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Forum Post: ''The Triumph of Occupy Wall Street'' by Michael Levitin from http://www.theatlantic.com/

Posted 9 years ago on June 11, 2015, 1:31 p.m. EST by lugano (1221)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

''The Triumph of Occupy Wall Street''

''The movement that began in Zuccotti Park didn't disappear—it just splintered and regrouped around a variety of focused causes.''

On her first campaign stop in Iowa in April, Hillary Clinton struck a decisively populist tone, declaring that “the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top.” Later, she sharpened her rhetoric on income inequality by comparing the salaries of America’s richest hedge fund managers with kindergarten teachers.

Clinton isn’t alone. Democratic presidential challenger Bernie Sanders has spent the spring railing against the excesses of Wall Street greed while calling for a financial transactions tax and a breakup of the big banks. Even leading Republican contenders have jumped on the inequality bandwagon: Jeb Bush, through his Right to Rise PAC, asserted that “the income gap is real,” while Ted Cruz admitted that “the top 1 percent earn a higher share of our income nationally than any year since 1928,” and Marco Rubio proposed reversing inequality by turning the earned-income tax credit into a subsidy for low-wage earners.

Nearly four years after the precipitous rise of Occupy Wall Street, the movement so many thought had disappeared has instead splintered and regrown into a variety of focused causes. Income inequality is the crisis du jour—a problem that all 2016 presidential candidates must grapple with because they can no longer afford not to. And, in fact, it’s just one of a long list of legislative and political successes for which the Occupy movement can take credit.

Until recently, Occupy’s chief accomplishment was changing the national conversation by giving Americans a new language—the 99 percent and the 1 percent—to frame the dual crises of income inequality and the corrupting influence of money in politics. What began in September 2011 as a small group of protesters camping out in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park ignited a national and global movement calling out the ruling class of elites by connecting the dots between corporate and political power. Despite the public’s overwhelming support for its message—that the economic system is rigged for the very few while the majority continue to fall further behind—many faulted Occupy for its failure to produce concrete results.

Yet with the 2016 elections looming and a spirit of economic populism spreading throughout the nation, that view of Occupy’s impact is changing. Inequality and the wealth gap are now core tenets of the Democratic platform, providing a frame for other measurable gains spurred by Occupy. The camps may be gone and Occupy may no longer be visible on the streets, but the gulf between the haves and the have-nots is still there, and growing. What appeared to be a passing phenomenon of protest now looks like the future of U.S. political debate, heralded by tangible policy wins and the new era of activist movements Occupy inaugurated.

One of Occupy’s largely unrecognized victories is the momentum it built for a higher minimum wage. The Occupy protests motivated fast-food workers in New York City to walk off the job in November 2012, sparking a national worker-led movement to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. In 2014, numerous cities and states including four Republican-dominated ones—Arkansas, Alaska, Nebraska, and South Dakota—voted for higher pay; 2016 will see more showdowns in New York City and Washington, D.C., and in states like Florida, Maine, and Oregon. From Seattle to Los Angeles to Chicago, some of the country’s largest cities are setting a new economic bar to help low-income workers.

The tidal wave didn’t come from nowhere. The grassroots movement composed of fast-food workers and Walmart employees, convenience-store clerks, and adjunct teachers seized on the energy of Occupy to spark a rebirth of the U.S. labor movement. This renaissance was most recently visible on April 15, when tens of thousands of workers marched in hundreds of cities to demand better pay and conditions. McDonald’s and Walmart have responded with incremental wage hikes, and Senate Democrats this spring called for raising the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour. As Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant, a socialist who rose to prominence with the Occupy movement, put it, “$15 in Seattle is just a beginning. We have an entire world to win.”

Occupy also reshaped the U.S.-environmental movement, which had its rebirth in fall 2011 when 1,200 people were arrested in Washington, D.C., protesting the Keystone XL pipeline. As people gravitated to Occupy encampments, teach-ins, and demonstrations across the country, that energy easily transferred into the fight against climate change. This was especially true on college campuses, where a student-led divestment movement has rid more than $50 billion in fossil-fuel assets from universities and institutional investment funds worldwide.

Occupy prompted a grassroots anti-fracking movement that pushed cities, counties and states to enact bans on the controversial drilling process—from Athens, Ohio, to Mendocino County, California, and in states like New York and Maryland. Last fall, those movements coalesced into the world’s largest climate march when 400,000 protesters descended on New York City to demand robust cuts in emissions and investments in renewable energy. President Obama has responded to the growing pressure by mandating new carbon cuts for power plants, signing a first-ever emissions-slashing deal with China, and vetoing a Republican measure to push through Keystone (although his decision in May granting permission for Shell to drill in the Arctic struck many as a disturbing reversal of his climate promises).

When it comes to money in politics, Occupy also drew mainstream attention to the corrosive influence of wealth on the political process. That helped spur a nationwide movement as 16 state legislatures and more than 600 U.S. towns and cities have passed resolutions to overturn Citizens United and draft a constitutional amendment declaring that corporations are not people and money is not speech. In April, the “We the People Amendment” to outlaw corporate personhood was introduced in the House by a Democratic coalition led by Representatives Rick Nolan (Minnesota), Jared Huffman (California), Keith Ellison (Minnesota), Matt Cartwright (Pennsylvania), and Raul Grijalva (Arizona). The message has resonated on both sides of the aisle, as presidential candidates from Clinton to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham call for a new era of campaign-finance reform to remove big money from electoral politics.

The student-debt crisis is another magnified arena where the Occupy protests shouted first and loudest—and in which serious policy shifts are now afoot. Occupy offshoot movements like Strike Debt, Rolling Jubilee, and Debt Collective are tackling America’s $1.3 trillion college-debt conundrum by buying back student debt for pennies on the dollar and forgiving it. Those movements also spurred a rebellion by student debtors, known as the Corinthian 15, who in April celebrated the closure of the for-profit Corinthian College chain, which they had accused of deceptive marketing and deliberately steering students into high-cost loans. In January, President Obama addressed the burgeoning crisis by introducing a $60 billion plan to make all community college free for two years. And in late April, nine Democratic Senators joined a list of 60 Congress members supporting a resolution to institute four-year, debt-free college nationwide—a dramatic departure from piecemeal proposals of the past.

Most significant, perhaps, is how the debate over inequality sparked by Occupy has radically remade the Democratic Party. Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts senator-who-is-definitely-not-running-for-president and the party’s most dynamic leader, launched her political career in 2012 with the 99 percent movement’s message of Main Street versus Wall Street. Since entering the Senate, Warren has drafted numerous bills to address income inequality, including the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act that would separate investment banking from commercial banking and the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act that would allow students to refinance college loans at a lower federal rate. By fighting to strengthen financial regulations in Dodd-Frank, break up “too big to fail” banks, and impose stiff taxes on corporations and the wealthy, Warren is the closest thing to an Occupy candidate the movement ever got. And now an army of elected populists in both the Senate and House is unifying around her.

On a local level, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio swept into office last year on a 99-percent-style “tale of two cities” campaign to address income inequality. He has since expanded pre-K education for tens of thousands of students, created municipal ID cards for undocumented immigrants, increased affordable housing, and guaranteed sick days for workers in America’s largest city. De Blasio now leads a national task force of mayors who hope to aggressively tackle the wealth gap in their cities—something scarcely imaginable before Occupy reshuffled the political deck.

Occupy was, at its core, a movement constrained by its own contradictions: filled with leaders who declared themselves leaderless, governed by a consensus-based structure that failed to reach consensus, and seeking to transform politics while refusing to become political. Ironic as it may seem, the impact of the movement that many view only in the rearview mirror is becoming stronger and clearer with time. Since the Great Recession, shareholder profits, CEO pay, and corporate tax breaks have soared while average household wealth continues to sink, college debt skyrockets, living costs increase, real wages decline, and the middle class struggles to survive. The world’s 1 percent now possess almost as much combined wealth as the bottom 90 percent. And while no one in Washington may have the full answer about how to fix income inequality, everyone, it seems, is now grasping for a solution.

~ Article is copied from - http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/06/the-triumph-of-occupy-wall-street/395408/ -- Final Paragraph below.



