

7-Increase public education salaries by 50%, double the budget for teachers nationally.

8-Invest Gov't funds ($bil) into Venture Capital firms in the nation.

9-End all non-essential subsidies; Outlaw all GM foods & terminator seeds.

10-Restrict profits on all medical services & products. Subsidize all of it for everyone, immediately.

11-Restrict interest on debt to 5%, instead of the present 20% APR.

12-End all direct contributions to campaigns for public figures. End the electoral college.


1-Paying off education & mortgage debts will free up spending money to cover living expenses for those who pursued the American Dream – helping those who deserve it! This also frees loan capital for new credit.

2-Breaking up conglomerates will produce more mid-management and upper-management jobs, as well as increase competition, increase supply-chain diversity, increase product selection – All of which helps stimulate economic growth. Any company that generates that much revenue exists as a threat to our sovereignty. We cannot permit our nation to persist as a puppet government.

3-Lobbying is thinly veiled bribery, filibustering is a means of stymieing the legislative process. Both should be obvious to anyone as violations of due process, attempts to subvert the legal system against the tenets of our great nation. Treason.

4-Professional politicians ruined Rome. They have ruined America. We need a constant stream of new blood in congress to prevent

5-Ending both wars will relieve our national debt fears, and sending them to perform humanitarian aid will show the world that Americans do have souls. If we bring them home immediately, they will be unemployed and their families will suffer.

6-A flat tax for all people and corporations would make our national tax revenue explode, even with a tax rate below what the non-rich already pay. The tax code could be as simple as one page. No loopholes, no bastions, no funny business.

7-Enhancing public education salaries and budgets would allow for more teachers to be hired, meaning more college grads are employed everywhere, and they get paid enough to live on.

8-Venture Capital funds invest in startups and small businesses, which account for the vast majority of companies in the US and produce many, many jobs. The returns on these investments will provide additional revenue, perhaps even enough to save Social Security.

9-Subsidies drain the gov't, but some industries need them, such as agriculture. GM food causes a whole host of direct environmental problems and indirect health dangers, and terminator seeds harm farmers, costing them so much that they need subsidies – meaning taxpayer funds are going to cover the profit margin of ConAgra in producing non-essential foodstuffs.

10-Restrict profits on medical services and products, healthcare costs will plummet, making government-subsidized healthcare a feasible option.

11-Debt on interest inflates the money supply, devaluing our currency. Additionally, it reduces the speed at which consumers regain equity. That interest rate is unsustainable and our present economic condition is largely a result of it. APR of 20% is infeasible, 5% is manageable.

12-Direct contributions create a system that is 'rigged'. The electoral college is a broken system – Every vote must count!

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

You have some very good ideas, Robert. There are a couple, though, that I would quibble with and one I would object to very strongly: the flat tax. Any economist or social worker will tell you, rightly, that the flat tax is regressive. It impacts the poor far more that the wealthy, and effective guarantees growing income disparity. (If I have 100 thousand apples and have to pay 25% of it in taxes, I still have 75 thousand apples left ti support my wife and two kids with.. But if I have only 4 apples and have to give up one of them someone in my family won't eat.).

What's needed, and has been demonstrated to work by our own history, is a steeply graduated progressive income tax with Capital gains and interest income taxed at the same rate as earned income.

As to lobbying, that comes under the heading of free speech, the right to petition the government. I believe it must be curtailed so that one industry or special interest has no advantage over another in terms of access, but access must be granted. Imagine that you wouldn't be allowed by law to talk to your congressman about an issue effecting your district. That's what a blanket ban on lobbying would do.

Some farm subsidies would be great, but not to corn or soy corporate conglomerates or chemical companies like Monsanto. Subsidizing small, family owned farms and incentivizing them to grow a diversity of healthy food crops would be positive, not only for the small farmer, but for inner city poor. Those poor currently can't afford to buy or don't have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and are becoming unhealthily obese at alarming rates due to, ironically, malnutrition. (Which in turn puts a strain on health care costs and other social services.)

Filibustering, when used wisely, protects the minority from the majority, and theoretically puts the breaks on a tyranny of the majority. It was never meant to be used the way the right is using it now, but it is useful. The rules about it must be amended, but doing away with the filibuster altogether would be, in my opinion, unwise in the long term.

Public education cannot be be controlled by the federal government under the 10th amendment in the bill of rights. That includes determining teacher salaries. It's a shame really, but without amending the constitution, your wonderful idea can't be put in force. (Having been a teacher for 15 years, I would have loved to see your idea implemented.)

Health care costs would not be effected much by restricting doctor's pay or the price of an MRi machine. They may not go up as quickly, but they certainly wouldn't plummet. The rise in medical costs is more complicated than that. What's more, we don't what to discourage people from becoming doctors nor is it in our interest to put a damper on medical R&D, which is expensive and is funded by profits. There are other solutions, and some restrictions would likely be positive (depends on which ones) but I don't believe simply restricting profits in and of itself is it.

As I said, I think your ideas have merit and should be discussed (I hope I haven't been too critical), but although we are all in an extreme condition now as a nation, we must avoid our demands being too simplistic, too black-and-white. We should not be the ones who are extremist, but instead seek to change a system that has become so to the detriment of us all.

[-] 1 points by RobertDangerAllen (14) from Vero Beach, FL 13 years ago

It doesn't matter what we agree upon, as long as we agree on demands that can be met! That means things that are quantifiable, easily understood, and have obvious benefits for everyone.

Our bickering and internal dissent are not helping. How about only the positive voices speak up for the next few weeks - Let the media find our leaders.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I can add that if American brains invented it, then American hands build it. NO exceptions. Bring our manufacturing power back, stop selling it off to hostile regimes. If the corps don't want to do that, then off to China they go! We don't want traitors here.

No more outsourcing!

[-] 1 points by johannaclearfield (7) 13 years ago
  1. We call for congress to pass the Animal Legal Defense Fund's "Animal bill of rights" http://www.aldf.org/article.php?id=1640&gclid=CMXI6Z_776sCFYxx5Qod3l1fGw
[-] 1 points by johannaclearfield (7) 13 years ago
  1. We call for the recognition that all sentient beings feel pain, and as such should not be categorized as "property" which has and continues to allow corporations to exploit and commit egregious acts of institutionalized torture. see http:// www.cok.net
[-] 1 points by caardvaark (6) 13 years ago

If you can't participate and want to have an impact. Close your bank account today. Join a credit union or pay your bills with money orders. They are using your money to make bad investments and to pay themselves. If we all close our accounts, they will stop laughing real quick.

[-] 1 points by davidhemmings (1) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

Why did the US borrow $1 Trillion to fund tax reductions for the wealthy? It's unspeakably profane. These people need to be called to account. They have gotten away with it so far - they must be made to pay.

[-] 1 points by andycox (3) 13 years ago

What is it with this 'Occupy Wall Street'? They're meant to be anti-capitalist, right? But what is capitalism? Simply put, it is a system wherein goods and services are produced solely in order to be sold on a market with a view to realising a profit. As such, it is a universal system, and no matter that some regimes may cynically style themselves as 'socialist' or 'communist', all are in fact capitalist, whether of the state or private variety - or something in between. This is what capitalism is all about: Profit. So if you want to straitjacket the system - to ameliorate the effects of capitalism - all you'll end up with is capital withdrawing to some locale more accommodating. Let’s get real!! Hence, genuine anti-capitalism is all about nothing less than abolishing the entire decadent wasteful system. What does that involve? In a nutshell, it entails a world-wide democratic revolution aimed at abolishing money, wages, profits, private (or state) ownership of the means of production, and all the other features of capitalism, and replacing it with a world-wide system in which goods and services are freely accessed, where production is democratically controlled, and where the means of production are held in common. This is the only legitimate meaning of communism - forget the crap spouted by both the right and the left. Want to know more? Check out:http://andycox1953.webs.com/

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I remember the moneyscum threatening Congress that they would crash the system and leave if they didn't get what they wanted. That's how they got their bailout. Not just treason but shameless blackmail, too.

Anyway, what we don't have is capitalism in America. We have kleptocracy. They're not earning, they're stealing, and we're the victims.

Then they have the gall to blame the victims? If that don't piss you right off, it should.

[-] 1 points by andycox (3) 13 years ago

What is it with this 'Occupy Wall Street'? They're meant to be anti-capitalist, right? But what is capitalism? Simply put, it is a system wherein goods and services are produced solely in order to be sold on a market with a view to realising a profit. As such, it is a universal system, and no matter that some regimes may cynically style themselves as 'socialist' or 'communist', all are in fact capitalist, whether of the state or private variety - or something in between. This is what capitalism is all about: Profit. So if you want to straitjacket the system - to ameliorate the effects of capitalism - all you'll end up with is capital withdrawing to some locale more accommodating. Let’s get real!! Hence, genuine anti-capitalism is all about nothing less than abolishing the entire decadent wasteful system. What does that involve? In a nutshell, it entails a world-wide democratic revolution aimed at abolishing money, wages, profits, private (or state) ownership of the means of production, and all the other features of capitalism, and replacing it with a world-wide system in which goods and services are freely accessed, where production is democratically controlled, and where the means of production are held in common. This is the only legitimate meaning of communism - forget the crap spouted by both the right and the left. Want to know more? Check out:http://andycox1953.webs.com/

[-] 1 points by laguy (110) 13 years ago

We need a phpbb based forum with voting/polling feature like: http://www.themultitude.org/ and an army of volunteer admins to keep out trolls and provocateurs. Together with this online tool and with the meetup groups at: http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/ we can organize this movement and start practicing internet based and on the ground direct democracy. Please someone at the internet working group of occupywallst join the above Themultitude.org website, where we have a team ready to work with you. We are wasting valuable time and opportunity. The protests are galvanizing people, but we need to retain the people and make them a part of the team online and offline, so they are engaged in the long term, to have a lasting effect. There is great potential for this movement, but you must let in sincere people with experience and vision who want to help, otherwise long term results are not guaranteed. 1% are not waiting, they are actively trying to subvert this movement, we have the numbers, but the OWS movement leadership is sadly lacking if they cannot take these few simple steps.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

"Money, it has been said, has taken over politics. In truth, we say"

Bribes is the correct word. Liberals can't say the word "bribes". Liberals along with everyone else are in the "political correctness" trance.

[-] 1 points by whatwouldmalemado (2) 13 years ago

Karl Marx would be so proud of you comrades!

"Property is theft"

[-] 1 points by Keyman (2) 13 years ago

AND DEMAND THE FOLLOWING PLEASE: SEE BELOW Subject: Fwd: Warren Buffet: In Action Again...........Read This One!!!

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes ," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more

than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election" (YEA!)

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple!

The people demanded it. That was in 1971 - before computers, e-mail,

cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land - all because of public pressure.

Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.

Congressional Reform Act of 2011

  1. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

  1. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

  1. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

  2. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

  3. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

  4. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

  5. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 1/1/12. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.

Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S.) to receive the message.

Don't you think it's time?


[-] 1 points by Anonymous311 (2) 13 years ago

Two ideas:

  1. Focus on severing the ties between corporations and our elected representatives. If we could get the money out of politics, that might be the key to keeping our democracy! There are already bills that could be re-hashed/developed.. I think most Americans would get behind that.

  2. Consider a very radical idea for a NEW democracy based on the web. What if we could develop a system that allowed individuals to vote for everything local, like a "Facebook democracy" if you will. This could allow the protesters to communicate and vote on plans of action in the near term, and ultimately replace the current representative system we now have. A TRUE democracy. Want to build a dam in city X? Everyone in City X gets a real-time vote. Polls decide which topics are to be voted upon, etc.. It would take an epic piece of software but the savings in the bureaucracy and the ability for each person to have a say would be invaluable.

[-] 1 points by rstern (11) 13 years ago

It wouldn't be an epic piece of software. I would relish the opportunity to work on this IT solution for direct democracy. Ever heard of Liquid Feedback? We could either expand on that or create something new. I think an open source solution would take shape very quickly and be open to all to audit/inspect to make sure it is fair and can't be compromised.

[-] 1 points by D2Syt (6) 13 years ago

The opinion of one .. a draft I submit to the people.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Profit/interest without effort, equal risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated.

Fruits of regulation should “promote the general Welfare” - government role or individual from which the fruit was collected.

The Laws involving Corporations need to be revisited – Bonuses must be recognized as profit for the corporations and regulated appropriately.

WallStreet – Profit/interest without effort, equal risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated. High Frequency Trading needs to be regulated.

1)progressive tax – defined as formula that allows for the maintenance of wealth but does not allow for the exponential acceleration of wealth ahead of the general population.

2)estate taxes – must be re-instated

Election campaign contributions should be transparent, traceable and regulated

This is only a proposed patch to the system in place..

The increase in accelerated transactions involving interest upon interest and the fractional banking system are creating a need for money in the US monetary system ( increased debt). This system will fail in the end if it is a purely a capitalist system. If the basic needs of the people are not met by innovation, education, or jobs the system will fail.

All individuals in all levels of society must unite under the promotion of the United States of America and apply virtue.

“It is virtue alone that entitles a ruler to rule, and when he sets aside virtue, he sets aside the right to call himself a sovereign” – Burton Watson

[-] 1 points by D2Syt (6) 13 years ago

The opinion of one .. a draft I submit to the people.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Profit/interest without effort, equal risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated.

Fruits of regulation should “promote the general Welfare” - government role or individual from which the fruit was collected.

The Laws involving Corporations need to be revisited – Bonuses must be recognized as profit for the corporations and regulated appropriately.

WallStreet – Profit/interest without effort, equal risk, or “promotion of the general Welfare” needs to be regulated. High Frequency Trading needs to be regulated.

1)progressive tax – defined as formula that allows for the maintenance of wealth but does not allow for the exponential acceleration of wealth ahead of the general population.

2)estate taxes – must be re-instated

Election campaign contributions should be transparent, traceable and regulated

This is only a proposed patch to the system in place..

The increase in accelerated transactions involving interest upon interest and the fractional banking system are creating a need for money in the US monetary system ( increased debt). This system will fail in the end if it is a purely a capitalist system. If the basic needs of the people are not met by innovation, education, or jobs the system will fail.

All individuals in all levels of society must unite under the promotion of the United States of America and apply virtue.

“It is virtue alone that entitles a ruler to rule, and when he sets aside virtue, he sets aside the right to call himself a sovereign” – Burton Watson

[-] 1 points by Christy (62) 13 years ago

Please, please- make the demands clear to the politicians (they may actually choose to help us). Please make one of the demands: 1) Return bankruptcy protection rights to students -for student loans. Ask the pols to pass H.R. 2028, and S. 1102. These bills will allow students to release their loans through bankruptcy.

Private lenders, such as Sallie Mae (which is predatory), have robbed us of our futures by lending students loans at 15%. These loans ballooned, and now we are all drowning in student loan debt.

[-] 1 points by At80 (1) 13 years ago

capitalism has many forms the experimental capitalism of the last thirty years has failed. Over this time the vampire squids who have driven this experiment have stalked the globe enrgorging themselves on the wealth of nations. They profited from the bankruptcy of Argentina their wealth swelled from the currency collapse in Russia and they swallowed up the riches of Asia and then fled leaving another collapse behind them. And now the system has no where left to look for even more self enrichment so it has turned to it's place of birth, the banning system of the west. those who pursue wealth at all costs have been allowed to do so by politicians too fearful to challenge the 'end of history' it is time for politicians to realise the system is broken, the experiment has failed, We need a new system we need CAPITALISM OF THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE

[-] 1 points by katetril (1) 13 years ago

has anyone suggested a "bank boycott". If the 99% stopped paying their mortgages and credit cards, we could bring the banks to their knees. Then the powers to be would have to start listening to us.

