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Forum Post: Fuse to the Biggest Carbon Bomb on the Planet. - Keystone XL

Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 13, 2013, 12:29 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic (5827)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

NASA's James Hansen Explains His Decision to Join Keystone Pipeline Protests. Hansen says the Keystone XL Pipeline will essentially mean game over.

Great interview here - http://insideclimatenews.org/news/20110826/james-hansen-nasa-climate-change-scientist-keystone-xl-oil-sands-pipeline-protests-mckibben-white-house?page=show

Hansen was later arrested for protesting the pipeline. - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-08-29/nasa-s-hansen-arrested-outside-white-house-at-pipeline-protest.html

January 7th, 2013 - Members of Occupy Detroit and opponents of the Keystone XL project protest outside the Chase building in Detroit on Monday.

About 50 protesters tried to occupy the Houston offices of TransCanada Corp, the company building the pipeline, on Monday. Two were reportedly arrested.

Environmentalists urge Obama to block Keystone XL and act on climate change. After a strategy of 'climate silence' during president's first term, activist groups signal intent to be more vocal in next four years. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jan/07/obama-administration-climate-change

All this time to debate a pipeline that Transcanada has even said would be used to increase american energy costs by up to 4 billion per year, particularly for the Midwest.

The answer is no when you factor in dollars, and the answer should be no when you factor in the safety of the American people. All this shit just to allow a foreign oil company to profit.

Hansen calls the pipeline a "fuse to the biggest carbon bomb on the planet."

"In Oklahoma, Obama Declares Pipeline Support"

RIPLEY, Okla. — President Obama stood in a red-dirt field before acres of stacked pipeline pieces on Thursday to illustrate his support for expedited construction of the southern leg of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. But his public declaration for the project pleased neither the industry and its Republican allies nor environmentalists.

“Today, we’re making this new pipeline from Cushing to the gulf a priority,” Obama said, while the northern portion requires additional review.

“But the fact is that my administration has approved dozens of new oil and gas pipelines over the last three years, including one from Canada,” Mr. Obama added. “And as long as I’m president, we’re going to keep on encouraging oil development and infrastructure, and we’re going to do it in a way that protects the health and safety of the American people.” - Obama


"If Obama chooses the dirty needle it is game over because it will confirm that Obama was just greenwashing, like the other well-oiled coal-fired politicians with no real intention of solving the addiction. Canada is going to sell its dope, if it can find a buyer. So if the United States is buying the dirtiest stuff, it also surely will be going after oil in the deepest ocean, the Arctic, and shale deposits; and harvesting coal via mountaintop removal and long-wall mining. Obama will have decided he is a hopeless addict." - Quote James Hansen

Parts of West Virginia are completely destroyed by mountain top removal. Poisoning the water, the air, and now birds just randomly fall from the sky. I highly recommend the book Days of Destruction Days of Revolt that discusses these issues in great detail including personal accounts of those run off the land by corrupt coal and oil companies.

Have you ever heard of manufacturing consent? Because that's what is happening with this pipeline.

My congressman, Lee Terry, straight works for Transcanada and advertises for the pipeline. The corporate takeover is just about complete. This pipeline cannot be allowed.



Read the Rules
[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago
[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Right wing climate deniers are the greatest obstacle to achieving widespread alternative energy implementation and an end to fossil fuel use.

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Environmental Action:

Barack Obama has now said it repeatedly: he will not approve Keystone XL if it is shown to harm our climate. That's amazing news. But he didn't promise to say no -- yet -- andhis "All of the Above" energy plan is still too reliant on climate-killing fuels like fracked gas.

videothumb.pngTo make sure the president gets the message that saying no to KXL and saying yes to a safe climate future is the most important job of his second term, we teamed up with a group of amazing Environmental Action members and allies—parents, grandparents and kids—who walked from Camp David to the White House to show the President the depth of their conviction. Click here to see our video of the rally when they arrived, then share it on social media to spread the word.

It was one heck of a walk.

  • On Friday, 54 of the walkers courageously put their bodies on the line, risking arrest by protesting the posh Washington, D.C. offices of a KXL contractor with a highly deceptive name: Environmental Resources Management.

  • On Saturday, after more than 100 miles in record heat, rain and all kinds of weather, they arrived at the White House.

I joined the walkers for the last two miles, with my 5-year-old daughter and the signatures of 11,000 of Environmental Action members who couldn't make it in person -- but who had signed on in solidarity. Click here to see my report from the day's rally, then share it on social media to spread the word.

The walk was finished -- 100 miles for climate justice and a sustainable future. However, our longer walk together, to stop KXL and convince the President to stop global warming, continues. Thanks for being part of Environmental Action -- and stay tuned for more ways to speak up about Keystone XL and climate change.

For everyone's grandchildren, Jesse Bacon Environmental Action

PS -- Want to participate in the latest social media actions from Environmental Action and share your own ideas for Facebook and Twitter? Click here to sign up for "The Ecosystem," Environmental Action's new social media team.



[-] 3 points by grapes (5232) 12 years ago

Midwestern states and the trucking industry that uses diesel fuel should definitely oppose the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline because their benefits from the low fuel prices due to the "stranded" oil in the mid-section of the U.S. will end when the Keystone XL pipeline comes into existence.

The West Texas Intermediate grade of oil has been trading consistently below the North Sea Brent grade of oil. Once the Keystone XL pipeline becomes operational, the price for U.S. domestic oil in its mid-section will float higher towards the price for the North Sea Brent grade of oil. The North Sea Brent grade of oil is fast becoming the global standard of oil quoted and traded. Connecting the "stranded" oil to the world market will import the higher North Sea Brent price of oil to the U.S. heartland in the Midwest and likely increase the fuel costs of the trucking industry. Of course, groceries trucked from California to the East Coast will probably increase in prices, too, to cover the additional fuel cost.

Lowering the rate at which Canada's oil sands exacerbate the global changes induced by climate warming can buy time for our descendants to discover and work out a host of viable methods to deal with the global problem. Our generation so far seems incapable of dealing with it -- we talk and play politics to shift the responsibility around to no avail. I suppose that only the ones who will suffer the major consequences will have the gumption to tackle the problem head-on.

[+] -4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Prices are expected to jump the highest for the midwest, where I live. Which is why it's absolute bullshit that my congressman straight works for the pipeline. He is beyond corrupt. He is literally bought and paid for... similar to his joke of racist father.

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 12 years ago

Action Alert!! Not your average petition.


Commit to real action and we CAN snuff out the fuse.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 12 years ago

Yes, some will definitely profit from the pipeline, presumably your congressman will be included. I hope that his constituents are smart enough to see through his duplicity.

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Negative 5 for speaking against the keystone pipeline and republican Lee Terry. Wow this forum is over run by party hacks who really don't like me. LOL

Negative 5 for speaking against the Keyston pipeline and the president's so far approval. Yep, definitely overrun by party hacks. Either that or it's just one person with 5 accounts, which is also very likely. LOL

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I'll toss you a twinkle.

We may not agree no much, but this one is clear, the XL should NOT be built, and one of it's aims, is to raise fuel prices in the Mid West..

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

thanks. The keystone pipeline is just another of the many scams that corporate America, in this case even corporate Canada, is trying to pull on the people.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

[-] 8675309 points by DKAtoday (8675309) from Coon Rapids, MN

According to news reports, the decision on the key environmental analysis for the Keystone pipeline could happen by Labor Day weekend. So it’s more important than ever that Secretary Kerry and the State Department hear from us now.

Can you sign our petition so we can get 25,000 signatures by this Labor Day weekend?






Tell John Kerry to get it right on Keystone

Why should John Kerry order his State Department to redo its study of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline?

And how could that make all the difference on a project with real consequences for the world our children will inherit?

Before John Kerry was sworn in as Secretary, the State Department issued a report that found that Keystone was “unlikely to have a substantial impact” on our environment and our climate.[1]

Since then …

We learned that the State Department’s report was written by a contractor with ties to TransCanada – the company building Keystone.[2] The EPA rated the report “insufficient” – especially since Keystone could add “as much as 935 million metric tons” of carbon to the atmosphere.[3] And President Obama promised “the pipeline’s impact on our climate will be absolutely critical to determining whether this project is allowed to go forward.”[4]

That sounds like a pretty strong case for a do-over to me.

Tell John Kerry to order his team to go back to the drawing board.

Before the Senate approved his nomination, John Kerry pledged to be a “passionate advocate” for action on global warming.[5] Here’s your chance, Mr. Secretary.

Join us in urging John Kerry to get it right on Keystone.

Together, we’ll take another big step toward convincing President Obama to protect future generations from this ticking climate time bomb.


Margie Alt Executive Director (action@environmentamerica.org)

[1] Keystone XL pipeline would have little impact on climate change, State Department analysis says

[2] State Department watchdog probes Keystone XL review

[3] EPA Slams State’s Draft Impact Statement For Keystone XL

[4] Remarks by the President on Climate Change

[5] Kerry Pledges To Confront Climate Change: ‘I Will Be A Passionate Advocate’ Of Action

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Wildfires, violent storms, sea level rise, and flooding. The world's foremost climate scientists confirmed what you and I already know:

Climate disruption is here and the world can't wait any longer for climate action.

Today, the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) released their first report in 6 years -- confirming that the effects of climate disruption are accelerating.1 It's clear: we need to act on climate. The good news is that we have the perfect opportunity right now.

The EPA is considering its first-ever proposal against climate-disrupting carbon pollution. Be part of the movement: send a message to the EPA and support their proposal today!

Here in my home state of West Virginia, climate disruption means farmers worry about watering their crops, ranchers worry about caring for their livestock, and families worry about whether the air is safe for their kids. In fact, all across the country -- and the world -- communities are seeing that the climate crisis touches our day-to-day lives in ways we'd never dreamed.

Today's report confirms it's not some far-flung sci-fi future, and there's no question about what's fueling extreme weather -- there's also no question about what you can do to fight back.

Fight back against runaway climate disruption by making sure the EPA moves ahead with the first-ever safeguards against climate-disrupting carbon pollution.

The climate movement has grown by leaps and bounds. More than 3.2 million comments were submitted calling for the EPA to take this action during 2012 and this year, 50,000 braved freezing February winds to stand in front of the White House and demand climate action, it's truly a movement powered by grassroots activists like you.

The costs of extreme pollution couldn't be clearer. Add your name to the list of Americans ready to protect our families and our climate from dangerous carbon pollution!

Thank you for all you do,

Mary Anne Hitt Director, Beyond Coal Campaign Sierra Club

P.S. After you've taken action, please forward a copy of this message to five of your friends and family. Or spread the word on your social networks with the share buttons below.

