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Forum Post: Ralph Nader and Ron Paul on Judge Napolitano's show...VERY ENCOURAGING!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:07 p.m. EST by Dutchess (499)
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There is NO doubt in my mind....there is a serious attempt to keep the left from uniting with the Libertarians! Ralph Nader and Ron Paul on Judge Napolitano's show...VERY ENCOURAGING!




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[-] 4 points by Jaayy (9) 13 years ago

“The protesters don’t believe in that system. They’re disenchanted with both parties, but especially with Obama, whom they blame for not delivering on his promise to change how Washington works. If you took a presidential straw poll in the park, Ron Paul might win.”

Interesting idea.

URL: http://www.nationaljournal.com/magazine/for-occupiers-protesting-is-the-point-20111013

[-] 3 points by marsdefIAnCe (365) 13 years ago

If you think about the left-right spectrum as a circle laid out in front of you, the dems and reps are very close to each other on your near side. If you raise your hands to identify their locations you might form a conniving gesture. On the other side, if you traverse clockwise with your left hand and counterclockwise with your right, you get a hugging embrace. :)

Go Paul, Go Kucinich, Go Grayson, FUCK THE FED.

[-] 2 points by Dutchess (499) 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Nader the traitor has crawled under a rock,

It’s the only place safe from the things that he wrot.

As millennia approached us, we had one last shot,

To keep the planet we’re on from getting, too damn hot.

But Nader thought better his name should be heard.

And Gore was left standing with only his word.

Ten times ten thousand thought Gore couldn’t lose

And a statement was needed to make the world choose

Are we to be puppets and dance on a string?

Or will we be spirits and let our hearts sing?

December reality came crashing in

The court has decided that Bush got the win.

Where was the outrage where were the cries?

Believers were muted they bought all the lies

How could they scream, how could they roar?

When even their ballots weren’t marked for Al Gore?

The Court burned the votes on that day

So it would be safe for the Royals to play.

Tax cuts are sweet

We love all the meat

But Bush had a fear

What if folks start to hear?

An appointment or two

And I give you C-U.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

STILL bleating about Nader frf?!!! Change the fkn record will ya?!! And STOP being such a DNC lap-dog!

IF u think that U$A has full, free & fair elections - then your "D=Good/R=Bad" is not your only delusion!!

ad iudicium ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

You like Thom Hartman don't you? Here you can see Thom saying how stupid it is for people to go third party or fall into the "duopoly" bullshit.


[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Yes I do like Hartmann, but I do not think that the sun shines out of Thom's ass! Your support for Bernie Sanders is accidental & incidental!! As ever, your 1st allegiance is to the Democratic Party & the DNC!!!




I watched your video & Thom at 3m20s, doesn't endorse HRC but more wants to guide the interviewee. I think you are very desperate to bolster HRC on these boards .. but you also know that it just wash here!

fiat lux ...

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

I understand you like Thom Hartman but unlike him you are stupid as shit and prefer to help elect the GOP. Nader is the scum of the earth, he destroyed the planet for the sake of his ego.

He makes it very clear that only those that are stupid as shit like you, say shit that helps elect the GOP.

Of course you would think bitching about the past is more important than killing the GOP and changing the world.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Your ''Zero-Sum Game'' Reductionism - says ... NOPE - you understand very little actually! Furthermore, ''Bitching about the past'' is what YOU do - as you fixate on Nader & voting Corporate Donkey; GOP-Lite HRC!! You don't want change to duopoly; you want The Corporate Status Quo ''again & Again & AGAIN'' until y'all get ... ''down, Down. deeper n' DOWN''!!!

temet nosce ...

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Your inability to realize that people do win elections and when people listen to you, those winners are Republican and the rich get richer, when will you realize what a tool of the 1% you are.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Admit it, you're a HRC fan to the bone!!! Your ''inability'' to extract your echo chamber of a head from her rather well padded 0.1% ass - makes YOU ''a tool of the 1%''! But never mind, you just keep transferring and projecting and just don't you mind li'l ol' me, ye hear?! Also - & now for the second time, I append ...

temet nosce ...



[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 9 years ago

If you seek the success of your agenda, avoid any kryptonites. I have been there, done that.

Remember the fruits of NAFTA, the genocide of Rwanda, the botched "cleansing" of Euro-backyard Kosovo, the humiliating retreat of the Hyperpower humanitarian mission from Somalia after Black Hawk Down that led to the rise of global terrorism to 9/11 Afghanistan, Iraq, and IS, the infamous semen stain on the world-renowned blue dress left by kryptonite type-1, and letting happen the de facto repeal of Glass-Steagall after the collapse of LTCM and the banksters got greedy of the "proprietary trading"(revealed by LTCM) that led to the Great Recession.

Think, kryptonites rendered Superman powerless with his little tail wriggling hard but really stuck with perjury in the soft warm moist cave of wonder. Waste, fraud, and abuse is the M.O. Abuse is that radiant glow of the kryptonites. It is better for Superman to catch diabetes type-2 and have to jab himself before every meal with insul-in than to be near any kryptonites.

