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We are the 99 percent

We are all Scott Olsen: Occupy Oakland #OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 8:53 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Late last night, Scott Olsen, a former Marine, two-time Iraq war veteran, and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, sustained a skull fracture after being shot in the head with a police projectile while peacefully participating in an Occupy Oakland march. He remains unconscious in critical condition at Oakland's Highland Hospital.

Olsen was hit at close range. After demonstrators rush to Olsen's aid, an Oakland cop waits a few beats before lobbing a second tear-gas canister at the crowd. They are attending to Olsen when the canister explodes, sending smoke everywhere.

Press release from Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Our hearts and prayers go out to Scott and his family.

Please share this video and take action!

Call Mayor Quan's office and demand that she investigate this incident and allow peaceful protests to continue: +1 (510) 238-3141



Read the Rules
[-] 8 points by Sherry (11) 13 years ago

Mayor and Police Chief need to step down now. Whoever ordered and carried this out must be charged and prosecuted immediately. Prayers to Scott Olsen and his family. We must keep up the good fight.

[-] 2 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

I agree. The Best to Scott Olsen.

[-] 1 points by Mike2012 (6) 13 years ago

You get what you ask for.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

The Mayor's Mail box is full.. tried to call for an Interview..

[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

the current head of the police dept is only an interim one because the police chief did step down. the mayor was hard on the last police chief because of his policies which were hostile to the community. that is why this jsut doesn't make any sense. the mayor has time and time again fought for us against police repression. I am very confused about this.

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

It was a few days after the Chase Bank event. The bank gave her call.

[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

That doesn't make sense. the eviction notice was sent before occupy went to chase bank.

[-] -1 points by StopYerWhining (0) 13 years ago

It's the drugs. Maybe you should consider stopping them if you want to clear your head and end the confusion.

[-] 1 points by Kristine24 (5) 13 years ago

StopYerWhining. Wow, you are very misguided. I do not know where your ignorance stems from, but there is a lack of research on your part. Please explain to me why senior citizens, some of whom have served in the military, are unable to afford their insulin or heart medication due to health benefit cuts. Is this the kind of drug you are referencing? I hope so.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

how do you know that anybody here does drugs, each and every one of us could be drug free, and what do you consider a drug. Do you drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, all addictive all mind altering, all drugs.

[-] 0 points by Scout (729) 13 years ago

I second that

[-] 0 points by csmdrj (2) 13 years ago

Has anyone thought of designing a OWS Meadel of Honor and presenting it to him? And how about a OWS Medal of Solidarity to those who came to his aid?

[-] 2 points by Mike2012 (6) 13 years ago

Make it out of tin foil.

[-] 0 points by Redmist (212) from Yazd, Yazd 13 years ago

Hey I want a meadel! Whats a Meadel by the way?

[+] -5 points by StopWhiningAndGetAJob (-5) 13 years ago

What's a 'meadel'? Do you mean 'medal'?

And to think you morons want my tax dollars to pay for your failed educations.


[-] 3 points by kerbauer (74) 13 years ago

Your tax dollars are not even going where you think they are?!?! They have been going to a war that none of the people even wanted. They have been paying for special interests that you don't even know about. They have been going to places that the people don't approve of. The problem is that they haven't been going to things like education.

[-] 2 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Your royal highness, please forgive ma spalleng, but i couldn't afford to go to private school. Please call

(510) 238-3141 Call Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and express your thoughts

510-777-3333 Call Oakland Chief of Police Howard Jordan and express your thoughts.

[-] 2 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Why do people always assume people can't spell if thereis a typo. I have typos mostley because I don't type well, or Im in a hurry or a huff and not paying close attention. But, I forgot, screw the message you may be trying to get across.. it all bout gramer right... Talk about needing a life.

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Way ya go I can't type either and I AM IN A HUFF that was yelling,but not at you.I get your message.......even if he dosen't kudos to ya

[-] 0 points by YerAllBums (3) 13 years ago

Perhaps you should have stayed in school instead of doing the drugs in your mommy's basement.

I have a life. And a job. It's paying for your welfare. You should really be thanking me and those like me.

[-] 4 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Hate to lay it on ya.. but Im not hurting. I have a job. And a nice house and a nice convertible. I'm also not stupid. I can see what's going on. I research and keep myself informed. I don't bury my head in the dirt and try to pretend I know what I'm talking about. So, I have NOTHING to thank you for. Your ignorance of grouping the thousands of us into one section of people, and all on welfare, speeks of your great schooling, loud and clear.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Right on!

[-] 1 points by GuyFawkesIsAngry (1) from Oswego, NY 13 years ago

You know what, normally i keep my mouth shut but people like this ignorant asshole piss me off. Guess what, I work 40-50 hours a week but mommy and daddy didn't have the money to pay for my education like some others. So i didn't get to go to college and get a piece of paper that says I'm one of the privileged upper-crust snobs like yourself. I had to start on the bottom at an entry level position and work my way up while I watched dumb-shit yuppies who had 1/2 the intelligence and none of the work ethic get placed in a position that I had to work for three years to get to because they proved they could waste mom and dads money. But wait, it gets better. i received food stamps!!!!!! GASP!!! Which i might add my taxes ALSO supports, because i have 4 children, 2 off my own and 2 step-children. But now i don't get the ONE bit of public assistance i used too because I "make to much" (17000 a year for a family of six) this movement is about evening the playing field, distributing the privilege and raising the bar on humanitarian efforts. You may look at me with disgust sir but I, for one, would still lend a hand to those in need any way i can. If you can sleep at night that's on your conscience.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

You watch a lot of TV don't you?

[-] 1 points by bethlany88 (134) from Vancouver, WA 13 years ago

Most all occupiers are educated with college under their belts AND ARE employed. Your ignorance speaks loudly. Thus your opinions matter not. Let us ignore these fools. ;-)

[-] 1 points by Mike2012 (6) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by kerbauer (74) 13 years ago

Next, we want to talk about purpose. What is the purpose of Humans here? In the old paradigm--the old days--the purpose was always about lessons, and perhaps you've heard that all your life. Those of you who have been part of this spiritual philosophy, who have understood who you are, and the grandness of the changes, have understood that this life is about learning, learning, learning. Now, suddenly, we are telling you that even this is changing. Whereas, you have always felt your place among humanity as students, we're telling you now that you're starting to feel like graduates. Oh, it goes beyond graduates, you are now the teachers.. Go out and teach that life isn't about money and owning a convertible. These items will not go with you when you die, and the day will be sad when one realizes that they have devoted their life to a lie called the American Dream.

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Hey,I'm 60 years old and I do drugs in my own basement,only smoke weed though.I bet you sit in your officeon high drinking your highballs,and hoping that this revoloution dose't affect your stealing from the poor and giving to the rich.....

[-] 1 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

You are a disgusting human being. I hope you realize this and make amends one day.

And in before you say we're the disgusting ones, being dirty hippies and all. In which case I ask whether a perpetuated brain-dead hyperbole on occupiers sanitation or a truly sick soul speaks more about a person's health.

[-] 2 points by odiug (93) 13 years ago

Well ... it seems you have no problem paying with your dollars for the failed education of the banksters!

And you do not even educate your self about it ... :O

This realy startles me about people like you :(

[-] -1 points by YerAllBums (3) 13 years ago

It's people like me, employed and productive, that keep people like you supplied with your welfare checks and food stamps.

Take a shower. Get a job.

You smell bad.

[-] 2 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

I smell bad because I work my ass off every day,but not today its raining.Oh by the way I'm a welder ironworker and maybe just maybe I built the building that your sitting in. So don't tell me bout smelling bad I smell you through the internet. You smell like the 1% am I right? Don't forget to check ma spalling.

[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You're arguing with a shill.

Yes, shill-smell does come through the Internet connection.... ;-)

[-] 1 points by dryquietwar (14) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

I guess you get so well loved by your employer, that he's happy your drooling this shit on company time, no?

[-] 2 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Hey,some of those morons have a better understanding of what has happened in our country than you do.I'm 61 and I remember what this country is about,I guess you were either a draft dodged or you hid behind your so called education to stay out of the war.I think you ought to get up off your fat ass and at least pretend to care about the youth of the nation.I really think you are useless meatsack ,please check MY SPELLING DICKHEAD!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

no need for this trash talking gents. We are trying to work towards a better way and consistently talking trash will get us no where, this guy who thinks that that we are whiny and unemployed is just getting off on rileing people up, he is probably some govy rightwinger, or a successful businessman who makes profit by raping and pillaging the lower classes. His opinion is of no consequence, and should be met with no response this would make him even more angry, knowing that no one cares about the unintelligable things he says. I mean it takes a certain kind of "person" to point out the intellectual shortcomings of another, so he dosen't know how to spell medal but maybe he does maybe he made a simple mistake, error is in mans nature.meadel medal all the same in my book

[-] 2 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Sorry I think you are right,but I just felt compelled to say something,sorta kinda like to let him know that the youth of the nation are not stupid. thanks for slowing me down,I'm old and I don't care for that. Young and old alike deserve to be treated with respect.my bad

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

Yes sir, these people with their negativity man, it is annoying. i do the same sometimes. young and old black or white tall or short smart or not so much

[-] 1 points by Shalimar (167) from Martinsville, IN 13 years ago

Er, do you have any idea how dumb that sounded? Reread it.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

Nobody wants your money loser.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNeedsBetterDemands (1) 13 years ago

Like you, I do not agree with most current OccupyWallstreet Demands. However, you must stand up for free assembly, no?

The actions of the police in that video are intolerable and not excusable - it is illegal to attack medics in traditional warfare...let alone attacking your own citizens when they are providing first aid to an injured veteran.

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

It's something I'd like to pin on your ass,you deserve one for being the best ass that you can be.

[-] 0 points by Theundecidedpercent (24) 13 years ago

I'm sick and tired of Obama ramming his version of America down everyone's throats, I am the 99 %, let's occupy the White House!

[-] -1 points by Theundecidedpercent (24) 13 years ago

I'm sick and tired of China being 99 % Chinese, I am the 99%, let's occupy China!

[-] -1 points by nparker (39) 13 years ago

Hey stopwhiningandgetajob, you sir are a pathetic scumbag. I don't understand you assholes coming on here just to be dicks. This is not a forum for dipshits who aren't supporting the movement. Go back over to fox news.com and sling all the mud you want you fucking ass clown.

[-] -1 points by StopYerWhining (0) 13 years ago

Aw, did Mommy take away your credit card? Having trouble buying those drugs?

Stop looking for handouts. Take a shower. Get a job.

[-] 1 points by biged242 (29) 13 years ago

Spoken like the fucking asshole I am sure you are in real life. If you are such a free market guy, are you going to renounce your claim to Social Security and Medicare? I'll bet dollars to dog turds that you have received some form of government assistance in your life, or your family has, although pissant fuckfaces such as yourself would never admit it. I'm ashamed to live in a country that produces such a large crop of heartless shitsticks. Are you responding to this thread while you are at work? If so, get back to work, asshole. If not, why are you not at work, you fucking deadbeat? And also, take a shower - your ass stinks.

[-] 1 points by gtyper (477) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

@StopYerWhining - This isn't about handouts. I would bet I pay more in taxes than you make in a year, maybe two. This is about the rights and liberties of this nation being co-opted through a buyout of our political system.

The government is creating regulations and laws that benefit corporations and their interests - as these are the ones financing their campaigns and showering them with payola.

Until we win back our government from the masters they currently serve by taking money out of politics - we can't have an honest discussion about the state of our social programs and/or political ideologies.

So, while I think many within this movement have their priorities wrong - and many need to buckle down - I think dismissing the movement outright is foolish.

[-] 1 points by YerAllBums (3) 13 years ago

I guess you want us all to ignore the rapists, thieves and perverts exposing themselves to children in your 'movement'?

Or how about the ones of you being paid by ACORN?

We don't take you seriously, Twinkle Hands, because there are civil ways to effect the changes you seek and inciting riots and costing taxpayers millions of dollars to clean up your filty isn't among them.

Get a job.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

If you're so worried about rapists and thieves and perverts, go clean out the Catholic churches and other places of worship. You don't seem to be worried about them at all. You're probably one of them.

[-] 1 points by bethlany88 (134) from Vancouver, WA 13 years ago

Again...Most all occupiers are educated with college under their belts AND ARE employed. Your ignorance speaks loudly. Thus your opinions matter not. Let us ignore these fools. ;-)

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Yes, they can spell (sometimes) but they can't think.

