Forum Post: Please sign this White House petition to sensibly regulate guns, and send it to as many people as you can
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 18, 2012, 6:55 p.m. EST by farminator3000
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
if this gets 25,000 signatures, they have to discuss it at a White House meeting and respond. all you need is an email and a name. thank you.
the above reads:
we petition the obama administration to: Increase the Discussion, Regulation and Taxation of assault weapons by using Article 2,Section 3 of the Constitution
to convene a Special Commission of 51 Senators to create legislation to:
collect a 25% tax on all new gun purchases, used for improving our nation's mental health screening and care.
change firearm laws to be similar to automobile laws, requiring titles, training, testing, insurance, and inspection for guns, and declare guns with clips holding 7 or more bullets to be assault style.
create an internet forum for citizens to participate in a rational discussion of the epidemic of gun violence, and begin to reduce the influence of pro-gun lobbies.
While gun ownership is a right, the word right means both "a just claim or title" and "adherence to moral and legal principles and authority." There are more guns than cars in America, and the amount of laws should reflect that. Created: Dec 17, 2012 Issues: Consumer Protections, Firearms, Health Care
That is all true about Psychologist/psychiatrists.
Someone made the point that these people that kill kids are on Psychotropic drugs. No one can kill kids without drugs. People with Mental illnesses don't normally or in any number actually go killing and I have never heard of a trend in people with mental illness killing kids one after anohter.
The Lobby for Big Pharma is bigger than the Gun Lobby. Big Pharma wants to get us all taking more and more drugs so they get richer. Biig Pharma is one of the RIchest Industries in the world.
Hey we had a big terrorist event in USA, now we have conservative government with high security just like they wanted in Europe under NATOs Operation Gladio. Makes you wonder. Parts of Gladio might still be operating in places like Turkey, Norway, Switzerland, ... USA.
So perhaps US Programs are Empires that never really go away. CIA became official after WWII, it will never go away. We just Added DHS, it will probably continue to grow and will do something very stupid pretty soon. Who is to say that MK-Ultra is not still part of our Intelligence network...
Right, and we know Operation Paper Clip and other operations scooped up as much info as possible to archive or make use of in the US Military. We never throw out info. Each Branch of Service has its own college. CIA has it's own data base. We really don't know how many Inteligence agencies we have. And they aren't going to tell us.
You said it. Military has the upper hand on the Whitehouse. But if you read a bit and think about it. We have really hairy bastards in our military. They really hate democrats. They really want to control a huge part of US Foreign policy. They hate to pull out of war. They lie about body county, and any number of inidcators of war progress. I mean the confidence and hubris of our Military is really unbelieveable.
Take the Gladio story Was just reading how the CIA and US NATO Leadership was running secret armies in Europe/Nato and calling shots in State Sponsored Terrorism in Italy and other countries.
But this King Family Case has a surpise the have expert testimony about half-way through about how the CIA controls US Media. Owns it. And explains how national security cases are special and everyone play ball and writes the stories the way told.
Bill Schaap is the Expert.
i asked for signatures, not rants. so you have no problem with mentally ill people buying guns? that's your business. i have a problem with it.
i don't get how the word hypocracy fits here. can you explain?
it is part of the solution. so is legalizing drugs. so is banning bad drugs. lots of drugs that are legal now are worse than some of the ones that are illegal. of course laws are a solution. tens of thousands more people would die if there were no laws about owning and using cars
no, i think you are missing the big picture by focusing too much on one aspect. and i don't believe 'hypocracy' applies here at all
i quit replying until you look up the word hypocracy. have a screaming nice day!
ok, now look up "paranoid"?
Where do you come from?
my question in video form -
an interesting theory -
Please call it what it is .People Control not gun regulation.
These post's/threads are a distraction. There is no meaningful change that can be made by changing gun laws - the guns are out in the public - stopping the manufacture and sale of high ammunition capacity clips and semi-auto weapons will keep the numbers down ( in legal hands anyway ). But gun laws/rights will not stop mass murderers. Healing societies ills will reduce the number of murders - but will not do a thing to cure a mass murderers intents/reasoning/atrocities.
of course laws would help- if there was a law against his mother having such a stupid gun, he wouldn't have had access to it. simple logic?
thanks! pass it to the left!
"Pass the dutchy to the left hand side"
No prob.
Are u serious!?!? So not only we let them rob u want them to disarm us to?!? guns dont kill people ..people kill people
Where are you?