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[-] 4 points by east (110) 9 years ago

Labor Day Solidarity To OWS. Your work is not done but boy, have you made your mark. http://www.alternet.org/labor/labors-surprisingly-great-year-5-victories-workers-so-far-2015

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''Yanis Varoufakis on the Origins of the European and Global Economic Crisis'' ...

fiat lux ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

Re.''The "Afterbern" - What's Next for the American Left?'':

fiat justitia ...

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Four years ago today Occupy Wall Street began in New York City. The Nation, which had long been looking for the next great American protest movement, immediately began cheering on the protesters, while wondering whether such an outpouring of leaderless, democratic spirit could lead to real political and social change. In an issue that went to press just as it became clear, in early October, that the protesters weren’t going anyway..."


"September 17, 2011: Occupy Wall Street Begins in New York City “The kids are alright! They may have lost faith in the key institutions of America—the elected officials, the media, the banks—that ought to be steering the country out of economic crisis, but they have not lost faith in the people.”

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''Occupy was (and is!), at its core, a movement constrained by its own contradictions: filled with leaders who declared themselves leaderless, governed by a consensus-based structure that failed to reach consensus, and seeking to transform politics while refusing to become political. Ironic as it may seem, the impact of the movement that many view only in the rearview mirror is becoming stronger and clearer with time.'' Exactly! Your link brought back many memories and here's the final paragraph of the OP:

''It won’t be easy. Wresting power from the ruling financial elites will be an ongoing challenge, and ending big money’s grip on politics lies at the core of this effort. But business as usual must change because the planet can’t wait, and the people can’t, either. Occupy got the diagnosis correct. It also charted the course for concrete legislative reform. It’s now up to elected officials to achieve much bigger results—and for the grassroots movements to continue driving those policies into being. Because as millions of Americans learned following the election of Barack Obama, real change doesn’t come in slogans: It comes when the people demand it.''

Solidarity to OWS and all here. Any struggle worth having, takes time, effort, hope and perseverance.

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Occupy is a beautiful thing. It didn't fail and it sure as hell, isn't dead.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Exactly and frankly, anyone who thinks that OWS failed - is not cognizant of the facts OR is not a sympathiser/supporter,imo: http://occupywallst.org/forum/after-4-years-is-occupy-dead/#comment-1066326 and I never thought that I'd see the likes of Occupy Wall Street in the USA, in my lifetime.

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Right. For instance,.no Occupy Movement, likely, no Bernie Sanders running for President. The success in awareness of class consciousness of the American people is clearly apparent.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''No Occupy - likely no Bernie Sanders''. Absolutely! + ''Noam Chomsky on the Potential for Ordinary People to Make Radical Change'' ... http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/33023-noam-chomsky-on-the-potential-for-ordinary-people-to-make-radical-change & 4 years is a very short time for such an impact.

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Occupy memes are used all over the world now. Everyone is aware of the 1% vs. the 99% like never before. The thing is this: The global 1% have organized themselves, (what do you think things like the TPP are)? But, the global 99% have yet to fully organize together.

Globalization absolutely requires that we all work together, every human being on earth, because they will find where they can exploit in every nook and cranny that they can throughout the world. We must stick together! Solidarity!

[-] 5 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''Democrats now depend as much on affluent voters as on low-income voters. Democrats represent a majority of the richest congressional districts, and the party’s elected officials are more responsive to the policy agenda of the well-to-do than to average voters. The party and its candidates have come to rely on the elite 0.01 percent of the voting age population for a quarter of their financial backing and on large donors for another quarter.

''The gulf between the two parties on socially fraught issues like abortion, immigration, same-sex marriage and voting rights remains vast. On economic issues, however, the Democratic Party has inched closer to the policy positions of conservatives, stepping back from championing the needs of working men and women, of the unemployed and of the so-called underclass.

''In this respect, the Democratic Party and its elected officials have come to resemble their Republican counterparts far more than the public focus on polarization would lead you to expect. The current popularity of Bernie Sanders and his presidential candidacy notwithstanding, the mainstream of the Democratic Party supports centrist positions ranging from expanded free trade to stricter control of the government budget to time limits on welfare for the poor.

''Both Republicans and many Democrats have experienced an ideological shift toward acceptance of a form of free market capitalism which, among other characteristics, offers less support for government provision of transfers, lower marginal tax rates for those with high incomes, and deregulation of a number of industries,” the political scientists Adam Bonica, Nolan McCarty, Keith Poole and Howard Rosenthal write in a 2014 essay titled “Why Hasn’t Democracy Slowed Rising Inequality?” [Thus also see: http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/jep.27.3.103 ]

“The Democratic Party pushed through the financial regulation of the 1930s, while the Democratic party of the 1990s undid much of this regulation in its embrace of unregulated financial capitalism,” the four authors write.''

Excerpted from your Very Important Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/07/opinion/how-did-the-democrats-become-favorites-of-the-rich.html?_r=0 from elsewhere on the forum. It needs to be read.

Like you've said elsewhere: ''Bernie Sanders IS different. I like Bernie. I support Bernie though I think he lacks with regard to the Military Industrial Complex and it makes me wonder why? Why does he lack in that regard? What's really going on. Can Bernie win?''

Good questions - the answers to which may have to wait tho' we can speculate that Bernie realises just what a huge percentage of the USG's Total Spending, the Military is and that Bernie just may think that removing that would have immediate serious job implications for Americans.That - and the ''fact'' that, he might catch a bullet IF he questions the Banker/MIC nexus too hard and too quickly! The greedy 0.01% have ''Globalized'' capital flow/profit extraction.We must Globalize Resistance.Solidarity is the only way.

per ardua ad astra ...

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Good point. Bernie Sanders said recently that he will use drones as President. Sad, but what could we expect with him running as a Democrat and all. Barack Obama has a horrible war record despite his Nobel Peace Prize. All too sad for words.

I still support Bernie, though, because given the state of affairs in this sad place called America, he has the ability to bring the greatest positive change.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''From Columbus to Kunduz - The US Way of War'' by Margaret Flowers, MD and Kevin Zeese, JD:

Sadly, Sen. Bernie Sanders is not ready to clearly and unambiguously critique the US War Machine, at least not in the POTUS election run up period. Sanders may imply that he'll have different priorities - but The Corporate Controlled MSM would ignore him even more than they do - IF he alluded to a US 'Peace Dividend'. No question that BS is the best candidate for The Domestic US 99% - in over two generations BUT if he doesn't eventually question the whole US MIC deeply enough .. we may have to conclude that he has come to an accommodation with it & that may be worrying - especially from a Global 99% p-o-v.

cave - bellum se ipsum alet ...

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Many Indigenous peoples of North America do not celebrate Columbus Day because the reality of his human rights violations make it a celebration of a brutal war criminal. Cities are renaming Columbus Day as Indigenous People’s Day, or after local Indigenous Peoples. The most recent are Albuquerque and multiple cities in Oklahoma. Others include Seattle, Bellingham, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Berkeley, Portland, Lawrence, and Santa Cruz. Alaska, Hawaii, Washington and Oregon, do not recognize Columbus Day, which did not become a US federal holiday until 1937."

May the U.S. change it's warring ways. And, may Bernie Sanders find the strength to stand up for what is right and not play into the hands of the Military Industrial Complex. God help us.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Re. Bernie Sanders, amen to that prayer - and as a friend of mine says - ''the economy is not inevitable; it does not grow organically. It is man made and can and should be controlled for the benefit of ALL The People.'' The RWNJ-MSM in the US'll try to besmirch Bernie's Democratic Socialism, forgetting that the only problem with ''Socialism In America'' is that for 40 years it has been reserved for the Big Banks and The 1%, while the 99% have suffered under Crapitalism. Finally re.your main points above, I will append:

fiat lux ...

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

The "only problem with ''Socialism In America'' is that for 40 years it has been reserved for the Big Banks and The 1%, while the 99% have suffered under Crapitalism."

Says it all.

The time to fight back is now, America. Take off your blinders and get informed. Quit being turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''The time to fight back is now, America. Take off your blinders and get informed. Quit being turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.'' Hmmmmm. Emphatic Ditto and also fyi - consider this by Thom Hartmann:

ad iudicium ...

