Forum Post: "Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control"
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 19, 2012, 10:52 a.m. EST by nomdeguerre
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There more, everybody. From
" . . . Not one, but BOTH Lanza brothers were being placed by 'law enforcement officials' at the scene of the shooting. It could be that Ryan's quick reflexes to leave his workplace to get on a bus to go back to his apartment while protesting innocence via his Facebook page may have saved his life. " . . .
"What it's starting to look like is that the Lanzas were framed for this mass shooting in advance. Long before any suspects were named, and even as we were being told that Nancy Lanza was among the dead at the school, we were told that police were investigating a murder in... Hoboken, New Jersey, where a body had been found at the home of... Ryan Lanza! An older "confirmed" version of events had RYAN, not Adam, travelling to Hoboken that morning to murder his father before going to the school in Newtown, Connecticut. Other variants had Ryan OR Adam going to both their divorced parents' homes and killing them before going to the school." . . .
"Regarding this alleged 'LIBOR scandal' connection between this shooting and the Aurora theater shooting, there is as yet zero evidence to support the claim that either father of Lanza or Holmes were going to testify to anyone about anything, so for now this must remain just another rumor. I rather think that this is being spread to create the impression of a direct link that can be easily refuted, as in a strawman argument. The obvious and direct link staring everyone in the face is that the U.S. government's accounts of these events are hocus-pocus." . . .
"The psychopaths in power have absolutely no compunction about using state terrorism, in this case organising the deliberate massacre of innocent children, to control people. In effect, this is little different from the US government calls counter-insurgency or counter-terrorism in foreign countries, where it attacks innocent civilians to create the impression that they were killed by 'communists', 'terrorists', 'insurgents' or 'militants', with the aim of generating public support for the illusion that the common people need a strong, ruthless government to protect them from the 'evil-doers'. When the common people buy into this manipulation, the end result, as history shows repeatedly, is an overt and brutal police state. "
12/20 The story continues:
Just found this. WTF????????
"Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”
Looked for, couldn't find 'viral email, concerning Ryan, his ID, Adam, their father, etc.' Any idea?
The official scenario in Norway stinks to high heaven. Masks used there too.
What prompted him to say that?
anti-semitism works - since before the Spanish inquisition
nazis, klan, republiclan
There were inconsistent stories about the guns supposedly used in the Sandy Hook/Newtown incident.
At first two guns were found near the body of Adam Lanza in the school and one Bushmaster rifle was found in his mother's car parked outside. Later on, the bodies of the school-deceased victims were autopsied and found to have at least two bullet wounds. The Bushmaster was then found near the body of Adam Lanza.
Later, there were both a gun recovered from the car in addition to two hand guns and the Bushmaster near the body of Adam Lanza.
It seems that the Bushmaster really knows how to appear in two places at once. Was it trying to vanish altogether to protect the interest of the gun-maker or was it used for making the incident more gruesome to advance the cause of gun control?
The number of guns reportedly owned by Nancy Lanza also grew after her death. Is it not interesting?
Well, where I am the reported attack weapon was a single .22 caliber rifle; it's just very poor reporting.
I believe that the most significant weapon used was the .223 caliber Bushmaster AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. In the news, it behaved with quantum jumps -- now you see it, now you don't, there it is, no, there it's not, here it is, no, it is not, followed by lots of bullet wounds, gobs of ammunition enough to finish off hundreds of people in the school.
Yea... rather than report nothing at all, they chose to fabricate.
No, the first unfiltered eyewitness accounts are the most accurate. Adam died with only the two automatics. The Bushmaster was in the trunk. Ergo, Adam wasn't the shooter.
Where I am we didn't get those unfiltered eyewitness accounts; what we were getting was unreliable second hand accounts relayed by phone. Just as such a crime would have been impossible with a .22 caliber rifle, it is also impossible with semi-auto pistols. He had to use the Bushmaster; the gun in the car is a fourth weapon.
Well, one has to filter through the assertions to gauge each's level of evidentiary support. But to write off everything contradicting the official story as oh-that's-just-the-confusion-of-a-developing-story is a pure fraud. The false flag state ops always use it as a type of get-out-of-jail-free-card to extricate themselves from f-ups in the operations (which always occur).
If the speculations in the link in the OP are correct then almost half of the planned operation did not go down, and the half that did came close to failing. It also seems that they may have killed the principal, Dawn Hochsprung, at the end to "clean up" the operation. These are of course speculations, but in any inquiry one starts with speculations.
Ehh, nah, I'm not buying any of that, just as I didn't fully buy initial reports.
Did you go to the links in the OP?
Well, he's right about one thing: this is definitely a zionist controlled government.
The link didn't mention the word zionist or any idea like this at all. ???
Check out the expanded version at Veterans Today, lots of mentioning of zionism:
Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath: Intelligence analyst
Israel activates American 5th column for Sandy Hook damage control
Mossad “death squads” slaughtered American children at Sandy Hook
Well, Israel did try to sink the U.S.S. Liberty with all hands on board in 1967 as a false flag attack to draw us into the war against Egypt. Would they shoot little kids multiple times in the face now?
From an earlier post:
If enough Americans knew of Israel's treachery regarding the U.S.S. Liberty Israel would be totally on its own. U.S.S. Liberty - never forget.