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Sources: [1] IPCC WGI AR5 September 27, 2013

Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 | membership.services@sierraclub.org

I added:

PS -

Besides we have viable clean energy alternatives that we should be implementing As Fast As Humanly Possible:

The Liquid Metal Battery http://www.ted.com/speakers/donald_sadoway.html

The Thorium Problem ( not so much a problem as an opportunity ) http://www.democraticunderground.com/1017146059

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Tell U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman: Stop pressuring Europe to buy tar sands oil!

The petition reads: "Stop promoting tar sands and standing in the way of Europe's effort to reduce climate emissions. It is not in America’s interest to help foreign oil companies profit from the destruction of our climate. America's best interest is in protecting the climate and rejecting the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline."

Automatically add your name:

Sign the petition ►

Stop promoting Tar Sands Michael Froman; click here to take action.

President Obama has committed to taking real action on climate change, and to give a fair evaluation of the climate impacts of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

So it was shocking when news broke this week that Michael Froman, the President's top trade official, is lobbying Europe to weaken its environmental protections when it comes to accepting tar sands exports1

This is clearly not in the interest of the United States -- but it is of direct interest to foreign oil companies like TransCanada. Disturbingly, Froman is lobbying to open up a market for a product that depends on U.S. approval of the Keystone XL pipeline!

Tell U.S Trade Representative Michael Froman: Stop promoting tar sands. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

As part of trade negotiations with Europe, Froman is siding with Big Oil and foreign-owned refineries on the Gulf Coast, pressuring the European Union to weaken climate laws which would reduce the amount of carbon-intensive tar sands oil imported and burned by Europe.

President Obama is having enough trouble taking action against climate change in this country. So the last thing we need is a high ranking administration official standing in the way of other nations' urgently needed action. Especially when it presumes approval of the Keystone XL pipeline that would lead to "essentially game over for the climate."

As part of the European Union's effort to reduce carbon emissions 20 percent below 1990 levels by 2020, the EU has implemented a Fuel Quality Directive that would rightly consider the up to 40 percent higher carbon footprint of tar sands oil, significantly reducing European demand for refined tar sands crude (the vast majority of which would be shipped from Gulf Coast refineries, by way of pipelines from the Canadian tar sands, like Keystone XL.)

But in written testimony to Congress, Froman said he is supporting the objections of oil industry groups like the American Petroleum Institute and the Chamber of Commerce, who are threatening to try to push the U.S. into trade action against the EU if the climate rules are adopted.

The fact that the oil industry is concerned with Europe's thirst for tar sands crude blows the lid off straight off TransCanada's longstanding claims that Keystone XL is anything other than an export pipeline. But that doesn't make Froman's efforts any less damaging for our climate.

He has only been serving as U.S. Trade Representative since June, and likely wasn't counting on public scrutiny for his pro tar-sands lobbying. So our pressure could help push him to withdraw his anti-climate efforts.

Click here to automatically sign the petition urging Michael Froman to stop his tar sands lobbying.

Thanks for taking action.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager CREDO Action from Working Assets

Automatically add your name: Sign the petition ►

Learn more about this campaign

  1. "Michael Froman, Top U.S. Trade Official, Lobbies For Tar Sands Oil In EU Negotiations," Kate Sheppard, Huffington Post, 9/24/13
[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

An interesting episode all of the way through - BUT - at 43 minutes - it talks about liquid metal batteries.

Making Stuff: Cleaner

Aired: Aug 28, 2013


DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

NOVA | Making Stuff: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tech/making-stuff.html#making-stuff-cleaner

@ 43 minutes it talks about liquid metal batteries.

Things we should do MACRO not micro. SHARE

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

You won't believe the latest fallacious argument that supporters of the Keystone XL pipeline are using -- they are actually claiming that the pipeline would be good for wildlife, because animals will "snuggle" beneath it for warmth!1

Animals snuggling with oil pipelines? They can't be serious.

In fact, this comes on the heels of the U.S. Department of Interior warning that KXL would result in "permanent impacts" on wildlife, including habitat loss and danger to several endangered species.

The truth is that KXL would be a disaster for both wildlife and our climate. Help make sure Secretary of State John Kerry, who is in charge of the final environmental review of Keystone, knows it.

We all know Keystone would be a disaster for our climate, just as we know animals wouldn't snuggle with it if the oil industry is allowed to run it through the middle of their natural habitats.

But a flawed State Department environmental report -- which was written by a dues-paying member of the American Petroleum Institute -- predictably downplays the significant environmental impacts. And President Obama may use this flawed report to base his final decision on whether to approve Keystone, or reject it.

That's why it’s so important that the State Department listens to the experts and makes sure the report reflects the real damage that Keystone would do to wildlife and our climate.

We can't stand down now. This is too important. Tell Secretary of State Kerry to fix the biased report that was written for Big Oil, and make sure it tells the truth about risks to wildlife!

Both the EPA and the Department of Interior have attacked the bogus conclusions of this oil-friendly Keystone environmental review. Now it's time the State Department hears from you.

Take a moment to protect wildlife by sending Secretary of State Kerry a message today.

Thanks for all you do for the environment,

Michael Marx Sierra Club Beyond Oil Campaign Director

P.S. Six letters are better than one. Forward a copy of this message to five of your friends and family and let them know how they can help protect our environment from dangerous fossil fuels. Or spread the word on social media with the share buttons below:

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[1] Denise Robbins, CNBC Host Believes Animals Will "Snuggle" Under Keystone Pipeline , Media Matters for America, August 27, 2013

Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 | membership.services@sierraclub.org Unsubscribe from Sierra Club alerts | Update My Profile | Manage My Email Preferences View as a Webpage | Tell a Friend About This Email

I added:

PS - Fossil Fuels need to be ended - NOT - expanded. That pretty much says it all.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

If someone tried to run a giant sewer line through your backyard, you'd try to stop them, right? That's exactly what TransCanada, a foreign oil company, is trying to do.

TransCanada is doing everything they can to get permission to run the sprawling Keystone XL oil pipeline from the tar sands of Alberta to the Gulf Coast. In doing so, TransCanada is demanding that we place our families and our environment at risk by allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to run through America's heartland.

Environmentally, this pipeline would be a disaster. Tar sand oil is extremely dirty, emitting three times more carbon dioxide than conventional oil. Worse, this pipeline means a persistent threat of an oil spill anywhere along its 2,000-mile length.

Help us send a message to TransCanada CEO Russ Girling today: Stop the Keystone XL project before it damages the very fabric of our heartland!

Thank you for taking action,

Ellen B. c Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Don't forget Tar Sands Timmy.

The XL is far from the only game in town, but most of them are being promoted by Koch Industries and Enbridge.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

[-] (8675309) points by DKAtoday ( I fart in your general direction ) _ minutes ago

Yep - Tar Sands Timmy - Should go Viral.


[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Nothing to argue with there, but I will offer the other equally ugly side of the fossil fuel coin.


Notice the lack of FEAR about the tie ins with ALEC.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Ya think Narley is having a wet dream over the idea of fracking Dallas?

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

He's probably looking for the angle that allows it to be blamed on Democrats, as in Texas the fossil fuel establishment is sacrosanct, no matter what they pollute.

Oh, and don't mention that that is another Texas industry making a killing on war profiteering.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

[-] (8675309) points by DKAtoday ( I wave my private parts at your Auntie ) _ minutes ago

No Doubt - as many of the shills who post/comment like to do - blame the left for what the right is doing and apparently deny that the right in office are heavily incorp(se)oRATed most especially the leadership.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Don't worry, the soap opera of the banned is gearing up for the next election cycle.

Smearing where they can and ganging up on individuals with bots and puppets.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

[-] (8675309) points by DKAtoday ( nee ) _ minutes ago

It is to laugh at their pathetic attacks. ( as illustrated just above )

[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


It's not as pathetic as you think.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

And they call it - The American Liberty Tour. The insane assholes!!! Opposite Speak - just like - Right To Work - Opposite Speak.

But I was just referring to the BS shill attacks on this forum = " It is to laugh at their pathetic attacks. ( as illustrated just above ) "

[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Pleas to honesty, go unheeded.

That is the saddest, most telling thing of all.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

But the fuckers are now being recognized as to what they are doing - and their position is starting to crumble - as more and more people start opening their eyes. I can't remember ever having seen so much being written about the corruption of the corp(se)oRATists in office ( yep that would be very largely the ones calling themselves the republican party in office ) of the growing movement of people out of - away from - that party - but also of the growing discontent by the population with government in general - a government that has stopped working for or with the people and has for the most part stopped pretending to work in support of The Constitution.

[-] -2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Libe(R)topians, across the board.

From this forum to DC.

From Maine to Florida.

From N. Carolina to Montana.

From Arizona to Idaho.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Gotta admit - I can not remember "anything" good for The People - coming from out of the right side of the isle.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

[-] 8675309 points by DKAtoday (8675309) from Coon Rapids, MN

Watch the clip and tell President Obama not to wait: Kill Keystone now!

The fight to stop the Keystone XL pipeline has been all about beating the odds. Two years ago the pundits and oil companies alike thought this dirty, dangerous pipeline was a done deal.

But then, front page press coverage about conflicts of interests in the environmental review process forced a delay that no one saw coming.

Fast forward to 2013, and everyone expected the president to make his decision on the pipeline this Fall. But now it looks like there may not be a decision until next year. In the words of Rachel Maddow, that's a win!

Thanks to our work uncovering fresh conflicts of interests in the review process, the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General has launched an inquiry that won’t be completed until January 2014.

But President Obama can end this fight right now, so it’s time to turn up the heat. Write to the President and tell him that the evidence is in -- it’s time to kill the Keystone XL pipeline.

Thanks to letters from Friends of the Earth supporters just like you, and the investigative work of our campaigners, the Inspector General’s inquiry is examining attempts by the company hired to conduct the environmental review to hide its financial ties to pipeline builder TransCanada and oil companies which stand to profit from the pipeline.

But even without the results of the investigation, President Obama already has more than enough evidence to kill the Keystone XL pipeline right now.

Over the past few months the Interior Department, the EPA, climate scientists and the entire environmental community have slammed the State Department’s environmental report on Keystone for glossing over the pipeline’s negative impacts on wildlife, water supplies and the climate.

President Obama doesn’t need to wait for the corruption inquiry to make his decision. Tell him to use his authority to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline right now.

This decision rests entirely with the president. Help us tell him to do the right thing.

Thanks for joining us in this important fight.

