Forum Post: The 1% Laughs because they believe you are too lazy and stupid to do anything constructive. Are they Right?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 11:24 p.m. EST by stuartchase
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The 1% Laughs because they believe you are too lazy and stupid to do anything constructive. Are they Right?
Here's a test: Bring down Toshiba instead of the ports on December 12, 2011. You will have everyone's support. Especially if you let them know about this stuff.
Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Digital Products Division 9740 Irvine Boulevard Irvine, CA 92618-1697 1-949-583-3000
They had a heavy hand in Japan's nuclear accident. It's only a matter of time before Japan's nuclear waste affects Americans.
They sold U.S. military secrets to the Russians.
And Toshiba is giving the folks the shaft!!/group.php?gid=2213279355&v=wall
To get Toshiba, you need to create a paper trail. These are three agencies that can do it. I also think you should e-mail your congressmen and senators.
After you get done writing these agencies, go to this link and post the links of the three agencies above!!/group.php?gid=2213279355&v=wall
The more people know about their options, the more they can do to stop Toshiba.
Gerald Celante is not laughing
"wall street is washington and washington wall street"
Thank you for the link. Consider this ground zero for exposing Bad Guys!
Toshiba?? No! Don't waste your efforts on this detour to nowhere.
You call yourself Thoreau, and you try to mock my movement. How dare you! You need to go here to get educated!
The Revolution starts here!
What has Toshiba got to do with the criminals at the Federal Reserve cleaning out our treasury??
Toshiba is in Japan they could leave the USA and still have the whole world to plunder. Blocking the port is much more effective use of resources.
The MSM will yawn about a Toshiba blockade, how long do you think manpower should be tied up supporting your personal quest??.
You suggest going to the clan site, that would be great, give the 1% an excuse to start calling OWS the Ku Klux Klan, yeah right, thats the ticket.
They had the power to sell our secrets to the Russians and Congress had to water down it's own boycott against them. They hold all the cards. They are the worst of the worst!
So they gave the submarine screw design away, thats ancient history now, get over it, the people involved are probably all dead by now.
Now you should be worried about the US nuke warheads that Israel sent to Japan and which may have been responsible for the explosion at Fukushima.
Toshiba had a heavy hand in that Nuclear plant that fell apart! You need to come here for the education!
The Revolution starts here!
stuartchase, we're not your personal army. Please realize that sooner than later.
We were told to go after walmart and aviation week. Toshiba has made the U.S. Government it's bitch, and they did it quietly.
They are everywhere!
Thank you ALL for PERSISTENTANCE. “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
go to this link to read part two of the Toshiba Horror Stories! The first link was accidently deleted.
The Revolution starts here!
Here's part 2. Welcome to the KTC. Are you down with us?
The Revolution starts here!
That's nothing. There's more!
That was Yesterday's horror story. I will be putting up horror stories about Toshiba everyday until they get occupied!
The Revolution starts here!
The Revolution has a theme song!
The Revolution starts here!
they are right, ows what a fucking joke! the laughing stock of the WORLD!
No laughing joke here. Just speaking truth to power!
The Revolution starts here!
When you are done at this post, come to this post:
The Revolution starts here!
Further Proof Toshiba's stupidity helped cause Japan's nuclear accident!
Toshiba commits warranty fraud and everyone knows it!
Are you trying to turn this into marketing game...? Give it up. Think broad. Please.
We were told to go after walmart and aviation week. Toshiba has made the U.S. Government it's bitch, and they did it quietly.
They are everywhere!
The country is disintegrating before our eyes and you are worried about warranty fraud??
I am worried about warranty fraud, nuclear disaster, and our national security being compromised by these animals! They don't have to be our only target, but they are one of our best targets because they are easy and they do so much harm. It's something the left and right can get behind because they have screwed both the left and the right!
O.K. thank you, end of conversations for now.
Good, you can go play with your ball. You don't have to take my word for anything. You can get off your ass and do your own investigation. When you get smart the KTC is willing to accept you with open arms!
The Revolution starts here!
Apple should be next.
