Forum Post: Anti-OWS trolls have taken over this entire forum
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 5:33 p.m. EST by turak
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This happens everywhere there is a free internet forum that is not supervised. A classic case of this are the unsupervised forums on craigslist. The trolls post ten times more than ordinary people... They sit here day and night, 24 hrs a day, waiting for anyone to make a post, so they can pounce and take over the discussion and derail all intelligent debate and sabotage every issue and discussion before anyone else can respond..
Then... once there is nobody else on the thread they begin babbling to each other and filling up each thread with more and more of their posts. Posting dozens and dozens of posts in every thread, drowning out anyone who is not a troll.
Just by their willingness to stay on this forum day-in and and night every day and every night: their posts become a visible majority... But this apparent majority is a deceptive illusion. They are actually a very, very TINY minority of the 99%.
This forum is now being flooded by a small number of paid subversive trolls who are expert at derailing all intelligent discussion and throwing red herrings into every relevant discussion... and what's more: they are openly hostile to the OWS movement and say so in their posts to each other.
One way to tell a real freaked out troll is when they start posting to themselves. That is a definite sign of mental illness. Then there is the 'mad scientist' type.. cackling in glee, when nobody understands what they are cackling about. Then there are the arguers; who do not want to agree about anything..
With an all-out attack being staged by governmental operatives against ALL forms of dissent, OWS is the primary target. Either the people of the world, including American citizens, will rise up and take back their inherent rights as human beings or the world will become a global police state, otherwise known as The New World Order. There is no longer time to sit down and think about it. The dire circumstances call for action now. It's now or never.
You said it brother..
He said what? The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
No, the "sky" has already fallen. You're behind on the latest news. It's the task of a free people to put it back in place.
Mmmm. Or not. Sun keeps coming up in my neck of the woods. Governmental operatives..... Vote the mental government congress people out. Make them a little less comfy in their seats. Only thing that gets attention is to vote them out. Crapping in the parks, trespassing on private church property, and disrupting traffic has no effect on them.
By March - early March - you will not be so comfortable with your casual attitude. Aware human beings, if you count yourself in that number, are planning for a most uncertain future. How will you face your family at that time if you don't make preparations now?
Really, what happens in March? If not human, where would I count myself? Seems to me your attitude must make you above humans. Mmmmm...
The New Order of the Ages is written in Latin on our God damned money.
Novus ordo seclorum = The New order of the Ages. It's written under the All Seeing Eye above the pyramid.
I hate nut jobs... any way, I can bring everyone into a New World Order... we just have to bring down the legitimacy of the U.S. Government... But they're already doing it... the government has been printing money in order to pay off banks... we have to get our money far away from the Government's use... because they're going to cause inflation once the banks stop accepting the U.S. dollars which afterwards all of those prints are going to still be in circulation... I wonder what will happen to all of our money... because now... The Government is to blame for our hard times... we have to get a very localized population of citizens to secede from the U.S. and say, "We no longer want to be a part of this, we just want to be able to live our lives, and do what we want to do without having the corruption of money, we secede in order to not allow our lives to get ruined by the Government..."
I think it is important to take note that there has been a difference between responses by authorities in various areas, and these differences will, I believe, be traced back to political and ideological differences within given communities.
The ghost of George Washington stands on the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building and raises his right arm, with sword in hand......the same sword held aloft when his army won the Battle of Trenton during the hard winter of 1776. He says, "Will you step forward to help save the Republic, won with the blood, sweat and tears of brave men and women of the Revolutionary War? Or will you let it be taken from you by those unworthy ones who now inhabit these sacred halls?"
because you are a loser !!!!
OWS is the primary target of the people.They are what they claim to oppose.
what do you suggest what is your honest take on this issue ,
What are peoples "inherent rights as human beings"?
Is there a document written with those inherent human rights so we all will know what they are?
Do you know what they are?
No rights exist. Your very existence is not "right".
Rights are threats; enforced by nothing more than your will.
Accordingly, you must be both humble and unwavering.
This is hardly "government" operatives.
The Leadership Institute's thugs are recruited by the hundreds a year. The likes of James O'Keefe, Stanley Dai, and Joseph Basel, among other felons.
Plying low-pay jobs as shills is typical right wing action.
Although I agree with you, the left has done no better in that regard. God I love being independant.
Nobody on the left is throwing $50,000,000 a year to support dirty tricks schemes. Get over it, cuz the righties have recruited the sociopaths for 30 years.
30 years? You are forgetting Himler and Goebbels
There's truth to that. The main Sturmabteilung recruitment paralleled today's Tea Party scam, offering a false front with pro-worker sentiments. 3,000,000 male workers signed up as these Brown Shirts.
As the Nazi Party developed through the 1920s, though, Hitler's bodyguard unit expanded to the Schutzstaffel under Himmler. From 1929 on the SS housed every sociopath that the Nazis could lay hands on. Violent felonies became the unprosecuted norm for these human monsters.
Still, for America, this Leadership Institute (obviously, Führung Institut auf Deutsch) was founded in 1979. Money from Adolph Coors, another wealthy racist paranoid, helped make it all possible.
If you truly believe that the current administration is not doing the same thing, you are either very uninformed or just so blinded by your views. Bottom line, you need to practice what you preach and open your mind.
If you believe any of that, tell us who the wealthy paranoids are who support hate-behavior for the Democratic Party. And what organization recruits bully-boy thugs by the hundreds, paralleling Morton Blackwell's Leadership Institute ?
We have dozens of felonies committed by LI grads. Tell me one felony or personal assault misdemeanor committed by a leftie in the last decade ???
The left learned from Martin Luther King. The right are worshipers of Karl Rove.
Do you want convicted of a felony or committed one but protected from it?
well, I may not be intelligent, but I absolutely do support the movement, if not every single piece of its advocacy.
This movement is absolutely necessary, vital to the nation. The trolls prove it. They are a reflection of the mindset we oppose.
Chin up.
We will prevail.
"This movement is absolutely necessary, vital to the nation. The trolls prove it. They are a reflection of the mindset we oppose. "
well thanks. I'm a bit of a partisan hack - I've posted a lengthy justification elsewhere. The trolls themselves are one of the best arguments against the repelican party and their entire ideology.
check your spelling
it's not repelican
it's republiclan
It is a term of approbation,
a proof,
derogatory in nature,
intended to shame and to ridicule
those who run for high office upon a platform of lies
before the whole world and have not the decency
to blush bright crimson.
they are reprehensible.
they are repulsive.
they are repellent.
they are repelicans . . . .
there is no difference between two parties democrats and republicans. you know why? becuase seems like parlament and president been operate by some otherworldly trolls. but i don't blame Obama, cause he have a family and he dont wanna die like JFK
Well spoken. The troll desparation does speak volumes!
Democracy isn't always pretty is it. =/
Maybe we should put up a "Don't feed the Subversive Nihilists" sign or something.
You said it brother.
Yeah ! You are an (x) !! We All know already !!!
That is more like it. that's funny. I think I'll listen to your wisdom
Indeed but i still seem to find useful information here never the less. Hey trolls - byte me.
You slay me, brother!
I agree. I almost don't even like to post on here anymore period. You get sucked into arguing with these jagoffs about something completely mundane. They know they are completely delusional but choose to argue for the sake of argument. I have just found it easier to ignore them. When you feed them they just keep going and going until they fill the entire post with nothing but stupid ass photos because they know they have nothing interesting to say. They claim everything is a conspiracy theory and believe that they have been chosen to police the entire forum under the guise that they are somehow an artist delivering interventions to those they don't agree with. They believe its ok to censor anyone they choose because it would hurt their brain to much for them to develop a rational thought. Ignore these pieces of shit. Don't let them divide. You know who they are. Do not respond to them. They can't stand to be ignored. It makes them squirm.
You said it brother. Couldn't have said as well as you did.
The plan is working. Soon, you will leave. Mwhahahaha. Destroy the conspiracy theorists! Deface their posts! All of them! Mentally ill illogical vagabonds... die! For the betterment of manmind!
and also to let you know , i am almost done with my short story book i am writing since joining OWS its 1001 uses for the word fuck and one of them will go down as fuck people who are so vain in their intelligence levels, dedicated to Thrasy boy,
Truthers are destined to perish. Die you ill and illogical minds. Your thoughts have no use.
You are so eloquent my friend. Your creativity has no bounds.
FU! Not your friend. FU!
Are you still a high schooler?
I'll take that as a "No, I'm still in junior high.".
are you fricking serious man you are only in the 8th grade i strongly advise you to never give any of your info to anyone on this site ever ,if you are only that old maybe you should think about starting a face book page its safer, and you can still use it a forum , because someone who impersonated you or you loaded some thing son this site that were not positive at all, so B safe out there man , and watch out and take care who you talk to because there are real radical people who may be involved in OWS , who are really totally violent , so be safe man and merry christmas its time for me to get back into the field so i can break up some fights and save people from getting robbed at the occupation sites and also to help them not get fukd with by the cops , and i also document civil and constitutional rights violations for people i have a small media center in my back pack you know digital and video and my laptop and when i set up some where i log onto this site a have OWS videos going on while i am talking to people and getting interviews with my digital audio device then i can usb it to 10.000 people in less than 10 minutes , its easy really all you need is a decent tent a couple camping chairs a camera and audio device and a decent laptop , 1.7 gigs is what i am operation with but any way be safe on this site man , peace ,
Ronny James DIo said this Between the velvet lies there is a truth as hard as steel, the vision never dies life,s a never ending wheel ,
i am a conspiracy theorist and consider this man we are not as outspoken as we were 20 years ago we are the future fuck the past i do not have time for it nor would i want to because of how much it totally sucks ,
That sentence makes no grammatical sense. I have no idea what you are trying to say. Perhaps you could divide it in several sentences?
yea i got a problem with long sentences i am a Hunter S Thompson freak and as for the bad freak money mongers . well lets just say i expect them to soon be bumming change on 8th ave, drinking a half frozen espresso they found in the garbage at star bucks , while they are waiting to roll up to the whole foods dumpster to get the crust of a half eaten pannini they scored .. then they can sit back and think about the good old day,s when they were groping their alien counterparts in the bathroom at the yale club .