[-] 1 points by EricFromHolland (1) from Hoek, ZE 13 years ago

I want to express my sympathy to all the people in NY who are trying to make a difference. I hope you will find the strength to not let yourself be provoked to any violence. I think this will be the key to your succes.

[-] 1 points by SmallBiz (1) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street describes itself as a “leaderless resistance movement;” that is all too obvious. And without leadership, you lack focus. Your litany of those things to agree-to as one of you, is admirable, and naïve. Society, any society needs structure in the form of government, or chaos ensues, just like your leaderless, unfocused effort seems to be getting larger indeed, but more chaotic. We also need some form of commerce, and until the recent financial meltdown, our middle class was the strongest in the world, but weakened over recent years by the affects of decades of financial deregulation. Focus on the three big things:

  1. CAMPAIGN REFORM, including severe campaign spending limits, increased campaign debates as the primary candidate exposure, elimination of special interest campaign spending under the guise of freedom of speech, and finally time limits on campaigning. Once we have true public servants in office we will greatly reduce special interest lobbying, payoffs, kickbacks, favors, etc.

  2. STRICT REGULATIONS on banking, investment banking and Wall Street in general, much like those enacted following the Great Depression can protect against the money changers stealing our lives again. Manufacturing and general service corporations, and certainly the small business person DID NOT get us into this mess, the MONEY CHANGERS in the world of finance did! Ask yourself, where are the neighborhood, small banks of a few years back? Answer: sucked up by deregulation and Wall Street.

    Weakened regulations started in the Reagan administration and continued through every one that followed, including the Clinton administration. Weakened regulations allowed for the new derivatives that promoted bundled mortgages being traded like casino chips, which encouraged high risk loans requiring no money down and little income. The MONEY CHANGERS crashed our economy and led to our current unemployment!

  3. JOBS won’t be created by Wall Street, but they will be created by small business, many of which were started by people like us who finally decided to look to build something for themselves. Incentivize small business to invest and hire. And give tax breaks to those corporations (some of them large) that bring manufacturing (and jobs) back to the U.S.; we get virtually no tax revenue from their offshore manufacturing, services and jobs as it currently stands, so why not?

Find a leader… focus your movement… and win.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Find and appoint a leader, then lose him/her when the police go on a beat and arrest frenzy again. Yeah, brilliant strategy there, giving them a tactical target to strike at.

[-] 1 points by Auctioneer (1) 13 years ago

Keep up the great work! As a senior who is unable to march I appreciate you so much for standing up.

[-] 1 points by LYMAN (3) 13 years ago

Pour les etats unis il faut deux choses pour se liberer : 1...creer un nouveau partit libre et populaire qui represente la majorité des amérecains( les travailleurs , les etudiant, les enseignants , les retraités,les medecins,....) 2....si le 1er point est rendu déficile par les manipulations des 2 parties democrates et republicains et leurs moyens médiatiques.....il faut demander au peuple américain de BOYCOTER toutes les ELECTIONS PROCHAINES jusqu'à aboutissement du point nuéron..(1)

[-] 1 points by LYMAN (3) 13 years ago

Pour les etats unis il faut deux choses pour se liberer : 1...creer un nouveau partit libre et populaire qui represente la majorité des amérecains( les travailleurs , les etudiant, les enseignants , les retraités,les medecins,....) 2....si le 1er point est rendu déficile par les manipulations des 2 parties democrates et republicains et leurs moyens médiatiques.....il faut demander au peuple américain de BOYCOTER toutes les ELECTIONS PROCHAINES jusqu'à aboutissement du point nuéron..(1)

[-] 1 points by LYMAN (3) 13 years ago

Pour les etats unis il faut deux choses pour se liberer : 1...creer un nouveau partit libre et populaire qui represente la majorité des amérecains( les travailleurs , les etudiant, les enseignants , les retraités,les medecins,....) 2....si le 1er point est rendu déficile par les manipulations des 2 parties democrates et republicains et leurs moyens médiatiques.....il faut demander au peuple américain de BOYCOTER toutes les ELECTIONS PROCHAINES jusqu'à aboutissement du point nuéron..(1)

[-] 1 points by carolg (3) 13 years ago

I'm so glad someone is finally standing up to be heard. Bravo!!! Our politicians in the USA, have sold out the American people and now we are finacially and morally bankrupt. I hope someday that people will have more value in our society than money does

[-] 1 points by BlapInternational (1) 13 years ago

The Great Tribulation.

[-] 1 points by WhiteLodge (7) 13 years ago

What's needed is a systemic change. Capitalism is inherently unfair and broken and must be replaced by a different system whose structure supports and reinforces the central goal of improving people's quality of living as opposed to the goal of just increasing profits for the few; a system that prevents citizens from acquiring too much power in society through unchecked accumulation of wealth or political influence.

[-] 1 points by skbrown (3) from Cheboygan, MI 13 years ago

Authorize the line item veto. This would keep lawmakers from adding all kinds of mischievious items to an important bill that they know the president will have to sign.

Eliminate the filibuster. It is being misused to keep bills from coming to the floor. Stop a small group of lawmakers from preventing congress from doing business.

Limit term of Supreme Court Justices.

Enforce the borders. Illegal is illegal! Deport anyone who is here illegally. Allow the states to deport illegals.

Put tariffs on all goods made by American companies in other parts of the world and then brought back to sell in the US. Keep our jobs here is America.

Make it illegal for American companies to keep profits offshore without paying taxes on them.

[-] 1 points by skbrown (3) from Cheboygan, MI 13 years ago

Authorize the line item veto. This would keep lawmakers from adding all kinds of mischievious items to an important bill that they know the president will have to sign.

Eliminate the filibuster. It is being misused to keep bills from coming to the floor. Stop a small group of lawmakers from preventing congress from doing business.

Limit term of Supreme Court Justices.

Enforce the borders. Illegal is illegal! Deport anyone who is here illegally. Allow the states to deport illegals.

Put tariffs on all goods made by American companies in other parts of the world and then brought back to sell in the US. Keep our jobs here is America.

Make it illegal for American companies to keep profits offshore without paying taxes on them.

[-] 1 points by skbrown (3) from Cheboygan, MI 13 years ago

Congress to pass a bill authorizing line item veto. This would keep lawmakers from adding all kinds of mischievious items to an important bill that they know the president will have to sign.

Eliminating the filibuster. It is being misused to keep bills from coming to the floor. Stop a small group of lawmakers from preventing congress from doing business.

Limit term of Supreme Court Justices.

Enforce the borders. Illegal is illegal! Deport anyone who is here illegally. Allow the states to deport illegals.

Put tariffs on all goods made by American companies in other parts of the world and then brought back to sell in the US. Keep our jobs here is America.

Make it illegal for American companies to keep profits offshore without paying taxes on them.

[-] 1 points by warren77 (1) 13 years ago

When this country was created and the constitution written, people like Washington and Jefferson had no idea there would ever be such a thing as a professional politician. They thought that the land owners and business people would serve their time in the congress and then go home. We need to get back to these basics or ideas. Over the years, we have developed a professional politician profession. These people become entrenched in the government. Usually backed by wall-street and corporations. They no longer represent the people.

We need to change the constitution to both limit terms and make members of congress more productive.

When a person is elected to the house of representatives it is for a two year term. We don’t get two years of work out of these people. The second year of their administration, they have to start campaigning for reelection. This means their second year is usually unproductive.

I propose that we change congressmen’s terms to four years with a two term limit. This would limit them to eight years in congress or eight years in the house.

The senator’s terms of six years are ok if we limit them to two terms also.

The president should be elected for six years one term. This means that he can concentrate on doing what is best for the country and not trying to get reelected for a second term.

[-] 1 points by JaMeSII (2) 13 years ago

Keep the movement going, American Politicians will hear this and then the World. We need Millions to follow in Peace and not get Violent. When the Masses march in Peace, Authorties can do nothing but get behind it. This is the start to kicking the lying, scamming Politicians out of Office. They are the ones who allow the 1% all the freedom to steal, lie, fraud, the rest of the 99% out of their money, homes, education, and lives. Hold them all ACCOUNTABLE for their ACTIONS!!

[-] 1 points by JaMeSII (2) 13 years ago

Keep the movement going, American Politicians will hear this and then the World. We need Millions to follow in Peace and not get Violent. When the Masses march in Peace, Authorties can do nothing but get behind it. This is the start to kicking the lying, scamming Politicians out of Office. They are the ones who allow the 1% all the freedom to steal, lie, fraud, the rest of the 99% out of their money, homes, education, and lives. Hold them all ACCOUNTABLE for their ACTIONS!!

[-] 1 points by Badbid (2) 13 years ago


1) Politicians- Washington DC

2) Large multi national banks- it's the 500 trillion dollars of derivatives bomb-

3) Signs- be like Iceland- Default on the government debt and let the large banks die

[-] 1 points by Badbid (2) 13 years ago

1) Signs be like Iceland- default on government debt 2) Let the multi national banks take the debt hit and die

[-] 1 points by duxworthone (5) 13 years ago

I believe that money has taken over all of our lives. However, our country's system of government and our rights as originally fought and died for had always been the envy of most of the world's people. Blame all of us for being asleep, or watching dancing with "stars"on the tube. All this while the two political parties have become the puppets of big money. Why not a political party that is progressive and refuses to consider anything but all of humanity as part of the same tribe. Already, I see the two major political parties trying to hijack the OWS inertia.

[-] 1 points by alamo2011 (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You might reword number 3. The first time I read "revolting people" I got a different impression than what you intended.

[-] 1 points by Andrew767 (2) 13 years ago

Thanks to everyone willing to voice the simple & embarrassing truth. Forty years ago US President Eisenhower warned of the influence of "military industrial complex" on gov't policy, and today you are trying to do something about that.

There are 'businessmen' who manipulate & profit from causing the gov't to mismanage domestic & foreign policies; but, no-one can identify those people & schemes because they keep their business interests secret from us. I think Eisenhower was worried about a Mr Robert Lovett who four weeks earlier conned President-elect Kennedy into appointing McGeorge Bundy as the US National Security Adviser.

Besides other things, Lovett and his Bonesmen friends were directors of a corporation called Freeport which today mines a COLONY under foreign military occupation due to a US plan called the "New York Agreement"; and it was Bundy who convinced the US to do that evil thing. West Papua is one example you could quote of a victim of Wall Street mining interests

[-] 1 points by aightn (1) 13 years ago

I only have two points to make. This is a great forum that will look at a mountain of complaints with wisdom and filter through the insane to what is achievable. With that said, these are my points. 1. Please, please, please do not forget about the oil industry. As much as this environment concentrates on the banking industry and reform, none of it will matter if there is no one here. Scientists the world over have been claiming that we are killing the planet and our will has not been strong enough to overpower our greed. Hello…this is the time to force fossil fuel companies onto their knees. As a music buff, I have seen music go from records, to 8-track, to Cassette, to CD’s, and now Mp3; all within 100 years. I use a devise small enough to fit in the palm of my hand and it carries more albums than a pick-up truck. In the same time-frame, nothing has changed with advanced technology to power a vehicle other than horsepower. You would think that people would have caught up with the lie that the industry keeps us hostage with knowing that the electric car came before the combustible engine. Renewable energy is doable now, but there is still so much money to be made, that the will is not present in government. 2. If you really want a change of philosophy in government, I have a far fetched idea. Make politicians wards of the state. No more banker uniforms for the diplomat. Ostracize them and all immediate family members from any income at all. As wards of the state, they are fed and housed, but are never embedded in one location, but become Independent national diplomats. To get an idea of what that is watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2J6YOiLNr4. In looking over the history of sweetheart deals from both parties, financial gain almost always played a role. By agreeing to govern, diplomats should also have a deep sense of moral obligation. Money tends to fog that perception. The only real answer is to take it out of the equation for the diplomat, so that their judgments can rely on morality over personal prosperity. Seeing that time can also fog people’s sense of struggle, it is almost assured that those in power would simply wait you out, then get back to the same old games. Getting rid of personal finance for the diplomat would surely have a ripple effect deep into our future that could result in nothing but good.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

You're right.

My primary transportation is a recumbent bicycle with electric power assist. I know that pisses big oil off, but tough. BP are a bunch of bastards that need to be lynched for what they did.

I have a car, but don't have a need to use it much; I've thought of selling the damn thing cause just sitting it's eating my money.

[-] 1 points by ellisdrew (2) 13 years ago

Surely you have heard much about the message needing refinement and crystallization. Wall street is a mere cog in the wheel of a political system run amock. With systemic political reform, there can be no financial sector reform that would reverse or slow income and class inequality. How can I join the movement...

[-] 1 points by ellisdrew (2) 13 years ago

Surely you have heard much about the message needing refinement and crystallization. Wall street is a mere cog in the wheel of a political system run amock. With systemic political reform, there can be no financial sector reform that would reverse or slow income and class inequality. How can I join the movement...

[-] 1 points by Helijac (4) 13 years ago

Wish to speed up recovery? If you wish to build a home or a commercial building you are charged thousands of dollars for permits!

You purchase a real estate what gives the community the right to charge such high costs for building?

You want to open up a business and to gain a license can take nine months to get permissions by city, state, county commissionors which wastes startup capitol. Is is this not an abuse of power and contrl? Governments local county and state hender our growth in a timely manner and inflict obsurd gougng charges through building permits and taking months to open up a business. Time is precious for a new business person and building permit gouging slow downs our economy and makes us victims by our own elected officals. Now the corruption of inspectors delay and abuse their powers upon our timely effort to grow and prosper. We must fight corruption at all levels if we are going to have a chance.

[-] 1 points by Helijac (4) 13 years ago

Wish to speed up recovery? If you wish to build a home or a commercial building you are charged thousands of dollars for permits!

You purchase a real estate what gives the community the right to charge such high costs for building?

You want to open up a business and to gain a license can take nine months to get permissions by city, state, county commissionors which wastes startup capitol. Is is this not an abuse of power and contrl? Governments local county and state hender our growth in a timely manner and inflict obsurd gougng charges through building permits and taking months to open up a business. Time is precious for a new business person and building permit gouging slow downs our economy and makes us victims by our own elected officals. Now the corruption of inspectors delay and abuse their powers upon our timely effort to grow and prosper. We must fight corruption at all levels if we are going to have a chance.

[-] 1 points by Helijac (4) 13 years ago

Elect Our Children as President

No 1 There is a crime being perpetrated upon our children.

no 2 This crime is supported by our elected officials, educational institutions, and even parents, as well as the rest of us who have allowed this violation to continue for far too long.

Our children have been raised and educated to live in a state of legal intimidation, generation to generation. The purpose of this intimidation is to keep the corrupt in power. Greedy, power-hungry individuals use it in order to remain successful in government and corporate America.

no 4 How do those in power retain power? How do the affluent amass more wealth? The answer is the same for both questions: by exploiting and manipulating the legal system to the detriment of those who do not have the knowledge or means to protect themselves.

This exploitation affects us, “Main Street” Americans, in countless ways: city and county planning departments conveniently misinterpret codes to push through projects wanted by prominent members of the community;

No 6 District Attorneys abuse the rule of law; powerful corporations practice price gouging; Eminent Domain is used fraudulently to gain land for businesses or influential special interests; and even our own law enforcement officials breach the laws we live by.

No 7 Financial institutions fill contracts with small print and “legalese", making it necessary for borrowers, buyers, or investors to pay an attorney simply to explain the contract language, or risk financial ruin because of some obscure clause.

No 8 Those controlling the media use propaganda to distort or cover up facts that could make the common citizens’ lives better. All of these abuses of the system are possible due to the common people’s lack of knowledge of U.S. law and the legal system.

no 9 Those who do not understand the law do not have the tools to protect their own rights. There is a provision in the law that states “Ignorance of the law is not freedom from the law.”