I'm down with that. Since they get some of their parts from Toshiba.
just chant the name of LT JOHN PIKE for pepper spraying peaceful students at UC Davis. involve his family, friends and neighbours. they too need protection from this psychopath.
Was he the one walking by spraying the people like he doesn't have a care in the world?
yes! those who don't care will be made to care. Respect Our Community!
Good, because that was awful. It was like he was watering plants. I can't believe his superiors allowed that!
cruel heartlessness, lack of loving respect for our young people, total brutal lack of respect for OUR COMMUNITY. a lack of respect for our humanity. a total lack of self awareness, a psychopathic delusion. now let him see how he looks. Lt JOHN PIKE we know who you are? what do your friends family and neighbours think of you now we know our children are not safe with you on the streets?
I heard they got suspended.
we will hang them out to dry!
Good, if time permits, take a few shots at Toshiba too! Thank you for the support!
will do!
Good, keep your eyes open tomorrow. I think I'm going to create another post to further motivate the folks against Toshiba. It's be out of sight!
With regards to bioethics, unfortunately, they won't be enforced.
Oh we're doing something constructive alright
Cool, just to let you know, the reason I've picked Toshiba is because they have done a masterful job of fucking everyone. Whether your rich or poor, no matter how powerful you are, if you do business with Toshiba, they will fuck you. It may be hard to believe, but I have never seen anything like it.
Hell, if I had not seen and heard what they have been up too, I wouldn't believe it. Ironically, it was that Fox News that broke the story about Toshiba being involved in that Nuclear mess in Japan.
Ironically? Thinksmenot.
Wait what?
The nuclear mess in Japan was due to an earthquake...
Had the plant been built properly, this might have been avoided, and toshiba had a heavy hand in it.
I know you're passionate about this, but I assure you, few care, and even fewer will act on this. Don't let reality impinge on you though...keep pluggin away.
So, there's actually a company that is worth occupying and no one in OWS is going to do anything about it. OWS really is a bunch of losers if that's the case. Satify my curiosity, what do you care about?
I didn't say no one; I said few. I'm in a similar position as you; I want OWS to adopt economic boycotts against corporations but few seem interested although I view it as an essential stepping stone and non-violent weapon. It's frustrating but I have to deal wth it, and accept it.
What was the moment when Toshiba first upset you ?
Yea sorry about that Rose but I too have my personal crusade, but we all need to realize that the injustices will never be addressed until the government is returned to the people. Gotta keep focussed. Thanks for understanding, I thought my silence would speak volumes. Thanks for staying and contributing, love your MAKE ME comment earlier! HMMM, do we all experience injustice? maybe that's what binds the 99
Perhaps we should give some thought to what's best for OWS, vs sending it off on our personal crusades.
I think what's best for OWS is to keep reading the 1st amendment. OWS appears to have stopped reading after the 'peaceably assemble' part.
and for inspiration: this guy pulled this off at the APEC dinner in Hawaii!! Enjoy. Peace.
We might have caused a scene here and there, but this sight gives everyone a chance to voice their opinion. I am so thankful for OWS! We may not be perfect, but this is ground zero for the 1st amendment.
then where's the petition?
and please let the fine folks at this link know that this post is where the party is at, thank you.!/group.php?gid=2213279355&v=wall
You can also e-mail your congressmen and senators!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
We do have free speech here! I haven't been censored once.
February 17, 2010. Toshiba really is the worst of the worst. That facebook link:!/group.php?gid=2213279355&v=wall
has at least 200 people on it. Since I don't have or want a facebook page, I need someone to post this info on it. I'm also pretty sure many of the people on their can be recruited to help boycott evil companies. What companies do you have a grudge with?
Japan is in a near ELE, extinction level event, and to try to organize economic warfare at such a time, against Toshiba, would be morally questionable and would evoke extreme hostilty from the already traumatized Japanese, and others. Yet in your Toshiba fixation, you would willingly sacrifice OWS .
Seeing as this company helped put Japan in the spot, yes. Further more, would it really kill OWS to go after a really bad company.
