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Forum Post: A quote I would like to share.

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 9:03 p.m. EST by Cantoffie (17)
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"One blueprint for making collapse likely is where there is a conflict of interest between the short term interests of the decision making elites, and the long term interests of the society as a whole. Especially if the elites are able to insulate themselves from the consequences of their actions.

What is good for the sort term for the elite is bad for the society as a whole, there is a real risk of the elites doing something that will bring society down in the long run"

"These issues of conflicts of interests are acute in the United States of America today. Especially because the decision makers in the United States are frequently able to insulate themselves from consequences..." ~ Jared Diamond on why societies collapse.

For more watch this video on the collapse of societies. Only 18:00 minutes long. I just thought this quote was very prevalent to this movement.



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[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 12 years ago

Nailed it. That's exactly what is happening. An orchestrated "collapse" of the U.S. and World Economy. Why do you think they are building 300 FEMA camps across the Country-- each camp designed to hold between 10,000 and 20,000 people. This Wall Street movement is a great idea... but, god-forbid it is TOO LATE.