Hello OWS! I think you should start a new civilization.
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 12, 2014, 4:08 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
The Plan,
Hello OWS!
I don't want to waste your time so I'll be brief.
I think you should start a new civilization.
If you can raise $7m for a rolling jubilee it should be easy to raise money for a new society. I read this fictional story called "Manna" where someone did this by getting everyone to pay $1k into a fund which was used to buy land, minerals, water, etc everything they would need. It had something like a million people sign up so they had a $billion to start out. After it was set up they went and rescued all the people [from capitalism] who paid into it and took them to this new society. Think about it...
Instead of funding a private militia to protect activists... or paying off fictional debt... or whatever flavour of the month political protest... just go whole hog. I have people sending me emails every day asking to join something like this. I would join something like this. It doesn't even have to be US based, you can get land and resources anywhere.
What do you say?
<p>This wild proposal for crowdfunding a new society just landed in our inbox. What do you think? http://t.co/y4I20zDuym #OWS</p>— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallSt) February 13, 2014</blockquote>