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Sunday, June 3: NYC Solidarity Summer Coordinating Meeting

Posted 12 years ago on June 2, 2012, 1:31 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

City-wide Coordinating Meeting for Solidarity with the Quebec Student Strike and Escalating Our Struggles

TIME: Sunday, June 3rd 6pm
LOCATION: 16 Beaver St., NYC

Every night for over a week, Occupy Wall Street activists have taken to the streets of New York to march for affordable education and against police repression, in solidarity with the massive, ongoing student uprising taking place in Quebec and now spreading across the world. As protesters have in Argentina, in Chile, in Spain and now in Canada, we bang pots and pans as we march — a practice called casseroles or caceroladas.

Now, we are calling for a SOLIDARITY SUMMER based on a diversity of tactics, a variety of actions, and a broad range of participants.

Quebec students are currently waging the biggest student strike in recent history, an unlimited general strike that has galvanized massive popular support. The provincial government seeks to destroy the movement and the students’ unions and associations through increased police repression. On Friday, May 18th, an emergency law (Law 78) was passed aimed at criminalizing their growing movement. But the movement shows no signs of faltering.

Students at CUNY as well as other schools are facing severe tuition hikes, budget cuts, police repression and surveillance on our campuses, and crippling student debt. We have common cause with our sisters and brothers in Quebec and seek to unite our struggles.

We are calling this meeting to discuss how to coordinate and escalate our movements, how to involve greater numbers of students and supporters in our movement, how to be in effective solidarity with Quebec’s students and how to organize against police repression everywhere. Please bring your ideas about increasing visibility, participation, and sustainability of this movement.

For tuition-free, quality public education for all
For the abolition of student debt
For universities run by students, faculty, and staff in accordance with our needs and desires
For the right to assembly, demonstration, and dissent without repression.

Long live the unlimited student strike!


From Spain: Bankia Is Mordor

Posted 12 years ago on June 2, 2012, 2:38 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

ocupa bankia

Our comrades in Spain haven been occupying local banks with lively noise demos and caceroladas, or pot-banging protests, in Barcelona, Madrid, and other cities. In Barcelona, protesters have targeted La Caixa in a campaign called Occupy Mordor, a reference comparing the bank to the land of evil from J.R.R. Tolkien mythology. The Spanish government recently bailed out another major bank (Bankia) while under threat from the European financial sector, who promised total market chaos across Europe if their demands were not met. Spanish Occupiers - the 15-M or indignad@s movement, who largely inspired #OWS - are fighting back by expanding their banking protests.

The banking bailout is tied to the wider program of austerity being enforced in Spain and across Europe, as well as here in North America. We stand in solidarity with social movements in Spain and across the world who are resisting corrupt rule and fighting for real democracy! Below is a Manifesto from Barcelona, translated by OccupyWallSt.org. More photos below.


We have a government that is directly involved in bank fraud and an economic elite that does not hesitate to rob us. Together, they have doomed the lives of millions of people to the abyss, and consequently sent the country into total bankruptcy. Without any shame, they continue to enrich themselves and tell us to the face that they will not investigate any charges. Evictions, insider scams, and millions of empty houses left to speculation fuel a descent into poverty where the only certainty is that there is no right of the people they are not willing to sacrifice in order to save the banks.

It is time not only to protest, but to take action: While they live the high life and rescue the banks that rob us using our own tax dollars, they ask us to tighten our belt without any type of decency. While increasing taxes, they cut services in order to privatize our basic rights like transportation, and the rising cost of living forces us to work much longer for less money. They are using the crisis to defraud us. Why do we pay taxes if in the end we are forced to pay for the services we need anyway? And how are we supposed to pay if we cannot find work?



OWS Events This Week

Posted 12 years ago on June 2, 2012, 1:25 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

!occupy wall street banging pots in times square
Times Square Quebec solidarity protest, May 30

Every Day, 8pm
Casseroles March in Solidarity with the Quebec Infinite General Strike
Washington Square Park and everywhere else

Bang your pots at 8pm every night! Show your indignation for corruption, undemocratic practices, and debt slavery!

Daily #OccupyUnionSq Info Table, 9am - 9pm

Every day Occupy Union Square has an info table open and staffed, acting as a hub to promote the constant flurry of events and meetings occurring in the park and across OWS. Click here to find out how you can help out with immediate needs of the Union Square occupiers to keep it running and growing.

Friday, June 1, 6:30pm
Restorative Justice Teach In: Transforming Conflict Lab of Occupy Wall Street
The Commons, 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY

Restorative justice is an emerging social movement that offers a new vision for the world. Where justice should heal instead of punish, where we can engage with each other in a way that restores our common humanity and helps us build stronger communities, where we can lay the foundation for a new culture of understanding and solidarity. Suggested Donation: $5-$20. No one will be turned away. For more info, contact rusafischer@gmail.com.

Friday, June 1, 6:30pm
National Lawyers Guild Annual Fundraiser
Angel Orensanz Foundation, 172 Norfolk Street
Come support the work of the NLG-NYC at the 2012 Spring Fling! This year we will honor the Chapter's OWS work and Guild members who have made an extraordinary contribution to that work.

Saturday June 2, 12pm
Summer Disobedience School
Bryant Park, 42nd Street and 6th Avenue

The OWS Direct Action Group is launching Summer Disobedience School. We’ve completed Spring Training – and we’re moving and communicating in the streets like never before.