No 10Not knowing that you are committing a crime does not release you from prosecution for that crime. Not understanding a clause in a contract does not prevent you from being held to that contract.

No 11 And the general public’s lack of awareness about zoning or environmental protection laws makes it possible for special interests to ignore or manipulate such laws to their own advantage.

no 12 Our laws and legal system were originally instituted to protect the rights of all citizens, regardless of financial status. Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of American citizens have the money either to attend law school themselves, or to retain the services of a legal expert.

No 13 This has enabled the powerful and wealthy few to use the law for personal gain, while the average American cannot hope to compete within today’s legal system; in fact, the average American is often unaware of his or her own rights or the laws on the books to protect them.

no 14 Our children will remain under the thumb of those in power, and the Good Old Boys’ club will continue to thrive, as long as the common citizens remain uninformed and ignorant.

When our children are deprived of an education in the language of law and due process, the powers of the greedy and the oppressors are protected. Those who are not conversant in the language of law are easily railroaded by those who are.

no 16 The reality of this abuse is best revealed with one question to Barack Obama, President of the United States. We ask you, President Obama: Why are our children being deprived of a basic education in the language of law, beginning at a primary level?

no 17 Unless our children learn the language of law and gain a true understanding of legal procedures, this and future generations will remain in the dark, and be unable to protect their own rights or fight corruption.

No 18 Without responsible legal education in public schools, the powerful and affluent few will continue to prosper, taking advantage of those in America’s middle- and lower-classes.

President Obama, we await your answer. We hope to see changes in our no 19 education system that will provide for an education in the language and procedures of law for all.

If you fail to act, you will reveal the reality of this abuse and expose the truth: that the President of the United States also belongs to the Good Old Boys’ club, along with other powerful members of the government, both Democrat and Republican.

[-] 1 points by Helijac (4) 13 years ago

Elect Our Children as President

No 1 There is a crime being perpetrated upon our children.

no 2 This crime is supported by our elected officials, educational institutions, and even parents, as well as the rest of us who have allowed this violation to continue for far too long.

Our children have been raised and educated to live in a state of legal intimidation, generation to generation. The purpose of this intimidation is to keep the corrupt in power. Greedy, power-hungry individuals use it in order to remain successful in government and corporate America.

no 4 How do those in power retain power? How do the affluent amass more wealth? The answer is the same for both questions: by exploiting and manipulating the legal system to the detriment of those who do not have the knowledge or means to protect themselves.

This exploitation affects us, “Main Street” Americans, in countless ways: city and county planning departments conveniently misinterpret codes to push through projects wanted by prominent members of the community;

No 6 District Attorneys abuse the rule of law; powerful corporations practice price gouging; Eminent Domain is used fraudulently to gain land for businesses or influential special interests; and even our own law enforcement officials breach the laws we live by.

No 7 Financial institutions fill contracts with small print and “legalese", making it necessary for borrowers, buyers, or investors to pay an attorney simply to explain the contract language, or risk financial ruin because of some obscure clause.

No 8 Those controlling the media use propaganda to distort or cover up facts that could make the common citizens’ lives better. All of these abuses of the system are possible due to the common people’s lack of knowledge of U.S. law and the legal system.

no 9 Those who do not understand the law do not have the tools to protect their own rights. There is a provision in the law that states “Ignorance of the law is not freedom from the law.”

No 10Not knowing that you are committing a crime does not release you from prosecution for that crime. Not understanding a clause in a contract does not prevent you from being held to that contract.

No 11 And the general public’s lack of awareness about zoning or environmental protection laws makes it possible for special interests to ignore or manipulate such laws to their own advantage.

no 12 Our laws and legal system were originally instituted to protect the rights of all citizens, regardless of financial status. Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of American citizens have the money either to attend law school themselves, or to retain the services of a legal expert.

No 13 This has enabled the powerful and wealthy few to use the law for personal gain, while the average American cannot hope to compete within today’s legal system; in fact, the average American is often unaware of his or her own rights or the laws on the books to protect them.

no 14 Our children will remain under the thumb of those in power, and the Good Old Boys’ club will continue to thrive, as long as the common citizens remain uninformed and ignorant.

When our children are deprived of an education in the language of law and due process, the powers of the greedy and the oppressors are protected. Those who are not conversant in the language of law are easily railroaded by those who are.

no 16 The reality of this abuse is best revealed with one question to Barack Obama, President of the United States. We ask you, President Obama: Why are our children being deprived of a basic education in the language of law, beginning at a primary level?

no 17 Unless our children learn the language of law and gain a true understanding of legal procedures, this and future generations will remain in the dark, and be unable to protect their own rights or fight corruption.

No 18 Without responsible legal education in public schools, the powerful and affluent few will continue to prosper, taking advantage of those in America’s middle- and lower-classes.

President Obama, we await your answer. We hope to see changes in our no 19 education system that will provide for an education in the language and procedures of law for all.

If you fail to act, you will reveal the reality of this abuse and expose the truth: that the President of the United States also belongs to the Good Old Boys’ club, along with other powerful members of the government, both Democrat and Republican.

[-] 1 points by duxworthone (5) 13 years ago

I know this should be a serious discussion but, if you consider that ignorance is not an excuse for violating law. It means that a person should be either followed by a stream of no less then 500 lawyers or perhaps 15 railcars of published law. And even then I'm unsure that even consuming oxygen and changing it to carbon dioxide by breathing would not in California be illegal.

[-] 1 points by peetr3 (1) 13 years ago

Flat tax anyone? I think that is the fairest option. Everyone pays the same that way and you are left to your own devices to become a success or a failure. Raising taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans will just continue to drive business and jobs out of the country.

You should be Occupying Penn Ave in D.C. not Wall Street. Washington pushed the banks to give out those unrealistic loans. Obama took millions of dollars in campaign contributions from...you guessed it - JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, the list goes on.

Washington wasted OUR tax dollars bailing all of these corporations out, not to mention General Motors.

If you want to get corporations out of politics, go after the political system that creates crony capitalism and start demanding responsibility from law-makers, not the companies that operate within those laws.

I find it ironic that such a huge majority of the OWS crowd voted for Obama and will vote for him again even though he stands against mostly every core principal you are trying to push.

Go protest in D.C. already!

[-] 1 points by d3rogers (3) 13 years ago

Bravo and keep going. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Tired of our elected officials who only worry about that next election. Who are so devoted to lobbists and big business that fair treatment to all is impossible. Tired of our tax dollars lining pockets and being wasted from the federal government down to local and state governments. THANK you all who are showing up and giving a LOUD voice to so many smaller ones. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

[-] 1 points by d3rogers (3) 13 years ago

Bravo and keep going. We are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Tired of our elected officials who only worry about that next election. Who are so devoted to lobbists and big business that fair treatment to all is impossible. Tired of our tax dollars lining pockets and being wasted from the federal government down to local and state governments. THANK you all who are showing up and giving a LOUD voice to so many smaller ones. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

[-] 1 points by citizenactivist (1) 13 years ago

Local and national press lie that we have no agenda, no direction.... These stated goals should be handed out in paper form to all media on sites across America. _citizenactivist

[-] 1 points by RobTenken (1) from Provo, UT 13 years ago

You are telling me the world is broken. It is. You are telling me I should be angry. I am. You are telling me to protest. I will. You are telling me to teach others. I do. You are telling me a better world will come. It must.

What you have not told me is how you plan to get there. While the unity is admirable, it is insufficient. Where do you plan to go from here? What new power will replace the power you destroy? If the revolution begins tonight, what kind of world do we wake up to tomorrow?

[-] 1 points by JPD686 (4) 13 years ago

Take the Power BACK!

[-] 1 points by JPD686 (4) 13 years ago

Take the Power BACK!

[-] 1 points by brianko722 (7) 13 years ago

For OWS, and all "Occupy" movements everywhere, to adopt as our united goal: Keep growing & focusing so as to become the ONLY entity(ies) left that is(are) "TOO BIG TO FAIL!"

[-] 1 points by brianko722 (7) 13 years ago

For OWS, and all "Occupy" movements everywhere, to adopt as our united goal: Keep growing & focusing so as to become the ONLY entity(ies) left that is(are) "TOO BIG TO FAIL!"

[-] 1 points by ahmet (5) from Istanbul, Istanbul 13 years ago

world is paying 80 trillion $ annual interest and its annual product is just 60 trillion $... to whom is the whole world working for? we must end all kinds of interest-based systems... money is not created to be sold... money can not be sold... if you have money make a real business or be a partner with someone who has a real business working for real things for humanity... earning by selling money is the root of all evils in this world... its the basics and cause of humanities slavery to just 1%.

the world needs "equalistic united humanity order" euho , we should start stopping all kind of interest in all world. interest is prohibited in all belief on the earth. we unite to stop interest based economic,social activities as humans and by this way we start destroying capitalism enslaving system over humanity. http://pic.twitter.com/wu5uH0C2

[-] 1 points by jdf (3) from Micanopy, FL 13 years ago

The only meaningful and lasting revolution has to take place in the minds of the people. Except for the rare individual who breaks free from his/her false conditioning without a teacher, this almost always requires right education--bringing about a learning environment in which people discover for themselves the art of thinking and acting clearly and rationally. Unfortunately, teachers and schools capable of providing this kind of education are exceedingly rare, and the world is in imminent danger of descending into even further chaos.

What, then, should be the immediate goals of those pressing for change? The following are all reasonable demands, and the laws of all nations were best amended to ensure that these are met without unreasonable delay:

  • Adequate nutrition

  • Sufficient clothing, determined by each individual's environmental conditions

  • Secure housing, including appropriate private space

  • Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision care, as needed

  • Education to the highest possible level, based on personal interests and demonstrated abilities

  • Appropriate employment consistent with educational background and objectively determined skill sets, without unjustly discriminatory salary grades

  • Sufficient time for sleep, rest, and recreation

Whatever changes through nonviolent means are necessary to implement the above as effectively and expeditiously as possible are a priority. These will likely require massive debt cancellation; review, reorganization, and redistribution of material resources and essential services; identification and criminalization of all forms of antisocial fiscal behavior by individuals, financial institutions, and governments, including the acquisition and hoarding of excessive wealth, with a view towards ending or mitigating the destructive consequences of the present--and any future--economic crisis.

If our respective governments can't accomplish the above, it is up to us to create and firmly establish new forms of government that can. The US Declaration of Independence unambiguously states

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."


[-] 1 points by jdf (3) from Micanopy, FL 13 years ago

The only meaningful and lasting revolution has to take place in the minds of the people. Except for the rare individual who breaks free from his/her false conditioning without a teacher, this almost always requires right education--bringing about a learning environment in which people discover for themselves the art of thinking and acting clearly and rationally. Unfortunately, teachers and schools capable of providing this kind of education are exceedingly rare, and the world is in imminent danger of descending into even further chaos.

What, then, should be the immediate goals of those pressing for change? The following are all reasonable demands, and the laws of all nations were best amended to ensure that these are met without unreasonable delay:

  • Adequate nutrition

  • Sufficient clothing, determined by each individual's environmental conditions

  • Secure housing, including appropriate private space

  • Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision care, as needed

  • Education to the highest possible level, based on personal interests and demonstrated abilities

  • Appropriate employment consistent with educational background and objectively determined skill sets, without unjustly discriminatory salary grades

  • Sufficient time for sleep, rest, and recreation

Whatever changes through nonviolent means are necessary to implement the above as effectively and expeditiously as possible are a priority. These will likely require massive debt cancellation; review, reorganization, and redistribution of material resources and essential services; identification and criminalization of all forms of antisocial fiscal behavior by individuals, financial institutions, and governments, including the acquisition and hoarding of excessive wealth, with a view towards ending or mitigating the destructive consequences of the present--and any future--economic crisis.

If our respective governments can't accomplish the above, it is up to us to create and firmly establish new forms of government that can. The Us Declaration of Independence unambiguously states

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."


[-] 1 points by duxworthone (5) 13 years ago

Why the heck don't you run for president. You got my vote,.Except for the excessive wealth part. ( what is excessive ? )

[-] 1 points by jdf (3) from Micanopy, FL 13 years ago

"Excessive wealth" simply means conspicuously more than someone actually needs to live a reasonably healthy, happy life. I don't think there's a fixed dollar amount. :-) If someone has enough to meet his/her basic needs and has put away a modest amount for a rainy day, s/he isn't excessively wealthy. However, even having "enough" is a virtual impossibility today without going seriously into debt at a usurious rate of interest.

To get an idea of "excessive wealth," pay a visit to the gated estates of a random assortment of plutocrats and major corporate CEOs. The noxiously bloated fruit of income inequality will be only too evident. No, you probably won't be admitted to the luxuriantly landscaped grounds, let alone get past the massive front doors embellished with antique bronze hardware--but the cost of the gates alone probably exceeds your annual income, if not your entire net worth.

When you see excess, you'll know it, just as you can recognize the far more common signs of withering poverty.

It's time for the gates to be opened wide and for every head to find a secure, comfortable place to rest.

[-] 1 points by esroberson (1) 13 years ago

"We call for students and teachers to act together, to teach democracy, not merely the teachers to the students, but the students to the teachers. To seize the classrooms and free minds together." THIS IS WHY I WANT TO BE A TEACHER...Lets start asking (and inspiring) questions...

[-] 1 points by doninsalem (74) 13 years ago

It's not so much a "revolution", because if majority still lawfully, rightfully rules, it's called an action against "treason". It is incomprehensible when trying to communicate that a few differences, which are the same words (only spoken in a different way) and/or people can undermine all the rest.

[-] 1 points by aleizaonherbirthday (2) from Durham, NC 13 years ago

I hear people's discontent, which I agree with, but I don't hear any solutions. Ok, so people assemble, then what. How is change supposed to be accomplished? I don't have any solutions to offer, but I'd like to hear suggestions besides for just organizing. The system gets disrupted, but then what? What is being done to create jobs here versus sending jobs abroad or bringing in immigrants for low paying jobs or paving roads? What is being done for research? What is being done to be 'greener'? And if the right wing gets into power, will it be better or worse (I know my thoughts on that one)?

[-] 1 points by aleizaonherbirthday (2) from Durham, NC 13 years ago

I hear people's discontent, which I agree with, but I don't hear any solutions. Ok, so people assemble, then what. How is change supposed to be accomplished? I don't have any solutions to offer, but I'd like to hear suggestions besides for just organizing. The system gets disrupted, but then what? What is being done to create jobs here versus sending jobs abroad or bringing in immigrants for low paying jobs or paving roads? What is being done for research? What is being done to be 'greener'? And if the right wing gets into power, will it be better or worse (I know my thoughts on that one)?

[-] 1 points by 54hak4u (5) 13 years ago

I like and agree with most of what your saying. I however take accpetion "DISGREE" with illegal / criminal activity. "In my mind" this will only detract and or degitimize the REAL POWER a united front has. PLS keep in mind,,, There R those that don't want this MOVEMENT 2 be Successfull. So be mindfull of your actions...PEACE...!!!

[-] 1 points by 54hak4u (5) 13 years ago

I like and agree with most of what your saying. I however take accpetion "DISGREE" with illegal / criminal activity. "In my mind" this will only detract and or degitimize the REAL POWER a united front has. PLS keep in mind,,, There R those that don't want this MOVEMENT 2 be Successfull. So be mindfull of your actions...PEACE...!!!

[-] 1 points by mecroley (1) 13 years ago

You have made your declaration here, now write your manifesto and start petitioning, voting, writing to what is ours, not the corporations' which is Congress and local government.

[-] 1 points by 54hak4u (5) 13 years ago

I agree with most of what your saying,,, I take acception "disagree" with illegal activities in all it's forms. I think illegal actions will only take away the Real Power we as a United Front Hold / Have.

