Forum Post: Thanks for the on-line forum page Action = Today We Fight Back
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 11, 2014, 3:06 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What I added:
May I add - There is plenty of observation ( data collection ) that can be done in completely public space - that public space being in the physical world = Shopping malls - public streets and sidewalks - Airports - Bus Stations - Train Stations - Ocean River Sea Ports - Physical locations on the border. All of these areas would no doubt flood observers with information that can be acted upon - such as crime as it happens for our peace keepers to respond to in real time - crime such as theft or assault or illegal drug sales etc etc etc etc etc. A vast wealth of information that can be acted upon and does not infringe on personal rights of privacy. Public information that is freely available to any and all with eyes to see - information that can be reviewed for future action (s) as well as immediate action without invading anyone's privacy.
Protect and support the Constitution.
Damn near 165,000 - still screamin along.
Nearly 83,000 calls. That must have their ears ringing too.
I love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
''Today We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance'' :
''The Day We Fought Back'' : from which ...
''The late Internet activist Aaron Swartz famously said, when describing how the Internet defeated the SOPA blacklist bill, that: “We won this fight because everyone made themselves the hero of their own story. Everyone took it as their job to save this crucial freedom.” ...
''Aaron’s legacy of fighting for a technological world that supports, rather than undermines, human rights inspired us today. Together, the hundreds of thousands of us that took action in the last twenty four hours, can live up to that legacy. Today, we began to win.''
There were over 250k signatures by the end of the day. Over 10k per hour. Solidarity.
ipsa scientia potestas est ...
A very inspiring action.
"FILM THE POLICE" B. Dolan ft. Toki Wright, Jasiri
Thanx & are at the forefront of defending all our rights.
However I will leave u to your reactionary, conservative spasms, as usual.
multum in parvo ...
WTF do u want ?!!! A fkn medal ?!! Silly self-referential asshole !
I can piss down a rope if u want but only if u r at the other end !
ad absurdum(b) ...
''WAR ON TERROR'' WTF ?! STFU ... with regurgitating the propagandist language of The Imperial War Mongering 0.01% - you co-opted, hoodwinked simpleton !! ''Clueless'' is as clueless does and speaks !!!
And YES, it's from a 'conservative source' and it is specifically chosen here because anything else will probably give u serious heartburn but just in case I'm wrong, see if you can digest this without gagging :
Btw, your Govt. was CAPTURED by The Corporate-Military-Industrial- Security & Incarceration Complex .. a long time ago !!! Neocon & Neoliberal are words that were coined well after the event !! So do I really have to remind u of Eisenhower's valedictory speech now or can u actually find your own link for that ?!
ad iudicium ...
YES ''they plan'', now we're getting somewhere !!! ''Ron Lawl was correct'', eh ?!! Well I never ! You mean you agree that even nut-jobs like broken clocks, can be right sometimes ? yEP - the 1000+ page USA PATRIOT ACT was prepared and ready for 'Express Install' ... waaay before '9/!!' and so also consider :
''No Progress in 'War on Terror'? The Continuing Al-Qaeda Threat'' by Ron Paul : &
''Perpetual War - How Does the Global War on Terror Ever End ?'', by Jeremy Scahill : .
The Frankenstein's Monster of 'Al fkn Qaida' was a creation on The CIA, MI6, ISI, Saudi-Intelligence (an oxymoron ?!) but now these nutters are the tool of even more parties. Also consider for historical ref :
I do NOT agree re. Edward Snowden tho' ! 'They' weren't counting on that !! 'They' want to kill him, ffs !!!
Now - for a Brit Panacea ... cup o' tea to go with those cookies ?
fiat lux ...
Ok & re. his 'Economic Psychopathy', I suggest the same 'purdah' should apply and also fyi, consider :
That is NOT an easy read so I'll recommend a long lay down with a cool drink to hand IF you choose to engage with it ... and so don't say that I didn't warn you ;-)
e tenebris, lux ...
I do not grant you the privilege to speak for me
you don't speak for me
I speak for myself
Where's trashy, when you finally need him.
Oh yeah, fueling you to post stuff like this.
cén fáth a bhfuil tú ag insult dom?
Ní féidir liom insult tú.
