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We are the 99 percent

A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Eleven)

Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 9:53 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: communiqué

This is the eleventh communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street. We will not be moved.

On September 27th, 2011, many friends participated in our democratic process.

Susan Sarandon
man holding sign
man with flag
Dr. Cornel West

Nearly two thousand people gathered to hear Dr. West open our General Assembly:

General Assemblies are forming country-wide, worldwide. We are everywhere.

#occupyboston (Click Here for the flyer)

Occupy Chicago

We are seeing change in our world, block by block – city by city.

Join our conversation.



Read the Rules
[-] 6 points by MarieM (8) 13 years ago

When I heard about Occupy Wall Street, I knew my prayers were answered. I have always said that the corporations own our county, and they are destroying it. There is no common sense anymore in America. It's time that our government knows that the U.S.A is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. NOT for the corporations and the wealthiest!! It's time to take it back. I proudly stand with you.

[-] 1 points by howchinadefeatsus (2) 13 years ago

How would Abraham Lincoln address the present situation that the government that oppress the people, rob the people and rape the people will not perish from this earth because of the support from that government of the people, by the people, for the people. It’s time for the US government to ask itself whether it is still that kind of government defined by Lincoln. The Wall Street scandals and US economic crisis own great parts to that rogue government with which politicians make deals and those great 1% do immoral business.

[-] 1 points by UnitedWeStand (1) 13 years ago

I'll second that MarieM. I'm sick and tired of most politicians who are bought and paid for by Big Business and Wall Street. The sleeping giant has been awoken.

[-] 1 points by taxtherich (2) 13 years ago

Amen to that Marie,you almost took the words from my mouth..I am a 50 something small business owner and that side of me says not to support this.... but i want to support it.....because I an tired of being screwed by the big banks and wall street and our dysfunctional government...it is time for a change...Lets rock in roll !!

[-] 1 points by atheve3 (34) 13 years ago

Big banks run our lives and take our tax dollars under the pretense of a bailout!! I owned two homes and the banks played every crooked rule in the book to take my equity away and the government made it easy for them!!!

[-] 1 points by ljeanabldrco (20) 13 years ago

me too! been waiting for this for sure!~50 something...lol

[-] 1 points by thatsenoughgirl (4) 13 years ago

Dec 5th isNational Pull Out Day..take allmoney out of Bank of America and Wells Fargo!

[-] 1 points by atheve3 (34) 13 years ago

I cannot wait!! Banks own our government and they are making more $ than ever before with our tax money!!

[-] 1 points by GandhiKingMindset (124) 13 years ago

Here's one person's idea of where we go from here. I'm sure there are many viable options. This is just one opinion submitted respectfully. https://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-please-help-editadd-so-th/

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

please. without Wall Street investors, many in the middle-class would not have jobs.

[-] 2 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

That's ok, worker owned factories will function just fine without the 1 percenters. Fuck em, they can move to the NAFTA zone in Mexico or to radically polluted China.

[-] 1 points by anonalien (77) 13 years ago

and this is how it should be. because capitalism means selling work power for a wage and agreeing to having no part in the profits. in other words a person enslaves him or herself by agreeing to work for a capitalist, especially when the wage they work for is very low.

[-] 1 points by TheJRMeadows (3) 13 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen of Occupy Wall Street:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY3T5u81ytg I have been waiting for you for more than seventy years. I have seen, heard, experienced and considered many things. There is legitimate precedent and viable solution, to restore the natural universal economy. viable society and legitimate egalitarian universally representative democratic government, that this nation and its people may endure. I solicit your understanding and support.
It does not matter who holds the position of President, if the people understand and are united to do what is right. Full Employment Full Pay and Full Benefits at a level based upon and adjusted to the costs of living and assured by the national Treasury, permitting everyone the human right to participate in the social and economic intercourse requisite to a good life, classically, historically, including here in the United States of America (Roosevelt 1941) is the first step in restoring all human rights, the natural viability of the society, its requisite universal economy and legitmate egalitarian universally representative democratic government. Further: http://john-richardson-meadows.angelfire.com/America.html ( essay: "The Protocols of Capital"). MUSIC VIDEO (Rallying Song): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Njit6b254 MUSIC VIDEO (Intellectual Renaissance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlWc744F5fI

[-] 1 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

then quit your job and become self employed. problem solved

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Amen, Anon

[-] 1 points by TheVolunteerWino (112) 13 years ago

no we would all have jobs, . it would just be a different world we live in

[-] 1 points by TheVolunteerWino (112) 13 years ago

thats a pretty general and factless statement, . tell me, . your an investor?

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

You are saying wallstreet investors are doing charity by providing jobs? They are profiting from the hard work and dedication of common people my friend. They are like mosquitos and bed bugs who live and thrive of other people's blood. ;)

[-] 1 points by AlanO (52) 13 years ago

I don't think that's what he's saying at all.

"Corporate" investors (of the non-outsourcing type) DO provide jobs. And they make their money from that job creation (expansion). However, some investors make their money from other money. It's these "money from money" investors that are most damaging to our economy.

Making money from money does the most damage, because that money is made through "extraction" FROM the economy. It doesn't cycle THROUGH the economy via reinvestment that creates more jobs.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

When it comes to small business owners, it's totally different. Small business owners actually take care of their employee's needs.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Don't make a statement that "Corporate investors provide jobs". That is not their motive(their motive is profit), jobs are an indirect effect of their investment. If robots can do the same job as a human at a lower cost they will gladly employ robots instead of humans.

[-] 1 points by AlanO (52) 13 years ago

They do.

And to deny this across the board is simply disingenuous, and quite frankly, a pretty illiterate thing to say. Not ALL corporations are inherently evil. And focusing on profit is not an inherently "evil" thing. Investors that fund corporate expansion are not extracting at anywhere near the rate of a company that uses an investment to automate. Hence, they are investing in "expansion". Which usually includes increasing the company's workforce number.

A corporation that uses investment to fully automate, is not a "job creator". It is an "extractor". Removing profit from the economy, and funneling it upward.

You'd be wise to learn the difference, and understand that not all corporations or investors are created equal.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I guess, you are a corporate investor and you want to be called a job creator ;) Corporations are non living things, how foolish to term them as evil or good. The actions taken on behalf a corporation are always taken by one or more humans who are either good or evil.

[-] 1 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

just like government.... but government always becomes evil. less government = better world.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Govt doesn't become evil. The money makes the people in govt go crazy. The world revolves around money my friend. Here's a quote for you,

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws." -Mayer Amschel Rothschild

[-] 0 points by AlanO (52) 13 years ago

Since you're curious:

I AM a job creator, dumbass.

I own a small construction business in Upstate New York. I employ 6 skilled tradesmen and 2 helpers/laborers. And during the peak season, it goes to 12/4 to meet increased demand. I pay them a fair wage. Fair enough in fact, that they can afford their own private health insurance for themselves and their families, without it being a burden on them, so I don't have to absorb that cost through their salaries.

WTF do you do?

You kick back and complain about shit you clearly know very little about on a protest message board. Don't put words into the mouths of others, in your uninformed efforts to prove points you obviously don't have.

I'm well aware of what the SCOTUS decision in the Citizens United case means. And I didn't need your ignorant reminder. The SCOTUS decision has ZERO bearing on which corporations are extractionary or expansionary. Because according to that decision, BOTH are equal under the guise of "personhood". And corporate personhood doesn't determine whether a company expands into the economy or extracts from it.

[-] 1 points by TheVolunteerWino (112) 13 years ago

Your little 8 employee construction business has investors?, . its on wall street?, . .is that how you employed the middle class?, . . .wow, . .how much do you pay out in dividends, . .whats the current price of your stock?

[-] 1 points by AlanO (52) 13 years ago

Was there a point to this illiterate comment?

Stick to the easy stuff. Like whether to use a fork or a spoon to eat your spaghetti.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

My view is that we should return to a modified apprenticeship system which allows on the job training immediately, leads to small business ownership for everyone, and begins paying well, well above the cost of living on the first day of work.

We all have potential. We all have the ability to live a leisurely and happy life, full of education and opportunity, without all of this technology and industry, as we did in agrarian societies for tens of thousands of years (unless an emperor decided to enslave his people). How much more leisurely and free should we be with these tools?

I believe that the problem is that some people don't hardly contribute anything to society at all, or at least not any more than average, but by virtue of an inherited privilege, they get paid 60 million instead of 60 thousand a year. Then, people in such positions begin to expect that lifestyle. They fight to keep it. They become willing to cost a hundred men making 60k/yr a quarter of their salary in order to maintain their 60 million dollar a year money addiction, and then try to justify that act at any cost.

You want to be the boss, and create jobs, and build your empire, and live like a king? Fine, do that, be a benevolent king, and do it for the common good. Do it for what your lowest paid employee makes and pour all those assets you "create" back into the economy that gave them to you in the first place.

Otherwise, you will probably become a tyrant.

Tyrant - any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Do you support single payer health insurance by the government or you want private health insurance ? Just curios..

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I knew you had a personal interest there :) Anyways, I am for Small business owners. I thank you and entrepreneurs like you. Why do you want to compare your business with what Walmart or McDonalds does. They destroy middle class and you support middle class.

[-] 1 points by AlanO (52) 13 years ago

You seriously need to stop putting words into peoples mouths.

The fact that I run a small business, has no bearing whatsoever over the understanding of what defines a company type. Corporations come in many various configurations, and not all of them are extractionary.

As for universal healthcare, I have no opinion either way. As I said, I pay my people well enough to afford their own private insurance. If universal healthcare were put in place tomorrow, I could only see it as beneficial to my employees, and pretty inconsequential to my business.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Nobody here is saying all corporations cause destruction.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

I am. All centralization causes corruption, inefficiency, and destruction. Why allow centralization of whole sectors of the global economy under one banner that answers only to a few un-named majority shareholders? Why do we allow kings to hide behind brands and enjoy the spoils of our efforts? Why channel the wealth of the Nation to inheritance investors rather than the actual creators?

[-] 2 points by shadowxsx (3) from New Pekin, IN 13 years ago

H.R. 2028: Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2011 also needs added to the agenda. These private loan lenders are the some of the most corrupt lenders out there and will continue with their "oppression" of borrowers that are unable to pay due to being unemployed or underemployed.

I have been saying for years that the majority has no power anymore, only the rich.

If things keep going the way they are we will be back in the dark ages type political system and have the rich and the peasant classes only. The corporations need to be kept out of Washington by LAW. Lobbyists be put in federal prison for bribery and crimes against humanity.

The rich corporations are ruining this country and don't care as long as they stay rich and the bigwigs keep their multimillion dollar pensions.

[-] 2 points by thatsenoughgirl (4) 13 years ago

Dec 5th is National Pull Out Day! take all your money from Bank of America and Wells Fargo.......put in small local banks!

[-] 2 points by skizzy (445) 13 years ago

DO NOT permitted the Democratic Party Establishment to co-opt this movement

[-] 2 points by mtpaul (2) 13 years ago

MPaul (Tampa, FL) - I support this movement 100%. It's about time to take our country back. Yes, the corporations and lobbyists have entirely too much power and influence. The election system is not equitable. ALL candidates should have the same amount of money and find creative ways to get their message to the public. THAT is fair! The people below who are using profanity and hurling insults at each other are doing NOTHING to add positively to the critical situation we are in. Say something constructive or stay out of the conversation. The people of the U.S. are struggling to survive, and EVERYONE needs to participate in a positive way in this movement to get our country back.

[-] 2 points by fraser (35) 13 years ago

Brian (speaker): Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't NEED to follow ME, You don't NEED to follow ANYBODY! You've got to think for your selves! You're ALL individuals!

The Crowd (protesters): Yes! We're all individuals!

Brian (speaker: You're all different!

The Crowd (protesters): Yes, we ARE all different!

[-] 1 points by Bizinuez (120) from Raleigh, NC 13 years ago

Love that movie, love that scene. However, we are all pissed and have a common bond. We pretty much all came to these conclusions on our own! :D

[-] 2 points by kyuubs (2) 13 years ago

This is an awesome site and page. Can you guys please stop calling each other names and arguing over the meanings of words and start discussing constructive things like they are doing out there on Wall St?

To all you occupying Wall st: Keep up the good work and stick together! You guys are an inspiration and a source of hope for the rest of us.


[-] 2 points by DankYogurt (6) 13 years ago

Ron Paul is the only guy to ever have the FED audited, just for that alone if you believe that corporations are taking over every facet of our existence he should be way ahead of the rest of the tools available. If this movement got behind Ron Paul, who the MSM (and their corporate owners) clearly loathe it could resonate real change. Ron Paul is from Texas and does not fit into a politically correct box, but is the only real candidate who will try to bring and end to the ceaseless wars and security theatre that America is hemorrhaging from.

[-] 0 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

The day I get behind a racist scum like Ron Paul will be the day the sun rises in the West and sets in the East. "Paulies" are NOT WELCOME in DC, a city where a majority are still people of color. The Tea Party, Glenn Beck, and the rest of those fools were here last year, and I was in a major counterprotest against them.

Up in New York, at one point the Occupy Wall Street organizers had to switch to moderated forums just to repel spam from Ron Paulies.

[-] 1 points by DankYogurt (6) 13 years ago

Really, comparing Ron Paul with Glen Beck. I support Ron Pauls economic position over any other candidate, you don't think that 99% of federal politicians in your town are elitist pond scum who would gladly let "people of color" and anyone else rot in Katrina just like they did 6 years ago. Our country is chasing a Quadrillion dollar whole, and needs to abandon the Feds policies quickly.

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Sorry, Ron Paul is NOT a progressive, his policies on race make me sick. In addition, corporations have proven that "free markets" are a contradiction in terms when a large number or workers or consumers are limited to the "choices" offered by a small number of hugely rich corporations. You don't have the "choice" to buy better food even if you can afford it once Wal-Mart opens in your town and all the other grocery stores close, for instance. Only a COLLECTIVE refusal to shop or to work at Wal-Mart will fix this, by putting them out of business instead. Under these circumstances, unlike Ron Paul, I'm not going to disapprove of anyone's proposals to zone Wal-Mart out, hammer them with taxes, or force them to buy local and double their wages.

I'll take socialism over Wal-Mart's frowny face any day!

[-] 1 points by OldeGuard (6) 13 years ago

And just how is he racist? Because I've got quite a lot of material showing he is anything but, and this is material that also addresses the racist newsletters not written by him.

[-] 2 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

If all farmers unite and start only small scale, organic farming. Big agri business will soon be out of business.

[-] 1 points by tdsisti (80) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

Amen! Unfortunately, agribusiness has put small farmers out of business, while companies like Monsanto are doing everything they can to continue to process. Our hierarchy of skill has destroyed the value of farming, of physical labor and of community.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

The reason why small scale farmers went out of business is they lacked a democratically run co-operative where they can bring their goods and sell directly to customers without commodity exchange or other middlemen like Walmart. If you want to survive against the Goliaths, Davids have to co-operate and collaberate.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Create one non profit co-operative for all small farmers in the US (like organic valley.coop) and sell farmer's produce and grains directly to consumers. It will be the biggest ever enterprise on the face of this earth. It will give price stability for farmers and consumers. The less farming is dependent on Oil, the less is the volatility in farm input costs. Small scale farming can be done using domesticated animals, no tractors, no oil, no pesticides. Grow locally and sell locally. No need to grow in California and ship stuff all the way to New york. That business is unsustainable.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Yes, support your local farmers markets...they are proliferating in my area and my guess is that that is true throughout the country. Besides, they act as places to build community.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Don't create one anything, please. Keep it decentralized and local.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

it's just a single name for the co-operative. For ex., SmallFarmers.coop. You use the same name everywhere but structure it as separate enterprises for each state or town.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Good idea. Love it.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Create one non profit co-operative for all small farmers in the US (like organic valley.coop) and sell farmer's produce and grains directly to consumers. It will be the biggest ever enterprise on the face of this earth. It will give price stability for farmers and consumers. The less farming is dependent on Oil, the less is the volatility in farm input costs. Small scale farming can be done using domesticated animals, no tractors, no oil, no pesticides. Grow locally and sell locally. No need to grow in California and ship stuff all the way to New york. That business is unsustainable.

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

We should all reach out to those 100 NYPD Officers who refused to work for a system that does not respect our Constitution.

These men and women are now heroes of the Revolution as well.

Send them and their families our warmest regards.

Without their willingness to selflessly put their careers and their livelihoods on the line for what is right, our efforts at non-violent reform and civil disobedience would have been met with state sanctioned violence, but that has all changed now.

Never forget these Officers' courage and what they were able to do for the American people using non-violent means of their own. They found a way to serve and protect their entire Nation without arresting or hurting anyone. They set an example for us all to follow.

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Big ovation to them.....hope more will join until nobody is left.....

[-] 1 points by patriotsact (2) 13 years ago

God bless the "Oathkeepers"

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

This is important because every intelligent movement carries a stick and a carrot.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

What's the way to reach them?, anyone has a contact link? The last thing I heard is that it was an unconfirmed report, has it been confirmed?

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

To begin with, anyone could simply address a card or a small gift to the members of the NYPD who stood up for the 1st Amendment by rejecting the use of violence and arrests to suppress the American people's calls for reform.

What can the NYPD do? Refuse to deliver these letters and gifts from the American people to their Officers because of the leadership's political views? That will be the tomorrow's headline if they do.

