Forum Post: How to bring substance in our message through a great web tool.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 12:10 a.m. EST by larryathome
from Red Bank, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As all of you know, we are coming together from the ground up in historical fashion. We also all know that history tends to repeat as read in our history books even before we stepped foot in America. The problems that occur throughout history all have something in common. If given the mechanism to do so, the wealthiest members or our society have crossed the line and stepped on the common individual trying to raise a family and enjoy some simple things in life.
I want to give all of you reading this so that you understand throughout history how the masses have tipped the balance of the scale back to fundimental fairness and I want to sell each and everyone of you on a message of unity. In order for us to have a clear message to those who currently hold power and those who seek to gain power within our government, our message has to be extremely clear and explicitely defined. This is clearly important if we want specific pieces of legislation to reach the desk of our president and for leaders around the world.
Going back through history, in Europe, a climate disaster caused a massive famine in France that led to the downfall of the last king. Part of it was the inability and desire of the wealthy to take fast action to address to physical needs of the people. What did they get for acting in an uncoordinated way? Answer is Napoleon who drove France into one war after another. In Russia, the last Czars abused their position that led to a revolution that bred Stalin who mass murdered his people.
I do not inform you about these things to scare any of you about what is on the other side of the mountain when we have completed our climb, but pragmatism is the message here. We are way more advanced and have way more civility than our ancesters. Take for example, the civil rights movement. Protests were peaceful and real substantive change happened to promote equality. India with the leadership of Gandhi drove the British out through peaceful means. I have to applaud the movement for maintaining the non-violent carriage of our message. Now is the time to act with sincerity and resolve.
I wish not to discuss policy here, but I wish to gather people who wish to contribute specific policy ideas that would work for the 99% and discuss them. Through this thread, I will individually contact those of you that have a Skype account and a substantive message. Post your message in this thread and send me a personal message. I have an agenda in my head about what we need to do, but we need to start to shift the debate to specific targeted policy to present to the congress. I want to start a Skype chat room for organizing purposes.
I think PlainSite might be something you would be interested in.
The problem with the Jobs act is that it is too small, but then again, with a do nothing congress, it will undeniably stall until congress hears us loud and clear. Independent economists have stated that we need about 2.3 trillion dollars in infrastructure and education spending over the next ten years to catch up to the rest of the world. Obviously, this congress refuses to tax the top 1% and Grover Norquist is having his way of reckless non taxation of the wealthy. That is the first issue on the burner, but just about everything on that site truly is sensible. Private message me your ID when you have an account. I am starting a group chat and would love to use that to organize web conferences. I have a room with unlimited seating. Perhaps, we can even vet congressional candidates to see who is inline with our interests through this method.
PlainSite doesn't have anything to do with the Jobs Act. It's just one of many issues being discussed there.
Okay I don't have Skype but I wrote Obama and my Senators with this idea...nothing happened....they get alot of mail the auto-responder said. So I started this web site after forming a non-profit I just have an idea...implementing it will take other people....could you check out the web site and see the idea? thank you
Okay I don't have Skype but I wrote Obama and my Senators with this idea...nothing happened....they get alot of mail the auto-responder said. So I started this web site after forming a non-profit I just have an idea...implementing it will take other people....could you check out the web site and see the idea? thank you
It is free to get Skype. I am forming a chat room and have a web conference room. When you have a Skype account, send me a private message with your id and I will add you to our chat. Skype is very useful. I also have a web conference room with unlimited seating.
Article V is the only factor that has the needed authority. Other wise it's all noisy complaining with no invokation of any duty on the part of any authority. These threads here have people questioning why gov is not targeted, just to show how obvious the targeting problem is.-
The tool to deal with gocernment is Article V. It gives immense control, but we need to work on our state legislations. This is easier, but new. Occupy Our State Capitol will be easier and maybe it is supposed to be easier.
Corporate influence: Yes you are correct about that and we had a major defeat in the supreme court last year in the Citizens United case. As you know, our major public enemies in first and second place are the Koch brothers. Furthermore, Grover Norquist and his pledge is destroying our tax code.
