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Articles tagged nyc

Sunday, Aug 4th: Rally Against Surveillance #1984Day

Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 3, 2013, 5:04 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, stop and frisk, restore the fourth, rt4


via Restore the Fourth NYC:

Sunday, August 4th is 1984 Day. A broad coalition of resistance, including Restore the Fourth, will be gathering in cities across the US to oppose the global surveillance apparatus. In NYC, we're meeting at 3:00pm in Bryant Park to march on locations that have aided the surveillance state. Some of us will be clad in gear inspired by George Orwell's 1984.

From the NSA to the NYPD, the 99% are monitored by a system designed to target anyone perceived as a threat to the 1%. Because occupiers know first hand how surveillance functions to quash dissent, we are calling on Occupy Wall Street to join us in solidarity.

crucial info:

Restore the Fourth NYC Facebook Rally/March Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/508963769175983/
Restore the Fourth Facebook Rally/March Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/585565111483298/
1984 Day Website (for further information about other local events): http://www.1984day.com

some background:

Recent local and international events have exposed chilling parallels to the dystopian world of Orwell's novel:

Over a month ago, leaks of top-secret governmental files revealed that the US is spying on its own people and the people of the world, and that multinational corporations like AT&T, Verizon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Google are complicit in varying degrees. We have since learned that countries including the UK, France, Germany, and the Netherlands are engaged in similar programs.

Just yesterday, it was revealed that the surveillance apparatus is even broader than we'd been told. In addition to metadata and telephone records, the NSA routinely intercepts the contents of personal communications, including e-mails and telephone calls, and collects “nearly everything a user does on the Internet," using a tool called ‘XKeyscore’.

And the problem is bigger than just electronic spying. Racist policies like NYPD's "Stop and Frisk" subject people --especially people of color-- to invasive physical searches and police intimidation. On June 28th, Mayor Bloomberg stated that the NYPD "disproportionately stop[s] whites too much and minorities too little" when talking about the Stop and Frisk program. On July 23rd, after vetoing the Community Safety Act, he stated that the bill, which would severely restrict the use of Stop and Frisk, "would make New Yorkers less safe."

Let's get real. Such constant appeals to "safety" and "security" are fear tactics that exploit public apprehension over crime and terrorism. They mask the surveillance state's true intent -- to protect the interests of the 1% through the monitoring and intimidation of anyone they perceive as a threat to their power: people of color, political activists, immigrants, and ultimately, everyone -- in other words, the 99%.

Enough is enough. It's time to fight back against a future without freedom. Sunday, August 4th, is 1984 day.

See you in the streets!

more about Restore the Fourth NYC:



more about Restore the Fourth:




Restore the Fourth NYC Occupies Rep. Meeks Office Over NSA Vote

Posted 11 years ago on July 29, 2013, 1:48 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, restore the fourth


via Restore the Fourth NYC:

First Civil Disobedience Over NSA Spying Scandal Demands AT&T-Funded Rep Who #Voted4BigBrother Apologize & Support Reform

Members of the New York City chapter of Restore the Fourth, the grassroots, nonpartisan movement dedicated to restoring the Fourth Amendment rights of all Americans, engaged in a sit-in Monday afternoon to protest Congressman Gregory Meeks’ vote to fund NSA programs which collect the call records of every American. Four members of the group have volunteered to risk arrest to symbolize the seizure of the 4th Amendment by the NSA and its congressional supporters. This action comes as the front page of Monday’s New York Times says efforts to rein in NSA bulk surveillance have “built a momentum that even critics say may be unstoppable.”

“Representative Meeks #Voted4BigBrother and against the 4th Amendment, his constituents, and the rights of every American,” said sit-in participant Ben Doernberg. “Perhaps Meeks’ largest 2014 election campaign donor, AT&T, which charges taxpayers $325 for every wiretap it activates, played a role in his vote.” The group is demanding that Rep. Meeks apologize for his vote for the unconstitutional program and commit to supporting future measures to end blanket surveillance.

Earlier in the day, members of the group delivered a thank-you note and 4th Amendment cake to the office of Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who upheld the constitution and the will of his constituents by supporting the Amash Amendment ending the NSA’s blanket surveillance of Americans, an amendment which came only 12 votes short, 205-217.

According to polling expert Nate Silver, there has been “a significant shift in public opinion on the trade-off between civil liberties and national security.” In a reflection of this wave of public opinion, thousands of Americans holding a wide range of political views turned out on July 4th for Restore the Fourth rallies across the country.

Restore the Fourth’s next national day of action, 1984 Day, will be on 8/4 The date was chosen to highlight the risks posed by creating systems of pervasive surveillance, as outlined in the dystopian novel 1984. “We welcome New Yorkers to join us in Bryant Park 3pm Sunday, 8/4 to demand an end to blanket surveillance and remind policymakers that 1984 is a warning, not an instruction manual” said Cristina Winsor.

Those risking arrest: Tom Colella, 19, Ben Doernberg, 24, Madison Velding-VanDam, 27, and Cristina Winsor, 36.