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Unions, all of these things stem from socialism. Socialism is a response to capitalism, which left on it's own, merely exploits and creates an unfair system where people suffer. The United States experienced this and hence, put these programs in place.

''Socialism is a threat to those who want to hoard wealth at the top. They spend a lot of energy mis-educating the masses so that they fear socialism, an economic system that would, in fact, benefit the masses by sharing the wealth they produce with them.''

From your great reply here - http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-triumph-of-occupy-wall-street-by-michael-levit/#comment-1066785 made in response to this important video link by Abby Martin: http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/33273-the-united-states-unofficial-religion-the-war-on-an-idea = Essential Viewing btw.

''Quit being Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving'' ergo http://www.popularresistance.org/the-dna-of-occupy/ +

Finally: ''Human Kind'' by George Monbiot: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article43141.htm

Which ends with the words: ''You are not alone. The world is with you, even if it has not found its voice.''

ad iudicium ...

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Modern Socialism" is what we need now. Socialism for the 21st century, possibly a hybrid of capitalism and socialism. Here is Richard Wolff's take on how it might transform from the article you linked to:

"A new socialism for the 21st century begins by assessing the limits of classical socialism. That assessment's priority focus is not external (how others hindered socialism's progress) - but rather internal. Where socialists were responsible for their own difficulties, there they can make significant changes. Serious self-criticism might begin by questioning classical socialism's definition of its chief tasks as changing (1) the ownership of productive property from private to public and the distribution of productive inputs and outputs from market to planning. These were changes at the macro level of society, far removed from most people's daily, micro-level lives. Many socialists believed that macro-level transitions would determine similar micro-level transitions. Shifting from capitalist (private) to socialist (collective) productive property ownership and from market to planning systems of distribution would cause parallel transitions from capitalist to socialist individuals in their personalities and in their daily work, home and community lives."

This is the key point: "A socialism for the 21st century must include and stress the importance of micro-level social transformation at the base of society in the workplace. Ending exploitation in workplaces is that transformation. Instead of workers producing surpluses for others to appropriate and distribute, they must now do that for themselves collectively. They must become their own board of directors. Ending workplace exploitation means that non-workers, whether private individuals or state officials, can no longer appropriate or distribute workers' surpluses. As "producer cooperatives" or "democratized enterprises" (among other names), such transformed workplaces represent a priority goal of a new socialism. That socialism stresses the micro-level transformation of society - the end of exploitation wherever people work - as the necessary companion or counterpart to the traditional macro-focus on property ownership and distribution mechanisms. The macro and micro components of socialism would both become equally necessary, conditions of each other's existence, mutually reinforcing as well as mutually dependent. Neither will be viewed or treated by policy as determinant of the other. Both will shape one another much as they both shape and are shaped by the larger social and natural contexts."

[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Those at the top can manipulate any ism, imo.


[-] 3 points by east (110) 9 years ago

I just found this link about O.W.S. - http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/06/the-triumph-of-occupy-wall-street/395408/ but then realised that I'd seen and read it before! Solidarity to All Occupiers.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"The Triumph of Occupy Wall Street"

"The movement that began in Zuccotti Park didn't disappear—it just splintered and regrouped around a variety of focused causes."

I'd argue that more than that, it changed the conversation in America. More people are aware of income inequality than ever before. And, better than Hillary Clinton spewing Occupy memes, we now have Bernie Sanders leading in the polls!

[-] 4 points by east (110) 9 years ago

''Recall that while Occupy Wall Street emerged in the fall of 2011, it had deeper roots in the accumulating protests against the massive inequities of wealth and power spawned by neoliberal capitalism. While set in a global context of anti-authoritarianism in the Arab Spring and anti-austerity in the Spanish Summer, OWS defined its purpose as confronting the 1% that had profited from 40 years of income and wealth disparities aided by the governing class. Implicit in the OWS critique of the role of money in politics was a deeper disquiet with the failures of representative democracy and a turn to efforts of creating direct democracy, such as the people’s assemblies.

''In many respects, the various messages of OWS seemed to transcend the constraints of politics-as-usual. On the other hand, some of the messages, such as “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out!” or the call for a student debt strike offered the possibility for populist representations. Indeed, the Bernie Sanders agenda is clearly informed by a translation of the more radical edge of OWS politics into populist policies.''

From - http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/09/01/occupy-wall-street-and-the-sanders-campaign-a-case-of-historical-amnesia/ + That O.W.S. ''changed the conversation in America'' is now beyond any doubt.

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Happy 4th Birthday, Occupy Wall Street!

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Without OWS, would there be a Bernie Sanders POTUS run? Also fyi, an interesting perspective from a historian, on Bernie and his questioning by Manderson Blooper (0.01%er, Vanderbilt heir and CIA asset) on TV the other day ...

From which .. ''A key reason that the US has so many wars is that big US media have a strong pro-war, pro-empire bias. You rarely see big US media badgering a politician for supporting a war that turned out to be a catastrophe. But it's commonplace for the big US media to badger politicians for opposing wars, even catastrophic ones. CNN journalist Anderson Cooper is a perfect example of this phenomenon.''+...

multum in parvo ...

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

My guess is not. OWS, because of it's nationwide scope and intensity in those early months of the movement, really captured the nation's minds. People now understand the huge gap of inequality because of the seeds of the memes and ideas that Occupy planted.

Bernie was always on board but he didn't have the ability to spread those ideas the way the movement did. Just take a look at the map on this website and you can see the scope of people who logged into this site and gave their location. I mean, I've been posting here for 4 years and I'm not even on that map because I never gave my location, lol. How many more people are there like me? Loads, I think.

So, yes, Occupy has made a difference despite what some people say about it and it's helped Bernie Sanders launch his political revolution.

Re: Manderson Blooper, ah, he's a Vanderbilt, after all......

Re: the Koch's. Don't underestimate their sneaky behavior. They had ads running on CNN all week up to the Democratic Debate. Almost like they are underwriting these things indirectly with ads for their own companies. They pay for our public radio and tv stations too. It's insane how we have allowed our nation to be controlled by Oligarchs.

But, finally, we have a politician who is at least speaking up about it in a real way. Thanks, Bernie.


Thanks for the great video of Abby Martin explaining socialism and it's roots in America and the benefits of it and ideas behind it, as well as how it has been misconstrued.

Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Unions, all of these things stem from socialism. Socialism is a response to capitalism, which left on it's own, merely exploits and creates an unfair system where people suffer. The United States experienced this and hence, put these programs in place.

Socialism is a threat to those who want to hoard wealth at the top. They spend a lot of energy mis-educating the masses so that they fear socialism, an economic system that would, in fact, benefit the masses by sharing the wealth they produce with them.

[-] 4 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Abby Martin's video should really be essential viewing for all American Left/Liberal/Progressives and OWS supporters and so, I'll repeat the link to her very important video once again:

Thanx for your excellent reply here: http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-triumph-of-occupy-wall-street-by-michael-levit/#comment-1066847 - and also please consider the following excerpt:

''Changing the world is hard. Activism contains so many unknowns, and so many difficult decisions with impacts we might guess but can only know in retrospect. The combination of urgency and despair, strategy and principle, has fueled many efforts at radical transformation. Ultimately, we give it our best shot and hope that it makes a difference. One of the hardest things, then, is learning to live with loss. How do we keep fighting after something - an approach, an organization - we poured our hearts into has fallen apart? How do we act reflexively and across political generations or perspectives?

''These are difficult questions. But in the absence of the dramatic social change we pursue, grappling with such problems trumps giving in to apathy or rejecting the need for change. It is, in fact, an opportunity to live a political life committed enough to grapple with these issues. Radicals of all stripes ought to confront and reflect upon these issues.'' from ...

fiat lux ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

99% - The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film ....

per aspera ad astra ...



[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

Yep - ''All Truth passes though three stages: First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.'' [Arthur Schopenhauer]

multum in parvo ...

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 9 years ago

This is good.