The truth is, these Officers are likely being treated more like insubordinate employees than heroes right now. It is essential that we let every Officer in the Country know that if they join us we will stand behind them in every way we can.

Also keep in mind that these Officers could possibly be fired for refusing to follow orders that they believed were not lawful. If they are, we must be there to support them and help them find the new life they deserve considering the sacrifices they have made for their Nation, their People, and all future generations.

We are indebted to them.

Their heroic act is now a part of history.

[-] 2 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

The front desk is not gonna pass the cards dude, I think it would be better for a OWS group to go to the central precinct and stage a support demonstration.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

I agree with that. So then it has been confirmed that these100 officers refused to come in to work?

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

I haven't seen any report of it being confirmed, and I dont think we will cause the only one that can confirm it if it happened is the NYPD, and they wont even if it did happen.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Whether the individual letters get to them or not, the message will most assuredly get to them.

If you would like to ensure that the letters are actually delivered to the individual Officers, simply address the letters to specific Officers. It then becomes a felony to interfere with the delivery of the mail to the addressed recipient.

Trust me on this: not allowing letters to be delivered to Officers and U.S. service members is a a line they will not cross. The government will not dare censor or intercept thank you letters to its employees.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Yes, I was thinking the same thing...besides how will the post office know these pieces of mail are from OWS?

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Letters have to be addressed to someone, and we dont have the names of the officers that potentially skipped work. The NYPD will certainly no give them out, and the officers will certainly not tell us that they skipped worked for this specific reason because they want to keep their jobs, they certainly didn't mention as a reason for not showing up that they were in favor of the protests, they were all probably "sick". So our only choice of getting a letter to them would be to write a letter addressed to "the officers that skipped work x day because they were in favor of the protesters" which is probably not gonna get delivered, or to write a letter to every officer there is. A more efficient and effective method is to stage a support demonstration at the precinct, that way they will certainly get the message, and if they never existed, it would create the impression that they did existed or at least plant a doubt.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Or, you could make copies, put one copy of each letter in an envelope, and send one set of copies to each officer. Look for opportunities, not barriers.

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Correct! We should support them also through legal back up through which i assume we have access....

[-] 2 points by BeaRue (2) 13 years ago

My family, this is how we change the world- one citizen at a time! We have a global raising of consciousness taking place and it's a very powerful thing. Keep your energy, spirits, thoughts, vibrations high! Those are what's REAL. Those cannot be taken from us. This economic system is an illusion that only exists because we say it does. We ultimately have the power.

Bea Rue, Brooklyn & New Paltz, NY

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

Tea Party

[-] 1 points by thegatekeeperbeta (25) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Powerful pictures.


[-] 1 points by flanga (26) 12 years ago

Yes, the video is very good too.

Thanks from Clive @ http://easydiablo3.com/.

[-] 1 points by medina (1) 13 years ago

While we are trying to fix the economy the government hits us again! SOPA will soon ban many if not all websites for suspicion of copyright infringment! http://boingboing.net/2011/12/17/sopa-and-everyday-americans.html there is a news article explaining in great detail every impact we face. SPREAD AWARENESS! THIS BILL MUST NOT BE PASSED!

[-] 1 points by lioner2 (2) 13 years ago

You hit it right on the nail MarieM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC literally . Google my name Teodoro Leon w/ NUI&CR and follow the links to the sources in the govermnetprops dot blogspot dot com document that are in red txt. View the video w Kurth Kallenbach "Season of Treason". Point 21 21. The Government of Canada is actually a corporation with the name CANADA (Central Index Key 0000230098) registered on the Securities Exchange Commission and its business Address is CANADIAN EMBASSY 1746 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW WASHINGTON DC 20036 , as is also the Government of the THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA a corporation with the name THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., registered as a General Corporation in the state of DELAWARE of the United States of America under “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. , General Delaware Corporation, Incorporation Date 04/14/2008, File No. 4525682 and it’s registered agent and it’s address is SPIEGEL & UTRERA, P.A. 9 EAST LOOCKERMAN STREET SUITE 3A ,DOVER, DELAWARE 19801“, and as is also the JUDICIARY COURTS OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA a corporation listed on DUNN AND BRADSTREET INC that is also traded under the name OKLAHOMA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT. http://governmentprops.blogspot.com

[-] 1 points by lioner2 (2) 13 years ago

You hit it right on the nail MarieM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC literally . Google my name Teodoro Leon w/ NUI&CR and follow the links to the sources in the govermnetprops dot blogspot dot com document that are in red txt. View the video w Kurth Kallenbach "Season of Treason". Point 21 21. The Government of Canada is actually a corporation with the name CANADA (Central Index Key 0000230098) registered on the Securities Exchange Commission and its business Address is CANADIAN EMBASSY 1746 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW WASHINGTON DC 20036 , as is also the Government of the THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA a corporation with the name THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., registered as a General Corporation in the state of DELAWARE of the United States of America under “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. , General Delaware Corporation, Incorporation Date 04/14/2008, File No. 4525682 and it’s registered agent and it’s address is SPIEGEL & UTRERA, P.A. 9 EAST LOOCKERMAN STREET SUITE 3A ,DOVER, DELAWARE 19801“, and as is also the JUDICIARY COURTS OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA a corporation listed on DUNN AND BRADSTREET INC that is also traded under the name OKLAHOMA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT. http://governmentprops.blogspot.com

[-] 1 points by postnewyork (1) 13 years ago

I think this is the beginning of an important people’s movement. Thank you for standing up and speaking your mind. The struggles of the poor and newly poor should not be ignored.

[-] 1 points by Drgonzo (1) from Canton, OH 13 years ago

Keep fighting the good fight morality and ethics are on our side as fighters for freedom WE WILL PREVAIL !!!

[-] 1 points by TheJRMeadows (3) 13 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen of Occupy Wall Street: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY3T5u81ytg I have been waiting for you for more than seventy years. I have seen, heard, experienced and considered many things. There is legitimate precedent and viable solution, to restore the natural universal economy. viable society and legitimate egalitarian universally representative democratic government, that this nation and its people may endure. I solicit your understanding and support. It does not matter who holds the position of President, if the people understand and are united to do what is right. Full Employment Full Pay and Full Benefits at a level based upon and adjusted to the costs of living and assured by the national Treasury, permitting everyone the human right to participate in the social and economic intercourse requisite to a good life, classically, historically, including here in the United States of America (Roosevelt 1941) is the first step in restoring all human rights, the natural viability of the society, its requisite universal economy and legitmate egalitarian universally representative democratic government. Further: http://john-richardson-meadows.angelfire.com/America.html ( essay: "The Protocols of Capital"). MUSIC VIDEO (Rallying Song): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Njit6b254 MUSIC VIDEO (Intellectual Renaissance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlWc744F5fI

[-] 1 points by TheJRMeadows (3) 13 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen of Occupy Wall Street: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY3T5u81ytg I have been waiting for you for more than seventy years. I have seen, heard, experienced and considered many things. There is legitimate precedent and viable solution, to restore the natural universal economy. viable society and legitimate egalitarian universally representative democratic government, that this nation and its people may endure. I solicit your understanding and support. It does not matter who holds the position of President, if the people understand and are united to do what is right. Full Employment Full Pay and Full Benefits at a level based upon and adjusted to the costs of living and assured by the national Treasury, permitting everyone the human right to participate in the social and economic intercourse requisite to a good life, classically, historically, including here in the United States of America (Roosevelt 1941) is the first step in resorting all human rights, the natural viability of the society, its requisite universal economy and legitmate egalitarian universally representative democratic government. Further: http://john-richardson-meadows.angelfire.com/America.html ( essay: "The Protocols of Capital"). MUSIC VIDEO (Rallying Song): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_Njit6b254 MUSIC VIDEO (Intellectual Renaissance) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlWc744F5fI

[-] 1 points by need3rdParty (3) 13 years ago

Capitalism (in its current form) is what is destroying our country – Profits above all else! Above the environment ... above the middle class ... above basic decent humanity. Blind and corrupt capitalists that can't see beyond their greed and only want to line their own pockets. The rich have stolen the money that the middle class has earned. Increasing only their salaries when times were good (not sharing in the profits), then laying workers off so they could make even more profits. Our country has prospered the most when the middle class has more money. We spend it locally on goods and services – which creates more demand and produces more jobs, then we all do better!

[-] 1 points by ironfist60 (1) 13 years ago

Why not try to affect some real change rather than a bunch of sit ins. Press/media and organization is pretty good. I would like to suggest a National Cash Only Day. No bankcards, credit cards or debit cards - cash only. And then avoid spending it. This might get the attention of the bankers in a big way...

[-] 1 points by srfhakomi (1) 13 years ago

Hey folks, I was meditating on the movement that's surging in NYC & around the country and realized we have to come up with a name that's as catchy and poignant as "The Tea Party." Well, I think I found it. "The We Party." Whatdyathink????

[-] 1 points by cbrig (1) 13 years ago

Although there are problems in any system capitalism has created more wealth & jobs than any system in man's history. This appears to be the typical misguided, ill-informed efforts that are nothing more than mere noise. It's ironic that fools of the Hollywood elite whom have made millions off "the system" get a pass as long as they agree. In America you have the ability to succeed, not the right but it does take a great deal of effort & luck. I'll take these circumstance & chances any day. It's a shame that the tendency is to blame others has become in vogue. The "I want, I deserve, I'm entitled too" mentality has gotten very old.

[-] 1 points by dalton1 (1) 13 years ago

GOOD ON YA! One of the key steps is making the economists count the true costs -- see for example

Rebuilding the American Economy with true cost accounting www.sustainabilityleader.org/

[-] 1 points by SocialismYes (4) 13 years ago

Why was my opinion deleted? This is what should happen.

I would like a law passed that would give me a right not to work, we have lots of millionaire's in this Country, why can't they support us? All these business small and large make enough money so we can tax them at a 75% rate to take care of all of us, working is slavery just like in Egypt with the prymids, we should not have to work but the rich need to take care of us.

[-] 1 points by MarkRPH (1) 13 years ago

IT IS TIME TO TAKE ACTION!!!!!!! NOT ONLY THE GREED OF BUSINESSES, BUT OF CONGRESS AS WELL. Too many turn a blind eye to the 99%. Capital Hill is just as greedy. As a small business owner we too are falling by the wayside. How can we make any changes when no one who matters sees the spiralling downfall of the middle class. It is the MOM and POP shops that made America a democracy and every avenue for opportunity is shut down or blocked by governmental red tape. Stop the greed of Corporations and give back to the people who work 80 hours a week just to break even. Where is ROBIN HOOD when you need him/her? IT'S TIME TO STOP THE RICH FROM STEALING FROM THE POOR!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark Aquin Smith

[-] 1 points by freeradical (7) 13 years ago

To the tune of Ohio by Neil Young:

Tin soldiers and Bloomberg coming, We're finally on our own. This autumn I hear the drumming, Four pepper sprayed by the five O

Gotta get down to it Officers are spraying us down Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her And found her maced on the ground How can you run when you know?

[-] 1 points by freeradical (7) 13 years ago

To the tune of Ohio by Neil Young:

Tin soldiers and Bloomberg coming, We're finally on our own. This autumn I hear the drumming, Four pepper sprayed by the five O

Gotta get down to it Officers are spraying us down Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her And found her maced on the ground How can you run when you know?

[-] 1 points by freeradical (7) 13 years ago

To the tune of Ohio by Neil Young:

Tin soldiers and Bloomberg coming, We're finally on our own. This autumn I hear the drumming, Four pepper sprayed by the five O

Gotta get down to it Officers are spraying us down Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her And found her maced on the ground How can you run when you know?

[-] 1 points by freeradical (7) 13 years ago

To the tune of Ohio by Neil Young:

Tin soldiers and Bloomberg coming, We're finally on our own. This autumn I hear the drumming, Four pepper sprayed by the five O

Gotta get down to it Officers are spraying us down Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her And found her maced on the ground How can you run when you know?

[-] 1 points by freeradical (7) 13 years ago

To the tune of Ohio by Neil Young:

Tin soldiers and Bloomberg coming, We're finally on our own. This autumn I hear the drumming, Four pepper sprayed by the five O

Gotta get down to it Officers are spraying us down Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her And found her maced on the ground How can you run when you know?

[-] 1 points by fgoldmansachs (1) 13 years ago

Helped run a Goldman Sachs Analyst meeting in Oct 2008. One of the analysts got up & complained that he wasn't getting his 7 million dollar bonus. All I have to say is off with their heads!

[-] 1 points by FreeThinker13 (1) 13 years ago

These communists in this movement need to move to Cuba. Don't these people know that in communist countries the wealth gap and political power is even more concentrated! Capitalism is the best system yet devised. There is inequlity built into the system for a reason, if you work hard and think innovatively then you can make it to the top. Without this, there would be no incentive to work hard and achieve greatness, and our country wouldn't be where it is today. Just look at Obama, only in America can you start with very little opportunity and WORK you're way to the top. Just look where he is now. This movement needs to focus on campaign finance, ending the wars, and corporate greed. Not an avocation of Socialism. This is America!!!

[-] 1 points by ericgrimm22 (2) 13 years ago

We need to occupy the federal reserve banks. The heart of Americas problems starts and ends there. End the fed. Occupy the fed. Take back our financial structure. Regain what should have been ours since 1913. This is more important than wall street or Chicago or Boston or anywhere. Take your voices to the fed. There are 11 federal reserve banks in the country. Let's orchestrate a time and date to where we occupy ALL of them simultaneously. Email me at ericgrimm22@gmail.com

[-] 1 points by Greedbegone (1) 13 years ago

Love and Peace to you all! I support you 100%. WE are so much better than what we have succombed to. Thank you for everything you are doing!!

[-] 1 points by Texasgal (1) 13 years ago

The banks caused the problem. GREED. GREED. GREED.

We bailed them out with billions of our tax payer money.

Instead of using the money to make loans to help consumers and small business, they shored up THEIR OWN books and bought smaller banks in trouble which made them even bigger. NOW REALLY TOO BIG TO FAIL!!!

They cut people's credit lines and forced them to debit cards and NOW, NOW they want to charge us a NEW fee!!! TO USE OUR OWN CASH!!!

The banks forget they survive because they USE OUR DEPOSITS to stay in business. They use our deposits to be able to make loans.

They have illegally forced folks out of their homes and NO ONE IN THE BANKING AND MORTGAGE INDUSTRY HAS GONE TO JAIL for falsifying documents.--ROBO SIGNING!!!


Another NATIONAL MOVEMENT needs to happen to put those banks on notice and back in check--THE PEOPLE ARE IN CHARGE!!!

We should pick a date, and ENCOURAGE EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY to take ALL OF THEIR MONEY OUT OF THEIR BANK IN CASH on that day (leave $10 to keep account open). An old fashion RUN ON THE BANK!!!!! The banks would get taught a lesson they won't soon forget--THAT'S OUR MONEY--THAT THEY ARE USING TO OPERATE THEIR BUSINESS AND WE ARE TIRED OF THEM CHARGING US OUTRAGEOUS FEES TO ACCESS OUR OWN MONEY!!!!

[-] 1 points by ericgrimm22 (2) 13 years ago

We need to occupy the federal reserve banks. The heart of Americas problems starts and ends there. End the fed. Occupy the fed. Take back our financial structure. Regain what should have been ours since 1913. This is more important than wall street or Chicago or Boston or anywhere. Take your voices to the fed. There are 11 federal reserve banks in the country. Let's orchestrated a time and date to where we occupy ALL of them simultaneously. Email me at ericgrimm22@gmail.com

[-] 1 points by WillingToStand (1) 13 years ago

How are we oppressed? I don't understand. The protestors that I've heard are angry about corporations, but how are corporations oppressing us? I've heard protesters interviewed, but they only seem to shout slogans and phrases. Sort of like they are programmed. I have yet to hear a cogent, defensable, rational explanation of this protest movement.

[-] 1 points by BeachNTwo (26) 13 years ago

Please make certain everyone knows why they are there....to get Corporations out of the pockets of politicians and make America, once again, For The People By The People....We Want Our Country Back!! Some are being interviewed and giving the impression that they are there and do not know why.. Many seem to think it is all about Wall Street but it goes so much more deeper than that.. I have a prime example of the problem here along the Gulf Coast. During the BP oil disaster we experienced BP telling those that were suppose to be in authority what they would and would not do. They were told to not use the Corexit dispersant and they told the EPA NO... The boss of the EPA is Obama. It became a police state here and our rights to take photos and film were violated left and right. They obviously had something to hide and will never be prosecuted for killing all the people they have killed and made ill. Not to mention the people they put out of work and the folks who had to move in order to get well. We have a Corp America and the politicians do anything they say. This has to stop. BP paid money to local and state governments....They gave money for concerts on the beach....They gave money to the tourist commissions...They gave money to everyone except those that were ill and those who no longer had a family tradition jobs and those who had to relocate in order to try to get well...and those who can still fish but cannot sell anything they catch due to toxicity...They sank the oil lying to us by telling us the Lab Created, self replicating, one of a kind, antibiotic resistant, Microbe Bacteria would eat the oil on the bottom and make it magically disappear.....It has not...The bacteria is called SYNTHIA. It ha NO natural DNA. It was created in a lab by J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) of which BP has STOCK in. The Corexit is also related to BP via Nalco. It was all about money and not lives. No one knows what the Viral bacteria will do as it was never tested in the Gulf... NEVER....or was it?? The sick have not been tested for this virus as JCVI , it's creators, are the only ones who know the added watermark chains to identify the genome as artificial. Therefor it can not be proven that this microbe is what is making folks ill. Also we have seen an unprecedented amount of New Born Dolphin washing ashore dead as well as all other marine species and land based animals. No one will help us...Their test on the Dolphin have been hidden from any of us . The people do not matter...all that matters to them is that they keep making money. We have done all we could...No one will buck the big Corporations.. This is why we need you in NY and elsewhere. Please please share our plight with all...get it in the news ...The Media have refused to share most of what we have gone through.. This is but one example of what this country has come to so when you are asked by a reporter...remember this please as to why you are there..We are so proud of all of you...Thank you..