More Info








Sex Workers are the 99%! — July 19: International Day of Protest Against the Violent Abuse and Murder of Sex Workers

Posted 11 years ago on July 18, 2013, 9:20 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: sex work, day of action, nyc, international, sex worker rights

photos of murdered sex workers Jasmine and Dora

What: Rally to demand justice for murdered sex workers and an end to all policies criminalizing sex work
Social Media: #JusticeForJasmine #JusticeForDora #StigmaKills
NYC info: NYC Solidarity Protest for Slain Sex Workers
Global Facebook event
More info on cities across the world: jasmineanddora.wordpress.com
Allies welcome!

via http://jasmineanddora.wordpress.com/:

On July 19th, 2013, people are gathering in over 35 cities across the globe to protest against violence against sex workers.

Following the murders of Dora Özer and Petite Jasmine on the 9th and 11 of July 2013, sex workers, their friends, families, and allies are coming together to demand an end to stigma, criminalisation, violence and murders. In the week since the two tragedies occurred, the feelings of anger, grief, sadness and injustice – for the loss of Dora and Jasmine, but also for the senseless and systemic murders and violence against sex workers worldwide – have brought together people in more than 35 cities from four continents who agreed to organise demos, vigils, and protests in front of Turkish and Swedish embassies or other symbolic places. JOIN US on Friday the 19th at 3 pm local time and stand in solidarity with sex workers and their loved ones around the world! Justice for Dora! Justice for Jasmine! Justice for all sex workers who are victims of violence!

via http://jasmineanddora.wordpress.com/new-york/:

As the sex trade becomes an ever more important part of how neoliberal economies handle the poorest and most marginalized, violence against sex workers – particularly against transgender and immigrant women – has become a tragic epidemic. Please join us this Friday, where we will be rallying in solidarity with sex workers all over the world to commemorate two women, Dora Özer and Petite Jasmine, who brutally lost their lives last week in Turkey and Sweden.

banner reading "outlaw poverty not prostitutes"
Photo from San Francisco International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, 2010

For more information & background see below...



NYC: Restore the Fourth!

Posted 11 years ago on July 2, 2013, 10:13 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, j4, restore the fourth

we plead the fourth

via RestoreTheFourthNYC:

Under the banner of a grassroots nonpartisan organization called Restore the Fourth, thousands will be gathering on the 4th of July in dozens of cities across the United States to demand an end to unconstitutional governmental surveillance programs that violate the 4th Amendment rights of Americans.

In New York City, 4th Amendment rights issues go well beyond those recently revealed unconstitutional NSA spying programs. In addition to the national goal of seeking an end to these programs, we demand New York City stop all search and surveillance policies that target groups based on their race, religion, or political views. We demand an end to "Stop and Frisk," which targets people of color across the city, and an end to the discriminatory surveillance of Muslim Americans by the NYPD.

The rally on the 4th of July will begin at noon around Union Square South. We will march to Federal Hall. Despite the fact a permit will not be filed for this march, it is the intention of Restore the Fourth that the march be nonviolent and lawful. Since we expect to have attendees from all backgrounds and age groups, we want this event be safe for everyone involved without the risk of police violence and arrest.

We request that you share with your friends our Restore the Fourth NYC Facebook page and Event page for the march:

In addition, we're holding organizational meeting on Wednesday, July 3rd, at 8:00pm in Washington Square Park by the Garibaldi statue on the East side of the park. We will discuss the direction of the movement in the weeks beyond the 4th of July as well as any last-minute details for the march.

We hope to see you at our meeting, and if not, at our rally to Restore the Fourth!

More Restore the Fourth NYC Information:

More Restore the Fourth Information:


Saturday, Zuccotti: Solidarity Action for Brazil, Turkey, and Greece

Posted 11 years ago on June 21, 2013, 2:24 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: greece, turkey, brazil, solidarity, nyc

take the streets!

The plan of the Turkish state to demolish Taksim Gezi Park, one of the few green and non-commercial spaces in the capital, sparked protests all over the country.

The rise in public transportation fares in Brazil was soon followed by mobilizations in the country’s biggest cities. This served as the spark for a protest over the destruction of public services, like health care, education and transportation, high costs of 2014 World Cup and political scandals like PEC 37, a proposed amendment to the constitution of Brazil that gives impunity to politicians.

The closure of the National Radio & Television Broadcaster in Greece, was followed by the occupation of its headquarters in Athens and protests all over the country. This decision by the government, with the support of the nazi extremist party of Golden Dawn, has been in line with the harsh austerity measures set by the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank.

These global uprisings are not reduced to a reactionary response of the privileged. They are characterized by a multiplicity of participants, ideologies, political views and forms of action.

During the last weeks people of various descents supported the actions initiated from the Turkish, Brazilian and Greek communities in NY. This co-presence addressed the similarities and what is shared with other struggles from different parts of the world: the criminalization of protests, human rights violation and media control, the ties between the weakening of labor rights and real estate speculation in the US as well as how police brutality and structural violence mark the everyday experience of the NY neighborhoods, from the Lower East East side and East Village to the Bronx, Flatbush, Bedstuy and Brownsville.

This call is not only a symbolic solidarity action, but aims to create a common space of resistance.

Saturday, 6/22/13, 2pm AT LIBERTY SQUARE (x zuccotti park)

#NYCSOL #VemPraRua #occupygezi #geziparki #passelivre #brazilianspring



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