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Articles tagged california

July 8: Mobilize to Support the Prisoner Hunger Strikes!

Posted 11 years ago on July 2, 2013, 7:07 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: california, days of action, prisoner rights

prisoner hunger strike flyer


Unless the Governor and the Department of Corrections take decisive action, prisoners throughout California will resume a hunger strike and work stoppage ONE WEEK FROM TODAY to protest the torturous conditions in solitary confinement--and other parts of the prison system.

Stand in Solidarity with the Hunger Strike and other Job Actions Being Called for July 8th!

Communities across the state, country, and world plan on taking action to help the strikers win their demands. [Ed. Note: Including this noise demo in Seattle, among many other places outside California!]

Sign up for updates [and find local actions, more info, background, prisoners' demands, resources, endorsers of the actions, etc] at prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity.wordpress.com.

Wherever you are, please take some form of action on July 8th. Big or small, every voice counts! Click here for more: http://prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity.wordpress.com/
On Twitter: @CAhungerstrike

support prisoners strike

On this Day of Action, we're asking for people all over the world to do whatever they can to draw attention to the struggle of these prisoners against torturous conditions-- public rallies, banner drops, candlelight vigils, marches and other forms of public demonstration.

We strongly encourage that these actions center the Five Core Demands made by the Pelican Bay Hunger Strike prisoners:

**1. End Group Punishment & Administrative Abuse.

  1. Abolish the Debriefing Policy, and Modify Active/Inactive Gang Status Criteria.
  2. Comply with the US Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons 2006. Recommendations Regarding an End to Long-Term Solitary Confinement.
  3. Provide Adequate and Nutritious Food.
  4. Expand and Provide Constructive Programming and Privileges for those living in the SHU.**

We also hope that your actions will join the coalition and the strikers in demanding that the Governor and the CDCR enter into good-faith and accountable negotiations with the strikers immediately.

For more information about the Five Core Demands, please visit http://prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity.wordpress.com

People who stand up to organize events on the Day of Action (or any other date) are asked to act in true solidarity by following these guidelines from the Coalition based on communication with the prisoners:

  1. Support the prisoners by advocating for the Five Core Demands rather than agitating for other goals or our own demands.
  2. Remember that the prisoners chose a "nonviolent peaceful protest" and plan your solidarity actions with that spirit in mind.
  3. Honor the strikers, their loved ones, supporters, and the larger community of prisoner-rights and anti-prison organizations by refusing to claim leadership of the solidarity campaign.

Let us know what you have planned and we'll add it to our Action Calendar for all to see.

To add your event, please click here. http://prisonerhungerstrikesolidarity.wordpress.com/take-action-2/add-your-event/

And, if you are in California, please support the statewide mobilization to Corcoran State Prison on July, 13! Details below.



Berkeley Students Occupy Campus Building To Defend Multicultural Education

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 27, 2012, 10:35 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: uc-berkeley, education, occupy cal, student activism, austerity, california

banners dropped from occupied Cal building

via Reclaim UC:

Eshelman Hall Barricaded in Defense of Multicultural Student Spaces

This afternoon, a group of students barricaded themselves on the sixth floor of Eshelman Hall at UC Berkeley, reclaiming a building that has been designated for demolition and demanding that the Administration abandon plans to cut support for the recruitment and retention of students of color. At this point, a couple hundred supporters have gathered in lower Sproul Plaza, while the police have closed off the building. Those barricading the building are calling on supporters to gather at Eshelman in order to protect those inside and intensify the force of their resistance.

The demands:

  • We Demand that the Multicultural Student Development Offices be restored to their former structure by Vice Chancellor Gibor Basri. Countless students and the ASUC as an entity have voiced this opinion and received no changes.

  • We demand that the budget allocation of the multicultural student development offices be increased to meet the needs of their work.

  • We demand that none of the peaceful protesters in this occupation receive any punishment or repercussions for this activity.

  • We demand an increase in funding for the Recruitment and Retention Center to assist in their mission of increasing the enrollment of underrepresented minorities on campus.