[-] 1 points by 54hak4u (5) 13 years ago

I agree with most of what your saying,,, I take acception "disagree" with illegal activities in all it's forms. I think illegal actions will only take away the Real Power we as a United Front Hold / Have.

[-] 1 points by 54hak4u (5) 13 years ago

I agree with most of what your saying,,, I take acception "disagree" with illegal activities in all it's forms. I think illegal actions will only take away the Real Power we as a United Front Hold / Have.

[-] 1 points by FinancePhD (2) 13 years ago

Our outrage needs to focus on Washington. The corruption starts with the political process. We need reforms to stop money from buying Washington, regardless of where the money comes from. Wall Street is only part of the problem. Join me and VOW to vote out any incumbent (again and again) until real changes are made.

[-] 1 points by FinancePhD (2) 13 years ago

Our outrage needs to focus on Washington. The corruption starts with the political process. We need reforms to stop money from buying Washington, regardless of where the money comes from. Wall Street is only part of the problem. Join me and VOW to vote out any incumbent (again and again) until real changes are made.

[-] 1 points by markv114 (3) 13 years ago

You cannot fight the system directly, it is too large and distributed. You cannot fight the system by becoming the system, it will only corrupt. You cannot fight the system that does not have any agenda outside of its' own concerns.

OWS must also start: 1. Removing all politicians from elected office and elect independent representatives without party affiliations by votes. 2. Promote the abolishment of special interests groups and lobbyists. 3. Promote legislation that would make it illegal for corporations and special interest groups from making campaign contributions.

The system is completely broken because it's not the concept of democracy, its' the people who took that system and perverted it for their own gains. Until the last vestige of the old system (politicians) remain, then nothing will change.

[-] 1 points by markv114 (3) 13 years ago

You cannot fight the system directly, it is too large and distributed. You cannot fight the system by becoming the system, it will only corrupt. You cannot fight the system that does not have any agenda outside of its' own concerns.

OWS must also start: 1. Removing all politicians from elected office and elect independent representatives without party affiliations by votes. 2. Promote the abolishment of special interests groups and lobbyists. 3. Promote legislation that would make it illegal for corporations and special interest groups from making campaign contributions.

The system is completely broken because it's not the concept of democracy, its' the people who took that system and perverted it for their own gains. Until the last vestige of the old system (politicians) remain, then nothing will change.

[-] 1 points by RepealCommoditiesAct (1) 13 years ago

Everyone should understand the devastating effect the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. This act is the reason why those who knowingly crashed the ecomomy cannot be legally prosecuted. It is bill that created the Enron loophole and deregulated Over-the-Counter Derivatives. We must be educated on the specific laws that oppress the few.

[-] 1 points by LSavitch (1) 13 years ago

special interest money = government corruption = no democracy

[-] 1 points by susanba (1) 13 years ago

These 3 demands I think are important: 1) TAX WALL ST transactions then use that money to pay for a 2)STUDENT LOAN AMNESTY and then 3)NATIONALIZE THE FEDERAL RESERVE, contrary to what some journalists say the fed is a private organization. I think what you are doing is great but if you don't make concreate demands it will all be for nought. and just a bunch of people letting off steam.

[-] 1 points by scootie (7) from Burbank, CA 13 years ago

Our Congress has been bought and paid for by the corporations and. they are beginning to notice that we have noticed and they are starting to run scared. It must be working! It warms my heart

[-] 1 points by ssab (1) 13 years ago

I have viewed this site and read a great deal about what is wrong with this capitalist system and how it promotes greed. I agree 100%. However rhetoric doesn't bring about change. I have also read some well written goals. Unfortunately I haven't read much about how to implement them. I believe that this corporate system which is ultimately protected by government local police departments, the national guard and the army, only respsects the loss of money, loss property and force. Since this is still a nonviolent movement, at least on the part of the Occupy Wall Street the use of force or property destruction is not an option yet. However disrupting the system cost money. The system can be disrupted by overwhelming it. Last week when Bank of America announced a $5 monthly fee for the use of debit cards. it's site was overwhelmed by protesting customers( although Bank of America refuses to admit that). When I was at the New York Site of Occupy Wall Street , the counter registered over 400,000 people had registered. If on a given day each of us targeted one congressional representative with an email or a phone call all on the same day or if we targeted a banking institution with on email or phone call all on the same day demanding change from that institution or a specific policy ,such as repeal of the law that states corporations can now contribute unlimited funds to campaigns or the repeal of the Bush tax cuts, the system would be overwhelmed. It is a peaceful show of force. This can be coordinated via OWS web site. Unless we are prepared to engage in overt and covert civil disobedience, then I suggest we make lot of calls and write lots of letters. Marching is good to bring about awareness but the public is already aware. It is time to take another step. Ultimately you will be told when to march and where to march or be beaten and arrested .

[-] 1 points by rauss2007 (1) from город Москва, Москва 13 years ago

"Green book" of Muammar Gaddafi is opened my mind

[-] 1 points by leesang82 (32) 13 years ago

Dear Mr/Mrs. Occupy Wall St., Please read my post and the replies/responses as I believe they are important for the Occupy Wall St. movement. Corporations need to thrive for our economy to thrive. Link Below. http://occupywallst.org/forum/occupy-wall-st-occupy-dc/#comment-58713

[-] 1 points by leesang82 (32) 13 years ago

Dear Mr/Mrs. Occupy Wall St.,

Please read my post and the replies/responses as I believe they are important for the Occupy Wall St. movement. Corporations need to thrive for our economy to thrive. Link Below.


[-] 1 points by JobCreation (2) 13 years ago

For the solution to JOB Creation, read: CarolinaNickel.com

see page 4

[-] 1 points by JobCreation (2) 13 years ago

For the solution to JOB Creation, read: CarolinaNickel.com

see page 4

[-] 1 points by ICSPOTZ (57) from Fort Carson, CO 13 years ago

Has any one of you "radicals" read # 2 in the above statement? "2.We call for workers to not only strike, but seize their workplaces collectively, and to organize them democratically. We call for students and teachers to act together, to teach democracy, not merely the teachers to the students, but the students to the teachers. To seize the classrooms and free minds together."

Do you know what you are committing yourself to? Have you read, and more importantly, do you understand what this constitutes? You can't jump off the bandwagon once it gets rolling. Read people, read.

[-] 1 points by mdses123 (3) 13 years ago

Thanks for the reference to the Summer of Justice. Looks great. After reading through too much verbiage these are the demands or issues that will be promoted at that event.

Seven issues in America today that need to be addressed

1) Tax the rich and corporations

2) End the wars, bring the troops home, cut military spending

3) Protect the social safety net, strengthen Social Security and improved Medicare for all

4) End corporate welfare for oil companies and other big business interests

5) Transition to a clean energy economy, reverse environmental degradation

6) Protect worker rights including collective bargaining, create jobs and raise wages

7) Get money out of politics

I support these 7 objectives – They are fairly clear, fairly measurable, and would make a huge difference.

I think there should be two or three overarching broad goals that tie the movement and the diverse groups together and then the above objectives are what we all work toward that help us achieve the long term goals.

Proposed Goal 1- Increase the fairness of the tax code and other policies to better support the middle class, the safety net, and the economy

Proposed Goal 2 - Protect our health and our environment from corporate greed

Proposed Goal 3 – Prevent corporate political influence and restore political power to the people

All 7 objectives or issues relate to these three goals. I’m concerned like many others that want to get involved that without clear goals and objectives we will not make significant gains. I’ll be down on Thursday and plan to participate.

[-] 1 points by fatimah (5) 13 years ago

I concur 100% with your 7 objectives. We also need to continue to be politically motivated.Everything that you said is absolutely true,but it will not matter unless we convince political leaders that we will not be ignored.

[-] 1 points by mdses123 (3) 13 years ago

Thanks for the reference to the Summer of Justice 2012. Looks great. Lots of verbiage but finally got to the seven demands or issues.

Seven issues in America today that need to be addressed

1) Tax the rich and corporations

2) End the wars, bring the troops home, cut military spending

3) Protect the social safety net, strengthen Social Security and improved Medicare for all

4) End corporate welfare for oil companies and other big business interests

5) Transition to a clean energy economy, reverse environmental degradation

6) Protect worker rights including collective bargaining, create jobs and raise wages

7) Get money out of politics

I support these 7 objectives – They are fairly clear, fairly measurable, and would make a huge difference.

I think there should be two or three overarching broad goals that tie this movement and the diverse groups together and then the above objectives are what we all work toward that help us achieve the long term goals.

Proposed Goal 1- Increase the fairness of the tax code and other policies to better support the middle class, the safety net, and the economy

Proposed Goal 2 - Protect our health and our environment from corporate greed

Proposed Goal 3 – Prevent corporate political influence and restore political power to the people

All 7 objectives or issues relate to these three goals. I’m concerned like many others that want to get involved that without clear goals and objectives we will not make significant gains. I’ll be down on Thursday and plan to participate. Thanks for all you are all doing.

[-] 1 points by mdses123 (3) 13 years ago

Thanks for the reference to the Summer of Justice 2012. Looks great. Lots of verbiage but finally got to the seven demands or issues.

Seven issues in America today that need to be addressed

1) Tax the rich and corporations

2) End the wars, bring the troops home, cut military spending

3) Protect the social safety net, strengthen Social Security and improved Medicare for all

4) End corporate welfare for oil companies and other big business interests

5) Transition to a clean energy economy, reverse environmental degradation

6) Protect worker rights including collective bargaining, create jobs and raise wages

7) Get money out of politics

I support these 7 objectives – They are fairly clear, fairly measurable, and would make a huge difference.

I think there should be two or three overarching broad goals that tie this movement and the diverse groups together and then the above objectives are what we all work toward that help us achieve the long term goals.

Proposed Goal 1- Increase the fairness of the tax code and other policies to better support the middle class, the safety net, and the economy

Proposed Goal 2 - Protect our health and our environment from corporate greed

Proposed Goal 3 – Prevent corporate political influence and restore political power to the people

All 7 objectives or issues relate to these three goals. I’m concerned like many others that want to get involved that without clear goals and objectives we will not make significant gains. I’ll be down on Thursday and plan to participate. Thanks for all you are all doing.

[-] 1 points by betsyhm (2) from Yorktown Heights, NY 13 years ago

The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, signed into law by Bill Clinton, gave Wall St. the right to regulate themselves. It must be repealed. The Shad-Johnson Accord of 1982 needs to reinstated. Wall St. effectively "Enroned" the entire country with their "derivatives". Our Congressional representatives need to be told that this needs to happen sooner rather than later. The 50% of Americans paying taxes cannot afford another financial crisis with the resulting stimulus plans because they are "too big to fail".

[-] 1 points by betsyhm (2) from Yorktown Heights, NY 13 years ago

The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, signed into law by Bill Clinton, gave Wall St. the right to regulate themselves. It must be repealed. The Shad-Johnson Accord of 1982 needs to reinstated. Wall St. effectively "Enroned" the entire country with their "derivatives". Our Congressional representatives need to be told that this needs to happen sooner rather than later. The 50% of Americans paying taxes cannot afford another financial crisis with the resulting stimulus plans because they are "too big to fail".

[-] 1 points by Kealoha (1) 13 years ago

"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is THE HOUR.

And there are things to be considered...

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

~=~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~>>-<<~>>~+~<<~>>-<<~ -:- ~=~ -:- ~=~

[-] 1 points by Buckination126 (1) 13 years ago

Why stop there? We should collectivize all farming and nationalize every corporation. Then we can change the name of our country from the United States of America to the United States Socialistic Republic

[-] 1 points by misterioso (86) 13 years ago

the only thing that matters right now is CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM, unless you get the big money out of politics, no change whatsoever will occur, this should be the focus of the protests, we need to have honest politicians that work for the public before any thing else can get done, campaign finance reform (ending corporate personhood, kicking the lobbyists out of the Washington) is the perfect starting point. It really is a no brainer that this should be the one thing we can all agree on. Because unless we do this, all those other demands that people have will never be addressed, not in a millions years.

[-] 1 points by thevenun (1) 13 years ago

This country needs a fair flat tax no loopholes no tax code

[-] 1 points by malaysia (2) 13 years ago

they are useing us for money, befor money was here we was trading stuff for stuff and now that we got money they want to work us like we are some slave... well i say for get that, we dont want no governer, and fuck the police. period!!!! by malaysia

[-] 1 points by malaysia (2) 13 years ago

they are useing us for money, befor money was here we was trading stuff for stuff and now that we got money they want to work us like we are some slave... well i say for get that, we dont want no governer, and fuck the police. period!!!! by malaysia

[-] 1 points by 2muchnrg (1) 13 years ago

I do openly support this cause as well. Forget the "no fly" list, or other lists I might be put on for taking part in the revolution. The greed which was unleashed by uncle Bush in his de-regulating wall street fiasco, has had awesome results for the corporate 1% in the form of unprecedented profits while systematically flushing the rest of us down the toilet. UN-FREAKING BELIEVABLE. I knew (was hoping) it would come to this someday. There are the leaders (who formed this revolution) and the followers (me). Together we will fight the good fight. Corporate execs and politicians are going to find out about our resolve. Hey, our fathers and grand-fathers and grand-fathers fathers fought and died so we might enjoy a life which comes from living in what used to be the greatest country on earth. Now, we are the mockery of the world. And all because of corporate greed. No, don't be happy just making 10 - 20 million a year in salary, another 50 or 60 million a year in bonuses is a must-have for any corporate exec. Makes me want to..............well it makes me angry anyway. Non-violent disruption of the machine, a real attention getter, that's what's needed. By the way I have a question. Is president Obama trying to fix any of this and just can't because it's so far gone, or is he part of the problem? Any insight would be helpfull. My kids and their kids need to have it better than this, that's for sure.....

[-] 1 points by Tiredofit247 (2) 13 years ago

We need to get paul Ryan and Eric Cantor out of congress so jobs can be created

[-] 1 points by Tiredofit247 (2) 13 years ago

We need to get paul Ryan and Eric Cantor out of congress so jobs can be created

[-] 1 points by Drumhead138 (1) 13 years ago

This movement is looooong overdue!

[-] 1 points by SmallBusiness (1) 13 years ago

The biggest problem with freedom is that we, as hourly workers, don’t have any. The only choice we have besides working some low paying job is starvation and death. I can’t build you a fence, fix your car, or dig you a swimming pool because I don’t have some 25,000 dollar bond from a rich man’s insurance company. I can’t build a wind generator in my back yard, harvest deadwood to fill my fireplace, or run a biodiesel converter in my garage because I don’t have a permit from a government more interested in helping some already rich guy build 10,000 windmills. I owned a small business that got crushed because I could neither buy the supplies I needed in the quantities necessary to get them cheap, nor sell my wares in the quantities necessary to secure a good price from the rich “brokers” who resold my product. Why couldn’t I just sell direct? No sorry, doesn’t work that way. Big stores don’t buy from little people like you. And I couldn’t get a loan from some rich guy’s bank to increase the size of my business because as far as they could tell I actually needed the money. So now I work for a really big company, earning a really small wage for my time. My company pulled us all in the other day to tell us why we are not getting a cost of living increase this year: We are already competitively paid in comparison to any one the five other semi-skilled jobs we can get in the local area. Of course! Why pay two dollars for a candy bar when the grocery store has hundreds of them for a buck a piece!? The only problem with this is that we are not supplies to be had a cheaply as possible. We are human beings. But still I work, because my only other option is starvation and death. I consider myself lucky. I am luckier than the 16% that are not working, or working less than they need to be. Sure, we can draw unemployment. We could maybe get welfare. But I want to work. I want to prosper. I just don’t want to be a meatsack in some rich guy’s huge company, where the owner thinks of me only as asset #217358, right between the conveyor belt and the broom. If our company could pay us less, it would. And we would work it anyway, because our only other choice is not to work, and thus to die. That is not freedom of choice, no matter what the rich guy at the top tells you. He can stop working anytime he wants and still be a millionaire. He can get fired for poor performance and still get millions in severance. So he works because he loves his job, because he loves being in the game. If our nation every drops the federal minimum wage that props this country up, companies a to z will drop their wages. And we will continue to work, because the only other choice is death. That’s not freedom, that’s the same choice given to slaves the world over: Work = Life. The only choice we have is which CEO to call master. This is what we should be asking for, though I don’t really know how to get to it: I want to buy my tires from a place called Lisa’s Tires, and I want to see Lisa, and shake her hand when we do business. I want to buy my bread from Ma and Pa’s Grocery, and I want my chicken to come from Tom’s Farm. When I’m tired of how Jackson’s Auto has been treating me, I want to switch to Penny’s Autowerks. Yes, I know I’m going to pay a lot more when I have to buy all my services from a bunch of small vendors, but I won’t care because I am going to buy my raw iron and forge them into t-posts for people who are building fences, and I am going to make five times what I do now. And the fifteen people who work in my little factory, well I’m going to know their names. I’ll know that this guy is getting married and that gal just bought a house. And if I don’t treat one of them well enough, he will go to one of my many competitors for better wages and benefits, just like my customers will if I don’t make a good product. How are you all feeling about, say, Bank of America’s product right now? And who’s their competitor? Wells Fargo? Citibank? Look around. Wal-mart. Amazon. Exxon. Chevron. GM. GE. Damn I'm fed up.