Ross Hammond, Senior Campaigner, Friends of the Earth

PS - everyone who thinks you might be serious are wondering why you are waiting to definitely/finally reject the Pipe line - as it seems most everyone already knows that the pipelines purpose will absolutely have a major negative impact on the environment.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Petition telephone project on Keystone Pipeline. Winona LaDuke Honor the Earth , or at www.honorearth.org. Also, take look at my article Pipeline to Nowhere, in Indian Country Today, or on our web site.... She is on Facebook... She is working with friends at 350.org

and has link to her Senators: Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken

[-] 1 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

Mr. Obama added. “And as long as I’m president, we’re going to keep on encouraging oil development and infrastructure, and we’re going to do it in a way that protects the health and safety of the American people” - Obama

Thankyou for pointing out Obama "wants to protect the health and safety of the American people

and that the NYT is 10 months old


I am against XL and I believe Obama is playing a "long" game
we will see


[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

He hasn't approved it yet. I suspect he may. That will be profoundly disappointing.

That doesn't change the fact that the greatest supporters of XL Keystone & the greatest obstacle to the widespread implementation of alternative energy are right wing climate deniers.

Nor does it change the major progress the Dems have made and support.

I am against xl keystone also. I will continue protesting it, and continue protesting against my Gov Cuomo on fracking, and continue demonstrating for alternative energy, while informing all regarding the truth that the right wing climate deniers are the greatest problem regarding all these issues.

[-] 3 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

What does Obama have to GAIN by completing the pipeline?

[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Nothing, I hope Pres Obama continues his successful resistance of the massive right wing pressure and their fossil fuel puppet masters.

That is why I've joined the demonstrations, so that the Pres knows his thus far successful resistance is appreciated.

[+] -5 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Re-task it to pipe water? That would be a good one.

[+] -4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I never said his words are accurate when it comes to "protects the health and safety of the American people" - because obviously that is not accurate of the pipeline and the tarsands. I was just quoting him, because that is what he said. Politicians lie a lot. In fact, the tarsands are incredibly destructive as well as the emissions from it's final product. There is no way to have this pipeline in a way that protects the health and safety of the American people. That is what my whole post is about.

I used the article from Oklahoma to point out that Obama is going to approve the finalization of the pipeline just as he approved the southern section. The article being 10 months old does not change the fact that he did exactly what was said in the article, which was "In Oklahoma, Obama Declares Pipeline Support"

His support for the pipeline has not changed. He just wants a specific plan before he approves it.

[-] 3 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I do not think he will
we will see

[+] -4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

what evidence do you have to back up that he will not allow the pipeline?

[-] 1 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I think he is a pragmatist
He knows the pipeline is useless until it is completely approved
He does not need to be concerned about re-election

[-] -3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

"none" - at least you're being honest.

[-] 2 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I try
Keep in mind - Obama is not a king or dictator
he cannot do everything he wants
Guantanamo is the perfect example - he would have shut it down, but the Rs refused to fund it

He has to "battle" an adversary who is willing to destroy the world economy with blackmail.

Many of Obama's actions & inactions that many in OWS don't approve can be clearly derived from his pragmatisim & constraints on his power

[-] -3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Keep in mind he supports the pipeline. His only issue has been on the specifics of how it is built and the route it takes, it has never been about stopping it. Hence his support of the southern section.

Your argument is invalid. You yourself said you have no evidence to back up that Obama wants to end the pipeline.

Defending him on a made up stance solves nothing. Go ahead and support Obama if you want, but at least criticize him where he is obviously wrong.

Just keep signing for those NDAA's.... and you wonder why Guantanamo is still open. One of the many reasons I detest the indefinite detention provisions, which Obama's administration fought in court to keep after a judge ruled the provisions unconstitutional. What you are seeing with GTMO and indefinite detention laws, NDAA, court cases, etc this back and forth with R's and D's.... it's called MANUFACTURING CONSENT

[-] 3 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 12 years ago

And Noam Chomsky wrote a book with that title, it's all political theatre.


[-] -3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Chomsky is a smart man. More people could do a lot of good if they read his books or watched some of his interviews. He can fit a mile of knowledge into an inch.

[-] 2 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 12 years ago

Agreed, he has a great mind. One of my daughters who was a poly sci major at McGill years ago turned me onto him.


[-] -3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Have you ever read anything by Chris Hedges? I'm just about done with my 3rd Hedges book.

[-] 2 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 12 years ago

I haven't read any of his books yet, but I have been reading his column in Truthdig just about every week for quite a while (comes out every Monday). I've also watched his three hour CSpan interview (below link) 2-3 times, and I highly recommend viewing it. His analysis of where we are at is very sobering, but I believe it to be accurate. Out of the three books that you have read, which one do you think i should start with?



[-] -3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

His best book, and Bill Moyers agrees, is Death of the Liberal Class. It is not only Hedges best book, but it is one of the best books I have ever read.

I've watched that interview before. I think I only made it about an hour in. The World As It Is is actually close to next on my reading list. I have about 50 pages left in Days of Destruction Days of Revolt, then I'm reading Griftopia by Matt Taibbi. One of my new year's goals is to read a book every 2 weeks.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 12 years ago

Thanks, I've written them down. If the media were flooded with the likes of those three guys, it is unlikely we would be in the situation we are in now. Good luck on your endeavor.

Toward the end of that CSpan interview, a guy calls in and asks something to the effect of, 'What can I do to help ensure that my grandkids grow up in a better world?' Hedges answers him by solemnly telling him to get his body out there, and get arrested for peaceful civil disobedience. Although I do not look forward to it, and have come close twice...I feel that it is only a matter of time for me.

BTW, I just got back from an OWS/OTS meeting in NYC after having been gone visiting family in AK for the last couple of months. It was great to see all of those mostly young bright, dynamic people with their indomitable spirit. I have so much respect for them. I view this for the most part, as 'their revolution,' so as usual, I limited my input. While I feel that we all wish that this rev was further along than it is, their determination was very evident, while THEY strategized how to go forward. In any event, knowing this is just one of many similar goups, I know that 'the cat will never be able to be put back in the bag.'


[-] 1 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I do not wonder why Gitmo is open- I told you why.

[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

and I told you that the NDAA's and the court cases play into that as well as the republicans do.

No indefinite detention laws, no GTMO.

Republicans worked hard to keep the provisions in there, and Obama's administration worked hard to have the court case dismissed when a judge said the provisions are unconstitutional.

This is not a one sided issue. It's manufacturing consent hard at work.

Actions are louder than words.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

We must protest all pols to change these rights violations.

Identify, denounce, humiliate, every pol who spews the fear mongering 'war on terror' propaganda that creates support amongst the 99%.

It is OUR failure if we do not get a large growing protest to put pressure on the Pres & all pols to repeal these laws.

[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

We should pressure Pres Obama to CONTINUE his successful resistance of the right wing pressure to complete the pipeline.

But if we are silent on the repub guilt/efforts to push this through we are just being dishonest and partisan.

And in regards to you weak efforts to go off thread and distract from the repub guilt on the pipeline. We should pressure Pres Obamato continue pushing against repub efforts to keep gitmo open.

We should not leave out the fact that repubs added the language that makes it nearly impossible to close Gitmo.

That would be dishonest and partisan.

[-] 0 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I do not think the NDAA - indefinite detention has anything to do with PRESENT prisoners. How many people has Obama put in Gitmo since he took office?

[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Have you read the provisions in the NDAA in regards to indefinite detention or are you just saying what you said just to say it?

I've read them. The detention provisions are directly related to GTMO and other prisons. Obama himself even acknowledges that. So why won't you?

threatened a veto but just signed it - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/03/ndaa-obama-indefinite-detention_n_2402601.html

How many people died in the surge in Afghanistan? How many people have died in drone strikes?

They lowered the level of pursuing prisoners for GTMO and broadened the assassination program instead.

[-] 0 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

I did read last year's
I still don't know how it relates to prisoners in Gitmo today
And how many people has Obama put into Gitmo?
I don't understand how Gitmo relates to the surge in Afghanistan
Do you?


[+] -4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

successful resistance does not include supporting the Keystone Xl pipeline.

Which James Hansen calls GAME OVER

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I agree with James Hansen & you that we must convince Pres Obama to maintain his thus far successful resistance to the massive repub/fossil fuel corp pressure to approve the pipeline.

It is up to us to create massive protests against the pipeline in order to give the Pres the leverage to say no to repub/fossil fuel corps.

And here is what progressives think of the other climate change issues that Pres Obama is battling repubs/fossil fuel corps over.


[-] -3 points by aville (-678) 12 years ago

obama has no use for the constitution , has said so. the only thing thats keeping him from being a dictator of the american people, are those who know the constitution. the bill of rights is a protection for the citizens of the USA , protecting them from the tyranny of govt.

[-] 3 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

"obama has no use for the constitution , has said so."
cite the source or admit you are a liar

[-] -3 points by aville (-678) 12 years ago

www.townhall.com/...2012/06/15/obamav_the constitution/page/full

[-] 2 points by mideast (506) 12 years ago

right wing claptrap & book sales

[-] -1 points by aville (-678) 12 years ago

today at obamas press conference , obama said "my understanding is that the vice presidents going to provide a range of steps that we can take to reduce gun violence. some of them will require legislation, some of them i can accomplish through executive action.and so i will be reviewing those today and as i said, i will speak in more detail to what we're going to go ahead and propose later in the week. but i'm confident that there are some steps that we can take that dont require legislation and that are within my authroity as president, and where you get a step that, has the opportunity to reduce the possibility of gun violence, then i want to go ahead and take it"

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

TRUTH - what evidence - when you consider that oil and coal and LNG were promoted by the president as necessary energy supplies for the Nation ( USA ) - and yet the fossil fuel companies are not stock piling it for domestic use - BUT are exporting it for profit. So Where Is The Urgent National Need???

[-] -3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

The comment from a user below is quite hilarious.

It speaks against climate deniers who support the pipeline, while also backing the justification by climate deniers for the pipeline.

There is no excuse to support this pipeline because the oil is going to the coast for export. It's not for your car or your heat. It's for Transcanada to make profits.


[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

This thread is about climate change. I brought the TRUTH that the right wing climate deniers are the greatest threat/obstructionists.

You have attacked me for this truth because you want to lend support to trev. Well guess what.? He is wrong to stay silent on those most guilty in regards to climate change. Not unusual for him to give repubs a pass, but it is unusual for YOU. Especially on this issue which you have thus far appeared to understand fairly well.

So the single minded approach is to address climate change by only bashing one politician. Especially since he has stood in front ofthe greater threat not even being mentioned.

How do you discuss the keystone pipeline and leave out the biggest propenent? How do you leave out that it has been delayed by one man? How do you leave out all the attacks on him for that delay by the repubs?

No I am not single minded. Those who leave out the truth are single mindedly bashing one politician when others are clearly historically the most guilty.

