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~~ It Is My Conviction . . .

33 comments 12 years ago by ZenDogTroll (13032) last comment 11 years ago

Lets give paul & todd a pass - they DO understand the difference between "forcible rape" & "legitimate rape"

8 comments 12 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 12 years ago

The Bank Bubble Is About To Burst!

6 comments 12 years ago by dealdoctor (148) last comment 12 years ago

Now here's some serious advice

0 comments 12 years ago by TheTrollSlayer (347) last comment 12 years ago

Todd Aiken's 'legitimate rape' and the Romney-Ryan war on women - VIDEO

0 comments 12 years ago by fiftyfourforty (1077) last comment 12 years ago

If you are planning to vote this November the rules might have changed in your state so check this website now!

0 comments 12 years ago by frogmanofborneo (602) last comment 12 years ago

the Conservative Modus Operandi

92 comments 12 years ago by ZenDogTroll (13032) last comment 11 years ago

Is this being manufactured? Cheating Republicans!

5 comments 12 years ago by VQkag2 (16478) last comment 12 years ago

Occupy Portland is interested in experiences in occupies all over

0 comments 12 years ago by cherylnobel (0) last comment 12 years ago

Do you understand rape? Republiclans – not so much.

30 comments 12 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 11 years ago

VOTE! But how do you Choose? Let's put the Goods on the Table!

91 comments 12 years ago by rpc972 (628) last comment 12 years ago

Mr. Ryan isn’t a serious man — he just plays one on TV. by krugman

0 comments 12 years ago by flip (7101) last comment 12 years ago

The Arab Spring has been hijacked

56 comments 12 years ago by DouglasAdams (208) last comment 11 years ago

The conversation still has yet to start.

42 comments 12 years ago by richardkentgates (3269) last comment 12 years ago

LAST CHANCE for anyone who wants Republican President!

8 comments 12 years ago by Misaki (893) last comment 12 years ago

Wall Street Banksters: Ongoing Bailouts & No Criminal Prosecutions!

2 comments 12 years ago by NeoSolomon (14) last comment 12 years ago

GOP Senate candidate says he ‘misspoke’ with ‘legitimate rape’ comment

4 comments 12 years ago by gestopomillyy (1695) last comment 12 years ago

The Big Media Lie:::The US Government's Purchase Of 1.4 "Billion" Rounds Of Anti-Personnel Ammunition

9 comments 12 years ago by Hanssen (36) last comment 12 years ago

prove to me that this is NOT karl rove in a wig

6 comments 12 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 12 years ago