Insult tú i ndáiríre féin.
rights are not earned
So whoTF said that I was 'speaking for you' ?!!! Are you another one who's joined today's 'melt down on the forum crew' ?!! Get it together there Matt - and full sentences are still optional ! Now maybe consider
fiat pax ...
[Removed] believe "Lawn Raul was correct"?! Yes indeed, "now we're getting somewhere!!" Will you be quoting Pukecannon soon? How long have you been a libe(R)topian?..;-)
Like I said, no amount of your usual vulgar attacks, e.g, "you surreptitious mutherfucker"..will make up for your lack of spine. All they do is prove what a base individual you are.
And voting every couple of years for one of the parties in the duopoly doesn't count, hence it won't help in your quest not to be spineless.
Perhaps you should team up with the Lion and take a trek to see the Good Witch of The North. She may be residing in nearby Montreal where there are an overwhelming number of people with more chutzpah than you.
No reason to explain, we understand. By not providing the Lawn Raul quote that you agree with, you are showing your lack of spine. The accuser fears being the accus-ee in quoting a neocon who may have been right on that one point!
And no amount of your typical vulgar comments makes up for that, or your lack of sincerity.
So all I am saying is if you are going to dish bullshit as you have done with your redbaiing-like attacks in the last few shouldn't be surprised when it gets thrown back at you and slaps you in the face.
Mann up man! And BTW, I''ll trade being a bit thick for having a spine any day of the week.
Replying here. "I know who I am, mutherfucker". And so do I as,
I have been on Planet Earth long enough to know a base milquetoast-er when I hear one.
Lookin' in the mirror again Odin?
Or just talking to the cabal?
Now had u said that I was ''Anti-Apartheid State'' or even ''Anti-Zionist'', then u would have a point @ ... & u would be right ! BUT your words ''hate Jews'' are specifically designed and employed to censor & bully people here into a cowed silence isn't it ?!! That shit doesn't work on me and you are a liar, dead wrong and know nothing about me personally - so fk u ZenDick !!!
Furthermore, maybe you should calmly and carefully consider inter alia : and feel free to revive ..
Maybe u need some help from Trashy - like your mate snooz seems to !
ad iudicium ...
Help that.
WTF does that have to do with me ?!!! Never mind your fractious bickering with me snooz, go see if u can get the forum fixed because it is still pretty fukt and ask someone else if u like !! Also does this :
temet nosce ...
I don't think twitter can function as efficiently in gathering and sorting out ideas as this forum
Pfft, ''sound like an anti.Semite'' is just more of the calculated mendacity designed to bully and shut down any debate and analysis, isn't it ?!!! Saying that ''hate Jews'' was my ''point'' is a fat lie and that makes u a liar in my book, ZenDick ?!! Your being ''more conservative than the average liberal'' [and u know that I can prove that] does not absolve u from taking responsibility for what u say but u know me - after two and a half years of posting here, I don't really give a flying fk what u think or say - just as long as u keep giving me the opportunity to lay down salient facts and information !
''How Israel Gives Jews a Bad Name'', by Saul Landau : ;
''Criticize Israel? You're an Anti-Semite!'' by Rosa Brooks : [Orig. 'LATimes'] ;
''The 'Anti-Semitism' That Goes Unreported'', by Amira Hass : [Orig. 'Ha'aretz'] ;
'''Israel Can Do No Wrong': Jewish Dissent, Jewish Repression'', by Stanley Kutler : & ..
"A One State Solution For All", by 'Rabbis For Palestine' : .
Perhaps all these folks are 'anti-semites' too but IF u want to have this out man to man, how about u revive GF's thread again as I invited u to do before (in time) and above (in space) instead of confusing DKAt's post ? I do see how 'GirlFriedhead' & u play this - but I am more than prepared to smack your attempts at curveballs right the fk out of the ball park, so do go right on ahead and pitch, chance your arm if you've got the hard or soft balls and let the chips fall where they may so that readers can decide.
fiat lux ...
If you are against the human rights of the Palestinian people, what does that make you? You see, being for the rights of one people certainly does not mean one is against another group. Painting the stroke of anti-Semitic to shut up those who are pro-Palestinian is cute, but it doesn't work if you think about it.
The real question is: What should we call people who don't care about human rights in general, and, in particular the human rights of the Palestinian people? Is there some broad stroke we can use on you? Fascist? Racist? Let's think about it.