[-] 1 points by saientist (2) 13 years ago

Support guys from Spain, you are the ones who will change that fucking system, Go On!

All the world is wakin´ up!

[-] 1 points by BeachNTwo (26) 13 years ago

Here is a web site that can help you understand your rights. They also have several videos on You Tube ...http://www.flexyourrights.org/ Peace and know why you are there!

[-] 1 points by charlesphilp (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

this effort should develop specific goals, establish a meaningful name and be expanded into a national movement, such as that of the tea party. cwp 10/4/11 p.s.: i am located in nyc-ues 100657555

[-] 1 points by AlwaysWaitingforJustice (5) 13 years ago

I pray that those who take part in NY and elsewhere, representing those of us who must act locally, do so with dignity, with thought, and with the fact that the wealthy could not have EVER gained this much power without a complacent upper-"middle"-class of "progressives" (your parents...????). I'm sorry for that truth, and for the fact that the most DECENT and HONEST people we have ever known have BEEN the POOREST. WE have fought the internationalist corporations for forty years - my brother died (after surviving Viet Nam) fighting as a union steward for the working poor. My wife and I have fought and worked for the poor, as we fought for ourselves to obtain college degrees. Now, as as we get older, we are losing what little we ever earned and are just BARELY surviving homlessness here. As the working middle-class, WE have CONSERVED for FORTY YEARS, driving small cars, renting tiny apartments, without vacations, without money to travel with our parents before they all died, without hope or creative spirit left in our bodies. Now, it is your turn to fight for US as we worked and fought for YOU in the past so that at least some of you could enjoy time and life in the light.

[-] 1 points by AlwaysWaitingforJustice (5) 13 years ago

I pray that those who take part in NY and elsewhere, representing those of us who must act locally, do so with dignity, with thought, and with the fact that the wealthy could not have EVER gained this much power without a complacent upper-"middle"-class of "progressives" (your parents...????). I'm sorry for that truth, and for the fact that the most DECENT and HONEST people we have ever known have BEEN the POOREST. WE have fought the internationalist corporations for forty years - my brother died (after surviving Viet Nam) fighting as a union steward for the working poor. My wife and I have fought and worked for the poor, as we fought for ourselves to obtain college degrees. Now, as as we get older, we are losing what little we ever earned and are just BARELY surviving homlessness here. As the working middle-class, WE have CONSERVED for FORTY YEARS, driving small cars, renting tiny apartments, without vacations, without money to travel with our parents before they all died, without hope or creative spirit left in our bodies. Now, it is your turn to fight for US as we worked and fought for YOU in the past so that at least some of you could enjoy time and life in the light.

[-] 1 points by Bernard (1) 13 years ago

I support your action, congratulation ! PLease do not stop your way, go ahead, you are 100.000% right. Good luck ! I am French

[-] 1 points by howchinadefeatsus (2) 13 years ago

How would Abraham Lincoln address the present situation that the government that oppress the people, rob the people and rape the people will not perish from this earth because of the support from that government of the people, by the people, for the people. It’s time for the U.S. government to ask itself whether it is still that kind of government defined by Lincoln. The Wall Street scandals and U.S. economic crisis own great parts to that rogue government with which politicians make deals and those great 1% do immoral business.

[-] 1 points by Helixsquared (1) 13 years ago

http://www.infowars.com/obama-machine-prepares-to-hijack-occupy-wall-street/A similar situation took place during the civil rights movement for African Americans, at the very march on Washington where Martin Luther King JR. made his most famous speech, “I have a dream”. When the government learned that the oppressed black people of the country were coming to Washington with revolution on their minds they instantly switched up their approach and pretended to welcome the marching protestors with open arms. After the march Malcolm X describes how the protest was hijacked and watered down by the establishment. When speaking of President Kennedy he said “that old shrewd fox said “ill endorse it. Ill welcome it. Ill help it, ill join it! This is what they did with the march on Washington….They joined it, they became a part of it, took it over. And as they took it over, it lost its militancy. It ceased to be angry, it ceased to be hot, it ceased to be uncompromising. Why, it even ceased to be a march. It became a picnic, a circus. Nothing but a circus, with clowns and all… No, it was a sellout, it was a takeover. They controlled it so tight, they told those Negroes what time to hit town, where to stop, what signs to carry, what song to sing, what speech they could make, and what speech they couldn’t make, and they told them to get out of town by sundown.”[4] Malcolm X’s description was spot on, even Martin Luther King JR. was insulted by how the civil rights march was taken over by the establishment. After the march on Washington was a letdown to the civil rights movement King began to call for a new wave of nonviolence that was “massive and militant”, and it wasn’t much after that when he was assassinated. Towards the end of his life due to his outspokenness on poverty and the Vietnam War he became a hot target for the FBI in their COINTELPRO operation. King received many threats from the FBI and it is widely speculated that the establishment did have a hand in his assassination.

[-] 1 points by curehead (1) 13 years ago

be aware and carefull that not powers you are fight use this movement for their course.........alex jones had a intressting point one hnis last radio show ..ist on you tube maybe is worth a look.so long stay strong stay together.all the best from new zealand "if the peopel are united there will never be .......

[-] 1 points by WeOnceChangedTheWorld (2) 13 years ago

Some thoughts from a civil rights and Vietnam War-vintage protestor (1968 – 1972):

  1. Given the level of corruption and (organized) criminal activity the financial industry has engaged in around the world, and the amount of damage done to the American public, I’ve been disappointed at the utter lack outrage and grass-roots protest the past 3 years. I therefore applaud all of your efforts in finally taking to the streets and demanding accountability, justice, and change.

  2. I see a lot of different agendas in your movement – that is fine. BUT… you do need a single defining goal that people can focus on and rally around – a goal that even the relatively-conservative, common citizen can identify with.

The turning point for the Vietnam War protest movement came in October 1969, during The Moratorium, when office and factory workers joined the rallies during the lunch hour. This inclusion of “average” Americans changed the entire dynamic of the protest movement (it wasn’t just a bunch of “mangy hippies” anymore), and brought it into the mainstream. After that, it became a political necessity to end the war.

The defining goal for your movement might be the demand that the financial companies that caused the economic collapse implement a process to compensate individual American citizens for the financial damages they have suffered*. Damages like loss of income, out-of-pocket costs to cover medical expenses after involuntary loss of insurance coverage, loss of equity in seized property (foreclosures and repossessions), costs related to involuntary relocations, and the expenses associated with predatory lending activities (obscene credit card penalty fees and default interest rates).

In 1969, they said that a bunch of radical, long-hair kids couldn’t change the way the world worked…. but we did. And so can you. Surround and isolate the assholes who compromised the security of this country for their own greed and unjustifiable profit, shut them down, and don’t let them move freely amongst us until they agree to fully confess their criminal activities and justly compensate all those Americans who were damaged by their greed and recklessness.

The whole world is watching!

  • e.g., A $ 2.5 Trillion compensation fund setup by the likes of Citi Group, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, US Bancorp, Standard & Poors, Fitch, Moodys, AIG, and the other criminal conspirators
[-] 1 points by WeOnceChangedTheWorld (2) 13 years ago

Some thoughts from a civil rights and Vietnam War-vintage protestor (1968 – 1972):

  1. Given the level of corruption and (organized) criminal activity the financial industry has engaged in around the world, and the amount of damage done to the American public, I’ve been disappointed at the utter lack outrage and grass-roots protest the past 3 years. I therefore applaud all of your efforts in finally taking to the streets and demanding accountability, justice, and change.

  2. I see a lot of different agendas in your movement – that is fine. BUT… you do need a single defining goal that people can focus on and rally around – a goal that even the relatively-conservative, common citizen can identify with.

The turning point for the Vietnam War protest movement came in October 1969, during The Moratorium, when office and factory workers joined the rallies during the lunch hour. This inclusion of “average” Americans changed the entire dynamic of the protest movement (it wasn’t just a bunch of “mangy hippies” anymore), and brought it into the mainstream. After that, it became a political necessity to end the war.

The defining goal for your movement might be the demand that the financial companies that caused the economic collapse implement a process to compensate individual American citizens for the financial damages they have suffered*. Damages like loss of income, out-of-pocket costs to cover medical expenses after involuntary loss of insurance coverage, loss of equity in seized property (foreclosures and repossessions), costs related to involuntary relocations, and the expenses associated with predatory lending activities (obscene credit card penalty fees and default interest rates).

In 1969, they said that a bunch of radical, long-hair kids couldn’t change the way the world worked…. but we did. And so can you. Surround and isolate the assholes who compromised the security of this country for their own greed and unjustifiable profit, shut them down, and don’t let them move freely amongst us until they agree to fully confess their criminal activities and justly compensate all those Americans who were damaged by their greed and recklessness.

The whole world is watching!

  • e.g., A $ 2.5 Trillion compensation fund setup by the likes of Citi Group, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, US Bancorp, Standard & Poors, Fitch, Moodys, AIG, and the other criminal conspirators
[-] 1 points by atheve3 (34) 13 years ago

I stand with u because we are the 99% that is too big to fail. If oppresssive states like in the middle east can demand change and opportunity than we can demand corporate greed to go away! The American corporate run government is more powerful than the tyrannical middle east regimes, but we are more powerful than the oppressed people of Tripoli as well. Wacth the movie, "Idiocracy" and you will understand what corporations think of the middle class. We must regain our power for an all inclusive economically powerful country!!

[-] 1 points by JacquesDupont (1) 13 years ago

GO GO GO !!! Why have we waited so long to start ?? are the population too afraid of the consequences ??? But no action = no result ! Are we gonna let them do and say nothing ? Here in France the media (bound of the us media) don't talk about you ! They are too afraid that the same might happen here ! MAKE MORE NOISE We shouldn't forget that our last revolution here was in 1789 to cut LOUIS XVI's head ! Now we are undergoing the royalty of finance !

[-] 1 points by obelove (1) 13 years ago

Just posting to express support. I'm an expat over in China and this is amazing. Hope the movement continues to grow.

[-] 1 points by Zeke (2) 13 years ago

Sorry forgot to add. Like my comment!

[-] 1 points by Zeke (2) 13 years ago

Most of you sicken me. I sure as hell want be free and I am far more than you people are. No, I'm not better. I just found a way out. I heard about this movement a couple of days ago. I was elated, more so than I've been in a while. I looked into it, the more I knew, the less I cared. "bring back 'growing pains'"~ direct quote from just another free thought, self expression, I wear ray bans, hipster. It's a joke. Do you want to change the world for the better? Do you want to make a positive impact in the world? Take it seriously. They are. Stop posting your thoughts on Facebook, stop tweeting about how you're having fun at the get-together. Stop buying crap you don't need. You give them your free mind and then they can manipulate you accordingly. They tell you what to buy, how to feel, what to think. Free expression has left the building, and all that remains is a copy of what could be. A bad one at that. - sent from my iPhone. I can't believe in my state of freedom, I had to sign up for this. My voice is heard.

[-] 1 points by Bobability (1) 13 years ago

I truly support this movement, but I struggle with the acceptance of the hand written stories of hardship. Blinded by materialism in "the Am. dream" they are all victims of their own greed. I have lived my entire life in poverty. I survived living by "need" not "want". Higher Education is a "racket". And the pracitces of Corp. Am. have been destroying our society for decades.

[-] 1 points by Badweather (1) from Dallas, GA 13 years ago

Hello all !

My Wife is 49 and I am 53 years young. We have discussed this many times. I am now glad to say... " I told you it would eventually happen Honey." We are exhausted at being under the "Thumb", feeling like sheep working just to pay the bills, keep a roof over our families heads all the while watching in dismay as our country and planet fall to waste. We have seen our share of bad times in this country during our lives, but never thought we would see it get this bad.

We applaud you and hope this does not go by the wayside. My brain keeps hearing.. "Power to the People" from the sixties, and it does my heart good. Remember our forefathers branded as traitors as they per sued their hopes and dreams of freedom, opportunity and escape from oppression.

Keep it non-violent and endure, it gives me hope that a change for the better is on it's way... as there is only so much one nation can take from it's leaders... There have been many great leaders in history that were complete idiots suffering from multiple psychosis, who actually believed everything they said and did was right.

“Fed-Up in ATLANTA”


.... Came back to edit/add. Every demonstration in history has part of a circus aspect to it. To all that think it's just a bunch of "whatever"... At the very least, even with WSB talk radio personalities "seeming" to talk it down, remember, it is fueling the fire for change. Make people aware, wake them up and don't shut up... eventually they will hear. Supporters of our Goverment 3 years ago are now running for the hills to escape being associated.

[-] 1 points by Shelia (1) 13 years ago

I agree with Marie, and I also am 50 ish...and I proudly back "Occupy Wall Street"!

[-] 1 points by mookda (3) 13 years ago

Has there been a reaction/response from our beloved Government? At all?? (police brutality is not what I am referring to a "reaction/response")...

Supporting the United 99% States of America!

[-] 1 points by CantAffordSanity (1) 13 years ago

Im reading About the event on december fifth 2011. this reminds me of the running of the banks at the beggining of the great depression prior to WWII. call me crazy if u must but can we just not do that event altogether? if someone has logic on this event PLEASE EXPLAIN!

[-] 1 points by Gina164 (2) 13 years ago

THOUGHTS from a 54-year-old Democrat in Hawaii: Plan a date to eventually choose a leader...Perhaps January 1st, after the holidays pass...when people can truly concentrate on this...maybe hype up the 'coming election' during the holidays, though... Have a vote - then, REVOTE WEEKLY...if need be, to make sure 'the leader' speaks for all... do not go on leaderless... Choose ONLY someone who truly meets your most important shared needs - in other words, the largest common denominators of all of the various groups - such as phasing in a 50% flat tax on all people making more than 100 TIMES the poverty rate - no deductions allowed, and all corporate tax loopholes to be phased-out over the next decade, PLUS NO CUTTING SS or Medicare, not to mention proper testing of teachers - pre and post testing of kids before they have particular teachers - teachers should be competitive, not complacent (I've been one, and many are tenured and suck, and you cannot get rid o them!). Ask all groups to stick by the chosen leader, and to re-vote weekly at first and then monthly and then quarterly! Ask wealthy people with a heart to support the movement - I feel that without a leader, or agreed upon 'needs,' from the government, it will be impossible to keep the movement going, I wish you all Godspeed, and send much aloha ~

[-] 1 points by meme13 (1) 13 years ago

Your are standing up to the wrong people! Wall Street is not it!! The Feds control Wall Street!! The real center of financial control is the Federal Reserve! They are controlling AMERICA,our money and taking our Freedoms! Go after who actually runs global central banks, the real string pullers!! THE FEDS!

[-] 1 points by branchoff (2) 13 years ago

This PROTEST MUST go deeper than the miniscule ...

I SAY that it MUST go to the CORE of human-ignorance ....

We MUST educate the Fools of the NAZI or Republican ideology ...


The Bohemian ... a man that was taught to think for himself .. and NOT a BOHEMIAN of N.Y.C. ... far greater......

May my younger Friends hold their OWN ... and NEVER .. NEVER ... SUBSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by ljeanabldrco (20) 13 years ago

Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.

John Adams, Thoughts on Government, 1776

[-] 1 points by Miriam (3) 13 years ago

The Government of Puerto Rico will join all sectors, including business, political allies and foes, representatives from workers unions, etc., on a trip this week to Washington to lobby for a new amendment to the Federal Internal Revenue Code HR3020 that will make Puerto Rico, as US Territory, a permanent offshore tax haven for multinational corporations and corporate welfare. I am sending you a link to my blog. I was a Senator in PR and fought personally in Washington succesfully against Section 936 (Corporate Welfare). I worked through a grass roots organization that I founded (Puerto Ricans in Civic Action) This is all coming back now with great lobbying force and although I am partially retired, I plan to do all I can to fight against this terrible tax shelter which I think is partly to blame for the economic chaos in the world. I am requesting your support against HR3020. my blog:http://themjreport.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by distortion (196) 13 years ago

i call on all the musicians and artists who've made millions on the idea of this movement to come out and support this. Artists like Rage against the machine have sold millions and even made a video protesting this very cause and are no where to be seen.

[-] 1 points by branchoff (2) 13 years ago

how can a 64 year old guy of the 60s REAL generation ... help to proceed to make this MOVEMENT a MOVEMENT that FINALLY encompasses our entire nation's PEOPLE????

[-] 1 points by baldeagle21146 (1) from Glen Burnie, MD 13 years ago

The common thread seems to be resentment that corporations have bought our government. We are no longer a nation with a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. One way to significantly dilute corporate/special interest money leverage is to impose upon our legislators the same term limits the Congress has imposed upon the office of the President: two years. This is the only way to return our Congress to a citizenry legislature as was the form of Federal government envisioned by our nation's founders. Now is the time to incorporate a call for a citizen constitutional convention to amend the Constitution to impose term limits on members of congress. This is the first step that will automatically lead to the next step; get congressional staffers out of the pockets and influence of special interests so they will listen to citizens. Now is the time!