I only respond to them when it is bumping a good post. People really need to stop answering the posts that they start.
THIS is our homeland security dollars at work. Every day the paid posters expose just how stupid they are, but they keep getting paid...just like the higher ups....
You said it brother.
Oh! How I do wish I was paid like so many of you conspiracy theory nutjobs believe. Oh! How I do wish I was paid.
this troll is a definite enemy of this forum: he WANTS to be paid for his subversion.
If someone is willing to pay me for what I post, I won't refuse the money.
i am building a OWS Frankenstein , and also a OWS Rosemary, s baby but i don,t want to see your porn , if i want porn i will watch it on you tube , so i don,t get any virus, in tech item s,
I never posted porn. If you accuse me of this, provide evidence. Give the permalink to where Thrasymaque posted porn.
i may be incorrect about the fact of if it was actually you , but there were several people saying that you did and they were also complaining about why they were censored and you were not, i personally like naked chicks bu not here ,
You are an illogical conspiracy theorist. It's normal that you would simply choose to believe whoever you want without caring for a tad of evidence. I hope that works out for you.
yea you may be right but i am looking for evidence i only have facts , i usually try to stay within my particular genre of forums, my IQ is over 140 i am left handed , but also there is the fact that i used drugs and alcohol for a very long time earlier on in my life , and i has certainly affected my thought process , but after several years of not doing it i actually find that there are so many things going in around us that some people may never realize , but thanks man you be safe out there and have a nice holiday ,,
I don't care about your self professed authority, only about your arguments which have thus far been very weak.
i think you may urn out to be a good freak , i wish you luck in your ventures i was never here to debate or argue those are not my strong points , of service to the OWS movement unless i am arguing with some asshole at a occupation or a cop or people who steal donations and keep them for their self to line their pockets . i believe and also many others to say i have a knack for connecting people who work well together to B part of the solution instead of part of the problem, i dig what turak said about centralization of this planet , so consider this Antidsestablishmentarianism, and just exactly what it means ,
If you are not here to debate, then why are you posting. Simply read.
because the numero uno amendment say,s i can say what i want , but no seriously man i am here to make a difference and if i am browsing through post and i see one that catches my interest i stop in for a minute but i do not try to go out of my element i know what my intelligence level is and i am glad that you have not insulted me needlessly thanks for that , also i hope to gather info for my book and my documentary about this movement and some of the people involved i am not a spy or troll as they say , i am a investigative journalist actually still in the hobby journalist stage , but after i brush up on my as you say grammar and punctuation things i need to be taken seriously my short story articles will be submitted to publications like Rolling stone , the Guardian , Atlantic wire , and several other news and media publications so thanks for your replies and also man i was just fking around when i said i would use you handle for my 1001 uses for fuck , any way keep up the positive vibe and do what you can if you think you have a serious answer or solution don,t sit on it show it to someone you think can help you use it to do something positive not just for the movement but for your planet , peace B with you man happy holiday,s
stop being such a bad freak , you need to grow up and be a man and a leader instead of a pawn on someone else,s chess board , you are obviously intelligent if you have combat training and legislation experience you will be perfect for my mad scientist OWS experiment , also you must have at least a bachelor,s in political science that, in case i need to keep your brain for the future in case the cops crack your skull open ,
Have you noticed nobody here wants anything to do with you? Take the hint
I'm moving over to the moderated forums at . The quality of discussion is much higher there, and they have much better troll-management tools (report a post for moderation, ignore posts from users who consistently post trash, etc). Come on over and join us !
See my post and the discussion at
Allright! maybe some more minds to change!
Irony at its best.
Hey this made it to the top of the thread. I think the problem is that people come here looking for answers but are then lashed out on. This creates more trolls through some sort of initiation of being lashed at and then taking revenge. Some trolls have been here for months and are not banned while people who have certain views are banned. It's one thing to debate OWS and another to troll OWS.
Dont worry just wait till spring!!! This is our valley forge. Hang in There brother we are all in this together "united by 1 divided by 0"
Associating OWS with conspiracy theories derails the movement far more any any troll can.
Why not focus on real, known issues? Like banker bailouts, foreign relations, national image, the environment, standard of living?
Who're you responding to? You've got the wrong post. My original post says nothing about conspiracies.
plus: any idiot who thinks that conspiracies do not exist shouldn't even be allowed here. The bank bailout was a conspiracy. The ruining of the environment is a result of corporate interests conspiring behind closed door to use and profit from what is not rightly theirs. The foreign policy of the Govt is a conspiracy between the most powerful richest industrial corporations in the world and the most powerful military machine in the world.
Do you have ANY fucking idea of what the Pentagon and the whitehouse: what is laughably called as 'your' president and 'your' armed forces are conspiring to do and why they are doing it?
They don't tell you ANYTHING bout what they're really doing and they don't tell you WHY they're doing it, and they don't tell you HOW they are doing it, and they don't tell y WHERE they are doing it: for a goddamn good reason. Because what they are planning and doing is CRIMINAL, and they know if they let the truth leak out they would be in jail.
I was fine with the movement and it's progression until OWS made Mumia Abu-Jamal there poster boy!
They get paid for it.
The anti-OWS are fierce in their battle to cling on to their throne of money, government, and the media. They pay their Tel-Aviv midgets to sit all day on the Internet on all forums to spread their venom. These midgets don't have to work. They live on rip offs by the like of Madoff leaching on American People's earnings.
Please, O God rid the world of these sick bastards.
A groupo run by professional agitators paid for by Soros through the Tides foundation. Soros wants to destroy America, so he and fellow Jews can make billions on the stock market.
Look at you accusing others of taking over an intelligent debate. You copycat. You haven't allowed one person to debate you before you begin the swearing and name calling.
The trolls are the true 99%. The voice of the people being heard through the yelling. Maximilien is beheaded.
. We know better and you need us to think.
I'm perfectly capable of thinking on my own, thank you.
It's doubtful.
How about redirecting them to another forum?
How do you keep them from coming back?
How about ones with a challenge trolls enjoy challenges like slow posting and stuff.
Now you made me laugh. If we all laugh at trolls and take the issues which the OWS movement stands for seriously: that will work.
Responding to trolls plays into their game. The best tactic is to ignore them.
You said it brother.
The thing is... many times it takes a number of posts to reveal what their agenda really is. Once I find out someone is hostile towards the movement: all they get is abuse from me. You're right. The instant I recognize a basic hostile attitude towards the OWS movement it's better not to respond at all. The instant I recognize they are against everything the OWS movement stands for: they should be excommunicated from all further response.
gee - maybe that means you are in the minority lol!
Trolls are easy-beats develop your political consciousness.
Turak, I guess you're right Free Speech sucks. I mean sure it's great when it is representing ideaology you agree with but the second it is an opposing viewpoint it should be banned with extreme prejudism.
The reason this forum is overtaken by Anti-OWS is becuase the strong majority of the so called 99% are disgusted by OWS just as much as they are about the pork barrell our president has been spending as the "stimmulus package"!
first: you have no freedom. They own you and all your material possessions. You're a slave of he capitalist system and you are a brainwashed fool
Second: this web site was not made for you or for the enemies of the OWS movement.
3rd: the idea that you speak for the 99% of Americans and know what they feel and think is so dumb it's not even worth making fun of.
Everything alive is a slave to something else, learn to live and get over it. I thought any forum was a place to debate ideas and issues. If OWS wants dissent eliminated they can say so. There is a certain irony though in being in favor of democracy and not allowing any disagreement.
People talk about the 99% as though it were a single like minded entity. It isn't, no one speaks for it. The people in it have such diverse opinions I doubt anyone ever will really be able to speak for it.
thanks for your reply on my post i firmly believe that this site has not only been compromised but that the owners of it are part of a organized crime syndicate family , and do not represent the 99% they may have began with positive intentions but even if they did i do not see any evidence of any positive influence this site is having on the OWS movement ,
This forum is not the OWS movement. The OWS movement is not this forum. if you can understand this: there is still hope for you.
This is the only thing the ows has. It has no more parks to dirty, no leader, no demands, no direction, and certainly not the support of 99%.
where can people who have some agreement unify on the web for real i think we should find a way and create a political site exclusively for the future agenda in 2012 for actually getting our first pieces of legislation submitted , i mean i think if people who visit these forums and agree on anything should find a way to unite and actually know each other , because in movements there will be arguments and their will be backlash from time to time but its perfectly fine as long as the original argument was about an issue that,s actually pertains to the movement ,
You have not even begum to listen to what I told you.
There are 100's of millions of people on the internet.
There are trolls, freaks, drug addicts, criminals, children under the age of 10. paid subversive agents, people with specific agendas, people with no agenda other than distraction, people who are politically aware. People who are politically unaware, people who have an IQ under 50, people with IQ's over 150.
