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Forum Post: What are your thoughts?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:50 p.m. EST by JohnnaWayne (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Friends, I would like your thoughts. I have a job. Its not great. And its certainly nothing i want to be doing forever, but I do value the fact that I have a job, period, right now. However, I know of a young man, mid 20's, who has a college degree and has had an awful time finding work the last 5 years. Until recently, he landed a steady job with great hours and benes! Then, I introduced him to the OWS and in an impassioned outburst of what I can only see is insanity, quits his job to occupy with our local movement full time. Does it not seem crazy to quit a long overdue job to join a movement that states that there aren't enough jobs? I plan to be in full support as long as I can because I do realize that we need changes and we need them NOW but I think this guy lost his freakin mind. How does his actions make you feel?



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[-] 1 points by equazcion (688) from New York, NY 12 years ago

It's not our place to say. People like to make the protest about judging other protesters. Some might think protesting to make jobs more available to others is more important in the long run than having a job onesself. Others might see that as counterproductive. I support everyone's right to participate in this movement regardless of how sanely or insanely dedicated they decide to be.