Forum Post: Я Ø Щ Ŋ Є ¥ did not completely disclose his 2010 filings
Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 11, 2012, 6:12 a.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
He did not disclose the IRS FBAR form ( Foreign Bank Account Report )
required by law to disclose his foreign bank accounts.
FBAR documents may actually reveal criminal activity.
Geat cartoon & post. This issue will dog him for the next 3 months. I hope he doesn't release them.. It's gold!
Hey bensdad are you willing to give DK a boost after the attacks by Odin and Hchc?
so bored of Romney
Now we have Ryan too, will we be bored to death?
So we get no years, as Her Royal Highness Mrs. Romney said we had all we were going to get.
maybe she will invite us to an equine loser BBQ
I see Gore v Ryan 2016.......or am I just dreaming?
Willing to give DK a boost after the attacks by Odin, and HCHC?
any who cannot see through hchc could never see through the web of deceit that is our government…..
Were you talking about these?
Nah you were most likely talking about these:
Which leads to this
He is clearly a corrupt, tax dodger. Saw a great commercial of him tryin to get everyones wallet. Seen it?
not yet
Too Funny.
have you made a post on this yet?
No just this comment. You wanna put it up? Feel free.
if you don't mind I'll try to do it justice
I'm sure you will. I always enjoy and learn from your posts. I post very rarely. But will more so soon.
thanks, I knew you would get the hint
Were you talking about these?
Nah you were most likely talking about these:
Which leads to this
Is this trolling harrassment a forum no no?
Yes it is, shameful, shameful I say!!!!
(it's called a "body of work", scares the shit out of the little twerps)
This is the VVV guy again huh? Raised from the dead again?
Damn them all to hell!
yes it is I think (thrassy?),
just reading the thread with the troll spam removed takes on a different look, do you think there is any chance the troll played me? I think he got lucky.
I don't think the troll really plays anyone. Your good.
Can you send that again. It didn't come through quite right.
"idiot"? That is beyond the line. Poor form.
I think you owe Shooz an apology! Immediately. No fussing! You apologize right this minute or there will be no desert for you.!
BEHAVE! Why can't you treat people with respect! We all love you. You are lovable. So please return the sentiment.
"Might is right right"? Well it's not wrong wrong to be mighty is it?
huh? Wha?
Tell us how you really feel.
If your tired, it may be time for your nap. And I don't think your sickness has anything to do with the good people on this forum.
Please refrain from the vulgar personal attacks, it hurts my feelings.
I love how people latch on to this issue. It's a classic bait n switch. Romney ran in 2008 Right. So he would have had to release his 2 years worth. When he didn't get the nod in 08 , he being like all politicians an ego maniac, would have known he was going to try to run again in 2012. Do ya think he would really have done anything that would ruin his chances for 12 on something as simple as taxes??? NO. Romney (blech) is dangling this whole tax issue out there keeping Obama and the rest of you idiots focused on that. Watch him a month before the elections release more years. Probably back as far as 06. Then what??? All that time, money and effort wasted on a non issue. It's a damn good strategy. And yall are falling all over yourselves like a bunch of fools.
You MAY be right - I don't think so
but why did he NOT release his 2010 FBAR If he was "smart enough" to keep his "tax" clean, why did he take a $77,000 business deduction for his wife's hobby horse? How did his IRA grow to over $50,000,000?
Duncan Black, an economist who blogs under the name Atrios, wrote something provocative the other day:
"As I've said many times, what's fascinating about the what's-in-Romney's-tax-returns story is that the man who has been running for president forever (presumably) could never bring himself to conduct his finances in such a way so as to make it politically possible for him to release the damn things."
It's a real good point. Romney did release one year of tax returns, but that's hardly enough to defuse the issue. I assume that Romney knew that his wealth would be an issue in the campaign, one that he would have to deflect somehow. If he'd released the rest of his returns back in, say, April, that whole kerfuffle would be over and done with right now - unless, of course, something was amiss with the returns.
I have been assuming that something was amiss. In an era when presidential candidates routinely release their income tax returns, Romney must have known this issue would come up. It seems reasonable to infer that he made a calculated decision that stonewalling on the matter would be preferable to showing the world how he was making and disposing of his money.
The phrase "Cayman Islands" leaps to mind. I don't know, of course, but Romney has created the sort of vacuum that speculation rushes to fill.
Harry Reid, the senator from Nevada and Senate majority leader, tried to bait Romney into releasing his returns by claiming that someone from Bain Capital told him that Romney had paid no taxes at all for several years. Romney reacted immediately and strongly, saying that Reid should "put up or shut up."
Perhaps not the most felicitous turn of phrase. It's really Romney who should put up - unless, of course, his returns are too outrageous. Because this is an issue that's not going away.
The pillaging of this nation by investment bankers and their ilk is a national disgrace. The failure of the government to prosecute a large percentage of the offenders is distressing. Even worse is the notion that the tax laws are written in such a way that they allow people like Mitt Romney to pay less in taxes than someone earning $52,000 somewhere in the depths of Mega-Corp Inc.
Romney is part of the 1 percent, and the 1 percent have not shown themselves to be patriots. Subprime mortgages ate this nation alive just a few years ago, and subprimes were just a game played by bankers. We have not recovered from the damage they did.
They wiggled and weaseled and lied their way into immense profits. Enough of their stories have become public that we have some sense of how they went about it - and no confidence at all that they're not going to keep doing it for as long as they can.