There are people from 100's of different nations, 1,000's of different cultures, 100's of different religions, people who have no religion, people who do not want to change anything, people who do want to change certain things, people in every income bracket, from every social circle, people whose mother tongue is not English, whose family culture is completely different from yours, people who believe differently than you do, live differently than you do... there are people whose professions and jobs are different from yours, there are people who have no profession at all, there are people whose education is completely different from yours, people whose understanding of the world is completely different from yours, people who live in different continents than you, who live in different climates than you.
There are people filled with hate, people filled with fear, guilt, anger. There are people who are just bored. There are people who have no emotions whatsoever. There are people who have no thoughts in their brain whatsoever. There are people who never learned how to think critically, there are people who never learned how to think period. There are people who have never learned a profession. There are people who never finished high school. There are people who never finished grammar school. There are people who are graduates from universities. There are people who cannot read a book. There are people with attention spans of less then 3 minutes. There are people who cannot retain what they read. There are people who cannot remember what they read 1 hour ago. There are people who don't understand what they read. There are people who do understand what they read. There are people who cannot communicate, there are people who can communicate, there are people who don't know how to write English, there are professional writers who do know how to write correctly. There are people who have never been taught to think logically. There are people who have never learned how to write logically. There are people who don't even know what logic is. There are people who don't know LOTS of things. There are people who know many things. There are people who don't know how to connect what they know together. There are people who DO know how to connect what they know together... ETC... ETC... ETC...
And you want all of them to do WHAT!!????
You want them to agree on WHAT!!??
You want them to unify??
Most of the freaks \who come on internet forums don't WANT to agree with ANYONE. In fact if they find that they agree with anyone... they LEAVE.
Most freaks on internet forums only stay on a forum if they can DISAGREE... in fact if they can't find anyone to disagree with and argue with... they LEAVE. Most people come onto internet forums to ARGUE.
Most people who come onto internet forums are convinced they are in the right... and EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG.
Most people can't agree with anyone about anything.
The OWS movement is a rare case of people with different agendas and opinions etc, who have targeted the top 1% of your society as the root evil of their society, and by that; : they have managed to identify themselves as part of an EXCLUDED ostracized part of society who do not have all the money and all the power.
They are wrong in this assumption. The corruption of global capitalist consumer society is corrupt from top to bottom: and because they do not recognize this fact, and do not deal with this, and because ALL civilized humans refuse to look at themselves critically: Only 1% of the 99% have joined their ranks.
fuck how is this possible i really think you have a serious intelligence level if we could find more individuals like you to actually lobby for this movement we would be a great great shape for 2012 , i have been to the house of representatives in Washington DC , back before 911 when you could still go in the capitol building and check out the house meeting on a certain date and time , so my point is that what you just said and explained in clarifying detail is something i want my senator or congressmen to say , so really thanks man your fucking awesome and when i see or talk to people fucking awesome i say so , and when i see or talk to people i do not agree with i also say so , but not in a dis respective manner like some of the bad freaks , your diplomacy is for sure one of your strongest assets bro don,t ever let people push u around or try to tell you what to write or say say what you will man ,
just trying to educate you
so you attack the trolls instead of engaging in debate. typical. predictable.
What is typical? Attacking trolls? What is predictable? Who else do you know attacks trolls except me? Exactly what do you mean? What are you babbling about? Are you a troll?
If this is the best that they have, then they are not much.
You said it sister.
What are you doing tonight, home?
Yep. Home.
It's probably a CIA attempt to overthrow the movement. Partial sarcasm.
This is another example of media brainwashing. The average American is not aware that ever since World War Two, most of the political coups and overthrowing of popular democratic movements in 3rd world countries all over the world, which have placed dictators in power... Like the Shah in Iran.. and the Contra's and Ali North, has been due to the intentional subversion by the United States Govt and its agents... Of which the CIA is a major player.
The average American has been trained and programmed to LAUGH at the very idea of there being ANY conspiracy anywhere... any time.
If you look at the history of US international policy and the secret behind-closed-doors operations they have launched and plotted and planned since WW2: It is nothing but one huge long series of secret conspiracies kept secret from the masses.
The average American is programmed to laugh at the very mention of the word 'conspiracy. The average American is programmed to discount every claim that any conspiracy exists. Unless a conspiracy is totally exposed and stark naked in the public eye:: why then there was no, and there is no conspiracy... That idea is an oxymoron.
The problem with this knee-jerk reaction is... that 99% of all conspiracies are never uncovered. Most conspiracies are never discovered. The entire POINT of a conspiracy is to keep everyone else except the conspirators unaware that there IS a conspiracy.
With the advent of the internet and other advances in the dissemination and sharing of knowledge>secret organization which had been kept from the public were exposed and revealed as CONSPIRING against the public good: knowingly and maliciously.
Yet even these revelations did not reach the huge majority of Americans who still take all their information religiously from their corporate/Govt propaganda outlets.
Only professional authors, journalists and researchers who delve into the corrupt underbelly of civilization are knowledgeable about the full scope of these conspiratorial organizations... like the Koch brothers, and the Carlyle group and all the dirty little secrets which are kept from the people.
Any intelligent enlightened person in America now knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that the 9-11 attack was a planned false flag operation and that the twin towers were taken down by a planned demolition using thermite charges... And that for 10 years now, the successful cover-up of this huge massive conspiracy has been maintained on every level of military, Govt, Media and corporate power and authority....
The CIA has infiltrated every state govt in America. The CIA has blackmailed and intimidated every major news anchor in America and controls the National news and censors what is allowed on National TV and newspapers.
This is just the TIP of the iceberg. This amount and degree of systemic conspiracy going on in your Govt. Did you know that over 60,000 NEW secret organization now exist which didn't exist before the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Bill? And that hey are being funded secretly by your govt to spy on Americans?
These are just the TIP of the huge mass of everyday conspiracies going on in your nation and on the international world stage.
The OWS movement is trying to create a new society that is not based on secrecy. Look at your internet culture: It is filled with paranoid people who are terrified of letting anyone know what their real AGE is: never mind who they really are, or what their profession is or where they live or what their name is.
I grew up in a city where we never bothered locking out doors because there was no crime and no violence and no drugs and we were 100% IGNORANT of what Eisenhower was doing building up the industrial military complex while everyone was being sold television! New shiny cars! Washing machines! Radios! Transistor radios!
That was how we were kept stupid and ignorant.
Now this commercial scam is wearing thin. Everybody knows commercials lie to you. Everybody knows the Govt lies to you. Getting rid of a body by dumping it in the ocean used to be what gangsters and professional murderers did... not the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
You want to be sarcastic CIA conspiracies? That is their business. They are professionals at not letting anyone know what they are planning and doing. Do you want to be sarcastic about a President that dumps dead bodies in the ocean to hide the evidence so the body can't be identified?
I'm currently reading a book on the CIA and Noriega. I'm very aware of the New World Order style operations of the CIA.
Novus Ordo Seclorum.
Okay, so: then don't be sarcastic about an evil organization which has murdered and assassinated who knows how many good people and is funded by the drug trade and whose list of evil deeds. is documented and proven.
The reason I say this is because one sub-culture of capitalist corrupt brainwashed people is the cult of 'comedy'. More good ideas and truths have been buried and twisted and covered up by the subversive use of satire and comedy than any other form of modern propaganda.
How satire and comedy is used to corrupt the truth is simple. The masses have been programmed by The tonite show and David Letterman and the culture of comedians into believing that if you laugh at something:.....
It isn't important
The unspoken assumption is, if you are sarcastic about something... then it is not true. One of the most basic defenses against admitting anything that is true is to 'laugh' at the truth: By pretending that the truth is not true; by laughing or being sarcastic about something. It is possible to convince others that something is not true without having or needing any evidence or proof to back up this belief.
I take murderers seriously because they kill people. The culture of comedy is one of the basic sociopathic insanities of modern society. When you laugh at everything, regardless if it is true or not true: regardless if it is right or wrong: then you have lost your humanity, you have lost your sanity.
Have to listened to what professional comedians today are laughing about? Have you listened to what their audiences laugh at? It is beyond gruesome. It is unbelievable.
So why are you bothering with this site? Go away and you'll be happier.
Do not despair OWS! The people are with you, this dictatorship on ideas will end if we keep fighting for what is just and true.
the goddamned repelicans . . .
and speaking of repelicans . . .
Action Alert: Stop the End Run On The KeyStone XL PipeLine
Hey let's not make this about Republicans vs Democrats vs Whatever-Party-You-Belong-To. At its core, Occupy Wall Street is fundamentally about getting money out of politics, and that doesn't have to be a partisan issue. Regardless, representatives on both sides of the aisle have been responsible for the situation that we currently find ourselves in, so let's not let the divisiveness that's stigmatized the political climate for the past decade undermine the success of the entire OWS movement.
I think the comment below pretty much covers it.
Yet I am a bit extreme on the partisan side of things, that I readily admit.
So I find it necessary to respond.
First, let me point out that with the link above, we see an issue where the repelicans clearly are holding the unemployed hostage to their will to see the KeyStone pipeline pushed through Congress. This is standard operating procedure for repelicans.
Second, I would point out that the repelicans are the ones who have demonstrated fear in the face of the Occupy Movement, as seen with these two links:
Memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
Ten repelican talking points re: OWS
Third, I would point out that it is repelican policy to discredit the entire political process, as documented here.
I've been watching these clowns for awhile, and I've put up a diatribe expounding on their various abuses of the public here.
I'm an old dog, and it's a bit much to expect I'm going to learn some new tricks this late in life.
They've lied about global warming. It is evident right outside every American household. They have Lied.
The repelican party is DONE.
If you attack someone for being a Republican, or for being affiliated with any specific party, they'll probably stop listening right there. You may get an insult or two out of it, but you might as well stop talking - because you've already ended the conversation.
