Forum Post: why is Thrasymkay spamming porn to this forum with impunity?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 12:36 p.m. EST by fjolsvit
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
When I posted an anti-war article by Pat Buchanan it was immediately removed, but Thrasymkay has been posting explicit images of male genitals with impunity. His conduct is clearly intended to disrupt, and not to contribute. Is he working WITH the site admins?
I agree... Trasymkay's post needs to be removed.
I vote for removal of the ability of exact repetition, in a single post, or in multiple posts in the same thread. This would remove the ability of anyone to paste rediculous amounts of pictures, and also target people like the 'expect us', errrr, 'person'.
I called for the removal of repetition about a month ago. I wanted to stop people from posting their links repeatedly. Some posters go around and copy/paste the same message over and over again. I'm thinking of metapolitics for example. They are just here to distract from serious discussion and to sell their websites. Unfortunately, most users were against the idea.
This website would be a much better place if the rules would be enforced. No Truthers, no conspiracy theories, no spam, no political campaigning, etc... Just serious discussions about what Occupy is really about.
"what Occupy is really about."
I would love to hear what you think about that.
I've seen your name so often, but never, have I seen it connected with that statement, and never have I seen a post from you on this subject.
Well Said!
"The pen is mightier than the sword."
Carpe diem. Omnia vincit amor.
I have posted many times on the subject, and have engaged in many serious discussions. If you only see my "dark side" it's because you only read conspiracy posts.
In a nutshell, Occupy is about spreading anarchy and creating a revolution to topple the government and replace it with direct democracy on every street corner. It's about getting the people involved in making decisions for themselves instead of having a government make it for them. It's about returning the power to the people.
There are many subtopics we could discuss that surround this issue: governmental systems, economical systems, social systems, the history of these types of systems, etc...
Please post links to these threads, I would like to see your thoughts on this matter. I have not seen them, and I read all sorts of stuff. Conspiracy and otherwise. I think your thought on this matter, considering your 'dark side', would definately be interesting.
I don't have time to search the forum, especially since there really isn't a proper search function. Here's one post I made a month ago that nicole re-posted:
I'm not concerned about proving myself. I don't have time for that. I don't really care what people think. I just post comments. People read them and make up their own mind.
Now THAT, is a post worth my time. THAT is what occupy is about. THAT is what I would encourage you to spend your time on. Do more of THAT, and I would certainly support the user name you chose.
Why are you WASTING your time with 'conspiracies' at all? And kid yourself not, true or not, neither they, nor you are likely to change position any time soon. IMHO, you are wasting that exceptional mind, heart and soul, on a fruitless endeavour.
I would guarantee you that if you started creating threads like that, and started accepting critism, where it came, true or not, and ignoring those that frustrate you, right or wrong, then many, many more people would listen to you, and you might be able to help usher in the things you describe.
You're probably right. When I first came here I was pretty serious about posting. After Occupy camps fell apart, I kind of got bored and started going after these conspiracy theory guys. I'll probably return to serious comments eventually. I don't have the time right now because of work. That's one of the reasons I changed tactics.
Well, when you decide to return 'to the light', and use that mind of yours, I will be listening, until then, expect that you will alienate yourself here, as you have. You are of course far from 'beyond redemption', just USE it mate! Stop abusing it! Understand that it's not them you criticise, they are simply sacred mirrors, so that you can see the reflection of yourself.
I don't think Iv'e alienated myself at all. There's more people reading my comments now than ever before. In any case, it's doesn't matter to me what other people think. I post comments and people read them. They can make up their own opinion. Whatever that opinion may be is fine with me. I don't limit myself because of what others might think.
Lol! If you didn't care...why would you post!?!? Why would you be here at all?
I'm mostly posting to practice my English writing skills. English is my second language and I need to practice quite a bit. I'm hoping to improve my writing speed and accuracy. Sometimes, I do heavy sessions where I post comment after comment for a few hours. It can be exhausting, but it helps a lot.
Cool....well, when I see more positive, creative stuff like that post before....I'll be sure to be listening....
spreading anarchy and creating a revolution are mutually exclusive.
anarchy is how they keep rebels without a clue from having any impact, and how they get them to play into helpfully increasing the social demand for a police state.
Who's they?
don't know. probably you. your probably some kind of paid gate keeper or sheeple herder. They. the paid sheeple herders and gate keepers, the agent smiths and etc of the real world. The people who promote isms because they know that as soon as they have you caught in ANY ism the one place you won't look is a textbook. The oligarchic elites and their pawns. Any fool whos idiotic enough to promote anarchy. Etc.
Indeed, I am a gate keeper, an oligarchic elite disguised as a human. Under my veil, I am a Reptilian Overlord. Mwahahahaha hi ho hahaha!
its always nice to drive the evil basterds till they make what they hope will be taken as a joke confession.
Given the TROLL-INFESTED, LOONIE-ASYLUM aspect of this forum, there has long been speculation that the forum admins are INFILTRATED.
As "GypsyKing" wrote last week, "We, or at least I, have been demanding an answer to this question for at least a month now! Nobody here seems able to excercize control over this site, or otherwise to disaffiliate ourselves from it. I think the situation is outrageous and we need to get to the bottom of it. Personally, I have felt for a long time that this site has been infiltrated."