[-] 1 points by pm5k (1) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

I have been teaching for 30 years in Florida and I am fed up with business as usual in Tallahassee. The current Moby look a like governor we have is a one term wonder. He cut 3% from our pay checks to fund his private voucher system. All republicans hate educators, probably because we are smarter than ENRON ever was. Someone please tell Sara Palin to come swim in the gulf, sharks are breeding now.

[-] 1 points by travis (2) 13 years ago

I'm down here in wichita falls, texas. Wish I was up there with you guys in NYC. Don't back down! Don't give in! Hopefully this will spread to Texas. Count me in all the way!

[-] 1 points by travis (2) 13 years ago

I'm down here in wichita falls, texas. Wish I was up there with you guys in NYC. Don't back down! Don't give in! Hopefully this will spread to Texas. Count me in all the way!

[-] 1 points by BobJones (2) 13 years ago

Why are so many protestors in jail while AIG executives are free to rape society?

[-] 1 points by BobJones (2) 13 years ago

Why are so many protestors in jail while AIG executives are free to rape society?

[-] 1 points by distortion (196) 13 years ago

There needs to be a clear message and a clear goal. You have the momentum and you have the attention of the world... time to make a clear goal... to me that goal is obvious. As long as government officials are bought and paid for by corporations and the nations richest they'll never operate for the good of the people, only the people who paid for them to get there. This is a clear conflict of interest. A campaign contribution is NO DIFFERENT then a bribe, and any other public official would be arrested for accepting it. Separate the market and corporate america from state the same way we do church and state. This is the root of our countries problems, not just finance but all of them and the goal should be campaign reform, ban campaign contributions from anyone or anything other than a citizen, and put a much smaller cap on individual contributions. Or at the very least create a much much smaller cap on a contribution so that a coproration can't give more than an average person. Give our government back to the people! It's suppose to by the people and for the people, not by the people and for the rich few who pay for it.

[-] 1 points by thatsenoughgirl (4) 13 years ago

Dec 5th is National Pull Out Day! take all your money from Bank of America and Wells Fargo.......put in small local banks!

[-] 1 points by taxtherich (2) 13 years ago

Go for it!!

[-] 1 points by tvfields (1) 13 years ago

Halt Judicial Tyranny and Other Legal Abuses. Sign the Petition at http://wh.gov/gJG. If you need help or want more info, contact tvfields@oh.rr.com

[-] 1 points by freedomrider (1) 13 years ago

May you have the strenght to continute as long as it takes to turn the 1% back, and take over our country again as it should be!! This is what our country was founded on and stands for democracy ! not capital greed and secret meetings etc....Don't be intimidated by losers who can't see the writing on the wall...this country needs to be shaken up ...glad to see the youth sees that and wants change ..now its the only way huge crowds and numbers of people that can show them we won't stop ...just as it was when we started the country!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Dublin99 (65) 13 years ago

Small businesses need to thrive for communities to thrive.

Get back to local!

[-] 1 points by 86aynrand (72) 13 years ago

We've been watching you wonderful people from our home in Pacific Grove, California. Good for you! Stay strong! The world is watching! Make those of us that can't be with you proud. We're sending love as well as donations. Hope it helps!

[-] 1 points by Liz (1) 13 years ago

I support your actions, but what is it that you exactly want? What actions, when taken, will cause the protest to stop? A "Buffet Tax"? What?

[-] 1 points by jlivermore (8) 13 years ago

This is a communiqué from Wall Street.

We don't care.

You will be moved.

[-] 1 points by john (1) 13 years ago

You American kids need a reality check. You live in the lap of luxury thanks to capitalism and wall street. You think your are being oppressed? You think the 'man' is holding you back? Give me a break. Grow up kids, for your own sake, if not to spare the hard working New Yorkers just trying to get to work on time without you harassing them.

[-] 1 points by mrlsthrm (1) from Allen, TX 13 years ago

Deafening silence in mainstream media about this event. Google News search picks up The Guardian (UK newspaper) and there is no CNN, CBS, NBC, PBS (??) and ugh.. FOX anywhere in the first page of hits...

[-] 1 points by Granoturko (1) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I'm so glad this is finally happening. These faceless corporations are going to destroy us all. They care nothing about our welfare. They just want us to consume. Occupy Wall Street is only the beginning of what is surely going to be a worldwide struggle which will eventually change our planet forever. Mark my words

[-] 1 points by Boletus (125) 13 years ago

"Democracy is messy." -Donald Rumsfeld

[-] 1 points by nappyboyz (1) 13 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aC19fEqR5bA check this trader's confessions !!! GRRRrrrrrr

[-] 1 points by 2escape (1) 13 years ago

More power to the people on the streets and to all those standing strong against the oppression we all face, your voice is being heard. No longer can these people be allowed to rule our lives and push us into poverty so they can take everything from our dignity to our natural resources, WE ARE NOT SLAVES. We are the people that put you in power and we will take you out. I am from Ireland and the people there need to wake up and do the same thing, wall street affects us all all our governments need to change now. We all need to get out and start fighting back against the scum that is destroying so so many lives and not giving two shits about it. The power of the people will prevail if we all unite in our struggle. It is not just America that these people are affecting its world wide and it calls for a world wide revolution.


[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Why is the website only on day 11?

[-] 1 points by revolution (4) from Toledo, OH 13 years ago

America will never be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedoms,It will be because we destroyed ourselves Abraham Lincoln

[-] 1 points by revolution (4) from Toledo, OH 13 years ago

America will never be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedoms,It will be because we destroyed ourselves Abraham Lincoln

[-] 1 points by anonalien (77) 13 years ago

i wish you all good luck. for years now i have been talking to people about this stuff and i was simply ignored, told that i am "too negative" or "anti-american". i have been bashed for saying the truth, maced with all possible ugliness that human soul can carry. americans, at least the majority, do love and will protect this system that, well, doesn't love their people very much in return. i think that the most important change that this movement will achieve will be that it will end the era where dissent is perceived as act of terrorism against america. however, i do hope that you will inspire a shift in consciousness, too.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

People acted like I was crazy, asked me why I would want to join the Army if I felt that way. I always got a kick out of that. What does it mean to be a patriot? A selfless servant seeking positive change? Ask Nietzsche.

[-] 1 points by b33m3R (23) from Alpharetta, GA 13 years ago


NYC Transit Union Joins Occupy Wall Street http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/29/nyc-transit-union-joins-o_n_987156.html

[-] 1 points by Chromer (124) 13 years ago

That is good news. I'm surprised that there is not more coverage showing the airline pilots walking in line near occupy wall street. Or am I missing something.

[-] 1 points by b33m3R (23) from Alpharetta, GA 13 years ago

Media lock-down is still pretty much in full effect. Of what little reporting of the event there is, most of it is disparaging. The Michael Moore interview is up at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/44710255#44710255 (ironically you have to sit through an Exxon commercial to watch it!) Media coverage is getting better but you can tell they are doing it begrudgingly, it's like getting your 5 year old it his spinach.

[-] 1 points by BobbyOBahama (11) 13 years ago

Occupying Iowa CIty Iowa ....to bring full ENLIGHTENMENT to THE ISSUE.... http://homelessinIowa.com

[-] 1 points by Daisee (2) 13 years ago

The White House is indentured to Wall Street, indefinitely. I am so wonderfully proud of you all making this effort to stopping this historical practice of servitude. And if I could be there I would, you have all Canadian progressives rooting for you, be proud.

[-] 1 points by Peacefulmind (23) 13 years ago

"AWARENESS" is an important thing for people to have. Also "WHEN YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE." A Yogi said this phrase to me, and please pass it on to your fellow Americans. KEEP PREACHING THE TRUTH FOR IT SHALL SET YOU FREE.

[-] 1 points by Peacefulmind (23) 13 years ago

"AWARENESS" is an important thing for people to have. Also "WHEN YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE." A Yogi said this phrase to me, and please pass it on to your fellow Americans. KEEP PREACHING THE TRUTH FOR IT SHALL SET YOU FREE.

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago


Donations.com does not seem to work.

Diana Lee

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago


Your link donations.com does not seem to work. Contact me.

Diana Lee

[-] 1 points by fuspey (1) from Cerdanyola del Vallès, CT 13 years ago

(Transcript of Cornell West at #occupywallstreet day 11)

There is a sweet spirit in this place. I hope you can feel the love and inspiration, of those sly stone called "everyday people" who take a stand with great courage and compassion because we oppose the greed of Wall street oligarchs and corporate plutocrats who squeeze the democratic juices out of this country and other places around the world. I am so blessed to be here, you got me spiritually breakdancing on the way here, cuz when you bring folk together, all colours, all cultures, all genders, all sexual orientation, the elite will tremble in their boots. And we will send a message that this is the US FALL responding to the Arab Spring, it is going to hit Chicago, Los Angelas, Phoenix Arizona, and A town itself, moving on to detroit, its gonna hit apalacha, hit the reservations with our red brothers and sisters, martin luther king will smile in the grave, saying were moving step by step to what he called a revolution, dont be afraid to say REVOLUTION. We wanna transfer of power from the oligarchs, to ordinary citizens, with the poor children of all colours, and the orphans and the widows, and the elderly, and the working folk, if we connect the prison industrial complex with the military industrial complex and the wall street oligarchy complex and the corporate media multiplex. I want to thank you, its a blessing to be a small part of this magnificant gathering, this is the general assembly consecrated by your witness and your body and your mind.

(Loud roars and claps and cheers...)


[-] 1 points by TheVolunteerWino (112) 13 years ago

I think it would be nice if you could find someone to temporarily donate a large field type piece of property, . and then invite all the local homegrown bands to come and participate for a chance at some national recognition

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

These protests will only be effective if they adopt traditionally effective tactics used by Unions to win the living wage which has been destroyed by free trade. Blocking traffic during the week day, during working hours is the only effective approach that will get the bosses attention. We must halt the bosses ability to make money. We must effect corporations bottom line. We must shut the cities down. Without this kind of approach the bosses will continue to laugh as an entire generation is thrown aside in the race for the cheapest wages. So far the Occupy Wall St. protest has only proven to be a vanity protest marching around police designated free speech zones and occupying a park. I think the Longshoreman's Union would rather choose their own free speech zones.

Longshoreman's Union Rises to the Challenge http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/09/12-11

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

I have concerns about the prospect of Martial Law. There are written plans for such situations. I think now is the time to fully develop the democratic Assembly concept across America. Once the People begin to speak freely amongst themselves and to their leaders, once their voice is heard and an agenda becomes clear, only a fool would laugh in reply.

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Well the 1 percenters are well armed fools and are used to crushing descent all around the world and unless you show them your willing to lay it on the line they will continue to laugh at your democratic assemblies. Your comment is just another version of "We have to build the movement before we confront them." and I say you build the movement by confronting them by shutting down their machine. You need to read some Union history. Union battles were won local by local, not by a grand national movement. You've picked a fight in NYC, stick to it.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Indeed, but the fight will be on our terms. We will pick the time, location, conditions, and opponents. It is not time yet. We as a Nation have not even yet realized what has happened, much less the potential, and how to wield this democratic uprising responsibly so that it truly benefits all of humanity rather than tearing down the existing economy in a rush toward change with no plan and no direction. I have been to Iraq. That is a bad idea all around.

The people must debate and decide their future before they embark on it. It has been too long since we have had the opportunity. Let us make the best of it.

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Your delusional and brain washed.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Because I don't think we should block the streets off tomorrow? Interesting.

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Yes, your delusional and brainwashed into thinking that if you use your free speech your getting results. Workers won the living wage when and only when they threw themselves physically in front of the trucks attempting to leave the factories paying slave wages. And yes they were physically attacked by the police, the pinkertons and the goons. And yes some of them were murdered.

This protest is saying "Please Sir, Can I have some more?"

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Quite to the contrary. The pen remains mightier than the sword to this day. Our demands are not hollow. They are backed by the American People, who are backed by the U.S. Armed Forces. It is essential that our means in achieving those demands are supported by the American people as well.

We must not interrupt services, but rather ensure those services remain uninterrupted while allowing the People to decide how to use these services in their best interest, under their own direction. Blocking streets will take a very long time to impact Wall Street and the institutional lenders that run it. The average person, the 99% would bear the brunt of the impact, like in Iraq. I would prefer we seek resignations (prosecutions in some cases) from the financial leaders and rebuild the economic system from the ground up in a transparent and democratic process, such as the General Assemblies that are emerging across the country.

With our voice and truth alone, we will win the Second American Revolution before our opponent realizes it has begun.

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Nobody said the demands are hollow but it now sounds like your for a violent revolution. Have you read the Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

I edited the response a little since you replied I think, but I just don't see how you could translate that as a call for anything other than a non-violent transition back to democracy. Of course the American People are backed by the U.S. Armed Forces. Why would that not be so? Only if some third party managed to change our Government in a way that violates its own Constitution.

[-] 1 points by pieman (23) from New York, NY 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by TheVolunteerWino (112) 13 years ago

I think they are trying to get someone stupid enough to retaliate against the system,so they can discredit the movement. . . .otherwise what they did , makes no sense, . . I think it was pre planned by the higher ups as a way to get the movement discredited , i bet at that point fox and cnn would have been all over the retaliation, . .and totally blown off the cause, . . .my hats off to the protesters who kept their cool, .. .also to the live feed people at global revolution, who seem to know whats going on, and hanging in there, . .kudos

[-] 1 points by pieman (23) from New York, NY 13 years ago

i havent seen tony baloney w/the cops lately....good riddance

[-] 1 points by TheVolunteerWino (112) 13 years ago

Someone needs to insist justice is done here! , . wish i could be there, i would sit down in a hunger strike untill he was brought to trial, . .besides , cant the people in the video sue ? , . .seems like they could get some nice pocket change going on

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

A very good vieo on the problems with the market system: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4hjO1ak4_M

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

Please think of contacting Roderick T. Long to speak at the general assembly. You will reach out much further than just statist leftist if you do.

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

"The authority of government, even such as I am willing to submit to — for I will cheerfully obey those who know and can do better than I, and in many things even those who neither know nor can do so well — is still an impure one: to be strictly just, it must have the sanction and consent of the governed. It can have no pure right over my person and property but what I concede to it. The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual. Even the Chinese philosopher (8) was wise enough to regard the individual as the basis of the empire. Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly. I please myself with imagining a State at least which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which even would not think it inconsistent with its own repose if a few were to live aloof from it, not meddling with it, nor embraced by it, who fulfilled all the duties of neighbors and fellow-men. A State which bore this kind of fruit, and suffered it to drop off as fast as it ripened, would prepare the way for a still more perfect and glorious State, which also I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen." -Thoreau

I can see the same "state" as Thoreau. A state that respects each individual and their choice to choose to be a part of it or not. It is a beautiful state not based on an underlying social contract you are born in to, but by consent.

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

Have we not learned from our past mistakes? The state is not here to protect us from the rich, take care of the poor, stop evil corporations, stop environmental destruction etc. A new state will not do so either. The rich will always use the force of the state to protect their wealth. Their social programs will always fall short of human empathy. They will always allow for destruction of the environment...within regulatory limits of course. The tea party does not need to be countered with a sell out left tea party movement. We need people to stand up and ask for governance by consent of each and every individual. If any individual chooses not to be a part of the new state, then let them be so long as they are not agressing upon anyone.

[-] 1 points by Rasterius (13) from West Leederville, WA 13 years ago


Looks like 200,000 transport workers will be joining the protests.

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

Democracy is a sham. I for one do not want to be ruled by the majority and will not consent to be governed by this government or any future government. Direct democracy is nothing more than mob rule. Where are all the anarchist at your general assemblies? So far all I see are more statist and reformists. This movement will not fix anything if you believe in the left vs. right, rich vs poor paradigm. It is the state vs you! Take care of the state and you take care of the rest.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

A democracy based on the Rights of the Individual will support your choice to opt out and will make it easier for you to do so than if you lived in a less just society (or in proximity to such a society, if you prefer). You are right to assert your Right to opt out.

Opting out of the social contract has always been a part of American culture and perhaps even the American dream itself, it just hasn't been recognized legally yet. What if we can convince the majority to support your right to opt out of the social contract?

[-] 1 points by tahitianwarrior (4) 13 years ago

can you please give a daily estimate of the number of protesters,i don't know if the powers that be are f$%^king with my internet or what can't even watch utube vids keep dropping out or take forever to load,strange shit going on. NO MSM COVERAGE OF THIS SINCE THE START BRISBANE AUSTRALIA HERE ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE

[-] 1 points by SincerelySkeptical (15) 13 years ago

To OWS, we occupy Minneapolis Oct 7. We are the 99% and we're with you. Stay strong, and know that your fellow Americans have noticed what you're doing, and more are waking up everyday.

[-] 1 points by reason (1) 13 years ago

How should the whole of humanity live together in our habitat of earth? Should everyone be free to be his best to exploit the earth’s resources as much as possible only for his own benefit? Or should everyone forfeits his individual rights and freedom for the sake of society and becomes a resource allocated by a central authority?

We have seen how both systems have failed. In Socialism, the individual loses the motivation to be his best. He fails individually and thus the whole society of which he is so much a part of. In Capitalism, an individual is free and motivated but deteriorates into a self-centered and greedy person. The society as a whole becomes a dichotomy of a small rich group sitting on top of and exploiting a much larger and poorer group.