If you really care about the issues that Occupy Wall Street represents, then you'll take that partisan bickering to a different website (there are plenty created for that purpose), because on this website you're just selling the movement short. The only ones who don't want money out of politics are the politicians getting the money and those giving it to them.
I sat down and watched a report on Grover Norquist with a lifelong staunch conservative Republican, and when it was over, he turned to me and said "I don't like that man or what he's doing." That's the entry point. Consensus. That's our hope, and you're just nipping it in the bud with all of your insults and antagonism against a particular party.
I'm here to say that I stand with my Republicans brothers and sisters who stand with Occupy Wall Street, and with those of any other party affiliation who agree with its basic tenets, because this is a fight that we all happen to share.
you do make a very excellent point. It is valid, and I do not deny it, and I support your right and your decision to stand with your . . .
. . . . ahem . . . .
. . . brothers and sisters. You are quite right, that among them there should be consensus with us regarding the Norquist Tax Pledge, ending the bush era tax breaks, campaign finance reform, and perhaps other issues.
That does not change the fact that the leadership of the repelican party has targeted the Occupy Movement.
That does not change the fact that the leadership of the repelican party has denied global warming - some of them even advocate for it on the basis of perceived advantages - and that is insane.
I believe that by repeating the mantra the repelican party is DONE and by expounding on the various reasons why I believe this is a perfectly natural consequence of their own behavior, one that we can capitalize on, will in itself inspire fear among those who oppose us.
Let them be afraid. their day is done.
while I whole heartedly support your right to stand as you have stated, I will not deny what I believe is self evident, not with my tongue, nor with my pen.
I hear ya. What you're saying may need to be said, and I'm definitely not disputing it, or asking you to lay down that pen. I'm saying think about whether or not this is really the best time and place for it. It just seems like you're unnecessarily sidelining those who might otherwise be ready to agree with and support the Occupy Wall Street movement, and at the same time opening up the movement to attacks by the very same people you resent. They might even be applauding you for doing so.
The people I resent have already taken aim at this Movement. The links above confirm that, but we can review:
Memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
Ten repelican talking points re: OWS
I'm with you. Those links make it clear that you have very good reason to be resentful, and I can't imagine any other normal person supporting manipulative conduct like that, basically scoffing at the democratic process. That particular Washington lobbying firm and The Republican Governors Association should be totally ashamed of themselves.
You can't tell me, though, that there isn't often a disconnect between the rank and file party faithful and the party establishment. Democrats don't always feel represented by the actions of our current President, let alone the firms lobbying Democrats in congress. Likewise, the rank and file Republicans probably don't all feel represented by the actions of a lobbying firm, or even that governors association.
Sometimes, if you give people enough credit to make their own decisions based on the information you give them, you might end up surprised to find that they actually agree with you. It may even turn out that they love their country as much as you do. But one thing I know is that as soon as you put them on the defensive, you almost give them no other choice but to disagree with you.
Now, I'm not gonna to tell you who your enemies are. All I can say is that the true enemies of Occupy Wall Street are those who instigate and perpetuate financial injustice, no matter what party you wanna pin on their forehead.
If you're someone who wants money out of politics, an end to unfettered corporatism and crony capitalism (as opposed to fair capitalism), an end to the "revolving door" relationships between lobbyists and legislators, the reversal of Citizen's United, and the reversal of the Glass-Steagall Act, then this is finally one fight we can all fight together. This is Occupy Wall Street.
Dude - that's my position exactly.
Ok...I'm gonna draw a line in the sand and say that OWS is NOT the head honcho of Occupy, as a movement. I personally never believed that it was, but it's becoming increasingly clear that there is an infection of NY occupiers (OWS) upon the 'movement' of Occupy that is evidently stifling of the kind of Support and Alliance among The People that is requisite for even OWS to succeed in its declared goal of getting money out of politics.
I'll tell you frankly, getting money out of politics is NOT the fundamental principle of Occupy as a 'movement.' It most certainly IS among the NY branch of Occupy and those who have been involved in this Camp from the beginning, but to insist that this IS or should Be the defining characteristic of Occupy as a movement, I can confidently assert that OWS will utterly fail. What's more, if this insistancy is to dominate the 'movement', then the many other Camps that currently are calling themselves Occupy, by one or another adjunct emphasis, may have a clear interest in distinguishing themselves independantly from OWS, even to the point of withdrawing financial, intellectual and moral support from OWS as the presumptive center of gravity for the 'movement', both in America and most certainly across the Globe. There is no such thing as the entire OWS movement, put plainly; and the sooner the NY camp of occupiers (OWS) register this understanding among themselves, the sooner Occupy General can emerge as a conglomerate of Camps in agreement to work together for SHARED goals. Getting money out of politics is NOT a shared goal among all the Camps that identify themselves as Occupy. Which is not to say that the many camps cannot support the NY branch of Occupy (OWS) in its stated goal; they can, and they will; unless NY keeps up this charade of representing the 'movement' like is administered here on this site.
This is what a Gauntlet looks like.
Omg you're a troll. You honestly had me going for awhile there.
That's the kind of response I'd expect from someone who was first characterized to me on my post Occupy Humane Values when they said that the orchestrators, administrators here exclude others who do not agree with them in a straight line. You must be fixating on something I said that you don't like (perhaps the Gauntlet crack, which you take to be animosity?) that disturbs you in some way, and instead of asking for clarification or offering a different perspective, which I may be persuaded to agree upon with you, you resort to calling me a troll...which is the kind of tactic of demonization that is so common on Fox News and the like other extremist political types. Are you one of those kinds? And let me ask you...are you a member of the NY Occupy camp that identifies themselves as among the original organizers or occupants?
It appears to me that your use of the term troll is being used by you very, very loosely in this context...more as a slurr than as a good definition of my actions. I may intend to provoke, but it's not to distract; so it can't be that. I'm not talking about something that is not relevant; so it can't be that. I can't find any good reason, in fact, for you to say that, except that it's a convenient way for you to dismiss my points without having to answer them (perhaps you cannot), which isn't what I'd recognize as intelligent, certainly not respectable.
I'm guessing, but I'd say you are in your 20's and therefore not very well exercised in subtle and sophisticated thinking, ready to characterize others opinions through the colored glasses of your bias, quick to judge, confident in your judgement beyond justification (or you'd distinguish your own thinking by actually dialoguing), and probably just a little intimidated. It's ok. I don't need your affirmations, even less your, or other OWS personnel's, approval; but the criticism of OWS self-righteousness now makes more sense to me, so this was helpful. btw...I don't mean to characterize all of OWS by this observation...I was just passing on what I heard in another post, as only merely confirmed the validity of that other criticism, which I too can now agree is valid.
I'm sorry. I'm actually not a dismissive person at all. I guess it was just my mistake to doubt your sincerity, thinking that you were possibly just making fun of everything. I probably just don't know you well enough. Call me cynical, I dunno, but do accept my apology.
If you weren't just kidding, and you really care, then ok I think you're cool. There's still nothing substantive though about your distinction between the original NY Occupiers and this newer Occupy Humane Values camp that would help me to understand where the disagreements or problems lay.
In fact you've been focusing so much on conflict, and threatening conflict, that I had to suspect you of being a troll who enjoys conflict. I tend to look more for consensus.
I don't want you to think of me as just one of the original organizers, I want you to think of me as a supporter of the entire International Occupy Movement who happens to be American and therefore has a specific focus on the issues of financial injustice pertaining to the United States.
Ok..thanks for your comment. Allow me clarify a few things about my observations.
I have been in this Camp of Occupy Humane Vaues for ten years (albeit under a different name:, now under construction), publishing on my website essays and poetic works on the topic of Global tyranny of the elite powers and attempting to cultivate the distinction between Humane and inhumane values and encouraging others to withdraw from cooperation in the system, including all forms of false consciousness from political to religious and inter-personal relations. But enough on that...I just mention it to say that I don't see anything oppositive in this work of mine with the broadest definition of the core values of what I percieve to be Occupy General, what you are calling the International Occupy Movement, though I don't think its an American phenomenon exclusively, nor originally in the broadest sense of values and devotion to the cause...which I'd agree regards a critique of the corrupting influence of Wealth in cahoots with Politics, or the State. In fact, I think OWS would more accurately understand the positive momentum it has seen from its efforts NOT as a result of its own superior Platform but as a byproduct of the force of an Idea for Reform that has long prior been brewing in the collective consciousness of many groups and people and organizations who have been animated by their core insights on the very similar or same observations that OWS has made on the corruption and tyranny at work in the world due to Corporatism in alliance with the State, broadly understood.
I'll open up a separate thread to discuss this more; but finish my thought here for now.
I'm not threatening conflict but observing a conflict that is threatening the movement; so I'm compelled to make the distinction between OWS and the Occupy movement on the whole; which I think you are not timid to recognize, nor should be. I think I made it clear that the goal should be Cooperation among the many Occupy camps as there are, in fact, many Camps even though OWS would like to cast its own umbrella over all and claim them as their own, or as their ostensive representative in a leadership role. While the parent is child to the Man, in a way, OWS itself has the same right as other Camps to concentrate on one or another specific strategy to address income inequality or money in politics etc. as its members see fit. That should go without saying. Here is where the challenge lies and a view of the danger as I and others see it, including many well-intentioned posters here on this site who have observed this same disjunction of method, or tactic, from the sincere wish and willingness of other camps to be involved in Redress and Reformation, and the limited value of leadership issuing from OWS to that end.