I have read some of the complaints against Toshiba and have put them on my ever-growing boycott list. I for one will never buy a Toshiba product. Besides Toshiba, I am actively boycotting PepsiCo, Wal-Mart, Amazon, GE, McDonalds Corp, all Chinese goods, plus a few local businesses and this list will continue to grow.
We also need to remember that we have embeded agents in OWS, some on this board, who will create diversionary and problematic strategies to use against OWS to entangle it and choke it to death. Asking OWS to go after the foreign corporation Toshiba, thereby creating divisive international entanglements is an example of the sophisticated psyops=pychological operations that will be used against OWS in an effort to destroy it. We must protect OWS.
It's one thing to individually boycott Toshiba, but I think we need to think twice before we ask American OWS to engage in economic warfare/boycott with a foreign corporation; especially when Japan is in a fully life threatening and economic crisis already...not a good move at all.
I understand your concern. I would like to point out that Japan has one of the strongest economies on the planet, definitely in the top five. They are an economic powerhouse. A boycott on even a few corporations probably wouldn't have too much effect on the country's economy as a whole. And I must add, I sympathize with the Japanese for what they are going through and have nothing against them as a people. But we as a people have got to get a handle on what many (not all of course) corporations have done to our livelihood and environment.
As I stated, it is fine to personally boycott Toshiba; but to ask OWS to engage in what is essentially economic warfare on a foreign corp; might be a lethal blunder. Further Japan is in crisis, and I'm not sure you have up to date's dire, and a near extinction level event is occurring NOW. Ethics 101, no you don't launch economic warfare at such a time, unless you're the 1%. Are you the 1% gnomunny ?
No, rosewood, no I'm not. I'm about as far as a person can be from the 1%. And I don't mean to sound cold-blooded, but my problems are a little closer to home. We're all in a dire situation, some more dire than others, granted. But dire nonetheless.
Well let's hope you're not immersed within nuclear fallout and the products of nuclear fission..that's dire on a whole new level.
We all will be covered in Nuclear filth when it comes ashore because Toshiba did a terrible job of keeping that nuclear facility up to code!
Amen Brother!
I personally believe mass boycotts could be one of most effective weapons. Targeting only those corporations that deserve it the most of course. We should also research the good guys and steer our business that way. In a year or so you would see a quantum shift in corporate attitude.
I couldn't agree more. Hey, if you have a facebook page, go to this link:!/group.php?gid=2213279355&v=wall
And tell them to join us here:
This post can be ground zero for going after bad companies, especially Toshiba, because I have never seen a company throw it's weight around like Toshiba, they have made the U.S. and Japanese government their bitches!
Oh, I forgot to tell you. Facebook is on my 'no-no' list. ;-)
It's on mine too. That's why I can't post the stuff myself.
The Japanese are being terminally irradiated with nuclear fission occurring and out of control. Hot spots are being found miles away from the nuclear site, with their children 's urine laced with radioactivity. They may be facing the end of their civilization; and mass deaths within several years; and you want OWS to go in at this dire moment and start shit because your Toshiba computer broke ? Poor judgement if you ask me, and no compassion whatsoever.
Are you on drugs? This company is making a profit off the misery of others. You're the type of sadist who always likes to cheer for the bad guy.
I don't have any particular or personal grudge with a company. I dislike corporatocracy. I'm considering how to best empower OWS for what is to come, and provide it the required strategies to be effective. Economic boycotts analyzed from the position of what is best for OWS at this stage of development is my focus versus what is best for me. Toshiba no doubt is what's best for's not best for OWS; but OWS may not be your concern; but just a opportunistic medium to get to Toshiba.
Toshiba was able to sell U.S. military secrets and nothing happened to them. They are parlty responsible for the nuclear accident in Japan and nothing happens to them. The rip off the middle and lower class and nothing happens to them. I think they should be everyone's concern.
You're not protective of OWS AT ALL; you don't care about OWS or anyone but your self, I suspect. You'd place this young movement in the international arena of conflict; and what happens to it is not your concern. Let's hope others care about OWS more than you, and don't follow your lead. I know I won't.