[-] 1 points by jdog (146) 13 years ago

You lost me on number 2. So if you pay me and my co-worker to fix your toilet, what is it that we get to tell you?

And what do you mean one of us? You mean one of us?

[-] 1 points by Paranoidofpeace (2) 13 years ago

i also know im a cynical bastard and much support to everybody bustut their for change. godspeed yall

[-] 1 points by Paranoidofpeace (2) 13 years ago

I would say democracy is not freedom, two wolves one sheep and all. It would be better to teach acceptance and appreciation of individual expression reguardless of majority opinion. I can understand it in the work place because those are people choosing to bring their abilities together for a singular purpose with an expected outcome, but school is different since the pupil goes into it expecting to gain enrichment from the unknown, often at a young age. I'm just saying any system which allows anyone, be it majority or minority to control decisions of others will not be free. Hitler won in democratic elections. And i am in huge support of something diffrent because i understand this system was built to fail, but we must be careful that we make the changes need or nothing will really change at all

[-] 1 points by Eh2Zed (29) 13 years ago

As to Acting

We call for protests to remain active in the cities. Those already there, to grow, to organize, to raise consciousnesses, for those cities where there are no protests, for protests to organize and disrupt the system. (I thought your call-to-arms said you wanted people to join who didn't want to infringe on the rights of others? By "disrupting the system" you are infringeing on the rights of others to go to work, visit the park without the smell of a cesspool, etc. Your first act already contravenes the number 1 request you made at the top. You are NOT letting others "to live, to be, to go, to love, to do what you will without the impositions of others". You imposing on their rights.)

We call for workers to not only strike, but seize their workplaces collectively (You do know that it is against the law to seize someone elses possesion or property. You go to jail for that. It is called Theft, Robbery, or Grand Larceny. This isn't France, this is The US of A), and to organize them democratically (So this means the delivery driver can be elected the CFO, or Head of Sales and Marketing. What about expertise and skill? Apptitude?). We call for students and teachers to act together, to teach democracy (what Democracy? Rule of the majority means the Civil War should never have happened, because the "majority" did not want to end slavery.), not merely the teachers to the students, but the students to the teachers.(If you have to teach the teachers, then why are they getting a paycheck? If they are able to teach the teachers, then why are they in school?) To seize the classrooms and free minds together. (Again, what about your first cry to join you. ou are NOT letting others "to live, to be, to go, to love, to do what you will without the impositions of others". You imposing on their rights to learn from the teacher. They PAID for the service..Remember.)

We call for the unemployed to volunteer, to learn, to teach, to use what skills they have to support themselves (Yes, this I can agree with. It's called getting a job. If they have time to volunteer to help you, that means they are not looking for a job. Don't you think they should?) as part of the revolting people as a community. (Again, I agree, your group is revolting.)

We call for the organization of people's assemblies in every city, every public square, every township.(You DO know that "Peoples Assembly" was/is the term North Korea, China, the USSR, the DDR etc. called their "elected" assemblies? Right?)

We call for the seizure and use of abandoned buildings, of abandoned land,of every property seized and abandoned by speculators, for the people, for every group that will organize them. (Again you are asking people to break the law. Just because no one lives there or is in residence at the time, does not mean it is abandoned. Just because you want it, doesnt mean its yours. You are conspiring to break the law, you do know that is also a crime? Right? Its called conspiracy.)

So, you are Palin supporters then. She called for the end of Crony Capitalism 4 weeks ago. She said to remove corporate tax rates, and remove all control by the government over these businesses, other than OHSA and the FEC. To allow them to sink or swim on their own, and to end the business influence on government. if there is no corporate tax or loopholes, then the Corporations would have NO need to influence government. What you want is what the Tea Party wants, less taxes, less government control on their lives, no bailouts for banks and Wall Street. No special intrests controlling the politicians. Your problem is, is that you bought into the socialism spewed by your professors. No one has ever thrived under socialism, they just get by. There has never been a case of socialism succeeding for the people. What your profs told you is that Marxism is the perfect form of equality for all. And they were right. What they didnt tell you, was that it cant work for one simple reason. For marxism/socialism to work, every member of the body politik must put the needs of the body politik ahead of their own. Unfortunately, this is contraintuitive to human nature. You will NEVER find a society of 100% honest men and women. Diogenes never did find an honest man. What makes you think you can create an entire society of honest people, when they don't exist.

[-] 1 points by Eh2Zed (29) 13 years ago

Lets deconstruct these BULLSHIT beliefs one at a time. If you agree that freedom is the right to communicate (who pays for your communication? Who pays for the instillation of infrastructure and the upkeep?) , to live (So you do NOT support abortion then? IF you DO then who determines who LIVES?), to be(go ahead and BE. But don't ask me or anyone else to pay for your necessities to live.), to go (never heard of anyone being rerstricted from travel in the US, unlike the USSR where you needed a passport to travel from one city in Russia to another city in Russia.), to love (Does this mean love anyone? Or are there exceptions? Such as, pedophiles, necrophiles, zoolophiles?), to do what you will without the impositions of others (like imposing on small businesses from running their businesses around your protest?), then you might be one of us.

If you agree that a person is entitled to the sweat of their brows (I can agree with that,

I don't like the 60% tax rate that I paid in NY State for income, property, sales, corporate, and Capital Gains.), that being talented at management should not entitle others to act like overseers and overlords (You need to look up the definition of Manager. Let me help: man·ag·er    [man-i-jer] noun 1. a person who has control or direction of an institution, business, etc., or of a part, division, or phase of it. Notice the words control or direction? This means it IS their job to act like an overlord. That is what they are getting paid for.) , that all workers should have the right to engage in decisions democratically, (So the cafeteria worker, ambulance driver, EMT, nurse, Doctor, and janitor at the hospital should have a say in my treatment?), then you might be one of us.

If you agree that freedom for some is not the same as freedom for all (I have never 

had my freedoms restricted nor seen others, do you mean pedophiles SHOULD be allowed to live right next to the local elementary school? What about murderers and rapists? Should they be free, since it is societies fault they are that way?), and that freedom for all is the only true freedom (so 100 million people should be free to come into the US and work for 1/4 the wage of others? Ever see southpark?), then you might be one of us.

If you agree that power is not right (what power? Electrical? Political? Horse?),

that life trumps property ( So you ARE against abortion. Since ending a babies life trumps the womans power over her personal property: her body) , then you might be one of us.

If you agree that state and corporation are merely two sides of the same oppressive

power structure (No, they are the same side. You elect people who break their word to you, allow business to push their agenda, then you re-elect these same people. Who;s fault is that? Yours or the businesses? In a bribe, the one RECEIVING the bribe is the one with power. Therefore the business is powerless, it is the politician who has the power, either to write legislation to help the business or hurt the business,) if you realize how media distorts things to preserve it (Oh, you mean like ABC NBC and CBS who never looked into the Presidents background? Or when something came out, they buried it. Or asking Obama in a press conferrence if he was a brief or boxer man?), how it pits the people against the people to remain in power (oh, like Obama blaming the problems of the poor on the rich. like blaming his failed policies on an earthquake, tsunami, middle east unrest, the American people for being soft? Like that, Right?), then you might be one of us.

[-] 1 points by sarahmille (2) 13 years ago

The greatest empowerment in any cause is to have the knowledge of the facts and truth that has lead us to where we are today.

Below are links to articles of author/columnist, David Lawrence Dewey. Dewey is noted for his, "Truth is What Matters", columns. He warned in 2004 of the coming financial meltdown and the reasons why and then again in 2008 - also about massive job losses that were coming and the reasons why.  I strongly believe that many Americans know very little about the real facts of the corruption and this is where I feel Mr. Dewey's articles will benefit the cause and also I believe once you read his articles you will see how valuable they are. His articles are packed with facts, graphs and detailed information.  His article in 2004 is mind boggling because he warns of what is going to happen because of the banking deregulation in 1985 and 1986. What he warned about started in 2008.   Dewey explains in detail what that opened up and what it was going to cause and it did and he was warning people in 2004, 4 years before it happened.  And his articles on job losses, it has been unbelievable how he was right on target and was warning Americans of what the politicians were doing to let the jobs leave America in 2004 and 2008. Dewey spells it all out with the facts and he tells it like it is.

And the documentary that Dewey worked on with Director David Burton, INGREEDIENTS, every American needs to see this documentary - it shows how Americans have been poisoned by the food corporations for GREED !

Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of this great nation said in 1802:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

This is what I mean by knowledge - read Dewey's articles, email your family and friends this post and links to Dewey's articles!

http://www.dldewey.com/jobs.htm Hello Washington Politicians --- Putting People Back To Work Will Solve The Deficit Crisis and Save Social Security ! The Facts and Truth You Need To Know America ! - July 15, 2011

http://www.dldewey.com/feb10.htm What Has Truly Caused the Job Losses and the Financial Meltdown - The Facts! February 20, 2010

http://.www.dldewey.com/feb04.htm The Truth About The Job Loss In America - More Job Losses To Follow Has the Walmart Corporation Played a Huge Role in the Loss of American jobs? - Feb. 2004

http://www.dldewey.com/nov09.htm American Die Each Day For Lack of Health Insurance and Health Care - Nov. 2009

http://www.dldewey.com/health09.htm Has Common Sense and Honesty In Health Reform Been Replaced With GREED?  - August  2009

http://www.dldewey.com/jobloss08.htm Job Loss and Unemployment Hit Records Highs - November 30,  2008

http://www.dldewey.com/bank08.htm Causes Of The Financial Crisis Today - September 18, 2008

http://www.dldewey.com/wakeup.htm America...It's Time For Some Wake Up Calls ! - June 28, 2008

http://www.dldewey.com/mar06.htm Global Warming: Is It Too Late? - March 30,  2007

http://www.dldewey.com/jan07.htm Ice Shelf Falls Off Into Artic - Is Global Warming Real Enough Now? - Jan. 1, 2007

http://www.dldewey.com/apr06.htm The Costs of illegal immigrants ! - April 14, 2006

http://www.dldewey.com/chinaoil.htm Eyes on China - The Price Of Oil - August 30, 2004

http://www.dldewey.com/globalwf.htm Global Warming - Fact or Fiction - August 1997

[-] 1 points by sarahmille (2) 13 years ago

The greatest empowerment in any cause is to have the knowledge of the facts and truth that has lead us to where we are today.

Below are links to articles of author/columnist, David Lawrence Dewey. Dewey is noted for his, "Truth is What Matters", columns. He warned in 2004 of the coming financial meltdown and the reasons why and then again in 2008 - also about massive job losses that were coming and the reasons why.  I strongly believe that many Americans know very little about the real facts of the corruption and this is where I feel Mr. Dewey's articles will benefit the cause and also I believe once you read his articles you will see how valuable they are. His articles are packed with facts, graphs and detailed information.  His article in 2004 is mind boggling because he warns of what is going to happen because of the banking deregulation in 1985 and 1986. What he warned about started in 2008.   Dewey explains in detail what that opened up and what it was going to cause and it did and he was warning people in 2004, 4 years before it happened.  And his articles on job losses, it has been unbelievable how he was right on target and was warning Americans of what the politicians were doing to let the jobs leave America in 2004 and 2008. Dewey spells it all out with the facts and he tells it like it is.

And the documentary that Dewey worked on with Director David Burton, INGREEDIENTS, every American needs to see this documentary - it shows how Americans have been poisoned by the food corporations for GREED !

Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of this great nation said in 1802:

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

This is what I mean by knowledge - read Dewey's articles, email your family and friends this post and links to Dewey's articles!

http://www.dldewey.com/jobs.htm Hello Washington Politicians --- Putting People Back To Work Will Solve The Deficit Crisis and Save Social Security ! The Facts and Truth You Need To Know America ! - July 15, 2011

http://www.dldewey.com/feb10.htm What Has Truly Caused the Job Losses and the Financial Meltdown - The Facts! February 20, 2010

http://.www.dldewey.com/feb04.htm The Truth About The Job Loss In America - More Job Losses To Follow Has the Walmart Corporation Played a Huge Role in the Loss of American jobs? - Feb. 2004

http://www.dldewey.com/nov09.htm American Die Each Day For Lack of Health Insurance and Health Care - Nov. 2009

http://www.dldewey.com/health09.htm Has Common Sense and Honesty In Health Reform Been Replaced With GREED?  - August  2009

http://www.dldewey.com/jobloss08.htm Job Loss and Unemployment Hit Records Highs - November 30,  2008

http://www.dldewey.com/bank08.htm Causes Of The Financial Crisis Today - September 18, 2008

http://www.dldewey.com/wakeup.htm America...It's Time For Some Wake Up Calls ! - June 28, 2008

http://www.dldewey.com/mar06.htm Global Warming: Is It Too Late? - March 30,  2007

http://www.dldewey.com/jan07.htm Ice Shelf Falls Off Into Artic - Is Global Warming Real Enough Now? - Jan. 1, 2007

http://www.dldewey.com/apr06.htm The Costs of illegal immigrants ! - April 14, 2006

http://www.dldewey.com/chinaoil.htm Eyes on China - The Price Of Oil - August 30, 2004

http://www.dldewey.com/globalwf.htm Global Warming - Fact or Fiction - August 1997

[-] 1 points by Riverfish (1) from Riverside, CA 13 years ago

I was surprised to see someone take the initiative and have the "balls" to face off with the corporations and their "goons" in Congress. The most corrupt people in this country are running it... for their own benefit, and for their corporate masters. I end a week of blissful vacation tomorrow. I was lost in the world of beauty and peace in the Sierra Nevadas. I came home to this news and can't support it enough. I was raised to believe that every person had the right to his own life, without interference from heavies on either side. I got my share of sand kicked in my face with no recourse. I still have a job, but in 651 days, I will, hopefully, relinquish it and spend more time doing things that will enrich my life, not my masters'. Power to the people! Long live the revolution!

[-] 1 points by ribbet (1) 13 years ago

Greed made it necessary to institute a minimum wage, and now GREED makes necessary to institute a maximum wage. Public businesses used primarily as an instrument to engorge its officers is abuse of power, the business must be nationalized! and all unfairly acquired possessions reclaimed. The act of approving obscenely high compensation packages must be made a felony.

We have effectively separated church and state, now it is time to separate WEALTH AND STATE. "Government for and by the people" no longer applies; marketing spin and marketing lies influence voting to unfairly favor the wealthy.

