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We are the 99 percent

Articles tagged ows updates

OWS Updates for the Week of February 6th

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 7, 2013, 1:29 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, events, ows updates

Hey 1% Pay Your Damn Taxes!

“The Occupy Wall Street movement may have faded from the headlines in the aftermath of the eviction of Zuccotti Park more than a year ago, but the issues that originally sparked it and the activism it inspired remain very much alive.”

This was the opening to a blog post called Who Were the 99 Percent? from co-authors of the recent study Changing The Subject: A Bottom-Up Account of Occupy Wall Street in New York City.

Regrettably, as reported by Allison Kilkenny in the Nation, many in the media have twisted the study’s findings regarding the makeup of OWS by dismissing the movement in an entirely new and spurious way: “this was a damned if they do, damned if they don’t moment for Occupy--they’re either poor, dirty hippies or the sons and daughters of the wealthy elite, but never, ever Americans exercising their First Amendment rights”.

Fortunately, we don’t need outside justification to know that ‘We Are the 99%’, and as the study depicts, nothing will extinguish the flame compelling us to speak out and inspiring us to act.

-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team

Occupy in the News

In other news, Stacia Georgi at Brooklyn Ink wrote quite the positive story about the People’s Recovery Summit held this past weekend. Check out occupier and photo-journalist Jenna Pope’s album of the summit for the play by play.

Stopmotionsolo.tv provides comprehensive coverage of the recent Citizens United wedding, including a brief history of the ruling and a discussion of his concerns about pushing for a constitutional amendment.

Professor Marcuse discusses options in responding to disasters like Sandy, including the wryly titled “Banker’s Socialism”--the “deprivatization of disaster response”--the Private Market Approach and the Equity Approach, which is “using public assistance to ameliorate the damage caused by disaster.”

Featured Occu-Project: Flip the Debt

Check out how Occupy Unveils a New Debt Clock that Shows How Much the 1% Owe Us.

This campaign to ‘Flip the Debt’ aims to "flip the debate" over the national debt by shifting the focus to the global corporations and super wealthy actually responsible.

Your blood will boil as you watch the numbers tick up on their ingenious online 'Debt Clock' calculating the amount of taxes dodged by corporations every second. Moreover, each tick is reminder to the 1% that “It's time that you paid your damn taxes!”

Occupy These Actions & Events

Saturday, February 9th, 7-9pm
Discussion: Energy Extraction and the Keystone XL Pipeline
Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen Street

Leading mainstream scientist James Hansen has said if the Keystone XL pipeline proceeds it is “essentially game over for the climate.” Join us for a panel discussion about the Keystone XL pipeline and related energy extraction issues. We will skype in with activists down in Texas and Oklahoma, talk to an organizer who has been working at the Canadian Tar Sands oil extraction sight and with NYC Spectra Pipeline organizers. All proceeds from the night will go directly to the campaign to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. With a continued fundraiser after-party in Brooklyn. Featuring Gay Panic and Glittered and Mauled.

Saturday, February 9th, 4:30PM - 6:30PM
Strategic research workshop
Organization of Staff Analysts, 220 East 23rd Street, Suite 707

Join members of NYC Radical Reference for the second in a series of strategic research workshops sponsored by the OWS Labor Outreach Committee. The workshops are open to all. In this event, we will explore what’s behind the legislation and policies that affect our lives as workers, as activists, and as citizens. We will see how to get the goods on candidates, lobbying, and political activity.

Sunday, February 10th, 1:00-4:00pm
Occupy the Subways
57th and 7th Avenue F Train Subway

In support of the workers at Golden Farm Market in Kensington Brooklyn, we will be Occupying the Subways beginning at 1pm and meeting the Boycott/Picket of Golden Farm at 2pm and staying there until 4pm.

Monday, February 11th, 6:30pm
Movement Mondays
Two Moon Art House and Cafe, 315 4th Avenue, Brooklyn

There are so many people and groups in the Occupy Wall Street ecosystem that are doing fantastic work. We learn about many of these projects as they’re happening or the day after. Let’s find out WHO is doing WHAT actions and events — well ahead of time! We can also serve as a focused incubation chamber for NEW ideas, strategize for the long term, and reflect upon our successes and failures so we can keep building and growing.