Can the system be fixed? Answer, yes it can, but it will take a whole lot of action on our part and a long term commitment to our cause. It will take us even past the next several sessions of congress, but we also need to keep a Democrat in power so there are no radical supreme court justices appointed over the next few decades.
We need to fight the source: Answer, get out and vote and vote heavy. Start now making sure that people that carry our message are registered to vote.
Fixing the congress: This gets back to voting and also the Senate. We need a filibuster proof majority nowadays to get anything done, so we have to take this movement to a voter turnout movement.
We all know that unifying one message and organizing it is key. Correct, having demands out there in cyberspace will incite anger, but the bottom line is that we do need to unify a message and a letter of policy intent that we can share as a guide for the movement. This can be done.
More people blame Washington for the simple fact that congress is just not willing to get anything done and the main message by Mitch McConnell is to make Obama a one term president instead of working with him on policy. The debt ceiling deal was a disaster and will inevitably lead to further cuts on those that cannot afford to lose them while the wealthiest enjoy the tax breaks brought on by the Bush administration.
Here is a link to get Skype if you do not have one. Send me a message with your Skype ID so I can add you to a group chat and start to organize some conferences in my online meeting room.
Certainly have the right idea, but the deck is stacked against this action.
larryathome wrote: "but we also need to keep a Democrat in power so there are no radical supreme court justices appointed over the next few decades.
We need to fight the source: Answer, get out and vote and vote heavy. Start now making sure that people that carry our message are registered to vote."END.----
Being dependent on contolling which part is in office is precipitous, and IF the election system could be reformed in some undescribed way, the public will still only have the lies of media to use for an information source.---
Therein is where Article V of the US constitution, COMPLETELY creates the needed authority which can PERMANENTLY address the lying traitors running media. Get them out of the political picture at the least. ----
Your proposals are interesting, but all proposals need authority to manifest, so bring them in under Article V with your state delegate. Or, run for that position.
It is such an uphill battle on this one. We really need that initial super majority in the senate and enough in the house to remotely make it happen.
For an Article V convention to amend, the house can only call a convention when 2/3 of the states have applied, the senate has nothing to do with it. The people need to unify behind states legislatures to enable proper ratification by the states at least 3/4.
And the problem is the fact that our media is designed to keep the people ignorant. I hope it can happen, I am with you.
Yes, such is the reason I promote the concept of immediately securing the public information for the public use by creating a clear path through corporate media for truth from citizens.-----
I can show constitutional intent that supports the notion that the citizens need to form reasonable criteria defining speech and information that is logically shown to have aspects vital to survival, so the federal government has mean to define truth it must support, through the jungle of corporatism, to TV sets in front of Americans. ------
free speech is not enough. It is basically abridged now. Spech vital to survival must be promoted and honored by the public because it protects life.
The problem is that corporate media is all controlled by the power players so they control their content. I believe that through social media, we can have more power as individuals than the corporate media will ever provide.
By revision of the First Amendment there will be a clear line of access to national broadcast TV networks to educate Americans with the truth. No corporate control will be allowed. The corporate media can try to lie after that, but it won't go well with viewers, at least until they forget the truth. The truths they need to know, and can be told, evidenced etc. will not be forgotten easily.----
There is no way a democracy will work without it.
Bottom line, get a new supreme court that does NOT believe that money is speach. Get the money out of politics and if we have to, amend the constitution so that corporations are not treated legally as people. At least not when it comes to campaigns
Here is a new video of comments of people at Harvard on September 25 where Mark Meckler, Tea Party and Lawrence Lessing discussed the potentials for an Article V convention.----
I applaud your post. But, let me say that the kind of overthrows you've described are simply not relevant in the USA in 2011. Our privatized prison industrial complex will happily house as many violent participants as wish to go there. Violence is not in the cards for this movement at all. It is so discrediting, if it breaks out, the balloon pops. Support from the American people -- vapor.
Ok, so substantively, what would you do to end the privatized prison industrial complex? Personally, I think it takes a three pronged approach.