Were you even conscious at that time (1993-2000)?

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 9 years ago

Have you just become a sander? Or are you still on Krypton?

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

you are a rock for the GOP

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 9 years ago

So you think that I am protecting troglodytes from the semen stain? I am honored. You should divert your eyes away from the greenish glory of the krytonitess' $675,000 speech.

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 9 years ago

loss of control in the work place doesn't make people like corps

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 9 years ago

I have never ever seen "being liked" appearing in any corporate charter as an objective. The closest thing that I can think of is corporate stocks. They are in a popularity contest to attract the troglodytes to their pump-and-dump money pumps. Hmmm, I love Dungeness crabs, too, steamed in their own greed and fear, to preserve their original flavor.

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

If you think promoting ego whores like Nader does anything but divide the people and give power to the 1% you are stupid as shit. In case you are still wondering the difference between an ego whore and an activist is a name on a ballot, when you make it about you instead of what happens you are serving the 1%.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

Nader has more authenticity, integrity and history of service to The US 99% - than your 0.01% Patrician Class WASP, Gore .. all day and everyday & twice as much on Sunday!!! No I wasn't fkn ''wondering the difference'' between Gore and Nader - because I understand that far better than your parDisan ass!! How come your b-s analogy doesn't somehow apply to Al Gore - or are you too much of a snivelling, forelock-tugging, Loyal To Any Corporate Donkey/Ass bore to get the ''Gore Ego Whore'' concept? I nevertheless wish you and yours a very happy new year and peace & prosperity in 2016 ... BUT you are going to take your DNC-Donkey Ass-Hat off at some point & engage with both facts and history to get behind Bernie!!!

Good luck with trying to make sense in 2016. AZ needs you to grasp https://berniesanders.com/issues/ I gave u evidence for Stolen US Elections - but u again choose to ignore that & just blame Nader! Why? You'd better watch turbo's video of Abby Martin talking to Nader, as there's much food for thought there!

fiat lux ...

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

Nader's ego gave us W Bush the Iraq war and prevented any progress on climate change, Nader is the scum of the earth. The difference is Nader knew he had no chance of winning his was an exercise in pure ego and he knew it.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

A totally corrupt voting and counting system - PLUS Al Gore's unwillingness to take the full measures necessary because in the final analysis he was loyal to his 0.01% WASP Patrician origins - gave you W Bush!!! Got that doofus maximus?!! Ralph Nader's analysis for The 99% still holds! See for yourself:

You really need to STOP looking to worship your leaders and pols!!! They Work For Us!! They'll 'lead' us ONLY IF we push them in the correct direction and THAT ... is the ''Political Revolution'', that is needed! Your denial of the reality of ''Duopoly'' is really a rejection of Democracy and acceptance of Ultimatums!!

ad iudicium ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 9 years ago

what happens matters, and who you vote for matters, voting for ego whores like Nader is exactly what the 1% wants the radicals to do so they have NO effect on shit that matters

your stupid doupoly crap keeps the 1% in power when we could kill the GOP and change the world by removing one of the legs of the ladder of power and whole system would tumble down, but ego whores like Nader will always be there to keep us taking effective action so the 1% continue to rule

[-] 3 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

MY "stupid duopoly crap''?!!! So what else would YOU like to call your faux choice but actual, ultimatum between Corporate Elephant, GOP and ... Corporate Donkey, GOP-Lite?!! YOU frf, are ''exactly what the 1% wants'' - with your adicktion to the corporate status quo! Now get over yourself and try to consider ...

Your deep hatred of Ralph Nader, stems from an intrinsically conservative position of ''more of the same please'' in the vain hope that ''this time it'll be different'' - but the thing is .. this time with Bernie Sanders in the mix .. well, it just might be BUT you have to put Hitlary Rotten Clinton aside for that to happen lol. Finally are you being protected from my replies to you now frf? Or else why are my replies ''Removed''?!

dum spiro, spero ...

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 9 years ago

Yes = your stupid duopoly crap. Excise the tumor = GOP and continue with chemo on the rest of the cancer.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 9 years ago

From above: ''So what else would YOU like to call YOUR faux choice but actual ultimatum, between Corporate Elephant, GOP and - Corporate Donkey, GOP-Lite?!!!'' You do know that the Trump/Palin constituency exists and that those Turkeys Just Love Voting For Thanksgiving .. because they hate black folk MORE than they love their own mothers!! So, wakeTFU & just get behind Bernie Sanders:

''Capitalism has created such competition amongst us that we fear one another and it is easier to love our dogs rather than our fellow humans. It is truly sad'' (by bw: http://occupywallst.org/forum/everyone-needs-to-see-this-anonymous-code-blue-201/#comment-1058058 ) However re.Bernie, try to consider:

ipsa scientia potestas est ...