Since then, there has been open speculation that two Canadians are directly involved. Interestingly, "Thrasymaque" - not "Thrasymkay" - IS himself Canadian (from St-Laurent, Quebec) and is in the habit of openly writing to some of the admins in French... which is bizarre and has raised some eyebrows. But it gets even stranger. "Thrasymaque" sometimes brags about being a government mole and a "psyops" (specializing in "psychological operations") : "WARNING: On this site, I have been called a troll, a psyops capable of mind infiltration, and a government mole because I criticize certain aspects of Occupy. Please, be careful."
Today "fjolsvit" asks openly in this post: "His conduct is clearly intended to disrupt, and not to contribute. Is he working WITH the site admins?"
Is this site in fact INFILTRATED? I don't claim to know the answer to that, but from what I hear OWS leadership has known it for a while and a major shakeup is in the works.
It's not a bad guess that an Admin account has been hacked.
One interesting oddity is that certain postings are not read by Google. Same for certain comments.
That takes sophisticated interference with the underlying text database. Google offers the means to avoid indexing in their "Code" feature. Still, this function has to be set up, customized, and run.
A security survey ??? Gee, whiz.
I'm not a computer programmer but I get the feeling that this "open source" website can be manipulated by anyone who wants to and has the skills.
No. You don't understand open-source. The website resides on a server and is not accessible unless you have the passwords or you hack your way in. This would be the same whether or not the site is open source. Open source doesn't mean anybody can make changes to the website. What it means it that anybody can propose changes. To do this, you make a pull request to the Github account. Jart then decides to accept or refuse your changes. If she accepts them, the code doesn't go directly to the server but on the Github account. Then, jart has to upload that the server for the changes to go live. The fact that the website is open-source has nothing do to with it being less or more secure.
Thanks teech. I learn something every day.
It's teach, not teech. Don't get discouraged. Keep studying and it will pay off.
I don't have the time to learn code at this stage of my life but it is good to be informed about how this website works, teech.
One obvious point is that there has been no security review.
Enthusiasm for web sites is one thing. Defending again professional attacks is quite another.
Anybody believe that the various rightie internet-attack teams are 100% clumsy amateurs ? The money doesn't buy talent....
How do you know? I don't think this website has been attacked at all. What makes you think it has? There's a difference between a hacking attempt, and lame trolls who disrupt the forum. The former is the responsibility of the admin and the programmer, the latter is the responsibility of the moderators. I have seen nothing that suggests this website has been hacked in any way shape or form.
I think you guys are indulging in conspiracy theories again. Where's your evidence for your claims?
You have no idea what you are talking about. You shouldn't make claims about stuff you don't understand.
It's a bad guess; neither admin account has been hacked.
There's nothing to see here. Move on.
Why bother making such assumptions when you can easily look at the code on Github? Posts that are shadow banned don't get read by the robots. Or, if you can't read code, just ask jart or the moderators to explain how it works. There's no need to start making more conspiracy theories. No need for lame assumptions.
There's more to this than "karma" ratings.
No, there isn't. To clarify; it's just a clone of the reddit karma system.
Infiltrated? As opposed to what, "filtered"? What of free access?
The two you mention are one and the same and they're BOTH hackers. Is there anything more you need to know?
Another conspiracy theorist piling up assumptions on top of each other. Bravissimo! David Icke style.
Ah yes! The art of conspiracy thinking. The mind falls prey to a list of assumptions all connected to each other. Very nice. David Icke style!
I agree with the post, except that his name is spelled "Thrasymaque".
Not the same user. Only the same in the eyes of conspiracy theorists who base their claims on assumptions. Those who ask the moderators to cross-reference IPs know the difference. You shouldn't David Icke-it. Demand the truth, but demand it with a proper method of investigation.
@ T : Notice how the Trolls and Rancid, Right-Wing 'incubi et succubi' have voted you down, without having the spine or integrity to say anything for themselves. Revealing in itself, I'd say ! ad iudicium ;-)
Don't make too much of it! Thrasymaque is just another one of richardkentgates screen names.
Richard doesn't have a real life. He has no friends other than the ones he meets in the park restrooms at night. He doesn't have a job, he owes for his computer programming education, but is not very good at it. He has several failed website attempts
The bottom line is: this is the only place he can set the world straight without somebody punching him in the face. He can mess your threads up at will using different screen names and show you his “power”
Can we all show a little compassion for a guy that has been a loser his whole life has nothing else remaining to help him keep from going back into the psych ward but staying on the OWS forum 24/7
I feel for the guy, but true compassion requires tough love. The photo spamming, especially the porn, needs to stop.
I honestly think he is losing it. He is on here 24/7. It has become an obsession of sorts. He just keeps doing stranger stuff all the time. He has made comments suggesting gay sex with me on several occasions. The gay porn thing is getting worse day by day.
His various screen names always show up to defend each other. Thrasymaque is the exception now Richard talks shit about him. That is pretty schizophrenic if you ask me
Thrasymaque is most definately schitzophrenic. He is on here all night long commenting and censoring anything he doesn't agree with. He claims that posting all these pics is art but he is completely dillusional. He thinks he has carte blanche to censor the site. He wont stop. He is completely obsessed. Don't let him fool you. He has many screen names and likes to use others to defend himself.
Ricky/Thrasy is an obvious sociopath.
He spends all of his time messing with people by using his "superior programing power" -- "HE IS POWERFUL" when behind the screen. Not so much in real life, I suspect.