Thursday, February 14th, 8:30am-5:30pm
Justice for Dennis Flores - Rally at the Court
Brooklyn Criminal Court, 120 Schermerhorn Street

Dennis is a long-standing member of Occupy Sunset Park, as well as community organizer. Dennis Flores was arrested for defending one of the Rent Strikers against an attack by the slumlord’s hired goon. Hard to believe, but he’s actually being taken to trial on utterly ridiculous charges. Show brother Dennis your support! Turn out for a rally the morning of his trial!

Thursday, February 14th, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Valentines Day Message to Megabanks: Time to Break Up
NY Public Library, 42nd st. and 5th ave.

Join us to give HSBC, Bank of America and other megabanks Valentine’s Day Break Up Cards. Rally to call for a break up of the megabanks who are Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail and simply Too Big.

Saturday, February 16th, 6:30p.m-11:00p.m
Hot & Crusty Workers Victory Party
Brecht Forum, 451 West Street

The Hot and Crusty Workers Association invites you to a celebration with food, drink. dancing, live music and great conversation. Bring friends, coworkers, classmates. A voluntary $10 donation is suggested. For more information, call Rosanna at 347-652-5724 or Sándor at 917-520-5368

Saturday, February 16th, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Sandy Storyline Fundraiser
Cafe Dancer 96 Orchard Street, New York NY (b/w Broome & Delancey)

Join us for a party and benefit to help raise funds for Sandy Storyline, a participatory documentary project about Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath, told through the experiences of community members and volunteers. We are raising money to help support Sandy Storyline's projects, providing media education, community exhibitions and storytelling events for residents in Hurricane Sandy affected areas.

Sunday, February 17th, Noon Rally in DC. Buses Leave NYC at 7am.
Forward on Climate Rally
The National Mall, DC - to the White House

Join Occupy Sandy, Occupy the Pipeline, YANA, Rockaway residents and groups from around country for the largest climate rally in the nation's capital. In November, we came together in New York and New Jersey to provide disaster relief. Now we come together to call for real action on Climate Change. The very first step is for President Obama to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Sign up here for a bus ticket (reduced fairs and scholarships available). http://f17nycbusbrigade.wordpress.com

Friday February 22nd, 17:30-21:00
Tidal 4 Release
20 Cooper Square

Tidal 4 is being released this Friday evening. Come and pick up your own free copy! It will include original, commissioned contributions from many organizers of Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Sandy and Strike Debt, Collective pieces from the Tidal Team and friends and a Student Movement piece from Free University folks.

Saturday, March 1st and Sunday March 2nd, 12-6pm
Occupy Data Hackathon
Cuny Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue

Data mining and visualization for the 99%. At the event, we’d like to focus on a few new data sets/projects. Occupy Sandy and Aaron Swartz’s work has come up, and generated a lot of interest. Any ideas, data resources you may know of or questions, please let us know: Occupy Data listserve or info@occupydata.nyc.

Sunday, March 10th, 2pm
Unorganized Workers Assembly
Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South

Join the Occupy Your Workplace group for a discussion of strategy and tactics of workplace organizing. We'll have several folks present who have experience as workplace "salts" - workers who get jobs with the aim of organizing. Workers who are curious about organizing, experienced organizers and activists, union members, and all other workers and non workers welcome.


OWS Updates for the Week of December 5

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 5, 2012, 5:44 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, ows updates

via the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team:

A month after Hurricane Sandy first hit many residents, homeowners and tenants alike are still living without electricity, heat, and working appliances. Black mold is taking hold of walls and other surfaces, and absentee landlords refuse to fix their properties. Temporary housing is desperately needed.

We must act, as we have since day one of this crisis; pledge your support and stay informed.

Far too many think that everything has gone back to normal, just because lower Manhattan has its lights back on. The truth is that this disaster is ongoing, and worsening as the weather gets colder. We have to make sure that the current despair does not become the new normal for tens of thousands of people.

Read Strike Debt’s in-depth public service report criticizing government and NGO relief efforts.

Just as Occupiers were among the first to respond to the crisis, we are also leading the charge in reporting on and acting to solve Sandy’s far-reaching and still-developing consequences.

As Yotam Marom writes in Waging Nonviolence: the best response to disaster is to go on the offensive.

Join us as we push forward.



OWS Updates for the Week of October 10th

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2012, 6:16 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, ows updates

Keep Calm and Bang On

Movement activists the world over have begun a campaign to create Global Noise in an international potbanging protest on Saturday, October 13th.