I too support the whole movement, but I don't suppose that my emphasis on a worldwide tactic of withdrawal from support of Corporatism as I have been outlining it should be the principal driving force or organizing factor of OWS necessarily, which has its own concentration; again, rightly so. When I talk about Camps of Occupy I am really talking about Platforms, much on the order of how there are Platforms of aims and emphasis under the umbrella of any political party. So, if you will, OWS has a Platform of interests, narrowly defined as you suggest. Well and good. OWS may not wish to spend its energy on representing Occupy on the many other angles of attack, but if we say that OWS's general platform is to highlight the corruption of money in politics we are pretty close to a core value among all occupiers across the board...good enough for now. I think that needs elaboration, but I'll take that up in another thread specifically for that.
What I have suggested to others who have complained that OWS is restricting how other Camps engage the broader issue of wealth/corruption/politics/power as a 'movement' is that each Camp is responsible for gathering support for their particular emphasis on how to attack this Beast, and that they have the right and responsigility to do so, contributing to the strength of Occupy ultimately, and that these Camps needn't fall immediately under the jurisdiction of OWS as their ostensive hub of leadership. OWS has no right to dictate to other Camps and exclude them from being identified with Occupy International, as you characterize the movement (I prefer Occupy General (OG)) on the rationale that OWS can be said to have initiated the call to Redress, which I don't think is accurate anyway and does not explain its success thus far in mobilizing positive momentum toward Redress efforts. And I observe, among others, that OWS leadership is doing precisely that, alienating other Camps on the basis of unhelpful distinctions in the shared aims of Redress across the political spectrum. This may include Tea Party members and conservatives who, admittedly obliquely, share some similar aims with OWS, though differently described and practiced as to aims and ultimate ends.
This challenge of allowing for different emphasis can be answered by loosening up, on the part of OWS, its present apparent stranglehold upon the leadership mantle of the Occupy International (OG); and this would not require OWS to abandon its own platform but would require it to stop attacking others who wish to engage the principal values driving the broader enthusiasm for the movement and others willingness to engage and cooperate to those general ends, but in their own way, under their own Banners (purpose) and their own leadership structures.
I think that is enough for now, and you should be able to catch at least my drift on this concern and observation. I'll open a thread to elaborate more on this important topic and see who comes out of the wordwork on this dialogue. Thanks again for returning more amicably to my posts with a better disposition. I don't doubt your commitment to The People's welfare and am perfectly prepared to support OWS in its endeavors and Platform; I hope that leadership in OWS here will do us the favor and condescend to engage with the same open-mindedness.
If that's what Occupy is about 'fundamentally', then Occupy WS (a now small branch of the larger, evolving Occupy General) is under a powerful delusion, and certainly not capable of being a centralizing, unifying force for the liberation of The People from the clutches of Corporatism and the fascist alliance of Wealth and Politics. Such insistancy may apply to Occupy Wall Street...but then Occupy Wall Street is a very small, sectarian element in the Occupy Camp nationally and worldwide. If you are a member of the original cast...great. You too are welcome to Occupy General...but if you think that you can determine and define Occupy, you are offence intended.
Occupy 'Wall Street' can be said to be the first Occupy Camp on the Map, but alone it will not even accomplish its own stated goal of getting money out of politics. OWS needs the many evolving camps of Occupy who are developing their own Banners and Platforms, and rightly so...the aim should be an alliance of shared, Humane Values on behalf of The People...the 99% as is said...which will empower the cause of OWS AND the causes of other Occupiers who are animated by their own line of attack upon the Corporate monolith and corrupt State, nationally and worldwide. Don't go alienating your hope of success...and don't presume to dictate to the occupiers everwhere what Occupy is or is not, according to how OWS original cast members may determine. YOU don't own this has become much larger than OWS, and to presume otherwise is to invite failure where there should be Cooperation.
I'm just now beginning to understand the comment on this very subject made to me under my post: Occupy Humane Values, by someone who has had just about enough from the likes of those who, among the original cast, presume and insist to direct and determine what the goals and principles of Occupy should be. There may soon come a time when Occupy General will have to break-off from OWS and consider OWS as an obstruction to the General Welfare of Occupy, in the round...and I mean outside of NY and across the Globe. This attitude of NY occupiers is coming very close to inviting such a break...and if necessary, there are Occupiers with other Banners and Platforms capable and ready to introduce a more profound understanding of the 'movement' which will brush aside OWS like a Man brushes away a child. Based on what I'm beginning to understand, and based on what I've seen here...I am inclined to agree with the criticism I received under my post...and it's quite disappointing, but not inevitably leading to a break...though I could support such a break, if necessary.
I do appreciate what you're telling me, so thanks, although I'm not sure if you got what I was saying before. I was essentially just trying to make the case that partisan bickering is counter-productive.
There's no way that getting money and multinational corporate influence out of politics is not still considered a fundamental issue at the core of the Occupy movement. You can't be suggesting that. I may not be completely familiar with the rift that you're describing between Occupiers, but I doubt that it's turned into some unrecognizable ideological cult overnight.
Anyway, I'm all for thinking big, and changing the paradigm and all that, so don't count me out just yet on whatever picture it is you're painting. Reality looms large enough though that we can't all just jump up, run off, and join the circus. Someone still has to take the trash out.
Yes. Start with bipartisan pressure against the Grover Norquist pledge to protect the super rich from any tax increase.
[Removed] could be drunk old lonely dudes that just want to piss people off.
Last month I created this blog for discussing democratic process issues and ideas for the coming election. It is my personal and private effort so I will freely ban the IP of any and all right-wingers, tea party fanatics and libertarian thugs who try to filibuster the discussion with their ideological inanity.
Liberate American democracy blog
My intent and goal is a serious discussion about ideas, ways and means to liberate American democracy from the subversion of Wall Street.
As long as they don't differentiate too much from yours?
I have no problem with differentiation. It is libertarians and right-wingers who are dogmatically intolerant of anyone other than themselves. And who believe that they have an absolute right to dictate their dogma are a universal one and only religion.
Assholes. Arrogant bullying assholes.
That you have adopted some medieval concept towards a THING called wall street, is in itself an ideological world view. The Ancients often worshiped to appease the SUN god or Volcano. Today, your cult has picked a place to demonize, yes its a metaphor, but still it serves it's purpose as the evil that eats soals for its nourishment. It is a quaint religion you have invented. But as is most mythology, your demons aren't the reason you didn't save the princess, it was that you chose to sit, and wait, and complain, and the fairy tale ending you so richly deserve, because you are special, AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN !!
There is no 'you' in the OWS movement. The OWS movement is a leaderless movement that is made up of individuals: each with a different opinion and a different agenda and a different idea of how to fix the mess we are in.
What the OWS movement has done and is doing is REVERSING the lies and myths of your consumer corrupt capitalist system and speaking the TRUTH instead of selling lies.
The consumer religion of the worship of material wealth and money worships the richest most powerful people in the world as an unspoken assumed basic root value of the culture of greed and selfishness.
The OWS movement is reversing this propaganda and is exposing the fact that the most corrupt evil people in society are the ones at the top of society. If you ever read a book and study the history of human civilization, you will discover that this is a historical fact which has existed ever since civilization was invented.
For 12,000 years: 99% of human beings worshiped and idolized the worst mass murdering scum: they worshiped the most greedy corrupt wealthy Emperors, Kings, Queens, Popes, etc.
Now: there is a grassroots awakening of intelligence sparking all over the world. A grass roots movement which is so intelligent: it has guaranteed its success from the outset by refusing to have any leaders.
This goes against all conventional wisdom. It goes against the entire 12,000 year old tradition of the 99% following a leader. Because you are not as enlightened and intelligent as the people who are actively involved in the OWS movement: you do not think in terms of an egalitarian society where there are no leaders. You do not think in terms of a mass of people who are individual intelligent crticial thinkers who do not follow anyone. You are still thinking like a herd animal and assuming that everyone in the OWS movement is a blind stupid uneducated herd-animal, a brainwashed sheep.
The opposite is true.
it is the great majority of people who have not yet joined the OWS movement who are brainwashed herd animals, brainwashed into following a leader.
I repeat. There is no 'you' It is you who are creating a myth of assuming that the people who are active in the OWS movement are a homogeneous brainless mass of conformists.
The exact opposite is true. The OWS movement is made up of the most intelligent non-conformists and the most intelligent, educated, enlightened people in the world... They have created this movement by cooperating with each other in small egalitarian groups, and because they have done this and are doing this intelligently: Their numbers and their movement and their energy and determination is growing stronger every day.
You: who are a mass herd animal and who think in terms of capitalist adversarial competition cannot understand this movement because you have never cooperated with anyone in your entire life.
Trying to explain the benefits of intelligent cooperation to a brainwashed capitalist who only understand competition, mistrust, hate and selfishness is like trying to explain true love to someone who has never fallen in love... It's like trying to explain colors to a man who was born blind.
Time to take your meds, Turak.
troll alert: this one is a surfer. Says nothing. Just whizzes by. Ignored.
Since the OWS is wanting to change things in Washington, What are some of your ideas regarding moving this egalitarian movement to Washington DC? Please get off your ivory tower and explain to me. Because, historically speaking, I am not aware of a single leaderless movement that has succeeded. I have visions of Bolshevik Russia or the Khmer Rouge.
spoken like a true disciple of the gobble de goople matrix
There does seem to be trolls dominating this forum
I admit I post a lot. I support and do not troll, but attempt to weed them out. I bombard wth info and fact. I seek truth and exploit the trolls.
I quote "We are in an information war and we are losing that war"
(Hillary Clinton) She is the speaker of the trolls
See for yourself
It's been a couple of days, turak. Have you gotten your shopping done? Have you mellowed out and willing to exchange ideas?
