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Forum Post: Where Are All The So Called "good jews" That Denounce Zionism? <crickets chirping>

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 1:31 p.m. EST by ShitOrGetOffThePot42 (0)
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they're all part of the tribe and the tribe cares about the tribe and nothing else



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[-] 0 points by sdcheung (76) 12 years ago

Also alot of Righteous Hasidic Jews are in the Neturei Karta. look them up too.

We also have Righteous jews in the Satmar Sect of Hasidim.

[-] 0 points by sdcheung (76) 12 years ago


but I do know of one Righteous Jew trying to save us Gentiles... look up Gilad Atzmon.