More information from The Daily Californian: "Protesters occupy Eshleman Hall to press for multiculturalism on campus":

An estimated six students began occupying Eshleman Hall Tuesday afternoon as part of an awareness campaign regarding the campus’s multicultural retention center and minority enrollment. Over 100 students, including Occupy Cal protesters and BAMN affiliates, stood outside the building chanting in support of the campaign. [...] Protesters in the crowd said there were at least two students inside who had chained themselves to the building by the neck. On Tuesday evening, campus spokesperson Claire Holmes said the administration does not currently have any plans to remove the protesters. [...] The protesters inside are purportedly from Raza Recruitment and Retention Center, a campus group that aims to increase Hispanic enrollment in higher education, and REACH!, which aims to serve Asians and Pacific Islanders on campus.

via @meganmesserly


Direct Action Against Deutsche Bank! LA: #N29 #FortLucero

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 27, 2012, 7:39 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: occupy la, occupy fights foreclosures, occupy our homes, eviction defense, california, los angeles

murals on the barricades around Fort Lucero, child running in front of a sign reading "Ropa Gratis" (free clothes) - photo via <http://www.laactivist.com/2012/10/22/foreclosure-revolt-spreads-to-east-la/l>

Update, 1:45pm Eastern time, 11/29: In an act of civil disobedience, an activist has suspended himself from a street light, saying he's not coming down till Deutsche Bank gives the Luceros' the loan modification they promised. Others are gathered below. Police on the scene have declared an unlawful assembly. Watch on livestream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/pmbeers

Alto a los desalojos! Halt the Foreclosures!


When: November 29th, 2012, actions beginning at 8:30am (meetup times earlier)
Where: Due to security reasons, location will be disclosed on November 29th, 2012. Please contact or see below for more details, meetup times and locations, etc.
Contact info: Facebook event | Facebook page | E-mail: FortLucero@gmail.com
Twitter: @FortLucero #StopFraudclosure
More info on #FortLucero, the eviction defense campaign, and past actions: Occupy Los Angeles | Occupy Fights Foreclosures
DONATE!: https://www.wepay.com/donations/fort-lucero

After residing in East Los Angeles for 15 years, the Lucero family faces eviction by the Sheriffs Department following a questionable foreclosure by Deutsche Bank. The Luceros made payments towards a loan modification on time, but Deutsche Bank refuses to help the family stay in their home. Homeowner Margarita Lucero explains, “I just want to keep my home and I want the bank to accept the payment plan they promised me. I want to keep my family together.” The German bank is currently facing several lawsuits by the U.S. Government and the City of Los Angeles for their participation in fraud and blight conditions in Los Angeles. They are now under fire from Occupy Los Angeles.

This Thursday, a coalition involving Occupy LA, Occupy Fights Foreclosures, Occupy Whittier, and Community Members of East Los Angeles will take part in an organized civil disobedience action. A rally will take place where multiple L.A. homeowners and Deutsche Bank clients will share their stories. Street performances will be staged.

For background on #FortLucero and Occupy Fights Foreclosures, check out this article on LA Activist: Foreclosure revolt spreads to East LA

Find out how to get help or volunteer to fight evictions in LA: Occupy Fights Foreclosures. Elsewhere, to find out about similar eviction defense campaigns in dozens of cities across the U.S., check out Occupy Our Homes and find out more about the OOH National Day of Action on December 6th.

If you aren't in LA and want to support the action and Lucero family, call or fax Deutche Bank and tell them to let the Luceros stay!
TEL: 212-250-2500
FAX: 212-797-0291

Video: Occupy LA March on the Banks

The following video is from a Nov. 9th 2012 march by hundreds of supporters on several banks in Los Angeles (including Deutsche Bank, as well as Wells Fargo, BNY Mellon, and Bank of America) to protest illegal foreclosures, the banks' greed, and a corrupt system built to enrich the wealth of a few at the expense of the 99%. The video features interviews/speeches from Occupy activists from southern California and members of other groups including Occupy The Hood, the American Indian Movement, and LA residents facing foreclosure and homelessness.