[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I do not support the pipeline. I support greentech and protest the right wing climate deniers (that you are silent about)

My opposition to fossil fuel has not rendered me ignorant of the fact that we still need fossil fuel. Precisely because so many are SILENT about the right climate deniers who are the greatest obstruction to widespread green tech implementation.

[-] 5 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

The repubs have been pushing this pipeline over Dem objections. That ain't bullshit. That's just a fact conveniently left out of this thread.

This Pres has stopped the pipeline, delayed it over the objections of REPUBS.

I still protest him, because he CAN stop it.

I just don't leave out the repubs cause they are the biggest proponents of this pipeline and the fossil fuel industry.

Staying silent on the biggest obstacle just allows them to continue unimpeded.

I'M surprised YOU have stayed silent on repubs obvious guilt on this pipeline, regarding all fossil fuel support, and all greentech obstruction.

[-] 5 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Only one party has pushed for ending fossil fuel subsidies incl Pres Obama. Only one party has objected.

The silence on that FACT is more than "silly" it is dishonest and provides cover for the real guilty on this critical issue.

I recognize &protest all pols on this issue. I do not leave the mostguilty out of the blame assignment!

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I have mentioned several climate issues on this climate thread. You have only mentioned the pipeline. You ain't mentioned WHO has been pushing it, nor have you given credit to the party that has prevented it's completion.

But all the issues I have brought up clearly have one party in support (Dems) and one against (repubs)

So YOU are talkin about one thing (NOT FACTUALLY) I am talking of ALL greentech issues & have included the most guilty (repubs) who you continue to remain silent on.

[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Because widespread green tech implementation has been obstructed by the climate deniers we are still dependent on fossil fuels.

Right? Isn't that the urgent national need? Heating homes & running cars.

Don't you have a need to run YOUR car?

[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

That may be. I'm against the pipeline regardless, I demonstrate Pres Obama to maintain his thus far success at resisting the massive pressure of repubs & fossil fuel corps.

Besides my agreement with you on this issue I propose we all change our ways, Move closer to work (as you claimed), get rid of the transportation pollution machine, & become a vegetarian, (the energy necessary for meat production is massive!)

[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

the Keystone pipeline has nothing to do with getting oil for my car nor heat for my home.

That is a justification phony republicans and democrats use for supporting the pipeline that is being built for a foreign oil company's profits. The pipeline is being built to export from the coast you fool.

Stop pushing propaganda.

Also you've really gone above and beyond in your trolling today.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

VQ? yeah I know - silly and a bit blind to facts - check out my response.

[-] -3 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I did. It was a good response.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Who has ignored the fact that it is one party that has obstructed progress on all these issues.?

The pipeline AIN'T approved. Repubs have been at the forefront of support for it. That fact has been left out!

The repubs opposed all the climate initiatives this Pres has successfully implemented. That fact has been left out!

Every green tech investment obstructed or opposed by repubs. That fact left out. The increase in MPG? Repubs opposed. Electric cars? ridiculed mercilessly. by the right Closing coal plants? Attacked by the right wing climate deniers. EPA imposing limits on soot? Opposed by repubs.

All facts left out, and glossed oever on this climate change thread. Silly? Anyone leaving out these facts are not only silly but dishonest.

Discuss climate change if you like. but don't pretend this is that.

This is clearly just a partisan Bash Obama thread.

[+] -4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

He is a terrible president. He just chose Jack Lew from Citi Bank to head the treasury. He supports a system giving TRILLIONS to banks. He supports the Afghanistan war that is a war of imperialism that is bankrupting the government for corporate profits.

You think I don't like Obama - yah I think Obama is a terrible president. Pointing this out is something I've stated many times. Obama is a liar and a greenwasher when it comes to his stance on climate change. Only a fraud would support any aspect of this pipeline. He supports the pipeline and that is in this link.

It is common knowledge that Chevron and other big oil corps own the republicans.Everyone knows republicans support the pipeline. Obama was supposed to be the climate change guy yet he's supporting dirty oil. Also I mention that Transcanada owns my republican congressman in this forum post as well.... "the corporate takeover is almost complete"

The real question is, why do you constantly support a fraud giving trillions to banks? Why do you post bullshit lies like "Obama supports OWS" ? Why are you defending him when he is supporting a pipeline of destruction?

It is you who is partisan. Only you could read comments from Jack Hansen and come back with your dumb ass troll comments.

Okay I'm going back to ignoring you. You should take some advice from DKA.

  • accepts money from Citi Bank - appoints Citi Bank Exec to head treasury - that is racketeering.

Yes I bash on the problems in this presidency and yes I bash on the problems in Congress. Maybe you've never read any of my posts on Lindsey Graham and his warmonger policies trying to turn the world into a battlefield. This is actually the first post I've had relating Obama to the pipeline. Normally I just talk about my congressman that works for Transcanada.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Pres Obama has successfully resisted repub pressure to complete the pipeline.

That is the truth.

I do not support the pipeline, I demonstrate the pres to pressure him to remain strong against the repubs/fossil fuel pressure.

I believe Pres Obama will cave in to repub/fossil fuel pressure.

All the rest of your anti Obama partisan bashing is not thread related so I will let that go here.

I will find the link for the efforts Pres Obama (and Dems ) have made in greentech over the objection of the real guilty parties (repubs/fossil fuel corps).

Thank you Peace

[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Pres Obama has successfully resisted repub pressure to complete the pipeline.

That is the truth.

I do not support the pipeline, I demonstrate the Pres. to pressure him to remain strong against the repubs/fossil fuel pressure.

Your continued silence on the most guilty regarding this pipeline betrays your transparent partisanship.

[+] -4 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

He supports completing the pipeline. It's all just a matter of the route it takes, which is why it has been delayed. It has never once been about stopping the pipeline. Which is why he supported the southern section and announced support in OKlahoma.

No more response for you.


[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

You're distorting truth. He has resisted building it before a new route proposal has been created and studied. He has never been about stopping the pipeline. He is only concerned about the route...

Like Hansen said "it's game over"

Again this pipeline issue is Manufacturing Consent hard at work.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

But you and I DO agree that Pres Obama HAS resisted the massive pressure by the repubs/fossil fuel corps right?

Repubs/fossil fuel corps HAVE been putting the massive pressure right?

You and I DO agree with Hansens prognosis that it means "game over" right?

Where do we disagree?


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

BULLSHIT - it is a proper call for the president to pull his head out of his ass because we ( most of us anyway ) see the lie promoted for the need to expand environmental destruction for fossil fuel extraction that is not needed by THE USA but is needed for profits over people by the Fossil fuel Industries.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

BULLSHIT - I have been continuously calling out ALL who are standing in the way of green tech implementation.

Your apparent ( apparent ) failing is you are all keyed up on one aspect of the green tech roadblock and are not giving proper attention to ALL of the green tech roadblock sources.


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I made a comment to a comment and have stayed with the resulting conversation.

Like I have told you before your single minded approach to things is a weakness on your part - it is an obstruction to your looking at information presented and seeing the truth in it - it is why you attack individuals - because you refuse to see the information that is presented and anyone who disagrees with you must be an attacker.



[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

See most recent comment to you ( bu-bye for now )


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

No One can talk to you - so why don't you take a hike for a while and consider that FACT - go look in the mirror for a while and carry on your conversations - this way you will have a willing and always agreeable audience - then after a while if you have not made yourself angry by disagreeing with yourself - maybe then you can sit down and contemplate the fact that you can not have rational back and forth discussions.

Bu-Bye for now - I am done responding to you for the moment.

[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

James Hansen of NASA must just be a republican shill trying to take down Obama right? LOL

The user previously mentioned is still focused more on party than issues.


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

User mentioned has an apparent blind(?)spot.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

So where is the ability to export this precious substance to other countries - when it is so vitally need here in the USA ???? Please VQ wake-up and smell the unnecessary pollution for profit being promoted by a false story of immediate need.

[-] 5 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

No need for the hostility. We agree.

The fossil corps are bad.

We agree Pres Obama should be protested regarding the Keystone pipeline.

We agree mountain top removal.& fracking is bad,

We agree that widespread greentech implementation is required.

I think we agree that the USA still needs fossil fuel.

Do we agree that the greatest obstacle to progress on these issues is the right wing climate deniers?

Because, really that is the only issue I have brought up that no one else has.. Is this a climate change/fossil fuel thread? Or a bash Obama/stay silent about the repubs thread?


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I think we agree that the USA still needs fossil fuel.

Perhaps - but we have no need to export it to other countries to help fuck-up the environment faster - no need other then fossil fuel profits.

This is what I am surprised that you are not hollering about.

[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I am hollering about the biggest threat/obstacle to that problem and all climate issues.

The RIGHT WING climate deniers.

The most guilty are given a pass on this thread. instead we attack the guy who has so far prevented the pipeline that the most guilty (repubs) have been pushing relentlessly

[-] 5 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I have made no excuses. that is you blatantly lying.

I support all progress. The Dems would have made more if not for repub obstruction. That ain't an excuse. That is reality!

You're the one who isn't howling. At the real obstructionists. The repubs.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Yet you excuse his obvious failures to call for proper support for environmental/infrastructure change - yet you excuse the near silence of green tech supporters in government in calling for support for green tech implementation.

Yet you do not howl over the fact that fossil fuel is being extracted for export.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I am not lying - your excusing the president and the other government officials for not proper support - is - what one may call - Turning A blind Eye.

And because I point this out to you you have now put me on your list of enemies.


[-] 5 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I have no list of enemies. I have not made excuses for the president.

You HAVE stayed silent on repub guilt/obstruction regarding climate change issues.



[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago


[+] -7 points by aville (-678) 12 years ago

no one deies that is a climate,...........but there is no climate change, or global warming, its a scam, just ask uncle al.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Exactly why that sierra club action and any like it it are so important - We - The People - need to sound off on governmental stinken thinken and point the true course that should be taken - scrap fossil fuel asap and do a full implementation of green technology asap - for the environment for our infra structure for our economy for our employment for .............

Folks please also see : http://occupywallst.org/forum/idlenomore-first-nations-rally-against-attacks-ind/

[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

For our future as a species.

Thanks for the good words DKA!

My reply to that forum post link -

Dene chief: 'My nation will stop the pipeline' The Berger Inquiry crosses Northern Canada, hearing testimony from hundreds of natives, Metis and white residents in every community it can reach. The most dramatic moment of the inquiry comes when Fort Good Hope Chief Frank T'Seleie gives an impassioned speech against the pipeline. He tells Foothills Pipelines president Bob Blair, "You are the 20th century General Custer. You are coming with your troops to slaughter us and steal land that is rightfully ours."