The NUMBER ONE GOAL of the US government or DARPA should not be for some new defense system, bailout, or jobs program, but should be to institute a new transportation system based entirely on robust autonomously guided vehicles because: -Cars that drive themselves will not wreck, and that will save 40,000 lives a year! -No wrecks means reduced safety equipment, horsepower, and weight, which means lower costs and much better mileage. -Cars that drive themselves will travel precisely in each others tracks, so there would be no need to pave in between and outside of standard width tracks, which would provide the opportunity to reclaim some grassland and lower infrastructure costs. -The commensurate reduction in traffic law enforcement and the ability to review traffic records would greatly lower crime. -This would increase national productivity because effort spent commuting could be refocused. -This would be a national technology, jobs, and infrastructure investment program all rolled up into one, and one that will pay huge dividends year after year. We may even be able to sell the system to other countries and recoup much of the cost!

TARP funds used to replenish the capital of large banks, must be reclaimed; funds should only have been provided to solvent banks and used to continue financing the US businesses and individuals needing loans. In the great recession caused by Republican deregulation, the large banks were saved while their competition, the small banks, were all but eliminated. We see how it works, big banks are awarded our money and their competition gets crushed.

The US public must not rescue underwriters or investors facing losses for complex financial instruments such as Collateralized Debt Obligations. All complex financial instruments including short selling should be made illegal, and we should reclaim all of the insurance payouts made using TARP funds. Complexity obscures the truth, encourages risk, and accompanies disaster.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was instituted to only protect the wealthy, but it does so only marginally, all others suffer.

[-] 1 points by Omeros (1) 13 years ago

We, my wife and I, support this movement. We see it as both a Spiritual movement and a movement of massive Ethical implications. We believe that in the end this movement will succeed because of its ethical and spiritual underpinnigs, because against these things, there can be no resistance. God be with you.

[-] 1 points by thegiops (6) 13 years ago

I agree. And we should start getting back to them! http://99vs1.wordpress.com/

[-] 1 points by Lulu (1) 13 years ago

I was unsure whether I felt comfortable with the movement's "agendaless agenda" until I read this, now I am more open to the fluidity and evolution of goals. Its a big idea! BUT..

I do believe strongly that in order to produce a bedrock for the germination of these goals certain specific fundamental actions need to be agreed upon. My feeling is that we need to demand:

1 - Complete public funding of elections. If implemented satisfactorily, it would in many ways even the playing field and be a big step in equalizing the power of the individual and collective vote

2 - Abolish the Fed - dismantle the free money printing press of the Oligarchy

3 - Repeal corporate personhood

Without these, it would be exponentially more difficult for undemocratic institutions to co-opt American political discourse. The rest would be up to us, to use our collective strength to affect social and economic policy, health care, animal rights, climate change, etc.

If I'm being naive or missing something I welcome your comments and tutelage. I just wonder how we will be able to gauge our progress or effectiveness without certain concrete pillars by which to measure it

[-] 1 points by amorse (1) 13 years ago

I am ready to join the movement in my city of Tacoma, WA!

[-] 1 points by Ernest99 (16) from Aurora, IL 13 years ago

www.whatreallyhappened.com is fully behind the OWS protests, and is exposing every attempt by the regime to co-opt it.

The regime is: the corporate media (CNN, FOX, etc) , the banks, and many multinational corporations.

[-] 1 points by JohnDavidRedig (5) 13 years ago

I - John David Redig just got done reading "A Modest Call to Action on this September 17th," and found it interesting.

As with most politi-corperate literature, although I agree with many of the key points, I could not agree with the entirity of it.

Rational Freedom to me does not imply that an individual, or even a government can "do what you will without the impositions of others." - That is what has gotten us into this mess.: The murder of union leaders in Columbia paid for by the Coca Cola company is just one instance where an unfettered freedom for people to greedily be free to do whatever they want is in generality not good for society as a whole.

Freedom to me in part meens to allow people to think for themselves. Not just a bunch of rallying cries telling people about freedom, but then also telling them that they have to adhere to what you say for them to be included in "your" group of individuals - each with thier own cognative abilities. I might not be "one of us?" WTF?

Whoever wrote this may have had good intentions, and I prefere to see this over seeing nothing, but... there are modifications to be made in order for it to truly be a well-laid-out piece of literature not turning off people who read into what it says.

[-] 1 points by JohnDavidRedig (5) 13 years ago

I - John David Redig just got done reading "A Modest Call to Action on this September 17th," and found it interesting.

As with most politi-corperate literature, although I agree with many of the key points, I could not agree with the entirity of it.

Rational Freedom to me does not imply that an individual, or even a government can "do what you will without the impositions of others." - That is what has gotten us into this mess.: The murder of union leaders in Columbia paid for by the Coca Cola company is just one instance where an unfettered freedom for people to greedily be free to do whatever they want is in generality not good for society as a whole.

Freedom to me in part meens to allow people to think for themselves. Not just a bunch of rallying cries telling people about freedom, but then also telling them that they have to adhere to what you say for them to be included in "your" group of individuals - each with thier own cognative abilities. I might not be "one of us?" WTF?

Whoever wrote this may have had good intentions, and I prefere to see this over seeing nothing, but... there are modifications to be made in order for it to truly be a well-laid-out piece of literature not turning off people who read into what it says.

[-] 1 points by Supportive (1) 13 years ago

My thought - Political appointees frame policies, which affect the life of everyone. All politicians pretend to be for the weaker sections of society when running for office but frame policies that are against them to appease rich donors during their governance. If our great country can work out a fair way where politicians are provided campaign money from tax revenues, rather than donors, then all elected officials will have to work for policies benefiting the vast majority, as only votes are required for re-election.

[-] 1 points by JohnDavidRedig (5) 13 years ago

I - John David Redig just got done reading "A Modest Call to Action on this September 17th," and found it interesting.

As with most politi-corperate literature, although I agree with many of the key points, I could not agree with the entirity of it.

Rational Freedom to me does not imply that an individual, or even a government can "do what you will without the impositions of others." - That is what has gotten us into this mess.: The murder of union leaders in Columbia paid for by the Coca Cola company is just one instance where an unfettered freedom for people to greedily be free to do whatever they want is in generality not good for society as a whole.

Freedom to me in part meens to allow people to think for themselves. Not just a bunch of rallying cries telling people about freedom, but then also telling them that they have to adhere to what you say for them to be included in "your" group of individuals - each with thier own cognative abilities. I might not be "one of us?" WTF?

Whoever wrote this may have had good intentions, and I prefere to see this over seeing nothing, but... there are modifications to be made in order for it to truly be a well-laid-out piece of literature not turning off people who read into what it says.

[-] 1 points by qawsedrf (1) 13 years ago

I live in southern Brazil, and when I read your manifesto I wondered: Is this suitable for Brazil: IMHO, YES! This movement have to spread around the world. I want some better world, based on the concept of freedom described above.

[-] 1 points by Marcoman (1) 13 years ago

but all this was patently clear in 2008, nothing here is since then new (I've read it all), Obama promised change and in the election BARELY SCRAPED THRU. Since nothing is since then new (it just HASN'T changed) the establishment will politely listen to your FREE SPEECH then Mitt Romney will crank up the homeland security. End.

[-] 1 points by lrsshadow (2) 13 years ago

I can agree with the above with the exception of items 2 and 5 on the "and so we call on people to act."

2 and 5 are basically wrong, they involve theft, trespassing, and would inevitably lead to vandalism and violence. I will not stand protests like those in Greece which are violent including burning down of buildings and trying to kill and injure police officers with thrown rocks and petrol bombs.

The parts that are missing are boycotts of big businesses through changes in spending and use patterns. Also missing is robust, intelligent engagement with our elected officials and political parties. This is a participatory government and we as a people have failed to participate. The majority of our problems are the result of not being involved enough in the political process. We the people can make great changes, but only if we get involved in a POSITIVE and INTELLIGENT way.

Please keep this movement organic and don't let it get hijacked by a political party or organization.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Theft? 5 is reappropriation of property the banks themselves stole - a lot of bank seizures were done without proof of property, and long term abandoned buildings often have no known owner with no surviving documentation. Those are what is being called for mainly.



[-] 1 points by Liberty4All (1) 13 years ago

Where have I heard this before? AHHHHHH YES! I remember now!

From Karl Marx's Communist Manefesto. The 10 planks of communism.

  1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
  3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
  6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
  8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

"Workers of the World Unite!" - Karl Marx- "From each according to his ability to each according to his need" - Karl Marx-

The Communist China Constitution http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/49109.htm

The USSR Constitution http://www.constitution.org/cons/ussr77.txt

Socialist Republic of Korea Constitution http://www.novexcn.com/dprk_constitution_98.html

Cuban Constitution http://www.cubanet.org/ref/dis/const_92_e.htm

Yes ladies and gentlemen. Read the above documents and you wont find a single Che Guevara T-Shirt wearing hippie that will disagree with it. This is their platform!

[-] 1 points by gwijas (5) 13 years ago

China’s “weapons of job destruction” include massive illegal export subsidies, the rampant counterfeiting of U.S. intellectual property,pitifully lax environmental protections,and thepervasive use of slavelabor. The centerpiece of Chinese mercantilism is,how- ever,a shamelessly manipulated currency that heavily taxes U.S. manufacturers,extravagantly stimulates Chinese exports,and hasled to a ticking timebomb U.S.–China trade deficit close to a billion dol- lars a day. Meanwhile, the “entry fee” for any American company wishing to scale China’s “Great Walls of protectionism” and sell into local mar- kets is not just to surrender its technology to Chinese partners. Amer- ican companies must also move research and development facilities to China, thereby exporting the “mother’s milk” of future U.S. job creation to a hostile competitor.

~Death by China; A Global Call to Action Navarro & Autry

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Funny, my manifesto mentions the state nowhere. You must be hallucinating.

[-] 0 points by PBD10017 (1) 13 years ago

Looks like you're the one who's hallucinating. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Communist_Manifesto

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago






Your head.

I meant the piece written here. I've read the communist manifesto, I know it talks about the state.

[-] 1 points by GODFATHER (2) from Romeoville, IL 13 years ago

The United States of America was largely founded by citizens drinking in taverns that were 'fed-up' with paying taxes, thus launching the Boston Tea Party and The American Revolution. (that's why it's still taboo to this day to discuss politics in a bar)

Let this be our 'tavern' !

The only way to bring jobs back to the U.S. is by not buying foreign products.

  1. By placing huge tariffs (400%?) on imports from China,Japan,Taiwan,Korea,Malaysia, etc. . Then new American companies will almost instantly appear as they can now compete with foreign slave labor wages/benefits and foreign countries' lack of anti-pollution laws for manufacturers that would be illegal here.

  2. By placing huge taxes and penalties on American companies that use overseas suppliers and/or have employees (manufacturing plants) in other countries. This will bring our existing companies back.

Our government knows this.... so why hasn't this been done? The $460 Billion Obama Jobs plan WILL NOT create lasting jobs. Building or repairing a school or bridge in your neighborhood is great, but will only create a few hundred temporary jobs for maybe 6-9 months! Feel free to contact me: eagle_66@sbcglobal.net

[-] 1 points by Geogen (1) from Чернигов, Черниговская область 13 years ago

Dear friends!

Keep all of you in every way!

I’am Ready to help you ideas how you can quickly and effectively make a difference - to change the current system of false democracy - the real people-power.

I urge you all to read these materials (moving them from the Russian text - even through a translator Google):

http://gidepark.ru/community/51/article/281564 - ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Formula and mechanism of direct democracy

http://gidepark.ru/community/51/article/358010 - Democracy: The Power of the People + Manage wise

http://gidepark.ru/community/51/article/406453 - End of the era of democracy. Long live the real power of the People!


Please make every effort to translate correctly this material into English and distribute them to all public organizations and citizens - to equip them with knowledge, what to do - to win ...

Sincerely, - Geo-GEN (Eugene Gigauri) - ideologue, Coordinator of International Movement for a New World - Foresight Project Eden.

Tel: + 38 / 066 / 962-64-72 mob., (Chernigov, Ukraine)

E-mail: geo-gen@mail.ru;

My Blog on Hyde Park - http://gidepark.ru/user/main/2570907651

Let's actively disseminate information about the mechanism of direct democracy!

[-] 1 points by Hater (2) 13 years ago

I have one thing to ask: what beer am I allowed to drink if I join your protest? May I drink Budweiser, because all I can afford is Bud, or Natural Light, even though they're both part of a huge corporate organization. I'm dying for a path here. Seriously, you folks have all of the answers and I just want to know what those answers are.

Like the other day, I yelled at my priest because it looked like they wasted money on the stained glass windows. I should really consider protesting stained-glass windows.

[-] 1 points by anonnow (0) 13 years ago

As "we the people" see America’s infrastructure collapsing around us, as we see our national treasury usurped by military industry blood lusts and financial industry Ponzi schemes, as we see every news media outlet sponsored exclusively by large multinational corporations do the political "thinking" for us, as we see a country that imprisons more people per capita than any country on earth, as we see a country that denies pensions to working class citizens so that it can cut taxes to the same corporations those working class people invested in to fund the very pensions they are being denied, as we see a political process that requires candidates to be sponsored by the same corporations, military industrialists, financial institutions, and "news" media franchises that are robbing us blind and lying to us…it may behoove us to reintroduce the word “revolution” to the American-English lexicon.

What more do we have to lose? Our homes? Our infrastructure? Our retirement? Our wages? Our access to healthcare? Our “democracy” which requires corporate sponsorship to run a candidate even for municipal office?

The time has come to make ourselves heard.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

That's why I say - lose our homes? We live in those homes, not the banks. Our wages? Our retirement? 401ks are a ponzi scheme and social security is already on the chopping block, let's show bosses what happens when workers decide they don't need to have a CEO (see Mondragon).

[-] 1 points by ajmacdonaldjr (0) 13 years ago

We need a realistic, workable, well defined plan of action that will appeal to the majority of Americans. This event, as with the upcoming October 2011 action in DC is nebulous and undefined; therefore it will not do much other than gather angry radicals together for a few days. Please see the philosophy and plan of action for Summer of Justice - 2012 - DC which has a plan of action that can work and a philosophy founded on principles all Americans should be able to agree upon:http://www.scribd.com/doc/62966380/Philosophy-and-Plan-of-Action-The-Summer-of-Justice-2012-DC

[-] 1 points by deacy (8) 13 years ago

If there is any doubt that the ruling elite of this country are not robbing you blind go to the following link and read the article on how companies like GE, Bank of America and a host of others robbed employees of their pensions. http://salon.com/a/s4UMfAA



[-] 1 points by dockyWocky (1) 13 years ago

Suppose they gave a revolution, and nobody came?

[-] 1 points by ICSPOTZ (57) from Fort Carson, CO 13 years ago

Fine. Stay home. We'll pull the wagon.

[-] 1 points by politicosupremo (6) 13 years ago

Win over the police, win over the soldiers.

[-] 1 points by nickpelson (2) 13 years ago

Well done, people. Can't join you folks 'cos I'm overseas. Carry on, all the way, until The Revolution is complete.

[-] 1 points by nickpelson (2) 13 years ago

Well done, people.

[-] 1 points by disgusted (2) 13 years ago

Very interesting. The money in politics both from the left and right, Democrats and Repulicans have ruined this country. Easily this kind of "influence peddling" can best be discribed as "insitutional bribery" and worst it is an outright "bought government". Until this changes nothing good can ever become of any politicla movement but without a well funded campaign to remove money from politics money will always be in politics. An oxy-moron to be sure, but what comes first the chicken or the egg. The entrenched interests on all sides will fight any attmept to change the system they have spent almost four decades to put in place.

