Trayvon Martin:
- Was an honor student with a 3.7 GPA.
- Was accepted at a college on a full ride
- Was a volunteer of 600 service hours
- Was a devoted member of his church
- Was a loyal friend & a loving son
- Was an INNOCENT boy
No more divide and conquer. We stand for all. We stand in support of the family of #TrayvonMartin and his memory. He did not die in vain. He was the 99% with promise and potential. Capitalism and Racism legitimize each other. We need something brand new and we need it now.
Join one of the many actions against the unjust acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin today in over 40 cities. Come to express your sorrow, your rage, and your continuing demand for justice for Trayvon and beyond.
#HoodiesUp #NoJustice
Albuquerque, NM: Civic Plaza
Atlanta, GA: Westend Park
Austin, TX: State Capitol
Baltimore, MD: War Memorial Plaza
Barcelona, Spain: Plaza Revolución
Boston, MA: Dudley Square, Roxbury
Burlington, VT: City Hall
Chattanooga, TN: Miller Park
Chicago, IL: Daley Plaza
Cincinnati, OH: Fountain Square
Columbus, OH: 375 South High Street
Dayton, OH: Courthouse Square
Denver, CO: 2pm in City Park
Detroit, MI: Grand Circus Park
Durham, NC: CCB Plaza
Fort Myers, FL: FGCU Campus Library
Frederick, MD: South End Park
Houston, TX: City Hall
Indianapolis, IN: 2PM, downtown on circle
Lansing, MI: Lansing City Hall
Las Vegas, NV: City Hall
Los Angeles, CA: Leimert Park & King and Crenshaw Blvds
Madison, WI: State Capitol
Memphis, TN: Memphis Police Department (meet Monday)
Miami, FL: Torch of Friendship, Bayfront Park
Milwaukee, WI: MLK and Vine
Minneapolis, MN: TBA, Monday
Nashville, TN: Downtown Courthouse
New Orleans, LA: Washington Square Park
New York, NY: Union Square
Oakland, CA: Oscar Grant Plaza
Newark, NJ: Market and Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA: Love Park
Phoenix, AZ: Department of Justice
Pittsburgh, PA: Freedom Corner
Portland, OR: Peninsula Park
Poughkeepsie, NY: Mansion Square Park
Providence, RI: Central High School
Rochester, NY: Liberty Pole
Salt Lake City, UT: Federal Building
San Diego, CA: City Heights, across from Mid City PD
St. Louis, MO: St. Louis Justice Center
Seattle, WA: Westlake
Springfield, MO: Downtown Square
Syracuse, NY: 2pm at Onondaga County Courthouse