There’s nothing we can do about it besides exposing him. And I agree he is becoming a paranoid schizophrenic. He seems to mix up who he is from one post to the next
One can hope he will come to his senses and stop trying to censor those he does not agree with. It is not healthy to believe you have the right to tell others what to think.
I guess we should all just be thankful that we have better sense. In the end "what goes around comes around"
I use Thrasymaque 95% percent of the time and Glaucon once in awhile. I don't post at night, but during the day. You're acting like a conspiracy theorist. Building a tower of assumptions. Such towers fall so easily.
You are not being honest with yourself. I have seen you posting at all hours of the night. Even as late as midnight. So please try to tell the truth. Thank you
It depends what timezone you're talking about. I'm in Indonesia, if you're in America, your night is my morning.
Your desire to silence all conspiracy theories will only consume you. Find something more constructive to do with your time. Your time is a valuable comodity. Peace
Dude, seriously, and if that is the best plan he can come up with, why do you spend so much time worrying about him? That is the most juvenal tactic I have ever heard. Porn in a mountain of information that is both bad and good for us all is not going to stop anyone. If that is the extent of his diabolicalness, then his adversaries have the game in the bag.
i don't spend any time on them. they stalk my threads and this dude sent me the email. all i did was rat him out. just because someone is giving my shit doesn't mean i'm participating it.
That is disturbing.
My, my.
I waste some time here, but that's way gone.
I've dealt with his kind on USENET. These are the people who destroy freedom for all of us. Unmoderated discussion used to be the norm on the internet. People of his ilk have all but ruined that free domain.
It is really a shame. What goes on in people’s minds that cause them to behave in this manner?
What is the gain that they seem to think they are getting?
I am sure this is some form of anti-social mental disorder
There actually are operatives who intentionally disrupt open communication on behalf of certain vested interests.
I strongly suspect that. I have asked several of them why they do it and what they get out of it.
I am still waiting for my first answer from them.
That is a standard part of the paid work done out of the Leadership Institute hive. That's a $12,000,000 a year rightie dirty-tricks organization.
All legal as a charity, of course.
They're the ones who recruited Karl Rove when he was still in high school, plus Breitbart, plus James O'Keefe and Stanley Dai and Joseph Basel and thousands of others.
Attacking HuffPo, Politico, DailyKos, democraticunderground, etc. -- they have dispersed boiler room operations going full time.
Pay sucks. Bonuses are promisorial vapor.
Sleaze Central.
Btw: as a target ??? Who knew ?
This site has been attacked by a person who openly admits he is trying to drive participants away because he doesn't like what they have to say. I'm not sure of the motive. I see little in the way of productive contribution on his part, so I can't assess if there is some kind of ideology or institutional loyalty driving him.
"Attacked by a person" ???
You be one raving optimist. (Oh, corporations are persons. Gotcha.)
Seems most likely. I've reported this as well-to no avail. Confirms what you (should) already know about the ows site.
It confirms that no regulation is not the best way to operate as forum.
It is the unscrupulous that benefit from no regulations or policing
It cause others to resort to stupid tactics to combat the sick and twisted anti-social assholes
Realize we are preaching to the choir, but the best way to understand the psychosis is to study their psychotic manuals a bit. Talmud for starters. Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion (Talmud for dummies-cliffs notes version).
You can't be raised on a diet of hate and end up as a rational well adjusted human. Simple.
I am not sure I am ready to totally understand these assholes. (-:
When you are, read a few choice excerpts and cross reference til your heart's content.
you're nothing but property to them
Many of those quotes are mistranslations and those that are not are presented out of both historical and textual context. It is wholly inaccurate to cite a 2,000 year old debate between rabbis in ancient Babylon (where the circumstances of Jewish life were incredibly different than they are in modernity) and say that "this is how Judaism is practiced today." Especially when you are pointing to the misdeeds of Jewish bankers in the 21st century, the majority of whom are not religious and have never even studied Talmud, let alone Aramaic. Also, the entire scholarly world regards the Protocols of Zion as a Tsarist forgery. Presenting them as evidence of a grand Jewish conspiracy only proves that you are an antisemite. It proves nothing about the Jewish people. That you have not been banned from this forum for your incessant antisemitic drivel is a stain on the entire Occupy movement.
Let's see. How many times have i seen this boilerplate reply? Countless.
Not only are you commanded to lie if someone asks about Talmud, you have 18volumes of "ifs, ands, ors, & buts" to contradict the unmistakable hatred directed AT non-Jews BY Jews. You are raised on hatred and fear-all of it is self imposed, reflects outward and causes the very sad results you claim as persecution. Your self fulfilling prophecies are designed for one thing-control. The money masters who not only have studied these books, comissioned these books. 20th century bankers, 19th century bankers, 18th century bankers, 17th century bankers-back as far as you want to study-criminals hiding behind this scheme. If you accept any part of it as yourself, if you benefit from any part of it-that part of the crime you own. If you think you are chosen, somehow above the others who are written off by these "scholars," you are sadly an easy mark, living in a fairytale. Conned-conning others-a drone following an ancient code. Protocols as "forgery" -yes, established in a court as a forgery -Which is a copy. And anyone who reads the protocols will see direct correlation in Talmud, without having to read 18volumes of rubbish...though no one should be shy about perusing those texts. The more the better. You can live as a strawman-Thats your business. I don't have to accept your stories as gospel when clearly the result is pain and misery for Jews and non
The above is 100% pure antisemitism of the Hitlerian variety.