I have given clear evidence of a foreign company that has pushed around the U.S. government like babies. If you have a better target, let me know.
The present American government should be pushed around, and how much are you paid to divert economic boycotts away from American companies; and engage in psyops on here ?
Toshiba has a base here: Toshiba America Information Systems, the company I am boycotting has America in it's name! It wants to be considered American. I knew your only goal was to destroy America. So, whose using OWS for their own selfishness now?
Your agenda is set, clearly you will not be diverted from it; and the one stone, is assigned to take out two birds; OWS and Toshiba; scheduled for termination. I'm done..nuff said.
You know, if you don't say anything, no one will know how stupid you really are. :P
I'm confident that those who truly support OWS will recognize you, and the covert agenda and psyops you seek to sell here. While I may be stupid, there are many OWS supporters who are amazingly smart. Bye bye minion .
Go tell the world! I want to bring down Toshiba, and I also want to bring down UPS because UPS provide cover for Toshiba. These companies are global terrorists! :P
Vietnam Protest we shut schools across america to fight about the war - We shut down Highways- Roads -This is like a bunch of Bitches screaming and chanting for what - we had 1 purpose and got the pres to bring home soldiers - You guys cant close down some shit Stock Exchange lol -Wake up Kiddies lol
During the Vietnam protests, millions of people took to the streets, because of the draft, seeing the thousands of body bags coming home, and the raw display of carnage upon the troops and Vietnamese people.
Today we no longer have a free press; they censor the news and Americans aren't permitted to see the real cost of war; they keep a volunteer army which hides the horror. Today the police receive New World Order military training and have ray guns, tazers, sonic cannons etc.Today they use even more psyops and disinfo techniques. Your comment is needlessly harsh and contemptuous for those who are out there on the front lines. It's the one's sitting home of all ages who are the problem, and need to be rebuked.
I don't want to shut down the Stock Exchange, I just want to shut down Toshiba!
I have a toshiba laptop and it is junk! Anyone else? Let's send our crappy laptops back to toshiba, first thing tomorrow morning and let our laptops occupy the return center!
This might prove more effective.
To get Toshiba, you need to create a paper trail. These are three agencies that can do it. I also think you should e-mail your congressmen and senators.
After you get done writing these agencies, go to this link and post the links of the three agencies above!!/group.php?gid=2213279355&v=wall
The 1% Laughs because they believe you are too lazy and stupid to do anything constructive. Are they Right?........perhaps......
In the end, I believe what I believed when I first posted this, the 1% would be proven wrong. :)
Sorry, being bitter and facetious..
If you told me all this stuff about Toshiba two years ago, and you told me that UPS was providing cover for them, I would have said you were nuts, but I have seen first hand what these two companies are up to and I have had others give me evidence that I can varify. The thing is never give up. And if you know of another company that is up to no good, and you have evidence, bring it. This post is ground zero for nailing bad companies!
Are you a fan of Alex jones at all?
I've never heard of him. Who is he?
A certifiable'll wind up at prison planet
Why would I be a fan of a nut?
I refrain from labeling here despite the ease......
I don't. I knew what you were getting at from the start. You are the only one I know who can hide their own easter eggs. :P
So, do tell..
I just did. By the way, thank you for your support! :)
Ah, macabre Dickensian standards; well done.
Thank you! Whatever it takes to stop bad companies. I speak truth to power!
S. Crane sums it up in his poem "In The Desert"
In the desert I saw a creature, naked, bestial, Who, squatting upon the ground, Held his heart in his hands, And ate of it. I said: "Is it good, friend?" "It is bitter- bitter," he answered; " But I like it Because it is bitter, And because it is my heart."
OWS needs to Man Up
I couldn't agree more! :)
Your alternatives ideas seem to be more destruction, not construction. Construct something that gives main street power.
Construct a change in the debt laws. Justifiable debt restructure shall not require a default first, make that the law and you have scored a huge victory for the 99%.
Getting rid of Toshiba is like getting rid of weeds so you can plant beautiful flowers!
Or you could prune Toshiba.