The main goal is to foster a feeling of solidarity between all the global movements. Likewise, local occupations and occupiers across the country will be banging on pots and pans, a tactic known as a ‘casserole march’, in order to gain attention for our shared grievances.

Occupy Town Square along with Strike Debt and many other Occupy Wall Street Affinity Groups are answering the call for a day of #globalNoise.

Join us at 4pm this Saturday for a special Occupy Town Square to mark the occasion. Bring a blanket or just gather on the grass for teach-ins, discussions and trainings using the Open Space format.

At 6pm, we will answer the call from Strike Debt to converge at Columbus Circle for an Assembly, and then a Casserole March. Bring pots, pans and noise makers to share for this global day of action!

-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team (click here to subscribe)

Occupy these Actions and Events

Wednesday, October 10th, 6:30pm
Occupy Think Tank on Occupy Wall St. Radio
Streaming on wbai.org or FM 99.5 in NYC
For this week's show we are going to take a look at the jobs/unemployment statistics and what this means for people. How is unemployment measured and what does it mean on the ground? What does it mean to not have a job? And when "jobs" go up like this, what kind of jobs are they?

Every Friday, 3pm
International #globalNOISE Planning Call

globalNOISE was first proposed by spanish #15M activists, and is now supported by several people and groups across the globe. Its main goal is to create a feeling of solidarity between all the global movements. The plan is to achieve this by making a lot of noise on the same day all over the world. Join the call and help provide feedback on the proposal.

Friday, October 12th, 6:30pm
99 Pickets at the Saigon Grill
620 Amsterdam Ave.
For years the owners of Saigon Grill have failed to pay minimum wage and overtime to many of their delivery workers, and a boycott of the restaurant has begun in response. There is picketing at Saigon Grill Wednesday - Sunday, 12:30-2pm and 6:30-8:30pm. Supporters are particularly urged to come to the picket line on Friday evenings, but participation at any time is appreciated.



OWS Updates for the Week of September 26th

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 26, 2012, 4:39 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, ows updates

Our anniversary weekend may be over, but the fight is undoubtedly continuing and then some!

Following the victorious unionization drive maintained by the Occupy Hot and Crusty campaign from workers at the 63rd Street location, workers at other restaurants owned by the same group of investors have been inspired to organize themselves.

99 Pickets and the Laundry Workers Center are holding a series of events this week highlighting the struggles of restaurant workers, and spreading the word that they will not stand for exploitation.

No show of force from 1%-er bosses, banksters, or Bloomberg’s Army will squelch our determination to fight for the 99%. Let’s keep the momentum going.

-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team (click here to subscribe)

ps- check out this great collection of S17 anniversary weekend photos & videos!

Occupy these Actions and Events

Wednesday, September 26th, 6pm
Popular Assembly
Liberty Plaza
The intention of this assembly is to provide the People with a non-oppressive, non-hierarchical and non-confrontational space to discuss issues and projects relevant to envisioning a better world. This will be a safe space to practice public dissent.

Thursday, September 27th, 11:30am
S27 Rally for NYPD Accountability and Community Safety
City Hall Park
Had enough of #stopandfrisk and other discriminatory policing? Join us on Thursday, September 27 at 11:30AM on the Broadway side of City Hall Park as we call for an end to stop-and-frisk abuses, mass surveillance of ethnic and religious communities, and for an NYPD accountable to the very communities it is supposed to serve.

Thursday, September 27 - Friday, September 28
Guitarmy: Occupy Barclays and Jay-Z Teach In
At 4pm on Thursday Sept 27th, the OWS Guitarmy and more will march from Wall Street's Trinity Church to the Barclays Center to occupy the center overnight. An evening vigil and actions the following day will culminate in a teach-in from 4-6pm on Friday the 28th for Jay-Z and his fans. As Rolling Stone depicts, Jay-Z questioned the movement, and this is a ‘sincere answer’ in response.

Thursday, September 27th - Saturday, September 29th
Atlantic Yards Crime Scene Weekend
Join the Guitarmy and allies across the city as we protest the broken promises in the development of the Atlantic Yards project. Taxpayer money was diverted from Community Programs across Brooklyn, citizens were displaced via eminent domain and the MTA- which receives the revenue from the land- is threatening a fair hike.