[-] 1 points by disgusted (2) 13 years ago

Very interesting. The money in politics both from the left and right, Democrats and Repulicans have ruined this country. Easily this kind of "influence peddling" can best be discribed as "insitutional bribery" and worst it is an outright "bought government". Until this changes nothing good can ever become of any politicla movement but without a well funded campaign to remove money from politics money will always be in politics. An oxy-moron to be sure, but what comes first the chicken or the egg. The entrenched interests on all sides will fight any attmept to change the system they have spent almost four decades to put in place.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

The democrats, left wing? Let me have a laugh. We've been run by two flavors of the right with mild concessions when the people is too angry every now and then. Lest we forget, a number of large unions were purged of their left wing membership through the last 50 years.

[-] 1 points by Militia1776 (1) 13 years ago

Thank God that Americans are finally getting up and DOING SOMETHING. For years I watched while Americans did nothing in the 90's and during the Bush admin.; and finally after a couple years of Urkelbama, America is going down in flames (economically). That apparently was enough to get people out of their La-Z-Boy chairs and into the streets. The citizen militia movement was only 20 years early, but people are finally understanding what those people were saying decades ago. RESTORE THE REPUBLIC - DEATH TO THE NWO - WE SHALL PREVAIL!

Note to the corrupt banksters, political whores, quisling propagandist talking heads, and the evil globalist architects of the American police state tyranny: You will be held accountable! Nuremburg Rules Apply - No Exceptions!

[-] 1 points by orenbus (2) 13 years ago

Please check this video there is someone that you can vote for, for president that actually shares some of the same concerns: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C6r7GmfLRI

[-] 1 points by RichBrich (0) 13 years ago

Ummm. Money is neutral... not good not bad. When we got tired of trading chickens for horseshoes we developed the concept of commerce using coin and currency as a holder of value. The value of a PRODUCT or SERVICE is determined when a buyer and a seller agree on price... it is NOT a statement about what a PERSON is worth!!!! No one is taking anything from anyone. Want money to come your way? Do something for someone for which they agree on your price.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

I meant money as a synecdoche for the power that is big business and the upper class as a group (even if some individuals stray from this lot). Not money as literal currency.

As for the rest, there are many economic systems; the labor theory of value has been tested quite well in this country and was quite a local success. Read up on the Cincinnatti Time Store!

[-] 1 points by straycat (0) 13 years ago

I've been wondering why people have not organized before this. I hope the revolution will grow in other cities.


[-] 1 points by Allithia (3) 13 years ago

I am most certainly ONE OF YOU!!! True liberty and equality for us all. Including the corporate powerholders who have no clue what true liberty and equality are. If they did, they would not be doing what they are doing. A Revolution in consciousness is officially under way, gaining momentum, upheld by the power inherent in TRUTH. Yay!

[-] 1 points by Eh2Zed (29) 13 years ago

So true liberty means taking from the rich. So does that mean the rich can take from you? Since you want true liberty. You sound like the bulshoviks beofre they were executed by Lenin.

[-] 1 points by AnthonyClover (2) 13 years ago

'LIKE' Our Official WALL ST PROTEST FaceBook Page and stay in the loop. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wall-Street-Camp-Out-OccupyWallStreet-Protest-Viva-La-Revolucion/288675277813823


[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

A quick comment - we think that these protests, to reach critical mass, will need to work in solidarity. As someone already pointed out, this is a call to action. We want to effect massive change (and let's have no illusions, whether an anarchist revolution of getting the upper class to give up on its control of politics and the economy, both are massive change from their perspective)? We need to be able to operate independently of the system we're fighting, then.

[-] 0 points by bidforspu (2) 13 years ago

I think you need to have one demand. And it should be something you can rally the rest of America with. I think ending corporate personhood is a great candidate. -ric3bowl

[-] 1 points by NewAeon (1) 13 years ago

This is not necessary. When Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the doors of The Castle Church in Wittenberg in Germany, providing the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation, he did not worry about narrowing his critique of the Catholic Church to 1 thesis.

Nevertheless, it may be extremely helpful if the movement could draft a clear and concise document that summarizes your purpose and your critique of "Wall Street"/Central Banking System/Corporatocracy. Many great writers and authors have put out literature on the subject. Their works (or they themselves) might be a good source for communicating your ideals. Good Luck.

[-] 1 points by flashcrush (2) 13 years ago

Still, there must a been one of those theses that got 'em all riled up & brought the rest along for the ride.

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

нихрена у вас не получится,зомбированное стадо клоунов.домой идите,итак весь мир смеётся.позор вам.

[-] 1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I love people revolutions and this one against the tipped off financial system has been long coming. But there is a slight mistake in thinking capitalism and corporatism are same. Corporatism is when companies are in bed with the govt and receives favors. Capitalism is the ability and freedom of any individual to become his own master, become rich through the his sweat & labor. Just because an entrepreneur has a company doesnt mean he now doesnt have the right to his own ideas, labor & profit. The problem with confusing the two is that just like the system now harms the worker, the poor like us it also harms a small business, anyone thinking of opening one and many many firms which the govt doesn't benefit. The system we are proposing will do the same. Yes there would be an appearance, a detour for some benefit to the laborers but we will ultimately suffer in the long run as capitalist individuals (not corporatist) will not be able to thrive. Socialism, restriction & regulation on the one hand, subsidies, hand-outs, bail-outs on the other both serve the corporatists who are in bed with govts, they both always end up harming the people, the laborers and the capitalist. Freedom liberty and capitalism is the answer for a morally and economically just system. Down with corporatism not capitalism

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Lol, no, capitalism is exactly that. Has always been that. True Capitalism, in fact, was even worse, as it was the era of company towns and of strikes repressed in blood. In capitalism, freedom is only freedom for the slave drivers.

If you think there is one hint of socialism in the american government, you have no idea what socialism is. Do workers control the means of production? Oh, sorry, no.

Additionally, why should "capitalist individuals" get to get rich off the back of the workers? It's not like they could do anything without others. How is he entitled to the sweat of others?

[-] 1 points by ric3bowl (4) 13 years ago

Maybe he or she is entitled to the sweat of others by risking his/her own capital and life savings to organize workers into producing something of value that others would pay for. This risk should be compensated for. Without the capitalist individual, the majority of the workers may not have been able to organize or provide a product/service of value.. the workers who can become capitalist individuals and employ workers.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

That's hilariously circular.

[-] 0 points by bidforspu (2) 13 years ago

I'm assuming you don't think capitalist individuals should be compensated for the risks they take? I believe they should be. There's nothing circular about that.

Sorry, had to sign up with a new account. For whatever reason, I couldn't post a reply due to "system malfunction" on the web site.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

" I believe they should be. "

Workers also take risks.

[-] 4 points by likhodeyev (4) 13 years ago

Simply stated, capitalism is that system of ownership where the means of production are held in private hands. That's it. This is the big sticking point, of course, from a socialist or communist perspective, as it is seen as an unnatural and unjust system of ownership and production. For Marx the need to labor is a part of our nature, and in it we find fulfillment. Little wonder, then, that a system of production in which people must trade their labor in return for access to the means of production is considered perverse from this point of view. Is it actually slavery? Nope, but it seems to be a popular equivocation to make. However, even if you disagree with the preceding view, there is no reason to think that the capitalist is entitled to the sweat of the worker's brow. The two are in a position to make a trade: the capitalist needs someone to work in his factory and the worker needs somewhere to work, but the terms have to be mutually beneficial for a deal to be struck. It seems that many here, though, don't care for the terms of the agreement. None of this is to say that the capitalistic form of ownership isn't awesome at producing goods and services as efficiently and cheaply as possible, as well as innovating at a faster pace than any other known economic system, because that's exactly what capitalism does, and that's why it has been so successful. Hell, even Marx was impressed with the ability of capitalist economies to pump out massive quantities of affordable goods and raise the standard of living for (some of) the members of their economies. He still thought they were unjust, but he was impressed. And agnosticnixie is spot on about there being no socialism in America. We're much closer to fascism, economically speaking, than we are socialism. Rather than nationalizing everything, the fascists tended to leave firms in private hands and then strictly regulate them to obtain their desired outcomes. It might have been capitalistic ownership, but it was a hell of a ways from a free market system. It's not quite that bad here, which is perhaps why there isn't a huge backlash to government intervention in and regulation of the economy to obtain certain results, but it's still way closer to fascism than socialism. Now I want to say one last thing before I end this rant: I could care less what system of ownership is at play as long as goods and services are still being delivered efficiently and affordably. I care about free markets, not capitalism. So, if a bunch of syndicalists want to get together, pool their resources, buy a factory and start producing a competitively priced good that people actually want, then more power to them. And if I want to invest in them, and they're game, good for the both of us: I can make some money while helping them to produce goods even more efficiently and affordably. What I don't want is some group, whether its conservatives, liberals, socialists, fascists or theocrats, taking control of the state, claiming to represent the interests of "the people" and then forcing everyone else to follow their vision of the good. I want free people, at liberty to form their own bonds, their own institutions, their own contracts and their own solutions. p.s. sorry for the absurdly long post!

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Read the whole piece. I tend to take a lot of my cues from mutualism. Unlike other people, however, I won't lie and say I have no isms ;) - everyone has an ideology, even the apathetic.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Its called pay. Capitalists pay people who want to work. That made the middle class prosper.

Are you from some other planet?

[-] 2 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

Capitalists pay people less then cost of work, they pay the least they can convince somebody to do a job they wouldn't ordinarily do without any incentive at all. They then charge more for the product back to the worker than the original cost of materials plus labor. They make profit on both ends.

It is possible to imagine a situation in which people choose to participate in the making of things where the labor given is equal to the compensation agreed upon. However such collective undertakings can not turn a profit, to do so requires that both labor and point of sale be out of balance with production.

This is what kept the middle class under the thumb of the employer.

What planet are you from?

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

American trade policy needs to be controlled by the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery. Michael Moore is either poorly informed or he's a shill for the corporations. Its time for Michael Moore to tell the truth or be exposed as a fraud. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 2 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

michael who?

how is that relevant?

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

The word slave never came out of Michael Moore's mouth while he was saying that the $2.1 trillion that is being held by the corporations is not their money. Its their money they made it from the slave trade just like Americans did to the Africans.

The way all those multinational corporations ripped off the $2.1 trillion is by using slave labor, but Michael Moore refuses to use "SLAVE" during his appearances on TV. Michael Moore may mean well but he's covering up the truth. What's his purpose for covering up the Bush conspiracy for rigging the explosives in the WTC? Covering up the WTC because Michael Moore doesn't want to believe the unmistakable evidence.

It doesn't matter what Michael Moore wants. He should want to choose the truth of what actually happened to collapse all 3 buildings. America isn't a nursery school for fairy tales. Americans have been put into a deep trance. Americans make fun of the Muslims who will get 72 virgins in heaven. It is far more stupid and crazy to want to cover up the simple evidence that I have to prove probable cause. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 2 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

I didnt say anything about michael moore, i haven't read any moore, and i haven't seen any of his movies since bowling for columnbine. I don't really like him as a delivery system even if he says some things i agree with.

So my question is, why are you wasting time telling me about him? I never brought him up.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

so what? I brought him up because he can be used to accomplish what we want. Quit being arrogant. read this before you keep fooling yourself. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 2 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

you are the one being arrogant. You keep repeating yourself with out any thought. Did it occure to you that I may have read what you wrote, thought about it and decided it didn't have anything to do with what I said, nore anything to do with what I think or say.

Your focusing on something that may or may not be true. My point is that we need to recognize that capitalism is making slaves of us all. Your point is, there is some unprovable conspiracy. It's a waste of time. We could be working on making a new world.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Utopia was already tried.

You're in your own private bottomless pit.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

May not be true? I just watched the show and listened to what he said. Are you stupid?

OK, now I see. You're a wacko.

[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Coke keeps repeating Coke. Is Coke arrogant too?

You liberals have very thin skin. that's why the right wingers take your shit and you want to sit in the park.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

American trade policy needs to be controlled by the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery. Michael Moore is either poorly informed or he's a shill for the corporations. Its time for Michael Moore to tell the truth or be exposed as a fraud. http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/


[-] 0 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Job boom plan for America

For the protest to guarantee winning the next election the plan needs to be force the multinationals to buy all their supplies made by American workers. Prevent any imports from China and known slave states from being unloaded. The 13th amendment abolished slavery. Having slave made goods in America is unconstitutional.

Unions should have their own pay scale. Any workers who don't want to join the union will need to negotiate their own pension, their own wages, their own health care.

End all tax deductions or tax credits and use a sales tax to collect taxes so even criminals will pay their taxes. Eliminate the entire IRS which would save $400 billion annually.

To refuse to vote for that platform would be stupid and insane.

[-] 1 points by josegomez (1) 13 years ago

¡Up to the people of Global Revolution! from Spain. The people get poor and die with this policy. Put the thieves out of the governments right now.


[-] 1 points by occupywallstreet2011 (2) 13 years ago

You really should try to find your inspiration in this: http://greencharter.com/ Keep on the good work in NY

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

greencharter explains the direct democracy theory which is a wonderful basis for equality and fair society.
Davidraymondamos has listed some great bullets also above. Our demands MUST be specific and actionable. Also, we MUST address the war industry. Our tax money is used to kill innocent citizens of Sovereign countries. It is not only illegal and criminal, we are funding it. Just like banksters the war machine must be brought to justice so our funds are used for healthcare, education and peace. Thank you for all you're doing. Good luck to us all.

[-] 1 points by duxworthone (5) 13 years ago

If we instituted direct democracy as a form of government the US would still be writing the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. We have been asleep for the last 40 years always blaming the Dems or the Reps for our problems. We find that they are nothing more then puppets. It is time for a change back to the way our forefathers envisioned.

[-] 1 points by occupywallstreet2011 (2) 13 years ago

They also cover a far banking system

[-] 1 points by DavidRaymondAmos (2) 13 years ago

From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:00 -0300 Subject: i just called from 902 800 0369 (Nova Scotia) To: 9.17occupywallstreet@gmail.com


I am the guy the SEC would not name that is the link to Madoff and Putnam Investments


Notice the transcript and webcast of the hearing of the US Senate banking Commitee is missing? please notice Eliot Spitzer and the Dates around November 20th, 2003 in te following file



[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

How 'bout getting us out of the perpetual state of war we seem to be in?

[-] 0 points by ContestTheProtest (0) 13 years ago

You protesters are retarded. I didn't read past your initial list of 5 things that might make me "one of you". Who's stopping you from achieving, doing, or having all of those things? Corporations? The State? No. The only one stopping you, if anyone, is yourself. Sack up and do something about it besides organizing ridiculously unfounded protests, not to mention in some cases violent ones. Just because you're out of a job or the CEO of your former company makes more money in a year than you will in your lifetime does not entitle you to anything. Whether you like to believe it or not, you could be that CEO one day, or make as much money as he/she, doing the same thing, or something completely different, but the world isn't going to hand it to you. Nothing in life is free, and life certainly isn't fair. Unless you're 9 years old reading this, then you probably should've learned and/or figured that out a long time ago, but I guess I have to be the one to break the news to you.

[-] 0 points by MASCEL (40) 13 years ago

Why has Ron Lawl name been changed and censored?

[-] 0 points by newearthorder (295) 13 years ago

We need tax-payer funded campaigns. It's the only way to truly get the money out of politics.It's done this way in England.

No candidate should be allowed to take any money from anyone for their campaigns. They shouldn't even be allowed to use their own money. They could only use the check they get from the government, from us.

Then, when people are serving the only number on their IRS tax form better be the annual salary we pay them. If you get $200,000 a year to be a Senator, that should be all you need.

In this way our representatives will be owned by the people instead of what ever corporation or special interest group could shovel the most cash into their coffers. It could be done for all legislative offices, state and national, all judges, and the executive for a nickel on a gallon of gas.

