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Articles tagged assad

No War, Not Now, Not Ever

Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 31, 2013, 1:14 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: obama, syria, assad, war

The “No War With Syria” movement denounces the complete disregard of the government of the United States for the will of the American people as reflected in the government's decision to start yet another war. The movement in no way support the actions of the Assad regime, but we recognize that US intervention will instigate more violence and suffering in Syria. As the U.S. is already hurting from a recession and perpetual wars, becoming involved in Syria will only create further destabilization in the Middle East and strip the people of the United States of desperately needed resources. The “No War With Syria” movement recognizes that the only the American people can stop U.S. intrusion in the Middle East, just as only the people of the Middle East can stop their own internal struggles.

We call on everyone to join us in saying no to yet another U.S. invasion. We recognize that peace cannot be reached through bombs, drone attacks, and murder; peace is created through compassion and forgiveness, which must come from within. Please join us as we gather across the country to begin a campaign to stop the United States government from invading Syria.