It's gone today............................:(
Any news on the final count?
EDIT - My Bad - I looked again = 180,204 e-mails and 87,010 calls so 267,214 contacts/messages made/sent.
I looked at the site - didn't see a final tally. The e-mails were hot and heavy and very steady all day. If they pulled the action at midnight - I can't see it being less than like 185,000 e-mails.
At any rate, I hope to see more of those in the future.
Damn Right - Big Brother is an important issue and there are so many more. The action showing a running tally of responses is a very good one. Nice way to bring groups and individuals together to speak-up speak-out.
Bernie has a great deal to say on the subject.
detractors.....please note. these are Occupy endorsed articles.
I looked again = 180,204 e-mails and 87,010 calls so 267,214 contacts/messages made/sent.
Not bad for a days work, eh?
Perhaps Bernie deserves his own thread?
Bernie Sanders is usually ( always ? ) worthy of His own Threads/Posts.
At that rate - less than 4 complete days and a million responses would have taken place - perhaps more as the action got better circulation.
link jammed san diego
there it goes
They best plan I've seen for representative government would be casting ones vote to another
then those interested in politics will carry the votes of those that cast their vote to them
anybody that can reach the internet may directly partipate
if i cast my vote to a representative, i may choose to revoke it at anytime
I think it has something to do with anger
dammit there was a link perhaps a person looking for contact
oh wait, it could have responded to my response
what is your viewpoint ?
does this site look legitimate ?
coupled with this job
WooooHooooo 128,000 plus and flyin.
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
Today, I took a stand against mass surveillance by the NSA. Will you join me? #stopthensa
Tuesday was amazing. Working with scores of organizations, and thousands of sites, and hundreds of thousands of activists, we organized the largest online privacy protest ever.
Nearly 100,000 calls were placed to Congress on that day, melting the phone lines and making it clear that we will persist in the fight to end mass surveillance.
Please click here to check out the stats.
And please share them widely, so the whole world knows just how strong we are when we work together:
Share on Facebook by CLICKING HERE.
Share on Twitter by CLICKING HERE.
On Tuesday we sought to make a dent, while laying a foundation for escalation over the months to come: It was a tremendous success.
We demonstrated that civil society organizations, hundreds of thousands of activists, and major corporations are willing to bring coordinated pressure to bear on lawmakers.
Just a few highlights:
Scores of organizations from across the political spectrum banded together.
Thousands of sites urged their visitors to take action.
Google formally endorsed the USA FREEDOM Act, which would end bulk data collection.
Twitter tweeted to nearly 30 million people in support.
Dozens of lawmakers issued statements of support.
NSA acolyte Senator Dianne Feinstein was on the run from her own constituents.
We will persist, we will escalate, and we will win.
Please click here to check out the stats.
And please share them widely, so the whole world knows just how strong we are when we work together:
Share on Facebook by CLICKING HERE.
Share on Twitter by CLICKING HERE.
Onward! 30 Ritchie Ave Silver Spring, MD 20910
Today we’re giving a major boost to a pair of petitions in support of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Please add your name to one or both.
Click here to tell Secretary of State Kerry: Give Snowden back his passport!
Click here to tell the Obama administration: Hands off Snowden!
RootsAction is getting ready to publicly deliver these petitions to officials in Washington. The more signers, the greater the impact -- as we reach out to news media everywhere.
Truth must be told: Edward Snowden’s “crime” was to educate Americans and the world about the dangerous growth of the U.S. surveillance state.
Last summer -- after Snowden released documents on the NSA’s mass surveillance programs -- the State Department suddenly revoked his passport in an effort to prevent him from reaching any country willing to grant political asylum.
Snowden didn’t get the due process he deserves.
Freedom to travel requires a passport. It’s a basic principle.
Tell Kerry to reinstate Edward Snowden’s passport now.
But returning Snowden’s passport isn’t enough. The U.S. government should make an ironclad commitment to fully respect his legal rights to seek political asylum.
You can send a clear message that insists the U.S. government must not engage in any abduction or other foul play against Snowden. Your name can go on this petition right now: Mr. President, Hands Off Edward Snowden!
You can also help by forwarding this email to people you know who care about civil liberties.
Thank you!
-- The team
P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.