Complete denial then. Unable to comprehend a cartoon.
It figures.
Shouldn't you be working on cleaning up the bay?
Really ask your self what is a gun law really gonna do? people will own guns people will still shoot guns people will still buy guns people will probly buy more guns Dont waste taxpayers money on a dumbass law on something u cant stop lets put that money towards getting some of these crooked ass politicians out of power..
We can't stop guns? Really? How many machine guns are there today? None. Because we stopped those. So yeah. If we can stop machine guns, we can stop other assault weapons that have no purpose for civilian use.
And Where did u hear that bogus news??? people still own machine guns WAKE UP!!!!
A little thing called the National Firearms Act.
yeah but ppl still own those weapons ur just another dumb blind american...smh
They are very very difficult to get. And you don't hear about shooting rampages anymore using machine guns! Jeesh!
...well like i told someone else u go head and surrender ur gun rights...genocide is not to far ahead for this country trust me...
Do you even have any clue what the Assault Weapons Ban is? It's not about handguns or hunting rifles. It is about high magazine, high velocity, like 100 rounds per minute military style weapons. Tell me why a civilian needs this?
And the argument about guns don't kill people, people kill people. That is the lamest argument ever! Do you have any idea how idiotic that argument is?! You really are not very smart are you?
People kill people. We have the ability to ban people. We put them jail all the time.
Guns kill people. We have the ability to ban guns. We ban all kinds of guns. Machine guns. Armored tanks. Things that have no civilian purpose in a civilized society. A person can't buy a drone for shits sake!
But according to your logic, we should stop incarcerating people for murder because people are always going to kill people. Throughout history, it's been consistently shown that people will kill people. But according to your logic, we should just let murderers continue to walk around. Because we're not going to stop people from killing people. Same with guns. Don't ban them. Just let them all walk around. With no other purpose than to kill people.
We can't effectively stop people from killing other people either. But we still get them off the fucking street!
People kill people. We take them off the fucking street.
Guns kill people. We need to get them off the fucking street.
I can't make it any more simple for you. You are clearly an idiot.
Really. Tell me why any civilian needs a military style, firing 100 bullets per minute type of weapon. I think you are disturbed. But this I would love to hear anyway.
" high magazine, high velocity, like 100 rounds per minute military style weapons"
LOL,machine guns are already pretty much outlawed and extremely hard to get.
The AR-15 or AK-47 that is sold commercially are semi auto. They can only fire as fast as the person can pull the trigger.
The "Assault weapon" moniker was propagated by gun grabbers to instill fear in people of a gun that is no more dangerous than a single action revolver in that it will kill.
Wtf is a "high magazine"?? You need to actually learn something about firearms before you can rant about it.
I already said that.
Are you suggesting that a handgun has the same capability as an AR-15, AK-47 or the assault weapon that was used the Newtown tragedy?
Nope. I'm not a gun expert. I do know that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of types of guns. I think the ones that have the high velocity, high magazine capacities can do alot more damage than a handgun or hunting rifle. And are not necessary for civilian purposes. Any more than a machine gun is. Or a drone. Or an AC-130 aircraft. The list can go on.
Semi-auto hand guns can use 30 round mags. They are no more dangerous than a single action revolver.
You simply don't know enough about this subject from a hardware stance and you don't fully understand the societal ramifications of the regulations you are advocating.
You,like most every other knee jerk emotional respondent to this tragedy are not looking at the big picture.
Advocating for greater gun regulations will lead to the eventual banning of private ownership of ANY gun.
This is the road that leads to serfdom and the down fall of this country. There is far more at stake then you care to know.
Whatever. I see no virture in being a gun expert. And it's not necessary to be a gun expert to know that anything auto or semi-auto, with a high round magazine is more dangerous and deadly than a simple handgun.
Either way, even if you had a machine gun, it would be no match for the US military Darling.
Are you delusional? Shocking as this may come to you. You'd need at least a fleet of AC-130's. And that's just for starters. Really. Your tortured logic is, quite frankly, pathetic. You would need, at the very very least, an AC-130 and some armored tanks to protect yourself from a potentially tyrannical government and the US military. Not to mention, the ammunition for those things. Really. What exactly is the point of having an assault weapon? Are you going to use it to shoot at tanks or military aircraft? Chuckle chuckle.
Besides which, there are plenty of other countries that have much more robust weapons bans than the US. And they haven't slipped into serfdom. As you suggest is the necessary result. For example, last I checked, Canada was still perfectly free and doing quite well.
