Forum Post: Syria-the end
Posted 13 years ago on March 5, 2012, 8:36 p.m. EST by BlackSun
from Agua León, BC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Seems the uprising in Syria has been crushed. Execution squads are taking civilian men and making them disappear.and the Muslim world looks on. Guess Islam is only skin deep.
All Syrians, regardless of which side they're on, should be greatfull to Russia and China for sparing them from the fate of their "liberated" neighbors in Lybia and Iraq.
I think we should take any Syrian Women and Children who want to leave Syria, but no men. We should arm the men and let them fight it out, right to self determination is a fundamental right.
And you care because?
I don't like it when children are slaughtered by tyrants. Of ANY nation. Even Muslim children don't deserve that.
"Even" Muslim children. Mmm hmm.
Sorry. Apparently my reply wasn't brainwashed liberal bullshit enough for you.
Oh, you're brainwashed alright.
Syria did not receive any outside help like Libya did.
It could be because Libya's leader had a terrible history of violence .. and many people wanted to see him go down.
Or it could be because of the OWS protest that the USA decided not to help Syria ? The OWS protest kinda proves that not every protest has its founding well grounded .. gives hesitation to pause and really access what the protest was about in Syria.
Libya wanted to go to Gold standard .Once implemented would only take gold for oil.This would have replaced the dollar as the world currency.We can't have that now could we?So the mad man was not stupid but,none the less he Had to Go.
syria "protesters" did receive Brits weapons. well, read and watch this
Life can be a challenge. Life can seem impossible. It's never easy, when so much is on the line.
I doubt that is much comfort to the thousands that have died. Especially those that have lost children.
forgive me This is similar post which has called for help
Stupid bullshit. Fuck off.
proxy war -->
ha - exactly! All beef is about jew'n'diamonds
the US could stop dropping bombs today
We are dropping bombs in Syria?
bombs killed children in Libya
McCain is calling for air strikes.
How wonderful for him.
I thought all of the repubs were against this sort of thing. Think maybe he is searching for some sort of party dignity?