[-] 1 points by kerbauer (74) 13 years ago

Throughout history revolutions have been started the exact same way this movement has been started. On the streets protesting. YerAllBums must not remember the civil rights movement. The government tends to ignore us unless we stand at their doorsteps saying enough.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

also, the suffragist movement

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Well, you take us serious enough to be on here reading our news and commenting on it.. hmm.. actions or words??? I'm gonna go actions. And what you seem to NOT know, is allot. hehe.. perverts. You pass 40 of those a day on any street in any town or city. This movement has thousands of people across the U.S. and around the world. You think a group with that many people aren't going to have few that are off some where. And who says they are with us. There have been several plants from different places trying to cause all kind of trouble. And funny, the media goes out of it's way daily to try to discredit us in any way they can. I have yet to see the pervert, or rapist or thief story. They would love that. Of course, unless they would have to give it up and change their tune like they have with others because they don't hold water. And Acorn.. really?? oh please. At least try to do better than that.

[-] 1 points by WeWillNeverStop (5) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

I've pretty much come to the conclusion that anyone with "Yer" in their name is an idiot...

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Our taxpayer dollars pay to clean up the shit left behind from our governments interventions into other countries affairs only for the sake of oil! What we leave behind is a country so devastated by our good intentions and our so called democracy that it will take them a lifetime to recover.We are not the worlds holiday inn,if we could help the people here instead of butting our noses into everyone else's affairs we wouldn't' be having these protests.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by nparker (39) 13 years ago

Perverts exposing themselves to children? That's complete bullshit and you know it. Its funny how when people know that they have been beaten and they are scared that they start making shit up to make others look bad. Enjoy your final days at the top you greedy pigs! The end is nigh.

[-] 1 points by ungr8ful (70) from Benicia, CA 13 years ago

what does greed have to do with anything. You guys are crying about stuff that seems kind of silly. Im living in the same economy as you buddy, and by no means am i rich, but im getting buy things seem ok to me. That's how life is some days things rock some days things suck if you can't handle it I say move on i don't want to hear about how you can't adapt to change.

[-] -2 points by Theundecidedpercent (24) 13 years ago

I'm sick of the moon looking like Swiss cheese and not being able to eat it! I am the 99%! Let's occupy the moon!

[-] -2 points by Theundecidedpercent (24) 13 years ago

Everyone knows this movement is nothing but a throw back to the sixties. The only reason to be there is to score easy chicks. Look at that "mother" who abandoned her 4 children and husband to score some lame third world waiter. I hope her husband kicks her arse to the curb and sues for sole custody of HIS children. Stupid woman!

[-] 2 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

"Everyone knows" ... Don't clump everyone into your ignorance. I have to say.. I haven't heard one this completely off the wall and stupid in a long time.

[-] 1 points by dryquietwar (14) from San Francisco, CA 13 years ago

I disagree. In sentiment, yes, but in execution,no. It can grow into it, but speaking as somebody who was there, more hat than cattle.

The police react, somebody gets injured. Time to pull out a borrowed meme from Iran. This stuff is nothing more than protest fashion. Certainly the desire to demand from somebody is a wash in a system that's so dysfunctional.

[-] 1 points by SimWebb (2) 13 years ago

Speaking as someone who's spent a significant amount of time there, I think you're taking an easy and inaccurate shot- it's facile to dismiss the group as just a bunch of dirty, overeducated hippies. And while yes, of course they're well represented down at Zuccotti, the bulk of the occupiers (especially their more active organizers and volunteers) are committed and serious activists trying to foster true democratic dialogue.

[+] -7 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

Is your life really that pathetic

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Memsahib, yes I am pathetic, but please call

(510) 238-3141 Call Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and express your thoughts

510-777-3333 Call Oakland Chief of Police Howard Jordan and express your thoughts.

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 13 years ago

No I won't

[-] 0 points by Redmist (212) from Yazd, Yazd 13 years ago

I called and said thanks for keeping the mob out of my city.

[-] 1 points by Quickncorporate (1) 13 years ago

Are we not in foreign countries fighting for citizens of those countries to have the right of freedom of speech and expression? Well that's what the supporters of the wars claim that they are doing. Why can't Americans exercise those freedoms without getting a broken skull?

[-] 1 points by Resistance203 (3) 13 years ago

In all seriousness it's a peaceful protest. If you are that offended what are you doing on the site? Even if you cared nothing of the protests and protesters, at least someone is standing up for democracy. Theses protesters deserve support and obviously it doesn't come from all fronts, that's a given but they are raising serious issues here that need to be addressed. Like I said before even if you cared nothing of the protests surely you could appreciate the politics of it all.


[-] 1 points by Mike2012 (6) 13 years ago

Quit lying, you RevLeft scum.

[-] 1 points by Redmist (212) from Yazd, Yazd 13 years ago

I was pissin around, I do support some of the issues. But when MoveOn.org got involved you guys lost a shitload of support.

[-] 1 points by Resistance203 (3) 13 years ago

And I can see that but then again many supporters of the OWS movement thought it was a done deal by the time Moveon.org got involved. Remember this started as a no clear motive movement. People decide for themselves how long they want to be out there. So many protesters felt accomplished after bringing the topic of greed to the political table. Others like myself know that just bringing something up, like raising your hand in a class of 40 other individuals, does not do much. Especially when the system OWS is fighting is already corrupt by nature. Both politics and corporations need revision.

[-] 0 points by OccuWhinersAreScum (-1) 13 years ago


OCCUPY CHICAGO LEADERS Are Under Investigation By FBI For Links to Terrorism

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

i truly just don't understand, why the hostility, why? What makes you any different from myself, what makes you better? What makes me scum, and you a golden child from the heavens? What makes me a peon, and what makes you a foreman? What makes me left, and what makes you right? Why? Why? Why? Why?

[-] 0 points by StopYerWhining (0) 13 years ago

The difference is, I produce and you take. You and the scum you're 'occupying' with are too lazy to get up and get a job. You want to turn this country into a third world nanny state because that's what you've been taught to rely upon.

Sorry. Not going to happen.

Empty your urine-filled tupperware and crawl back to your mommy's basement.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

it really does sound like you speak from experience though, i would never have thought to pee in tupperware in my moms basement, i would more than likely, if i lived with my mom, just go upstairs and pee in a toilet

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Hahahahahaha!! StopYerWhining is fixated on drugs, living in his mom's basement, and peeing in Tupperware!!!!!

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

swiss miss .....yer soooo funny I mean this I to think this guy is a complete butthead oh and he might be a priest whatta ya think

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

He probably is.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

haha i have not lived with my mother since i was sixteen i am gainfully employed, i do hard laborious work in the heat of the sun and in the cold rainy fall that we have been having, i produce what i can and take what i need, don't make assumptions sir, they are unfounded and foolish remarks that would only be made by a presumptuous uneducated fool. whats your job, what do you produce that is so great. me i produce lay sod and dig sprinkler systems.

[-] 1 points by PsycoBradO (3) from Bradford, PA 13 years ago

Sir, you are quite misinformed. You know the reason why we are in debt is because our money supply is mainly in the banks of the rich people. So if there is only money in the banks of the rich people, then there isn't money for the middle class. Its pretty much common sense which apparently you do not have. So I would really appreciate that you take your apparently (racist) thoughts somewhere else that would more likely benefit you because no one here is agreeing with anything you say. There is more of us than there is of you, so I would simply back off! Thank you! Have a great day! SMOOCHES! <3

[-] 1 points by YerAllBums (3) 13 years ago

Not a coherent thought in your head so you pull out the 'race' card?


Take a shower. You smell. Get a job. Stop mooching.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

Whats with the get a job posts idiot. I probably make two to three times your income and I support OWS. Are you that ignorant to the criminals they are protesting? Not to mention they are protesting because there are no jobs you moron. http://youtu.be/AzULm4d8h8w

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

how do you know hes mooching, and jobless, or smelly

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

He's projecting his anger about his own truths onto others. That's what the lowest forms of life do.

[-] 1 points by PsycoBradO (3) from Bradford, PA 13 years ago

I believe I wasn't being angry at all. You might think of what I wrote was to hate but again you are misinformed. I only want peace, even if you call us all lazy shitheads you are not going to stop us. You all are wasting your time yelling at us to get jobs and to stop protesting. Negative remarks will only make us more powerful so it is in your best interest that you lets us be! Thank you! :)

[-] 0 points by nparker (39) 13 years ago

Whatever. More rhetoric from the teabaggers.

[-] -1 points by StopWhiningAndGetAJob (-5) 13 years ago

It was just a matter of time. Youtube is up showing them wearing death masks and carrying the Palestinian flag on their 'protest' marches.


[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago


That mistake is what led to the paramilitary provocateur action in Rome. These tactics have led to violence repeatedly:


[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

why no masks, let them be violent, they will only end up looking worse in the end

[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago

"It's not how you play the game, but how you spread the blame." -- the real motto of the Pentagon

Every time the paramilitaries/shills/Mike Stack types start riots, it gets blamed on lefties or even on pacifists. Standard protocol for #Occupy is that no one wears masks on marches.

[-] 0 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

Wow it amazes me, truly. You think that because protesters carry a Palestinian flag that they are terrorists, maybe they are just Palestinians supporting the cause, maybe they don't think that one percent of people in the world should control the greater majority. And those "death masks" are masks of Guy Fawkes an English Revolutionary who had a plot to take king James off of the throne by blowing up Parliament with him inside.


[-] 1 points by StopYerWhining (0) 13 years ago

Your brain is obviously drug-addled. It's not ME who thinks they're terrorists, it's the FBI.

Terrorists also like to blow things up.

Get off the drugs and get a job, moocher.

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I knew we would be accused ot "terrorism" as soon as we became effective. They call us terrorists because they are terrified we might win and they might then be punished.

The Occupy movement does not fly airplane into buildings, nor does it fire grenades into crowds like the Oakland pigs do. Those are things real terrorists do, not peacfully occupy city parks and streets with massive public support.

The FBI should be considered a terrorist organization for things like the Minn/St Paul raids, COINTELPRO, decades of political repression, even murder of members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the Black Panthers. With this in mind,the FBI should be treated as the Enemy, and resisted without mercy. Kudos to those folks who responded to the Minn/St Paul Grand Jury subpeonas with silence-ALL of the subpeonaed folks refused to cooperate, so the FBI, the JTTF, and the rest of those scum batted zero.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

oh but man we like the black panthers are a "highly militant" movement with the aim of destroying the world as we know it, and raping and pillaging every us town, you know that us man totally us..........that's sarcasm for all of you little trash talking negative Nancys out there, oh look at that every thing is spelled correctly to, so none of you get angry.

[-] 1 points by R2KT (3) 13 years ago

Actually it's U.S. (not us). Where is us town? It's too, not to. Plus you're missing an ass-ton of punctuation and you make no sense. Oh man. Now I'm just as bad as that other asshole. It was just too ironic.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

like i have said before, i have a job, and what drugs, more unfounded assumptions, do you drink beer. Alcohol is a drug do you drink sir do you? And the FBI is a burrecratic tool to be used by the government as they see fit. right?

[-] 1 points by YerAllBums (3) 13 years ago

'Burrecratic'? If you weren't so pathetic, I could almost feel sorry for you.


[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

ah what does that mean, i spelled bureaucratic wrong big whoop. That does not negate the facts that i have stated, you made no attempts to debate me on the subject which we were talking about, it's just a way for you to back down from the argument without actually backing down

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

its a deflection deflect

[-] -1 points by OccuWhinersAreScum (-1) 13 years ago

Rahm Emmanuel is going to shut down Chicago Obamaville!

First good deed he's ever done.

[-] 1 points by StopWhiningAndGetAJob (-5) 13 years ago

And the Democratic mayor in Los Angeles is sending in the riot squad there tomorrow! Happy days are indeed here again!!!

Praying for a LOT of arrests. Getting the scum off the streets -- it's a Good thing :)

[-] 2 points by Kristine24 (5) 13 years ago

There are supporters of the 'OWS' movement that hold jobs and careers. Very prestigious careers, might I add. My suggestion for you is to show some empathy for this gentleman that was injured, while partaking in his 1st amendment right, just as you are. Despite your or my personal stance regarding 'OWS', civilians are unjustly assaulted by men and women who are abusing their power in law enforcement. The proportionality of the attacks compared to protestors' behaviors are unmatched. However, you want to play antagonist and make mockery of his injury. Your negativity is unwarranted. In a language you can understand, I simply state... YOU SUCK, StopWhiningAndGetAJob. -Kristine

[-] 2 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

Yeah Why don't YOOOOOU stop whining about people who dont have jobs whining about corporations whining about eviornmentalists whining about trees whining about birds whining about worms whining about dirt

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

To those who call us "scum," there are those in the Left who think the same of you. Just ask anyone connected to Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) or any of their current or former customers, investors, etc what happens when you do something that gets activists REALLY pissed!

I look forward to the day that those who order cops to attack the occupy movement start having HLS-style problems with protesters showing up at their homes at all hours of the day and of the night. This goes double and triple for the Oakland cop who chose to shoot directly at Scott Olsen-in some countries he would have to move. After all, any CEO can dump Huntingdon Life Sciences, but nobody can "unshoot" anybody!