Many challenges ahead, but we are just getting started.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''Ponzi Scheme America - You’ve Been Scammed!" - an excellent article fyi, by by Tom Engelhardt -


''Just how the vast sums of money flooding into American politics do their dirty work may not matter that much. Specific contributions from the .01%, enacting their version of trickle-down politics, may not even elect specific candidates. What matters most is the deluge itself. These days in the American political system, money quite literally talks (especially on TV). Via ads, it screams. In the 2016 election season in which an unprecedented $10 billion is expected to be spent and just about every candidate will need his or her “sugar daddies,” the politicians will begin to resemble you; that is - they will find themselves dragging around previously unheard of debts to various plutocrats, industries, and deep pockets of every sort for the rest of their careers.'' + You are right to say that The OWS/99% Struggle is in its early days.

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 8 years ago

"How America became a 1% Society" by Bill Moyers


"In a recent poll, 71% of Americans across lines of ethnicity, class, age, and gender said they believe the US economy is rigged. People reported that they are working harder for financial security. One-quarter of the respondents had not taken a vacation in more than five years. Seventy-one percent said that they are afraid of unexpected medical bills; 53% feared not being able to make a mortgage payment; and, among renters, 60% worried that they might not make the monthly rent."

Another article, "The 1% are recovering from 2008 recession while 99% are still waiting"


So, it's evident that while Occupy may not yet have accomplished everything it set out to, it certainly changed the memes and planted the seeds that are necessary to bring about deep and lasting change. Time will tell.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 9 years ago
[-] 2 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

I hope #OpJuneDemo in London will be HUGE! It deserves and needs to be - as London is Global High Finance Crime HQ - with the world's oldest, Private Central Bank! Also fyi, I do think that you'll find the following link very "interesting": http://www.darkpolitricks.com/2013/01/who-owns-the-bank-of-england/

[-] 2 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''Police Killed An Unarmed White Man In Iowa And His Community Didn't Seem To Notice'' -


This very interesting article that I didn't quite know exactly where to add on your own important thread.. http://occupywallst.org/forum/everyone-needs-to-see-this-anonymous-code-blue-201/ + Your link above looks interesting but wouldn't open for me. I'll try again another time. - Solidarity to you and yours Nev1.

[-] 3 points by Nevada1 (5843) 9 years ago

Thank you for link----Will add link to other thread.

Another unnecessary and strange police killing, with most locals not concerned.

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The 'lack of concern' for Ryan Bollinger {RiP} boils down to there not being 'a community' for him.+ fyi


It's now abundantly clear that Neocon Empire and Militarization is having a direct effect inside the US.

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

I saw it. Very Odd Indeed! Could it be an 'ambulance chaser' or an attention seeking Drama Queen with some kind of 'Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy'? Such people do exist. Or am I being naive?! Oy Vey!!

[-] 2 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

FYI : ''When Too Big To Fail Fails ... The Scheme To Seize Depositors' Money" ........


[-] 3 points by Nevada1 (5843) 9 years ago

Everyone needs to see this.

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

"Big Banks Run Everything: Austerity, IMF and the real story about the World Economy that the media won’t tell you!"


[-] 3 points by Nevada1 (5843) 9 years ago

Thank you Lugano. Even when Americans are faced with disaster, Normalcy Bias takes over.

[-] 5 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The prime "Normalcy Bias" is that The USA is somehow actually a - ''real democracy'' (rather than the demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy that it is)! Thereafter - questions of Bankers creating Money/Debt out of thin air and so despite "offer/acceptance", where is the "Consideration"?What Do They Actually Risk?! Also fyi - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jul/10/germany-greek-pain-debt-relief-grexit

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Consider - ''Huckabee: Iran Deal Sends Israelis To 'Oven' [= Manic Christian-Zionist Uber-lunacy btw!] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/26/huckabee-iran-nuclear-deal-obama-marching-israelis-to-door-of-the-oven Also your phrase ''Normalcy Bias'' has value and gets weird when applied to RWNJs!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

I still think the amorphous nature of Occupy, the very things that made it impossible for the status quo and our current political system to pin it down and fully co-opt it (though, lord knows they've tried), is exactly why Occupy continues to make a difference. Bravo to Occupy. Long Live Occupy!

You can take down the tents and push the protesters off the sidewalk but you simply cannot kill an idea. And, Occupy was and still is an idea, and that idea is now embedded in the minds of the American people.

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 9 years ago


[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''You can take down the tents and push the protesters off the sidewalk but you simply cannot kill an idea. And, Occupy .. was and still is ... an idea, and that idea is now embedded in the minds of the American people.- ''Long Live Occupy'' and long may it remain independent, elusive and so effective!!

Sadly 'Student Debt' and its derivatives and will be the next bubble and crash, imo. Also fyi, see..

http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31342-economic-update-higher-education-in-crisis - R.D.Wolff


[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Debt-free college truly is not some radical, unattainable goal. “Debt-free college? College is free in Germany and other countries in this world. You can’t tell me that the richest country in the world, at its richest point, can’t afford to do this? It’s simply a question of political will.” said Rep. Ellison."

The truth is that the oligarchs and bankers are getting rich off the debt structure of our higher education system. Military Industrial Complex, Prison Industrial Complex, Education Industrial Complex, it's all the same thing. Keep the American people down and in debt in order to enrich the wealthy and corporations.

Start out in debt and continue in debt and as the alien says "Private Bankers create money and debt out of thin air and the rest of you destroy each other and your planet to repay them?


[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Re.''Debt'': ''The superhuman effort to honour the brave people of Greece, and the famous OXI (NO) that they granted to democrats the world over, is just beginning.'' .. from ''Minister No More!'' - by Prof.Yanis Varoufakis: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42309.htm - SOLIDARITY to ppl of Greece!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

Greece's debt is "odious debt" or illegitimate debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation and should not be enforceable. Sadly, Varoufakis, who spoke truth to power like no one else has, has felt pressured to resign so that negotiations can continue because, truthfully, he's just too scary to the establishment and they can't deal with him.

"Yanis Varoufakis accuses creditors of terrorism ahead of Greek referendum"


[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The 2008 crash wiped 13% off global production and 20% off global trade. Global growth became negative – on a scale where anything below +3% is counted as a recession. It produced, in the west, a depression phase longer than in 1929-33, and even now, amid a pallid recovery, has left mainstream economists terrified about the prospect of long-term stagnation. The aftershocks in Europe are tearing the continent apart.

The solutions have been austerity plus monetary excess. But they are not working. In the worst-hit countries, the pension system has been destroyed, the retirement age is being hiked to 70, and education is being privatised so that graduates now face a lifetime of high debt. Services are being dismantled and infrastructure projects put on hold.

Even now many people fail to grasp the true meaning of the word “austerity”. Austerity is not eight years of spending cuts, as in the UK, or even the social catastrophe inflicted on Greece. It means driving the wages, social wages and living standards in the west down for decades until they meet those of the middle class in China and India on the way up.

Meanwhile in the absence of any alternative model, the conditions for another crisis are being assembled. Real wages have fallen or remained stagnant in Japan, the southern Eurozone, the US and UK. The shadow banking system has been reassembled, and is now bigger than it was in 2008. New rules demanding banks hold more reserves have been watered down or delayed. Meanwhile, flushed with free money, the 1% has got richer.

Neoliberalism, then, has morphed into a system programmed to inflict recurrent catastrophic failures. Worse than that, it has broken the 200-year pattern of industrial capitalism wherein an economic crisis spurs new forms of technological innovation that benefit everybody.

That is because neoliberalism was the first economic model in 200 years the upswing of which was premised on the suppression of wages and smashing the social power and resilience of the working class. If we review the take-off periods studied by long-cycle theorists – the 1850s in Europe, the 1900s and 1950s across the globe – it was the strength of organised labour that forced entrepreneurs and corporations to stop trying to revive outdated business models through wage cuts, and to innovate their way to a new form of capitalism.

The result is that, in each upswing, we find a synthesis of automation, higher wages and higher-value consumption. Today there is no pressure from the workforce, and the technology at the centre of this innovation wave does not demand the creation of higher-consumer spending, or the re‑employment of the old workforce in new jobs. Information is a machine for grinding the price of things lower and slashing the work time needed to support life on the planet.

As a result, large parts of the business class have become neo-luddites. Faced with the possibility of creating gene-sequencing labs, they instead start coffee shops, nail bars and contract cleaning firms: the banking system, the planning system and late neoliberal culture reward above all the creator of low-value, long-hours jobs.