Not really, they are in the business of ripping people off. They even screw over their allies. The good thing is they aren't very bright.
Yes you would tactically kill two birds with one stone. OWS would be targeted by foreign governments who don't want their corporations boycotted by an American social movement; and Toshiba would have it's bottom line crushed; eliminating the competition. So your strategy would take down two enemies with one action....great military tactics. It's so nice having the minions of the 1% on this board lol
No, we need OWS to keep capitalists honest, we need to get rid of comapnies like Toshiba that engage in global terrorism. Besides, the nuclear waste that will spread around the world, partly because of Toshiba, warrents their demise.
As I stated, you care nothing for OWS...and would sacrifice it, to fulfill your agenda.
Oh, no! You've caught me. I want OWS to help me stop a bad company! Call the police! Call the FBI! Somebody stop me! What's next? Are you going to post that we stop occupying wallstreet because America is broke and wallstreet is made up of global companies, and someone might get mad at us?
I'm going to post that you're prepared to destroy OWS...a single intent.
If we are going to occupy wallstreet, we can occupy toshiba. They are far worse.
Yes I can see the 1% sending their agents in, so if OWS does commit to economic boycotts; you encourage the boycott, but RE-direct it onto a foreign company thereby protecting the assets of the 1%. Oh the art of asymmetrical warfare; what a web of stealth and deceit lol
UPS is an American company giving Toshiba cover. I want everyone to boycott them too!
An after thought to cover your tracks....agent working lol
Thank you! Without you, I never would have had a chance to speak truth to power. You might also want to yell at this guy, he is one of my biggest supporters, and gave me a lot of this info.
We are NOW in a police's not business as usual; economic boycotts would provide OWS the means to create the economic pressure for in congress, you will change the debt laws, or campaign reform or we will take down an offending corporation by global economic you understand ! OWS needs economic FIREPOWER..and the economic boycott can provide it, which is why agents are working comments trying to divert the people from forming this.
And this won't hurt main street, boycotting their place of employment? You make an impact against wall street and their investor friends by taking their tentacles out of the debt that already exits.
So you believe you can go toe to toe with the power elites, change the power structure, contain their tentacles without some collateral damage to main street ? Guess this is a case of live and learn.
not me alone. I think the millions upon millions of people who are just in debt enough to never get out, specifically because of the interest rate charges, would want Justifiable Debt Restructure as well.
The banks got bailed out, we got sold out. JDR changes that and evens the score.
In a real struggle for economic justice, with the elites or 1%, history shows that not only jobs are lost, but lives are lost, even if it is a peaceful movement. So we need to get real, or just go home.
The arsenal of non-violent tactics used by peaceful social movements, are mass unrelenting protests, mass non-compliance; civil disobedience, and targeted ECONOMIC BOYCOTTS. When a social movement is truly up and running all these tactics are being deployed, often simultaneously upon the target, and adversary..a veritable blitzkrieg of direct non-violent action. OWS has yet to approach that...but it's only 2 mos old .
"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will..." You need something to back up your demand...that backup is massive economic boycots. Come to a gun fight without a weapon or back up, and prepare to lose the fight. Mass protests won't do it, neither will chants. If you're going to fight then fight...if not then might as well go home and give up...cause the 1% aren't moved by protests.
Right now, a google check reveals I'm the only person to ever use the phrase "Justifiable Debt Restructure" (google in quotes).
It appears to me that even the Occupy Movement doesn't feel that Justifiable Debt Restructure is important enough of an idea to fight for yet. (edited out double negative at the end).
Okay...I see the's time for me to say bye by. Bye
hey Rose, I accidentally put in a double negative, I've now fixed it.
Good grief....I didn't notice, and it wouldn't have mattered any way lol
It's not a personal agenda if it affects the tens of millions that so far the occupy movement has enthusiastically embraced, those who are not making it every month specifically because of outrageous interest rate charges on their debt.
Don't go, you should stay we love you here, unless you want to go here:
This is where the Revolution starts! Hey, do you want a pink membership card or a black one?
Good, you can start with Toshiba. Everyone knows they suck. Just ask Congressman John Dingle. He's been helping me take them down!