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

The first idiot thing you got going there.. is thinking that just because we may get moved from one place, that we won't just go to another. If we clear out completely today, do you think we will just be gone. We will work through the internet, we will gather in each others houses. Whatever we need to do. Cause we aren't lazy brats. We know the facts of what is happening, which you obviously have no clue about. Reading a few headlines and catching a few nights of mainstream media do NOT make you informed. BTW, just a little research can go a long way. Look up the wages over the past 10 years. People are working hard. They are working harder then ever. The cost of living is going up. The salaries are not. Well, except for the 1%. This not an opinion or fantasy. This is a very well known FACT, and very easy to look up and find info on. And that is just ONE thing. But, it matters not. I think you just want to act like a 12 year old bully on the playground who wants to pick on the weak kids. Hate to lay it on ya. But we are stronger than you think. One of the worst things you can do when you try to take someone on, is to underestimate them. Most did that over a month ago when this started. Now, they are surprised. They will continue to be surprised.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

yaaa booya sucka boooya, sheila just bent you over the counter and made your bottom sore. haha i crack myself up sometimes. But thats the way all these people work, they ARE those 12 year old bullies on the playground, only they grew up and instead of bullying kids they bully the disenfranchised and the peons of the world

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

how very christian of you, what is it the good book says, something about do on to others, something about loving thy neighbor, something like that right? Yet You PRAY for arrests of your neighbors your brothers and sisters under God

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

haha they deleted their comment haha i win haha

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Why did we get rid of the British........new boss'es same as the old you should thank someone and I mean Scott Olson for your freedom h at least he did his duty what have you done for your country,besides run your fucking mouth.

[-] -2 points by OwnWallStreetStinks (-5) 13 years ago


Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa wants some new laws to kick Occupy L.A. off the lawn.

Send in the Riot Squad and crack some skulls, Tony!!!

[-] 0 points by nparker (39) 13 years ago

Seriously? Do you retards even care about the constitution and the rights we have? Maybe you would like it better living in a dictatorship. Ownwallstreetstinks and stopwhining, please do us all a favor and start your cars in your garage and breathe deep. Wow you guys are pathetic. Bet your mothers are proud.

[-] -2 points by OwnWallStreetStinks (-5) 13 years ago

Slowly but surely, all the little Obamavilles are getting shut down.


[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

wishful thinking,. time will tell if the police repression and violence will grow the movement or shut it down,. I suspect your implied wish that everything stay the same and the 1% continue to take more and more of our wealth, is just a dream of greedy losers.

[-] 3 points by Chrissieg55 (6) 13 years ago

My country tis of thee sweet land of liberty .... he believes in this country, he willingly puts himself in harms way in Iraq. He comes home and as he voices his concerns about the country he believes in, he is attacked and severely wounded. My prayers go out to Scott and his family, and to all who were involved in this violent encounter.

WE ALL NEED TO STAND IN SOLIDARITY. Raise your voice-do so with dignity.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

it is truly a sad thing, he fights for his country abroad and comes home and ends up getting hurt, not by "Islamic-Fundamentalist terrorists", but by the terrorists here in america, the Police, they are terrorists right now, they are causing terror by force of arms against unarmed CITIZENS might i add.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

dude i live like a stones throw from you swissmiss, and swiss miss is delicious by the way. mmmmm hot chocolate

[-] 0 points by Susanna (0) 13 years ago

And we are with you Scott and all our sisters and brothers in Oakland.

[-] 0 points by johnis48 (72) 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by OccuWhinersAreScum (-1) 13 years ago

What hypocrites you people are. Not long ago you were spitting and stomping on the U.S. flag and our soldiers and now when you think you can get some sympathy for your juvenile 'cause', you've decided to become patriots.

If you weren't so disgusting, you'd be laughable.

[-] 2 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

The few times I was at Zuccotti Park I saw soldiers in uniform having healthy dialogues with others.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I never stomped on the flag or spit on soldiers. Go fuck yourself. Maybe then you'll finally get laid.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

haha you make me giggle just a little tho cause i try not to laugh at the shortcomings of others, try.

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

WTH are you watching?? Are you tuned in to some other country and you don't know it. Let me guess, your just spouting from a movie you saw once. You really have no clue what you are talking about do you.. poor thing

[-] 1 points by jssss (71) 13 years ago

whoa! hold on there buddy, when have ppl been stomping on the US flag and dissing soldiers? not ows im sure.... so your making shit up now?loser.

[-] 0 points by StopWhiningAndGetAJob (-5) 13 years ago

Well, it happens to be true, but truth is not something you'd be acquainted with. Loser.

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Hey StopWhiningAndGetAJob, I notice you haven't actually really replied to most of the basic information you have been answered with here. You just keep spouting non sense. Your computer time is up, mommy will be making you lunch soon, so run along. Pretend to be adult play time is over.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

He he he he he!!

[-] 1 points by nparker (39) 13 years ago

Lets see the facts you fucking liar!

[-] 1 points by jssss (71) 13 years ago


i have a job. i make 50K a year. i have loan debit- which i have every intention of paying off. im not asking for a hand outs, im not asking for everything to be free. im just asking for this "mess" to be fixed. im just asking for the oppression to stop (noone should EVER lose their home from medical bills. etc). im just saying, "hey washington/WS what are you doing?" im asking for people to be accountable- just like i am being accountable.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

me, too

[-] 1 points by jssss (71) 13 years ago

yep. so tired of ppl assuming all protesters don't work, are lazy drug addicts, etc... ps. im originally from MN myself! iron range.

[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago

And you never did $2-trillion in bogus mortgage scams or stole $5-trillion in frauds on retirement/pension funds.

The rightie-crooks think you're stupid. Their hired bloggers echo those sentiments.

[-] 0 points by jssss (71) 13 years ago

i haven't heard or seen any accounts of that... show me where? were is this truth! come ON-- out with it!!! lol

[-] 3 points by taniamo3 (4) 13 years ago

This is not Iraq or Afghanistan, I never thought the people that we pay to protect us would become such traders. For a brief moment I believed the police to be merely pawns in this but these acts of terrorism against a peaceful protest are uncalled for. I am embarrassed for what used to be a beautiful, loving, God fearing country. God help us all!

[-] 2 points by JDub (218) 13 years ago

Here HERE! Time for us to identify what this is. Its domestice terrorism, perpetrated by the Police against peaceful citizens enacting their rights. This is the biggest threat to our Country! Not Al Qaeda!. Don't belive the smoke screen anymore.

[-] 3 points by MontanainSolidarity (4) from Helena, Mt 13 years ago

Throwing an exploding device into the crowd of people trying to help an injured Scott Olsen is a blatant abuse of power and an act of unnecessary violence. It has nothing to do with enemies.

Woolworth's wasn't the enemy when four black men walked into one in North Carolina in 1960 and sat down in peaceful protest, which wasn't legal at the time either. But were they wrong?

Was Scott wrong for peacefully resisting authority about an issue he feels passionate about? American history and my moral judgment tell me no.

Was the police officer wrong for attacking a crowd of people trying to help an inured person? Our laws, our history and my judgment tell me absolutely that the police officer wrongly acted and should be held accountable.

The status quo isn't working for a lot of people right now.It's about fairness and representation, not "enemies." The authorities need to read a American history book before they act out in this way against peaceful protesters.

Best Wishes Scott.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

agreed! well said

[-] 0 points by morriden (128) from Burton, MI 13 years ago

Anyway... I truly hope all of this can remain peaceful. However peaceful civil action is being tested by acts like this.

I hope Scott recovers and I hope we all take something from this event.

Perhaps its time to arm ourselves with gas masks and body armor. Not to create violence, but to simply protect yourself while protesting. Atlest to make a point.

[-] 0 points by StopWhiningAndGetAJob (-5) 13 years ago

Yes! Please arm yourselves!! Long prison sentences are just what we need to keep you ignorant fools off the streets!

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

armed with nothing, your not really armed when you have only vests and gas masks.

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Hey at least they would get better treatment in jail,free health care and a chance to bog the system with their lam writs. We spend more money on them than the old folks that fought for this country.My prayers go out to the returning warrior,that fought for your right to be free....you idiot fucking fuck face.How bout them apples I'm 60 and I fought for the useless life that you probably have.

[-] 0 points by StopYerWhining (0) 13 years ago

60 years of sitting on your butt and waiting for the nanny state to take care of you.

  1. Put down the drugs.
  2. Wash the filth off.
  3. Get a job.

Simple, but perhaps a little too much for you morons to understand.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You seem to be the one on drugs. You can't stop talking about them. It's kind of like the closeted gay person who can't come to terms with being gay.... the type who continuously chides others who are gay and treats them like crap. And then soon after we find out they are gay.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

yeah man whats your dealio with drugs, do you need a friend man, someone to talk to about your obvious problems, look man i'm here for you, if you need me.

[-] 1 points by R2KT (3) 13 years ago

Why don't you stopyerwhining and:

  1. Light a joint.
  2. Go outside.
  3. Quit you job. Simple, but it'll make you feel better. Oh, and turn off Fox News.
[-] 1 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Please. Depart this world. You do not belong in this society. You are merely a detriment to progression and discussion, a literal social illness.

[-] -2 points by OwnWallStreetStinks (-5) 13 years ago

It will be over with soon. As soon as these morons see a snowflake, they'll take off for the warmth of their mommy's basement and won't come up for air until Spring.

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

See.. there ya go... your just spouting garbage. You aren't saying anything that seems to be the least bit intelligent or to show that you are the least bit informed. And it's funny as I said before, that you won't actually reply to anything of substance that has been put you. Your 12 aren't you? 10 maybe...

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

He's too busy peeing in Tupperware and doing drugs in his mommy's basement to actually respond intelligently. His brains are fried.

[-] 2 points by danbeck619 (2) 13 years ago

To: StopWhiningAndGetAJob

I personally had to sign up for this website just so I can explain something to you. I think you are missing the point when you decide to ridicule this website for a spelling error.

What you should understand is the fact that Scott Olsen was a victim of police brutality and risked his life for YOUR freedom, in both cases of serving our country and protesting against a system which uses taxes for far more wasteful things then educating people. Your'e one of those idiots that uses the phrase "My tax dollars" like you volunteer to pay an income tax and no one else is pay fucking taxes. Your'e a slave to the system more then anyone else!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You are so right. And notice how she/he says "my"? That just tells you how they think...... only about him/her and NO ONE ELSE.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

i really do hate "my", "our" is a much better word

[-] 2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

The shooting of Sgt. Scott Olsen is tragic. I thought I had become accustomed to the brutality of our society until I read about this, and it stirred the deepest feelings in me - feelings that I haven't felt in years - shock and horror!

Who do these police think they are, doing this to American citizens excercizing their constitutional rights - Iraqui War veterans who have been paying the price for loyalty to country while these pigs have gotten fat on graft and corruption? I, for one tonight, am filled with a simmering rage!

[-] 2 points by IfOnlyIfOnly (2) 13 years ago

Wow. Risk your life for your country twice? Get home safe.

Come home intact? Get life risked by the people you protected.

The safest place should be your country, instead they are the monsters.

[-] 2 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

A recent poll published in the Washington Post showed something like 37% support from the entire US public for Occupy Wall St and the sister movements-more than for the teabaggers. Under these circumstances, the use of deadly or potentially deadly force against us by the police could have consequences the ruling class will severely regret.

Right now, the Occupy movements are peaceful in all cities. This level of provocation aimed at a movement with 100 million supporters (1/3 of the US population) means people of a lot of viewpoints, most with exactly zero exposure to the idea of pacifism or nonviolence, is incredibly dangerous. Real street, real night, this sort of thing has consequences beyond the control of any of us. That Oakland police department and other police departments that are trying to disperse nonviolent protesters by force are playing with a kind of fire I doubt they understand.

If the police attacks continue, more people get hurt and people begin striking back in small cells of people who trust oneanother, that could be the embryo of a true insurgency whose degree of public support might equal or exceed that given to any one faction in Iraq. When people have family and friends in the line of fire and see this shit on TV, they go NUTS. There would be a chance that the reaction would be limited to small retaliatory strikes that do not spread, especially if those who were first to resort to violence learn their lesson and stand down. On the other hand, this could also spiral into escalating uses of force by both sides once started. It's actually the classic way some long and brutal wars have started-with a trigger incident after years of hate and tension.

This may not be Iraq, but the insurgency there is said by some to have begun the day US troops shot protesters upset over a flag blown from a minaret by the rotor wash from a US chopper back in 2003.

With 1/3 of the public on our side, another third on the side of the Tea Party,and the last neutral, this could get REAL ugly real fast, like the sectarian mess in Iraq. Hey Oakland police, do you want historians to talk of how "the Troubles" started in your city?

[-] 2 points by INDIA11 (3) from Cloverdale, CA 13 years ago

Well said, the country is a tinder box. We need leadership now. So disappointed, in Obama, he's cracking jokes on Leno, while America falls apart. Is history repeating itself, Nero fiddling as Rome burns?