Socialism grew out of violent Revolutions but died much more peacefully. Capitalism, on the other hand, evolves peacefully. Will it continue in the same way? This would be the preferred choice. Let’s hope these peaceful “Occupy” protests will start the process of mutation towards a better form of Capitalism in its perpetual evolution. So, do not condemn those who have started the “Occupy” protests as hippies, whiners or losers. Join them! Let’s roll!

[-] 1 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

I think, since you all are making the hard working Wall Street investors jobs harder, the federal government should declare a 3 month capital gains tax holiday to investors. You people are going to ruin the stock market for hard working men and women across this nation.

[-] 1 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

We need to move towards sound economic policies of lower taxes, less spending, and less centralized government. I can be more specific, but I doubt half of you would even 1) care 2) understand

[-] 0 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by S04kR4t35 (1) from De Forest, WI 13 years ago

Financial capitalism is in it's death throes, don't you understand that? If you cut taxes to the rich and slash government spending then aggregate demand will fall precipitously. No aggregate demand = no profitable investments. It is not because people aren't working hard enough or something like that. We don't need to produce more shit! We don't need more fast food restaurants and meaningless trinkets! We don't need more financial schemes! People want to create a better life for themselves, but they can't because of this corrupt system.

I actually have this sick hope that a republican gets elected president so that this rotten system will end even more quickly, although my greatest fear is that they will resort to force to maintain the existing power structure.

[-] 1 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

Most of the attendants of this rally are too dumb to realize the facts about this economy. We are in this recession due to over-spending, weakening of the dollar, a failing tax code, high cost of living, and because people don't have confidence in this economy. Wall Street has made mistakes, but you should be calling for a return to free market capitalism, not communism.

[-] 1 points by Thane123 (1) 13 years ago

we do not choose to be, we are. We all deserve a chance to succeed.

Politicians no longer represent the people only themselves and big business.

[-] 1 points by OldeGuard (6) 13 years ago

I support the overall message of Occupy Wall Street, but people...we need to address the root problem. Capitalism isn't it. That "Stop Capitalism" sign is inaccurate...understandably since few people are actually taught what we are. Our system is one of Corporatism. True capitalism would have never supported the bailouts and "stimulus" that went into the pockets of greedy corporatists. Whether one ultimately supports capitalism or not (or any other system), it's important to call things what they are.

[-] 1 points by Johns11201 (1) 13 years ago

Ron paul is a shill, no FED, no government, he is the problem not the solution. Dismantle the fed, let the government take over a major bank and turn is into a central bank with a mandate to serve the people's interest. Raise taxes on the rich not the poor, that's not ron paul.

[-] 1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

The way it seems, you all want a communist society; everything being equal. However, the true citizens of this government have nothing to worry about you "protesters" are going to get nowhere. In lament's terms, you all are treasonists

[-] 1 points by lavender (1) from Hatton, ND 13 years ago

Keep it simple. Fight smart. For all of us! Cheers from North Dakota.

[-] 1 points by reluctantsaint (2) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

you scare me / with your mace and your badges / dragging me with my brothers and sisters / under nets and over cars / for walking and shouting / and trying to give voice / to the same frustrations / that plague you / I heard my sisters scream / and there were no sirens / because it was you who maced them / you are just doing your job / doing what you're told / because you have hungry mouths / and debts to feed / they scare you / so / you scare us / I head my sisters scream / but there are no sirens / not for us / the 99 percent

[-] 1 points by louis (1) 13 years ago

I cannot be there for I'm Canadian and in college... Needless to say, this isn't my fight, but considering how Canadians are getting cheated by the system too, my thoughts are with you! Keep up the good work.


[-] 1 points by bliffblaff (10) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

The true Democratic revolution blossoms from the trials and tribulations, successes and failures, from this collective promising social experiment. An ever evolving learning experience.

Cheers from the Occupiers of Chicago.

PS lets skype, we have much to talk about.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Great idea! I don't have much experience with Skype. Sounds like conference calling might be similar as with a land line?


[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Why do my comments seem to disappear. What am I not doing right? D.

[-] 1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

are you using internet explorer? i had the same issues. theres a lot of your comments down there :O

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

No, I'm using xmission.com mail system. Now, I'm rather embarrassed to have so many comments up. Some of them were put up to try and make contact. Thanks for taking the time to answer me. I'm still a bit confused as to how my comments are now suddenly up. Diana Lee

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Love from Salt Lake City!

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Love from Salt Lake City!

[-] 1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Democracy requires joy and hard work. Thanks for bringing both to the streets. Keep singing... Love from Utah, Diana Lee

[-] 1 points by Lobnstur (1) from Selah, WA 13 years ago

Hi, I'm Derek Paul Stout, and I think this is all very interesting, though I'm across the country and am not taking part: physically.

But, I think any time people stand up peacefully and make noise over something they disagree with, it's a fine moment for humanity, no matter what the cause or the outcome.

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

The other officer besides Anthony Bologna to watch out for is Deputy Inspector John D'Adamo. He is the one who is in the NYT picture stretched over a barricade to snatch a protester. He was also in the news for this: http://gothamist.com/2011/02/17/bronx_nypd_wife_caught_in_black_men.php

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Thanks for that info... Do you or does anyone know if our phone calls are having any effect?

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

The police commissioner said they'd "look into" Bologna's pepper-spraying. I think it's having an effect. On Friday we're going to try to march to 1 Police Plaza (about 10 blocks north east of the park). Hopefully the group can agree that firing Bologna should be one of our demands. :)

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

ALL, IF YOU CAN, Go to RDWOLFF.COM You will.see here how things really work behind the scenes in the government and this gentleman shows promise to professionally promotenour demands and agendas. He and his feam needs support of masses. Contact him to see how best we can network!

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Mishenka, are you referring to the UMass. professor? He offers a free on-line course on Marxist economics, if I am not mistaken.

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Yes, he might be starting a movement on his own.....

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Yes, I am very impressed with what I have read so far and his psychiatrist wife has made some interesting contributions. I live in his state so I am looking forward to this movement.

We had the first GA for occupyboston last night with several hundred showing up. Very encouraging!

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

One can contribute to his cause as low as you want, then get updates on status of the movement once on his database. He needs the word spread out, which is what i am doing. Am surprised how little if at all, people dont know whats going on in NYC, muuch less about him.

[-] 1 points by kaizokudude (3) from Montreal, QC 13 years ago

Don't give up people. This is very important, and don't forget they depend on us! I'm far away but I'm thinking about coming to New York.

[-] 1 points by ksh01 (1) 13 years ago

We posted an analysis of senior police officer participation in the violence this weekend. Thought you'd be interested.

OccupyWallStreet: White Shirts Gone Wild


[-] 1 points by ferncapella (10) from Milwaukie, OR 13 years ago

Love, peace and strength from PDX, OR!

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

I was thinking the same thing Mishenka. I think that as this grows he will come around. We can hope, can't we? And what about Roger Waters?

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

I just saw Susan Sarrandon, but am thinking also, where is Shaun Penn, the big deffender...., see if they come, they are running the risk to loose financing for their future movies. This happened to Penn when he protested against the war in Iraq.....

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Dont know Roger Waters...


[-] 1 points by Janessa81 (1) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by GradyOgle (41) from Kent City, MI 13 years ago

Please, don't give up. Grand Rapids will stand with you.

Grady Ogle [Humanitarian]

[-] 1 points by grod (1) 13 years ago

The NY Times ran a first page story today about middle class street rebellions in other countries such as Israel, Greece and some others.

Amazingly, there is NOT a word about the Occupy Wall Street movement happening in their own city.

Next to that article is another about more sharp increases in US Health Insurance coming!

[-] 1 points by Jerasimus (1) 13 years ago

from Korean weekly Chosun. Could i interview you? I want to interview someone,current or graduator of college, with pro opinion of occupywallst.#occupywallstreet

My tweet @wheteisjohnwane

[-] 1 points by tdsisti (80) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

Oh, it's already here. That is what the article explained, that health insurance premiums have risen by 9%. This is what was predicted to be the outcome of the insurance companies hijacking the healthcare debates. Watch Marcia Angell, M.D. on Bill Moyers explain how our current healthcare plan would cost MORE, when the goal was to have is cost LESS..for citizens (aka consumers) and for government. What corporations seem to want is to have the power to deliver ZERO services for A HEFTY PROFIT...when the majority of people who file bankruptcy because of high medical costs do so even though they are already insured. Don't be discouraged that NY Times is not running a story, foreign newspapers are likely making much hay of the demonstrations in the U.S.A. and it's less than a month:).

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Correct. The insurance laws including healthcare have to be totslly overhauled in favor of the consumers......us.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Health insurance companies need to be wiped out completely.... or at least only be able to be involved with non-health related surgeries.... such as unnecessary plastic surgery. THAT is the biggest problem with the healthcare system in the USA. We need to take notes from other countries.

[-] 2 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Right on. No one should benefit of other people diseases and misfortunes. Health Insurance is run as business and thats the culprit of the disgraceful situation we are in right now. Japan, germany, france, they all have it quite simple. And doctors fees are also regulated just as the laws for lawsuits against the doctors,

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Exactly. It's the same in Australia (like in many European countries).... and private health insurance for unnecessary procedures is regulated so that it doesn't become inflated to the point of no return. I have friends there and went there back in February and saw their system first hand how it works. You also don't sit in a clinic for hours to be seen by a doctor.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

In Uruguay SA where I am originally from, there is both private(non-profit) and government sponsored insurance with free care for the poor. Even a so called Third World country can provide healthcare for its citizens without bankrupting them. I really do think it is only a matter of time before the system in the US plunges into complete disaster...

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Elite-level, private universities in Canada cost in tuition what a community college in the States costs. Community colleges typically only offer up to associate degrees (2-year degrees) and certificates and are seen as a stepping stone to go to a 4-year college/university or are more for continuing education if someone already is a working professional and wants to take additional classes or get a certificate or an associate degree in a related field. I may take the 3D animation course at my local community college soon as a way of broadening my career. It's MUCH cheaper than a 4-year school is, yet its cost is equivalent to the tuition at an elite-level, private 4-year university in Canada.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Even a dictatorship such as Cuba provides FREE national healthcare, FREE education up to PhD level, and FREE other things to its citizens. All of the public colleges and universities in Mexico are FREE to its citizens. Only the private schools cost money.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally agree. The brainwashed, misguided, Kool-Aid drinking Americans (basically, the conservative right as a whole) do nothing but bad mouth other countries and their national healthcare systems. They don't have a clue as to how they work and that they DO work, yet they do nothing but lie and say they don't work (feeding off the right wing propaganda).... this coming from people who NEVER travel outside of the USA..... many who don't even travel outside of their home states (I know so many of them — many in my own family).... and yet they somehow think they know how things work or don't work elsewhere.

[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Wwhen there is a will, there is a way. The fact that we are in this mess is because the 99% has not fully excercised its will, and in a way deserve it, because we voted for these jerks. When are we finally going to connect the dots....i am proposing the 99% to not vote in 2012, see hw far those gangsters get without us.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

The criminals are the first to be blamed. We are the second if we do nothing.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You're right, but when we vote in people who say one thing and then do the opposite when they take office (such as the governor of Michigan.... my home state), then the legislator is the one to blame. We are to blame if we do nothing about it... hence the need for this and other protests, recalls, etc. We are working on recalling our governor in the January election.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

That's a good point. Massive action or non-action in this case.

I have often talked about large numbers of people not paying their healthcare premiums for a month...

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Immigrants who came to US mostly came here to make money and this desire lives on as greed among a majority of them.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Um.... no, they have come and continue to come here for a BETTER LIFE. Is THAT greed? If you were being oppressed by your government and had an opportunity to go to another country for a happier, better, more peaceful, fair and free life, what would YOU do???

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Let me add another thought. People here have this strange idea that they can "Make Money". Literally, How can anybody make money ? It doesn't grow on plants or trees. Money is what you get in exchange for selling your product or service. You have to work hard to earn it. People here think, that making money is good no matter how you earn it, nobody cares if you made that money by cheating others, overcharging others, gambling or via lottery.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You are right in that it's not good to make money by cheating, stealing, lying, etc. It's certainly not wrong to start a small business to make a decent living from. That's what small businesses are about. The corporations are the ones that want to dominate, control, lie, cheat, steal, etc. Why else do they exist?

I DO care HOW people/companies make money, and so do many others.

But what does that have to do with immigrants? Most immigrants came here to create a better life for themselves and their children and so on.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I said another thought by which I meant not related to this :)

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It is related to the protest as in speaking of corporate greed and the way people acquire their wealth. I just don't see how that has anything to do with immigrants. I don't agree that most immigrants come here because of greed. A few might but not most. If you are from the USA, then you and I don't know what it's like to be extremely oppressed by our government. Yes, we have been taken advantage of for a long time, but compared to countries in Africa and many other places, we have no clue. So, I completely understand why people would want to come here if they see it as a better alternative.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

If I'm a billionaire, there is no place in the developed world than USA to keep more of what I earn as my yearly income. The top income tax rate is one of lowest in USA compared to other developed countries.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

If you are a billionaire who thinks you need to keep as much of that as you can, and therefore, you seek out the country with the lowest impact on your taxes, that IS greed. But I disagree that most immigrants are in that position.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

As a matter of fact, I know lots of doctors came here to US after 1980s (when income tax were reduced) from else where to make more money and pay less taxes. They all earn an average income of 400K USD per year and almost all are millionaires.

Doctors in developed countries around the world earn an average of 150K USD, and pay at least 50% in taxes which should give you a fair comparison.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Those people are to blame, but so is our system.... which is why this protest is happening.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

But doctors aren't the whole population and aren't ALL of immigrants. You can't blame ALL immigrants for why some of them come here.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I never said all. I said a majority which is technically 51% :)

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Perhaps you should clarify more then. To me, majority means a lot more than 51%. Technically speaking, a majority is 51%, but I see it as like 90%. I still would argue that 51% don't come here out of greed.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I have noticed, that you like to argue ;)

Good job!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I'm pointing out that what you have said is not true. It that arguing? Saying that most people immigrated here because of the gold rush is completely false. And saying that most people immigrate here because of greed is completely false. Don't make statements that you can't back up.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

SwissMiss, I don't dispute that most of the people who came to US in 20th century came here for better life, which is absolutely fine. You also might know that the initial settlers mostly came here for gold.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

My immigrant relatives started coming here in the 1600s.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

The California gold rush started in 1848. People started immigrating here LONG before that.... centuries before!!

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

On a lighter note, Those people who came for Gold rush started the GOP/Republican party.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

What? So everyone in America except the native Americans is driven primarily by greed? By looking at Wall Street, I see how you could say that. Looking at Liberty Plaza though, I question your reasoning.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I used the word "mostly" which doesn't mean all.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

They mostly came for freedom and quality of life, I think

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

do they have a comments section in the online version?

[-] 1 points by mslopez1983 (1) 13 years ago

Don't give up guys keep going I am with you in spirit. You are in my thoughts and heart #OccupyWallStreet! R. Lopez Portland, OR

[-] 1 points by DiscordianSociety (4) 13 years ago


we have two donation drop points in Asheville, NC.

Mellow Mushroom, Downtown Asheville and Hip Thrift in West Asheville.

Some supplies will be mailed and some will be delivered. We're bringing a van load to NY the 14 15 and 16 of Oct.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by lostliterature (1) 13 years ago

It is growing - "Protect Humanity's Democracy."


[-] 1 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

I have already added the ten points nominated by GhandiKingMindset to the "Planks on the Platform Direct Democracy Executives Eballot":

Direct Democracy, please vote here:


Additional decisions in the future might be:

_ We should make the demands below very publicly at a press conference a few days after arriving in DC. When doing so, we should give a clear deadline of 3 days for a firm written commitment from at least 60% of members of House and 60% of the members of the Senate to pass these bills by the end of the year. If this commitment on the full slate of demands is not met by midnight on the 3rd day (which it won't be) we should be prepared to non-violently block access to all or part of the Capitol complex the next morning by traditional proven non-violent tactics. The purpose is to bring the leaders of the House and Senate to the negotiating table.

These appear to be very important and well thought out ideas that have been compiled into the decision (e)ballot.

From my experience, some people are shy of an (e)ballot that is too extensive, and they may not vote. For example, the USA Parliament's Prime Minister Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] preferred to vote on only three items on our platform, and so of more than 70 items that were passed through direct democracy, only three items were actually adopted by our three voting executives who voted, PM Lightfoot, Secretary Covich and myself.

The way our direct democracy system works, the general public votes on the composition and order of the ballot, and the final version is voted on by the five executives, the three prime ministers and two secretaries. It's like they (the five "executives") are accountable to the ruling coalition, and if/when they did not implement a satisfactory set of planks, then a new ruling coalition can form to elect a more representative executive.

As Vote Counting Minister, I will be happy to work with you or anyone, who wishes to vote on these good on the one large eballot.

In our last vote, the items decriminalize marijuana and legalize marijuana came out on top as #1 and #2, and about 64 items were approved by a majority vote (50% plus one vote of the total voters) and elected in consecutively ranked order. Again, decriminalize marijuana was #1 and legalize marijuana as #2, so the decision would be to both decriminalize and legalize.

Please feel free to email or call if you need help putting these issues up for a vote, I have added them to the top of our ballot.