Sorry, it's Dingell.
Economic boycotts would open an entire economic dimension to OWS, empower main street, and bring in more supporters. However the tactic of economic boycotts needs, if implemented, to be restricted to American corporations, vs foreign. Mr Chase wants OWS set upon foreign corporations which would aid in it's demise; which he is apparently strategically seeking. If we implement economic boycotts and we definitely should; each population of Global Occupy needs to propose boycotting the companies of it's own nation; AND THEN ASK OTHER OCCUPATIONS TO SUPPORT THEIR BOYCOTT. This helps to assure that foreign entanglements and hostilities won't be orchestrated by minions of the 1%. OWS should focus on American companies, and ask global occupy to support the boycott. Canadian occupy should target canadian corp; asking others to support etc.
This hurts main street, many of whom work for these corporations. I believe it is more effective to reduce debt among the 99%, less debt means more free time to make a difference.
Justifiable debt restructuring without being declared in default would be a huge victory for the 99%.
The corporations have already caused the loss of millions of jobs by offshoring and labor eliminating technologies. Boycott or not they intend to eliminate millions more. They have also seized control of the government, and intend to advance the police state, military industrial complex and penal industry. How are you going to compel a now criminal and bought out congress to consider debt restructuring ? When we cut the military and end wars, jobs are lost as well; so I guess we better not try to stop the perpetual wars of the elites either.
there are about 100 million people in the U.S. who don't know what Occupy wants. Justifiable Debt Restructure, aka JDR, would be an incredible start.
How do you intend to make a fascist police state with a corrupt sold out government implement JDR ?
How do I get the Occupy Movement to adopt this incredibly powerful concept as one of their talking points, first?
I asked you a question, several times. I'm assuming you have no answer to the question I asked you; nor do you have an answer to your concern. Maybe you need to consider the prerequisites before you try to sell incredibly powerful how we get past the powerful criminal cabal that has hijacked our government .
If the Occupy Movement does not publicly support this idea, then who will? And then the second question would be, why not support Justifiable Debt Restructure?
I'm sure stuartchase can help you with that question; define your term JDR first .
If a foreign company wants to commit global terrorism, I'm gonna occupy the shit out of them!
Here's something to rock out to while occupying bastards!
Take a look at your own country if you want to see global terrorism. Keep slinging the bullshit psyops lol
[WARNING] Children being hurt in Libya [RAW GRAPHIC FOOTAGE]
My own country? You live here to. Besides, I'm not slinging bullshit, I've backed up everything I've said, Toshiba Sympathizer! :P
Disinformation operative Toshiba isn't your target ...OWS IS ! Asymmetric warfare ...pretend the target is Toshiba...get OWS entangled in international politics and trade agreements...then watch it burn.
Nope, Toshiba is my target, along with UPS. Your target is OWS, along with hygiene standards.
You're just anti-social enough to fit into surveillance services and believe you're intelligent and invisible haha. silly agent man...I see you lol
If I was really intelligent I would have stopped these two companies on my own, but I'm not so I need help. Since OWS seems to want to stop bad companies too, I figure we make a perfect fit. Thank you for your support.
You seem contemptuous of OWS, hostile actually, yet you're here trying to psyop OWS over to your agenda. You want OWS to help you but you covertly speak of stupid, lazy and now hygiene. You're a walking billboard for stealth, deceit, disinformation,psyops, agent. You also have very low rating on people skills, empathy, compassion, and moral intelligence.
I know you are but what am I? :P
Stupid 99% pigs! You don't seem to understand that there is no stupid 99%. No one is with you! You don't understand there is only 4% of the entire population that thinks the way you do. Help me understand your reasoning. Please!
I just want people to help me stop a corrupt company from fucking over the folks. Whether your rich or poor, related to the Ceo of Toshiba, or an Ally of Toshiba. Toshiba doesn't care. They will fuck you over. Just as UPS.