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

This has been going on for over a month. Millions of people across the country and world. And it has remained for the very most part peacful on our side. Yet, do we ever get credit for that. No one finds it amazing, especially in this day and age, that you can have so many people in different places across the globe for so long. And still no violence(except Rome) but who knows what or who may have started that. There have even been some planted people kicked from some of the camps for trying to insite violence. All and all, I think it speaks volumes that it has not gotten there. These people truly believe in what they are standing up for. They are willing to suffer, stand strong for it and do it just the way they don't want us to. It would make their day if we busted out with violence. And we know it. But violence has no part in what we want.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

its terrorism mate, ter·ror·ism    [ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA noun 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Do you mean the terrorism of the Oakland police who fire explosive devices into crowds, or the terrorism of bankers and developers who throw people out in the streets to die of hypothermia in the winter? Terrorists kill people, the Occupy movement does not!

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

well i was at the time talking about the police in oakland but the banksters work just as well. "Pay your loan or we will have to take your house, well i don't give a rats asshole if its january out and you live in alaska, you know what let me go enjoy another Margarita on this fabulous beach in Cancun, yeah i'll call you back soon, you better fuckin pay or else....click" thats how those conversations go

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Yes, we have plenty of terrorism on our own doorsteps.

[-] 2 points by MeallaAoi (6) 13 years ago

This is insane. Purely, completely insane. Scott, you and yours are in my prayers. Good luck, from the daughter of another Marine vet.

Semper Fi.

[-] 2 points by TheoSocrates (51) 13 years ago

An Iraq War Veteran is currently in critical condition with a fractured skull and brain swelling after being shot in the face with "non-lethal rounds" during the Oakland Police Department's assault on Occupy Oakland yesterday. All because after surviving 2 tours in Iraq, he was engaging in the right to protest here at home.

We need our military HERE at home!!! Protect us from our own government! This is REAL.

"Police Use Physical & Chemical Weapons on Peaceful Assembly" http://realpatriots.info/2011/10/police-use-physical-chemical-weapons-on.html


[-] 2 points by dianesare (5) 13 years ago

This is Obama. After killing 3 US citizens in Yemen with drones, one of whom was 16 years old, and then allowing the extra-judicial murder of Quadaffi, it is to be expected that the guns will be turned on Americans in America next. Remember, for all of the heinous crimes committed by the Nazis, we were determined NOT to be as barbaric as they were. We held a tribunal and allowed them to attempt to defend themselves, and then reached a verdict based on principle.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You're an idiot.

[-] 2 points by johnis48 (72) 13 years ago

everytime i watch this video it inflames me to believe that someone needs to be held accountible for this. There was no need for this to happen. I hope this is another action of gov't out of control.

[-] 2 points by Dubby (146) 13 years ago

Here is an example of a true American. Serves his country with honor and then come home and exercises his inalienable rights in a peaceful and dignified manner. I wish him a speedy recovery and hope those in charge of this fiasco are held accountable.

[-] 2 points by Pottsandahalf (141) 13 years ago

Shit thats horrible

[-] 2 points by mimthefree (192) from Biggar, Scotland 13 years ago

If this guy dies, this shit's gonna get real in the US.

I would expect numbers to triple almost immediately in most if not all cities.

The "authorities" have finally gone too far past the line they keep saying they didn't cross.

[-] 2 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

Don't say that. This guy is not going to die >:(

[-] 2 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

thats right. we need him. he's a man of principal. we need more like him too. it would be great of some human beings with integrity stepped up in office as well and denounced these actions.

[-] 1 points by annoybot (38) 13 years ago

principle (just fyi) :-)

[-] 2 points by mimthefree (192) from Biggar, Scotland 13 years ago

i hope not.

But if not him, someone else.

That's inevitable unless a much larger portion of the public throw their weight behind the movement.

[-] 2 points by FrankieFromPA57 (6) 13 years ago

Attacking the rescuers is a terrorist tactic. I am sickened.

[-] 2 points by outwrangle (39) 13 years ago

This veteran is obviously just a lazy, jobless deadbeat looking for a handout. Amirite?

[-] 1 points by ilcsg (6) 13 years ago

Wrong. This dude veteran has a job working as system administrator in cali. He stood up for others that are not as fortunate as he is.

[-] 1 points by outwrangle (39) 13 years ago

I was being facetious. I figured it was obvious.

[-] 1 points by ilcsg (6) 13 years ago

Obviously I didn't get that....

[-] 1 points by outwrangle (39) 13 years ago
[-] 2 points by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic (133) 13 years ago

Follow the police, gently plead with them to help us. It's not illegal to talk with them! Encourage them to leak docs and info. about these crackdowns.

Even if it doesn't work, their superiors will be less likely to send them into action against protesters like this!!

[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

Agreed. we need the police to rebel against their orders. we need them on our side when the feds come to town.

[-] 2 points by Jbear (60) from Greenfield, MA 13 years ago

From what I hear, they already are in Albany, NY

[-] 2 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

ALBANY, NY - Police Chief Krokoff issued a department-wide memo instructing officers “to be continually aware of the possibility that a small element may intentionally seek to draw us into conflict,” according to a copy obtained by the Times Union. “At this time I have no intention of assigning officers to monitor, watch, videotape or influence any behavior that is conducted by our citizens peacefully demonstrating in Academy Park. … In the event we are required to respond to a crime in progress or a reported crime, we will do so in the same manner that we do on a daily basis.” The Oakland Police and city administration should take a page from Albany ‘s playbook. -from the tusconcitizen.com

[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

awesome! would love to hear more about that. we need the police of wisconsin to go around and talk with other police departments about why they sided with the protest there.

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Send them all this link.. www.occupypolice.org

[-] 1 points by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic (133) 13 years ago

Thanks Aaron.

Police don't have to give up their paycheck for their families. It's better that they are INSIDE the police department letting us know of plans that will harm others. Like the Iraq war veteran in Oakland last night.

Plead with the police to help us!

[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

of course they should stay on as police. but they should not agree to carry out these brutal and illegal orders. it is illegal to break up demonstrations.

these acts of rebellion are what change the system. you refuse to carry out such orders and force the department to change. one or two may lose their jobs, but if all stand together then those giving the orders will be the one that has to leave.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by jk1234 (257) 13 years ago


Agree - mayor and police chief should step down, and officer go on trial.

[-] 2 points by TheResonantVoice (2) 13 years ago

Scott needs a facebook page in his honor. He is another one of our heroes, like Sgt Shamar Thomas.


[-] 2 points by zz1968 (89) 13 years ago

Not cool. Where does this fit in into 'to protect and to serve'?

[-] 2 points by fivefingers (14) 13 years ago

jquan@oaklandnet.com ...in case you'd rather write Mayor Quan's email. (Source: http://www.oaklandnet.com/citydirectory/?q=mayor&submit=find)

[-] 2 points by IHaveAJob (6) 13 years ago

Good for him, although 'respect' isn't a word the Occupiers seem to understand.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

i have a job to

[-] 2 points by IHaveAJob (6) 13 years ago

Or, the people of Oakland could use some common sense and stay home with their families where they belong.

Law enforcement isn't your enemy. They are disciplined professionals.

You need to place the blame for your grievances where in belongs -- Obama and his cronies. THEY are responsible for your troubles.

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Hey, I guess you forgot about BUSH!!!!!!!! WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION MY ASS,THEY SPELLS OIL!!!!! I fought the war for a different set of politicians but the wanted to rule the yellow man,just like they wanted to rule the red man the French couldn't't do it ,neither can we,dwezzel dwazzal dwuzzal dwrown time for this one to come home come out of you fucking shell and smell the stink,I think it's you and your kind.I'm just a welded and I am a working man what are you a thief.I pay taxes that's what I'm supposed to do,but, when I get no representation oh did I spell rust right,we stand up and fight for what is right.

[-] 1 points by Kristine24 (5) 13 years ago

Are we just suppose to blame every President that comes into office? You serious? You gotta be kidding me.

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Who do they owe for the honor of being president,not us! Our vote dose't count just the electoral college,and, big business that made donations in his name go figure nut case pull you head outta your ass,or are you to to to Stu Stu stu stu stupid

[-] 1 points by outwrangle (39) 13 years ago

You can't see the forest through the trees.

[-] 1 points by oakland79 (1) 13 years ago

Well that sure was a wild night. http://www.oaklandmofo.com/blog/occupy-oakland-march-protest/ Poor Scott Olson. But here we are months later and it seems Occupy Oakland is over?

[-] 1 points by BatonMassage (4) 13 years ago

Scott Olsen, the "decorated vet", Occupy worships as their symbol of motivation is the creator of the website "I Hate The Marine Corp". Occupy has finally found their leader; A treasonous, jew hating drug addict that has been smearing the USMC since the day he was booted.

His skull was never fractured. He was never in critical condition. No brain swelling. Here is a picture of him texting away.


That is impressive for someone with all those injuries.

"We are all Scott Olsen" 

Yes indeed you are ... yes indeed


[-] 1 points by tellthetruth (5) 13 years ago

Slow motion frame by frame video shows that it wasn't a police launched tear gas canister that hit Olsen and it was most likely something thrown from one of the many protesters who were chucking rocks and bottles. Anyway this putz and founder of the I Hate Marines blog doesn't deserve the title Marine. Funny how the left liberal hates the military until it becomes useful to him.

[-] 0 points by MeMyselfandI (85) 13 years ago

Exactly. Olsen was hurt by the thugs in the occupy bowel movement.

[-] 1 points by LOLdkm (3) 13 years ago

This young lad was nothing but collateral damage. While he gets a canister to the head thousands are getting shrapnell and bombs through their roof and dying. bullets are flying killing their children. sad but his life was good while it lasted now hes just collateral damage. Untill you people are ready to take up arms and do something against the people controlling you nothing will change. Best of luck and wishes from a country with only 3.6Billion Dollars in debt.

[-] 1 points by Banjarama (242) from Little Elm, TX 13 years ago

Hey, how is scott doing now?

[-] 1 points by Mike2012 (6) 13 years ago

Hahaha. Look at the Marxists trying to adopt a vet who was foolish enough to join them. You mix it up in the streets , prepare to get the violence you ask for. I look forward to the mass upheaval and will be waiting for you.

[-] 1 points by deGrene (199) 13 years ago

Unfortunately, there will be mor of these incidents. It's a sad thing that no power structure can allow a reveoluton to be peaceful. They will try to hold onto their power by any means possible and that means that all revolutions will eventually take on some level of violence.

The one chance we have is the ballot box. We MUST send an unequivocably clear message to those in power that they will no longer be tolerated. Vote them all out until they see the light.

And, please, don' give me the crap about "They are all alike." If you beleive that, run for office yourself or draft someone who is different, but to change the power structure, you need alterntaive candidates, so find them, embrace them, vote for them.

[-] 1 points by EileenB (1) 13 years ago

Prayers for Scott Olsen. God bless Occupy WS!

[-] 1 points by eb8 (2) 13 years ago

at .20 seconds, a flash goes off indicating the smoke bomb around the curb of the street. 1-2 seconds later, we see olsen fall somewhere in the middle of the cross walk.at 0.24 seconds, he lies on the street well beyond the halfway point of the crosswalk.

i have a source from the district attorney's office in san francisco that tells me lab reports from highland hospital in oakland show ecstacy in scott's system. now i love that drug so im not condeming scott, but a flash of bright light from such a short distance while on the drug can cause a seizure (which ive seen happen before at a rave). this does not condone the action of the second cop who shot around scott as people came to him, but the narrator insists that this cop was intentionally trying to hit people. whats interesting is that at close range, he aimed so well that he didnt hit anyone.

this is essentially me uninfluenced by any side gathering information and making my own judgement call.

[-] 1 points by eb8 (2) 13 years ago

at .20 seconds, a flash goes off indicating the smoke bomb around the curb of the street. 1-2 seconds later, we see olsen fall somewhere in the middle of the cross walk.at 0.24 seconds, he lies on the street well beyond the halfway point of the crosswalk.

i have a source from the district attorney's office in san francisco that tells me lab reports from highland hospital in oakland show ecstacy in scott's system. now i love that drug so im not condeming scott, but a flash of bright light from such a short distance while on the drug can cause a seizure (which ive seen happen before at a rave). this does not condone the action of the second cop who shot around scott as people came to him, but the narrator insists that this cop was intentionally trying to hit people. whats interesting is that at close range, he aimed so well that he didnt hit anyone.

this is essnetially me uninfluenced by any side gathering information and making my own judgement call.

[-] 1 points by Resistance203 (3) 13 years ago


All jokes aside this is a serious issue . I hope and pray he recovers.

[-] 1 points by wwwmaster (40) 13 years ago

we are all brain damaged in a hospital bed...

[-] 1 points by PincheCabron (131) 13 years ago

This is a damn shame.

