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Tuesday: Stop Spectra, Resist Fracking In NYC

Posted 12 years ago on June 2, 2012, 11:29 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

ows says no fracking in a march from May 12th, 2012

Stop Spectra: New Yorkers Resist Hydro-fracking and a Dangerous and Unnecessary Gas Pipeline

What: Corporate profiteers are trying to force a hazardous and unnecessary pipeline on the residents of New York City in order to make us dependent on hydro-fracked natural gas, a fossil fuel with an ecological impact equal to or worse than oil and coal. The project will have detrimental consequences for our city, our economy, our air, our water, and the earth. WE ARE GOING TO STOP IT.
Where: Assemble at United Nations (East 42nd and 1st Ave)
When: Tuesday, June 5th, 12-4pm
More info: http://www.owsstopfracking.org/

  • Noon-1pm: Converge during Food and Water Watch rally against privatization of natural resources, U.S. support for hydrofracking.
  • 1:15pm: March leaves
  • 2-3pm: Picket at Blackrock corporate headquarters (52nd between Madison and Park) to demand divestment from Spectra and Chesapeake Energy
  • 3-3:30pm: Picket at FERC office (34th street just west of 5th Ave.) to demand that regulators reverse their decision to approve the project. Soapbox to brainstorm ideas for direct action to stop the pipeline.

Last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the Spectra natural gas pipeline. The pipeline offers no long-term benefit to New Yorkers, presents a HUGE safety hazard to millions, and will exacerbate our degradation of ecosystems and contribution to climate change through the hydro-fracking process, through which natural gas is extracted. WE MUST STOP THIS corporate menace to our city and our environment before construction begins (which it might as soon as this summer).