The above excerpt is taken from this really excellent and very thought provoking, book synopsis article... http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42401.htm & I strongly recommend it to you and any and all who read and reflect here.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''Austerity Has Failed" - by Thomas Piketty, Jeffrey Sachs and others' open letter to Angela Merkel http://www.thenation.com/article/austerity-has-failed-an-open-letter-from-thomas-piketty-to-angela-merkel/ Thank you for another great link to 99% Uber-Hero, YanisV! Zito Ellada - Long Live Greece!

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

When your debtor can't pay his debt, you don't give him/her more debt in order to make the payments to you on the first debt. That is what Germany has done to Greece.

"As most of the world knew it would, the financial demands made by Europe have crushed the Greek economy, led to mass unemployment, a collapse of the banking system, made the external debt crisis far worse, with the debt problem escalating to an unpayable 175 percent of GDP. The economy now lies broken with tax receipts nose-diving, output and employment depressed, and businesses starved of capital."

Bravo, Merkel. Idiot.

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''Instead of indicting, and persecuting, those who, to this day, function within the public sector as the troika’s minions and lieutenants (while receiving their substantial salaries from the long-suffering Greek taxpayers), politicians and parties whom the electorate condemned for their efforts to turn Greece into a protectorate are now persecuting me, aided and abetted by the oligarchs’ media. I wear their accusations as badges of honour.''

Quoted from: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42516.htm by Yanis Varoufakis.A short, slightly surreal read as YV defends himself against The Bankster Nexus behind 'Idiot Merkel''! Finally and as a post script, I will add that Paul Mason's excellent book synopsis essay (immediately above the Piketty ''open letter'' link above) is well worth anyone's attention for .. Some Deep Future Insights!

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

“Tsipras made a decision on that night of the referendum not only to surrender to the troika but also to implement the terms of surrender on the basis that it is better that a progressive government implement terms of surrender that it despises than leave it to the local stooges of the troika, who would implement the same terms of surrender with enthusiasm.”

Varoufakis, from: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/22/varoufakis-brands-alexis-tsipras-new-de-gaulle

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Re.Tsipras, sadly I find myself suspicious of him these days. Was he co-opted or threatened or .. both? Also ''Interim cabinet led by former supreme court chief Vassiliki Thanou will govern until early elections next month, the third time Greeks go to the polls this year'' which'll be occuring on 20th September btw. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/28/greece-caretaker-government-sworn-in-first-female-prime-minister Greece is an abject lessons to The Global 99% of the limitations of Democracy under Bankers!

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

The global 1% are organized. The economic weapons they use against the 99% around the world cross boundaries, nations, currencies, economies and markets. It is up to the 99% to organize globally at this point if they are to have a chance against these greedy monsters.

And, I'd be good with Yanis Varoufakis being our leader, lol.

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

''The US Strategy is to Create a New Global Legal and Economic System: TPP, TTIP, TISA.'' (A MUST Watch Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw7P0RGZQxQ .. here appended in support of your essential comment and ditto re. Yannis Varoufakis too. ''They'' have Globalized Crapitalism so we must Globalize Resistance or accept our & our children's penury / servitude in a Security Surveillance State! And re.Yannis Varoufakis,consider: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/08/03/the-greek-warrior

dum spiro, spero ...

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"New 2015 Wealth Data: US Inequality at Its Ugliest"


  1. At the Bottom: Of the Half-Billion Poorest Adults in the World, One out of Ten is an American

  2. At the Top: The Richest 1/10 of American Adults Have Averaged Over $1 Million Each in New Wealth Since the Recession

  3. In the Middle: The US is the Only Region Where the Middle-Class Does Not Own Its Equivalent Share of Wealth

  4. In the Upper-Middle: For a Full 70% of Americans, Percentage Ownership of National Wealth is One of the Lowest in the World

  5. The Big Picture: Only Kazakhstan, Libya, Russia, and Ukraine Have Worse Wealth Inequality than the United States

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

This is exactly the flip side and by-product of allegedly being ''The Exceptional Nation''! An utter denial of facts and refusal to face reality!! The-''Corporate MSM PR and US Mis-education System Two-Step'' that keeps Turkeys Voting For Thanksgiving is Totally Fkn Infuriating ... AND ... And .. and I'll breeeathe now phfoooooooooo and recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM + Furthermore, see:

multum in parvo ...

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

That video tells it all. Americans have thought, for a long time, that they live in the perfect nation with perfect distribution of wealth and that everything is intrinsically fair. What they are finding out, however, is that during the last 40 years the gulf between the rich and the poor has become so big that our entire economic system is at risk. It has become unsustainable and we cannot go on like this.

From Eduardo Galeano: "I tried to find a way of recounting history so that the reader would feel that it was happening right now, just around the corner—this immediacy, this intensity."

We are living history RIGHT NOW. The Revolution Starts Now as Bernie Sanders is saying. This is our chance to get back our country and our economy. IF we miss it, we miss it at our peril.

And, re: the sale of National Geographic to Rupert Murdoch, for me, it eliminates any trust I had in any of the work done by that organization. I will no longer read or watch National Geographic.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Ahhhh! The 'Money-Truth Alien' from Twitter, you mean?! For others here ..


And also see ... http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26131.htm

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago



It won’t be easy. Wresting power from the ruling financial elites will be an ongoing challenge, and ending big money’s grip on politics lies at the core of this effort. But business as usual must change because the planet can’t wait, and the people can’t, either. Occupy got the diagnosis correct. It also charted the course for concrete legislative reform. It’s now up to elected officials to achieve much bigger results—and for the grassroots movements to continue driving those policies into being. Because as millions of Americans learned following the election of Barack Obama, real change doesn’t come in slogans: It comes when the people demand it.

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

The reason it won't be easy is because of the media, and I'm not talking about Fox news. This writer didn't mention the media as an obstacle, but the media helped end the Occupy movement as much as anyone. We certainly need some brave reporters, I hope enough of them exist.

There are still people my age who remember or voted for Ross Perot, and over 20 million saw that their vote was wasted. Voters for Bush 1 did not feel the same way because the vote was close. They blamed Perot for ruining the election. There are many who don't want to vote for Clinton or Bush, but currently feel trapped because they don't want to waste their vote and will decide to vote for the lesser evil. I am proud of my vote against Romney and Obama, (Jill Stein), hopefully a sentiment that grows.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The Corporate Owned MSM will never allow space to Alternative Democratic or Radical voices. That's why The Inter-Web is really so important now, tho' of course I'm certainly not saying that 'Reactionary Co-option' and subterfuge is impossible on-line either(ahem)! Any vote cast is not wasted but perhaps an obsession with being on the winning side also contributes to the situation.Two Corporate Co-opted and Controlled Party Machines playing 'Good Cop/Bad Cop' does NOT a Real Democracy make! Also see http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31354-tightening-whose-belt and Solidarity to you and yours.

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

The repeal of the estate tax made me furious. This would never happen if democracy was working. Calling it the "death tax" is absurd and the media should have skewered anyone that called it that. How many Americans realized that unless you have over 10 million, there already is no estate tax.

Your observation of the obsession with winning is right on. Americans are used to "their" team beating the "other" team, and it is an obsession. I myself am a college football fan and it is an obsession to beat our rival. This makes the "only two parties" system the most effective for the elites.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The desire merely to be on ''the winning team'' is another good argument for banning Election Polls of how ''well'' the (mostly two) parties are doing. What purpose is actually democratically served - by the tedium and hysteria of the constant Pre-Election Polls? Also fyi on this and other matters,please see http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31240-guatemalans-are-taking-their-democracy-back Solidarity@U

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 9 years ago

I agree polls are not only unnecessary but influence voters, especially those that use different demographics to show how groups are leaning. There must be a better way.

The repub primary in 2012 appeared to be an experiment for the media to see how effective they could be. I believe the "leader" began with Bachman, then Perry, Cain, Gingrich, and Santorum before Romney won. It was quite a show, especially with Cain. Romney was probably already chosen by elites and theatre was produced to enrich the media and others to keep things interesting.