[-] 1 points by studro01 (1) 13 years ago

I'm still trying to find the goal of this movement. Is there one? I mean what is the end state? Are you guys looking for money? Looking for Wall Street to give money back? I'm confused..

[-] 1 points by studro01 (1) 13 years ago

I'm still trying to find the goal of this movement. Is there one? I mean what is the end state? Are you guys looking for money? Looking for Wall Street to give money back? I'm confused..

[-] 1 points by ungr8ful (70) from Benicia, CA 13 years ago

im concerned that there not reporting the facts about how the protestors were by definition more like a mob then protestors, so more people wont make the same dumb mistake and get hurt and you just want to promote that it was unprovoked which is not entirely true, both sides made major mistakes in judgment. The more people realize this the better chance it can be avoided next time,. But your approach of hiding this info will only bring more anger and violence. shame on you.

[-] 1 points by ungr8ful (70) from Benicia, CA 13 years ago

Sorry folks you still have to follow the rules of protesting(no permit no protest). It amazes me you guys are mad at bunch of people who broke the rules for their own needs. And then you go and do the exact same thing but somehow its OK when you do it. If that's the case then you have already lost.

[-] 1 points by Jgoff (2) 13 years ago


Our Condolences to you and your family in this time of change and hurt.


[-] 1 points by ungr8ful (70) from Benicia, CA 13 years ago

Please do not compare me to this kid. I did not ask him to be there in fact if he had asked me i would have said, kid sometimes life suck if you want to sound like a big crybaby go If you want to be a man stay home and just make things work. Getting rid of the big bad men at the bank wont get you a job or you money back, Just don't give em your money next time.

[-] 1 points by ungr8ful (70) from Benicia, CA 13 years ago

Ok so if the next time the new iPhone comes out and there are not thousands of college kids lined up to buy them, then maybe ill start worrying about the economy. GO HOME....... go occupy your families lives.

[-] 1 points by ungr8ful (70) from Benicia, CA 13 years ago

Please check your facts, the protesters had stopped communicating with the city weeks ago, technically they were protesting illegally and when ask to be removed.Some of them started throwing bottles and rocks and fireworks at police. I am not saying the deserve what they got, but please don't leave out the part where the protesters where being in my opinion a little stupid throwing rocks and bottles at cops and refusing to leave because you don't have a job. I'm sorry but just cause your protesting does not mean you get to break the law and yes they were protesting illegally. sorry i know every one wants to leave out the facts and make this a simple police state story but its not. if you want to protest protest but you have to follow the rules especially in Oakland. Do you guys have any idea what happens in Oakland when your not around, yea check your facts oaklands not thew place you really want to be doing stupid things. So go back to sleep people this does not mean all our right are begin taken away it just means if your going to protest in Oakland you better mind your p's and q's Oh and if your going to protest make sure you don't have people amongst you that like to throw things at cops. So calm down we don't live in a police state this is a single instance of stupid police reacting to stupid protesters that don't understand the rules and laws of protesting. In fact I think everyone should for their own personal safety check out their local laws and really make sure they understand how things really work instead what your buddy told you who thinks he now them works. You break it you may have to pay the consequences no matter how good your cause is.

It suck what happen but don't forget it could have been avoided if the protesters had not been acting the way they were and I'm sorry if your an adult and you still don't see how this could have been avoid by both sides, that both sides made mistakes then you need to step back and reevaluate what it really is your getting out of all this.

And in my opinion if your trying to leave out key facts like this then it's you who is promoting violence cause people are getting the wrong impression and are getting made about something that they think is a rights act, when really it's just a stupid accident that could have been avoided by both sides 100%

[-] 1 points by R2KT (3) 13 years ago

I'm pretty sure that part of the point of protesting is that you have a problem with the laws. Just because something is a law doesn't make it right. It was illegal for black people to share the facilities with white people a few decades ago. Should they have just continued to take it in stride because it was the law. Protesting is almost never legal. That's the point. They set up laws against protesting so that people who are negatively affected by ridiculous laws can't do anything to change their circumstances. The only way to change things is to do it anyway.

[-] 1 points by rayray (2) 13 years ago

Poor fellow, he was putting himself in harms way for others all the time, first for wall street then against them for the people, hes being good. They had to make an example somewhere along the line to try and quash this thing, the powers that be, are always killing everyone arnt they, when they should just kill each other, or god forbid if we ever decide to kill them..he did it for peace. .and for the people against the corrupt. Get well buddy.

[-] 1 points by ColFrankMatherson (2) 13 years ago

Attention Police: Turn your guns around and point them at your leaders that are telling you to hurt The People. Arrest EVERYONE in leadership at the Federal, State, and Local government and banking industries. Be cordial, be polite. We will sort them all out in court. If you do this then the war ends today with cheers and beers for all. Fail to do this and you can scratch your head and guess who's side my beloved Marine Corps will be on when the bullets start flying.

[-] 1 points by ColFrankMatherson (2) 13 years ago

Attention Police: Turn your guns around and point them at your leaders that are telling you to hurt The People. Arrest EVERYONE in leadership at the Federal, State, and Local government and banking industries. Be cordial, be polite. We will sort them all out in court. If you do this then the war ends today with cheers and beers for all. Fail to do this and you can scratch your head and guess who's side my beloved Marine Corps will be on when the bullets start flying.

[-] 1 points by aberrant (1) from Bentonville, AR 13 years ago

its sad that people are fighting about trite things on a post that's talking about a former marine who is in critical care. take your pity bullshit else where, this is a place for people who are trying to work together and be supportive of one another.

[-] 1 points by veteran911 (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I am a disabled veteran of the OIF/OEF naval operations. I am disgusted by these acts of my government that I and my fellow brothers and sisters no doubtingly gave our lives for what we thought was a noble cause. There was only one oath that really mattered most, uphold The Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic! if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Peace be to all that exist.

[-] 1 points by veteran911 (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I am a disabled veteran of the OIF/OEF naval operations. I am disgusted by these acts of my government that I and my fellow brothers and sisters no doubtingly gave our lives for what we thought was a noble cause. There was only one oath that really mattered most, uphold The Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic!

[-] 1 points by Howtodoit (1232) 13 years ago

yes,and I pray Scott Olsen will March again with us on WDC! Let's all pray for him!


[-] 1 points by K9COP2911 (4) 13 years ago

I have been a Police Officer for 11 years now. Im appalled by the use of tactics by the Oakland Police Department. Its funny how the United States shouts DEMOCRACY when Lybia, egypt and other countries stand up and rise againts the injustice. But here in america when we do such a thing its called "CIVIL DISORDER". God bless all of you out there and i support you 100% be safe out there. Not all Police officers are against you!

[-] 1 points by K9COP2911 (4) 13 years ago

I have been a Police Officer for 11 years now. Im appalled by the use of tactics by the Oakland Police Department. Its funny how the United States shouts DEMOCRACY when Lybia, egypt and other countries stand up and rise againts the injustice. But here in america when we do such a thing its called "CIVIL DISORDER". God bless all of you out there and i support you 100% be safe out there. Not all Police officers are against you!

[-] 1 points by K9COP2911 (4) 13 years ago

Ive been a Police Officer for 11 years now. Im appalled by the tactics used againts these young demonstrators!!! I support 100% the Occupy Wallstreet demonstrations! Its funny how we shout DEMOCRACY when libya, egypt and other countries protested but in our own country its called "CIVIL DISORDER". God bless all of you out there standing up for whats right!

[-] 1 points by K9COP2911 (4) 13 years ago

Ive been a Police Officer for 11 years now. Im appalled by the tactics used againts these young demonstrators!!! I support 100% the Occupy Wallstreet demonstrations! Its funny how we shout DEMOCRACY when libya, egypt and other countries protested but in our own country its called "CIVIL DISORDER". God bless all of you out there standing up for whats right!

[-] 1 points by tinytalk (2) 13 years ago

Just heard on the news that Scott Olsen in going into surgery. Our prayers go with him.

[-] 1 points by tinytalk (2) 13 years ago

Just heard on the news that Scott Olsen in going into surgery. Our prayers go with him.

[-] 1 points by revolve (1) from Lewisham, England 13 years ago

Greetings and solidarity from London, our best wishes for a swift recovery go to Scott. A mass prayer was given to him at St Pauls Occupy today. Good also to read the breadth of the conversation below. No matter the diversity and dispute it does show we are talking and coming together. Only good will come from this. For too long we have been silent. Now is the time to be vocal and make plain what we have kept hidden in our hearts. x

[-] 1 points by nevaeh819 (6) 13 years ago

God bless you sweet scott. We are with you in spirit and love.

[-] 1 points by nevaeh819 (6) 13 years ago

God bless you sweet scott. We are with you in spirit and love.

[-] 1 points by Redmist (212) from Yazd, Yazd 13 years ago

We are all NOT Scott Olsen! Ive never been shot by a crowd control projectile, One simply acts like a damn adult when attending a protest to avoid getting popped. On the other hand I have nailed a few folks with a flex bag or two when they mis-behaved in groups. Nothing gets your attention like a bag of black eye peas traveling @ 250 feet per second. You also have to consider Oakland's wonderfully civil population(sarcasm).

[-] 1 points by tulfelhun (1) 13 years ago

How can I help - I can't stand by and watch my fellow americans being shot by cops. Why are cops getting involved in peaceful protest - What a bunch of BS - Heroes don't wear badges - they wear dogtags

[-] 1 points by Whereisthehumanity (2) 13 years ago

Unfortunately, none of the other officers will name that one cop. That crime will never go prosecuted and that cop will get away with committing that crime, one he would arrest you or me for as Battery or Assault with a deadly weapon.

[-] 1 points by Whereisthehumanity (2) 13 years ago

Unfortunately, none of the other officers will name that one cop. That crime will never go prosecuted and that cop will get away with committing that crime, one he would arrest you or me for as Battery or Assault with a deadly weapon.

[-] 1 points by Quark (236) 13 years ago

Survives Iraq to be shot by an American PIG. This country is all lies!

[-] 1 points by igamiad (4) 13 years ago

Any fool can see that the second device was intentionally thrown into a small crowd aiding an injured human being. Had that device exploded while in direct contact on a human being then there wouldve been a second injury. If ya dont believe this hold one and set it off. Even when an injured human being is laying right there. And firing a projectile into a crowd instead of near one is no mistake, a blatant disregard of the safe use of non lethal tools. That was how this young man got injured. While i support the occupy movement i understand the police doing thier job as ordered but not wrecklessly harming human beings in the process. This was sadly wrong.

[-] 1 points by igamiad (4) 13 years ago

Any fool can see that the second device was intentionally thrown into a small crowd aiding an injured human being. Had that device exploded while in direct contact on a human being then there wouldve been a second injury. If ya dont believe this hold one and set it off. Even when an injured human being is laying right there. And firing a projectile into a crowd instead of near one is no mistake, a blatant disregard of the safe use of non lethal tools. That was how this young man got injured. While i support the occupy movement i understand the police doing thier job as ordered but not wrecklessly harming human beings in the process. This was sadly wrong.

[-] 1 points by missjulz (5) 13 years ago

Thank you from Oakland to Occupy Wall Street for your wonderful support !!!! We felt you with us in Oakland last night!

[-] 1 points by neilr (8) 13 years ago

Looks like the Oakland City Government website has crashed - hopefully due to a deluge of complaints about the events of the last few days!

[-] 1 points by Noirceuil (2) 13 years ago

If you really want to make Wall Street notice you, declare bankruptcy.

If you are underwater on your home, take every nickle you have, buy gold, and declare bankruptcy. If enough people do it, Wall Street will feel it.

[-] 1 points by Violetarojo (119) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

My heart is breaking! Praying!

[-] 1 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

Jordan, a 23-year veteran on the force, was sworn in by Mayor Jean Quan to take over immediately for outgoing Chief Anthony Batts, who resigned Tuesday, citing frustration about having limited control over decision-making.

[-] 1 points by lifesprizes (298) 13 years ago

I agree, who gave the orders? They are telling the police in other countries to stop their aggression and stand down. How come not here? It would take only one word from higher up in command.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 13 years ago

Send this to everyone that benefits from Scott's and all the #ows protestors.. that would be the WORLD!

... Try to send it to as many people you know.. if you dont have access to the 'World'.

[-] 1 points by FightForMyRights (1) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

We've gone from pepper spray, to batons, and finally to tear gas, flash bangs and from what I've heard here and there we're also up to rubber bullets.

Is this our shot heard around the world? Are we done playing nice with a system that is willing to stomp on our first amendment rights? Or should we keep giving "peace" a chance?

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I say we give it just a little more of a chance, and then we rain hell down on them if they keep it up.