Great video in the link - old but great! - please watch for real inspiration - http://www.cbc.ca/archives/categories/politics/rights-freedoms/the-berger-pipeline-inquiry/my-nation-will-stop-the-pipeline.html

The capitalist's war against Native Americans continues to this day.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

The capitalist's war against - all societies - but yes a continuation of subjugation/treaties/broken-promises.

Time and long past time that ALL Peoples Stand Together against the blind destructive greed of business and its influence in government.

[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

it is indeed against all societies.

The US Chamber of Commerce has been corrupted into a front group for major corporations like Chevron, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and News Corp. They flood the machine with oil.

[-] 3 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

And recognize the greatest obstacle to all those agreed upon problems have been & still remain the right wing climate deniers.

The best we can do BESIDES protesting all pols & denouncing the greatest threat, & supporting green tech is.

Get rid of your cars, And become a vegetarian. WE can make a difference. Can't change the world but can change the world in yourself.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

People - PLEASE - support actions like - Move To Amend. This will be a solid step forward in removing power/influence of business.

ALSO - Support the actions/protests/petitions that come along denouncing fossil fuel and other threats to humanity/world.

Let the government know - in no uncertain terms that things like fracking and mountain top mining and toxic coal ash fields and .......... ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE - AND ARE IN NO WAY NEEDED FOR THIS COUNTRY's ENERGY NEEDS - If They were vitally needed - THERE WOULD BE NO EXPORT


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

VQ - now you are being silly - YES - silly.

We all know that there are roadblocks being put up to prevent green tech implementation - road blocks by fossil fuel interests.

But to be exporting these products that are so vitally needed for our National Energy security/needs is BULLSHIT - and The President is more aware of this fact then you would give him credit for and yet he pushes it to the public as an urgent and necessary thing/sacrifice-to-the-environment - WHEN INSTEAD HE SHOULD BE PUSHING THE END OF FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES - PUSHING THE END OF FOSSIL FUEL USE - AND THE IMMEDIATE FULL SCALE IMPLEMENTATION OF ALL AVAILABLE GREEN TECH.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Do not overlook the Presidents failure to push for green technology and the end of fossil fuel. Where is his impassioned outcry to the people to get behind him and all green tech supporters to end fossil fuel subsidies? Where is the impassioned call for the public to pressure their politicians/government for green tech implementation?

No he calls for green implementation but as only a small part of what we need to be doing right now.

If he were honest in his call for green energy he would also call for a ban on exporting ( what is vitally needed for our energy program ) - he would call for a ban on unnecessary extraction and mining that is also destroying our environment - and for WHAT???? - To export - FOR PROFIT - not to stock pile for needed domestic use.

Face the truth VQ.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

It is not ALL repub/Rino obstruction - accept that fact.


[-] 4 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

When you have refused to criticize the repubs even once for all the obstruction they are guilty of over the last 2 decades!

You want me to say it ain't ONLY them? Dem Sen Mary Landreu has voted for fossil fuel industry.

YOU are still silent on the real threat/obstructionists in regards to ALL climate change issues.

Why? Why do you give the repubs a pass? Why are you pretending THEY aren't the main supporter of fossil fuel, & the main obstructionists on green tech.?


[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I agree that he hasn't done enough. But I support all he has done. I recognize he would have done more but for the repub fossil fuel tools who have obstructed him.

So we are faced with 1 party that supports greentech, and recognizes climate change, ( does some but not enough) and the other party who supports fossil fuels, denies climate change, and prevents the efforts of the other.

Do you stay silent on the repubs who support fossil fuel, deny climate change, & obstruct dem efforts? I guess that is your position.

THAT we disagree on.

Do you then go a step further and attack the party that supports greentech, agrees on climate change, has made slow progress against the repubs?

THAT would be serving the repubs.

Let's protest all pols. But let's not give the most guilty a pass.

Repubs are the problem. To pretend otherwise or stay silent is wrong & serves the enemies of the 99%


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I do not give repub/rinos a pass - you do not include the full picture and scope of an issue - then when that is pointed out to you - you take it as a personal attack.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Solidarity - Peace - Health - Prosperity - FOR ALL. {:-])

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

TWEET - KXL: I'm about to take the stage here at Georgetown for a summit on the Keystone XL Pipeline that I am co-hosting with the Center For American Progress Action Fund.

In just a few minutes, I'll be laying out some critical facts about the controversial pipeline project.

Please join me by watching along live at KeystoneTruth.com

The truth is, Keystone XL is not just another pipeline. It's a bad deal for America, it doesn't serve our national interest, and it fails to pass President Obama's climate test.

But you don't have to take my word for it.

While I'll be taking to the stage to lay out why--from an economic perspective--the Keystone XL Pipeline means an irreversible level of development of Canada's toxic tar sands, I'll also be joined by a number of experts, journalists, and public officials for two panel discussions.

These panels will discuss the actual carbon footprint of the proposed KXL Pipeline project, and the unrealistic idea that the carbon pollution that it will create can be offset.


It's time the American people start hearing the truth about Keystone.


Tom Steyer

P.S. You can follow along and even ask questions for our panelists on twitter using #KeystoneTruth

NextGen Climate Action | 351 California St. San Francisco, CA 94104

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

We have a lot to be thankful for - and we're especially thankful that you're one of millions of Americans who won't buy what TransCanada is selling.

But some folks still don't get it and are eating up the lies.

We know that Canadian tar sands oil isn't for us. It's dangerous, harmful and could be a disaster for our health and our environment.

Help us out by sharing our video - forward this email and share the video link on Facebook and Twitter. Let everyone know the truth about Keystone this holiday.

As for us, we are always grateful for your support. Happy Thanksgiving!

Jesse Thomas Deputy Digital Director

NextGen Climate Action | 351 California St. San Francisco, CA 94104

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Regina "Gina" McCarthy is an American public administrator and an environmental health and air quality expert, currently administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She basically stated on PBS News Hour tonight 10/24/2013 that keystone will be approved and That the EPA has no problem with fracking whatsoever. And she said there would always be a future for Clean Coal. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. They may clean-up the carbon from the emissions - BUT - there is still the problem of the toxic ash - which no-one has found a real answer to addressing what to do with it - much like nuclear waste.

Gina McCarthy on what's ahead for the EPA

This does not bode well for our future.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Tens of thousands of you demanded a plan to fight global warming.

Now we have one.

Click here to support a historic new rule to limit carbon pollution for the first time ever.

If you've already signed, click here to send to a friend.


Love is the answer.

The question: How do we nurture hope in the face of unremittingly bad news?

As I looked over my notes, thinking about this week's letter to you, my heart broke again and again: Devastating Australian wildfires fueled by hot temperatures and unusual drought conditions. Beijing adopts emergency smog measures -- Chinese air pollution so dense people cannot see past their hands. Warmer winters across North America and soaring tick populations, with moose populations in steep decline and many other species heading towards extinction. A medically-established link between cancer and air pollution. Sometimes it feels like we need a miracle to stop the pollution that is changing our climate.

I won't go on. Today, I want to focus on why we care about all this -- and how much power we have to change it.

Where is our magic? Peter Pan tells us to save Tinkerbell by clapping our hands. Dorothy taps those ruby slippers and chants, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home."

There is no place like home; it is the place we love. And that love is what keeps us going. We cherish this world, and we want our children to have their chance to love it.

Not a single day goes by that I do not pause in what I am doing to admire something absolutely positively marvelously incredibly amazing: the way a young woman guides a feeble old man slowly across the street, the way a praying mantis leans back on its spiky green haunches, the way the moon lights a path through the woods.

As in Oz, there is no powerful wizard. There is only a grumpy, human soul working behind a curtain. That would be ... any of us, on many days.

We can only do our parts. Even if it seems a very little bit -- a pull on a lever here, a yank at a crank there -- it matters that we do our parts. We keep the love going.

So join me. Do your part. Tell the EPA to stop carbon pollution.

Coal plant emissions are already dropping -- partly because of natural gas. But those drops are not big enough to get us to safety. And we have to make sure methane, another potent greenhouse gas, isn't turning out to be a bigger problem. And, we need a global effort -- a renewable energy race of epic proportions. Luckily, there's enough love of the world to go all the way round it.

Love -- and hard work. That's what makes miracles happen.


Dominique Browning Co-Founder and Senior Director, Moms Clean Air Force


Read our top three stories of the week:

Read about the connection between air pollution and cancer.

Read "Were My Children Fracked?"

Read our ebook on extreme weather.


Click here for our cartoon of the week.

momscleanairforce.org | About Us | Unsubscribe

© Moms Clean Air Force 2013

I added:

PS - The regulations do not go far enough - but are a step in the right direction. The thing is - We have alternatives to using fossil fuel - We just need to get them implemented - Like a Thorium Reactor = safer than a uranium reactor and smaller foot print as well = cheaper to build and maintain also does not have the nuclear waste storage problem that uranium reactors do - and they won't go on a runaway meltdown either.

Then there is the liquid metal battery - for addition to the power grid - allows for STORAGE of electricity until demand pulls electricity into use = Less wasted energy - less waste in the creating of electricity as the power plants need not run constantly because the created electricity is not being lost to non-use or should I say uneven use - the batteries store the power created until there is a demand for it on the grid. These batteries also create a buffer to the power grid to allow power plants to ramp up smoothly during peak demands as the power is 1st drawn off from the batteries - there is time for the safe increase of power generation to keep up with that demand = no brown-outs or black-outs due to overstressed infrastructure.

Thing is - WE SEEM TO HAVE TO FORCE THESE CHANGES. So lets force the changes ( improvements ) by continuously increasing clean energy requirements.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

EDIT: And she said there would always be a future for Clean Coal. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. They may clean-up the carbon from the emissions - BUT - there is still the problem of the toxic ash - which no-one has found a real answer to addressing what to do with it - much like nuclear waste.

Regina "Gina" McCarthy is an American public administrator and an environmental health and air quality expert, currently administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Basically stated on PBS News Hour tonight 10/24/2013 that keystone will be approved And That the EPA has no problem with fracking whatsoever.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

It's not news to anyone that sometimes the government's right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. But we've just found out that parts of the Obama Administration are actively preparing for a Keystone XL approval, and we just can't ignore that.

Michael Froman, the US Trade Representative in charge of negotiating a variety of secretive "free trade" agreements, is apparently siding with Big Oil in demanding that Europe weaken its climate laws. [We have to stop him. ]http://org.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=WYGaYLjsYYB%2Bsu3t9sQW2GaWH9kpemjE)

His reasoning? Unless Europe weakens its climate laws, US diesel exports, which will contain tarsands, will be less competitive.

