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Articles tagged bank transfer day

How to Move Your Money

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 3, 2012, 10:50 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: bank transfer day, n5, move your money

move your money

Monday is Move Your Money Out Day of Action! See below to see how you can help.

Want to participate in the Occupy Movement but don’t quite feel ready to march or protest? Don’t worry, there are many other ways to disempower the financial institutions which form a virtual shadow government that subverts the will of the people.

You can move your money.

Late last year, sick of being charged a $3. overdraft fee on a $2 cup of coffee, I decided that I didn’t want HSBC - recipient of $3.5 billion of taxpayer-funded bailout money from AIG - to continue to nickel and dime me, so I opened an account at Ally and directed my paycheck to be deposited there. It was that simple. Now, when I receive $2 statements from HSBC, I laugh. They’re not taking my money any more.



Nov. 5: Move Your Money Out Day of Action

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 28, 2012, 3:52 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: bank transfer day, n5

banks know the price of everything but value nothing

On November 5th, we invite everyone to come together and hold the banks accountable for their greedy display of democracy. They got billions in bailouts and get millions in tax subsidies and have done nothing to help the economy but make their shareholders and CEOs richer. They have foreclosed on millions of hard-working families and denied them refinancing on their loans. They have lost billions of the American people's money through risky gambling and illegal activities. We must stand up to them and say "NO MORE"!!

So on this day before the elections, we encourage everyone to move their money and move their debt from big banks into credit unions and local community banks. Since November of last year, over $100 million has been moved, and we hope to see another $100 million moved on this day.

Please share this event with all groups, organizations and occupy movements across the nation. Thanks!!

-Occupy The Banks PDX

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