[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

have they? what were you saying praying for people to die, things like that


[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

"I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962)



[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Music for Scott by another patriotic American:

Liberty by Jordan Page: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bitxwy6okn4

[-] 1 points by SimWebb (2) 13 years ago

Comment made on the Veterans Against the War press release:

"I am a cop. I love my job and my country. Please understand that not all police are against the protests. I must say that a lot of people in my line of work for some odd reason seem to gravitate towards the right wing ideals which baffle me. Because we too are part of the 99%, we too want a retirement which we deserve for our years of service, we want our union rights to negotiate. And the Republicans are chipping away at those things. Dont judge all police for the actions of those seen here or elsewhere, also as former military men and women you must understand the meaning of orders to do things you may not agree with."


[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

I Fully agree, even though i have some issues with police, not all of them are bad people, probably not even most

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

Yes many police do believe in freedom of speech. But they also have the responsibility to serve and protect even if they are protecting us from one of their own. This officer ( rogue? ) is an example of domestic terrorism.The cop responsible should be prosecuted as a terrorist.

Below are direct contacts to our government. Please send in your messages of outrage and demands for justice along with demands that our right to peaceful protest be protected. You may also want to ask what happened to the guy that was filmed with the rifle strapped to his back. I believe that he was pointed out to the police by some of the legally peaceful protesters. What happened to this guy? Did he just magically disappear? Was he someones plant put there to help incite violence from the police?

Contact the White house: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact Contact the senate: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm Contact Congress: http://www.contactingthecongress.org/ Contact the house of representatives: http://www.house.gov/htbin/findrep?ZIP=55433 Contact the Supreme Court: http://www.supremecourt.gov/

Please forward this post on how to directly contact the government to everyone you know even if you don't agree with me - everyone needs to get involved. Everyone needs to voice their opinions and contribute their insights directly to their representatives. Make government employees sit up and take notice of "THE PEOPLES" want's and needs.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

He faced bullets in Iraq not he faced stun guns and tear gas at home......This is the story of the 99%

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

This video needs to be shared everywhere, as much as possible. This is a clear demonstration of the lack of concern for humanity by select police officers.

[-] 1 points by ilcsg (6) 13 years ago

Kudos to Scott Olsen. Below is my note as I support this movement.

As the number of people supporting is growing after this incident, the movement need to be more cautious on their marches. Keep track of the participant in and during march. Get to know any new face you see.

Infiltrate and destroy from within is the tactic that will almost always do good damage.

Police officers are also human when you swear and spit on them they can get provoked. Infiltrator can infiltrate the demonstrator or the police. They will provoke and heat things up. Once it cracks it will be both sides claiming who started it. Always have one with a cam as images don't lie and it is possible to be over mainstream media with images/videos.

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

The revolution will be televised!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 13 years ago

We don't need Oakland to police itself. We need the U.S. Attorney General and the FBI to investigate... if it has the cajones to do so. If it has not been co-opted by political self interest and a pandering and kowtowing to the Wall Streeters.! As a veteran myself, I am shocked and offended.

What next? Another Kent State??

[-] 1 points by Howard (25) 13 years ago

http://youtu.be/vlMVazw_vUE This shows just how OWS is so great

[-] 1 points by johnnymonicker (4) 13 years ago

Trends seem to suggest that the state will employ further violent and authoritarian methods to squelch the voice of protesters around the country. Furthermore, the growing number of protesters has lead to complications not easily remedied by a leaderless organization. I urge Occupy Wall Street to form into a cohesive political organization. Although that may be anathema to a handful of radical views within the movement, I worry that Occupy Wall Street will prove unable to manage both the growing masses of people gathering in city centers and increasing measures taken to police protesters.

The situation could lead to further injury, injuries worse than the one suffered by Scott Olsen. Political participation is not incongruous with the movement's core principles. We are only limited by the extent of our imaginations.

These are my concerns and I believe they should be addressed to The General Assembly.

[-] 1 points by rufust (22) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by littlebiggygirl (26) from Hesperia, CA 13 years ago

why did things go so badly in oakland? http://littlebiggy.org/4660547

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Hope you feel better soon Scott. Oakland will regroup and we will strike back. you will be proud.

[-] 1 points by accountablemedia (19) 13 years ago

If you want a strike in your area, start using the #generalstrike hastag


[-] 1 points by Knox (2) 13 years ago

at 0:06 seconds into the video you can see a guy in center screen pitch a gas grenade back into the line of cops lol. too bad they are wearing gas masks

[-] 1 points by loyal (1) 13 years ago

get well soon mr. olsen

[-] 1 points by pooranddownlikeyou (1) 13 years ago

First off, my condolences to the Sergeant.
Now, to all ofyou who think that what y'all are doing is good and right, y'all are wrong. You are asking me and the rest of the taxpaying citizens to give, through our government, a break to those of you who don't want to work and would rather sit out in the middle of the street screaming and yelling that you aren't being treated fairly? Guess what. Lifes tough. If you can't handle that, then go get a helmet! I am just like a lot of y'all. I make less than 20k a year, am uneducated, and have no prospect to make it out further than where I am right now. But, unlike a lot of y'all, I am actually taking responsibility for the predicament that I am in. And I am going out and getting a degree. Not in the field that I want, but in the field that I know I have the best chance of finding a job. Why should my tax dollars go to help subsidize you?

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Please please go get educated. You no not what you speak of. I can not even begin to tell you how much is just wrong in what you said. Not only that, but MOST of it is easy to research and find the truth of. Please, if you think you are informed because you read a few headlines or watch mainstream media on occasion, then DO NOT speak. You only make yourself look silly. And why on earth do you keep say "your" tax dollars. I pay taxes. I have a job. I have paid taxes at all the jobs I have had. So how is it just "your" taxes. Research.....

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

another asshole

[-] -1 points by skidu (-3) 13 years ago

yep, it's guys like you that made America great !!!!

[-] 1 points by rufust (22) 13 years ago

I wonder how many big mac burgers one has to flip to pay off the average $24,000 dollar student loan?

[-] 1 points by AngryandReady (2) from West Palm Beach, FL 13 years ago

There seems to be a wide-spread opinion that those who support this movement are dirty bums who don't pay taxes or respect authority when I suspect that actually most are well educated, working, middleclass citizens who care deeply about their country but are fed up with the way it has been manipulated by the few. It is time for those with documentation on the demographics of supporters to share it. From my discussions with collegues, I also find that there are many people who support the philosophy of the movement but are unable to actively join the protest.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You are very right. Ironically, it's the scumbags who are denouncing the protesters and the movement.

[-] 1 points by AngryandReady (2) from West Palm Beach, FL 13 years ago

There seems to be a wide-spread opinion that those who support this movement are dirty bums who don't pay taxes or respect authority when I suspect that actually most are well educated, working, middleclass citizens who care deeply about their country but are fed up with the way it has been manipulated by the few. It is time for those with documentation on the demographics of supporters to share it. From my discussions with collegues, I also find that there are many people who support the philosophy of the movement but are unable to actively join the protest.

[-] 1 points by Howard (25) 13 years ago

The funniest thing I read this a.m. You all who want to steal others stuff and be given stuff for free are angry over people who want to steal from you and eat your food for free! It's so ironic. It's so pathetic. Enjoy your brown rice. The poor homeless who just want a decent meal and the college educated goons who are paid protesters and have wealthy parents and nice apartments don't want to share with those who have less than them. I'll repeat- you are all so pathetic.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You are the pathetic one, because you don't have a damn clue as to what you're talking about. Go educate yourself, please.

[-] 1 points by rufust (22) 13 years ago

One trillion dollars works out to about $24,000.00 per student. And guess what kids? THERE'S NO JOBS! Even high-tech jobs have all been out-sourced to places like India. I wonder, how many big mac burgers one has to flip to pay back 24 grand? DUH? No wonder they're rioting! http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/campus-overload/post/one-trillion-dollars-student-loan-debt-builds-toward-yet-another-record/2011/10/19/gIQAbUoJyL_blog.html

[-] 1 points by 9OWS17 (4) 13 years ago

please read the Declaration of Independence , 2nd paragraph. it states that we have " unalienable rights endowed by our Creator " among these are Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and that " whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it." our Capitalist government has done just that , my brothers & sisters . How can we live (day to day ) much less pursue happiness when we are being oppressed & taxed into poverty by a federally sanctioned (funded) wall street ? It is our constitutional right & duty to stand & occupy in order to bring about change as well as stop these injustices to us the working class that built this country . it is further stated " it is their Right , it is their Duty to throw off such government. " We (R) the people ! stay strong ! OCCUPY !

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

So many people overlook that and the Constitution, though. Ironically, the ones who seem to be the biggest Constitutionalists are the ones who denounce the protesters and the movement, saying they shouldn't be protesting. Seems to me that a lot of people need to educate themselves more.

[-] 1 points by 9OWS17 (4) 13 years ago

please read the Declaration of Independence , 2nd paragraph. it states that we have " unalienable rights endowed by our Creator " among these are Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and that " whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it." our Capitalist government has done just that , my brothers & sisters . How can we live (day to day ) much less pursue happiness when we are being oppressed & taxed into poverty by a federally sanctioned (funded) wall street ? It is our constitutional right & duty to stand & occupy in order to bring about change as well as stop these injustices to us the working class that built this country . it is further stated " it is their Right , it is their Duty to throw off such government. " We (R) the people ! stay strong ! OCCUPY !

[-] 1 points by Howard (25) 13 years ago

Ah hah hah- your morning laugh http://youtu.be/vlMVazw_vUE

[-] 1 points by Fredone (234) 13 years ago

That was a flash bang not tear gas, idiot.

[-] 1 points by Fresh2Death13 (207) from Windsor, ON 13 years ago

If you want to STOP the attacks on peaceful protesters read this http://algoxy.com/ows/strategyofamerica.html this is a Legal option to end the oppression from the top down. The police are not out enemy the are US our brothers end the elitist regime NOW

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

elitism is turrble, why do people gotta think they are more entitled than anybody else. Oh you went to college, and learned how to manage people, well what about the guy who is strong and good with his hands, why should he be treated like less because he is a laborer, why is he less than that manager who went to school?

[-] 1 points by Knox (2) 13 years ago

It's horrifyingly sad to watch the video and see as people who he has never met before in his life having to band together to carry him away to safety as he bleeds out, while the police, who inflicted the head wound in the first place, with no reason, watch. I have points I agree with this movement, and I have points that I disagree with this movement, but all the way down to the core, everything about how they approached this is wrong. They are supposed to protect us, and here is video evidence of them doing the exact opposite. If this doesn't prove to people our system is corrupt, I don't know what will...

[-] 1 points by rufust (22) 13 years ago

It's time to "occupy media". The people should start camping out in front of TV and radio stations and their offices, and make life difficult for all their employees. It's the lying media that runs, and is ruining this country.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It's not the only guilty party but is one of the guilty parties. I agree about occupying the media. Good idea.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

word, that is a great idea, they really do spin everything tho

[-] 1 points by paplanner (58) from Mt Union, PA 13 years ago

It's good that you are figuring this out, because there are going to be an awful lot more casualties in this struggle. The power elite are just beginning their resistance, you can count on them escalating the violence and raising the stakes. Praying is about all anyone can do, because stupidity is the norm in the halls of corporate and political power.

[-] 1 points by PsycoBradO (3) from Bradford, PA 13 years ago

Thank you Scott!

[-] 1 points by wdwgrotb (28) 13 years ago

Hey if you have a stepppenwolf album,huh,oh I'm dating myself.Listen to the word to MONSTER SUICIDE/AMERICA and POWERFULLY,oh, and by the way I wasn't' yelling.Peace and Love.

[-] 1 points by AreUSerious (20) 13 years ago

Speaking as a former soldier, my heart goes out to Scott. I do, however, feel like this story is very one sided. There is no mention of the paint, fireworks, pots, rocks, and other items thrown at these police officers after the group was asked to leave their campgrounds.

It was uncalled for to shoot another round at the crowd and the officer should have the discipline and training not to hit someone with a tear gas round. I'm sure there was just cause for shooting tear gas to disperse the crowd though.

I also find it disheartening that your parading around his prior military duty while he is part of this radical movement. He's now a civilian and isn't in this movement as a representative of the US armed forces. Once I removed my BDUs and received my honorable discharge, I became a civilian. Anyone being injured in this manner is horrible and I don't think it's of value to refer to his military background for his participation in an anti-wealth movement.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

no way jose, once a marine always a marine, Semper Fidelis Scott.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

yeah rocks and pots and shit does't hurt when your in full riot gear man, but yea they shouldn't have been throwing shit if they were

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

It's called irony.... He served time in a war and was not injured. He comes home, and is in criticl condition.

[-] 1 points by Fredone (234) 13 years ago

"just cause"?? what , exactly? I saw the video when the cops started firing. There was no justification whatsoever. Secondly, I have not heard allegations even of other stuff being thrown at the oakland cops, never mind evidence. In atlanta there was supposedly bottles and rocks but that's it, and it could well have been people who were planted goons/a false flag operation or provocateurs.

