Forum Post: When some say “We’re out of money” it’s like mommy and daddy telling little Joey we don’t have the money to take you to the doctor (because we’re stopping by Tiffany’s tonight)
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 18, 2012, 6:02 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Really Newt we’re out of money. How’d that happen?
A bump for old times...
About 4 years ago a played flash application game which is called Balance the budget. I dont trying to play games with your mind, K. But the program include features like investments in science, education, army, economy and etc. From begining, every year you trying to invest everywhere, and at the end you have negative budget. From third try i realize how to cut off, and what to cut off =) so you need to play at least 5 years, k. And then you just scroll off the slider to period of 20-30 years to the future to see if your cource was right one.
Thank you.
Simple. Dems and Reps sold us all out. No big mystery.
True enough, with a bunch of bigo tax cuts.
Elect progressives. Vote out anti pell grant politicians
VQkag2 is a paid political hack (professional liar) and this post proves it:
VQkag2 is no part of the 99% or OWS. Loretta26 tells it like it is here:
Poster Madinusa sees VQkag2 for the propagandist poser he is as well:
Learn more about his doublespeak tactics here:
This forum is for OWS Revolutionaries. Get the fuck out, VQkag2!
So raise taxes and we'll be in the pink? Why didn't Obama do that in his first two years?
It is called filibuster. And when you have guys like Nelson (Neb) and Prior and a few more, who were in the pockets of the1%, and you can't get the 60 votes to break the filibuster. So Dems had control in somebody's mind, but not in the real world.
They passed Obama care with no republican votes at all. They could've raised taxes if they wanted to.
They passed the 1993 tax/budget plan with no Republicans, and it balanced the budget proving we don't need Republicans.
I don't believe that is true. Snow and Collins?
Does the GOP even let them cacuss with them anymore? Or do they just bring the TEA?
Repubs abused the filibuster and obstructed us. Thats why!
I hope that as the election approaches you will look at those who want to cut more and cut them out of office.
This forum is for Revolutionaries. Get the fuck out, Factsrfun.
You wouldn't know revolution if it bit you in the ass, fucking Republican!
Factsrfun is a paid political hack assigned here to co-opt OWS and perpetuate the two-party tyranny.
This forum is for OWS Revolutionaries. Get the fuck out, Factsrfun.
Why beat around the bush, it is the oldest 1% trick in the book judge not what they say but who says it. It has worked for the 1% think tanks for decades, I have been studying them for thirty years and I am their worst nightmare so come on think tank boy let’s play.
Were you talking about these?
Nah you were most likely talking about these:
Which leads to this
Damn good question, but there's still time, tomorrow's another day.