[-] 2 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''The parasitical ultra-rich often deny the role of others in the acquisition of their wealth – and even seek to punish them for it'' .. from - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/sep/24/mitt-romney-self-creation-myth?INTCMP=SRCH .. = an old article from the very start of Occupy Wall Street - referencing Mitt Romoney that I was reminded of by your reply & it makes for very interesting reading, I assure you.

[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

others need to be hard working to "deserve" anything

as any 2 party supporting moralist will tell you

[-] 2 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''The Precariat...'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBJlU4xIxBk -- with a HUGE Recommendation for you and other interested readers to watch this episode of ''The Keiser Report'', which is linked to here in compliment of your short but true comment. This episode looks to the present with an eye to the future.

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

To remove the precarious nature of work these days, Guy Standing calls for a Basic Income in his book "The Precariat." With a basic income for all people, all can live a decent life and work towards whatever it is each deems important. It's true freedom, because no matter how much "freedom" you think you have, if you do not have economic freedom, you don't have any freedom.

I highly recommend that episode of The Keiser Report. Thanks, lugano. Max and Stacey are big thinkers and see our problems in the round and look for solutions that can sustain us as we move forward in this changing times.

[-] 2 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''Solutions to World Economy Part I'' (''Keiser Report'' E790) - With Max & Stacy in a double header discussing Paul Mason's recent book/article ------ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1DfP1d1tH8

This is the preceding episode to the one (E791) with Guy Standing linked to above.The next and 3rd of the 6 ''Summer Solutions" Episodes (#792) is with Prof. Steve Keen today (Aug 4th '15) & I'm watching it as I type! Thanks for your comment re. ''Basic Income'' + fyi, please also consider the following links: http://www.basicincome.org/basic-income/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/BasicIncome/ 99% Solidarity!

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

"Greece: Government to roll out a Guaranteed Minimum Income scheme"


"The new bailout agreement between Greece and international creditors includes plans for a national roll-out of a Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI).[i] The GMI is not an unconditional basic income for all citizens, but would be the first universal means-tested grant that covers all Greeks below a certain level of income and asset ownership, regardless of employment status, job contract type, professional category, gender or age.

In the latest round of bailout negotiations, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras reportedly opposed the introduction of the GMI. The final memorandum approved by the Greek parliament last week, however, provides for a national roll-out of the GMI by end of 2016."

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''The tragic Greek experience should stand as a warning of the need to withdraw from the rules that have turned the eurozone into an economic dead zone, and the IMF and Troika into brutal debt collectors for European, U.S. and British banks and bondholders. This is not a story that the mainstream press is happy to popularize. And as for the academic economists trotted out as talking heads, they still don’t get it.''

From: ''Whitewashing the IMF’s Destructive Role in Greece'' - by the ever-excellent Dr.Michael Hudson: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/08/31/whitewashing-the-imfs-destructive-role-in-greece/ & thank you for the great excerpt from a very good link. Solidarity to The Greek and European 99% as #S17--#4 fast approaches. The 99% Struggle against Corporate Tyranny and Oligarchy - continues all over our planet.

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 9 years ago

It's interesting how much the Greeks have been helping the Syrian refugees. Seems it takes suffering of one's own to have the empathy to be able to imagine yourself in the shoes of another.

I did a quick google search and found these images very moving:


[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

The Greek People have TWICE given Syriza a mandate to Stand Up Against The Banks! But to no avail. The solutions is not cease to protest but fight harder for The 99%! Also please try to coolly consider the following great article http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/32609-greece-a-perfect-storm by Jan Wellman.

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Here's a link to a one of the Occupy groups that is having a real impact:


[-] 3 points by turbocharger (1756) 9 years ago

Lol most people that were affiliated with ows hate that site, its a younger dude from Ft Lauderdale who was running for office down there.

The memes are incredibly stupid, one sided usual partisan nonsense.

Lots of people are personally offended at this, being that they took the name and hijacked it for a corrupt party.

All that complaining about capitalism and then look at the banner ads they run on that site, nothing but sexist assuming trash.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

http://www.occupydemocrats.com/ is a very interesting site for sure and reflects the impact that OWS has and continues to have on US progressive politics and so it underlines even further just what a real shame it is that this OWS-Forum has now been so compromised by those who founded/moderated it, however irrespective of perturbations and provocations .. we (incl. you) will forge onwards and upwards.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

The real shame is how the stinking Greens have twisted the message of OWS in so many places.

When OWS focused on wealth inequality it grew into a huge movement but when the actual reality sank in that creating change takes making choices and joining together means compromise, then the Greens infected it and drove people out that didn't fall in line and hate the Dems, staying on the forum became more and more difficult for people who wanted change now instead of some far off future where perfect people would be available to support. Girlfriday, Ben's dad, ZenDog and many others stopped coming here just to be attacked because they refused to help the idiots elect Republicans. Still for some of us the cause is too important to give up on and so we go on telling the simple truth.

Kill the GOP, save America!

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Still fixated on fighting 2000's Bush v Gore then frf? Reaally? Despite ALL the proof, that Gore won that election BUT that he didn't have the courage to take the count to the SCOTUS because his first loyalty was to his 0.01% Patrician Class' illusion of democracy! The Greens are not to blame for 2000; Gore is.

IF btw - you really think GirlFriedHead, ZionDog, Bensdick etc stopped coming here because they were ''attacked'' - well I got news for you and your failing memory - that's just about The Polar Opposite of the truth but tbh, I'm not at all surprised at any of your mendacities any longer. Here's what's important tho': http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/31450-the-media-won-t-tell-you-the-truth-about-the-media-so-i-will but do you even know who Thom Hartmann is? Is his politics a li'l too 'radical' for your conservative ass?

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

We are still fighting the wars we got because Nader wanted to see his name on some ballots, so no I don't plan on forgetting.

And if you want to buy the Green Party lie that out of 100,000 that voted for stupid blind as a bat Nader a 1,000 would not have voted Gore, no wonder you buy the GOP line that people shouldn't vote. If you believe that Green Party bullshit you are the most gullible person on earth.

Never forget The Greens are the putrid scum that gave us W Bush!

no matter why any single person left the forum, the truth is that there are serveral on here who attack any who refuse to sign up for your "lets elect the GOP!" program.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

NO, you stupid, repetitive oaf - that 0.01%-Loyal Patrician Millionaire FAILED to follow up with backbone when he and squillions of others knew that he'd won in 2000 - 'cause he just caved to Jim Baker and his pack of Texass lawyers! Your duopolistic, establishmentarian stupidity knows no end - despite a radical inside you fighting to get out. You had better read this ... http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31511-why-hillary-can-t-win when you next drag your possibly empty head out of your probably fat ass!Good luck if you think that I advocate voting for Reptiles .. as then u r suffering from paranoid delusions for sure, qed.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You do realize there was a SCOTUS ruling don't you?

If you are so naive that you believe the Green Party bullshit that 100,000 votes in FL (or even those in VT) didn't put W Bush in the WH you are either stupid or clinging to lie, it was Nader's ego pure and simple.

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

''Nader'' - blah ~ ''Green Party'' - blah Blah ~ YOUR ''ego'' - blah, Blah, BLAH! This OWS forum: :-(

Meanwhile: http://sputniknews.com/columnists/20150629/1023985661.html Less importantly see


[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

duopoly blab blab blab democrats balb balb balb link to bullshit blab blab blab

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Hmmm, so what else would you like to call the choice between ONLY ''Corporate Donkey and Corporate Elephant''?! Also fyi, do see: http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31757-robert-solow-in-conversation-with-paul-krugman-inequality-what-can-be-done

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

20th track "(We really really really are not about Direct Democracy)"

As people could tell if only people paid attention to our activities

Lucky for us the people do not and so we can continue with our politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic, tossing shit, spouting specious aspersions, trying to hide in the light, etc etc etc

Lucky thing that more people don't ask us why:

"Why don't you take over government for the people from within?"

"Seeing as you don't have a national party in place to successfully run your candidates in all 50 states - WHY don't you run your candidates as dems and reps?"

Well we would just have to say (and we do) that the people can't be successful that way. Better we say - if we all stay away - and just protest for government to get better.

