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Forum Post: OWs having trouble distributing money

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 12:58 p.m. EST by letsfart4peace (29)
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This is absurd, reading this article, makes me upset, we must not further divide ourselves due to donations, these donations are meant to be given to the people, not to the owners of this organization, I have read various solutions across these forums, and no one has come up with ways they should spend donation money, it should mostly go to sending the message, across the world, and HELP those who are suffering day by day with debts and have various of children to take care of, family illnesses etc. Im not saying that the owners shouldnt get commended for their purpose, but if anything this money should go into ways to raise more money for this cause, in order to help with worldly issues. Fighting over who gets the money is irrelevant, the concern should be the future of the youth. This hurts me to see this type of monetary manipulation, lets not forget our goals and dreams guys, this is bigger than any of us, and our personal desires.



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[-] 1 points by brooce (65) from Minneapolis, MN 12 years ago

Unicorns Unite!

[-] 0 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

the money is taken by a guy named Pete Dutro, and handed over to Amalgamated Bank, a bank owned by people like Magic Johnson.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

The money should be used to pay for top dog scholars to lead the movement. Freezing dudes keep raising the money from their tents, scholars think, and orators transmit. Scholars and orators should sleep in warm houses so they are well rested. No need for them to worry about where to urinate next and on which side of the park to place their tent.

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 12 years ago

"The challenges have included how to become a non-profit entity, how to deal with credit card companies withholding donations, choosing a bank that shares the movement's philosophy and budgeting what to spend cash on." Its laughable that the organization that is so against the system is using the system, and having trouble doing so. Maybe should have some business owners running the finances, they are experienced. Too bad the movement alienates all those people.

[-] 1 points by letsfart4peace (29) 12 years ago

We cannot alienate people however, we must foresee their intentions. In order for Occupy wallstreet to work, innovative ideas must be considered by all, and mass brainstorming must take place as well as a union of all OWs sectors, in which they must discuss as a group or whole which is the best and most beneficial method that results in helping a global world. If a decision on which bank to choose has become a major issue, why not instil our own bank based on these ideologies, and fund organizations based on these ideologies, and ran by the people and for the people, not by a select few.