Until we do this, the corporations and special interests will defeat the people at every turn.

The other thing we need to do is educate the public, very basic stuff, like...what is capitalism? What is socialism? Why do I have a bridge in my city that people who will never use will have to help pay for it? Why it makes more sense to stop throwing money down a big black hole, (Insurance Companies), and have some form of single payer system.

I have put forth a system where no one pays more than 20% of their gross yearly income on healthcare. If you make $50,000 a year, and you have a healthcare bill of $20,000, you will only have to pay $10,000. The government will pay the remainder. This is a compromise system, you could still get insurance if you want to cover the gap. Only a very small number of Americans will ever need to pay more than 20% of yearly income on healthcare until they are seniors.

If you do buy insurance, under this system it will be very inexpensive because the insurance companies will already know what the maximim they would have to pay for any one client in any one year.

If you don't buy insurance and incur some hospital bills and you have a hard time paying them, we can set up payments, not more than 5% of your gross income.

Then we need to address education, before it's destroyed by the puritans.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

4 weeks ago I posted this thread on your forum: "All of you are missing the point.... All of you are haggling about money. Get rid of it. Instead of a money economy: based upon corruption, opposition, selfishness and greed: create your own self-sufficient communities and economies based upon cooperation, trust and fun. If someone wants to help you by giving their time and energy and resources, and sharing what they have with you, and you share your time and energy and help them: neither of you need to exchange paper to do this. Human society functions because it is based upon cooperation. Instead of a paper economy: create an economy based upon hugs&kisses . Have everyone pay for whatever they receive with hugs and kisses. Do you want to be rich in paper money, or rich in hugs and kisses? Create your own self-sufficient communities based upon gratitude:instead of entitlement... communities based upon generosity and giving instead of selfishness and taking. You're all missing the point and missing the boat. Let the 1% have all the money in the world: then do not deal with them and don't buy anything they try to sell you and don't use their money. Get rid of money. The 1% will starve to death and die, and all of you 99% will be happy and healthy. You are being suckered into playing their game on their terms. Fighting over who has more or less money does not make you any better than they are. All it does is: lower you down to their level of selfish greed, and the love of money. You have a choice: you can love money or you can love humans: you can't do both. Wake up.

4 weeks after I posted the idea of staring your own self-sufficient communities instead of wasting your time wrangling about money and trying to get any of the money stolen from you years ago back, which will never happen... The natural evolution of the OW movement is doing what I said is more intelligent than fighting over money.

In fact the entire direction and energy of the OW movement has been shifting away from anger and envy against the top richest 1% of society, to the positive energy of creating their own communities and having fun doing it and making new friends... Now the logo on the OW movement web site reads: "Build an affinity team! Meet new allies and friends and have some fun with us!" What's happened and is happening is the people ACTIVELY involved in the OW movement are discovering that creating their own community is FUN! Getting together with people who share your root values and sharing your life with them is FUN! Helping each other and being appreciated for what you can give by people who are grateful for your help makes you feel good all over! And they are doing this without using MONEY and without going to work to make money... In short: what I prescribed as the solution to your problems is happening naturally without any of you people realizing it is happening. It is happening because you are sharing things with other decent people who are your equal, and the energy that comes from living in an EGALITARIAN COMMUNITY which they the people on the street in New York are now experiencing... This has never been done before. All this positive energy is naturally forming itself i.to small self-sufficient groups and communities where everyone shares everything with others and pitches in and helps and is an appreciated member of their small community.

BUT...... and this is the mistake you OW movement people are doing. You're not thinking long term. Camping out during the summer and Fall is fine: but what's going to happen when the snow begins falling and it gets below zero? How long do you people plan on being there in the middle of the city in your flimsy tents?.... 1 month?... 6 months? ... a year?.... ten years?... What if you put all your energy into building a community that will last instead of a transitory temporary one?
Your natural positive energy is already telling you what you should really be doing. It says now on the main web page of the OW movement: "Learn to take down the WALL and build a new STREET! " In other words: take down the walls WHEREVER YOU LIVE and build a community on YOUR OWN STREET Turn your own street into a community Get together with people you already live with . You don't need to go to New York to do it. You can do it where you are right now. Turn your old street into a NEW street A new street where people come together and do not sit alone in their rooms with their computers. This is the positive message that these young people in New York are sending to everyone in the world: Screw the rich 1% You can have fun WITHOUT USING MONEY by starting your own community and making friends where you live, and you can do this WITHOUT any politicians or leaders or police.

[-] 0 points by turak (-812) 13 years ago

4 weeks ago I posted this on your forum:

All of you are haggling about money. Get rid of it. Instead of a money economy: based upon corruption, opposition, selfishness and greed: create your own self-sufficient communities and economies based upon cooperation, trust and fun. If you give someone a million dollars: are you helping them? No. They just gave you some pieces of worthless paper... If someone wants to help you by giving their time and energy and resources, and sharing what they have with you, and you share your time and energy and help them: neither of you need to exchange paper to do this. Human society functions because it is based upon cooperation. Instead of a paper economy: create an economy based upon hugs&kisses . Have everyone pay for whatever they receive with hugs and kisses. Do you want to be rich in paper money, or rich in hugs and kisses? Create your own self-sufficient communities based upon gratitude:instead of entitlement... communities based upon generosity and giving instead of selfishness and taking. You're all missing the point and missing the boat. Let the 1% have all the money in the world: then do not deal with them and don't buy anything they try to sell you and don't use their money. Get rid of money. The 1% will starve to death and die, and all of you 99% will be happy and healthy. You are being suckered into playing their game on their terms. Fighting over who has more or less money does not make you any better than they are. All it does is: lower you down to their level of selfish greed, and the love of money. You have a choice: you can love money or you can love humans: you can't do both. Wake up.

4 weeks after I posted the idea of staring your own self-sufficient communities instead of wasting your time wrangling about money and trying to get any of the money stolen from you years ago back, which will never happen... The natural evolution of the OW movement is doing what I said is more intelligent than fighting over money.

In fact the entire direction and energy of the OW movement has been shifting away from anger and envy against the top richest 1% of society, to the positive energy of creating their own communities and having fun doing it and making new friends... Now the logo on the OW movement web site reads:

"Build an affinity team! Meet new allies and friends and have some fun with us!"

What's happened and is happening is the people ACTIVELY involved in the OW movement are discovering that creating their own community is FUN! Getting together with people who share your root values and sharing your life with them is FUN! Helping each other and being appreciated for what you can give by people who are grateful for your help makes you feel good all over! And they are doing this without using MONEY and without going to work to get money... In short: what I prescribed as the solution to your problems is happening naturally without any of you people realizing you are creating an EGALITARIAN society which has never existed before.. ..

All this positive energy is naturally forming itself into small groups and self-sufficient communities where everyone shares everything with others and pitches in and helps and is an appreciated member of their small group or community.

BUT...... and this is the mistake you OW movement people are doing. You're not thinking long term. Camping out during the summer and Fall is fine: but what's going to happen when the snow begins falling and it gets below zero? How long do you people plan on being there in the middle of the city in your flimsy tents?.... 1 month?... 6 months? ... a year?.... ten years?... What if you put all this energy into building a permanent community instead of a transitory, temporary one that will not last?

Your natural positive energy is already telling you what you should really be doing. It says now on the main web page of the OW movement:

"Learn to take down the WALL and build a new STREET! "

In other words: take down the walls of isolation WHEREVER YOU LIVE and build a community on YOUR OWN STREET Turn your own street into a community Get together with people you already live with . You don't need to go to New York to do it. You can do it where you are right now. Turn your old street into a NEW street A new street where people come together and DO NOT SIT IN THEIR ROOMS screwing with their computers This is the positive message that these young people in New York are sending to everyone in the world:

Screw the rich 1%. You can have fun WITHOUT USING MONEY by starting your own community and making friends where you live, and you can do this WITHOUT any politicians or leaders or police.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

it must have been a committee that wrote this garbaage.

[-] 0 points by ajmacdonaldjr (0) 13 years ago

OWS = OTPOR See: The Revolution Business: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8HaMtGrveY

See also: Occupy Wall Street, OTPOR, and American Revolution: http://ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.com/2011/10/20/occupy-wall-street-otpor-and-american-revolution/

[-] 0 points by whatwouldmalemado (2) 13 years ago

Karl Marx would be so proud of you comrades!

"Property is theft"


[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Nice of you boys to drop in and accuse us of being communists, "comrade". You got a better plan? And it had better not involve maintaining the kleptocracy or no sale. The kleptos have got to go, under their own steam or by a boot to the ass.

[-] 0 points by GoOwls (3) 13 years ago

You know, I was just wondering what all the hoopla was about here in Dallas, so I looked up Occupy Dallas. That said if I wanted specifics I needed to go to some other Occupy support site. Went there...said if I wanted specifics I needed to go to another Occupy web site....which, in search for specifics, led me to here.

Here and at the other pages it is about revolt against the 1%, but no plan...I mean NO plan. Just a call to show up and squat in protest.

The news here in Dallas is doing a smash up job of shoing how many donations are coming in and how well and equiped the protesters here in Dallas are...in fact, they are so set up with electronics and food, etc., that they really don't need much....so...

Since I can't find anything here to point to where all the cash donations are going to and this is not a certified charitable contribution that is trackable by the Feds...where and to who is the money going and for what?

I know the protesters in Dallas don't need it....who has the cash?

This reeks of a money making scheme and we all know that PT Barnum said a sucker was born every minute...just looks like somebody got an idea how to get rich by letting protesters squat an earn it for them.

Since there is a total lack of visable organization and any type of specific leadership or plan, I come to the conclusion that this is just some smart folks who devised a plan to fool the ignorant and make some quick bucks...show me a plan and leadership and convince me otherwise.

BTW, I'm a blue collar worker in a 70K home and just getting by...I'm not rich, but I'm not stupid either.

Convince me...

[-] 0 points by Hater (2) 13 years ago

I have one thing to ask: what beer am I allowed to drink if I join your protest? May I drink Budweiser, because all I can afford is Bud, or Natural Light, even though they're both part of a huge corporate organization. I'm dying for a path here. Seriously, you folks have all of the answers and I just want to know what those answers are.

Like the other day, I yelled at my priest because it looked like they wasted money on the stained glass windows. I should really consider protesting stained-glass windows.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

In case you missed, corporate organizations have largely got control over most of the world, and it's nearly impossible to live apart from them. Nobody is asking this either, as were aware of how impossible it is when the system is rigged to make it impossible. Finally, why would we care about the beer you drink

[-] 0 points by AngryAmerican (1) 13 years ago

Most people are missing the point, the the Federal Reserve is the root of all this evil. They are the ones who have created a society based on perpetual debt that can NEVER be repaid. They are the ones who create money that bail out the banks which keep them in business. They are the ones who will bring this country to it's knees through inflation. THIS should be the unifying message and demand...END THE FED! Every major problem in this country stems from a monetary system based on debt. Eliminate the FED and return to a debt free monetary system. Americans have done it in the past and we flourished as a nation. Protests should spread to the FED in DC, which would have crowds of hundreds of thousands and send a clear message that the American people are done with never ending debt problems they create and profit from at our national expense. END THE FED!!

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Yeah but what is the fed? The fed is run by the banks and the federal government, it's the ultimate in the association of the rich and the powerful to remain rich and powerful. It's the trust to rule them all.

[-] 1 points by duxworthone (5) 13 years ago

Last I checked the Federal Reserve Bank is a private institition. While the name makes you believe it is part of Govt., it is not.

[-] 1 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

It's under control of congress.





[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Where are people of culture, artist, musicians, actors in this historical moment!!!

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Would like to see protest in Washington of politicians responsible for not enforcing and/or not regulating the financial industry and securing power and money for themselves by looking the other way.

[-] 3 points by SNTCA02 (5) 13 years ago

We will keep going, Washington DC

October2011: http://october2011.org/welcome AND Unified Call to Action, 'The People's Congress' http://peoplescongress.org/ Banking, pharmaceutical, oil and gas and defense corporations routinely write bills for Congress to pass. This time We The People will be writing the bills, and we will also be holding Congress accountable!

[-] -1 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

заебали уже со своей демократией,вам блядь ливии мало? ваше правительство УБИВАЕТ мирных людей,а они блядь смеются и радуются.отвечать за своих правителей будет каждый американец.

[-] -2 points by mom (0) 13 years ago

You silly tools.

You are nothing more than lazy, white, appathetic children. You fools are the "Useful idiots" that Lenin and Sal Alinsky speak of. The excrement of the failed Hippie generation. You have set back the leftist/communist movement in this country 40yrs. You are failures.....

[-] -2 points by Angie9122 (-1) 13 years ago

You people should spend more time looking for jobs and less time protesting. No one forced you to take out thousands of dollars in loans to go to college. If you don't have the money then you work until you get the money. Major corporations pay our salaries in this country. Have any of you ever looked at a tax return for a major corporation? Of course not. I have and most companies pay more in taxes in one year than any of you will make in 5 years. There are plenty of jobs available for people who actually want to work. You are communists and socialists and I will do anything I can to shut down your movement. I hope you get shut down in every city that you try to organize in. Abandoned buildings and properties are not yours to use. I work hard to earn my money and there is no reason I should give it to people who are to lazy to work. In short...get a real life and join the real world!

[-] 2 points by victor1917 (1) 13 years ago

What a crowd!

Abolish Capitalism! Long live Socialism, Communist Manifesto, etc., etc., etc. It's easy for you, people, to say, since you have no clue what it is like to live in a real Socialist country. I, unfortunately, do. I Spent 30 years of my life in Russia, enjoyning it immensely. What you usually get in the beginning of the "New Era", is a lot of blood, when millions are killed or starved to death, and then a bunch of maniacs seizes power, killing more millions, and sending to the GULAG some more millions after they are done with the killings. Stalin used to say, that when he was killing one person it was a murder, but when the count is in millions, that's just statistics.

Why all this is posible in any given coutry? Because there are a lot of "neutral" people, or the people who think that this time it's different, and that there are no really bad guys around, etc. So let's help the movement, let's feed them, let them speak, or do watever. Happend in France, England, Russia and many other countries with the same result.

And what takes place after all these "nice things" subside? Empty shelves in the stores and a bunch of the lunatic rulers, (much less than 1% BTW) who have everything. And no freedoms of any kind.

Think about this people. Good luck.

[-] 1 points by tstamant (11) 12 years ago

I think you actually put your finger on the problem by identifying " lunatic rulers". I think, what we have are psychopaths creating the social systems that incubate and cultivate mental disorders like psychopathy...the lack of empathy that these " lunatic rulers" display suggests psychopathy...really. We need some new election rules for keeping insane people out of positions that require them to make decisions that effect other people's lives. They just aren't competent in that capacity.

Here's a video of Dr. Robert D. Hare, a researcher renowned in the field of criminal psychology. He developed the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) and Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R), used to diagnose cases of psychopathy and also useful in predicting the likelihood of violent behavior. He advises the FBI's Child Abduction and Serial Murder Investigative Resources Center (CASMIRC) and consults for various British and North American prison services.

In this video, he is diagnosing a corporation against the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. I would think that the bulk of any nation's government or industry leaders would fail this test and be diagnosed as psychopaths.


[-] 1 points by VinceDelmonte (1) 13 years ago

Exactly! Be careful what you wish for--you'll be the first ones to go to the Gulags.


[-] 1 points by Danielparis (2) 13 years ago

Merci pour cet article, cela fait du bien de lire et de ressentir une telle révolte au sein de vos rangs, pourquoi la France ne se réveille-t-elle donc pas? C'est franchement incompréhensible...

Daniel http://binaryoptionsnow.com

[-] 1 points by GREGORYDOMINICSAVIO (5) from Dindigul, TN 13 years ago

I suppose you have not understood what they mean by 99% and 1%