Those three things are a good start. There are many more things that can be done in order to end this. I would say, we need to carry the message of leaders like Doctor King and like Gandhi who peacefully influenced change based on sheer will and substance.
Good points. But, these are huge problems and many well-intentioned experts have devoted their careers to solving them. I can't do any better except to look at their work and refer you to the one that is most sensible. Basic point here is violence = end of story. Get money out. Get citizens turning out to vote in an informed way, go from there.
Ok, so if you were to draft legislation, well a constitutional amendment from your home computer, because we were hit with the Citizens United case in the supreme court allowing unlimited corporate money in our elections. How would you word it specifically so that it could be drawn up as a constitutional amendment that we as citizens could take to conference? As you know, it is possible for private citizens to bring a constitutional amendment up. It takes majority votes in 38 states to bring the amendment to conference and if 38 states ratify it, it becomes an amendment.
I rather like this one: thanks for asking.
I invite you to review this plan - and imagine the possibilities.
I would definitely say from what I have read, you are correct. Now let's throw out a specific policy agenda item here so I can log it. I will message you privately.
It would be useless to contact the crooks and corporate stooges in Congress and the government. Instead, as the following article suggests, the OWS needs to develop and deepen contacts with the working class. Otherwise, it is doomed to failure.
It may be useless now, but our relentlessness will shift the balance of power in the 2012 elections. We want to choose our candidates, support the likes of Elizabeth Warren to name one.
Get a hold of Skype and message me with your username and I will invite you to a group chat.
My view is that we need to rally together and gather an organized substantive message of specific policy agendas. You should hear how scared the republicans are now of the movement.
google chat is just as easy and works just as well, is free and can be used on your gmail page. did i mention it's free! clean image, less jumping. it's just a better resource.
Skype allows a group chat and is free as well. I use Skype as my primary communication tool for my Internet start-up business and it works extremely well. Also, I will be scheduling web conferences and using Skype to send out the invites.
Private message me your ID when you have an account.
How i can join you ? I have already a Skype count it's just to listen, i think i haven't enought level to speak...
message me with your Skype ID
How ? and Where ? Im a snail about computer...sorry
First of all, we have become the 1%. The 99% on the outside are laughing at us. They think we are dirty hippies.
How about offering a specific idea. It is not about what some people think about the messages that we wish to deliver. Offer more on substance and that can change. I have a specific plan to organize all of our messages and publish them through some innovative media channels. Just remember one thing. You were at one point in your life either a pot smoking hippie or a friend of one or more of the pot smoking hippies. To generalize a whole group takes away the posture of the movement when too many people think that way instead of maintaining focus on a substantive goal. What are your personal policy goals?
Let's be real. What we really want is just 3 things: Gas. Grass. Ass. Keep it simple. It's getting cold out here.
Specific, as someone who pays attention to the market because I know how it directly hurts us, I will volunteer my own personal policy idea. I would as a group lobby congress to repeal this act.
This is what allowed banks like Citigroup, BofA, JPM Chase and a handful of other large banks to be more than just banks as they were intended to be. This meant that investment banks and savings banks were not allowed to be the same institution. It would end the problem of too big to fail. Unfortunately, Dodd-Frank was not able to achieve this. All it did, all be it good was put in some regulatory reform such as consumer protections and regulation of derivatives. We still need to end "Too Big To Fail" so the 99% do not have to pay for recklessness when a large bank needs a bailout. Furthermore, we need to send our message loud and clear to the justice department to prosecute those who were reckless illegally.
How about a reply to that message.
Why did Obama bail them out?
Unfortunately, at that point, Obama was a senator, but the fact is that "Too Big To Fail" means that an institution was not regulated properly in the first place thus they became systemically important institutions. Basically, we would have been far worse off without the bailout, but inside the bailout bill, they failed to put in the regulatory reforms that Gramm, Leach Billey got rid of. It would have been far worse than it is today. Yes it sucks, but we had zero choice when treasury told congress that the whole financial system was about to collapse. It would have bled into the pensions that your own parents hold as they all contained infected securities from the too big to fail institutions. Now our job is to bring back all the regulations that helped us to stave off depression for more than half a century.