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

I think they read one story that the mayor was told by a cop about the protesters throwing stuff at them. Funny, i watched live feed that morning and saw none of it. Also haven't seen it on any other footage. Nor, have any of those interviewed with the movement or NOT, mentioned it either. They all say they did not see it. hmm.. really.. What do you think the police are going to say... get real.

[-] 1 points by AreUSerious (20) 13 years ago

Read the Oakland Tribune

[-] 1 points by Argentina (178) from Puerto Madryn, Chubut 13 years ago

Youtube counter has stop and been backed to 8312 views......they are bloking it...

[-] 1 points by gtotheg (1) 13 years ago

Police State, Police State, Police State, Police State, Police State.

Police State Detected!

[-] 1 points by Thinking7 (11) from North Babylon, NY 13 years ago

I am not clear the correct spelling of "Scott Olson"'s name. The way you have it is the same as Vets for Peace. Though, there are more times in the news and on Twitter it is spelled "Olson". (You may want to "tag" for both spellings, to make sure you do not lose viewers, or robot hits) All love and support to Scott and his family.

[-] 1 points by sunflowerhippo (3) from North, VA 13 years ago

This young man fought for our freedoms in Irag in this country. If we cannot peacefully protest against the robber barons of wall street and big business, why did he put his life on the line? quan should be ousted-cops brought up on charges.

[-] 1 points by sunflowerhippo (3) from North, VA 13 years ago

This young man fought for our freedoms in Irag in this country. If we cannot peacefully protest against the robber barons of wall street and big business, why did he put his life on the line? quan should be ousted-cops brought up on charges.

[-] 1 points by sunflowerhippo (3) from North, VA 13 years ago

This young man fought for our freedoms in Irag in this country. If we cannot peacefully protest against the robber barons of wall street and big business, why did he put his life on the line? quan should be ousted-cops brought up on charges.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Thomas312 (9) 13 years ago

Well I have taken a look at the other point of view at conservative websites and such and the following visit to the occupy Oakland camp the day before the eviction is hailed there as the ultimate proof of OWs being a gathering of everything they find disgusting. This has really changed my view of the protests in a sense that it's quite impossible to condone what's going on there. They all turn a blind eye to what actually put people there and the history of Oakland which causes a lot or reason for antipolice sentiment. I also heard Howard Sterns report of a visit to occupy wall street and the dumb answers given to very simple and straightforward questions really just flushed a lot of my hopes down the drain. Sorry but I do not feel represented by a lot of the people occupying, I share the discontent with the system but I'm tired of the radicalism and shallow rhetoric surrounding the whole thing. The unsanitary conditions of the occupation and the simple fact that a lot of protesters there don't seem to have a clue about how closely they are watched for any reason to ridicule, dismiss and arrest them is a real reason for pessimism. The movement desperately needs to take the next step and take a good look at itself. I don't see why selfregulation of the markets can be evil and selfregulation of society is suddenly fantastic, inconcistencies like that are rampant all over occupation sites . I don't mind the movement trying to be all inclusive but when it comes to squatting at squares 24/7 it's quite clear that te best and brightest don't really show up. I think it's very embarrassing that basic issues like security and sanitation haven't been dealt with yet. The lack of transparency on the use of collected funds is also a major cause for dismissal. There's a great number of people wanting to do something about society's problems but the occupations seem to be so struggling with even the most basic forms of organization. They are essentially moving that far away from those that need to be convinced to join the movement that it's turning into a sitting duck scenario. The NYCGA has had a month to come up with demands, a working organizational structure and a decent pr strategy but has nothing to show for it. I'm not a troll, I honest to god am not, but I always look at things from every point of view possible instead of only seeing what I want to see. I hope zombie's account of her visit to the Oakland site opens up some eyes about the possibility of getting anything done applying the current approach. What went on in Oakland is directly feeding into the rightwing conspiracy theory just like many here have an over the top conspiratory view of the rightwing. Besides both claim the other party to be the direct road to the third Reich etc. There's a sense of urgency here to consolidate organize regulate and most importantly clean up the image and solidify the message. Like it or not, Zombie nails every major problem for this movement becoming anything but a rather hilarious outburst of discontent only with few reasoning going on behind it, not that I don't see the complete ignoring of the reality of the recession, it's just not very hard to stigmatize. And the worst is, everyone will be posting views on it and be revolted, fingerpointing msm and trolls, but the guy that dropped the crack cocaine bag or the guy walking around occupy Atlanta with an AK 47 are also trolls to me. Enough with the anarchy and radical marxism bs, it won't get you anywhere. The tower of Babel comes to mind, not that I'm very religious, but... http://pjmedia.com/zombie/2011/10/24/is-occupy-oakland-as-bad-as-they-say/

[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Did they mention the shape the park was in BEFORE occupy moved in. Rats and such where already a mainstay. And they show some people who don't seem to know what is happening. How many people did they interview thsat had very informed and intelligent answers before they found those, or was one maybe even their own guy. But of course, they don't show those. You want to see real interviews of some of the real people, Go to Youtube and look it up. There are plenty. Then go back to the Vietnam war coverage. Look at the first few weeks.. then look towards the end of it. The big guys had a talk with the media in between there. Suddenly, the coverage changed drasically. And as far as goals, we have several. It's not what do we want, it's were do we begin. It took time and many factors for us to get to where we are. One thing is not going to solve it. Those that want one answer or reason, should'nt give us so many to choose from. And we have already accomplished a very large part of what we wanted. We have created more awareness. People have started asking questions. They are getting off their couch and researching for themselves instead of sleepwalking through mainstream media. We have shown the world and those in charge of it, that we are awake. That we know. That we are not just going to keep our heads buried in the sand and take whatever is fed us, or ignore so much injustice. There is NO change without awareness first.

[-] 1 points by Thomas312 (9) 13 years ago

All I'm saying is that when people want it all to look bad, you shouldn't make it so easy. Guy walking around with a gun? He's not one of us. People speaking on the radio too stoned to come up with a simple answer to why are you here? The corporates did it. It's a bit too easy and I feel that paranoia is a bad adviser, it's what creeped me out on teh conservative boards. A lot of triggerhappy messages alot of hatred a lot of belief in an evil conspiracy, but I read the same here daily, too much to be just a few crazy fringe marginals. I love those advocating peaceful protest but there has been talk about molotovs here and "fighting back" just the same as those are writing that believe the world is being run by the Antichrist. I didn't expect any reaction so I'm glad I got yours, but without any fingerpointing anyone with any intention can walk in and ruin it. The reports of theft going on in the occupy camps are many and haven't been addressed effectively. And now we have to rush into the police provocation trap and have a crosscountry LA '92? It's not my way of protest and it's not what any country's majority wants, I'm warning against what I think is wrong within. I don't like a dogmatic and paranoid view of the world whatever the utopia the advocated violence is supposed to create. In short a strike, political action, education helping of the people and dealing with those problems that remain unaddressed by the powers that be without govt interference I think are good, A few hundred masked hotheads paintbombing, hurling stones and playing cat and mouse games with the police I think are counterproductive. I fear the radicals taking over, can't help it. As an African American citizen of Oakland from a gang and meth ridden neighborhood who has been harassed by predominantly white police officers who don't even live in the city I'd probably feel different, I mean considering what happened in 2009 and also the history with the Black Panthers the attitude against the police is understandable yet it will lead to more bullets and jailtime. You can claim this to be a heroic sacrifice for the cause but it only is when a majority perceives it that way.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Regardless of what your position on the movement is, NO ONE should be getting shot in the head by police and having their skull fractured for PROTESTING PEACEFULLY.

[-] 1 points by Thomas312 (9) 13 years ago

I agree that's why I signed the petition, still one should be careful about the image presented to the outside world. I mean we're talking about garbage pick ups and toilets here. If you can't organize that where is the legitimacy to have an influence on complex laws that govern us all.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Well, it's probably a little hard to organize that during a protest. Did they do such things in past movements like the Civil Rights movement, the suffragist movement, etc.? Denouncing people's ability to reason and influence laws because of a lack of porta-potties is short-sighted, IMO.

[-] 1 points by Thomas312 (9) 13 years ago

First of all I'm not the enemy here, I'm just trying to put myself a bit in the position of the bystander I believe needs to be convinced to join not run away holding their nose, passing by the site. If you occupy a square for the long haul you're supposed to be able to provide solutions for the problems that you encounter especially if the ambitions are as steep as the ones stated. I feel after all the effort I did to present a useful unbiased point of view I'm just being pushed into the cartoonist perspective of the brainwashed zombie. I did all I can not to be presenting a shortsighted view and I feel my perspective to be pretty relevant. The movement got plenty in donations to simply roll up a few showercabins and toilet cabins. It's just things like these that prove you can get things done. I didn't denounce the whole movement because of it, but sanitary and security conditions are the main motivation behind all attempts to drive people off the squares. How about some foresight and anticipation of the critiques of the movement. They call you dirty and smelly, that's dirty and smelly right there and it's so easy to fix. I didn't denounce, I asked an open question, big difference. All I said is: See what really is, listen to critiques in a constructive manner and try to improve in other words don't just dogmatically see what you want to see like you just did. Sad and in the meanwhile nothing gets done about the simplest of problems. Please prove me wrong instead of pulling out a rhetorcial trick. I got plenty of those aswell, but I'm here for constructive debate. At some point you need to counter the arguments against you with actions not rhetorics. ps the civil rights movement and the suffragist movement and all the other protest movements have encountered practical problems and have solved them, I do suggest to declare yourself their heir when something has been achieved that lives up to their achievements, you're not there yet. I also noticed you have been all over anyone daring to say something negative spouting insults, none of the two movements you name went "I have a dream for all fuckfaces and closetfags who have a different opinion to go back to mommy's basement." Peaceful protest starts with peaceful language.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

I would suggest that OWS bring in Adam Kokesh, from Iraq Vets Against the War (he's a col. in the Marines) tp speak to the assembly. In this video you can see several people assaulted by cops for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial:

Adam Kokesh body slammed, choked, police brutality at Jefferson Memorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jUU3yCy3uI

Click on his name, below the video and message him. He's a fabulous speaker and has first hand experience with these thugs.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFedNow (692) 13 years ago

Survive two tours in Iraq and come home to get your head bashed in by cops. Not the first this has happened. Cops have beaten AND killed innocent vets, in the past couple of years.

[-] 1 points by LaineyK (4) 13 years ago

Thoughts and prayers with Scott Olsen and his family. This should not happen in this country EVER! We are supposed to be protected by the 1st Amend. The mayor and police commissioner of Oakland should be tarred and feathered! Yes, I SAID TARRED AND FEATHERED, because that is as ridiculous as them gassing and shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protesters. And if your going to tell me they(the protesters) deserve this because that's what you heard in main stream media, then I will tell YOU to get your head out of your ASS and wake-up cause YOU my friend are being conditioned to accept this behavior. THIS IS NOT OK! AND IT SHOULD NEVER EVER BE OK, EVER

[-] 1 points by LaineyK (4) 13 years ago

Prayers and thoughts with Scott Olsen and his family! This should not happen in this country EVER! We are supposed to be protected by the 1st Amend. The mayor and police commissioner of Oakland should be tarred and feathered! Yes, I SAID TARRED AND FEATHERED, because that is as ridiculous as them gassing and shooting rubber bullets at peaceful protesters. And if your going to tell me they(the protesters) deserve this because that's what you heard in main stream media, then I will tell YOU to get your head out of your ASS and wake-up cause YOU my friend are being conditioned to accept this behavior. THIS IS NOT OK! AND IT SHOULD NEVER EVER BE OK, EVER

[-] 1 points by OccupyTV (1) 13 years ago

We stand with Oakland. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u49U_jzn6GQ

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

cute dog

[-] 1 points by fighton (15) 13 years ago

Come gather 'round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You'll be drenched to the bone If your time to you Is worth savin' Then you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again And don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who That it's namin' For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There's a battle outside And it is ragin' It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is Rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn The curse it is cast The slow one now Will later be fast As the present now Will later be past The order is Rapidly fadin' And the first one now Will later be last For the times they are a-changin'.

[-] 1 points by INDIA11 (3) from Cloverdale, CA 13 years ago

In addition to the mayor's number create a link to local and national media to forward this video the world is watching much love to Scott and family

[-] 1 points by csmdrj (2) 13 years ago

Has anyone thought of designing a OWS Meadel of Honor and presenting it to him? And how about a OWS Medal of Solidarity to those who came to his aid?

[-] 1 points by csmdrj (2) 13 years ago

Has anyone thought of designing a OWS Meadel of Honor and presenting it to him? And how about a OWS Medal of Solidarity to those who came to his aid? Like myself he is a Veteran!

[-] 1 points by Fredone (234) 13 years ago

That's silly, you don't get a prize for getting injured. You get the help you need, and we make sure you are avenged, the event is put to best use for highlighting the injustices as you would want it to be, etc.