As you know, we've been saying for years that the purpose of the Keystone XL is to bring dirty tar sands oil to the Gulf Coast, where it will be primarily refined into diesel for export.1

Put simply, what they're doing is making sure that Keystone XL's dirty fuel can be sold in Europe. There are two quick things we need your help with, to be sure the world knows what's going on, and that the administration knows we won't accept it.

1) Take two minutes to join us in telling Michael Froman, President Obama's Trade Representative, that we expect him to support Europe's efforts to reduce greenhouse gases by restricting the dirtiest oil.

2) If you have a Twitter account, join us in raising some noise directly at the US Trade Representative's twitter account (@USTradeRep). We've drafted a tweet targeted at this account -- click here to tweet it with us.

Just a few months ago, President Obama, rightly equated our national interest with reducing carbon emissions that cause climate change. It makes no sense to pressure Europe to weaken their own laws - in fact the US should be helping Europe and other countries to strengthen these commitments.

Thanks so much for taking a few moments to do this today.

Peace, Steve

1 See our first report on Keystone XL and exports here.

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Oil Change International campaigns to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the coming transition towards clean energy. We are dedicated to identifying and overcoming barriers to that transition.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

If you're like me, you love all the electric vehicle options that are popping up in the market. And what's not to love? They're fun to drive, cheaper to refuel than fossil fuel-powered cars, and are less harmful to the planet.

That's why the Sierra Club, Plug In America, and the Electric Auto Association are proud to be sponsoring the third annual National Plug In Day -- a nationwide celebration of greener driving -- on September 28 and 29.

Join in on the coast to coast celebrations by coming out for the local National Plug In Day event in St. Paul!

Can you make it? Here are the details:

WHAT: National Plug In Day celebration in the Twin Cities!

WHERE: State Capitol Mall, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55155 Map

WHEN: Saturday, September 28, 1 - 4 p.m.

RSVP today to join the festivities!

Have you been dying to check out the hot new Tesla Model S? Or maybe you've been interested in getting a Nissan LEAF. If you have an interest in electric vehicles, or even just in reducing your carbon footprint, you won't want to miss National Plug In Day.

Each celebration event will be led by local plug-in drivers and advocates and will include some combination of EV parades, test rides, electric tailgate parties, press conferences, award ceremonies, informational booths, and more.

Celebrate the third annual National Plug In Day in St. Paul on September 28. RSVP today!

Thanks for all you do for the environment,

Michael Marx Sierra Club Beyond Oil Campaign Director

P.S. Whether or not you can make it to a Plug In Day event, be sure to check out our new interactive EV Guide. You can type in your zip code and see a ton of information on EV comparisons in your area, including price incentives, fuel cost savings, environmental impacts, and even EVs for sale nearby.

Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 | membership.services@sierraclub.org Unsubscribe from Sierra Club alerts | Update My Profile | Manage My Email Preferences View as a Webpage | Tell a Friend About This Email

I sent a reply:

I do not know if this will be a part of the event or not - But it should be if it is not already.

Educating the public on green upgrades to the power grid ( to reduce pollution at the power generation source. Like Liquid Metal Batteries ( ted talk has a good vid on it The Liquid Metal Battery ) - major storage of electricity for delivery on demand. There is also the thorium power generator - to replace coal power plants as well as uranium power plants ( The Thorium Problem )

Anyway - makes for a gr8 all in one event. Power generation - to application.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

This could be huge. If you show up.

Draw the line on Keystone XL and climate changeIn more than 200 towns and cities all across America, people are getting together Saturday to "Draw the Line". Together, we're standing up and speaking out to show the Obama administration that it's time to take a stand, protect the climate, and say NO to Keystone XL. But we can't do it without you, without every one of us who cares about this planet.

Earlier this week, grandmothers, teachers and other Texans were arrested in Houston drawing the line outside TransCanada's offices.* In Detroit this Saturday, they will put their bodies on the line to stop a tar sands refinery. I know we can't all risk arrest or take these chances, but you don't have to in order to be part of this movement.

All over the country, people will come together Saturday to be brave, be bold, be funny, be caring and above all BE SEEN drawing the line for climate justice. Don't let them stand alone. Just listen to some of the fun, peaceful, amazing events planned for this Saturday:

  • In Miami, kids and grownups alike will dress up like characters from "The Little Mermaid" and march from the ocean to the expected high tide line in 2030 to show that if we don't draw the line on climate change, coastal cities like Miami will be living under the sea.
  • In Philadelphia, we're paying tribute to the city's fighting spirit by inviting hundreds of people to strike the famous "Rocky" pose on the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps, while symbolizing rising waters and other destructive impacts of climate change.
  • In New Orleans, 350 NOLA and the Tulane Green Club are drawing a “second line for climate justice” with a marching band and second line parade that will protest the fossil fuel industry’s recklessness, from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster to Keystone XL.

Coast to coast, people are organizing actions to protect our communities from climate change and to show President Obama that there is no turning back — to keep his climate promises, he has to stop Keystone XL.** On Sept. 21, we will show the president that we are committed to stopping this pipeline and that we are watching his next move closely. Please find the event near you and RSVP so we can count on you to draw the line.

Thank you for helping turn back climate change,

Drew Hudson Environmental Action, Director

PS - Can't attend? Please click here to donate $15 to cover the cost of the event!

** Kate Sheppard, Keystone XL Decision Likely Delayed Until 2014, The Huffington Post, 08/26/2013

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Last week Canadian Prime Minister Harper reportedly offered to make a deal with President Obama to get approval from the President for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. (Wait for it...)

Apparently, Harper offered unspecified "joint action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the oil and gas sector" in exchange for a pipeline that will carry and emit the equivalent of 37 million cars worth of carbon pollution each year. Uh huh.

It’s a ridiculous proposal that fails the laugh test and smells as desperate as it probably is.1

With that offer on the table, it's now time, once again, to remind the President that we won't accept anything but "NO" on Keystone XL.

The simple truth is that Harper's deal is a scam that our climate can't afford. We know that Harper is in bed with Canada's oil industry and will do whatever he can to push for the expansion of the tar sands. Canada has already promised multiple times to reduce its emissions, and because of the oil industry, they’ve broken every one of those promises. And as our recent report showed, an expansion of the tar sands facilitated by the Keystone XL pipeline would be a total disaster for our climate.2

That's why on September 21st we're joining thousands across the country to "Draw the Line" on Keystone XL and dirty tar sands. People will be coming together in their towns and communities to make sure our voices are heard over the corrupting influence of corporate money and we would love to have you to join us.

You can RSVP to a nearby event by clicking here.

Keystone XL is raw deal for the American people and a great deal for the tar sands producers hoping to ship their dirty oil around the world. That's why they've poured millions into our elected leader's pockets over the past year, hoping that their dirty money would drown out the mounting pressure to reject KXL. But we wont let them get away with it, which is why we’re teaming up with many of our allies to draw the line and make sure Big Oil doesn't buy this approval.

There are already hundreds of events registered and joining one is easy. You can find a nearby action and help us draw the line by clicking here.

Just a few years ago the Keystone pipeline was thought to be a done deal. Our leaders in Washington, flooded with industry money, were going to let this dangerous pipeline devastate our communities. That is, until we stopped them.

If President Obama believes in climate change, there’s no way he can approve the Keystone XL pipeline in good faith. He needs to reject the pipeline and keep the tar sands in the ground...and we need to tell him so.

On Saturday the 21st, with your help, we’ll keep the pressure on and make sure this pipeline is never approved.


Steve Kretzmann Executive Director Oil Change International

1 Read our response to PM Harper's letter here.

2 Check out our report on Keystone XL and the climate here.

Oil Change International campaigns to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the coming transition towards clean energy. We are dedicated to identifying and overcoming barriers to that transition.

We are a 501c3 organization and all donations are fully tax deductible.

Check out our blog at PriceOfOil.org and find out how much oil and coal money your Representatives take at DirtyEnergyMoney.com.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

There are thousands of Americans who live in the path of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. If it gets built, these good people could lose their homes or worse.

It's up to us to ensure that they are heard. You've taken the first step and signed your name. Now let's make sure others know about the danger that this pipeline poses for the people in the path -- and for all of us.

Share this graphic on Facebook so that everyone knows that the Keystone XL pipeline puts American lives at risk:


Right now, battle lines are being drawn. TransCanada is spending millions of dollars trying to convince U.S. policy makers that the Keystone XL pipeline isn't an environmental disaster waiting to happen.

The true impact of Keystone is clear, though: higher gas prices, a negligible effect on the economy, a massive increase in carbon emissions. And if that pipeline bursts, like we saw in Mayflower, Arkansas, the people in the path will be the first to suffer.

It's up to us to make sure that President Obama does the right thing and rejects Keystone. To help win this fight, I'm building NextGen Climate Action, a non-profit organization committed to averting climate disaster and preserving American prosperity through online and offline political action.

In the coming weeks, you'll receive updates on what you can do to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. You can get started right now by sharing our graphic:


Welcome, and stay tuned,


Tom Steyer

NextGen Climate Action

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Strychnine is a deadly poison — but it’s slow.

A wolf pup that’s eaten bait laced with strychnine will die of suffocation, but only after hours of excruciating muscle spasms and convulsions.

That’s the cruel fate Canada has in store for wolves that get in the way of tar sands production. Wolves are being poisoned—or, if they’re "lucky," they’re dying quickly by a helicopter-fired gunshot. It’s politicians’ answer to the disappearance of caribou that have lost their habitat to dirty tar sands oil development.

You read that right—wolves are dying to make way for tar sands and the Keystone XL pipeline. It’s like some sick alternate universe where Sarah Palin is in charge.

Help us protect wildlife, stop the Keystone XL pipeline and stand up to the dirty fossil fuel industries polluting our environment - join the Sierra Club today! Our goal is to reach 1,000 new members before September 12. Let’s unite and stop this lethal pipeline.

Within the next few months, we will know once and for all whether the Obama administration will allow Keystone XL to be built. Sierra Club members have marched and petitioned against it for years, but now we’re in the final stretch—and it’s going to take everything we’ve got to stop dirty tar sands from destroying everything we hold dear. We can do it with your added support.

Stop the devastation of our wild places and vulnerable wildlife - please join the Sierra Club today for only $15.

Wolves and caribou aren’t the only animals under threat right now. Other vulnerable wildlife, like black bears, moose, and native fish will continue to be at risk if the Keystone XL pipeline is built and the tar sands expand as a result. So will the Boreal Forest—the "Lungs of North America”—the largest remaining intact ecosystem in the world, storing 11 percent of the world's carbon and home to a third of North American song birds.

This madness ends here. We can’t give in now in these final months and let Big Oil win. We can only stop dirty energy if we keep the pressure on through the final decision hour.

Please help the Sierra Club protect our planet from tar sands destruction. We need 1,000 new members to stand up by September 12 and say enough is enough. Help save our wild places and wildlife.