Pure paranoia. And delusional. Your auto or semi auto is not going to save you from serfdom if it comes! And allowing you to indulge your delusional fantasies that it will, simply because it gives you some irrational warm fuzzies, is not a good reason to allow military assault style weapons to the general population for public consumption. Any more than a civilian should have a drone, a tank or an AC-130, or even a machine gun.
I'm glad you've convinced yourself so completely. If these are your conclusions I'm not shocked. Your logic and assumptions are delusional. You've seemed to come up with a whole scenario based upon disinformation,assumptions and complete fabrications.
The problem you're having is trying to explain and convince others without you even having a clue about any of these subjects aside from what you've digested in Hollyweird movies and possibly a few video games and anti-American Leftist websites.
You or I have no idea how a potential American revolution to overthrow a tyrannical Govt. will play out. But one thing for sure is Americans currently are well enough armed to stand our own and just that knowledge alone is enough to ward off any threat foreign or domestic.
You should be comforted in this knowledge instead of trying to participate in the disarming of your own people.
We have the most powerful military in human history for any foreign threat. Domestic threat? if you mean our own govt/military I assure you no amount of guns can stand up to thetanks, drones & bombs of the US military.
Are you kidding or stupid? YOU are clearly delusional! Too many Rambo movies, and too much right wing wacko doomsday prepper literature.
The biggest domestic threat is the irresponsible gun maskers/owners/dealers who allow thousands of guns to get into the hands of criminals for the simple reason of makin more profits. And the fools who shill for them.
Thats the threat we face.
I see you consume the same diet of anti-American propaganda as Buttercup.
Stop putting gunmakers profits over human life.!
But I ain't the wack job who thinks we can fight off the govt with our ar 15's. LOL
Thats you right.?
I know better. My outrage is towards the idiots who care more for gun owners, and gun makers profits that the gun victims.
You've already blown your cool and you cover. You're a loose cannon.
Shut the fuck up!
There is no risk of violence from me because I am a progressive "we're in this together" believer, committed to non violent protest to take back the peoples govt from the 1% corp oligarchs.
You want to protect gun rights, in case you gotta defend against the govt comin after you. Duh! Whatta a goddamn moron, wacko.
"no risk of violence from me"
How is anybody to believe you when you are obviously so angry?
You seem to have a lot of aggression issues and have an extremely short fuse. Of course you want everyone to believe you but your demeanor is quite the opposite.
You'd be the perfect candidate. Someone who claims to be "non violent" and gains people's trust and confidence and then.....SURPRISE!!! BANG,BANG....OUT GOES THE LIGHTS!!
Happens all the time. Just say'n.
But I ain't the wack job who thinks we can fight off the govt with our ar 15's. LOL
Thats you right.?
I know better. My outrage is towards the idiots who care more for gun owners, and gun makers profits that the gun victims.
You've already blown your cool and your cover. You're a loose cannon.....yet again.
You're the fuckin moron talkin about armed opposition to the govt. And you got the nerve to say I'M anti american.
Go back to your doomsday prepper marathon, in your end of days bunker with your hoarded food & ammo and leave us the business of taking back the peoples govt back from your right wing wacko 1% corp oligarchs.
You inhuman, dishonorable gun nut wacko bastard!
You've got severe hostility issue's it seems. It's better for society perhaps that you don't have a gun. Lord knows what you'd do with a AR-15 if you found out where those wicked oligarchs are plotting and hatching their evil plans. You might think they are at the movies or maybe a school....please calm down won't you.
Wen did i say ppl shouldnt go to jail?!? where is that in my comments?? And im the idiot???with all this shit going on...tell me why a a civilian wouldnt need one???and if either of those recent mass murders were gunned down by a civilin with a AR u wouldnt b sayn shit
My point is - people go to jail. We 'ban' them. We 'ban' people. Get it? We can therefore 'ban' guns as well. Get it? I'mmmmm tryyyyyinggggg tooooo speak slowwwwwwlyyyyyyyy for youuuuuuu.
What you're talking about is vigilatism. It's uncivilized. It causes it's own set of problems. How would you like to be the victim of a vigilante? Hey- I'm sure he had his reasons. He'll tell us all about it. But sorry. You're dead. So you can't refute his story.
You are definately disturbed. And extremely stupid.