It just looks that way. It's just there are a lot lesss OWS members so it just seems that way
Charge Congress with Seditious Conspiracy:
Peak Oil and 9.11. - Michael C. Ruppert "Crossing the Rubicon - the decline of the American empire at the end of the age of oil"
Michael C. Rupperts Peak Oil Blog
See also books of William Engdahl and Lyndon LaRouche...
LaRouche Movement
Against free trade - for protectionism!!!
15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America. Information Clearing House, Grafiken über Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung in den USA
Alex Jones
Perhaps there are far more "trolls" in the world than there are occupiers.
Like you for instance. The point is: you are negatively programmed. You come where you are not wanted and not liked. That is anti-social behavior. That alienates you from the rest of decent society.
Yes, it is very unsettling to have to try to explain an opinion that does not hold up under the scrutiny of others. It can be a bit frustrating when questions are asked that when answered, present the views of the posters in a negative light. I understand you desire to keep opposing viewpoints out of the conversation so as not to have to too closely examine your own flawed logic.
My what? If you had any logic in your brain, you would understand that what you said does not make any logical sense.
Can you explain your opinion logically to anyone? Do you even have an opinion?
It would take me a full page to even begin to explain to you just how grammatically garbled, incorrect, flawed and illogical your three sentences are... Forums are not the place to teach people how to write English: they are for people who have already learned how to write English.
Are you even capable of writing prose and understanding it? Are you even capable of having a rational conversation with another human being?
I will give you one shot to dazzle me with your logic...
You did not present any logical argument to my statement. You just started insinuating I was an inthoughtful person. You said I was not wanted or liked. My response was in reply to you basically telling me not to use this board.
Again: you do not make any sense. Go back to school and learn how to write English
They will realize this soon enough.
between them and the dictator mods in chat it is getting difficult to even want to try to reach out to other like minded souls.
This is another troll without any life of his own
No. That is what happens inside your freaked out brain. Nowhere else. Thanks for telling us that. You are fucked up mentally.
Thank you for identifying yourself as being hostile towards everything the OWS stand for. You are now excommunicated.
so what! LOL!
what do you think can come of this when we can,t find a site where we can trust each other is that what they intend to do divide and conquer a despicable but quite effective art of war tactic , so what can we do to get this site a little more organized , so it becomes a effective tool like it was meant to be in the first place, ,
The answer is simple: stop using the internet. Come together in person: not over the internet. Come together where you love: not over he internet. That's how the OWS movement was started and that is how it works. The reason the OWS ignore all internet posts is because talk without action is useless and worthless. They are acting and talking: People on the internet do not act.
fucking aye i am glad to actually finally hear at least one person say what you just said , you are a very wise person most of these sites get nothing accomplished except very minor achievements , and mostly just people entertaining ideas and showing off their political science degree , we need more just a GA , i have not seen one shed of proof of any legislation or bill restriction policy amendments to submit anywhere if there are people getting it together where the fuck are they ,
You said it brother
i hope something positive can become of this site even though i do not completely trust the people who are the administrators i have studied this site and i have studied other sites this is the only site that has the controversial forums , which leads me to believe that it can work but the owners of this site need to cut their favoritism with certain individuals , who are their friends or family i understand to a point but they need to get their act together and get down to some real time legislation and bill restriction policy business , and the people we need for such actions are mostly lawyers who have the proper credentials to obtain and submit what we come up with , i am not blaming the owners of this site nor am i blaming it all on spies , if we find a small piece of common ground then its quite possible that it will grow large enough for others to stand on , so i hope to find some positive influence form this site in the future because honestly man if i ever found out that people were setting up sites like this one to purposely throw spokes in the wheels of OWS i would treat them just like i want to treat the corrupt law enforcement agencies i have been investigating , i do have a radical and a violent side some where in side me we all do no matter what anyone says , at least this is my opinion but now is the time for OWS to take our movement to higher ground and get ready for the future and speaking of the future 50 or more people got arrested to day i say fuck the trinity church they would not even let the occupiers have a vacant lot , yet i see their ad on this website , someone is probably paying them off to keep OWS off their property , things like that happen all the time in NYC , NYC is one of the greatest cities but also one of the most corrupt ,
Separate the internet from the actual people. Talk is cheap. Internet forums are a dime a dozen If everyone who blogged or posted in the web actually got off their fat ass and actually did something about what they post: things would have changed for the better a long time ago.
If you're in New Jersey and not in New York: be active where you live or go to New York and be active there.
yes i do and i have been i have been form Philly to NYC to Boston and then Portland Maine and then even Conway N H , and then back to Portland Boston NYC , and now in New jersey with some friends taking a break for the holiday , then after JAN 2nd i will be back in the field ,
You said it brother: and once you're back in the field, you won't have time to bother with internet forums
You said it sister
yea you are right but i do have somewhat of an estranged intellectual side and do find it quite productive to interact with real people who really care about what,s happening , but alas i feel my function in the field is my strong point but i like to connect people i have done it before in the entertainment industry , you know i have been on the east for for a long while now and this is my home and i will not be driven from it by anyone , at least not if i can help it but you are right about forums i think there are so many people involved in OWS , that its inevitable that we may even clash with each other sometimes but in the grand picture we are all in this together and i have grown with this movement not so much physical but spiritually and mentally , i hope we can get a solid agenda for bill restriction amendments and the kickass legislation we need to be submitted ,
I don't see the OWS movement as a political tool for change simply because the American political system is so corrupt it is beyond fixing... It's even worse in Canada where I live. I lived in America for 30 years and I now know both sides and Canada's political corruption and control of its masses is far worse than the USA. Governor Jesse Ventura once was willing to run as an independent for the presidency. In one short year, after he learned more about just how rotten the entire system is: he changed his stance. Now the only thing he is for is the complete demolition and abolition of all organized political parties. And he is correct. All organized centralized forms of power is easily corrupted and taken over by the top elite who own and run everything behind closed doors in secrecy.
The point is: what he wants is no centralized anything. NOTHING that is not corruptible should be centralized. which is exactly what the OWS movement is: de-centralized small groups of people who have their own agendas and political goals. You can still have your federal old age pension and other entitlements; but no Washington control over states and no state control over counties and no county control over townships and cities, and no municipal control over local communities. The entire global attempt to centralize everything has to be reversed on every level... only then will YOU become able to have any political clout where YOU live to push for YOUR bills to be passed.
Trying to pass laws for 311 million people is a waste of time and a scam.
i have only heard bits and pieces of Jesse Ventura,s theories on such subjects , i liked him a a entertainer and wrestler and do remember when i was going to run for political office, i have also seen a few of his you tube interviews , also i am wondering is the centralized planet you are talking about basically new world order or is it something else because i have heard that there are several groups who have the same agenda as thenew world order ,
The 'new world order' is media hype bullshit. There is nothing new about it. The same elite group that was in power 50 years ago, and 200 years ago are still in power. The only difference is that their methods of oppression and brainwashing and control of the masses are 'new'. With all the scientific advances of the last 100 years: what's so fucking surprising about that? Nothing. The only surprising thing is that a few people found OUT about these new tactics and freaked out. And what they found out has still not trickled into the collective consciousness because the people who run things have an iron lock on what the masses are allowed to see and hear and say.
I'm surprised you haven't heard of the most watched TV shows in America: It was at the top of the charts for two years until the authorities canceled it because it was becoming TOO popular. Ventura's 'Conspiracy Theory' was on a small cable network and it outperformed all the major networks top shows. A lot of it is sensationalism and schlock... But there is one thing that Ventura's show did, and that is show to the American public that their Govt tells them NOTHING about all the secret bases and organizations it funds and runs...and your Govt is based upon all these operations being 100% SECRET and off-limits to the citizens who pay the taxes that fund them. What Ventura's 'Conspiracy theory' showed was that a former governor of the United states of America... Governor!... is not allowed ANY information, ANY access to ANY of these bullshit institutions. It showed how HOSTILE all Govt is to civilian curiosity and openness and honesty. You can find the shows of the 2 years it ran on youtube. Even youtube is censored. One of the episodes was yanked off youtube. The internet is being more and more centralized and more and more controlled by the ones who own and control everything. Google is a perfect example. It's a fucking MONOPOLY worse than Microsoft. Once you can centralize all information and run it through only ONE server: you can do anything you fucking want with the information and nobody will know any thing about it because there IS no other alternative any more.
yea i see what you are getting at you know i have a new file a friend who grew up as an Army brat and lived all over the world , he recently gave me a file about the Chinese army base in Mexico just south of the border in the southwestern united states , and also have you ever heard of black helicopters over America , you know the fema camp stories were bad enough but this book talks about actual military bases that are dormant and have weaponry stockpiles and many other types of urban assault vehicles stinger missile launchers and many other fun war toys , but the kicker is that these bases are ready to receive 10. to 15 thousand soldiers at a time and the russian soldiers will head up the east coast and the chinese will head up anything west of the mississippi , have you heard anything about this , i have the file on the chinese base in Mexico that is fully functional right now ,
we should keep in touch: sounds like we have a lot in common... let me know if that's okay with you and I'll send you my e-mail address
One thing I can't figure out on this forum is why the reply button is missing on some posts. I've never had a post of mine that didn't have a reply button.
