Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 9, 2012, 11:22 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
solidarity against austerity,

Our Dreams Don’t Fit in Their Ballot Boxes!
No to austerity! Yes to reclaiming our communities!
Occupy Portland and Portland Action Lab invite all people to participate in a national call to action to say No to Austerity and Yes to building our collective power. On November 2nd and 3rd (N3) we will mobilize and march, voting with our feet by taking direct action to interrupt the normal course of business. Our power is in our neighborhoods, building alternatives, and taking to the streets! Business and our governments hoard wealth, privatize our communities, and burden us with enormous debt – This is AUSTERITY and we say Enough is Enough!
We call on all participants in the Occupy movement, rank-and-file union members, students, our elders and people-at-large to organize creatively and return to our public spaces with this message on the weekend before the election. Our communities will make our own decisions and control our own resources, no matter who is elected. We are not alone; austerity is a consequence of a failed economic system and people around the world are rising up. We act in solidarity and take inspiration from the peoples of Greece, South Africa, Quebec, Chile, and beyond who are fighting austerity and the destruction of their communities.
Solidarity against Austerity!
Logistical details:
Occupy Portland and Portland Action Lab have put out this call to action. All Occupies and groups are invited to participate. A website is
available to share information and materials, If your city or organization is participating, please let us know by filling out this form! We can post contact information for your action on the website so people in your area can get involved! We will also be setting up national conference calls to coordinate and share resources between cities. We encourage you to check out the website section on affinity groups and spokes councils. This is one effective way to organize mass mobilizations. This is a model of organizing that is consistent with our movement’s values of participatory decision making and non-hierarchical structures. Of course there are many ways to organize, but we have had enormous success with this model in Portland. The direct action spokes council in Portland emerged out of the Occupy Movement and is called the Portland
Action Lab. This is the body organizing Portland’s N3 action and also coordinated Feb 29th (F29) Shut Down the Corporations, which was an international day of action with over 70 participating cities.
Facebook Page for National Call to Action:
Twitter: ActionLabPDX, Hashtage #N3
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 12, 2012, 12:16 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
grand jury resistance,
For more information on what this is about, see the Committee Against Political Repression!
Thursday, September 13th
Seattle, WA: Rally outside the hearing at noon in front of the Federal Court House (700 Stewart St). In the event that a contempt hearing is held that day, please be prepared to come inside the courthouse for to support the resisters. You’ll need photo ID and court-appropriate clothes. Don’t bring anything you wouldn’t be able to get past metal detectors and security guards.
RSVP on Facebook
Grand juries are closed to the public, but contempt hearings are not!
We believe that the Assistant US Attorney overseeing this grand jury has already granted immunity for at least one, if not both of the subpeanuts for September 13th. That means it’s likely they’ll be taken straight from the grand jury room to a contempt hearing, then whisked off to jail for up to the duration of the investigation. If you’re coming to Seattle already that day for the solidarity demo, please be prepared to go inside to pack the courtroom for any contempt hearings that may happen. You’ll need photo ID and court-appropriate clothes. Let’s show Leah and the rest of the subpeanuts that we’re with them, every step of the way!!
Vigil from Noon on the September 13th till noon on September 14th.
Portland, OR: Rally in front of the Federal Court House (1000 SW 3rd Ave, at Salmon) at 12:30pm until 3:30. We will be giving live updates from Seattle.
Minneapolis, MN: Rally in front of Minneapolis City Hall (350 S 5th Street) from noon to 1 pm.
Everywhere: National Fax in Day to Support Grand Jury Resistors
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 15, 2012, 6:53 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
pfc. manning,
direct action

via Occupy Portland
Cascadians Against War have been organizing a big action that will occur this Thursday, August 16th from 10am to 4pm at an Army Recruiting Station near you. Then at 4:30pm everyone will meet up at the Lloyd Center Recruiting Station for the announcement of a big surprise. Here’s the details:
In a coordinated West Coast action demanding the immediate release of PFC Manning, we will once again be shutting down 5 military recruiting locations throughout Portland, Beaverton and Gresham. We’re also demanding an end to the drone wars. Our drones have killed 4,371 people in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia alone. This DOES NOT include Iraq & Afghanistan…
We’re asking supporters to go to any of the 5 Army recruitment locations to help us shut them down again! Show your support for PFC Manning and demand an END TO THE DRONE WARS! Your location choices are as follows:
Gresham at 830 NW Eastman Parkway
Beaverton at 2660 SW Cedar Hills Blvd
Eastport Plaza at 4200 SE 82nd Ave Ste 1100
Lloyd Center at 1317 NE Broadway
Battalion Headquarters at 6130 NE 78th Ct
We’ll be shutting down at least these locations from 10am-4pm. Then we’ll meet up at the Lloyd Center recruiting location at 4:30pm and go on a short march to watch and support the surprise!
For more information:
Event Facebook Page
PDX Bike Swarm: Swarm the Recruiting Centers (Free Manning, End the Drone Wars)
Manning Support Network
Courage to Resist
via Occupy Chicago Direct Action Committee -- note: the training is tomorrow (Thursday), the action is Saturday
Every summer Chicago's lakefront is assaulted with a public relations spectacle for the military industrial complex known as the Air and Water Show. While the "Show" brings the sounds of war to Chicago each August, it leaves out one crucial detail: death. That changes this year with an act of symbolism from Occupy Chicago.
The Occupy Chicago Direct Action Committee has put together a piece of political theater to highlight the real purpose of these war machines. There is just one missing ingredient though, YOU.
Meet up at The Horse (Congress and Michigan) on Thursday August 16th to debrief and get ready for Saturdays action. We are asking that all those interested in participating on Saturday join us for this training.
Info on the Air and Water Show protest:
Meetup at the foot of the North Ave. bridge on the WEST side - as early as possible Saturday morning - so we can stake out ground as close as possible to the bridge. (There will also be a contingent as usual staking out the EAST (beach) side. ;-)
Participating groups include:
Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC)
Chicago FOR (Fellowship of Reconciliation)
Chicago World Can't Wait
No Drones Illinois
Occupy Chicago
Pakistan Federation of America Chicago (USA)
Protest Chaplains of Chicago
Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