The above sentence is pure scapegoatism of the straw man variety.
Finally, an intelligent poster makes an appearance. Welcome! You're logic is highly needed here.
I'll check it out, thanks
Maybe it's their role thus far in this play. Maybe they are trying to appease an agenda which is different from the masses, different from the core of the movement for of and by the people.
Or maybe it's their own agenda, trying to be leaders in a leaderless movement, who knows.
We the masses, the leaderless movement, are fighting against regulation, among other things. Thus it's counter to our goals to ask for any entity to be regulated, especially within this forum, and of the forum structure itself. We must encourage freedom of speech and expression of ideas. It is our first amendment right bestowed upon all.
Maybe at some level they really are along side us, but currently it conflicts with their current role. Thus, and regardless how it is, it seems we should all just deal with it. Live with it. and work around it.
It could be much worse and our posts could be deleted entirely. At least they're still there and people worldwide can go and read comments, see pictures, whatever, and decide for themselves about what action to take if any - to comment, to ignore, to embrace, to believe, to disbelieve, to add more pictures, to whatever.
Regulation and rules imposed by the few and not born out of the masses of any sort are unhealthy. We all need freedom. If some entities use this freedom to try to sway opinion one way or the other, than so be it. It's same like out in real world. With freedom comes responsibility for us to think for ourselves.
As a loving friend once told me, we learn to keep the gold and throw out the gravel.
So in essence what you are saying is that if some jerk decides to basically render this site useless by posting huge list of porn on every thread you are good with that.
You would prefer the destruction of the site to making some rules that would prohibit that.
I don't agree with 0 regulation. It is naive and foolish and a setup to be a victim.
It seems these people have their own agenda, a play which might not really include concern for masses. Guiding and baiting us as Useful Idiots.
Whatever happens, seems to me any movement of masses must remain leaderless and razor focused on the 99% Declaration.
What people are you refering to?
You really didn't respond to my response.
the backers of this forum., who may also be the backers of the NYC OWS
Sorry, i see your point, and i also agree it's frustrating when posts get defaced and/or people or their ideas get mocked or called names, etc.
I don't know...
Maybe the mods are in a tough spot, as they wish to encourage free speech, so as not to tarnish the site's reputation, but at same time have agenda from their backer which they must try to adhere, which is to manipulate, sway or shut down discussion of issues such as 9/11, Illuminati, politics, etc.
I believe they know that if these issues gain traction on massive scale, then it turns everything upside down for 1%, and seems it's not what the backers want. It's confusing to me... and speculation as well
Thus, it seems we all continue dealing with whatever unpleasant things, and in parallel keep trying to discourage these tactics.
It does raise questions!
Some are extremely concerned that others don't gain understanding. Instead of simply presenting their opinion, they try to antagonize, ridicule, deface and harass people.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, But psy-op thought mind control entities take it to another level by the above tactics.
Anyhow, most people can see through it. Further, these practices end up drawing more attention, since it highlights to people the true seriousness since there's such a staunch effort to try to cover up and control thought.
The Psy-ops entities need to eat too, so until they find another way to butter their bread, guess we'll have to tolerate and/or await time when they get bored or find other work or other role to play or it doesn't matter since awareness moves beyond tipping point :)
God bless us all, and of course also our brothers here who create extra challenge. I believe we're all trying to sort things in our crazy world, best way we can, and no matter we all are family.
That's right, we are all Gods children
That's the bottom line. We are, in fact, all brothers and sisters. If OWS has any value, it is in breaking down the fictions designed to keep us from understanding that.
yes, amen brother
OWS has no room for conspiracy theorists or anti-semties such as yourself. You only tarnish the movement and lower the intellectual standard to the bottom of the pit.
They don't want to discuss conspiracy theories because they are useless and a form of mind disease. The moderators are hoping for intelligent discussions, not the indulgence in lowly forms of thought.
There's no reason for you to indulge in conspiracy theory type nonsense.
I detest censorship. " We the masses, the leaderless movement, are fighting against regulation, among other things. Thus it's counter to our goals to ask for any entity to be regulated, especially within this forum, and of the forum structure itself. We must encourage freedom of speech and expression of ideas. It is our first amendment right bestowed upon all."
I'm frequently banned from forums for speaking the truth as I know it. I fully agree with keeping this forum free and open. The idea that we need protection from controversial ideas is condescending and patronizing. If I am wrong in what I say, I want to be corrected. I don't wish to be in error.
you should have been ashamed of posting anything by that liar pat b
he never intended to get elected
he's a liar.
as far as the nimrod posting porn
he probably just likes to suck Koch.
What did Pat Buchanan lie about? He seems far more honest than most of his peers. I don't always agree with him, but I respect him.
he lied when he ran for president
he never intended to win
this raises questions about the credibility of every single thing he has ever said or done
I don't agree. Some people run just to influence the process. I'm sure he didn't expect to win. Ronald Earnest Paul probably doesn't expect to win. I do think he's in it to win.
yeah-ya - I saw a picture of that pat fool
in the NYT
standing on the grave of one Billy Clanton
Arizona I think, Boot Hill Cemetery or something - 96?
Paul's no different, he knows he won't win, and he's a repelican
I don't care about "Democrat/Republican", "Liberal/Conservative". That is just a distraction.
what - you think they conspire together?
that is silly.