  • Noon: Trainings and actions around Midtown.
  • 2pm: Mic check in Times Square.
  • 3pm: Action Debrief, planning for next week, Occu-U classes and group meetings.
  • 4pm: Occupy Theory Assemblies. This week’s theme: Imaginative Resistance!

Read more about our curriculum, download a workbook, and join the fun all summer long!

Sunday, June 3, 12pm
1st Debt and Education Assembly: Building a Political Movement
Washington Square Park

Co-hosted by: Free University - The Occupy Student Debt Campaign - Tidal Occupy Theory

Sunday, June 3, 6pm
City Wide Coordinating Meeting for Solidarity with Quebec Student Strike
16 Beaver Street, 4th floor

Tuesday June 5th, 6pm
Occupy Public Access Brooklyn
Brooklyn Center for Media Education, 242 3rd Street

The new OWS show on Brooklyn public access is to begin airing this July! If you’re a writer, videographer, news anchor, broadcast technician, or just enjoy connecting with other people and spreading the word about what we do, come out to an orientation session.

Every Wednesday, 4pm
The People’s Gong

This Wednesday, and every Wednesday thereafter, we call on all people to join Occupy Wall Street in ringing the People's Gong on Wall Street. We invite all working groups to re-connect and re-occupy Liberty Park with us.

  • 4pm: Meet at Federal Hall, mic check, and ring the gong.
  • 5:30pm: Return to Liberty Plaza to debrief and work on projects across OWS. This week’s Direct Action meeting will focus on planning for Black Monday (September 17 2012).
  • 7:30pm: Report-back circle.

Wednesday, June 6th, 530
March To Call on the SEC to Investigate Jamie Dimon
Liberty Plaza

On the anniversary of the founding of the SEC, Occupy the SEC and Alternative Banking are holding a march calling on the SEC to investigate Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase, under Sarbanes-Oxley and refer the case the the Department of Justice for prosecution.

Thursday, June 7, 11am
Forgive Us Our Trespass - Speak Truth to Power
Liberty Square

This is a public witness to remind all land-rich religious institutions that their faith calls their loyalty to those among God's people who are at the losing end of economic disparity, not to the powerful 1% or to their own self-interest. Chris Hedges and Fr. Daniel Berrigan will speak in relation to the upcoming jury trial of Bishop George Packard and others. Occupy Catholics will hold a planning meeting for further pre-trial actions after this action.

Sunday, June 10, 7pm
Forgive Us Our Trespass - Praying Truth to Power
Duarte Square, Canal Street and 6th Avenue

Vesper service the night before the jury trial of Bishop George Packard and others. We ask Rev. Cooper and Trinity Church to listen to the Gospel mandate of forgiveness, to drop all charges against those who trespassed on the lot at 6th and Canal, and reconsider use of the empty lot.

Sunday, June 10th, 7pm
OWS Arts Cluster
The Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn

We think that this opportunity to share information, resources, grievances and sympathies among the creative community of OWS can strengthen all of our participation in the huge work at hand. Join us!

Save the Dates


June 6th in Milwaukee: Keep It in the Streets!

Posted 12 years ago on June 2, 2012, 12:53 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

occupy milwaukee

via Occupy Milwaukee

When: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at 5:00pm CDT
Where: Pere Marquette Park (3rd St and State), Milwaukee, WI
Facebook event

The Struggle of the 99% against the exploitation of the 1% is not just an election between Democrats and Republicans, it is a struggle between the Haves and the Have Nots. We must remember this and not let up our will to fight back against the 1%, even after the recall. We will be starting at Pere Marquette, at which point we are going to march through the city in what is sure to be a spirited exercise of the Power of the People. This rally will occur NO MATTER WHICH CANDIDATE WINS THE RECALL! If your group is interested in endorsing this event, contact us at occupymilwaukee@gmail.com! Occupy Milwaukee will always keep it in the streets!

We need supplies to create flyers, banners, drums and signs for this huge action! If you would like to donate to Occupy Milwaukee, please see the donation section of our website. Every little bit counts, so please donate $1, $5 if you can!

After voting on June 5th we have to make our voices heard in order to hold our Governor accountable. Occupy Milwaukee, community allies and labor unions will march on June 6th to make the following demands of our Governor:

  1. Repeal Act 10 - Hands off unions and collective bargaining. No cuts to education or Badger Care.
  2. Restore the Equal Pay Act - We demand an end to workplace discrimination.
  3. Tax the 1% - Hold the banksters and the 1% accountable for their economic crisis, and stop the cuts to working and oppressed people.

We will rally at Pier Marquette Park before marching on Milwaukee's banking district.

Endorsers (in progress) - Occupy Wisconsin, Occupy Milwaukee, Madison, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Appleton and St. Croix Falls, 9 to 5, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998, Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA), Welfare Warriors, Casa Maria, WI Bailout the People Movement, Iraq Veterans Against the War, AFSCME 82, Move to Amend, Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society, Peace Action WI, Milwaukee Fransiscan Action Network, Milwaukeeans for a Better Tomorrow Tomorrow, Act Everywhere, Occupy Riverwest, Occupy the Suburbs, Milwaukee Transit Riders Union, Progressive Democrats of America...

june 6 milwaukee keep it in the streets