Forum Post: Why not Occupy Congress for legalized insider trading - for themselves !?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 7:24 a.m. EST by aries
from Nutley, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Gillibrand’s faux fix - Loophole-ridden ethics ‘reform’
That's fine--why don't YOU do it?
because I am not the one occupying & aiming at the wrong target.
There are plenty of targets, including both Wall Street and Congress. OWS has chosen to occupy Wall Street. What have YOU chosen to do?
I choose to work
Dick Chaney's Halliburton deal for rebuilding Iraq
Interesting. I think I like this . . .
WAit - let me explain - patience please.
The NYPost was screaming for us to get out of Freedom Park, and Stay Out - it was a headline they ran - so I don't like them. I think they are another repelican mouth piece. So are they attempting to derail the legislation?
I don't know, and here I have difficulty.
I am not a lawyer, nor am I a financier. So I can't really comment on the viability of the legislation at all. I don't understand the whole mechanism behind this insider kind of trading - although the theory itself is simple enough.
What we need is an attorney, one who specializes in finance law, to review it, and if there are loopholes, articulate the nature of those loopholes with brevity and concision.
Everyone should be able to see and understand the loophole[s] in detail, and the fix, in detail.
Then we should march.
Alternatively - we should be made to understand why there are no loopholes, if there are none, and so articulate them, with brevity and concision,
and then we should march.
Only with such a close examination by some expert[s] whom we know and are reliable, can we determine which way we should march.
To Congress?
Or to the New York Post?
I have a simpler idea: get a law passed that does not allow any sitting congressperson to trade in the stock market..... simple, and to the point. They can escrow their stock accounts while they are in office.... it's either that or change the insider trading laws to include them as well.
Congress is examining legislation to change the law now. According to CBS last night the law has been around for awhile - it only had 9 co-signers until just this past week or so - now the number of co-signers has ballooned to 138 as of last night [CBS].
Now that the media has picked up the story, everyone in Congress has decided they better look like they are doing something.
too many people in the country are just too upset these days . . .
You're right...... that's why I believe OWS should go en-mass to DC and shake up Congress a bit. There would be a whole lot of support for OWS in that case.... and being an election year I think we'd see a lot of Congress people changing their ways.
I keep saying this next summer is going to be
congress passes law that effect business
knowing this allows them to speculate what businesses will rise and what will fall
Yes, I know, the theory is very simple and easy to understand.
But then you throw some legalese, and a bit of twisted logic to paper over the mess, and what do you have?
Suddenly you can no longer see the mechanism you are trying to control because there is a mass of verbiage blocking your view.
riddles which should not be written as such
"Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can't help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime: the sentence is death, there is no appeal, and execution is carried out automatically and without pity."
Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough For Love
I fear this is the excuse I hear again and again
when one finds I way to take unfair advantage of another
exactly -
every profession today has its own language. It's amazing we can still communicate at all . . .
better than ever before
In some ways sure - we have the telephone, the internet, digital cameras which can quickly and easily convey imagery that can become iconic -
at the same time we have never in history had such capacity to lie, to confound and to confuse the public.
Who has time to sort it all out? No one - and so things deteriorate until such time as masses of people are suddenly and through no fault of their own, out of work.
more importantly out of money
well, yeah, that does follow hard behind
why dont you go ask Gillibrand to explain it to you? Occupy her office. you people think the government is your savior but they are the problem.
always with the they the infamous they
Don't you understand?
they are US!
We just have to let them know that.
really? if they were us they would not be exempt from insider trading laws. you proved my point exactly !!!
how did I prove your point?
Have we not, in conjunction with the media [CBS - 60 Minutes] and other activist organizations, have we not reasserted that indeed, they are one of us, and that we all have to play by the same rules?
I say we have!
I say: We will do more! We MUST do so much More!
they should be playing by the same rules but they dont. hence they think they are different than us..
they think they are different
This is a trap of perception - one they fall into, but one we also fall into. When we all realize that this is just an error of perception we will all be much more productive.
put the crack pipe down
I don't do drugs, believe it or not.
I don't drink either.
I'm high enough already.
Greed, I say, Is NOT Good
Sub-Prime - - - Liminal CHAOS
it's only the other guy who's greedy.
What's that mean?
I can fly my flag if I want!
we all have hills to fly them on