[-] 1 points by csmdrj (2) 13 years ago

Has anyone thought of designing a OWS Meadel of Honor and presenting it to him? And how about a OWS Medal of Solidarity to those who came to his aid? Like myself he is a Veteran!

[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

What is Gov. Brown's response to this??

[-] 1 points by OccuWhinersAreScum (-1) 13 years ago

Brown was probably too stoned to give one.

[-] 1 points by OwnWallStreetStinks (-5) 13 years ago

Then he and these OccuScum have a lot in common.

[-] 1 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

Everyone send healing energy to this young man, Scott Olsen, he looks like such a gentle soul sitting with his little dog.

[-] 1 points by OccuPervsSmellFunny (2) 13 years ago

And it's about 'Hand Twinkles' and idiots dressing up in weird costumes to confront bankers...ooooh scary and real mature.

Nothing says "Take Me Seriously" like a bunch of morons arguing over drums LOL.

[-] 1 points by petrie1130 (10) from Columbus, OH 13 years ago

Baseless generalizations are not jabs at the movement but rather stabs at the population that resists it. Your repetitive and monotonous comments are only proving how misguided and consequentially uninformed you are. Whenever somebody on the fence about the movement sees the overflowing ignorance of people like you they will assuredly be convinced to join the Occupation. Keep it up, troll.

[-] 1 points by OccuPervsAreFreaks (16) 13 years ago

Baseless? All you have to do is read the comments here to see it's all about 'twinkles' and pranks and infights over drummers and money.

No one takes you perverts seriously.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

haha twinkles, twinkles man. twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you aren't

[-] 1 points by petrie1130 (10) from Columbus, OH 13 years ago

Five weeks in and hundreds of cities across the globe have fallen in line behind OWS. We are being taken very seriously whether you choose to believe so or not. If you want to truly know what this revolution is about, I suggest actually attending an occupation rather than reading forum comments and regurgitating Fox News.

Seriously, no one takes you seriously.

[-] 1 points by OccuPervsSmellFunny (2) 13 years ago

No, it's not about Fox News. It's about morons living in their mommy's basements who want handouts.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You're the one living in your mama's basement and the one who is jobless, aren't you?

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

You idiots have no shame. You revealed your perverse character here and "IcanSmellYou" please go away.

[-] 1 points by occupyguy (33) 13 years ago

Are you kidding me? This guy is seriously injured. He had a job and served his country until the cops maimed him. People are offering their sympathy and you post this crap?

[-] 1 points by RevolutionaryTruth (95) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

The policemen will see the truth and it will open their eyes to what they are really doing because all they are is tools of the scared politicans because this movement will NOT STOP!!!---> http://therevolutionarytruth.tumblr.com/

[-] 2 points by johnis48 (72) 13 years ago

The problem is the policeman thinks he was doing his job which he was,but he needs to realize that he is a puppet of a gov't that is out of control.And this young man was only trying to express his feelings and had every right to do so.

[-] 0 points by RevolutionaryTruth (95) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

He also fought to defend this nation and the constitution, yet he comes home and see's the state that the nation is in. He believes and wants "TRUE CHANGE" because this nation is failing, and instead of being wounded by "terrorist or insurgents" he's shot in the head by a Police Officer with tear gas!!! What has this nation come too?---> http://therevolutionarytruth.tumblr.com/

[-] 0 points by johnis48 (72) 13 years ago

Couldn't agree more. And those in charge should be held accountible for this in justice.And now is the time to demand justice be carried out for this true believer in America.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by ksheila1 (25) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Send them this link... www.occupypolice.org

[-] 1 points by RevolutionaryTruth (95) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

The select few police men who actually believe in this movement is clearly show by the way Occupiers around the nation, and the world have been treated by them!

[-] 1 points by InkedHeart (4) 13 years ago

peace & <3 friend!

[-] 0 points by OccupyWallStreetButtons (16) 13 years ago


A portion of proceeds will go toward the local movement in the form of food and water. If you have a few extra bucks, drop off a box of apples or anything you can to the folks outside in your community!

Free Shipping Offer! http://buttonbasket.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=25


[-] 0 points by OccupyWallStreetButtons (16) 13 years ago


A portion of proceeds will go toward the local movement in the form of food and water. If you have a few extra bucks, drop off a box of apples or anything you can to the folks outside in your community!

Free Shipping Offer! http://buttonbasket.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=25


[-] 0 points by MagPie22 (144) 13 years ago

Sad he is injured and we hope police will be thrown into the courtrooms.

However, Olsen should never have joined the army as well as everyone else should never have joined the army.

In doing so they are part of the scam and they are willfully doing an act of crime together with the generals and the government.

Stay out of the army.

It is dishonerable to join the army. Who said it was honorable are liers and Hollywood and the gameing industry is part of the great lie to bring people to war killing other people.

It is mostly very ignorant people who join the army in the first place. Once they are done in the army they realize it was a joke and they are so much more wiser.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

This is an example of domestic terrorism.The cop responsible should be prosecuted as a terrorist.

Below are direct contacts to our government. Please send in your messages of outrage and demands for justice along with demands that our right to peaceful protest be protected. You may also want to ask what happened to the guy that was filmed with the rifle strapped to his back. I believe that he was pointed out to the police by some of the legally peaceful protesters. What happened to this guy? Did he just magically disappear? Was he someones plant put there to help incite violence from the police?

Spread the word: make direct contact for change. Please share with everyone you know and have them do the same.

Contact the White house: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact Contact the senate: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm Contact Congress: http://www.contactingthecongress.org/ Contact the house of representatives: http://www.house.gov/htbin/findrep?ZIP=55433 Contact the Supreme Court: http://www.supremecourt.gov/

[-] 0 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

The police continue to make heroes of the protesters and the Occupy movement.

The WHOLE WORLD supports OWS.

[-] 0 points by Theundecidedpercent (24) 13 years ago

What rubbish is this, I am not Scott Olsen!

[-] 0 points by hillary (252) 13 years ago

So he walked in front of some raised muzzles? Was he an "arrestable"?

[-] 0 points by hillary (252) 13 years ago

So Occupy not only has people that are designated to be arrested (called "arrestables"), but now they have "injurables"? Nice PR coup!

I have to admit it does take guts to walk in front of a series of raised muzzles.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

Lots of them, but who would think that they would fire

[-] 0 points by ddiggs690 (277) 13 years ago

Hey I lost my post and the response, how can I retreive it? It looks like I can't pull up any responses I receive anymore. Is this a common problem?

[-] 0 points by fighton (15) 13 years ago

Below is copied from another poster.

What have we achieved so far? Let's face it. We have not occupied Wall Street, nor any street for that matter. We have not even been able to walk on a street, only its sidewalk! Peaceful protest can only take us this far. Now the police are getting violent. We are taking casualties. We are right, the whole world is watching. It is watching and wondering when, if ever, we will fight back. This will decide if it will give full support to our cause. What are we waiting for? Let's roll!

[-] 1 points by Fredone (234) 13 years ago

Some rational reason to think that might work instead of completely backfire, which it would?

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

It would work if enough people were motivated to fight, and formed units of people who knew each other long enough to exclude enemy agents and snitches.It woud take, based on the numbers from insurgencies elsewhere and the huge size of the US, tens of thousands of insurgent troops, supported by hundreds of thousands of active sympathizers, backed by millions of supporters. The raw political support we have of 37% by that Washington Post poll could mean we would get this, if that support is deep enough to stay with us when the shit hits the fan.

If armed force will be used by the banksters and a governement they own in sufficient volume to forcibly suppress peaceful protest, then we will have only one choice: raise or fold. To fold would require open-ended submission to whatever the corporations want, and they would press their advantage to the limit if they think they've shot us down. We would end up their slaves.

On the other hand, if we have to go to war, with 1/3 of the public on our side, another third on the Tea Party side, and 1/3 neutral, we would be in for sectarian as well as revolutionary warfare. A lot of long civil wars have had that set of numbers. I believe we would be able to win, give some training and preparation, but it would be some brutal fighting, looking more like Iraq than Egypt or even Libya.

Ideally we would find a way to deter the police violence, keep the protests going, and make enough of a show of building a deterrent force that the banksters would sober up. If we want this to work like Egypt, where violence was contained, instead of like Iraq, that's what we need. Use your imagination, there are a hell of a lot of ways to deter the rich people who give orders to the cops.

[-] 0 points by MikeZ (3) 13 years ago

It's irrelevant what he's a veteran of, cops overreacted to violence from OWS side.

[-] 0 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

I asked radio host "Normangoldman" to explain this situation to me of no avail. First, the unionized police, fire, first-responders embraced as a key entity dismissed by the 1 percent- think Madison, Wisconsin. Now, through some strange vortex, the police/keepers of order have become "boots on the ground".  Yet, there is no empathy to the fact that local budgets and resources are being stretched to keep the OWS encampments safe. Likewise, the local business entities and people which reside in these zones have been rather giving. I in no way condone brutality in any guise or form.  When resources are being diverted from accidents, homicides, and other unseemly local events in order to placate the needs of OWS......stress is mounting. Just another vantage point. 

This should have never happened to Scott.

[-] 0 points by sweattshop (-1) from Tracy, CA 13 years ago

The police are trying to keep a paycheck. Some see this as interfering with their regular work, which they are short handed and underfunded. Some see this from an extreme right point of view. While others will soon have to march with us because they will be out of work too.

[-] 1 points by Ubuntu (34) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Police don't get fired... usually. They usually lose their rank, gun, or at most they will get forced into early retirement but rarely do they lose their job. Sometimes they get demoted to such a low rank they will quit but they aren't worried about their jobs.They probably do get a bonus though which helps because they get paid so poorly.

[-] 1 points by aaronparr (597) 13 years ago

police do get fired. a great deal of people were recently laid off on the oakland police force. one of my old friends among them.

i've got friends on every side of this fight. and i hope they all join us in solidarity sooner rather than later.

[-] 0 points by johnis48 (72) 13 years ago

God's prayers go out to scott. Please people of oakland and for that matter all people, let this be a ralling call for mass marches. Let the people who believe change is needed to unite in mass and stand strong to those who commit crimes against every human being who has a right to stand up to the powers to be. God bless you scott

[-] -1 points by skidu (-3) 13 years ago

Greetings of solidarity from Munich, Germany. That one percent has a lot of resource at its disposal - the Oakland "riot police" is just the tip of an iceberg. The OWS - movement hat to grow to the relative proportions that we saw in Cairo. Clearly, that will be the only language that that 1 % understands. On the way, there will be many opportunities to become street-wise and find new creative ways of resistance.

[-] -2 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

Fuck peace.

Throw a molotov cocktail at those pigs if you have to.

This is our fucking country and we're not going to put up with this bullshit!

They think they can deal with us?!

Not by a long shot!

[-] 2 points by Chrissieg55 (6) 13 years ago

I'm sorry you are feeling such anger. I am too, but I'd like you to consider a few things: whose country are you referring to when you say "our"? Who specifically are the "they" who seem to know how to deal with us? Again who are the "us" that you refer to? Doesn't this country belong to ALL of us? Isn't that one of the messages of this movement? How are your comments supportive of finding solutions to the divisions that exist in this country? How might you use the anger you feel in ways that can bring an end to such divisions? The solutions do not rest in destructive, violent responses. They are not found in name calling, in disparaging remarks, or in threats. They are found through thoughtful, mindful conversation. So, be angry yes, but do not let your anger perpetuate the injustices you so rightly protest. If you do, you become the abuser.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

you do know that self defense is always that, if i am attacked i will retaliate, i unlike the U.S. government do not believe in preemptive strikes.............hhaha lol haha. But seriously in Egypt they had to resort to violence in order to defend themselves, they burned down police stations and government buildings in response to the overt violence that the police used against them.

[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

The Oakland has a track record of being a load of thugs.

They don't listen and they will not listen.

They cracked somebody's skull and threw explosives when people were trying to help pick someone up from the ground.

You think somebody ordered them to do that?!

If you guys allow this to happen again it will be because you're cowards.

[-] 1 points by Chrissieg55 (6) 13 years ago

The solutions do not rest in destructive, violent responses. They are not found in name calling, in disparaging remarks, or in threats. They are found through thoughtful, mindful conversation. So, be angry yes, but do not let your anger perpetuate the injustices you so rightly protest. If you do, you become the abuser.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally agree.

[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago

You've heard of Darrell Issa ???

California has its share of madness.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

there are more of us then of them, but perhaps someone is pulling the strings you know, marionette style.

[-] 1 points by democraticgreensocialist (3) 13 years ago

The thoughts of progressives in Scotland are with Scott Olsen, his friends and family, and all those seeking economic equity and social justice through the US and world-wide Occupy movements.

[-] 1 points by bouttime0300 (58) 13 years ago

mucho Gracias mi amigo

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Thank you so much!

[-] 0 points by vets74 (344) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Thank you.