--James 415-686-1996 joogle@gonott.com

[-] 1 points by patriotsact (2) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Very good Sir, but if we really want one big impact demand, and we want to create maximum tension, I suggest that goal would be better served by demanding the restoration of currency issuance to the congress and the shutdown of the Federal Reserve. That would be a good starting point for negotiations.

[-] 1 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

One thing positive about the Federal Reserve is that there is twelve regions, similar to the twelve population balanced super-states in the USA Parliament.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

One thing positive about a load of shit is that you can make compost with it.

[-] 1 points by Time4Attention (7) from Altamonte Springs, FL 13 years ago

REPEAL THE PATRIOT ACT, REINSTATE POSSE COMITATUS. This is incredibly important. Of course, not directly related to the economy, but indirectly. Blackwater and Amway, people.

[-] 1 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

If anyone wants to coordinate with other political activists using a voting system which is based on votes cast as proof, the 8th USA Parliament, founded on August 5th, 1995 is seeking voters and self appointed members.

Our national committee features 100 elected MPs, each elected with 1/100ths, plus one vote, the total votes cast kept as proof for your verification and validation. And on 1/1/2012, we're increasing our BoD to the first 1000 names who receive votes or "tics".

We use the triple prime minister system, who elect the 60 full Cabinet Ministers and 75 Deputy Cabinet Ministers or more, and each Ministry features twelve elected Directors who use ranked choice consensus voting to elect decisions. We're continually improving our Minister positions, and you're welcome to lead if/when you are an improvement over an existing Minister, and then they are happily elected to Deputy Minister in case your name is elected in your stead.

I realize this is a mathematical and dry process, but as the founder, I have to promote the operation in order to get the word out. The founders of Google actually helped our team by deriving their business name from my logo, Joogle in October of 1997. But they forgot and the evidence in Deja Vu News was deleted when they bought Deja Vu news and renamed it Google groups.

Please consider working under the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system in your region and other regions too if you wish, since we have so few people. We look forward to adding your name to the ranks. We get stronger by working together, and our obvious goal is the defeat of the two-party system, plurality elections (using a "x" instead of #1, #2, #3, etc.) and to replace single-winner districts which attract egotists with multi-winner districts, the more the better.

We are made up of twelve population balanced super-states, each containing twelve population balanced mini-states, county micro-states, and your name/avatar may participate in multiple levels and regions.

Next year, we're kicking off the season on 1/1/2012 with the announcement of our schedule, and we're also increasing our national committee from 100 to 1000 names.

We peak on July 4th, 2012.

In 2012, we'll be raising the satisfaction level, the number of votes that count to elect the 1000 names, from 99% plus 100 votes to 99.9% plus 1000 votes, and the rules have already been approved by the ruling coalition of ten MPs (MP=member of parliament). All elected MPs in 2012 who approve the rules are then a member of the ruling coalition, and we want your name to be one too.

Please go to the signup page, to sign up or ask questions.

We also have an open forum on the site http://www.RoseanneWorld.com in the politics section of the Old Forum. Our elected Queen Roseanne the First [Green Tea] pays for the cost, she often reads the comments and sometimes responds personally. However, she doesn't use ranked choice voting herself, and we're still trying to explain to her how it works.

The new faction of the Green Tea Party is using it, and they are integrated within the 8th USA Parliament, the "All Party System (and independents)", and several of their members are organizing around the USA in different regions including Chicago, North Carolina, Texas, California and several other states.

We're also totally integrated with several other national political parties like the Pot, Roseannearchist, Constitutional Monarchist, Free Parliamentary, Peoples Party, Environmentalist, Bong, Green Chaos, Purple Libertarian, aqua tangerine, Hemp, Discordian, Monster, Demon, Chronic, Defender of the Republic and more, as well as individual members from groups like the Green Libertarian, Constitution, Boston Tea, including cool Green, Libertarian, Democratic and Republican Party members.

Hope you like it.

We're powered by signups and votes, so please consider coordinating, no matter which state or country you reside. We also have international contacts from more than seven countries who also vote within the international divisions.

Thank you for your consideration!

Vote Counting Minister James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Volunteer vote counter


[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Could you not explain this in a less obfuscated, shorter way?

[-] 1 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

Thank you for your interest. What particular point did you want me to simplify? I will try to oblige.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

What is it that you are talking about?

How can this serve this movement?

how does it compare to alternatives?

what good is political democracy without economic democracy?

[-] 2 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

Javier: What is it that you are talking about?

Me: The 8th USA Parliament is like a political party where everyone has the liberty to self categorize with any political party/category or independent as they wish without penalty, and still be an equal voter for free. Their name (or anonymous) and their party/category are like words of communication to the voter who elects the team.


Javier: How can this serve this movement?

Me: This is a good way to have as many multiple alternatives of choices for both elected representatives as well as elected ideas/decisions, as quickly as the names and ideas can be nominated, prepared on a ballot, voted on and the votes counted and kept as proof. It resolves all doubts as to what the majority (50% plus one) supports by way of ideas, and also elects a 1000-member BoD in 2012, which serves as a very large coalition. With sixty full Cabinet Ministers, where each Cabinet has twelve directors who vote on decisions through ranked choice consensus voting, there are many departments where people can specialize. Economics Ministry, Love Ministry, Federal Elections Commission Ministry, Platform Ministry, Peace Ministry, etc.

Javier: how does it compare to alternatives?

Me: No comparison. Today there is no known voting system that is more mathematically perfect than the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, discovered in the mid 1800s, which is based on pure mathematical percentages.

Javier: what good is political democracy without economic democracy?

Me: Political democracy is about electing a team, who will implement the economics in a democratic fashion. This is not like plurality politics you're used to, where fighting makes you powerful because bad publicity is good publicity. This is about working together in an orderly manner through voting to get stronger.

Socialism is economic democracy, and this is a pro-socialist voting system, and all socialistic as well as capitalistic labels are welcomed.

Just about every guild, co-op, corporation, government entity, business or political party can use this system. By allowing all parties and independents work with the socialistic parties, you guarantee any person who garners 1/1001th plus one vote, a vote on the "BoD".

Even if a jerk or a communist has one seat, and their idea is a good one, then with one of the votes they are connected to get their idea considered by the larger body. Then, when 50% plus one of the voting members approve the decision, the team can go forward and act on that idea with confidence, along with all ideas that are elected in consecutive order as a result of the advanced ranked choice voting method.

The ranked choice voting system is based on algebra, and is far superior to any plurality voting based on addition. Under current plurality voting systems, where we add up the votes, and the one with the most votes win, there are divisive problems due to slate voting, the "split the vote" problem, lessor of two evils problem, the redistricting problem, the free speech, the monetary and other unintended problems that cause inequities of addition-based elections.

Under the algebraic pure proportional representation (PR) systems, these problems are solved, because all voters get representation proportional to how they ranked their choices, depending what they numbered as #1, #2, #3, etc. when voting on their interests. When one group gets 3% of the #1 votes, their group gets 3% of the representation on the BoD. When an independent gets 1%, they get 1% of the representation. (technically, it's .99% plus one vote on a 100-member committee, or .999% plus one vote on a 1000 member committee, but I've rounded off to 1% for simplicity).

This is about multiple winners, the more the better.

A dynamic and organic structure, which is as flexible, accountable and pro-active as each and every individual is, in a team of 1000.

It's far more fair than any individual political party or independent group can create by dictating unelected appointed names or decisions.

Most political groups and activities are about putting up roadblocks, against all those who are not part of the elected team. Not this one, this free parliamentary system thrives as an ever-expanding open-ended appointment system. And the main national committee addresses the nation as an at-large body, where the supply and demand for participating has increased to such a degree that there is competition of ideas due to the cap on 1000 elected members nationally.

When one person resigns, "stands down" or dies, the next name is automatically elected in their stead with little or no fanfare at all, as quickly as the original set of ballots can be re-counted and the new name elected. With risk assessment from within the group, the political USA Parliament would be quite self-sustaining as long as the nominations and vote counting are always done correctly, and improvements are always eagerly implemented.

Be sure to sign up today, and play whatever role you'd like on the team. Nobody has it as good as OUR team!

Sign up here:


[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Fair Enough I like it very, very, very, very much, and I will sign up.

[-] 1 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

Thanks again for your interest, Javier.

As volunteer web page maintainer, I can appoint or elect your name and party/category and assign you to a Ministry too. Your post says Buenos Aires...International Contact for Argentina? Diplomat? Non US citizen? We don't care. You name can serve in any region/level you wish. You may even appoint/elect more names, as long as they don't mind. The national is the most active: http://www.usparliament.org

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

What would be the difference between IC, diplomat and Non US citizen? What do you mean by "You name can serve in any region/level you wish"? Are Argentineans "Non US American Citizens"? Why USParliament and not WorldParliament?

[-] 1 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

Hon Javier, thank you for participating. We are conducting ranked choice consensus voting within the Foreign Ministry's United World Division, which is a group of four elected Directors from any country. I will elect your name into the Division as well, if you wish, and you too may rank names for Directors.

Your questions and my answers:

Javier: What would be the difference between IC, diplomat and Non US citizen?

Me: "International contact" is another name for "non US of America" citizen. If you ARE a citizen, we'd assign your name as diplomat or Ambassador. We welcome people on all levels, but we do distinguish between US citizen and non US citizen.

Javier: What do you mean by "Your name can serve in any region/level you wish"?

Me: That means that we need people in all regions, and we'd welcome your participation where ever you wish to be a member. The only limit on non USA citizens it that technically you must be a USA citizen in order to vote within the USA sector, but that doesn't prevent you from being elected by other USA citizen voters under current approved rules and casting a vote once elected.

The rules are dynamic and were approved by the "ruling coalition", and can be improved by having a new and improved set of rules being rank voted on by a larger ruling coalition of eleven of more MPs. The current ruling coalition that exists is ten national MPs, because one recently passed away (MP lloyd Lewellyn [Flying Saucer] RIP.

It does take quite a bit of work to contact the ruling coalition, that's almost like a vote of confidence for the rules, but it can be done when needed.

Javier: Are Argentineans "Non US American Citizens"?

Me: Yes

Javier: Why USParliament and not WorldParliament?

Me: Because the USA is so big, I decided to focus nationally, and not try to organize the whole world. So I've limited my work to within the USA only, except the Foreign Ministry, which also has a United World Division.

In addition, the Economics Ministry also has the Global Economics Division. Both Divisions were just set up in the past 30 days, when IC (India) Director M.S. Mohamed Ansari [Global Economic] was elected: http://usparliament.org/globaleconomicsdivision.php

So we actually have two ministries that support non USA citizens in a voting system, both within the Foreign and Economics Ministries.

[-] 1 points by joogle (55) 13 years ago

Thanks. I forgot to mention three more things, 1) we're established as a non profit voter registration drive and 2) we're conciliatory to all parties and independents, Anarchists Party too. 3) Although Hon MP Ron Paul [Republican] was elected as our #1 name (i.e.president) and Hon Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] our #2 name (i.e.vice president) in 2008, President Ron Paul [Republican] has not been cooperating, but Vice President Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] has been cooperating and she's easily contacted. I talked to her tonight. And PM Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] is VERY cooperative and rather conciliatory towards all parties (although not enough, she still slanders a bit but she's improving) and she wants to take MP Ron Paul's place as our #1, our elected president in 2012. And that fits in with what we're trying to accomplish.

[-] 1 points by Cantoffie (17) 13 years ago

Great photos, and I hope more Activists come out and support and disscuss in NYC and other cities.

Peace an love from Ottawa, Canada.

[-] 0 points by SocialismYes (4) 13 years ago

I would like a law passed that would give me a right not to work, we have lots of millionaire's in this Country, why can't they support us? All these business small and large make enough money so we can tax them at a 75% rate to take care of all of us, working is slavery just like in Egypt with the prymids, we should not have to work but the rich need to take care of us.

[-] 0 points by DavidKing (3) 13 years ago

Obama Global Supporters Videos!

Occupy Wall Street,

Barack Obama is the M.L.K. of our day & will continue to bring the world together to progress it like never before. In my own way, I want to play a big part in this major place in our history. People need help all around the world. There's one song for everyone & everything! For Obama 2012, I'm inviting you to be in my global video series of celebrities, people of places named after Obama & Obama supporters singing the chorus of Obama For The World (world's Obama tribute song)! ITunes! For Obama's change & America's freedom! 50% of sales go to the finishing of the new World Trade Center, Occupy Wall Street & Obama For America.


[-] 0 points by DrMandible (6) 13 years ago

My OWS protest song was linked on Fire Dog Lake's Dissenter blog. Check out the song and video here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2ERn5PgBQ0

[-] 0 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

Surprise surprise, the media and politic lies... don't step again into the trap, RonPaul is freemason. All you supporters are brainwashed again, he has good arguments, no question. But at the end you are fooled again, nothing will change, if we don't change the whole system to a "real" and "direct" democracy.

We don want a crumb from the cake, we will conquer the f* whole bakery and give out equal parts for everyone.

[-] 1 points by GradyOgle (41) from Kent City, MI 13 years ago

I'm not saying he is a freemason or he isn't a freemason, but do you have any evidence of this?

[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

Freemason or Illuminati? They actually want no government... which is interesting in and of itself. They seem to have a handle on that concept... what exists now is a business, by the business and for the business... privatize means slavery. Just like the federal reserve. So... even if Paul is status quo.... more of the same.. wont that just mean we will see the picture sooner and have to change it? Obama hardly changed anything, but was that his fault or was it the cabinet he appointed because he was new... we will always have questions.... the answer is always there... we need an open source constitution, of the people, by the people, and for the people.... we have the tools... let's write the damn goverment and enact it... what are we waiting for?

[-] 0 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

Fuck a new constitution unless it allows for the individual to opt out of your social contract. You do not have my consent to govern over me unless I voluntarily agree to it.

[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

Then why are you here at all? No one consents to being governed. Its something we accept as a fact of life. The choice is in if we participate. I didn't even say a single rule and you ruled yourself out... perhaps you would be happier living alone on mars or the moon. Then you can govern yourself :) All I am saying is open source, which means the people get to input ideas and the best will float to the top. Perhaps we aren't ready for something like that coonsidering how ignorantly divided this country is.... or is it? With all the operatives posting divising hatespeech and pushing a wedge between reality and common sense.... its amazing that we don't already degrade back to civil war.... we have come a long ways in a short time. Most of what we see isn't real. These plants are seeds that grow to divide us and we must not water them. We can come together for common good if we accept each other for who we are. Educate instead of legislate. Regulate through purpose and intent rather than forced upon by government. Who are we to stand in the way of humanity. What will be will be. Take it from me... if you don't like it, make like a tree and plant a seed... but only love will grow in a future built by me. You cannot opt out of social responsibility in one form or another. You are responsible to yourself and everyone you come in contact with. The only way out is suicide and who wants that anyways? We are consenting to govern ourselves anyways... that is the point of a new constitution. To take the power into our own hands. To use technology to learn, explore, and debate the issues. It would be whatever we wanted it to be. What we make it to be. How can you opt out before you ever opted in with an idea. Optimize before you cynicize...

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Preamble to the United States Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable Rights; that among these, are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

-Thomas Jefferson

[-] 0 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

Division and decentralization are a good thing not a bad thing. All I am saying is we don't need a social contract to unite us all. Human beings can't voluntarily choose to organize any way they choose economically or socially so long as they are not force others to join them. I agree that no man is an island unto himself and needs his fellow man to survive. We do not need a social contract to unite us for this reason. I am opting out because I already am hearing a vast majority of you cry for rule by the majority under the guise of direct democracy. True...it may be better than the current form of governance, but that doesn't make it just. I for one do not want to be ruled by a direct democracy where the majority can rule over the minority unless this democracy is limited by consent of each and every individual. I reject Jean Jacques Rousseau's social contract and find it unnecessary to force people into such a contract. This is something that happens organically and does not need to be forced upon people within certain geographical boundaries. Voluntary organization/spontaneous order are much better forms of the chaotic order of central planners.

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

*Voluntary organization/spontaneous order are much better forms of governance than the chaotic order of central planners.

[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

Assume. Your name is insight into your. Beleifs... you want anarchy. I can assume too. Instead of assuming let's builda nuanced system that works for everyone. What are you opting out of anyways? You want to have no courts work for you, guilty if yo opt out. Want no firefighters or police when you need them, but you opted out. Your opt out makes little sense to me. If you want to opt out you can leave the country. Just like states have rules, you can leave the state. There will always be a social contract of law at the least... how do we enforce rules of law if everyone opts out...

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

"The authority of government, even such as I am willing to submit to — for I will cheerfully obey those who know and can do better than I, and in many things even those who neither know nor can do so well — is still an impure one: to be strictly just, it must have the sanction and consent of the governed. It can have no pure right over my person and property but what I concede to it. The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual. Even the Chinese philosopher (8) was wise enough to regard the individual as the basis of the empire. Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly. I please myself with imagining a State at least which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which even would not think it inconsistent with its own repose if a few were to live aloof from it, not meddling with it, nor embraced by it, who fulfilled all the duties of neighbors and fellow-men. A State which bore this kind of fruit, and suffered it to drop off as fast as it ripened, would prepare the way for a still more perfect and glorious State, which also I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen." -Thoreau

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

Lol...typical statist reply. How can you go swimming without public pools whaaa. There have been quasi anarchist societies in the past that have courts, security and firefighters. Instead of being a subject of the courts you were actually treated as a customer and most disputes were settled by arbitration. Courts were not monopolistic and didn't judge people for non-violent crimes. Funny that you are arguing for statist police after what you have witnessed on OWS. Competing security would be much more just. You do realize that there are quite a few voluntary fire departments out there don't you? WHy do you feel the state is the only means of providing law and order?