First off, too much cursing. Stop using that word! What are you, 13? As any company, the recession has taken its toll on all buisness. Now if I cn take your direction away from Toshiba for a second, Germany is the one that will "f@^%" us over if they don't use their money to help the world with the recession. This is a stupid topicand shouldn't even be dicussed.
I disagree on all levels. first of all, you don't know what your talking about. Toshiba has been committing warranty fraud long before the recession. Second, it's the greed of companies like Toshiba that got us into this mess in the first place. Third, who are you to decide what should and should not be discussed?
As the economy falls, as the police state advances; as fascism envelopes the state; as food becomes hyperinflated, as the dollar is devalued, the larger populace will awaken to the horror, and many will resist; hopefully using non-violent means.
Yeah right. This is a moderate recession only being prolonged by this occupy wall street motion. Police is only used to keep pot smoking and drug inject that attend your stupid rallys. The only facism is yours toward the upper class who most have EARNED their money (i admit not all) . Food is being devalued because of the recession which I have already explained is moderate and probably close to ending. And as in my first post THERE ARE ONLY 4% OF PEOPLE SUPPORTING YOUR CAUSE.
Most people, including you, don't know the severity of what is occuring in America, and the world, and many actually can't absorb what is happening because they think.."It can't happen here". You're cognitively impared, in denial, and dissociated from reality; so it's unlikely you'll understand even if offered the information.
The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman
You're the one that is blind! I completely understand what you are saying and I agree, we need to find a way to help people without making big mistakes. For example, your way of thinking is that America needs to give all the poor people the same money and benefits. First of all, that is socialism. And if history tells us anything, tht will not do well. Second of all, some poor people will take advantage of this system and NOT WORK. I think this would not turn out well. I have been studying your demands as well as your "constitution". Have you ever watched Malcolm in the Middle? That is the family (comedy set aside and only the core values of 6 family members, two low paying jobs, and a crappy house) that we should be worrying about as well as other real world factors. I'm actually glad someone is talking about this. Can't you keep an open mind? Don't you see what other people think of your Wall Street movement? They think you re crazy, even proffesionals who understand your reasoning. You're taking things to extremes here.
It seems you've brought into the belief that OWS is comprised of only one belief system. It's not true, so stating that "your way of thinking is that America needs to give all the poor people the same money and benefits."; isn't my belief. Additionally, I assure you most Americans like the form of socialism, that provides them unemployment insurance, social security, disability, healthcare benefits, SSI, food inspection, garbage collection, public education, police and so much more. All that is socialism. You're a follower, it seems, and what other people think, entirely guides your actions. I'm a professional, and employed; and I don't think OWS is crazy. When we're fully and completely in a totalitarian state, and we're almost there now; you'll still be following what other people think.
OWS isn't extreme. Extreme is the Patriot ACT, which suspends the constitution; Homeland Security, and Fema which is the equivalent to the German SS or Schutzstaffel; NSA, and NorthCom with it's battalions on home soil violating posse comitatus; and ready to takedown the American people, for the 1% and enslave us. That's extreme. Extreme is the trillions of dollars being plundered and stolen from the working class, and transferred to the 1%. You're pathetic, and already enslaved; but the 1% like people such as yourself..they call you their cattle...literally.
Your causing this recession to be prolonged. No one likes socialism except for un working bums with nothing better to do but rally behind a dream of socialist america. You're enslaved by your own blindness to the fact that you are alone. The only German equivlant of this is that Hitler told all the people of Germany the Jews were the problem of their economy, that they were rich fat pigs. Do you see where that set us? The same thing is happening right no with you blaming the Federal Goverment for everything that is wrong with the world. They are not your scapegoat! I don't even listen to what the other people say about you. I am simply putting 2 and 2 together. You can have your First Amendment. But don't you see? Do you realize what you are saying? Socialism is not Healh Care Benefits with no consequences, it is not un employment insurance. This will leave us with everyone exactly the same. THAT IS NOT AMERICA IS ABOUT. We should all be able to have what life has given us. To have a unemployed man have as much money as you, an employed proffesional is just demeaning and wrong. Answer me this: Is is right to have an unemployed person recieve $100,000 each year from welfare and have a educated working person make the same amount?