I used to vote for a guy named Jim Jeffords - he was a republican. then in 2002 when he saw what Bush was doing he left the party. Became independent.
the fucking scum around here treated him like shit.
he made a very difficult, personal decision. His decision was that the party was so corrupt under Bush he could not support it.
the fucking scumbags.
the system is what they have made of it - and they can choke on it
post this in the top for me
! [] (
remove the spaces between the exclamation mark and the two sets of bracket and it will render the image
I don't know much about programming but there must be a way an administrator can get a grip on this website.
yeah. well i guess it's a choice.
Good post.
But are the admins going to take action.
Good Forum Post and Good Question. ad iudicium ...
Write to jart. She'll most likely ban him if she hasn't already. However, he'll just come back with another username.
Yes, you will. Sociopathic loser.
You need to be booted too.
They both are asinine, idiotic and counterproductive.
Is that based on direct experience, or on controlled perception?
This is seriously ridiculous. The repetition of the photos ad nauseum on the one thread should be deleted.
You'd have found "TrashyMonkey's" obnoxious posts on MUCH more than "one thread", if you'd have looked more thoroughly ...
Let's point them out and vote them down to collapse he posts. The thread I see it on is law and order post. Real debate is interesting. This trash is not.
@ pinker : I emphatically agree with you ... but Rabid, Right-Wing Troll-Posts can demoralise some.
Onwards and Upwards ...~~~*
If you could vote an entire topic down that would solve a lot but as far as I know you can only do that now by not commenting. And that doesn't work.
if you hit the dislike link it gets voted down. If six people hit it it permanently closes the post unless you hit the plus sign to view it.
Reminds me of what an impostor did to get me banned then arrested for harassment. So far the owner of the site haven't found the impostor or me however the impostor was successful in pretending to be me. That is what I guessed from what the website owner's tone on aim.
I was impersonated on this site. There were posts from my account made while I was asleep.
because he is a tool !
Banter, more banter. I could take up gaming.
That is why i think there should be a concerted effort to move to a different forums that is more conducive to productive conversation. Please post alternative web addresses for Occupy forums.
Here is one suggested in another thread,
Here is a site that looks promising to me, that has a forums;
Land of the free and home of the brave. I'm the token Heathen, but I have never been censored here:
thanks! Will check it out.
War on You is quality, not quantity. The site often has access problems. Probably DoS attacks.
Probably this. Probably that. Why don't you simply ask the moderators instead of basing all your findings on mere assumptions like conspiracy theorists. You have the chance to do proper research but you choose not to. Lame.
Why won't you quit repeating yourself? At this point, you're stalking fjolsvit, and we'll all be damned if you pipe up every time we use the word "probably", even in the context of other websites.
I'm stalking fjolsvit? I barely ever reply to his lame comments! Look at this post, it's full of his idiotic conspiracy theory type thinking. Using mere assumptions he claims I am Thrasymkay when he could find out the truth by simply asking the moderators. He even implies richard was in on it. I am not richard, richard is not me, I am not Thrasymkay, and richard is not Thrasymkay. You guys just build big fantasies about "secret agents" and all kind of nonsense by using assumption on top of assumption. When you have the chance to verify the truth by asking the moderators, you don't even use it. At least I'm attacking fjolsvit for things he said. You guys are attacking me for something some guy I don't even know said. Ah! You have to love conspiracy theorists. They are so illogical it's hilarious.
I haven't "built any big fantasies" whatsoever. I have argued against the things you do, and as a result you have lumped me in with "you guys", accused me of being a conspiracy theorist, and repeated yourself nonstop.
Last time I'm saying this, Thras: I came here to find out what Occupy Wall Street is all about and to discuss with motivated people how to fix this country politically and economically. I did not come here to argue with you about trolls or what is approved speech or whether someone's perspective falls within your parameters for "rational".
I believe I speak for almost everyone here when I say this: You. Are. Wasting. Our. Time.
I am not the one who started talking about trolls. I was posting and engaging in good debates, then people started to call me a troll. I never called anyone a troll. Not once. I deface your posts because they are against the forum rules and waste everyone's time by derailing OWS off-topic. I don't like conspiracy type thinking based on assumptions. You and your little friends think I'm Thrasymkay because of your conspiracy type minds. You have a disease. You are too lazy to search properly and to ask questions to the proper authorities. I only thrash your type of talk. If you read the good posts on this forum (not yours), you'll see I engage in interesting debates with many users. I just don't see the point with you since you're mind is illogical. I don't crave assumptions like you.
AFAIK you haven't defaced any of my posts. I corrected my initial misconception regarding you and Thrasymkay in a reply to you. - done -
Fair enough. Hopefully, we can discuss the real important issues next time around.
You're lost in your own bullshit. The same photos "you" thrasmq were spamming in my posts were then slammed under this thrasymkay handle-you're a washed up fraud.
Get some sleep, get some help.
I posted the same photos as Thrasymkay? Please provide some evidence. Give us the permalink where I posted the same photos as he. Don't just David Icke it. Don't be another lame conspiracy theorist. Why get drunk with assumptions when you can simply ask the moderators?
Register his IP address and if possible block it permanently from posting here.
That is not 100% effective, but a good first cut. Unfortunately scum like that are the ones who destroy anonymity for all of us.