The Israeli attack on Liberty in 1967 is a fact, not a theory. What they did once they could do again.
Facts are facts, whether they support conspiracy theories or not. Conspiracy speculations are speculations, reasonable thinkers can decide if they make a prima facie case or not. Grow up.
Israel's attack on the U.S.S. Liberty: (official site);
"”If we could get the truth of the Liberty out, it would change the history of this country.”"
U.S.S. Liberty Photos:
Israel tried a false flag attack on America before in the 1967 war, they may try again. The aim then was to blame the attack on Egypt and drag us into the war, now the attack would be blamed on Iran.
Earlier discussions here:,
Good point.
Lauren Rousseau, who died last week at age 30, was born in the U.S.
Her Canadian-born father, Gilles Rousseau, told Radio-Canada that he wanted to see his daughter's body but was informed by authorities that it would not be possible.
In a tearful interview, he said the rounds used were so powerful that they ripped through the school's walls and left several holes in his daughter's car outside in the parking lot.
"They told me, 'You can't see (the body),'" Gilles Rousseau told Radio-Canada, the French-language CBC. "Because most people he shot, it was two or three shots in the face, point-blank."
The medical examiner said some were shot 11 times. That doesn't make any sense. This was a terror attack plain and simple.
The victims were never identified by their next of kin. Instead the families were only allowed to view photographs.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven . .
Many years ago I lost my sister and my nephew in a horrific automobile accident as a result of a drunk driver who broad sided their car. My brother in law was required to identify my sister.
So many inconsistencies . . .
Also, there's no way the authorities can legally prevent a parent from viewing their child's body. It seems the spec op killers may have overdone it.
I hope so - when are we going to say ENOUGH ? ! !
We're all waiting for the American people to wake up.
And we can all become 'mini broadcasting units.' I try to do this as much as possible and am becoming better at it - more subtle - my spirit is at rest.
Amen, brother/sister.
Holy shit! It's a cover up. Somebody get our resident conspiracy theorist nomdeguerre and all of his other IDs.
Oh yeah - believe the main stream (totally owned by 6 corporations) now thats a good girl. move along nothing to see here.
I don't and if you paid attention then you would know that.
oh you repeat the MSM message but you don't beleive it. Well, well. .
Let me guess, prison planet poster?
Let me guess - you don't question authority.
All the time, baby. I just don't get all Alex Jones.
If you have something to say other than making personal attacks why don't you say it?
I just did.
Changing the subject, how do you view the prosecution, conviction and imprisonment of Don Siegelman?
We remove one layer of cow pies, only to find another layer.
Why do they want to take our weapons - William Cooper
amazing - do some posters her think the readers are too stupid to use a computer?
you claim
"Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control"
do you really think we are too stupid not to know this or look it up???
How much do you get paid to be a whore? I could use some more money, maybe I'll sell out.
namecalling - so mature
If you have access to a link to the OFFICIAL story, post a link to it
or admit you don't know
to a man with a hammer everything he sees is a nail.
There are way too many crazies in this forum.
They have one more. You just joined them.
Can you say, "Bull Shit?" jeeezzaazz! Lyndon LaRouche lives!
No you can't RW BS bastard!!!!
You can say that again, the official Sandy Hook/Newtown story is complete BS.
loosen your straight jacket
It was Bigfoot done it.
Actually Reagan had more to do with it, when Reaganomics cut funding to all kinds mental health care, effectively demonizing the profession and criminalizing mental heath issues in general.....while at the same time limiting research.
Increases in insane behavior ensued and nut just gun crap.
Just look at today's GOP for an example..
"Why would such “rogue networks” want to send brainwashed Manchurian Candidates into schools to massacre children? Let’s allow one of the terrorists themselves to answer that question.
Remember Operation Gladio? The Pentagon, through NATO, organized bombings and shootings in the streets of Europe. When one of the terrorists got caught, he explained at his trial: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.” He later explained the “strategy of tension” to the BBC: “To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.”
So the answer to the question, WHY? is really very simple: When you terrorize the population, you open the door for fascist, authoritarian politicians. Operation Gladio never ended. It’s still happening, right here in America."
The "Strategy of Tension"
Thank you Toby for good post.
Thanx Nevada1. I see Operation Gladio got a lot of play this week. Many thanks for keeping it alive.
More info:
40 years, huh?
By the looks Italy today, it didn't work too well.
Here's what surprises me.
You'll believe this without question, yet have all the doubts in the World about the collusion that exists on WallStreet. nor the DEEP tentacles they have in your pockets and in our government.
It's not a matter of belief. Operation Gladio is established historical record.
This is a publicly uttered statement by an established Gladio member: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public to turn to the State to ask for greater security.”
The word is fact.
No. The fact is he said those words.
Beyond that, where is it you think you see it's effectiveness?
In every incident in the World?
Check out this discussion, . NATO was born in evil, it lives in evil.
You've given a religious connotation and you didn't answer the question..
Evil is not a religious matter, it has to do with humanity.
Weak, very weak.
Yep. The GOP has been weak since their original traitor....Nixon.
In the end he was the warm up for the real America wreckers like Reagan and Bush.
I'm so happy for you, now that you accept the reality of the GOP/conse(R)vative/(R)epelican't/libe(R)tarian invasion, there may be hope yet.........:).