Thursday, September 27th, 9pm
Jazz Artists are Workers Too: Join the J4JA march
Meet at Washington Square Park under the arch
The Justice for Jazz Artists campaign marches on – we are going back to the Blue Note with a live band to tell the club owners that musicians and jazz fans want them to do the right thing and sign on to the demands of our campaign – Pension, Pay scales, and Protections on recordings for all musicians who play the club. Our focus will be on delivering our message to the patrons and to club management, passing out leaflets, and encouraging people to take the J4JA message inside the club.

Every Friday, 3pm
International #globalNOISE Planning Call

globalNOISE was first proposed by spanish #15M activists, and is now supported by several people and groups across the globe. Its main goal is to create a feeling of solidarity between all the global movements. The plan is to achieve this by doing the same thing on the same day all over the world - making a lot of noise. Join the call and help provide feedback on the proposal.

Friday, September 28th, 3pm
Toxic Bank Flash Dance
Brecht Forum courtyard @ 451 West Street, around the back
Disrupt dirty banks that invest in Spectra with a blast of dance! Occupy the Pipeline Invites you to Join Us in Blasting the Banks that support Toxic Energy with a Flash Dance Mob. Wear Business Camoflauge. Let's Let them know they've been Served. Disrupt Dirty Banks who Invest In Spectra Energy's Fracked Gas Pipeline! Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America.

Friday, September 28th - Monday, October 1st
Nothing to See Here
285 East 3rd st,. 2nd Floor.
Join us in kicking off a 4-day art extravaganza exploring the social documentary of Occupy Wall Street featuring imagery, music, speak outs, and more. Nothing to See Here is a photography exhibition to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, celebrate those who have dedicated their time, energy and resources to shaping the ongoing movement, as well as directly challenge the misperceptions by the general public and the mainstream media.

Friday, September 28th - Thursday, October 4th
American Autumn Theartical Release Benefitting Occupy & Allies
Quad Cinema at 34 W. 13th street
The American Autumn ‘OccuDoc’ is having an official theatrical release, with 35 shows over 7 days. 50% of all box office receipts will be donated to Occupy and Occupy allied groups - including Tidal, Strike Debt, InterOccupy, Move To Amend Coalition, Bradley Manning Support Network, Action Resource Fund, Stop these Wars / Vets Peace Team, Occupy The Debates, The Other 98%, WBAI, Free Speech TV, etc.

Tuesday, October 2nd, 6:00pm
Cafe de Cleyre: Direct Action Against Israeli Occupation
The Commons, 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn
Greetings Direct Actionists! Our direct action reading group and film series will be studying direct action against the Israeli Occupation of Palestine and viewing "5 Broken Cameras" (2011) by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi. Readings are available on the blog (http://cafedecleyre.wordpress.com/). If you have additional suggestions, please send an email to cafedecleyre@riseup.net.

Wednesday, October 3rd, 6:30pm
Party to Save the West Village
LGBT CENTER, 208 West 13th Street
An extravaganza to benefit the Sane Energy Project Legal Fund and Occupy the Pipeline. IT'S GOING TO BE A BLAST (the kind we like)! $15 advance sales or $20 at the door. Invite all your friends, gay or straight! ALL PERSUASIONS WELCOME!

Saturday, October 6th, 1pm
Frack Mob! All Pipelines Lead to Wall Street
Brecht Forum courtyard @ 451 West St. around back
Green Painted Body mob masses against Spectra to give them a show they'll never forget! Be bold, be brave. All bodies rise against pipelines.

Tuesday, October 16th, 4pm Occupy The Presidential Debate
100 Hofstra University
Occupy the presidential debate on Long Island. Occupy The East End is collaborating with other Long Island Occupys, organizations and activists as well as partnering with OWS, the Five Boroughs and National Occupys. The message to the candidates and the masses is we do not support a system that does not represent us.

Thursday, October 18th
Global Day of Action to Reclaim Education
As part of the Global Day of Action student groups as well as various networks and communities are encouraged to hold general assemblies, which allow direct democracy, to discuss the issues related to education that affect them locally. General Assemblies would be an occasion to make decisions on the participation in the Global Education Strike (GES) in the perspective of 1World1Struggle.

For Text Message alerts on your cellphone about daily events, actions, and important information, sign up for the ComHub SMS blasts by texting @owscom to 23559.