Thank you in advance for your support.


Michael Brune Executive Director

P.S. The Keystone XL pipeline—and the tar sands development fueling it—will bring nothing but pain and destruction for wildlife, for families, and for our warming planet. And we MUST stop it. There’s no alternative. Will you join me?


Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Wow. Last week, CREDO and 275 allied organizations delivered more than 600,000 public comments—including yours and more than 120,000 others from CREDO activists—telling the Obama administration to ban fracking on federal lands.

You may not have known it when you submitted your comment (I certainly didn't!), but you were participating in what may be the single largest display of opposition to fracking ever to take place in the United States.

This huge push to tell President Obama not to frack America couldn't come at a more important time. Since he unveiled his Climate Action Plan, President Obama has bravely spoken out about the need to confront climate change. But, as admirable as many parts of his plan are, President Obama has continued to endorse fracking for oil and gas as part of his Climate Action Plan, even though fracking is a major threat to the climate and to countless American communities.

We don't know how the Obama administration will respond to our comments. What we do know is that what has worked so far to stop fracking is relentless grassroots pressure.

In the last few years, grassroots activists from New York to California have waged and won campaigns to protect their communities from fracking. The hundreds of thousands of comments we delivered to President Obama are the direct result of that local and statewide organizing, which has drawn huge numbers of ordinary people into the anti-fracking movement.

We need to keep building momentum to ban fracking at the local level if we want to ever see change in Washington, D.C. And there's an easy way to do it. CREDO recently launched CREDO Mobilize, which allows activists like you to start petitions to make progressive change in your community. Already, dozens of local campaigns have been started to ban fracking.

Click here to find and sign the petition to ban fracking where you live. Or if one hasn't been started where you live, start your own. We'll support you every step of the way and, if your petition takes off, we'll send it to other CREDO activists to help you get more signatures.

If you're starting your own petition, the more local your petition is the better. For example, it's often easier to pressure your city council to act than it is to pressure your governor. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:

  • Tell your local elected officials to ban fracking in your city or county.
  • Tell your state legislator or your member of Congress to publicly endorse a ban on fracking.
  • Start a petition opposing a proposed fracking infrastructure project—a pipeline, a compressor station, a natural gas power plant, water withdrawal permits, a silica sand mine, a wastewater injection well, etc.

We have a hard fight ahead of us and the way forward won't always be clear. The fracking industry has an awful lot of money and influence, and many of the most powerful people in the country—including President Obama—continue to claim that fracking is necessary.

But, as last week's comment delivery shows, there are also an awful lot of us fighting to stop the fracking industry from poisoning our water and air. And, as the successful fights to keep fracking out of New York, Maryland, and dozens of communities on the frontlines of the fracking boom show, we are increasingly winning the fights we pick.

Thank you for everything you do.

Zack Malitz, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

© 2013 CREDO. All rights reserved.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

A Bunch Of Young Geniuses Just Made A Corrupt Corporation Freak Out Big Time. Time For Round Two.


DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Watch some young 20-somethings scare the pants off of a giant energy company. By @NewEraColorado (via @Upworthy) http://www.upworthy.com/a-bunch-of-young-geniuses-just-made-a-corrupt-corporation-freak-out-big-time-time-for-round?g=2&c=upw9

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Power of Wind

Financial advisory firm Lazard has recently released an analytical report with an encouraging conclusion – the cost of wind power has come down by more than 50% in the past four years. You can read through the cover letter here, or the full report here.

This is an exciting update. It shows the tremendous progress that the wind industry has made in the last several years. It also makes the case that a long-term extension of the federal tax incentives that have driven these cost reductions – the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) and investment tax credit (ITC) – will give wind energy companies the certainty they need to make further advancements, and achieve full cost-competitiveness with other energy technologies.

The federal tax incentives are set to expire at the end of this year, and there is only a slim chance that they will be extended prior to this date. One of the most feasible options for extending the credits is through the comprehensive tax reform legislation that the congressional tax committees are currently working on.

On this front, we are happy to report that 60 members of the U.S. House of Representatives recently sent a letter to their tax committee leaders, urging them to “include policies that promote America’s renewable energy economy” in that bill. You can weigh in with the tax committee leaders as well – visit this web page to see the template message that we’ve written for you. You can personalize that message and send it in to the web site the tax committees have designed to accept feedback from the public – taxreform.gov.

We’ll be in touch about further wind industry developments, and updates on legislative progress. Many thanks for your dedicated support for wind energy.

Sincerely, Chris

Chris Chwastyk

Vice President, Federal Legislative Affairs

American Wind Energy Association


[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

[-] 8675309 points by DKAtoday (8675309) from Coon Rapids, MN

George Elmaraghy had a dream job. For the last 39 years, he got to protect our streams, rivers, and lakes for the people of Ohio -- but then he crossed Big Coal millionaire Bob Murray when his division of the Ohio EPA turned down Murray Energy's request to use a river as their own coal slurry waste pit. [1]

And now it appears Murray, a big contributor to Governor John Kasich, got him pushed out. [2]

I used to work at the Ohio EPA with George. It's an amazing place filled with dedicated public servants who protect our environment and health day in and day out. The work of our state environmental agencies all across this country is so important, and we need to make sure narrow self-interests -- like Murray Energy -- aren't calling the shots.

The Governor hoped no one would notice, but George Elmaraghy had the courage to speak out and fight back. Let's join him. We need 30,000 signatures by Monday to shine a national spotlight on this and get George his job back!

Sign the petition today: Big Coal can't buy our government. Give George his job back now.

What can you get for $1 million dollars? Well, if you're Big Coal, apparently a lot. Murray and his cronies think with enough money, they, not the voters, can call all the shots.

And you don't want Bob Murray in charge. At a meeting with federal mine safety officials in West Virginia, Murray said, "Mitch McConnell calls me one of the five finest men in America, and the last I checked, he was sleeping with your boss." "They," Murray added, pointing at two mine safety staff, "are gone." Next thing you know, those two staff were reassigned and one was forced to retire. [3]

And during the 2012 election, Murray forced his miners to come to a Mitt Romney event without pay, and even coerced his employees to give to a Romney PAC. [4]

It was even worse in Utah, where the unthinkable happened. Murray Energy flagrantly ignored safety regulations and explicit instructions from investigators -- leading to the death of six miners in the Crandall Creek disaster. The U.S. Department of Labor handed Murray Energy one of the largest fines in coal mining history, but no amount of money will ever be enough for the families who lost their loved ones. [5]

No one elected Bob Murray, and frankly, I've had more than enough of the guy. It ends here. Together we have the power to stop Murray and help George -- and the environment -- win!

Tell the Governor that the people are in charge, not Murray and his dangerous schemes.

George Elmaraghy is a man of integrity, and I hate to see him forced out of his job -- for doing his job. I'm sick and tired of the toxic influence of Murray and his friends in Big Coal have across the country. It's time to draw a line in the sand: No more money for favors. No more profit over people.

That's why the Sierra Club is launching SierraRise: a new, online community working for progress and sustainability. This community will reach new audiences and build a bigger and more powerful movement than ever before. That means sharing heartfelt stories and inspiring pictures with our friends and family and flooding the inboxes of public officials and corporations with powerful personal messages.

Will you take a moment to join the SierraRise community and put a stop to Big Coal's influence over our government? It's time to set things right.

In it together,

Jed Thorp Sierra Club Ohio Chapter

P.S. Want to keep up with the latest from SierraRise? LIKE us on Facebook!

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  1. Sheppard, Kate (2013 August 19). "George Elmaraghy, Environmental Regulator, Says He Was Pushed Out For Opposing Coal Industry." Huffington Post. Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/19/george-elmaraghy-ohio-epa_n_3780897.html

  2. Hunt, Spencer (2013 August 20). "Ohio's top waterways watchdog to resign, says Kasich wanted him out." The Columbus Dispatch. Retrieved from http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/public/2013/08/19/EPA-administrator-to-step-down-amid-pressure.html

  3. (2006 October 20). "Two for the money." Lexington Herald-Leader. Retrieved from http://www.kentucky.com/2006/10/20/11062/two-for-the-money.html

  4. MacGillis, Alec (2012 October 4). "Coal Miner's Donor." New Republic. Retrieved from http://www.newrepublic.com/article/politics/108140/coal-miners-donor-mitt-romney-benefactor

  5. Foy, Paul (2012 September 12). "Crandall Canyon Mine operator to pay nearly $1M in fines." Associated Press. Retrieved from http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765607353/Utah-mine-operator-to-pay-nearly-1M-in-fines.html

Photo Credit: Progress Ohio, CC BY-2.0

Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 | sierrarise.members@sierraclub.org

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Common Sense? Applying Market Pressure. PEOPLE YOU ARE THE MARKET - START APPLYING THE PRESSURE. Boycott and threaten to Boycott. Besides stopping drinking soda - even for a little while will be good for your overall health. This concept however does not just end at soda - but includes every product and service.

Every winter, Coca-Cola brings back those heart-warming polar bear ads. They're great -- who doesn't love those polar bears?

But if Coke still cares about the polar bears, and if PepsiCo truly cares about the Sierra Mountains their Sierra Mist brings to mind, then these companies must lead the way in slashing climate pollution.

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Dr. Pepper-Snapple own more than 100,000 vehicles between them and guzzle more oil than nearly any other industry. If activists like you can get them to agree to cut their oil consumption and avoid buying their fleet fuel from refineries that process tar sands (the same toxic goo Keystone XL would carry), it will be a big step forward for the climate.

Use your power as a consumer to help the climate, and join the new Future Fleet campaign -- ask Coke, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper-Snapple to slash their oil use and kick the tar sands habit!

We don't have forever to solve the climate crisis. As well-known worldwide brands, these beverage giants are well-positioned to lead the way, but it's up to us to ask them to make it a priority.

These companies all care about consumer feedback (remember how long New Coke lasted?), so if consumers like you speak up now, it will encourage them to race to the top to meet your climate demands.

This is among the first efforts of the new Future Fleet initiative from the Sierra Club's Beyond Oil Campaign and our friends at ForestEthics. Starting with the beverage giants and going from there, we're pushing America's biggest companies to take responsibility for the climate and their oil consumption through such measures as more fuel-efficient driving, ditching the tar sands, and purchasing hybrid and electric vehicles. The key to success is our very own secret formula: the grassroots power of over 2.1 million supporters like you.

You can help convince these beverage giants to clean up their acts by asking them to slash their oil use and say NO to tar sands today!

Thanks for all you do,

Michael Marx Sierra Club Beyond Oil Campaign Director

P.S. Five letters create even more consumer pressure than one -- after you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends and colleagues!