Yes, he trashed one of my threads recently too. You guys should know that Thrasymaque admitted to being RichardGayTits as well. Moderators, is there NO point at which he would get content pulled off? Porn? Really?
I checked out the forums on that site, and I like what I see. Thanks for this!
Where did I admit this? Please provide some proof. Conspiracy theorists jump on all kinds of assumptions. Why not use evidence for a change?
Oh hi Trashymask. Been a while since you've pestered me. I realized shortly after that I'd made a mistake with this and then got busy with other things. I'd meant to apologize for this. Not to you of course, but to RichardGayTits.
why not remove images of anatomy that don't contribute to the site
I laugh because it offends my senses, but i can't help thinking it is his. Damn, i though mine was small. But i just don't look at it anymore skipping it after I ponder where he got the photo of the plane from. Whether it was photo shopped or a modified plane I have never seen before. Quandaries; quandaries.
Photo-seen before at best journalist on the planet re 9/11
It sounds like this dude really wants to pick a fight with Israel. But you still did not answer me where that plane comes from? I don't see no building next to it, or call numbers for that matter, that would make me suspect that this plane was the same plane that destroyed the towers. All I know is same man who has a beef with Israel is trying to make my nation hate Israel. Now, I have no love for Israel, but to pick a war with them seems tripe at this stage in the game. Especially, seems we are trying to draw a consensus for the next generation. got pick our battles wisely, home boy. Lets work on economic troubles first, say you.
Bollyn just calls it as he sees it. Challenge you to disprove his research-any of it. That photo is well explained in his first chapters
Seems you are a tad in the dark about Israel. If you choose not to be objective, you can swallow all the hasbara you can stomach from the msm and then decide that "economic troubles" is the problem.
You would be wrong, like so many others taking their cue from symptoms (wallstreet).
Dig deeper into history, you will find that Rothchilds have bought and paid for the Israeli side-show since day one.
You know it's not kosher to say Jew unless you claim to be skip it. The economic symptom is one of a deeper problem called fiat an extension of British Imperialism...which, of course is another straw man hiding Rothchild cartel (et al) dynasty.
Pick no battles. Just learn the truth before you step out on the field.
I've read that part of history, and to suggest that those people who took the land from Palestine are the same people who inhabit that land now. would mean that the same people who conquered the Indians are the same people we are now. If that is your line of reasoning, you better watch out for that person who lives right next door. He may be plotting to steal your property
I do not accept the straw man.
I believe you are intentionally side-stepping the main issue with words that are rather correct but impertinent. If you think "we" have evolved beyond "that part of history," you are sadly mistaken. The guy next door is as likely as any to steal.
That's not the point -unless you happen to live next door to one of the Rothchilds, or their cronies.
If you think the order of things has magically changed since then, please explain how.
well, my analysis of history tells me that man kills man out of fear. when all information is able to be gathered and a consensus is drawn, i'd add greater than 75 percent maybe 90 percent but for sure more than fifty percent plus one, then man no longer fears man but works towards better endeavors. case point, cold war, Vietnam, cuban missile crises. I studied them all and it was the lack of information that led to those calamities. Debate and consensus are the american way.
Consensus is not truth. And those were all false-flag attacks or psyops campaigns designed to elicit fear and produce the outcome of war-the Rothchild enterprise of the last 500years. Start over with your study of history. Eyes open this time
Ok, now say you are right and people do psychological mind fucks, what is to say this forum here ain't another one of those evil conspiratorial mind fucks that I should be weary of? You are allowed to speak here, and no one has silenced you. Maybe you think you are on to the secret of the universe but it seems to me no one else on this planet cares but you and a small insignificant minority. I've fallowed every link you suggested and the rabbit hole has not become anymore illuminated. It just leaves me questioning your hold on reality. Are you sure you were not lied to? I ask whether I've been lied to all the time. Blind belief in absolute truth seems like a never attainable commodity to me.
I have been lied to my whole life, and so have you. Until you start looking at the current state of affairs with a long view of history (the way old money does), you are flying around on a merry-go-round, unconscious of the amusement park.
What confuses you? Are you unable to grasp the concept of a single central bank cartel that controls every central bank (and currency) in every country of the world, except 3 (Iran(next to fall) Cuba, NKorea). Rothchild central banks.
By your grammar, I guess you don't have enough experience to grasp the size or the age of this 500yr old imperialistic consolidation.
Keep trying. Or go back to sleep-most people do.
So out of that whole statement you are going to make fun of one word out of a total. Come on man, please, for the sake of the future do better than that. If companies are allowed to make mistakes and humans are allowed to make mistakes, why is it so hard to believe that the FED made a mistake. I believe that they messed up, which to error is to human. this makes more sense to me than the idea that the FED is an evil, global cabal, hell bent on total world control. And even if what you say is true, my whole life, taking the bad with the good, has not been that bad. SO why would I want to kill for something different? Compromising and compassion to me is not a myth. But writing correctly every time is. But i try to do better at something I have yet to master. Thanks for pointing out my grammar, I'll be sure to fix it.
You are obfuscating and setting up numerous straw man arguments. I won't play, kiddo.
The FED IS an evil cabal. The whole FED fiat system is based on a fraud. The people who created that monster had no other intention.
Whooops! Grammatical error folks-we make mistakes that cost you trillions of dollars, and we always win, sorry, it's just G-ds will. Better luck next time.