yea fine that,s great i am for sure interested in working with others for a better tomorrow and also do enjoy others who share even remotely similar ideologies , also in 2012 i will be working with my new website to have forum,s for many different topics leading all the way to the presidential race , in 2012 also to expose and debunk doomsday prophets, and propagandized media issues , and other OWS agenda,s
Good... Now take it a few steps farther like I did. Start playing sports: exercise your body and get fit. Drink only pure spring water. Start doing 3 sessions of Yoga a week: Then after 6-months or a year: become a strict vegetarian. Once you reach my. level of fitness and health you will be even more intelligent than you are now
yea thanks for the advice man in the last few years i have been on and off vegetarian , mostly off , but for about two or three months at a time , and i have prior martial arts training but now i kind of meditate with tai chi , and really simple yoga , i think i am going to make one new years resolution and try to follow it to either stop smoking completely or else every now and then roll up an American spirit with a cup of tea i am a writer and do a lot of net working on the web , and sometimes smoke to much , i use my mountain bike for exercise its really positive , hey thanks man its great to meet people on this site who are not total uptight ass holes , just like i have faith in humanity i have faith in this site for some reason , and when i run into anything in life i think is worth while i try to vibe with it for a while , Peace ,
I'm not a genius: just a realist. There is no such thing as a genius. It's a media bullshit hype. Nobody is any more intelligent than anyone else. Just some people are lucky enough to escape being totally brainwashed like I did, and de-program themselves like I did.
i am for sure down the rest of my deprogramming my first step was when i stopped being a drug and alcohol addict , i use marijuana on a medical basis but nothing else , after i was not using narcotics and alcohol a year and a half into not using them i started to see and feel things going on around me that i never gave a second thought before now it has been almost four years and my level of awareness of the changes taking place around me are getting more and more epic ,
Even IQ will be divided equally in OWS's America.
Now you're freaking out. So what? All of it is stupid and doesn't work. Hell, they can't even shut down a few nonviolent people in a public park. If the Govt tried to oppress and tyrannize and terrorize the entire USA: they would have so many rednecks with assault weapons and shotguns gunning for the ones who are responsible it would be bloodier than the French revolution. Look at how all their stupid plans have failed and will continue to fail. All the trillions and billions of dollars spent on the dream of building pipelines from the Russian and Asian oil fields and the middle east have failed. Not one pipeline is functioning because they are all going through hostile territory which they cannot control. Do you have any idea of how many times the Iraq pipelines have been blown up and sabotaged? Every WEEK. Haliburton only made its killing by building them. The oil companies haven't made one dam cent of profit from the plan to control the middle east oil supply. The USA is now going to pull out of Iraq. When they do... All of the pipelines will either be taken over by the Iraqi govt and nationalized or there will be a civil war and they STILL won't succeed in their stupid plans.
The OWS movement shut down the Oakland port facilities: see any black helicopters there? Look at the BP oil spill; the gulf coast was flooded with military troops and camps for a year... did they manage to do anything? NOT. You think American soldiers will fire on American civilians? NOT. You think imported troops from where? Will be used to terrorize Americans? NOT.
That is the strength of a movement which has no leaders. the INSTANT the govt and authorities try to use force majeur against these few protesters... suddenly... thousands more appear! Outraged Americans who sudden;y get off their rear and and onto the streets!... PRAY that the Govt will try anything like that... it will give your movement MILLIONS of more activists and it will snowball so fucking fast they won't know WHAT to do.
your a genius man propaganda is hard as fuck to get past sometimes i was hoping that,s the case because there are so many people that the Gov,t does not dare to employ martial law nationwide , but there are some things that are going on that were not going on before , like the chinese aircraft carrier that was launched without any notice a few days ago , i mean yea i am a conspiracy theorist but only in a mellow fashion , i am not in and out of mental hospitals jails , i am a productive member of society i am gathering info for a book and a film documentary about the OWS movement , for some friends in the independent film industry , so i appreciate all of your comments, and ideologies because these are actually some of the most valid ones i have heard on any site anywhere, thanks man ,
Why don't you practice what you preach? OWS does have GA where people come together in person. Go there, and stop posting nonsense on this forum.
I just came back from the Montreal Occupy movement meeting And I am not posting nonsense: I practice what I preach.
How's the new book doing?
5,927 hits on one web site alone: not counting the 28 libraries it was donated to by that one web site.
5,927 hits? That's nothing. Can't you sell your book? Why does it have to be donated?
In answer to your 3 questions:
1: That's a LOT for only one web site.
2: Because it's free
3:Truth cannot be sold
It really isn't a lot, especially when most who come just follow a link someone posted in a forum.
Sure, truth can be sold. Many great books with many truths are sold everyday. Your books is not suddenly better because it's free. What counts are the words and ideas, not the price.
You're a troll. You've been excommunicated by me.
That's great. I like how you avoid discussion by labeling whoever disagrees with you a troll. That's a wonderful way to encourage debate and critical thought. Wonderful!
BTW - "You a troll" sounds like caveman English.
Bend ove, Obama is going to win and your taxes are going up.
How could my taxes be going up? I don't even live in USA.
i think this dude has a valid point do you have anything in preparation to submit to the house of representatives ? is so where is it when can we take a look , and you say his post is nonsense oh wait you are the guy people were talking about who was posting porn or something right? , i mean what does that have to do with anything ,
I didn't post porn.
Yes, this post is nonsense. You guys call anyone with a different opinion a troll. You want to limit the discussion to stop criticism. It's not healthy.
i did not call you a troll i use old fashion terms like fuck off, but in any case i am glad you took the time to reply , i have a new method for finding what these cats, on here call trolls , i will use my psychic powers and paranormal abilities to do things like that in 2012 when the pole shift occurs, also o let you know there are many of us all over the planet ,
Only way to keep out Trolls is to charge a membership fee.
What's going to stop a paid agent from paying the fee when they're being paid to do so? The only reason they are here is because there is are no moderators to weed them out. They are easily identified, heck, they stand out like sore thumbs.
Too much freedom is not a good thing and no standards and no rules is a free-for-all. It is just the total absence of any supervision and oversight. Most moerated forums have no problems because subversive elements are quickly identified and shown the door.
Put it this way. Do you know what the plans of the Bilderbergers are? Does the top 1% of the wealthiest most powerful people in the world allow Occupy Wall Street activists into THEIR meetings? Do any of the establishment authorities allow any of the 99% know about their plans and their hidden agendas? The top 1% operate in complete secrecy. That is the reason they have been able to get away with murder. Why should the OWS movement let the enemy know everything they are planning? Why should we let the enemy into our ranks? Why should we even tolerate this? The OS forum should be for OWS and anyone who wants to join the movement. Not for every 8 yr-old child that doesn't want to do their homework and enjoys pretending to be an adult by surfing internet forums. Does GM allow their competitors into their boardroom? Did the Allies let the Germans know what they were planning? Recognize who our enemies are and treat them as enemies, and they will show their true colors, and their mask of civility will be ripped off and then you will know who is with you and who is against you.
Be friends with your enemy, CIA intell.101
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.
- Abraham Lincoln
You seem to be somewhat paranoid about all this secrecy stuff. Certainly anything said in forum like this may be monitored, by, no, duh. it is. But there's no strategic value in these posts ranting on about how we're being watched. The subjects and ideas written in these posts has no value to anyone but us. Those who may read them. We more likely to be scammed if we're stupid enough to give personal information in here or anywhere on the net. I think most readers/posters already know this. But there's always suckers I guess.
Anyway, rant on. They can all read, who ever they are, and try to sort it all out in some big conspiracy theory, and I wish them all luck, there's no grand illusion here. No secret codes, operative deciphering, or black ops here.
I will grant you however that every conversation you have or anyone else on the phone is recorded in real time, every conversation. I just don't know how many years they go back with that. The DHS has the access. They can't data mine it very well yet but it's all there when you become suddenly become spotlighted, then they can pull up all your records. This is what drains their resources. Until you reach a threshold your just a blip on the screen in the background noise. But it's ALL recorded, it is kept and available. ANyway, there's my paranoia additive.
Good Luck!
Why should we hide? In the age of information, to hide may in fact be impossible. Where would we go? What rock would we hide under?
Who can say but that with an expression of what we truly believe, those agents who come on behalf of the one percent will not themselves be convinced of the dire need for change so evident all around us? and so be subverted to our cause?
We know they will transmit our hopes, beliefs, ideas, strategies, and demands. Who can say that with evidence of these things the one percent will not know fear, and so tip their own hand in reaction.
I say let us be up front and out in the open, forceful and forthright. We are Americans. We are not afraid.
You make very good points... So good that I have to agree with you... But at least recognize who your enemies are and who your friends are and don't deal with the enemy. Letting the enemy into your camp so they can sabotage your movement is something you have to face and deal with.
Although, come to think of it... in the parks and the rallies there isn't really any way they can sabotage your movement. It's just on internet forums that they can do it. It's not like David Rockefeller is going to camp out in Liberty square with you... Dammit, now you've got me agreeing with you again!
The truth can be like that - it's the most persuasive force I know.
Occupy your own mind I say - if you don't, surely someone else will . . .
Logic is truth. Truth is logic. Beauty is truth. Truth is beauty. People who l fear fail. People who have no fear succeeed. Your logic is irrefutable because it is true.
That is very nicely said. Lets take that last sentence out of it and turn it into a banner we can hold high at protests.
I like it that well. Well, maybe not at protests - but at GA meeting halls, as a reminder to ourselves perhaps.
Thanks: It's you who inspired me to write that.
wow. how cool is that.
I take my inspiration from people like Shakespeare and Wilfred Owen
so that kinda means a lot. It's very tightly written, and says quite a lot with very few words. I like that.
I'm a writer.
I'm a published poet myself - but not a professional writer -
If you want to read one of perhaps the ten best villanelles in English . . .
never mind.