We really do not want people to consider a possible winner by doing things like Bernie Sanders and run as a dem for a real chance to win - and have "more" people running on the issues where they can legitimately destroy their opponents in office or also running for office - by pointing out past voting records showing non support for the people - even showing active attacks on the people - or even calling on them to declare a public stance.

Gosh that would ruin our whole "public self defeating" circular do nothing opt out and just protest logic.

  • by (mdonelly, turbocharger, lugano, windyacres - harmonizing & the Cronies singing back-up)














[-] 2 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

yet no one challenges war

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Because - "Pentagon Concludes America Not Safe Unless It Conquers The World'' by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42352.htm - A bit of a worrisome read really.

[-] 3 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

the bank teller ask me about my forth of July

I told him we made 28 air strikes

he had no idea was shocked

then I told him this was a daily occurrence

[-] 3 points by Nevada1 (5843) 9 years ago

Hello Lugano, Sorry, lost location of your reply from yesterday. Most Americans have no idea about what all is going to happen here.


















[-] 0 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Excellent post. I remember doing one of my first protests in Occupy, and for having brought the props back, so that they could be packed away.... A guy who went by the name of Joe Bonano gave me a DVD of the Yes Men. Little did I know that he was an organizer of that event, and a star in that parody. The arts are a wonderful way of reaching out, and here in NY we have a young lady named Marni who does really neat work with another Occupier named Elliot. They are both very talented, as well as being very tenacious.


[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

See http://theyesmenarerevolting.com/ and anarchic 'Situationist Pranksters' .. just like them are now needed in the vanguard of non-violent protests, demonstrations and Occupations - just like your friend Marni, especially re. ...''Backlash Grows as Leaked TPP Text Reveals Increased Corporate Control of Public Health''... http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31338-backlash-grows-as-leaked-tpp-text-reveals-increased-corporate-control-of-public-health Solidarity to u and yours & thanks for your interesting link.

[-] 2 points by mdonelly (324) from Mineola, NY 9 years ago

Yes , I agree that "Situatuionist Pranksters" are very much needed in our struggle. But then we have bright, young activists who are also super journalists. I remember meeting Laura Gottesdiener briefly in the early days of Occupy, but I had no idea what her background was, or what a prolific writer that she is. I seemed to keep running into her and met her and her companion at a progressive church dinner and rally in NY, then again at a protest in Washington, DC. The last time I ran into her was probably two or more years later when she did a presentation to our group on her new book, A Dream Foreclosed: Black America and a Fight for a Place to Call Home.

Ms Gottesdiener obviously grew up with a priviledged background, having graduated high school from the prestigious Milton Academy, where she not only starred on the track team, but also became the first woman wrestler for her school. Then she went on to Yale University. She left that life though to join the real World, now living in Brooklyn, and traveling throughout the country to write mostly about the plight of the poor. She is yet another young person who followed her conscience, not the dollar. I have nothing, but respect for her, and we should all be buoyed that we have so many people like her in our revolution.


[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Consider ... ''US Austerity Politics: One State's Attempt to Destroy Democracy and the Environment'' - by Ms.LG http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/31285-us-austerity-politics-one-state-s-attempt-to-destroy-democracy-and-the-environment ... This is a Very Good recent article by your friend Laura Gottesdiener.

It is a long and wide ranging article that connects many dots, from Michigan and New Jersey and many points between and beyond. It is well worth reading. Thank you very much for referencing Ms LG, who is an Associate-Editor at http://wagingnonviolence.org/ - a website that I'm a very big fan of. Solidarity to u.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Lugey!!!!!!!!!! You old glob of snot. You actually put up a link about the rethuglican attack on Michigan!


Way ta go - feels good doesn't it.

Don't stop now - plenty of rethuglican evil to point out.

Damn - never thought ya had it in you to actually post about the crimes of rethuglican government.












































[-] -3 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 9 years ago

OWS might have had good intentions at first, but just think about the notion of effecting political change with a neutered political device.

Organizing a bunch of newbies dupes and dreamers into a "movement" TO DO NOTHING and go nowhere but SIT!

Facilitating a Forum catering to Agent Provocateurs, False Flaggers, GOP Wolves draped in Prog-Lib rhetoric ~ and censoring outspoken Liberals and Progressives, and democracy advocates!

OWS has helped enable the 2014 lowest Voter Turnout in modern history.

Get your act together, and at least support Bernie Sanders!

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Young people are not ''newbies'' and the ''effecting political change with a neutered political device'' is an excellent description of the faux-paRDisan political process in the U$A. Your utter naivety - or refusal to see - what OWS has done and helped to seed and your real view of OWS ... is through the lens of your 'Corporate Donkey' Specatcle(s) & was encapsulated when you said - ''OWS has been a waste of time, people and thought,'' on this thread earlier. Do you get the .. 'Left Pull' concept of OWS? BernieS does!

Did you even bother reading the OP before you brainfarted your reactionary & essentially Right Wing Responses? My one piece of unsolicited advice to readers is to differentiate between well intentioned and sold out Dem voters and their Corporate Corrupted Dem Pols On-The-Hill? Finally, I put it to you that your own primary allegiance is really to The Democratic Party and NOT actually to The US 99%.

Money has ruined US Politics - top to bottom & the only think 'trickling down' is corruption & hypocrisy & so fyi: http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/32227-meet-the-hedge-funders-and-billionaires-who-pillage-under-the-shield-of-philanthropy & btw this forum is not Twitter, it's the place for more sustained debate.

So ask yourself who are the ''dupes'' & IF all The Progress we've ever had, first came from ''dreamers''?! Of course vote for any and all progressives, but that won't be enough & so .. OWS/The 99% Movement.

I never thought that I'd see the likes of OWS in the U$A in my lifetime & I am not about to give up on it!

[-] -3 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 9 years ago

I was going to just say STFU and GFYS you dim witted political lightweight troll!

But if you can make a more engaging argument, I'll make you see the light. Off the bat, you have a lot to learn, but I like your spirit, if it's sincere/real.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Nice .. but being the abrasive, blustering, coarse, duopoly echoing, DNC lover that you are, just wtf else would you have done? If what I said above was too much for you, how about addressing the reply to you below, before I supply you with even further reasons for reactionary apoplexy? You know, that reply with the following links embedded in it:

Furthermore, why don't you actually expand on your brainfart below and tell us why..''OWS has been a waste of time, people and thought, since 2011 ...''?!!! Do you think that Bernie would have been running for POTUS, had there never been a OWS?!! It strikes me now that it's you who's the ''half-wit'' or worse!

temet nosce ...

[-] -1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 9 years ago

So, GFYS! and the Troll House you work out of

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

The 99% are in a existential struggle for the remembrance of their collective reality and, memory itself, as Turkeys are herded and conned into voting for Thanksgiving BUT thanx for being irrelevant, irrational and insufferable. I expect nothing else from someone with their lips firmly fused to the DNC Corporate-Donkey's Ass! Meanwhile, from the point of view of The 99%, do perhaps try to consider the following -

respice; adspice; prospice ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

you are talking to Shadz I think this ID has been banned he has moved on to "imnotme" now, I think it is the conspiracy stuff that gets him banned, all he ever wants to do is attack Dems, have fun.....

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

On reflection - don't you think that your reply here - http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-amazing-thing-about-political-parties/#comment-1066866 - was/is somewhat excessive?! Be calm and cool now frf.

ad iudicium ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Well done Sherlock but please don't fry your conservative mind as you ''think''up more reasons to try to get people banned from here, lol. By the way .. consider that a “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a ''conspiracy''. Instead - it really now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps and conservative, reactionary believers in the Corporate MSM consensus reality. In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory! Now also consider

nosce te ipsum ...

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

you are a simpleton shadz that's why you fall for the shit people like Hedges pukes out; idiots that would have the people give everything to the 1% in order to prove their point, they are so enamored with themselves they think it more important people believe them to be smart than for people's lives to be made better

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Back to the: 'IF you ain't a DNC loving Dem-addict - you must be a 1% enabler' huh? And WHAT?! I'm the "simpleton"?!! WhyTF haven't you, 'killed The GOP' in Arizona yet?!!! Chris Hedges is closer to the inner spirit of OWS btw then you'll ever be, you petit-bourgeois p-o-s. You use 'ego' and ''smart'', when you've got fuck all else to counter the arguments and ideas from The Left, that you just can NOT face!