Well, if every war action america has taken has been predicated on false hoods, Thank God, i will never pick up a weapon and use it. I guess that kinda makes me immune to "false-flag attacks or psyops." I knew my non violent stance would help me someday. So in the future, when or if, at anytime when a man made calamity strikes, i'll remember the knowledge you laid at my feet and turn the other cheek. Thank you. I was blind and now I can see that violence begets violence. cheers!
You can't tell the difference between the English of two different users can you? You're nothing but a lame conspiracy theorists drunk with assumptions. Confabulate your simple mind till it bleeds to its death. Your lowly form of thought is unneeded here. Go back to your mother's basement from where you came from.
Pod plane disinfo. There were no "pods" on the planes that hit the WTC. They were almost certainly the commercial aircraft they were reported to have been. Digital images of something moving that fast will necessarily be blurred and less than exact representations of the object being photographed.
fjolsvit disinfo. Bollyns book explains what happened
I respect Bollyn, but he is wrong about some things. There was no need to swap out planes with specially equipped aircraft. The planes were smokescreen to mask the controlled demolition of the WTC. I'm not sure if explosives were used at the Pentagon, but I have no reason to doubt that an airplane hit General Maud's office. I was applying to work for that office on the morning of 9/11.
Reason to equip those planes-penetrate the outer walls of WTC I and II. No way it could have happened without the DU tipped missile (pod) launched just b4 impact. Bollyn lays out the best scenario of anyone-backed with fact. When you write a book-with sources-clearing up his "errors" I'll read it. Til then don't play goalie against people who should educate themselves on Bollyn.
The WTC outer columns were hollow with fairly thin steel walls. DU projectiles would have pierced relatively small holes, not the holes we see in the photos. DU is used to pierce the armor of tanks, not to blow massive holes into buildings.
The momentum and energy of the aircraft was sufficient to do the observed initial damage. Most of the NIST report is good science, which was ignored by the politically motivated managers who wrote the "conclusions". The report goes into detail regarding the dynamics of the aircraft impact.
MISSILE needed to open a space in the concrete slab. (floors) that would have otherwise slowed or prevented complete entry. The ejection on the other side of the bldg (pointed out by Bollyn and others) most likely DU warhead-nothing else I know of could have traveled thru the bldg at a frame rate faster than the plane itself was flying. Etc. I've read the NIST report-which as you say, was managed from the top to achieve a final result that does not support the reality of controlled demolition. Suggest people read Bollyns work and work back from there. Read the work of engineers and architects who have the credentials
9/11 was simpler than that. They didn't swap of planes. It could be done by two or three operatives with a few minutes access to the planes. Chris let's his imagination get the best of him sometimes. The War On You: Choose as side. I like it's relatively free. I would have been banned from 99.9% of internet forums for posting the radical ideas I've posted here. I've been censored here, but it's not too heavy handed. WoY is a different experience, but if you are tactful and honest you will not be banned or censored.
It's one thing to be offensively disagreeable, it's quite another to just be offensive. I vote to ban his IP-- it might be interesting to see just how many trolls drop off this forum at one time... On a related topic... I'm just guessing, but I'm pretty sure that's his own cock... did anyone else think it was kinda... frowning at us?
Didn't pay it much mind. I've been through this before. I just note the nature of the content and take appropriate action. The problem with his posting porn is that it can cause the forum to be blocked in many environments.
Okay let's all vote them down into oblivion. I just voted down his post on mockupy one. I think it takes six for it to collapse. Even if we disagree on things, we should all at least agree that real debate/discussion is worthy. This trash is not.
Don't censor, just use him as the tool he is. Check it out ... open to read NOTE: Let people like Thrasymaque enlighten you by his effort to make sure no one discuses this subject. Debate is the only way to reach trust on these issues. If it's not true then why wont you discuss it or let others? Being a gatekeeper only stands to keep people from the truth, Thrasymaque!!!
I can ignore such people, but they drive others away. In general they show how valid the opposition is. But that requires people stay around long enough to figure it out.
The point is indeed to drive some of the conspiracy theorists back to their lame forums where they hatch their evil illogical plans.
Thrasymaque sent this to me a while back.