Both handguns and rifles have been banned in NYC; it's a "may issue" license and unless you're a rich politician, the PD in all cases will decide you "may NOT" have a gun. It's far more restrictive than the Federal ban and it's made us a defenseless society.
If you want it in computer speak, banning is not good enough, it's not effective; we need to make these criminals, who use guns to facilitate crime and wanton violence, go "poof."
NYC has a very low death rate by guns, on a per capita basis.
If you consider ten deaths per week to be low, yes. Do you realize that over the last week probably a thousand have been murdered nationwide?
genocide is happening now because there are too many guns. did genocide happen in japan or the UK when they lost their guns? no. plus, nobody said nything about taking guns away-its about making people who own them responsible for them
"Adolf Hitler said in 1933, to conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens“ this happened in other countries ur research....and cmon the govt been screwing us for centuries a new law/control will completely disarm us in the long run...
i asked you a ??? hello? japan outlawed guns in the 50s and UK in the 90s. last time i checked they are still free countries. with TWELVE or so murders per year. can you follow that? japan is an island in the western pacific and the UK is north of france, which is in europe. got that?
your quote- "any gun legislation coming out of DC will not remove weapons from the hands of the general public"
so why the hell are you ranting about "them" wanting to take your guns?
are you old enough to drink booze?
Where do u get this info???? Lemme guess u saw it on CNN??? Wake up....
Rather b disgusting than delusional any day...
Of course, but in your case, it's that you're disgustingly delusional.
Let's hear your delusion about how more guns will cure gun violence, and it's not your fault, it's the constitution's fault.
I'll bet you also think you couldn't possibly have anything to do with global warming.
The problem is you never left 1984, you're livin' it.
Now that's disgusting.
don't be lazy- look it up for yourself instead of yakking at me. i actually READ about it in a few places- try it! some google ideas: 'japan murder rate', 'japan guns', 'japan free country' then you could substitute UK for japan in those searches i'd consider it common knowledge that japan and UK are free, at least
Are we at risk of being conquered? By whom?
We are in the process of being "conquered" by the ignorant and the foolish sheeple of America that are willing to give up their freedom for the promise of security and in the end will have neither.
That's whom.
Obama's just playing the clown; it's politics. We're not giving up nothing. Really, absolutely nothing. So go home, load another thousand rounds, and have a good day.
If that's what you believe then so be it.
I'm guessing you consider the right to bear arms to be "nothing".
PS: that wack-job you're conversing with in the above? Definitely an ex-perp; put him on ignore and don't waste your time.
"ex perp"? What does that mean.? My record is clean. You got a problem with people who have paid their debt to society?
I consider it to be the only "right" we have left; we're not surrendering it. The courts cannot decide this one; it's you and I that decide this one.
Good to hear. Very well said.
So you have guns to shoot sheeple? LOL
Don't be afraid. No one is taking over. The 1% corp oligarchs HAVE taken over, and we at OWS have started the non violent process of taking back the peoples govt.
Put the gun away. That is the easy cowards way out. You must find the strength to protest against the oligarchs without guns.
It is the only way to overcome their power./ We are never stronger than when we gather against these elitist 1% oligarchstogether with only the truth.
No weapon can defeat the truth. The power of the (non violent) people, is vastly greater than the people in power.
Whatta ya gonna shoot down a tank? LMFAO!
This tragedy in Conn. and the potential loss of freedom and rights is apparently is nothing more then a joke to you.
Gun terminology?????
TWENTY 6 and 7 year olds!!!!
12 girls, 8 boys.
6 brave female teachers who gave their lives to save their students from the result of an irresponsible gun owner.
I'm not hiding behind children. I'm right here in from of your sorry selfish heartless ass, standing up FOR children. YOU are hiding FROM children as you speak up for the cowards who need guns to prove their manhood.
YOU are hiding from the brave women who stood up to the MAN who slaughtered those much more powerful teachers.
For you to ignore these facts but choose pedantic reference to the gun terminology is truly inhuman.
For you to speak up for the profits of gun makers instead of the lives of human beings simply shows you and your position as one of NO HONOR!
Forget about gunowners!!
How can you think/talk aboul gunowners and stay silent about the 20 innocent children slaughtered because of an irresponsible gun owner,
Do you have no compassion for the woman (teachers) who threw themselves in from of an AR 15 to save children?
Get your priorities straight! Put aside your politics, and certainly forget about the profits of gun makers.
Who had the "machine gun"??
You sound like your hiding behind the children.
You're the joke!
A little more concern for gun victims & a little less for gun owners.
