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Forum Post: Boycott DEANFOODS biggest milk producer in us

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 12:44 p.m. EST by miahman121 (0)
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Hello all , I want to tell you a little about the greedy company i work for. They are called dean foods and they produce 90% of all the milk in the us. They make us work ungodly hours with the treat of getting fired if you refuse. The managment make 60 to 80 grand a year while us peeons make 20. They bully all the farmers to get cheap milk and they sell it for ungodly high prices. It is not the farmers or the workers getting the money. IT IS THE SHAREHOLDERS. Thats why we have to be at work when the roads are closed. I live in ny and houses were washing away and they made people come in. Wouldnt let people leave . Its all about money. I will post a list of all the products we make and hopefully people will boycott them.



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[-] 1 points by miahman121 (0) 12 years ago

I was told to suckdick to get my paycheck and many others worse things. They kept the manager for 6 more months cause he was upperclass.


[-] 0 points by Karl99 (63) 12 years ago

Find another job you idiot, if you don't like where you work.