An architect fails when he gets caught in details too early and looses hold of the bigger picture. While creating, he sways back and forth from the meta-structure, the meso-structure, and the micro-structure. It is a complex dance that must be kept energized at all times. So many fail when they want to write a book but worry about the placement of a suffix before having finished the outlines of the chapters. This is the saddest failure, the darkest failure, because there is no one to blame but one's self. Occupy has a long history, but it is also at its beginnings. Anarchy is a concept as old as Ancient Greece, as is direct democracy. But the implementation of these systems in our current modern world is so new. Today could not be a more exciting day for Occupy, and that is why you must breathe and inhale each molecule one by one and direct them straight to your heart to taste the full energy of the day. Your are like Frodo with one step in his house, and one outside ready to walk forth on a very long journey. As much as the ultimate goal of a new society breathes wind in your sails, you must also enjoy the journey and take repose when repose is needed. The problems you now face in Oakland are exaggerated because you have placed your focus on them, as you should. But remember that in the grand scheme of things, in the many years this journey will take, they will have been but a minor incident. The moment is crucial. You cannot stop the dance from the macro, meso, and micro elements of your construction. You must solve the Oakland problem, but you cannot let yourself get lost within it. If you succeed, you will exit with more power and energy than before and you will be stronger for your next affront. Between now and the world you are creating, there is a long path with more obstacles than I would dare face myself. But, you are an anarchists with a dream, therefore you have much more stamina and courage than I. Is it important to realize that the elements of the journey will not necessarily resemble the final destination. There will be a transition between now and then. A strong hierarchy like the US capitalist system is not removed by a flick of the thumb. You will need to flatten it piece by piece, by piece by piece. At the moment, you fear the use of power because it represents hierarchy. You do not which to dominate the thugs which undermine your dream. However, you must remember that a dominated anarchist is no where closer to abandoning hierarchy than a dominating one. You are not necessarily abandoning your ideals by using a certain amount of force to extinguish to undesirable elements in Oakland. If the force you use is small in quantity than the force they use, in effect you have managed to flatten out the hierarchy that much more. Today they break windows and harm people, tomorrow you capture them in a non-viotent way with a net, and the day after they can start being rehabilitated. The more you overcome the elements in this way, not by refusing all forms of domination, but by always reducing the amount of domination, the more the system with become what you have always dreamed it to be, a perfectly flat anarchy. Sometimes a frog cannot jump from one lily pad to the next in one perfectly planned gracious movement. Often times, it has to enter the water and swim in a world that is very different than the lily pad it is aiming to reach. I wish you the very best of luck nichole. Occupy is a big dream, but it is certainly one worth dreaming, worth realizing, and, most of all, worth living. I hope we can all taste the fruits of your efforts one day.
Seems nice ideas in this post :) It's a bit hard to follow, but i believe in the frog analogy at the least. We all must step/take the leap away from our comfort zone to learn by swimming around for awhile we all realize we won't drown and there can be new, more exciting, more loving and more healthy way for live.
It's hard to understand because it's presented out of context. The main idea is that you can't go from a democratic republic to an anarchy in one move. There is a needed transition, and this transition might not look like anarchy at all. It's important to realize that. You don't necessarily arrive at anarchy by using anarchy. You don't necessarily arrive at any system by using that system. The frog swims underwater to arrive at the lily pad; a world very different must be crossed so that it can arrive at its goal.
Oligarchical collectivism in action. The is blatant hypocrisy, but typical of self-proclaimed anarchists. "Everybody should be free and equal with no one in charge, but you do it my way or I will bully you into compliance." Speak that you might be seen.
Agreed, The very people who idolize some free cooperative society are often oppressive and completely unable to work with others.
I did write this, but you should have kept the paragraph divisions. May I ask, why are you reposting it now out of context?
BTW - There's a few mistakes I missed that should be corrected.
Out of context? This entire thread is about you, you little prig -- boldly trolling for the "betterment of manmind." Keep up the good work, hope you're getting whatever it is you want here.
This thread is about Thrasymkay. Not me.
Out of context in the sense that this was a reply to your problems you were having in Oakland. It has nothing to do with the content of this thread.
I think you fail to understand what that post was about. It was an encouragement for Occupy, not a troll post. Perhaps you should read it again.
BTW - There is no need to use insults to formulate arguments.
Still relevant, nonetheless. How many times are you going to alter your first response? Step away from the computer ... you spend too much time here for your own good. Be better yourself, you appear to be deteriorating.
I use the forum for a very specific purpose.
Indeed. You are here to keep conspiracy cloaked in "theory" and when you can't, you resort to spamming gay porn and other assinine communist anarchist drivel that serves your masters' agenda (Rothchild Soros Sunstein Zelikow)
You are well outed, Thrastrawman.
As expected, another conspiracy theorist resorting to David Icke type assumptions to build his truth.
Outed? I have been honest from the start. I never tried to hide anything. I have told the truth on many occasions, but conspiracy theorists always distort it. It's kind of funny actually.
I've been far freer here than in most forums. Some of us are born somewhere in between. I'm not one to pass judgement.
Give us a break with your anti transgender thrash talk. Your argument is entirely illogical. You're a moron. If you want to be part of OWS, you should learn to respect everyone except conspiracy theorists. Thy are just lame and illogical like yourself.
he is from here he sent me an email. thought i was his buddy, because i'm pro-capitalism i guess.
To answer your question, Thrasymkay is not working with the admins. He has around 100 accounts and has been posting spam since 2 months now. He's the guy who used to spam the global link. Today, he decided to copycat me, only he posted porn and attacked good posts. I only attack posts that contravene the forum rules and I don't post porn. You should report him to the moderators. He hasn't been caught because he only did it today for around 1 hour.
Lying Post from an Obnoxious Troll, Worra C-nt !
Write to jart, and ask her to cross reference the IPs. She already knows this poster. There's no reason to use assumptions like you do when creating your conspiracy theories. This can easily be checked.
As you've been caught trolling before, you can't be believed. QED et ad iudicium ...
That's exactly what I'm saying. Don't base your claims on assumptions like the conspiracy theorists. Ask jart to cross-reference the IPs. It's an easy check. If you had some brains you would realize this Thrasymkay has a different style than me and attacks different targets.
It's OK if you want to ICKE-it has usual, but in this case you could find some evidence pretty easily. I guess conspiracy theorists don't like the hard road of real research, they prefer to make easy assumptions.
I don't give a SH!T whether 'Troll A' or 'Troll B' are discrete or one and the same. You've made your bed, so stop your whining and trolling and go lay in it ...
actually this is the source of your buddy