You are transparent - and it ain't a pretty sight! Now with Halloween imminent, how about you STOP emulating these ass-clowns below .. you over-sized shooz and spinny bow-tie wearing, face-painted, comedy-car driving .. DNC fixated ... ass!

temet nosce ...

[-] -1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 9 years ago

Creepy, wasn't there a movie about little nasty trolls that would stab peoples' ankles with little troll swords? And the one troll kept coming back to life after being smashed or burned? tried to tell you guys

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Single Payer Healthcare in Colorado ... interested? Or is anyone not up the DNC's butt - just a ''troll''?!

ad iudicium ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I hope the GOP pays you for your work, they should.

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

"Did you know more Democrats voted for Bush than Nader?" - was what you were asked whilst you were ''attending an industry conference'' on Oct.27th 2015 according to your words here:

But what was your reply? Did you even answer the question directly? Did you think about what a HUGE question that really is? Or, that it may allude to the very important point that lots of Dem voters seem to think voting for The Repugnants is somehow ok because they don't perceive that much difference? What does that tell you? That Dems are too close to Reptile Policy Positions OR.. that they are NOT different enough?! While you are at it, you may as well ask yourself; would there be a Bernie POTUS run without OWS seeding the memes & changing the language and projecting the many possibilities for a ''Political Revolution'' in the US? Gore didn't challenge a Stolen Election so STOP fixating on The Greens or face:

omnia causa fiunt ...

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

shadz is a ego whore who thinks he is the savior....useless fools like him are always infecting movements

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Yawwn mthrfkr yawwwwwn & swallow YOUR ego & either see, read & reflect above or click below:

There is, ''nothing you can do about someone like (u &) Ted Cruz, who isn't encumbered by either truth or civility. - Even defending the other candidates, he doesn't care what damage he does, as long as he can stand atop the rubble.Come to think of it,that may be said of pretty much all of these people"(& u?) I suggest not replying late at night when drunk or early in the morning when hung over or you'll look silly.

verbum satis sapienti ...

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You can splutter and splash all you want shadz but in the end you elect the GOP so WTF do you really know?

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

The ''splutter and splash'' is really all yours matey & maybe you shouldn't make hasty statements:

I take li'l or no pleasure in handing you your ass on a plate but you keep insisting on being cranky!

multum in parvo ...

[-] -1 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 9 years ago

wicked girl RW troll. Told You folks from the beginning

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Head still jammed up own ass, Winston?! We can all rest ass-u-r-ed ... that had Bernie NOT been in the running; your crinkly old lips would be firmly stuck to Hitlary Rotten Clinton's ample ass now, can't we?!! Interesting that you'd mis-ass-ign gender and treat it as an insult - isn't it Wendy?!!! Nevertheless - thanx for reviving my old forum-post & ergo, favor for a favor with ...

Are you grown up enough to dissect or discuss that, Smith?! Or would you prefer blind insults?!! Prick!!!

temet nosce ...

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

even now you focus on electing the GOP rather than pushing for real change shadz you should get your head out of your ass

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Your conservative positions are far; Far; FAR closer to the GOP - than mines could ever be factsy & I'm not the one who used to have a hard on for Hellary Rotten Clinton am I?!! No Bernie & u'd still be there!

nosce te ipsum ...

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

you don't have any position except attack the Dems you never post about issues shadz you are just about hating Dems and electing the GOP

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Simply repeating the same mendacities, false conclusions and lies will not make them true .. no matter how hard you try to make them so!!! Your constant crankiness .. only reflects on you really, frf!! The fact that you are now for Bernie Sanders is enough for me & u'll deal with your Hillary fixations later - as and when the need arises! Now as this is my forum-post-I lay this down here but please don't let it twist you.

“Democracy needs values,” she said ... “Democracy does not exist in a vacuum. There is nothing more powerful than a moral compass. We have to bring that moral compass to our democracy, because it is a ship lost in a storm right now.”

aaannnd breeeathe ...

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

The only person less qualified than Trump is Jill Stein, have you seen her speak? she has no clue, you and your GOP electing ego whores are why the planet in melting

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Cruz, Rubio and GOP dingbats seem to figure higher in your (deeply questionable) judgement than Dr. Stein it seems!!! That is, in and of itself - pretty interesting, don't you think?!! I knew that Chris Hedges re. Jill Stein would wobble you but did not realize - that even on an important day like today, you'd still insist on squabbling with me! Please try to calm down, drink water then Tea - leave coffee (or anything stronger) alone today and maybe try to consider this article re. USA's Oligarchy by Jon Shwarz later ..

aaannnd breeeathe agaiiin ...

[-] -2 points by fionachuckles (-375) from Fairview, NJ 9 years ago

He's just a lame conspiracy theorist. The guy believes in the no plane theory for Pete's sake. (No plane hit the Pentagon). You won't get high class scholarly debates with a guy like that.

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

since you brought it up, it is interesting to me that people can not understand the difference between allowing and planning

[-] 0 points by fionachuckles (-375) from Fairview, NJ 9 years ago

Even allowing is quite the stretch.

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

his conspiracy's were well planned under many names

[-] -3 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 9 years ago

OWS has been a waste of time, people and thought, since 2011 when half-wits realized there was a political problem that was SOMEHOW NOT a political problem.

[-] 3 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

who owns the money and property determine what we will do for work ?

[-] 1 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

Your negativity and pessimism says nothing about OWS but says everything about you and your nature and your abject inability to Compute Politics outside the now very tired, ''Corporate Jackass / Corporate Smellyphant'' binary paradigm! D'u really think Bernie Sanders would be running without OWS' seeding?

There's more than one road to similar destinations and several points along the way.Activism, agitating, communicating, educating, organising, sharing, voting etc. Etc. ETc. ETC.! Voting Dem and expecting anything from Dem POTUS Billary Clinton ... is Exactly what The 1% Dem Pols want from their "base" but u'd be right that Bernie Sanders is The Most different POTUS candidate from US 99% pov,for years.

I get that like others here, that you are all long term Democratic Party voters and of course there is no shame in that (because wtf else would you have done?) .. BUT why have some folded themselves into the mindset and persona of Dem Party Pols & what do we actually think that OWS is really all about?

Of course ''Rethuglicans'' are unconscionable psychopaths - we know this and they are beyond the pale but the USA's Duopolistic System does not need or want Democraps to be exactly the same - as it just needs them To Be NOT Different Enough to maintain The Illusion of Choice so that The Banker,Oligarch and CorporateTyranny & Imperialist Machine can then just continue unchecked, unrealised and unseen.

The American people have been ''Good Cop / Bad Copped'', for generations. FDR'd now be considered a Pinko and JFK was probably the last Dem POTUS who had The 99% at heart but - Obomber and Billary are NOT of that ilk. Despite being too soft on the US MIC/War Machine, Bernie Sanders may be a hope.

Finally,do please consider: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/30978-movement-builders-should-listen-to-bernie-sanders-focus-on-mass-action-not-candidates - and perhaps also consider ... http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/30936-the-left-matters-now-more-than-ever - These great articles are very important right now and going forward imo - and so I sincerely recommend them to all who still read here & to you too instead of hypocritically knocking OWS or this forum, where you've been plying your DNC warblings.

[-] -2 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 9 years ago

What R U a Soap Opera Writer!??

OMG it's SHAGZ 69!!

[-] 3 points by lugano (1221) 9 years ago

What's important here d'you think? Try this for size: http://wallstreetonparade.com/2015/08/michael-hudsons-new-book-wall-street-parasites-have-devoured-their-hosts-your-retirement-plan-and-the-u-s-economy/ & then ask how ''Corporate Donkey''as opposed to''Corporate Elephant'', will correct that?!

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Your negativity and pessimism

Looking in the mirror while you misdirect your self disgust?

[-] 3 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

no .


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Thanks for your input on something that does not concern you - ya doorknob!

[-] 4 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

i play an important role in compiling information

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Yeah you just keep telling yourself that. Your providing unintended Comic relief would be more in keeping with reality though.