[-] 1 points by anarchov (10) 13 years ago

Also, why is my freedom contingent upon geographical boundaries? THere are several reasons why I don't leave- family, friends, finances, all nation states are the same, etc.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Ron Paul is a RACIST and should not be allowed anywhere near our movement. He has been featured on Stormfront, and has written many vile things about both African-Americans and Latino immigrants. Being of part Native American ancestry myself, I will never accept this racist as one of our own.

Here are some details of his past, form an article I wrote for DC Indymedia:


[-] 3 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

There's not one single racist comment in the link you gave or any link it references. You're outright slandering the man in an effort to discredit him in the election. This is a great example of what's wrong with politics. Contrary to belief on Wall Street and in D.C., the Second Amendment does not protect lying to the American People.

[-] 2 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

I know where you are heading with this. I've known Ron and Rand Paul for years. What they are saying is, "We need to get the black community off of welfare"... and, "We need to stop giving illegal immigrants benefits and assistance they are not entitled to." I guess you could perceive this as Racist. But keep in mind that in other Countries, if you are an illegal immigrant, you are shot on sight or immediately deported. As for the Native Americans, well, we all know that they were screwed by Racists over 150 years ago.

[-] 2 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 13 years ago

and it isn't racist to say that a disproportionate number of african americans are welfare recipients... thats stating a statistic. now it could be argued that it is due to past social inequality or demographics but the statistic remains the same

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

And that is precisely what Ron Paul is attempting to address. It's getting a little "old" now that we have a black President... we STILL can't make a comment about a minority group without being called a RACIST.

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

This shit is not only racist, it's part of the austerity message coming from the Tea Party. It has no place in a progressive protest FOR services and AGAINST austerity, the banksters, and the growing gap between rich and poor.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

I've noticed an overwhelming theme among those who are the REAL closet racists... they are always accusing everyone else of being a RACIST. I don't care if you are purple and tri-sexual. If you have a logical thought to express, then I'll respect your opinion. You obviously don't respect anyone else's opinion; because you'd rather use the RACE-card than engage in a logical discussion.

[-] 1 points by revg33k (429) from Woodstock, IL 13 years ago

exactly just because somebody mentions a race does not make them a racist

[-] 1 points by OldeGuard (6) 13 years ago

What are these vile things? If you're talking about the racist newsletters, you realize he wasn't even in politics when those were written. (He was busy delivering babies.) And yeah, the author of those newsletters was fired. Of course, you're a little late to the party as the letters were raised and dismissed/answered for years ago.

Ron Paul has repeatedly, publicly denounced government programs that unfairly target minorities and destroy their communities (War on drugs, for example). He is pro-individual liberty for all.

Frankly, if this movement is to see true and lasting success, it needs to be able to see beyond the veil of lies and misinformation perpetuated by the MSM. You already see how they treat this movement and how they twist things. If you pick and choose what you will see and investigate, you will ultimately fail. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if there were plants already to stir this up. For all I know, you are one of them seeing as you bring only distortions, lies, and libel to the table.

[-] 1 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 13 years ago

he is the only hope out of the presidential candidates if you really care about actual change. His campaign has already talked about going through with like 5 out of the 13 demands this OWS group has come up with....

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, hes a half mad genius... 50 percent mad 50 percent genius, in whose hands the presidency would be in essence a bomb.

[-] 1 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 13 years ago

yeah hes definitely got a crazy streak... But I think we need someone to really make people go "what'd he just say?" The average joe needs some shaking up, maybe it will get people doing a bit more classical thinking

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

I'm sorry, shock value and jar value aside, ron paul as president plays about the same way as insane clown possee for president. Saying he wins, which is impossible, because most people can tell hes a wingnut, once he gets in civilization and the presidency in particular implode. I don't understand how people can so grossly fail to model real causes and effects over time in reality. Handing ron paul the presidency is like handing an infant a red nuke switch. they are going to press it its only a matter of time.. without ever having the first clue that they are about to destroy millions of people.

[-] 1 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

totally agree :-)

[-] 0 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

Ron Paul is not a racist

[-] 0 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

Investigate for yourself

[-] 1 points by OldeGuard (6) 13 years ago

Already investigated and shown to be false.

[-] 0 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

Get off of wall street and quit trying to take this nation to communism

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Get off of wallstreet and quit trying to take this world to unhappiness.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Ha! I haven't quite put my finger on it yet... but there DOES seem to be a hidden Socialist agenda here. Just look at their list of demands...

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Well go demand something else Patriot :) It's an open and free assembly. Demand whatever you want. "Every option is on the table", to quote a phrase.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

That's why I have called this protest an 'esoteric' movement. It is isolated and 'personalized' at present. Therefore, it does not currently represent the 99% that it claims to represent. There are a lot of great ideas being posted on this blog site. But, unfortunately, 'whoever' is in charge of the OWS list of demands is not taking that into account. But, there's no need to bicker or worry about it. I'm sure it will evolve over time.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Where is that list?

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

The list is evolving. And I believe that it is improving day-by-day. I see that progress is being made within the OWS Movement and the 'leaders' are refining their List of Demands to include only the most critical issues. I think it is time for the 'leaders' to show their faces and stand up proudly... instead of hiding behind anonymous nicknames, however. There are several "lists" being posted online. No one really know which "list" is the REAL "list".

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

The non-leaders are not showing their faces so as to not personalize.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

That's the biggest contradiction I've heard yet. The non-leaders are not showing their faces so that they CAN personalize without accountability. And they have every right to do so. I'm just making an observation that about 100 other people have also stated. Wait and see... a 'leader' WILL emerge... and when that happens it will strengthen the movement ten-fold.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Well, I could be wrong here. But we need to put Women's Rights and Legalizing Drugs and Erasing College Loans on the back-burner. I realize they may be important to some people. But the critical issues are the ones that will FIX the poverty and unemployment that exists in the Country. The critical issue is to put an end to the CORRUPTION that exists in Corporate America and Washington D.C.

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

No woman should EVER be asked to put her right to choose contraception or abortion on the back burner-not now, not ever. As for those student loans, they are both part of the whole debt slavery picture the bankers are imposing on the world and a strategic barrier to organizing on any college campus: Who will risk "ruining their resume" if they will graduate $80K in debt? I would like to see a wholesale default on those student loans and strict controls on tuition. For instance, if medical school tuition is not controlled, the cost of medicine cannot be controlled because the cost to a doctor of entry to the field cannot be controlled.

When I was a student in the late 1980s/early 1990s at U-MD, they ran up tuition, lowered the number of students they accepted, and spent millions on cosmetic construction projects. I would have dropped out long before I would have accepted debt to continue, but in those days school was cheap compared to now.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

Well, if you put it that way... I'd go along with that. But, then again, you come off as a racist. Just sayin'...

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Racist? It's the "Patriot" movement that is infested with racist swine who hate Latino immigrants and African-Americans. I am mixed European and Native American myself, so the forebears of these "patriots" who rode with the horse soldiers would have killed some of my ancestors on sight, especially those of mixed blood whom racist US cavalrymen hated the most. The descendants of these horse soldiers today shit on Latino Immigrants who are themselves of Native blood, crossing from one piece of Native American land to another over the white man's borders.

It's also the racists who are patriarchy supporters, wanting to keep women pregnant and in the kitchen. For instance, prominant supporters of Ron Paul (a notorious racist) showed up at the August harassment of Dr Tiller's clinic in Germantown.

About the student debt, I just think $80K in debt for a speculative investment is a very bad deal. There's NOTHING racist about dropping out of school or never starting because you don't want the debt. Hell, half of what is stirring up movements from Egypt to here is middle class kids who invest all that time, money, and debt slavery in college, only to find that they system hasn't kept it's part of the bargain and there are no jobs to be had, just debts that cannot be paid and cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.

[-] 1 points by patriot4change (818) 13 years ago

I was being facetious/sarcastic, lukefromDC. Everyone was calling each other "racists" a few days ago... and I thought you would see through my humor. I agree with you about the debt-slavery issue with College loans. I am over 50 years old, but I had conversations with friends YEARS ago in which we discussed how Student Loans were a way to LOCK the new prospective workforce into lifetime of DEBT. It was a TRAP. In fact, I have heard several prominent Economists state publicly that a College Degree is no longer WORTH pursuing. It is a sad state of affairs. And I hope the Occupy Movement wins this battle!!!

[-] 1 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 13 years ago

Definitely, but you knew i'd say that....

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

We need a new, decentralized and sustainable American and Global economy that holds its leaders accountable and seeks to be as just as it is efficient.

These Assemblies will make that possible. The dawn is just beginning.

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

After the harm that Reagan and both Bushes have inflicted, with real wages for the working class declining ever since 1973, with ever rising wealth for the top 1% and rising taxes for the REST of us while they get tax breaks, some socialism would be nice...

[-] 0 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

Ron Paul might be a moron, but freemasons do great things.

[-] 2 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

like military and economic wars, enslavement of the "sheeple" euthanasie and transhumanism, really great things

You should really search foar a new name, it doesnt fit to your words or knowledge

Google "P2 lodge Italy" and you see how they are corrupting & assassinating ppl

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

No, like building the Temples of all religions and exalting our creator's order without imposing faith on others. You should learn what the real history of the masons is. There is good and bad everywhere, in every organization. I am not a mason, but I respect their overall philosophy. I don't agree with secret societies in government though, for the same reasons that I don't agree with religion in government.

[-] 0 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

You want equal parts for everyone? That constitutes a communist society

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i'm so sick and tired of people who clearly have never picked up a political science textbook throwing around the words "communist" or etc like they have the first clue what that means. You don't. So stop.

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

you probably never picked up a book period. Start reading, stop lying.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

again, your lame ad hom is transparent to everyone as a stupid lame ad hom obviously not relevant to me.

[-] -1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

Socialism does not work

[-] -1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

Classless society= communism

[-] -1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

Retrospectively, I am a political science major. Get your facts straight.

[-] 3 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

socialism has never been tried. Socialism is a specific 200 year old ideology. trying to tell me that anybody over here is actually proposing socialism is in essence mostly a stupid con trick. Sure you are a political science major. thats believable. if so, your in it to mindfuck the population, which is a funny thing.. your naming yourself capitalism says it all. your defensive of your pet system. a fascist and evil system. a system which isn't even actually capitalism- and never was. Capitalism is a fine idea... maybe we should try it some time. Actually its turn in evolutionary time gets skipped because we were too stupid to leave oligarchy behind. YOU get your facts straight.

[-] 3 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

socialism in theory CAN work. Capitalism in theory can't. I'm not proposing socialism, but don't tell me your a political science major and then reveal right before that that you think socialism has ever been tried or that it thus does not or can not work. It CAN work. Lets NOT try it. And lets not try to BS me; you have no IDEA.

[-] -1 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

Please leave your phone number here so a licensed professional can help you.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

ha ha. i have expert knowledge in psychology and can design and implement sanity tests, so, while amusing, your ad hom is particularly off target and has nothing to do with me and says everything about YOU.

[-] -1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

Real funny, you must be a supporter of Freud

[-] 3 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

again, more stupid ad homs that miss the mark. Freud was half insane and for instance proposed clitoris ectomies for sexually frustrated women. He was a crackpot and is over billed as the father of psychology. Again you epic fail, again i turn this my way and prove i know what you are talking about, and again you prove you are merely trolling somebody and out of your depth doing it.

[-] 2 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

you are so right gawdoftruth thanx foar that, just to mention communism and socialism are different, and i dont wanna use one of theese system better took the best parts out of all systems and create something new. We dont have only two or moar options we can open up anything to creat something more fair, decentralized pacefull and without human enslavement, yes i am a utopist. "be realistic, demand the impossible" -CHE

[-] 1 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

they are different, both bad for different reasons. Right now, we have a President who has at least 2 socialist-like economic policies and clearly the recession has gotten worse.

[-] -1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

Really? I would love to find out what your occupation is. Ha

[-] 3 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

my occupation is saving the humanz from morons who think that capitalism has ever existed and who thus are defending oligarchy because they IMAGINE they have a chance to be one of the elites. If only they climb that ladder. pathetic matrix caged fools. I love them tho and i do my best to help them out.

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

I bet you sit around on a porch drinking beer all day watching the world go by all the while collecting welfare on the backs of hard working men and women.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

right, and i don't drink, have a porch, or any of that, and your ad hom is just trolling with no content.

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

Sorry, your mother's basement is not equipped with a porch.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

again, your lame and stupid ad hom is obviously a trolling tactic and has nothing to do with me.

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

trolling? Look, you and I have a difference in view; I believe in freedom, you believe in fear. You and these other moron protesters just are pushing fear. I believe in our free markets, I think the best way to grow the economy is by lowering taxes on capital gains, business, and families.

[-] 2 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

"moron protesters" ? GTFO idiot

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, i beleive in truth and freedom, you believe in lies and fear. I am not pushing fear,. i am telling the truth. we don;t have free markets, we have slave markets. i want a free market system, thats one half of a functioning democracy. you think what? like your opinion after the previous matters? your wrong on all counts.

[-] -1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

You have no concept of what this government is. Anarchist.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i studied systems theory and game theory, i know what government is and again, lame ad homs and personal attacks is all you have? lol? calling me an anarchist when i am the one arguing around here for evolutionary order is particularly ironic and funny.

[-] -2 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

"game theory" sounds like you are living in "Mario Party 3"

[-] 3 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

ha ha. thats a scientific discipline. moron.

[-] -2 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

I'd rather have a nation of Wall Street types than a nation of whiners.

[-] 4 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

its not a choice between wall street types and nation of whiners. the direction wall street is taking us kills everyone- including the wall street types. Calling us whiners is a rhetorical inflammatory ad hom and once again proves you are trolling.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

what a patience you have dude, I commend you.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

thank u, its nice to know people appreciate and notice. it is hard work.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

"The Fortune is at the Bottom of the Pyramid" Late C.K. Prahalad (University of Michigan). There is no wallstreet without that hardworking teacher, policeman, construction worker, farmer and other hardworking people. This is the universal truth, in every country, every continent.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

game theory man, game theory, as in a mathematical branch? no? well...

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

yes. its a branch of math, its the math of games.


[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

gee, if you spent any time trying to run it down you'd find i have left my entire life as an open book for anyone to read. here. let me make it easy for you. https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833

its no surprise you have been as lazy over your wonderings as you have been over your political science. sigh.

[-] 1 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

Really? Is that supposed to be funny? It is not and also, it shows your ignorance. Look, the bottom line is what you and your allies are advocating will never be supported by Americans. Americans want freedom and capitalism, not fear and even more joblessness which is what you are for.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the bottom line is that what you are calling capitalism is oligarchy. i have no beef with a free market system, and no problem with capitalism. when do we start? there has never been a capitalist system. And you telling me what americans want is just you using the bandwagon fallacy. Freedom means genuine democracy and that is incompatible with republicanism or capitalism. fear and more joblessness is what capitalism is for. And you seem to have missed the important point that i'm actually a pain in the tush to these protestors because i'm the adult in the room.

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

we have strayed away from capitalism. We have spent billions of dollars in new regulations, we have Obamacare, and we have government competing with private business. Please....

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

calling it obamacare only proves you are ignorant and operating from repug nicon talking points.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

there was never any capitalism? strayed? its always been a patent oligarchy period. how many times do i have to repeat this till you get it? we don't have a capitalist system. the end.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Ohhhh, thats why capitalism is failing, because of obamacare, I see

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

who are those naked dudes?

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

those are the emperors, they have no clothes.

[-] 0 points by truthteller (4) 13 years ago

Don't be surprised, most of these people can't even pronounce "political".

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

I'm surprised you can spell surprised...

[-] 0 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

working for 1,20 $ or less the hour is fair in your eyes ? WTF haz this to do with Socialism ??? same work - same money Globally to avoid enslavement of the developing countries and keep jobs at home ! Where is the problem ? It can be so easy

[-] 0 points by Jesse (1) from North Bergen, NJ 13 years ago

You didn't make any money so now you want to steal it from the people who did. SOCIALIST.

[-] 2 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

He might want to take it back from the people that stole it...

[-] 1 points by lukefromDC (44) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Get right-wing trolls OFF this board. If they show up this weekend, it will be to counterprotest and egg on the cops. Seen it before-remember those "protest warrior" wingnuts who used to harass antiwar protesters?

[-] 1 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

working for 1,20 $ or less the hour is fair in your eyes ? WTF haz this to do with Socialism ??? same work - same money Globally to avoid enslavement of the developing countries and keep jobs at home ! Where is the problem ? It can be so easy

[-] 0 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

If we can implement direct democracy, we will still need spokespersons. The difference will be that when representatives fail to deliver on their promises in a direct democracy, they will be checked and balanced by the people.

For this reason, it may be acceptable to elect a candidate like Paul based on his promises (and past behavior while in power). If he is not being honest, it will become immediately apparent in a direct democracy that sustains a vigorous National political debate and wields Authority proportionate to the consent the American people give to their own Resolutions.

If he were elected and did not deliver, the people would deliver for themselves in his absence, and he would become irrelevant as a leader.

If he does deliver though, he will become a great asset in the transition to direct democracy.