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Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 |

[-] 0 points by forourfutures (393) 11 years ago

But who buys the oil? Really, we have to go after them. They are sick folks. What in the hell is the matter with them?

Destroying what is needed in the long term to make it easier to get the short term needs met is crazy unless there is a plan to stop instituted as soon as the conflict is noted. Maybe that is why science was paid to deny global warming.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

We only have one planet, and it's going to take all of us to stand up to protect it. That's why we're working with our allies at Friends of the Earth to help expose the corruption within the State Department regarding the Keystone pipeline. Getting sign off on the environmental review by the same people who seek to destroy it is a major conflict of interest and it's time for Secretary Kerry to act.

See below to read more and send your letter to Secretary Kerry today.


Your friends at Greenpeace

The fox is guarding the hen house!

Don't let the firm reviewing the environmental impacts of KXL get away with lying about it's Big Oil connections.

Tell Sec. Kerry to investigate now.

Recently, Friends of the Earth released a shocking expose of the State Department’s handling of the Keystone XL pipeline's environmental review.

We discovered that the company hired by the State Department to conduct the environmental review for this risky pipeline has done extensive work for TransCanada and the many oil companies that stand to benefit if the pipeline is built. Making matters worse, the firm, Environmental Resources Management, lied on its federal conflict of interest disclosure forms when it declared it had no such ties.

Where does this leave the Keystone XL review? It’s now time for Secretary of State John Kerry to determine how a firm with financial ties to TransCanada and the oil industry was allowed to write the government’s environmental impact statement, and why the State Department never investigated the company’s claims to have no such ties. Only then can we have a fair and accurate assessment.

Tell Secretary of State John Kerry that it’s time to cancel ERM’s contract and halt the Keystone review until it can be done fairly and without the influence of Big Oil.

This is not the first time the State Department’s botched handling of the Keystone XL environmental review has been in the news. In March, Mother Jones revealed that the State Department had tried to conceal the fact that some of the consultants who wrote the report had worked for TransCanada.

Now, with this latest conflict of interest revelation, it’s clear that the Keystone review has been hopelessly compromised by the oil industry. The United States simply cannot afford to let Big Oil set its climate policy through shady deals and cover-ups.

Join us in calling on John Kerry to halt the Keystone review and launch an investigation immediately into this corruption of the environmental review process.

Since TransCanada first applied for a presidential permit in 2008, the State Department has acted like the oil industry’s best friend, willing to sneak a thumb onto the scales to benefit Big Oil. We need your help to bring transparency and an end to these backroom deals.

Tell John Kerry, no more cover-ups. Halt the Keystone XL review now.

Standing with you, Ross Hammond, Senior campaigner, Friends of the Earth

Click here to forward this message.

Greenpeace 702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 | 1-800-722-6995

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago


DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Keystone contractor lied to State Dept about ties to @TransCanada & Big Oil. Demand an investigation! #NoKXL http://bit.ly/12hzAsB @foe_us

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


Lookie, look!!!

It's those curmudgeonly libe(R)tarains hard at work...again.

Destroying Democracy, one State at a time.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

BTW - TWEET {:-])

DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

http://www.kochbrothersexposed.com/tellclintonno/thefacts.php … aAHAHAhahaha.....cheaper at the pump......hHOOOHOOHOOHEE HEE HEEEEE who R they kidding?

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

aAHAHAhahaha =

TransCanada and its allies often argue not only that the pipeline will reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil but that it will make gas cheaper at the pump. The Ensys report found two things – one, that the price of crude in the Midwest will increase if the pipeline is built, and, two – that refinery investments were likely to move from the Midwest to the Gulf. (It did not find that building the pipeline would decrease the price of tar sands crude in the Gulf.)

aAHAHAhahaha.....cheaper at the pump......hHOOOHOOHOOHEE HEE HEEEEE who they kidding?

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


It seems no one really knows which way that winds blows.

Buy yes.......they do.

Libe(R)tarians employ lies, like Micky Ds employs paper products.

For every "product" they sell to us, even lying about the lies.

BTW.....I wonder who makes all of those for Micky's?

Could it be the Kochs?

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Makes 4 another good TWEET

DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Why Is Gasoline Price Staying High? http://j.mp/wSDr5I



No Excuse. Longest period of glut - largest exports - evr!

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Gotta stymie any signs of economic recovery long enough to let ALEC destroy some more Democracy.


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Here is another good issue - Glass-Steagall

DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Thank Elizabeth Warren for Standing Up for the Middle Class - The Petition Site http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/139/339/315/

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I haven't posted any, but I see where at least some of these people are finally having charges pressed against them.

Perhaps because of the complex circumstances of the crash.........time limits for prosecution should be lifted, or at least extended?

I like what Liz has to say, but I will withhold until I see what legislation she can actually get passed.

On the other hand? I did sign the petition of encouragement......:)

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Conspiracy and collusion would extend the time limit - that is if the law was being followed and not being playfully rewritten to please the criminals. Not even rewritten - ignored!!!! Denied!!!!

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


Pure in your face so hard, no one wants to believe how disastrous, invasive and anti 99% it is, collusion.

So no. I would say they have long ago forgotten how to apply collusion laws.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Too many foxes placed in positions of power for too many decades.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

One of the most serious collusion trails in history, levied the defendant, who lost, a fine of exactly $1.


And so the precedent was set.

Almost 100 years ago.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

It's something ain't it? Yeah these games have been played for a very long time and have not been corrected - only now the assholes are not even pretending to give a fuck about the Constitution and the "Individual's" ( that being people - living breathing people ) Rights and Freedoms.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

And some people seem to think that precedent is meaningless.

It is one of the most important facets of our so called judiciary.



[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Before you go to the posted comment from SierraRise just below.

A funfact ( weeeell not really fun ):

Did you know?

That when you smell a dead body - that you are actually inhaling part of that dead body.

That when you notice the smell of gasoline - that you are inhaling some gasoline.


Neil Young just visited the climate-killing Canadian tar sands mines -- and the folk-rock star had some harsh words for what his home country is doing to the planet.

Neil was appalled at what he saw -- and smelled. "Fort McMurray looks like Hiroshima... You can smell it when you get to town... You can taste it when you get to Fort McMurray. People are sick. People are dying of cancer because of this. All the First Nations people up there are threatened by this."[1]

There's something happening here, but what it is is very clear: Top climate scientists say continuing to develop the tar sands would be "game over" for the climate.[2] The destruction of the pristine boreal forest is terrible for wildlife. Tar sands pipelines are more likely to spill down by the river than regular oil pipelines. And like Neil said, cancer rates near the mines are way up.

It doesn't take a heart of gold to know how wrong the tar sands really are, or to stand with the climate and the First Nations.

A Sierra Club Facebook image with one of Neil's quotes is going viral. You'll love it, and your friends will too. Will you like this image on Facebook, and spread the word about how toxic Canada's tar sands really are?

This environmental damage just isn't worth the greed. After the oil money gold rush is over, even the greediest executives will see the damage done wasn't worth it -- public health should always come before private profits.

The good news is, by speaking out together, we've already delayed Keystone XL for years, and possibly stopped it. This movement has the momentum, and by continuing to raise our voice and recruit our friends, we can save the climate from the tar sands.

Help grow this movement by showing this Neil Young tar sands image to your friends -- like it on Facebook today!

In it together,

Nathan Empsall SierraRise Senior Campaigner

P.S. Alberta is known for its cowboys, and we're talking about the tar sands -- so there's gotta be a great "Cowgirl in the Sand" joke somewhere in here, but I'll be honest with you, I just can't find it. Please accept my apologies for that -- and keep on rockin' in the free world -- by sharing this image ?


  1. Koring, Paul and Kelly Cryderman (2013 September 10). "'Fort McMurray is a wasteland' : Neil Young slams oil patch, Keystone plans." The Globe and Mail.

  2. Hansen, James (2012 May 9). "Game Over for the Climate." New York Times.

Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 | sierrarise.members@sierraclub.org Unsubscribe from SierraRise | Update My Profile | Manage My Email Preferences View as a Webpage | Tell a Friend About This Email

Neil Young just visited the climate-killing Canadian tar sands mines -- and the folk-rock star had some harsh words for what his home country is doing to the planet.

Neil was appalled at what he saw -- and smelled. "Fort McMurray looks like Hiroshima... You can smell it when you get to town... You can taste it when you get to Fort McMurray. People are sick. People are dying of cancer because of this. All the First Nations people up there are threatened by this."[1]

There's something happening here, but what it is is very clear: Top climate scientists say continuing to develop the tar sands would be "game over" for the climate.[2] The destruction of the pristine boreal forest is terrible for wildlife. Tar sands pipelines are more likely to spill down by the river than regular oil pipelines. And like Neil said, cancer rates near the mines are way up.

It doesn't take a heart of gold to know how wrong the tar sands really are, or to stand with the climate and the First Nations.

A Sierra Club Facebook image with one of Neil's quotes is going viral. You'll love it, and your friends will too. Will you like this image on Facebook, and spread the word about how toxic Canada's tar sands really are?

This environmental damage just isn't worth the greed. After the oil money gold rush is over, even the greediest executives will see the damage done wasn't worth it -- public health should always come before private profits.

The good news is, by speaking out together, we've already delayed Keystone XL for years, and possibly stopped it. This movement has the momentum, and by continuing to raise our voice and recruit our friends, we can save the climate from the tar sands.

Help grow this movement by showing this Neil Young tar sands image to your friends -- like it on Facebook today!

In it together,

Nathan Empsall SierraRise Senior Campaigner

P.S. Alberta is known for its cowboys, and we're talking about the tar sands -- so there's gotta be a great "Cowgirl in the Sand" joke somewhere in here, but I'll be honest with you, I just can't find it. Please accept my apologies for that -- and keep on rockin' in the free world -- by sharing this image?


  1. Koring, Paul and Kelly Cryderman (2013 September 10). "'Fort McMurray is a wasteland': Neil Young slams oil patch, Keystone plans." The Globe and Mail.

  2. Hansen, James (2012 May 9). "Game Over for the Climate." New York Times.

Sierra Club | 85 2nd St San Francisco, CA 94105 | sierrarise.members@sierraclub.org Unsubscribe from SierraRise | Update My Profile | Manage My Email Preferences View as a Webpage | Tell a Friend About This Email

[+] -5 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

anyone want to discuss climate change and capitalism's destruction of the planet?

[+] -6 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

From the Sierra club:

Join me at the @whitehouse on 2/17. Obama needs to move #forwardonclimate and stop KXL! http://action.sierraclub.org/site/PageServer?pagename=nat_signup_feb17&s_src=710ZSCSH01 … 4OURfuture. pls Share/Circulate