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Forum Archive

ACA is too expensive

27 comments 10 years ago by Socrates451 (-15) last comment 10 years ago

Wealth Inequality in America

1 comments 10 years ago by OccupyWallSt (1) last comment 10 years ago

#OWS themed play this month in NYC

0 comments 10 years ago by owshelpermonkey (-1) last comment 10 years ago

Chevron goes to trial in New York against Ecuadorian villagers over $18 billion award: Rally Tuesday!

0 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

The Desert of Israeli Democracy: A Trip Through the Negev Desert Leads to the Heart of Israel’s National Nightmare

14 comments 10 years ago by LeoYo (5909) last comment 10 years ago

do you want an FDR jobs program? tax the 1%? single payer?

2 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

Noam Chomsky - How To Achieve Social Change

103 comments 10 years ago by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) last comment 10 years ago

Gezi Resistance, Police Violence, and Turkey’s Accession to the European Union

0 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

The Ten Hardline Conservatives Pulling the Strings of the GOP Shutdown

2 comments 10 years ago by GirlFriday (17435) last comment 10 years ago

Let's put out the FIRE!

7 comments 10 years ago by agkaiser (2534) last comment 10 years ago

Non-violence as Pathology in Occupy Wall Street

9 comments 10 years ago by sabokitty (6) last comment 10 years ago

International Monetary Fund strongly suggests countries tax the rich to fix deficit

27 comments 10 years ago by GirlFriday (17435) last comment 10 years ago

from Lawrece Odonnell

0 comments 10 years ago by gwb (42) last comment 10 years ago

Do you know Francis ?

0 comments 10 years ago by bensdad (8977) last comment 10 years ago

Man Attempts to Help Shutdown

0 comments 10 years ago by HCHC4 (-28) last comment 10 years ago