P.P.S. This work is only possible with your financial support. Please donate.
Reuters: U.S. Revokes Snowden's Passport
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Washington Post: NSA Collects Millions of Address Books
Ray McGovern: Snowden Accepts Whistleblower Award
I signed yesterday, with the counter just over 2,000.
98,163 e-mails sent as of now - that - is AWESOME.
This just went up late last night too.
I hope to see more of them.
ABSOLUTELY - and this one is skyrocketing 115,000 and zooming.
One to support Move to Amend
One to support squashing KXL
One to support OSTA
So Much To get DONE.
At this rate we could bust a million in days.
You Bet. 20 minutes and over 4,000 new e-mails. Pandemic time?
yep. looking good.
I say either ban this spying altogether, or make encryption illegal.
One or the other.
I can see where encryption is needed - just to protect against malware. BUT - spying on the public's on-line communications and phone calls should be done away with - it is unconstitutional to invade privacy - there is a vast flood of information to be tapped just by the use of eyes and ears out on the street - a flood of information so vast that ( like their meta data ) they could not possibly make proper use of it all.
They'll be makin' stuff up for job security and performance reviews.
Governments spy on each other anyway.. they can stay away from us little guys.
Don't we take enough abuse?
Way to much - this truth "they" may well regret ignoring - soon.
this place already has a front page
the method seems redundant
It shows up there too. Some of us come to this page directly.
Everybody gets to see it this way. I do hope they get it out of the way of notifications though.
new articles are already marked on the forum page
i was just admiring this place for resolving the sticky issue though super type article headings
not without a name
Got a problem with signing your name? 99,799 and zooming.
arbitrary numbers
the banks control the money
EDWARD SNOWDEN: It was clear from the president’s speech that he wanted to make minor changes to preserve authorities that we don’t need. The president created a review board from officials that were personal friends, from national security insiders, former deputy of the CIA—people who had every incentive to be soft on these programs and to see them in the best possible light. But what they found was that these programs have no value. They’ve never stopped a terrorist attack in the United States, and they have marginal utility, at best, for other things. The only thing that the Section 215 phone metadata program—actually, it’s a broader metadata program, a bulk collection—bulk collection means mass surveillance—program—was in stopping or detecting a $8,500 wire transfer from a cab driver in California. And it’s this kind of review where insiders go, "We don’t need these programs. These programs don’t make us safe. They take a tremendous amount of resources to run, and they offer us no value." They go, "We can modify these." The National Security Agency operates under the president’s executive authority alone. He can end or modify or direct a change in their policies at any time.
They have a rather LARGE "investment" out in Utah, that gets very little coverage.
Geeze and we can't even keep the trolls out of here.
Billions - Trillions - wasted - thrown away - it's criminal.
One of the questions that hasn't been asked, is when did they start construction?
True - that huge complex didn't just appear overnight.
Another instance of do it then if ya gotta talk about it to the public - as then the project will be done - so we should use it so as to not waste the expenditure. T fuckers - just like the southern end of KXL.
Unheralded wonders of the Patriot Act.
Covert funding - another kind of dark money.
National security.
Sorry - forgot where I was and who we were talking about for a moment - it's the USA so it is OK - just so long as everyone else knows that they can't do these things.
Oh crap, I missed the new one in Georgia.
Hey! they finally noticed.
100+ years of electricity and we still hang the wires on toothpicks, under the trees.
"What" could possibly go wrong? Right? No need to reinvest in the power grid and improve upon it - hell that money could be better hoarded for gosh sakes.
What's that?
Just wait until the tax payer says uncle. We get them to pay for most of it, then we raise the bills anyway..........:)
Win, win.
Anyway - the whole power grid - nation wide - is in serious need of upgrade as well as maintenance - so if the country ever got serious about implementing green energy alternatives - all would need be done is to pick a place to start in anywhere USA.
They'll be replacing a good deal of it, in and around Atlanta.
It'll hang there under the trees 'till the next time.
The rest of the story.
the rich don't want the rest of the people to see what they can see
What do you know?
some people are watching.
more responses than e mailing resumes
How's that pay?
mailing resumes pays nothing
"FILM THE POLICE" B. Dolan ft. Toki Wright, Jasiri X, Buddy Peace, Sage Francis #FILMTHEPOLICE