Lawful gun owners ARE the next victim in this tragedy. And you are playing the perp very well.
The reply button is out from the post above. I believe that this is the only reason that I can't respond to it.
Ok. Maybe it was nothing. Just a ghost in the machine, gremlins & such.
I give 1 upvote so maybe I put you up to 11000 even. Wooo hooo!
Holy shit. It's the Hitler card. You do realize that the first eugenic laws were passed in the United States, right? 1907 and Hitler was jealous.
u do realize once disarmed hitler killed over 10million ppl!?!
Once you disarm the people by removing their ability of independent thought and replace it with the propaganda of fear and deception, it doesn't matter how many guns you own.
Judging by the last election where just two parties received 98.5% of the vote, we are already completely disarmed of our most important weapon.
Exactly. That propaganda had been floating since at least the 1880s-actually much, much longer but, for all intensive purposes and specifically for the Holocaust was utilized since the 1880s in that geographical location.
What a crock of shit. Nice try though.
Lmao are u serious???? Are u saying this isn't true?!
[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (10986) 22 minutes ago Pop Quiz: What are the three types of resistance that were demonstrated during the Holocaust?
↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply edit delete permalink
Pop Quiz: What are the three types of resistance that were demonstrated during the Holocaust?
So, here is what we have established: you don't know what the hell happened but, you're pretty damn sure that it was all about disarming. Good to know. You are free to go crawl back under your rock now.
Typical blind American....
[-] 1 points by Dontbackdown (9) 4 minutes ago And ur ignorant if u can't see that were slowly but surely losing our freedom and rights.... ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
The only ignorance here is yours.
[-] 0 points by Dontbackdown (9) 2 minutes ago Sorry u just failed with that one.... ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Pop quiz: How many German Jews left Germany and then returned because they considered themselves Germans first?
It seems like one of your comments above has disappeared, but perhaps that is because the comment aboce and below has been removed? IDK.
Are you able to receive & respond this?
I'm telling you that you are taking it out of context to suit your current desires and you have failed.
And ur ignorant if u can't see that were slowly but surely losing our freedom and rights....
Sorry u just failed with that one....
girlfriday is a lib/dem shill, mght as well be talking to hillary.
I'm a liberal, bitches. My foot is on your neck.
Well put sir....
You're really, really hung up on ass. This isn't good.
It seems to keep you from answering a simple question.
Would you like to try again?
isn't rule #4 four don't comment if you think the thread sucks?
These are idiotic at best.
Ehh... silly.
In stead of kvetching here - which makes YOU feel better -
there are 26 angels begging you to DO SOMETHING -
conact your congressman -
just enter your zip code
DEMAND new gun control laws
strict penalties
license all owners
register all guns
background checks
liability insurance
why don't you do something in addition to the congressman thing?
thanks, i already did that and i agree with his ideas. what exactly are you doing by kvetching at me?
ZD - I do not advocate taking anyones gun's - . “MY” gun control law ………….. ver 2.0
my concept is SIMPLY based on seeing a similarity between cars & guns.
If you want to argue that we don’t have a constitutional right to own a car –
and we have a right to bear arms, frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.
You do not have a legal right to bear a tank or a bazooka or an automatic machine gun.
Consider these two cases:
Here is my proposal for a NATIONAL gun law:
All procedure fees will be priced to be very profitable
All present guns and owners will be covered by these laws
.......................................................and - no - this plan will not SOLVE all gun problems
►1► all gun owners must be licensed and tested with all guns that they own and pass a written test
►2► every year, you must prove that you have gun liability insurance & be background checked and prove that your gun is properly locked when not used .
►3► as the owner of a gun, you are legally responsible for what is done with it.
►4► every gun must be registered and tested - and sample fired bullet stored
........................................................what do you think ?
........................................................what can we do - that CAN be done ?
▬►▬►▬►▬►▬►▬►▬►,,,,,,,,WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN & SENATORS !!!!!!! ………………………………………………………
This should wake up America to the truth about
This should wake up America to the truth about
gun company profits
This should wake up America to the truth about
gun company profits buying congress
This should wake up America to the truth about
It is NOT just the gun money,
it is the
prison privatization money,
war money,
oil money,
drug company money,
armaments money,
bank money
government of the people, by the rich, for the corporations
we MUST disconnect capitalism from democracy
all that is nonsense
who said anything about taking away your guns? don't you have registration, insurance, etc. for your car?