[-] 2 points by evilrobonixon2012 (2) from Decatur, AL 13 years ago

Ron Paul? Really? I mean, I love his stances on foreign policy and civil liberties, but blind trust of the market system is a large part of what got things so bad here in the first place.

[-] 2 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

I don't like unregulated markets per se... but I have to agree on some level that free markets didn't cause the most of the problems... its all back to one word bailouts... look up how many our gov has done, and allowed irresponsible behavior to be rewarded.... the next big thing that f-ed it all up is 3 words 'military industrial complex'. Need I say more?

[-] 2 points by npowell85 (249) from Montana City, Mt 13 years ago

he has also talked about doing away with the fed, women's right to choose, ending the war on drugs, prosecuting the bankers who caused the collapse... I've never claimed to be a republican, or a democrat for that matter, but as far as friends of this movement, you couldn't ask for a more in-line politician.

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

I don't think it was the market system at all. I believe that it was the perversion by the greediest of Americans of the free market system and both the laws and the congress that are responsible for overseeing that system.

Being financially successful and prudent does not make one evil. Using that success to subvert democracy does. Capitalizing on your success by using your influence to reduce others ability to compete and succeed themselves, and thus ensuring your dominance in the market, justifiable or not, does.

Direct democracy and a free market system (which is accountable to and directed by the people) can work in harmony if we can keep the economy decentralized, competitive, and efficient, while working toward a system where every person is a member of a household that can profit from their own small business with as little effort as possible, and thus accumulate household savings rather than debt over time.

I believe this is the future of the American economy.

I believe a president like Ron Paul is the most likely candidate to support that plan, or at least to be very embarrassed by his failure to support such a change, which is generally congruent with his campaign theme and system of governing over the past several decades.

Direct democracy will let us decide the future of America, and will allow us to delegate specific tasks that we deem necessary to create that future to our Representatives, such as Ron Paul or whoever the next president is.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

"Direct democracy will let us decide the future of America, and will allow us to delegate specific tasks that we deem necessary to create that future to our Representatives" agreed.

[-] 1 points by Templewind (13) 13 years ago

It seems the problem is a misunderstanding of terms. Free market "capitalism" isn't the problem. The problem is corporatism mixed with bought politicians = FASCISM

[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

But what good will a president do if the congress and senate wont pass direct democracy type laws... obama, paul its all down to congress and senate... presidents have little power over laws in this country... their power is in war and vetos

[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

And supreme court nominees... which again have to at least pass the senate....

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

I think the Assembly will simply replace the Congress once it has earned the consent of the governed. Either that, or the Congress will be compelled to serve the People and work in concert with the Assembly. Otherwise, the people will refuse to participate in a system that does not earn the approval of more than 15% of us.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

there is no free market system, there is only a corporate oligarchy, and a slave market system. what you believe is not important compared to what is factually true." Direct democracy and a free market system (which is accountable to and directed by the people) can work in harmony if we can keep the economy decentralized, competitive, and efficient, while working toward a system where every person is a member of a household that can profit from their own small business with as little effort as possible, and thus accumulate household savings rather than debt over time.

I believe this is the future of the American economy. " i agree, thats the evolutionary direction also.

"believe a president like Ron Paul is the most likely candidate to support that plan," i find that ludicrous and out of touch with several of his stated positions. Hes a capitalist. to start. And hes truly frigging wingnuts on issues like abortion and global warming. Hes dangerous, and hes a wingnut. Hes not a solution just because hes the only republican not owned by the oligarchy.

[-] 1 points by Bizinuez (120) from Raleigh, NC 13 years ago

And if gawdoftruth is calling you a wingnut, you might be pretty far out there. <3 I keed I keed. Right on re: Corporate Oligarchy. Citibank's Plutocracy Report proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. That they did their damnedest to erase it from the internet is just a further admission. Oh by the way, they obviously were unsuccessful. I have a copy.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

He'll let the American people decide how to handle global warming, which I agree with. I think that most Americans, given the available information, would prefer locally produced, decentralized, competitive, renewable, and sustainable energy. I believe the General Assembly in New York will begin pursuing this agenda some day soon, and I'm quite sure that, if elected, Ron Paul would not stand in their way. He would probably be glad to help.

I don't agree with him about abortion, but I understand his position. Being a doctor and being involved in an abortion is a very different side of the issue that still troubles me to think about. I believe in choice, and I don't think zygotes are sacred, but at some point it becomes a sacred life, and who is to say when?

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

ending abortions is a fine idea. doing that by making abortion illegal is an evil idea. You can't wave it away. Ron paul has said global warming is a hoax. that proves hes insane, out of touch with reality, and willing to be ignorant and take an opinion based only on lies and other peoples rhetoric. That makes him not qualified to be president just as the republicans other than him denying global warming makes them not qualified to be president. We don't need insane stupid ignorant people running our country. we need people in office who take science facts seriously, not ideological wingnuts.

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

"Ron Paul believes that the ninth and tenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution do not grant the federal government any authority to legalize or ban abortion. Instead, it is up to the individual states to prohibit abortion."


He may not be the perfect human being, but he will allow this non-violent revolution to fully take shape in America and he will not attempt to delay the much needed change it will bring. If he were to do otherwise, he would clearly have broken the social contract by breaking his campaign promises and he would then abruptly lose the consent of the governed. In a direct democracy, loss of the consent of the governed would amount to impeachment.

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the idea that anybody can meaningfully prohibit abortion is itself a wingnut wedge issue from the bowels of right wing hell. Like i said. lets end all abortion. start with ending poverty and making contraceptives more accessible. Get to root causes; which people like ron paul have no understanding of- none at all- cause and effect is outside of his sphere of ideas. He does not know how to relate causes to effects. And so he is dangerous and ignorant and not a solution to our problems. No more republicans. none. period. no more democrats. none. period. Even the best of them are not going to help us to fix anything, because even the best of them are ideologically driven, not science or truth driven.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Science and truth before ideals he says. Yet truth, nature, is bound by and driven by ideals, limits, asymptotes. To every thing there is a purpose and a season.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

there is an objective reality here, and that reality is that ron paul is both an inspiring genius and a madman. given the mix ratio is 50 50, as much as i also appreciate the genius, i can not endorse the mad man. And 50 percent insane is on the whole insane, unfortunately. I do very much approve of so many of his ideas and recognize ron paul as the only not evil republican i can think of. Where hes wrong hes made a mistake, hes not bought out. Hes not intentionally lying. And that does set him apart. But. Ron paul as president would be a disaster.

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Let's just work real hard on putting the fate of America back in the People's hands. Hopefully it won't make much difference who's president next year because 300 million other Americans will be deciding their future for themselves.

Good night for now, and good talking to you.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

thank you, much love, good night, its been good talking with you also. :)

[-] 0 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

decentralized economy is very good to keep it stable and redundant, but i will never support someone from the old system again. No Democrats and also no Republicans i think its time foar new party's. Make the Pyramid upside down. Let ppl control politicians and not vice versa

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Paul is a libertarian. Check into their general philosophy. I lean that way myself. Jefferson was a libertarian as well, Mishenka.

[-] -1 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

If the frontman is sympathic and has good arguments doesnt mean that the rest will "behave" good. Do u want a Sarah Palin to be a part of this ? Beside this R.P. believes that Healthcare is'nt a general right thats disgusting...

[-] 2 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

She can't say her house address without reading from the notes. ;)

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Other than that, I essentially advocate the replacement of Congress with a series of General Assemblies across the U.S. which develop and present Resolutions to the American people, who then debate those Resolutions all across America in public, and finally vote on the Resolutions in a National referendum.

Perhaps Assemblies can exist along with Congress and serve to check and balance each other. This will certainly be an experiment in democracy, and we should look at all of our options and ideas.

I think we will still need representatives, but I think a system like these Assemblies will make those representatives truly accountable to the people (not campaign donors) and we the People will truly be free to govern America and determine our own fate.

In fact, I think it is very possible that the next president may come from one of these Assemblies.

I think Rep. Paul will genuinely try to help us though. If America disagrees and picks someone else, so be it. I just hope we don't pick someone who will make non-violent efforts to achieve real self-determination impossible.

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

There's a reason that there's a media blackout on Ron Paul too you know. Think that one over and do some research before you criticize him too much.

[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

Could be a covert op.... its the oldest trick in the book.... reverse psychology...

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

A 30 year covert op that he devoted his entire life to, constantly in the public eye, and never missed a beat? In fact, he developed a reputation for always standing by the same set of principles, the Constitution. He must be a damn good operative.

America is frustrated enough with Obama's broken promises. Another president with more of the same will only double the protestors in both overall numbers and cities occupied.

[-] 1 points by DoWhatIsRight (26) 13 years ago

Meant the media blackout, not ron paul himself. President can't do what paul wants to do without congress and the senate. We don't live in a dictatorship. Even if he wanted to change things, we know what happened to JFK... and technology is so much better now... they could mess with his head, anything they want. Just cause the media isn't talking doesn't mean that they wouldn't want or manage with it. Just thinking outside the box. You never know. And ron paul isn't exactly what anyone wants... we just like the idea of auditing and abolishing the fed reserve.

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

We also like the idea of ending the wars, balancing the budget, dramatically shrinking government expenditures, eliminating its involvement in our lives whenever possible, upholding the Constitution, and making individual Liberty and Rights the basis of our society.

If he were elected, the American People would stand behind him, and with these Assemblies all across America, we will organize ourselves into a force that will subjugate our Congress and thus restore Democracy.

[-] 0 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

Your'e brainwashed like the "yes-we-can-mass" years before, believe is always the death of intelligence, und you Sir, believe in him and his party..

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

His party? Are you sure we're talking about the same guy? He's alone up there. His "party", if you mean republicans, would just as soon lock him up as support his positions.

I'm not brainwashed. I'm sure that's what all brainwashed people say, but if you knew me, you wouldn't argue with that.

My point, rather, is that we are likely to have some President elected next year. Who will it be?

I think you're going down a dangerous path. Do you know about the "reign of terror" in post-revolutionary France? We don't need witch hunts. Thorough, revolutionary change, yes. Dissolution of the American Constitution and the global war that would follow? No.

We have a great responsibility. We must serve the people by both freeing them and caring for their needs. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

If we are not careful, we can easily cause more harm than good.

If you have better options than those present, and yours are feasible, please present the alternatives.

Don't just shoot down the best others have to offer in a time when swift and tangible change is needed. Step up and lead, if that's what you feel you should do.

[-] 2 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Could you explain what you mean exactly by "freeing them and caring for their needs"?

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

It comes down to just what exactly leadership means. It means enabling those you lead to reach their full potential. It means setting an example and earning respect, rather than coercing through fear, deception, intimidation, litigation, and opportunism.

By caring for their needs, I mean sound governance of the overall system in a way that creates opportunity and improves quality of life over time. A leader must put the common good above the benefit of the few and powerful. A leader must ensure that the wealth of the Nation is channeled into household savings in a just manner.

By freeing the people, I mean sound governance that ensures tolerance, justice, and regionally determined cultures for all. I mean giving the People the time and the means to truly determine their own fate.

These should be the goals of America's leaders. Never should their aim be self gain. They must ask only what they can do for their Country.

[-] 2 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Sound governance in a way that creates opportunity for all and improves the quality of life over time and putting the common good doesn't sound like libertarian philosophy. Sound governance that "ensures tolerance, justice", etc. That sounds like big government to me, not individual freedom and freedom to fail, no?

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Ok, first, we're not talking about my philosophy. I'm a libertarian, yet also a Platonic Republican, a Taoist, and then some. That's another story.

It does not require big government to set a sound example. It only requires sound government.

What if creating opportunity, improving quality of life over time, putting the common good first, and putting the Rights of Humanity above all else, i.e. libertarianism, are all one in the same?

Lao Tzu said that when a good leader leads, the people are hardly even aware of his existence. The land is at peace and the harvests are abundant. The People believe they have accomplished great triumph on their own.

The leadership makes all the difference. The best of leaders follow the way of Nature. They impose nothing. They allow things to take their proper course.

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow."

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Regardless of what I believe though, it is up to the American people to decide their own fate. That is the beauty of liberty and democracy. I have but one voice, and I will continue to use it to the best of my ability for the common good. Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps my ideas can be improved on. So long as we are all free to contribute equally in determining our shared future, I will be quite content.

[-] 1 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

"reign of terror" muhaha you're definitely Brainwashed, a typicall fearmonger expression. I don*t wanna offend you but you dont even realize that you are brainwashed, think about. Of cause u have in the other cases a good opinion, but advertising foar RonPaul is like a "Yes we can" sequel. One Person will never change the rest of the Government.

At first i think its not needed to destroy the constitution just reform it to fit into a direct democracy.

At second it should be absolutely forbidden to be a bonesman, freemason, rotarier, rosecrucian or whatever when you are a politician. Because this system needs transparency not secret meetings or "higher orders". The word democracy comes from the ancient greeks (Demos Kratos) and means the right of all. But actually you dont have the right to know whats decided in those backroom meetings. Also the agency's like CIA FBI FEMA etc are totally out of our control and even out of any law.

At third the military-industrial complex shouldn't have any influences on political decisions (everybody should keep the well known speech from JFK and the one from Charlie Chaplin in the great dictator in mind)

And last but not least we need independent critical News, that really investigates their shit. Not runned by moguls like murdoch or ordered, military-friendly news by the DoD

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

I agree with all of the above (except that I'm a fear-mongerer) , but when Vladamir Putin wants to talk to America, who are we going to send? In 2012, who will be the American Armed Forces Commander in Chief?

These are critical questions that demand an abrupt answer which America as a whole will support. What do you propose?

[-] 1 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

That is really a good question

[-] 1 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

The more I think about this, the more I think that when someone like Putin wants to speak to America, we should pull him up a chair at an Assembly like the one in New York and let him address our representatives in a public forum that allows questions and answers with the Assembly/audience and that the American people can all watch and participate in to a degree.

[-] 1 points by VindicatedVigilante (176) from Fort Worth, TX 13 years ago

Youre wrong. It was the use of a Keynesian model.

[-] 2 points by AnonymousUScitizen (59) from Dillon, Mt 13 years ago

Today Keynesian economics is no longer a respectable academic theory.

It has become a fancy word for how to build an oligarchy behind economic smoke and mirrors, creating a system which puts, you guessed it, the global economic leaders at the head of the veiled oligarchy.

[-] 2 points by Mishenka1457 (35) 13 years ago

Dear, you will find about dishonesty when its too late...it will be too ambiguous because he will fill positions with his people first. Then it will take too long to get rid off the gang...

[-] 1 points by aBRONYmous (12) from Honolulu, HI 13 years ago

well said mishenka <3

[-] 0 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

still waiting for you guys to wake up and respond. join your conversation? i have. You didn't answer. https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833

[-] 0 points by bcoffin12345 (0) 13 years ago

Just got back from Occupy Wall Street about an hour ago. It's basically a great, big non-event at this point. Maybe 200 people, mostly sleeping, in the park. Maybe this would be a big deal in other cities. But in New York, this is small potatoes. Sorry, guys. But that's what it looks like. Even the cops look bored.

[-] 2 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

It's not a rock concert. It's civil disobedience and peaceful protest.

[-] 1 points by b33m3R (23) from Alpharetta, GA 13 years ago

"...and if your in a situation like that there's only one thing you can do and that's walk into the shrink wherever you are ,just walk in say "Shrink, You can get anything you want, at Alice's restaurant.". And walk out. You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony, they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them. And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out.

And friends they may thinks it's a movement."

Arlo Guthrie, Alice's Restaurant.

[-] 1 points by LordStark (15) 13 years ago

I'm sure you'd be tired also after 11 days of protest and police brutality... Nothing is going to happen overnight and mark my words the numbers will grow, if it wasn't for the media blackout there would be thousands there as we speak.. Patience is a virtue my friend you'd do good to remember that.

[-] 0 points by Anarcissie (11) 13 years ago

I am somewhat concerned with so many celebrities showing up. I hope you will all remember that you, not they, are what's happening. Don't be distracted! As b33m3r said, 'STAY STRONG, STAY FOCUSED AND STAY SAFE.' And hang in there! You are our hope.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Celebrities have a right to show their support (they are citizens, too, and many were poor at one time), and they also help to get the event noticed.... since the Big Media Machine is downplaying it as much as it can.

[-] 0 points by SoonerRay (0) from Edmond, OK 13 years ago

The following was written by me...

My vice unclenched Totality submit Never thought of better reasons Why I must resist. Ideas fade, emotions grayed Nearly took me to the grave But a fresh, saccharin thought Truly sweetened my brain. Inter-dimensional eyes opened Superficial eyes shut. It's a must, guts will rust If we refuse to wisen up.

[-] 0 points by b33m3R (23) from Alpharetta, GA 13 years ago

You are the hope and change we voted for.


Peace and love to all

[-] -1 points by DianaLee (55) from Salt Lake City, UT 13 years ago

Why is the website only on day 11? Is there a problem?

[-] 1 points by OccupyNYC (1) from San Carlos, AZ 13 years ago

I have been wondering the same thing! Worried new posts have been cut off?

[-] -1 points by BobbyOBahama (11) 13 years ago

MainStreet USA Mount Vernon Iowa ...the first in the nation, An American Renaissance Town.....is fully totally and completely OCCUPIED!!!!

The Renaissance is sprouting, spreading and ENLIGHTENING all ....