But cool, You are a writer - so you know who Wilfred Owen is? was . . .
No I've stopped reading. The time has come for doing.
You've never heard of Wilfred Owen?
Decorated military officer? Served in France, WWI?
Premier anti-war poet of the era?
Wounded, med-evaced out of the trenches?
He didn't have to return, but return he did, and died, one week before armistice,
Dulce et Decorum Est
Mental Cases
Anthem for Doomed Youth
Military Honors - Military Cross
Sambre and Oise Canal - the last crossing
The reply button on your last is missing, so I'm responding here.
So what about it? Trying to turn the horrors of WW1 into poetry is what should be puked on. Owens went back to the trenches because he so dearly loved his fellow butchers and killers and preferred their company to anyone else.
Do you see any effing poems written about WW2?... NOT
Is that any reason to idolize him, because he tries to turn mindless mass slaughter into poetry??
obviously you have little knowledge of his culture, his era, and know nothing of what he wrote,
and since you lack the above information cannot assess why he wrote what he wrote, much less judge its effectiveness.
Oh. Him! Yes... in fact I saw a documentary about his poems and life just recently... I was studying the First World War. He is no one to idolize. Was he the one who wrote 'Flanders Fields"? We learned that propaganda in grammar school.
Kenneth Westhues provides a comparison of the ideology behind two poems:
For and Against Poppies on Remembrance Day
In Flanders Fields, by John McRae
The Parable of the Old Man and the Young, by Wilfred Owen
Now who are you, turak?
My name is Edward Wright and I live in Trenton, FL. That is my headquarters for the new fascist movement to overthrow all of OWS.
Or perhaps I am in fact just a citizen of the United States who is voicing an opinion. Take your pick
All people who are congenital liars are trolls You are a congenital liar who is against the OWS movement.
I may be against the OWS movement, but I am not a liar. You, my friend, are extremely paranoid and apparently incapable of civil discussion. Why?
He is mentally ill - A deep paranoia caused by schizophrenia. The man needs serious help.
you are not only an idiot: you are beyond stupid What the fuck do I have to discuss with you, you pathetic donkey? You come around here whining for my attention? You're not worth talking to. I discuss with friends not with enemies: Can you get that through your freaked out brain? I have nothing to say to you. You apparently have oodles of things you want to say to me. That's not my problem . That's your problem: Deal with it.
Time to take your meds, Turak.
time for you to go fuck yourself troll
Wow, that's twice today that I've received that anatomically impossible suggestion. New record for me.
You are funny as shit, turak. I am going to bed knowing with you and your ilk behind the movement that nothing will happen. You do not debate, you are not out to change hearts. You simply discount people who disagree with you. You and your movement are, sorry, nothing but a hiccup in the affairs of the nation.
wow ... following me around day and night And you say I have no effect on people. wow.....
Look into your heart. Do you have one? When you cannot find it Come back and follow me around for the rest of your life and tell everyone that I have no effect on them
Very well said sir. Thrasy is the same way. Starve him of attention and he can't shut his stupid fucking pie hole! I'm convinced he just likes to hear himself talk. The ego on this fucking guy. Must be a gay french thing.
If OWS is represented by you two, then why am I worried about you guys endangering anything?
I am not a representative of OWS. Lets get that straight right now. I am a representative of truth. I am a representative of freedom. I am a representative of transparency. I am a representative of hope. I am a representative of human rights. I am a representative of change. And I am also a representative of "I can be civil and have a discussion with you but if you try to trample on others rights by thinking you can censor the internet with your dumb ass pictures I am gonna call your dumb ass on it"! Thrasymasque doesn't understand that its not okay to censor what people believe just because you don't believe it. I don't believe, and will never believe, some of his hyperbole. But I wouldn't think of censoring his right to say it. If he doesn't like a topic of a certain post, then do like the rest of the intelligent and rational members of the forum do. Don't click on it. This guy is a sociopath. He doesn't posess the ability to do this. He should be banned!
You said it, brother.
Paid subversives? Hahahahahahaha. Your a fucking paranoid liitle bitch.
This is another anti-OWS subversive troll. His posts are littered all over this forum. He is a paid subversive agent: Paid subversive agents do not like being exposed.
Damn conspiracy theory nutjob do you do anything but spill illogical mumbo jumbo. Your latest book was bad by the way. Good luck finding a proper publisher.
This subversive troll has more than one handle. He tries to hide his hate, but it leaks out of him.
Hahahahahahahahahaha! They give me an ounce of pure gold, everyday! Tupac, you must be a rich dude. Only the rich get the good acid.
If that is what you think. But that is not the case, turak. I have said again and again that if this movement promotes revolution, then you had better be prepared to fight off every attack from any "troll", dissenter, or anyone who questions your beliefs. If you do not want a free internet forum, then I supposed you could have a forum where every line and word is censored. That way, you would not have to worry about having to answer any uncomfortable questions.
Or perhaps you think certain nonprogressives should be silenced. Reading some of your stuff is making me ponder that. Keep this forum free and open and be prepared to back your beliefs
This is one of the identified trolls speaking. He does not like the idea of being thrown out of the OWS movement forum for the simple reason that he is an enemy of the OWS movement and if the people who created and run this forum web page decide to kick out all enemies of the OWS movement he would be the first to be kicked out.
You can find his posts all over this forum. He is a blatant capitalist and is against the any grass roots movement to create a better world.
You're a minority of one, troll: leave.
Yes, turak. I confess, I live on acerage out in rural North Florida. I have a group of slaves who till my fields and cook my meals. I think all niggers, gays, spics, progressives and especially everyone in favor of OWS should be lined up and shot. We should take everyone who is anti-business and put them in camps. We should make Canada into a wildlife reserve and wipe it clean of all humanity. Turak, you are enemy number 1 in my new fascist junta and i will have you skinned alive for my own amusement. I have tried for so long to pretend that I was participating in dialoge will people here. Now I am outed. So I will have to kill the men, fuck the women and put all the children into slave labor.
As I said: this identified troll is adamantly against the OWS movement and does not like being identified. Witness his slide into hate, racism and every other inhuman evil.
The new Night of the Long Knives will commence soon and Turak will be first on the list. Let the storm troopers march on to victory!
We should exchange numbers ; )
Yeah! All those cheeze ballz that have all day to sit in a park paid for by those who work just don't have the time to rape chicks and smoke pot and throw bricks at police officers and steal food from local restaurants AND post Nazi and Communist bullshit on a message board!
WTF has this world come to???!!!
Another self-identified anti-OWS troll. He is the enemy of all decent human beings. Witness his ranting hatred of all OWS. Do not deal with these scum.
I have not raped underaged girls like the OWS protesters have.
I have not thrown bricks at policemen like OWS protesters have.
I do not steal food from restaurants like OWS protesters have.
I do not sit in a park and smoke pot like OWS protesters do.
I do not hate the OWS protesters... Yet. But they are wearing on me.
A featured speaker at the Tea Party's July 4th event in Oklahoma talked about using his military training to become a domestic terrorist. That same Tea Partier was later arrested for the rape of a 7yr old at his house where police also discovered a stolen grenade launcher. Does that totally discredit everyone in the Tea Party? No, it doesn't. Nor should his actions make us question the legitimacy of the Tea Party movement.
Likewise, none of the overwhelming majority of those supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement would defend rape, violence, theft, or laziness. There's always an extremist fringe when you assemble a huge group of people together, and unless you're purposely trying to discredit the entire group, I don't see why you'd be focusing on the exceptions.
Why don't we focus on the things that what we can all agree on?
OWS has had many rapes at the site of the occupy protests. OWS organizers make it clear in that should someone be raped or assaulted at the protest, the incident should be reported to the OWS organization rather than being reported to the police.
The OWS organization desire to keep the assaults quiet to protect the assaulter does place the motives and intensions of the OWS into question.
This is recycled bullshit.
Just giving my opinion of the news reported regarding the OWS movement.
Do you really believe what you're saying, or are you just parroting lies and micharacterizations since you have a different agenda?
Not reporting assaults to the organizers of an encampment when you're all still at the encampment would be irresponsible, and it doesn't mean they're also asking those people not to report it to the police.
Show me evidence proving the contrary, or shame on you Toonces for spreading untruths at the behest of those who would try to discredit the hundreds of thousands of good people in the 99% simply fighting for justice in this world.
Read my post below. I posted a couple news stories regarding the assaults. I found them by doing a search for OWS rapes (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=55dcc7523cfd78c6&biw=1280&bih=709 ) and occupy rapes (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=55dcc7523cfd78c6&biw=1280&bih=709 )
Your unverified accusations mark you as a troll.
Verified. Unmarked as a troll.
So how much is the New York Post paying you? Or is it the New York Times? Or is it the Koch brothers? Or is it the 80,000 new secret organizations created since the Patriot Act and Homeland Security turned your nation into a police state?
The status quo media is against anything which might rock their huge salaries and benefits.
Is that the best you can do? No law suit. No evidence: Hearsay: rumors: From a movement which numbers in the MILLIONS in every city in America... and THIS is the best you can do? Shouldn't there be 200 cases of rape in 200 cities? Or 1,000 arrests of drug use in the centers of every major city in America?...
ohhh: I see: you think the people who were homeless bums before the OWS movement began... you think the bums who come to their soup kitchens for a free meal are OWS members. Sorry to burst your propaganda, but they're not. They've been there in the center of every city every since Reagan closed all the mental hospitals and threw out all of the mentally ill on the streets.
Thank you for exposing yourself as an ANTI-OWS paid subversive troll. You can pull your pants back up now.
Troll alert!