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Two Different Solutions To Morgage Foreclosure

39 comments 11 years ago by ZenDogTroll (13032) last comment 11 years ago

Occupy TPP !!! ~ A Trade Deal from Hell ~Anti-TPP Rally Sept 9th, Leesburg VA ~ Get On The Bus!

10 comments 11 years ago by Renneye (3874) last comment 11 years ago

March on Tampa

2 comments 11 years ago by mjbento (74) last comment 11 years ago

Jump starting the re-Birth of the USA. An open letter 8/28/2012.

22 comments 11 years ago by DKAtoday (33802) last comment 11 years ago

OWS, Libertarians, Tea Party UNITE!!!!

10 comments 11 years ago by kaiserw (211) last comment 11 years ago

Thrashymaque, electron, April, etc....

25 comments 11 years ago by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) last comment 11 years ago

Its not the fascist liars we need to fear - it is the millions of lemming who are too afraid or too stupid to think

2 comments 11 years ago by ericweiss (575) last comment 11 years ago

Caught in the middle. Lebanon, the next flashpoint.

5 comments 11 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 11 years ago

Occupy/Twitter vs. NYC

6 comments 11 years ago by shoozTroll (17632) last comment 11 years ago

An original opinion or what would Marx do?

55 comments 11 years ago by ogoj11 (263) last comment 11 years ago


1 comments 11 years ago by alebaiocchi (0) last comment 11 years ago

Anti-TPP Rally ~ Sept. 9, 2012 Leesburg VA : No Back Room Deals for the 1%

0 comments 11 years ago by Renneye (3874) last comment 11 years ago

Why The GOP Can't Defeat The Vagina!

0 comments 11 years ago by LloydJHart (190) last comment 11 years ago

The Truth is Reality Now

0 comments 11 years ago by agkaiser (2526) last comment 11 years ago

Officer Winski

2 comments 11 years ago by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) last comment 11 years ago

Great report on the RNC and Romeny powergrab...08/27/12

3 comments 11 years ago by reckoning (53) last comment 11 years ago

bankers hate inflation becasue it redistributes wealth

55 comments 11 years ago by mayda (285) last comment 11 years ago

2011Inflation is Neither as Boring Nor as Simple as it Seems by Kenneth Thomas

2 comments 11 years ago by flip (7101) last comment 11 years ago

Focused Like a Laser on a Mirror Ball: How a Paul Ryan Fiasco Became Almost Unavoidable

0 comments 11 years ago by jph (2652) last comment 11 years ago

As you can see, the dollar is on it's way up. The FED wants to stop this trend.

33 comments 11 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 11 years ago

New Issue of Occupied Minds

2 comments 11 years ago by tallscott (11) last comment 11 years ago

Justice Served!

0 comments 11 years ago by vitvitvit (5) last comment 11 years ago

for mr r k gates

11 comments 11 years ago by flip (7101) last comment 11 years ago

If you have a dog in the fight you'll care how the fight turns out.

23 comments 11 years ago by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) last comment 11 years ago

Obama's failed Housing Policies exposed.

0 comments 11 years ago by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) last comment 11 years ago

Rock Vote: Get Rocky Anderson Into Debates

4 comments 11 years ago by gsw (3411) last comment 11 years ago

Let's Support Splitting The USA Up Into Different Countries

74 comments 11 years ago by 1971 (154) last comment 11 years ago

Elect Jules

2 comments 11 years ago by OldCrow (22) last comment 11 years ago

The G.O.P. (Nazi) Platform has been ressurrected.

17 comments 11 years ago by matoinyanawacis (157) last comment 11 years ago

Good Message From Alan Grayson

10 comments 11 years ago by Nevada1 (5843) last comment 11 years ago